Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1963, p. 11

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11w Irrmlln IIMS llnnml rm rm 13 he pupil at Shnud uhllc 5dva llnllff If Irmlar AMI In luaur Mu Kl lnlprNnnn wu wrll Ilun In mln MIMI 17mm Mm Merl INK um mm lcndmhllv ml mmh MI due lo huh when and Mm llumlylr HMIAHW rumm mumm Mu ldl Locum um aimkn Mnmlny nlghl ulnnru Mm Add link Mrl Iltflrhlnmn lml Alma Gould lmlzhl ermn Mnnln and filmy Monlhly vxrllll ulmml Iuo AMI 1d and Mru Du lnln4 lllnle IM Mr Hmllh flurrlu 1114 lyw Mu Juo manualha Mu IMIM erum Ilnfilhlmh llvrr ll nhlr ol NIUIH ulny mm on or NIH ow Mn twin In 51mm Cum lInlI On Sunday mornlnx at Slmud Unllrd Church lhrcc ammun Hona wet rcprrsemod About 15 Canadian Glrl In Trnlnlnl were undrr he leadmhlp Mn Clmpbcll and Mrs Cummlnl The drdlcnlion ur vlcu was read by 01mm Mnann Ind Shirley Ix wllh Nnncy Clmpblll prexmlinl CGIT maney lo Hm Mmlonary Ind Mnlnlcnnnce Fund Muman tr lhu lcndcr Mp or NH Gmrle Galmn Ind Bunnie Mumallnnd had about ulcndlnu Dtdlullon wu ru hv DOHKIM Vlcv and Dlnnno Vll Eldlck wllh lnnm ohmon pmenlinz lho um whip ol Mn Harold Wnllnc and Mn Vlc Small and Marlo Condyur Ucmlry Brown and Cheryl Muhbcrl condncled ho Hulk and Pull Haberllan mun am mnnyynm rkluv Hal Jnrhon ll nwny lhlu Xlfk nllrmlmu me nnuull mm Town untrrenu ll Alhhury Clumh annnln ALI QM Elllll2 Llnyardl were proscnlcd by Mr Norman Campbell and Lln dn Smlll Wonhlp was taken by Kathy Bowmm and Marllyn nlddoll leln Smlll Ind Shall Thompson graduated with Mu Hub Black mnducllnl mu ccre many UHITED CllUflCll SERVICE Guts Ipeakcr wnl Mu Dun Camgbell Shell Thompmn led 1an lung Grecllnn mm the Unilcd Chum Vomcn by Mn 11 Goodlellow Chriltlan education committee Mu EL mu Ex plore MIL llnrold Wallcc Museugerl Mm Ggarge Gm heen Al by Kathy Fox responded to by nav Fred Jackson mm In molhem Rulh Buck or Bonnie Mulhol land who WM with mules nspandcd lo by Mm Rlx out In CGIT Mrs Small Inwgf¢dhy Kath Wu The CGIT Mnlher and daugh ter banquet whlch wu held In the baseman Slmud United Church was well allended Chair man or he evenlng wn the prgsldgnl Glend Meson Mlu Carolin Caracadden will be warking or the Bell Tele £1th Cox 11mm Mr and McDonald the proud parents baby Heather In Rays Vlclnrln Hos pllal Blrrie born May 25 2111 AND DAUGHTER Min Marie Gnodyeur has lc ceplcd posillon wllh Ihe Bank 11 Commerce Toronto beginc nlng Jug 14 Jlrn and Jack McKinley of warmlnislnr called on Sunday to visit lhelr cousins Mr and Mg WA1 McLean Mr an Mrs Linwoad Slur eon are on vacation to the west coast Mu Ernest Kneeshnw allend ed shower Churchlll In hmmr at Miss Marilyn Todd brldembe WMr uni Mrs Oscar Sulher land spent the weekend at Caw hn Bay My MRS BERT MULIIOLLAND Mrs Thomas Griiiilhs anemi zd imussean in In Toronia in honor oi Miss Kathy Sievenl and on Friday evening hire Griiiiihs and Dan were guesu the wedding oi Miss Steven and Charles Young They were married by he brides iniher new Francis Sievens at Dawn view Unlied Church Charles and his parents were oneAiima resi denis oi this district Mr and Mn Len Slovnld ol Tomnln were Sunday vlsilnrl wllh Mr and Mrs Thoma Grlf fllh and Don Weekend vstnrs wuh Mr and Mrs Emesl Dale were Mr and Mrs Elmer Dale and Emma 01 Toronto Congralulnllnns lo Mls Mary Dales who has gradualcd from Ihe TarunLn General HospilaL last Wednesday allemmn Mrs Earl Dale attended lhe mother Ind daughlcr tea In the nurses rcsldénce Thursday evening at ConVocallnn HAIL Mr and Mrs Em Dales John and Betty Ann and Mrs Dales ullcnded the naduntlnn cxerclses and Friday evening Mr Dales was guest at lhe atherdaughler annqlue hfld In Ihe Park Plaza ole rs Jackson was Sundly guest will Mr and Mrs William Johnstnn Barrie and Mr and Mrs Jack and Mr Ben Johnson and Mr and Mrs Jill Henry 11 ul Th STEELES CORNERS By MRS ERNEST DALES SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS STROUD FFrfiuwn and né Dunl mm lhu mlnrrllnnmm about fill at hull lnr Munll lMendrr um lulu llnnm XIII lhmlwurr Ifnlflnr AF hp rwmnl Mir Eur II Illel The lluglyy mle nl UM FIdA mllnn Aukullun wlll mm In Huxhy school my JI ll 15 pm ll lcll Mrfinr my nl 0rll1n will br ml weak will In lulk an In Inmnlcn Every nnl In Imilcd In Illtnd lly MRI lAVIINDEIl VIIHMI NHL Ilnmd mm the nnkrml were Mn Hoyle III Ilny Palm and mu Luna and llnnmM ol Ulnvh Mr Iml Mu KM Ilvlulrl flmmluml Iulml Munday II Sinvhrnnnl Mr and Mn Kumrlh Mud mm fumlly Hrhnmml Ill llllul Sllmlly vlln llwir rmnln Mr Ind Mu Eleph mun Mr ml Mn mm Mumm IM mently nl nldummd Th mule mm puplln KI orlnt Lingmln Wu nu unrnu Doug lannmnn and rynn John II 01 Rugby School onjnycd bu lrlp In Ollnwul Mr and Mn Ednul Imlly were all hnmr ILtalnl Mn Jack McKenzlz Toronto ISIrllnI Mn 12an Cohan NIII Inra FII nd XIII OrIllll Ind Ithr mum III whh Mr and Mn lIdml nuny marl ye llpxrlhnn mu Mnumn Hzrrlnzlnn ML and lrlcnd nl lmlc vhllud Mr nnflhln Krllh Mtlkod mm sum nmlly dlnncr was held an Sunday the Sun Dlll flu llurnnl Orllll In honor of Mr Ind Mun Thomnl Edgcll Salh wtddlnz Innlmnnry ndallvcl and Mde called In the nllnr noon at lhclr ham lo conmlu Illl lhcm Jnmu Héme xpnnl levenl dnyl Ialllnfl hl nltce Mn Ted quzg gmin In Ollnwn nor In her dcpadure lo Lanx ley 50 Mn Sheardwn8r honored with surprise pnrly and reccivcd varlnu gm Thursday evening rum her grandchildren and our real zrapdchlldren Vlsilorsv with Mr And Mrs Cecll Showdown and llra Wil llnm Adams on Sunday ware Mr and Mn lll Doan Edmnr Beach Mr and Mrs Clark and children Holly Mr and Mn ll Shannon Dnn Shannon and lricnd Knock Mr and Mn Charlcl Shenrdown and thildrcn and Mr and Mn Jnmu Shcardawn al Hmle and Mn and NFL William Shcurdown Edgar After the plume left Mr Ind Mm Sheardawn and Mn Donn vlsltcd friends In Toronto Ind Mr and Mrs Wllllam Adam In Oshawa Mrs Adam relum ed with lhem to spend few day with her sisler Mn Shear dqwn em own Mrs Shearduwn and Mn Dunn drove to Milton air port Saturday mornlng when MrL Sheamawn Sr left or her home In Langley EC Mn Shoardown had spent 019 past six week visiting her son and daughter 1n law Mr and Mrs Sheardown Heather Lauder and Georgina Hackol arc allcndlnx swimmlnl clajsesAgt RCAf Edgmf ML and Mrs Jamel Shelly gag spent the weekend at Burn The African Epucopal Church had fresh rant pain npplled Ins week giving It new clean 10913 Inr logris season Congratulations to Mr and Mn Glenn Bldwell on tho birth baby girl lb oz May 25 In loyal Vlcmrln Hospital Barrie Céniralulallnns alsn to Rev Ind Mn Thorpe whose Ruby daughter was born May Mr and Mn Hayes and Mn Dicker vislted Mr and Mr Willllm McQuaId In Mount Alhm and Mr and Mn George Holder and family In Sutton Well on Sunday tilfind Mn cm visited tho former brother Georg C0311 op Emlyn 511 nglhursg Ruben Hacken hid the min orlnnvtn slip at work Ind 15 under doclnrs care wllh badly brulsed rihand nglder CONGRATULATIONS Mr and Mrs Cook and Iamfly Orlllla span tho holiday weekend with tho lormgr pnr any Mranq Mr Caak Mr and Mrs Hayes and Cecll Hayes called on Mr and Mrs Ivan Caldwell In their new home In Thornton Saturday avenlng Lpéi you ponplo olngltu be Criltenden of Slrnud vls fled her grandparents Mr and Mrai wmlam Crlucnden last we Vlslwrs filth Vllllam Cfillén dens wen Mr and Mn Lamp champ Sr and Mr and Mrs on Sunday avcnlng on gum la Im ham and lindan hcr dead Shv had been well all day and am riding with her family Mn Luna nelghbuur went to call on he and lound her nurse and daular were called at mm By MRS HAYES Mr and Mrs Gordon Lauder vlqud In anklln last week fly MM JOHNSTON CLOWES RUGBY EDGAR wrfilnl The dutcnce budget prescnicd lo Parllamenl Wednesday by he government Include $6400 000 Is the start an 33740011000 program to hulld elghl frigate Coat of Ihe xhiya ls estlmnted mammoom their équlpmem ammomo The deftnee budxel for the Hm year whlch bcgan April I962 ueznn15513 In cruu 3180 over 1961 83 Th lncmxe ll Ilmnlt Mean he cos of equl ping elm RCAF squadron Europe with CFIDI owlevel Jel bomhm has tllmhed lo momma or 345000000 mnrc than hcurlglnnl in culalcd at smooomo and or 24 IF104 miners ul $38000000 An expenditure 9400300 In the current fiscal year wlll all but cuxquclc his program OTTAWA CWWith costly Ilrcrah pmlrlm nearly paid or the defence depmmenl L1 embark on In expenswa naval gogslructjan pronam So an he ha had measure success In unltlng the vari ous mupa sugporllng the my nulls cause he and In an Interview that ll being hurt by the ucllvillu of an under lzrrnrls orxanlzullnn upgxfallng In Monlrpal mgrange Aim fight the next provincial election probably In weeon the issue secession with puny candl MONTREAL CPY Marcel Chaputs Rrpubllcnn Party pledged lo break Quebec lway mm Contadnrallon is qulelly mending ll Icparatlsllcnces crncked by dlsunily and the shock of lerrorislx bombs Canadian Defence Dept Plans Costly ShipBuilding Program movable lrnya and Hg Slumxe The Mnuncllc our mm ml lmlh 1mm llghllyx JI Dunlap News Ross Brandon Max1 vislllng relatives at Mill Bay on Vancouver Isllnd look this shot of what area residents say ls helr famed 1711 MctilnrylInny often No Door convcnlcnco or the medium alzcd family The Zero Zone Freez er holds 751m of mm foods and provides rack In lhc door or packflfn In the rclrlumlor lccl Ion Hide0m She and Twin Porcelain an amel rixnm Dcfrnatlmi and Mnlxluro Dlnpoxnl mbolhnulomllmlm or Stnra rovldoullc Inovnbln lrnya C100 and ul or Keeper fllll In nvnun MODEL ZTHM Chaput Unites Groups Supporting Separatism ROBINSONS HARDWARE CRDBOHOSAURUS TAKES DIP IN THE BAY When You finchasa New McClARYEASY $27690000 nr 500 Hobcat mnorcd personnel camera Ex penditures thlx year ma 2Jsuooooooldr1m In minors or the CAP Expend glhll your wlll lulnl us whally attributable pay In creases fur some 121000 nerv lcemen relmacllvu In 01 1952 The Menu appmprlallam were prepared by the lormer Conservative uvernmunl So far he only change ha Lihernl government has made has hnen lo add 0000000 or Illa armed om pay banal ABEREVIEWED Delence Mlnlslnr Plul Hell yer hnl said all deiencc pm grams are under Ievlzw 1M Include frigate cnnslrudlnn Olhcr mam programs con taine ngence bud $50000000 or 45 nnllsub muran hellcaplcrs or the navy Expenduurc lhls year wlll he $11000000 for 15 machines There envy English lnngunxe vole Iha Hdlng he said relprring In the was md yhflnl vacant sInce tha death last week of Revenue Mlnislcr Paul Earl dale or byclccuon has not bun an naunccd Mr Chapul £5 Korma sclzn tlsk will the Defence Research Board iald lhe pnrly wlll which or proplllous ounslons cmcr candldnle ln byclecllonsl but he doubled that hyelcclinn ln Monlreal Nolra named Grnge wlll be one date In each 95 the provlncel rlclln serpent Cadborosaunu swlmmlng lazlly in the bay Miss Rau managed two shots of he serpent before dl Appeared from sight It was Mr fhaput uld that because s329 PA HUI um mum unmmw Tflunwfl MM III sugdr we Downward Slide crnuc meanl 11 French We dont need vio lence Once elected to power In lhe legislature we plan to nega llnlo our way an Conlederp on pencclully just 50 newly Jndcpcudcnk comurlxgmraugh oylulhe wwrld have lhEd nah auugestcd It In just log Icnl an hypothesis In May that the FLQ is made up antl uparallsls probably English speaking who hapu lo discmdil the muse Bul he messed Hm lhla Idea hi just In hypo Ihesisl nlnliirh In man ycm W3 can achieve ludc end encg or Quebgp through fllllll WW IIIJIIIIIJ IIEIIIIEIIIAIHII fill fflffflfl um $2095 WillE Illllllllll VH1 FIIEH Mr Chapul who has been In lervlewcd lece hypollce since the bombings started March said some members hls party have dropped nu and recrulllng has slowed down bl because of Ike bombing on federal in llllnHons He anld he has no cvldenco about whn is hchlnd the error lsm but descrlbc an hypo lhcsls lhe claim ha the who leurl are scpqrgligll Cmplmlnnnln Mulyflllol DWI NIH Polk hvlumu II thUIMnIIIIQ litHy Minn in IIIII unium ownwwlndw One man has been killed and another critically injured as result oi acts oi sabotage al lrlhuied lo the FLQ which claims to be ilghllng pruep arailsl involution 1h Icrmrlsl ncllvlllu Front de leerallon Quebecnh sezarnllsls nunband ther black or duk color lhl anld Inoked like In unl mal Ind dipped It held lama Mme7 It nomd slung In the ay CF WIM photo The price break came when American Sunr Reflnlnz Com pany the US Industry lender pared Iu northeast wholenla US lupermarkel repre snnlallve declared We hm caught up with he rlm yet THE Emma mum Tnunanfl MAY flu Trade Ionrce whellm prices wlll all as an far they rose but unread that ml or change Ip puan In the Mk nu Homwim hawker auly wlll not feel any for leverll dIyI price elmache turned down ward Wednesday United State government afllclal pre dcted will slum bunk to uhgre it mm Ilfl DUNLOP ST Mur Warranly on her meticallysealed compressor Oncvyear warranty on the en tire lreezer protect against delecls In malarial or work munshlp 1Year Food Epollue War ranty Protect against the loss of load murage up In $200110 no nddlllonal charge Avprnul Appravad by fianadlln Standard Associa on YORK gun4 gunr NI These new archllcclurnlalylenm WHIRLPOOL freezer gin you lha greatest and slur nge capaclly er urea and new convcnlenca lulum ynuve always wanted All Ovcr prime reeling Iurlaccs rupture food flnvnur It 11 penk Ind malnlnln lhu nMurnl flavour zmdncu by constant jusbrizhz lempcrnlum MODEL JDl7 on um Mom muuou Mlllnfllmlm wt mvu An um non moumu mu mm um um mum NOWX MI 10 HIV MNMW mmmm mm 010 MI MN um lol plmlynlrnpncllylnlanovmbhmv rm Inodl nml km Mun Inad nhly Imnn lnnnn OI HOD MON thatInn at up IKIII wllll llnll1lnupuy 1an why ynur muncwuvlnl noun load man nu nu nu onarch Refrigergjlgn BARIRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 15 mm sinif RCA WHIRLPOOL rah legu In Mnnlrul three major au zar rtflnerles paired been dr crum In the wholenla price of Impound hm No net lhelr findén ViiarVCmdlnn mar keu also hnve weakened drnm likely These were the In decline by mllor reducer In the prlca lnduslrnl nude refined lunar Ilnne lhe Ill 01 Grocery mdns allgped early in 1962 ul all9pc nail quickly pm In induslrlnl rcflncd lu znr by 50 cent to £1550 or 100 pnundl 011 wan nmmnx Thu prlco action cnme as the US Conurm opened the am hm Ichaduled halving In Vishlnmn lnlq hp Illlgnunn FREE ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER Whon You Purchm Now FREEZER nm 9000 MW ll Cfllp Vlu mm hllhlv an Al Hulda anqu 7mm mm finm IoMnnlu lung JRCIIryluyvllomlOnwl Ila IGA WMrtynal lay Im Catllpul llmuonIluu Wan Mun wodl And mm no ml mu Twonurunnvnr nxmmm mmnwmlmmmmwnnnunl BMIINIHUALI ul May Wk 101m III The reward wnl nunu Bruce McBride and Roger KM mlslanl mlurnllsl the pro vinclal park 15 mllb saulh eat Chalham price um and the lhlrd BIG 75 iilccs here have been cu Ky 25 com each day Ihlx week RONDEAU PARK on CP reward of $25 was altered Wednesday for any pcnan whu can produce palsnnnu live convurhend collanmoulh or ltr moccasln snnke caught uny whzre In Ontnrlo The turnahout Ia clllelly 19 cholnnlcnl tmdo snurces sn Thu baulc uunplydcmand Illlllh llun ham rhanlcd manly lha lrades canmnlc ll lndlcar llnnl lnnl suHIclLnl sugar 1m bucn commuted meet U45 nudl lhlx Year look the WIN an price Inlls Poisonous Snakest Bring $25 Bpieceflf PA mu PA 32059

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