Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1963, p. 10

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TO 71 INK 03 AM lop rumw urml lo mm New hulnndn luln Runll In In lnvllnllannl hullnull run Frld nllmcr ladle Incl vuluulli wu mum In he mm Inning of mu wllh lhllndclpluln lhlmrl ll Illlnlvurah uflvr hn bude umplrc mu Jckowukl durlnl In armmtnl am Ion play hm STILL NEED CA5 VANCOUVER CP CnnA diln ltnnis no lnr away lmm pmapcrily Laird Vull pml dcni oi the Canidinn Lawn Ten nis Aucclnllnnl mid hm Tue day nightl Thu liianlreal Ic cuuninnl hm on business trip nid inn ycar hero wan In moon mnl lrom ho Cann dill Fllnm Council ni which 0000 ml dislrlbulcd la in mm or development fund link more lund nrc nccdcdl Perhaps lubsidizallan by pri His company ll lhu answer VlLLi MAY RETURN IDS ANGELES AP ln lieldcr Maury Will oi in nclu Dodim aidcllnnd IIIICB May zl probably will rcjnln tho tiub Monday in Houston learn phyliclnn Dr llohcrl Kerlnn laid Wednesday Will ha iiccn inking xrny lrcnlmcnlx lor ulcliicnlinn in bi lcll laol RACING OPEN MONTREAL CPiA d2dny lhurnuxhbml main meal open Thundnynighl at he wellcud Dino llonncli llncrwny llcin induced la iilnnlmnl lwo ycnu no Illtr levcml your ol innc liviiy lhu thoroughbrth hnvn enjoyed wmo Iucccu Tho In dnlly handlu incrcuncd lo 1320000 lml yrnr imm mama in mil Oliicinll look inr an arm lhll nnr oi imluwn 000 Ind tuna SUSPEND CLEMENTE iimliUilGii Aii NI llonnl banana pmlxlcnl ann Clich Impendml llluhurzh llrulu oulileidrr ilalmla Clem lnll lor liva dnyl Wulrmdny bmuu ol Clrnlmlan lolllnx Ill umpln hullnyi Ii llrnla Ipokuman id Gil ulna llllfi Linn anmcnlu Wu Gurney 32 established the lap record unn minute 315 Mledh an average Ipccd of 0517 miles an hour In the Cn nndlun Grand Prix 1351 Scplcm tnr Mospart Gurney rlvlng 27 mra Cooper Monaco the sme car that Roger Pnnske drovu lulu lecond place In the sum race last year when it wax fllled MI 2511 cygipe TORONTO CplDun GurA My Com Mm Call who aids the record fur Iho fasten Itlmo around the 215mlla Mo stz clgHchnudlay became ver 10 21 liudded field for the Inlcrna clonal 200 re Saturday EGumey Enters Toronto Race JHTS 10TH HOMER Bullcy who baulnu 323 and hna 29 run bulked In on 13 hits powered Ginnu Into 51 lead when he polnd his lflth homer with two on In the sixth inning Red picked up second run agnlnsl Junn Marlena In In Ihc anly nlhcr Nullunnl enguc game Blll Whites amer with one out In the last pl the 10m gave SL Lnuls Car dinals in victory over Hons ian Colts Dodg gnme Braves Mllwnukco was cnllcd because heavy In In thu lap 01 the scvcnth Inning with the Icon lied and will have to be re played as part of double 19qu July 21 Wendmus Wiiile Is suilerlnp through what is undnnbicdly lire roughest slump his career at bat But San Francisco Gianu brlilinni ccnire leidcr still thaws the aidtime sparkle on dciense filter Ihird sireight hiiless game Wednesday night that dropped his everagotn L243 Maya made clutch contribu tion with spceiaeuiar caleil in the buttons oi the ninih mnxng uiCincinnali He crashed into the well in center hoidlneon or unehnndcd grab pinch bitter Ken Walters long drive that helped preserve Giants 54 decision over Reds slungan sensation Ed Balicy arped lhreerun hnmer and Biiy Pierce did tight bit relief pilehlnfi in Giants victory which boosted Iheir Nulinnn League lead to games ever Lns nngeies Dodgers By JIM HACKLENMN Moclllcd Pm Spam Writer Imagine Willie Mays wlm tho good Held not lull tug Great Catch By Mays ggPreserves SF VictOry flSSORED SPORT 11 rnflnilll Clly Alhlcllcl may Ilzn Early Wynn give him lho opportun lly lo wln hll 300m mam league game he Knnuu Clty Slnr anld Vcdnudny The sm quolnd Chnrln Finley nwnrr he Alhlcllcn In myan In Chicano he hm hm lnlklnu wllh Wynn and II hopnfnl lhn vclcrnn wlll Join tho Alhlellu and iieid chairman oi the South ern Pncilic Amnieur Athletic Union announced Wednesday Snell will be trying to break his own worlds record one mln uie 455 seconds This will be his only opporlunliy to run ihu racewhich lro considers his best distancehi yenr CLAY TAKES OFF LONDON AP Gnrrulou Cnuslu Clny Iiormed oui oi leicvlrion program Wednuduy night when he discovered he in lcrviewer didni think he won wonderiul The Loulrvilia heav yweight is hero to meet Brililh Empire elmmpion llenry Cooper June 15 Thu walkout eama while he was being inlerviewed by BBC reporter David Cole man victory over CALL rnnomum whim PA 85226 Acklcy Chlcngn White Sox Iarm prize limited Rochester lo semndInnlng IlllKll by Ron Rubble In pasllng his Ilh vic tory In seven decislons Jlm Korandaa we run hamcr off Red Wing starter Juhn Miller pmdnced thn only runs myyng mnvs Cchm Ganmlez and Joe Durham homered fur Richmond my only SAFE Allonin ed Arkansas Traveler 30 behind iciiy Dick Lcmnys sioady cighihiilcr Co lumbus Jul downed Toronto Maple Luis Buiinlo Bison disposed oi Syracuso Chief and Jim Ackiey pitched onu hiiicr Ior indionnpoiis in Indi ans 20 irlumph ovnr Roches ler ind Wings My man WYNN Ah cnv Minx Thcsuaru allan days Indeed for manager Ben Garagth cl Jucksonvllla Suns because bal lling Ben has ncqulrcd llle wln nlnz hnbll lhrough several sen Mn olsucesslul skipperlnz In the mlnur leagues HI Suns dolendlnn Interna llonul League ch amplons drnppcd lhelr lllth In raw Wednesday nlght when Rlch mond Vlrglnlanr numbered lhrco home runs among llwlr 12 hlls er 104 vlclnry Thu lass dropped the 1962 pennant wln nera loll game hchlnd Allnnla Crackers llw snulhurn divlslun lenders By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A3 topper manager Fred Hutchlnson of Rods announced ho was laying tho name under prams ecnuse Murlchal had thrown morvl than he regula tion Ive warmup pitches In lhe fourth It was game Iliad wllh rhu barbs Lam Bah Purkcy was ejeclrd In ha fourth Inning for arguing abnut pitch Chuck Hiller was thrown out for heck ling mm Glanls bench and managcr Al Dark 01 San Fran cisco lo Into is halted disuula wlgh he umplrcs over call lhu suvcnlh than the right hunder was ruplnccd by Flores after Murly Kcoughl lwodun homer with one out in the elglglh Pierce laved Marlchalu sev enth victory In decisions hold Ing Reds Miles lhu ml 01 the waywith the aid at Mnyn dagzling catch Fifth Straight Loss For ILHSuns OUALIYY FUEI PEACOCK CLEAN DEPENDABLE IIIIUCE Jacksonville Aim WAC MENBWOP KEEP PORT MOVING Ilmlnrdnml shippan lnlelll gcncn Icrvlco luu knnl lho buly port moving or morn than lhrcu ccnluriu mum uuur Cast nI nonnrallvn In con vmtIonnI Milan ha lama alu wauld be 394 mIlII kilo wall hour Tho chnnge wauld result In nun annual lavan more than $4000000 on pawtr cosll In sothpljn Onlarlo pmlnlype of Hm plant now lurcnnlully openall at Ralphtnn narlhwcal Chalk lllver on tho Ottawa River Vllllams nl the Peter borounh works General Elec lrlc Mn the assoclallon Illa can ulmcllnn or 1000000kllawnll plant was luaslble Cosl nl he plnnl would be near 20000000 he nnld 00 per cent nl capacity the plant wauld use aboul hallalan nl uranlum dully and luclllng cum would be less lth one null gkllownll hnur llon PETERBOROUGH Ont CP The posslhmly of electrical en ergy being produced by nuclear power at cost competitive wllh trndlllonn generallng method was presented Wednesdny at the Canadian Nuclear Assocln seventh vlclory Twu humor by Orlando Mc Fnrlnne and me each by Bob Burdn and Harry Elliott llflcd Columbus aver Toronto and plnncd second debut on vol ernn Leaf rlgmhnndor Skew Ridzlk wh ns seeking mm Atlantas vIclary uver Arkan sn was the ninth In tho run away Cracker In 10 Eamcx Jack Kublszyn scorcd all then Atlanta ms of laser Paul Brown and reliever HarryOlL vur New Power Plant Costs $420 Million ermra by Syracuse In the eighth lnnlng helped Buffalo score our rum or lhs Bison victory over Chlelsn Tho vim padded Buffalos nothLrn dlv slun lead to games over Syr ncuse Reuben Gomez Gonzalez drove In lea runs nml My my alarm Alon And your mm mm Nilmm nlm In our IMF yal Amqu YIT QUALITY AMI VALUE Le ma Inlroduu my ull am lho cvmrxI 1mm IMdinl Mylo Ihop lot In Cloth In my bun nml My my alarm Alon And your cam alngled Frank Howard hi lath hamur wllh one on In the third for La Angela lead but Brave caught up In the leh when Hank Aaron doubled Ind Eddln Mathews Joa Tonu Del dell and Amado Samuel Ill lhe DodzcraABravex mulch held up Once In the lourlh by tho log was llnally called In alter Izmlnule wall In the seventh The winner was Bobby Shunt and lhelosur was Dan McMa hon bnlh In mllel Whltés homer nailed down Cayds lelh victory 1n lhclr 185 men games breaking la crented when Calls scored run In tho eighth on double by Brock Davis and Al Spanzler Hawlu Gm had homcr for Houston his third In two game and eighth of the year Will ilmrrly HM nmh The allAmerican and signed oneyear contract Wednesday wIlh Washinglon Redskins of lhe Nallannl Foulbnll League and was set to report early in August MADISON Wk ANPB Rlchler Wlsconsln must han ored allaround athlqu ln more than lhrco decades has baseball and basketball bell nd hlm for career In prolcsslanal football RndIoNune TIME10 pm EDT Aflendlnne 5500 anticl piled Gnle ulna350000 plus $60000 television revenue lenlm yum Johnson 811250 ScorlnzHve polnl or win ner round four or less to the loser livn nplcce or on even round Richter Inks Redskin Pact IuInIIch return fight dudusa not recognized in Ne LAS VEGASNev Am Facts and hum Um world leht heavyweight llle fight Saturday night between champmn Harold Ynhnsnn Philadelrhla and WIHle PM trnnu Mlaml Fla DnteSnlurdny Jim PlutoLn Vegas Conven lon Centres Dllllncelb rounds TelevhlonUSwlde ABC with La Venn arcs hlnckcd out FACTS Hetmns 0N TITLE BOUT If it isnt it should be Dow is brewed to suit your taste tastetested by men likelyoumen who trust their taste and know their ale Thats why Dow always measures up to your taste expectations always gives you the smooth mellow fullbodied taste you want in an ale INDIANAPOLIS AP Scolsman Jimmy Clark and 81 n1 lhu hardest chnrglng race drlvera In the United States took 15000 hovnepower In their hand today In mmllo nutnrnce that pmmlscd superlntIvex be yond anythIng In 43 pastMemuv 115 classics Wenlhur prospect were good bul lhatl traditional The hasnt been postponement In yem and only one lnhklorm Mn ll 77 umuny VTfic Held came out of two qnulllylng weekends with avera Record Pugéé For IljldYy RdCéfIZTOdGY BATSTIINES TIRE SERVICE 101 BAYFIELD ST PA 66549 SEE US TODAY TIRES BUY THE Wu mum omrumww BUY Yours ugeapeeds nf mommm an hour overlha 2hmfla Indianap nle MotelSpeedway oval built In 191010 handle speed 75 miles an hour Pnrnelll Jones or Torrance CaliL dld 15115 miles an hour fora mmlle record to win the coveted pale posllinn 10 MW tasteesladbymen like you Thé Ferd Molar Compan brake ha Ice wIlh the first There was chance that the purse already the worldl hig zest for an auto nu mlght tench $500000 The race was scheduled to start at 12 nnan EDT and was expected last lhfsa go pug hop ncEcascd Into an International eat came mm Much and In return to respect ahlllly alter being boycotted by unto manufactprers since 1958 FOJID ERIEer ICE BAHRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY 30 195 rm parllclpallnn ln lhc onglnc shuttering grind slnce before the Second World Wur jolncd lorccs with Colin Chapman nl London builder al rcurgmnc Grand Frlx cars In produce 1c LolusFards whlch Clml Dun Gurney or Cash CallL wheeled the line Three nthur drivcrsfrum 115 world racing circuit didnt nZkE lhe program Clmmpiun Gru ham Hill of London withdrew for luck 01 prncllcc

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