Cgops Down Clarksqn 53 For Second Win Les Jollllle Ind 51mm Cm op era lollnwlnz so winning pattern in the lntarmedlalo Salt ball League Lust 11th Quecnn Park or the lecond strum name Jolllile was mgr ed In the lira Inning but the slender bespectacled righthand ersemed dawn and ha supp ur ha needed mm hl mm 55 Coops downed Cllrlmn Hole It was the second win In many sum or Comp whlln Clarkson numred lls second altjg defeat Clukson appeared handed down the victory road when they Mached Jollflle for two runs on thm hits walk Ind wlld pitch in the Ilrst Inning but they only threatened unce alter that in the wvtnth 11mm Ind Jelli flo Aqull lntho onus Jam and Clarkson Bill WIlker were in um pltchlnl duel unlll the 51th when Comps alter llelnz the score with 1er run in lhu third exploded or NEW YORK AP Ford Frlck acknowledge were an other athletic activillu hesldt huehallhe even like watch lnz Iornu hemhut dunl let the baseball boss hur allow mfhla sport like football Im an Ivld In Certalnly horse min al lracll In cl mslnmers In yenround sport and you can bnl on ll Flick in tin Inunl bushy haired commissioner oi ha United smu lllUDnll pui timoynunpiookinx or hi From lelhfloor ofï¬ce In Manhuun Ikylcrapu ha and ImIfl mu pmkla over lho lur llunl operlunns orzanmd baseball Thu mlclu nl lncnrporallon cummunllyowned Wesl ern rFoolball Conlerenca club under the EC Soclellu Ac lay TM object he secler is the promotion of foothill In In provincu ol Brlllsh Colum hlx Ill prom nol Imd or rolcaslonnl looball must no nlo minor bill and Kenna munnu Herb Cnpoul nyn lhl hn umounlpd In helwccn 000 Ind $500000 In lhe In In yum Denny Vellch lha cluhn nrdinalor minor lmxhnll Ac Hvllles any Llonl nre Ilmply lulmlin lhe rcsponalhllny II mmmunilymncd club mm phnlm lhll dividend in lamu Until pmprcllvu plnym nr Ill lnlmnl could ml with up ar the expendnum The Vériivihing that mikes me tuxion to rend or hur somebody asylum ehall in But shouldnt delude our ielve baseball ll IN UR um brim my lunullon me me my bl lulu mm lu populmly VANCOUVER CF BrHlAh Calumbll Llom lure they have xrulcr Invnlvemrnl In mlnnr league netball Ihnn any olhlr pmlculonfl cluh dont lhlnk any nclhlly un Aucmd ll lorsnl arm the mmmnnlly ml he Individ uI In lhnl community my Vrilch Vellcli MmII up uhnlo Ide In in many pmam multh lhl chnnu In plny nul mllf Mo lJnnI can uer 1n lhl uny nl plnyrll lmln mlnnr onllmlL Wllh lhe InII npnunlnl prolullnnnl lmllwlll lullmud In dre uluplng plnycrl wu wuuldnl he ivlnl Irnnll nll nvnr lhn pmv into hut wn wnuld concrnIru nu lew luml II Men In lrrulrd In duvelnnlnn hm Inp porl unlxldnl hnlher hrlplu urn In Tull2A mile nwny In tho Inlerior lnr Imy ln pl lwl ml Mus mum mm lmnlnl Illunllhn mm In mIqu Amman wilt pm mm ELI lllUll SCHOOL BC Lions Helping Minor Leaguers Baseball Is Still King SCIYS Prick SBLLYS SHLLIES Mw In blurb punch Lhm Th duh mnprrllu with lhI three runs and velaran Luke ntrnbull wns culled In to lnhh Ihe nme Jlm Walker tworun homer In Id In lha third whh John Houxhlon on base Iled lhn Ican Thllllhe wny wu entering the up of Inn with And then 1h CH hm mmd la boom Dnvld Han and Le lon Smith led on Iha mnln in alnxlea mm to lene chk ling landed lha wk and Clar enca Rlnchan drilled llnlln up lha middle In more lwn rum That wu all or WIlker Nrn bull cums on to Ace Hauxhkon and he was armed wllh In lnfleld Ilngle Iconin chldlnl mrnbulllhen not Jallme on popup Ind finned Jlm Wflker Im Joe Milan in end ht up nnl mum youm Jolllfla wp In trouble in nu In of th uvenlh Funk Jm dim opened the trim wuh double lo Dan Andemn He nn hll llnxer over am the early pales Univenlly Brillsh Columbll Thundurhlrdl buk nlllcllh say they Knln no excluslva hmle mull Use pllylr mow lhe mlrks paicnlial pm In In In plcked up by In glutadiln pro um undu rnl get Und of hamin about the old dlys Frlck said In An Interview Sure Ihey were col orlul Illd exclllug No one mar nostalgic hm nm But In bauhlll ll concerned the good old days an 1th mm taday mesand theyre selling better TM cnnunlsxlnner reached for ll lizardback loos lei note Know how mlny people are playing hmeball In Iha Unllzd sum lodly Nlnlylhree mil lon TM 11 not mess Itl ban Ida aurvay Th1 commed wllh 5000000 unlfm and 0000000 llnnh play EII 1th cammlssloner um 1915 la dividing linc 01 yard Thu Linn are carelul Io use he exprnulom work with at coapcrllu wilh whm micr ring In lhtlr relnllnnshlp with high school teams Their polnl ha lhey do not own um lrol nr Ipnnm any mlnor onl hnll uml Nu afllclal wll my llllly that Llom In mponsible at lha zrowlh cl hluh Ichuol loom ln pmvlnu but In Inc In hm wu mu brlum tho pm mm mm lnlo bcan Iml now than lnums The club mend about 0000 yur In dlml Mall In high Irhool football mun lhnn ï¬nehm Lullolll contribunan Io minor ll In IrMHIon lha LInns prnvldo lllms boo qulpmenl grant Lu mnhlnl cllnlu allemlul by 200 calthu from Ihmuzhnul lhl Inco Ind duelnpmtnt Veilrh nnd lJnnI plnyrr lrnnuu lhmuxhoul the nlrinu lnnrucllnm and Inca Ill wilhoul thnm Thin wlll 1mm yuu In nld In Iha 17 year before 1945 baseball dnw lolll 01 148933935 lull III the 17 yun um um wn drew 30310695 um 01 106 par cenl Dou um look lambll dy lax MEMPHIS Um IANVI lnry MI long le rnmln lnr Tnny 11ml hul Ih £9000 Hnl prlte hrlprd um Iny bud mrnmrln 1m lanky rlmn From San Immith AIIL mud dend lack an In lull men In In sumo Mnuphln 0pm lnur numan Monday lhrn In Tummy Mum nr hm many on lho Hm llHthltnlh plly oll mle II HM In lmlmnmrnl lrmmph or old lam Ilnu lhl Mmlln own In Mvembrr and Inn lhlnl n1 llrlnl wln In In you on lho llqllrd Emu Oil In 10ml won plum ImlI II Mr our 10 Annml 1w qu endpd ll mulnuun 71 holn ml mnmlnrnr 71 holn ml mnmln Ilnnld Knrrtw Ilrn nlmul lrvlnlly nllvr lhc lhlnl ruumL pintr Monday mornlnx HI an Ila llnA Mm In In or lhlnl ullh Irma Cnmphm Syrimy ralln ll Each wtkelul 1h doulnlc mum Monday mm mm lvrnvy mn uhhh unullu plly HMuulny Ind Sundly limll Knudum nl Tnmnio Ihnl 71 In tho llnnl In rwndl lull vllh In Mr Golf Victory To Tony Lema hunted Ind Jollluo ï¬elded the lull Ind thnw wild In nut nllowlnn Jnrdna lo more Bern Ia Mchnn lollawed Ind Iorced Anderson out It mend Elrl chCrnno drllled minder lo uacnnd whnh Hickllng hobbled Ind McCann went In third Ind McCrone lo lecnnd Ilnllo could have knockzd In both run and lied lhc mm but Jollmo tied down Ind ml mom Ecolmun and We Llnd ny down IwIngInn to and the lnnjnl and the gum Three Clnrkaun bmen accoun ted or all their telml hlll They wm Funk Jlrdina Don Ander wn lhu onetwo man In tho bunny order and Vlc Lindsay Jlrdlnel doubla wu he only ulrabase blow Jolllfh uvn up 11x hlLI In um um three them in Int lnnlnl Ind two In mu men mu Wnlkar Third buemln dehlon Smith 01 Coops led all hlum with three llnzlu In our trips to the nu He wu due only pr bullet with morn hm on hlt LONDON cmsum ucurv lly precnuflnns are in om Brllnln approaches lha bl mo mgllloljhefnclnx geqsur wm the danger or dopan Ill unspoken but recognized hu nrd addltlunal guard pllmllgd the liable Im at Epsom Down In rudlnu or Wednudayl derby wnrlh £3583 to tha win Ill ownor Nu funded horsu mm In nnd Fun Ind Flml Move lauded by lll It Galwlck Ind want In prlvnla mblu nur lhl courle Threl other Irish lnvld Credo Raxuu Ind Clnl dlanAnwned Count Albany expeclcd mlva lodly bop Flckad up nine hlu In 99 olihgng ngl mm Count Albany rum or Cl nry nwner Mu Bell Unrlcad lwoyenrold Ind unplnced In hl hm mm lhln uuun Count Albany 10Mo1 Ihat wu left In Illa Derby because lhm appun la In no oulxtlnd In hone lnrlhe lelgt In Mondlya belllnl ex dlnnlu however hm wu solid backing Iar the Franch ogvnud llvoril Reiko IIol at Second llvnrlla In Mnndayl bull wn Curpvra ruined In France Ind owned by In Amlrb can Robln Scully Jnhn Io non puloul cl Illl moron Jukh mull in Sun dayl daulvlehudcr wu mlly nm lnr Clarelnnd lndlnn Ind ll mnldnl hm coma II worn limo Tn mid In lrwlnndl mu mm Mn Mhhrr Iodm Humor huhMe rum TM mulnr lnny In ml mum hlutu Ilvllmulh mm Ina Hnu rah Iva Niw mk HIMI 27 rum uf MUN muqu In IMluvlrlpMu IMII wpu pm MI xlh Inn Illlllbuuh Lu Hi IN llnmlnu In Amulun luxu nlhm ulth Ihc lul In turn Ind rm lmeblll ml hlIlInl nuluu hmh Hm lllllu Inner on NI lhmwlnl haml Hm play Ind my ho nnl ulhm mnth Ila npccml In Iva put on lhu du nMwl lIx mm mlulm ï¬lm In In nul 01 ml lump or duyl me lul Mum lho Tum Iradnl um uuhrr Ilnr ICA wudl In Kanu LIly Mhlcllu or lnlloltltr lllck llnwm ml rnlthvr Jan Ami Thu Alhlr llu lnl polled memo lo mnwlrlalm dul 1m hullm rmhlvl dawn lnln lluir mm ulrm Mnmluy In plug up lhplr Inlut aludded mlrr nkhu Jim uwmm ml Hr Illllfll Tnl Mur mlhy nun HIM nu hum uluunnllg ol Hm IllIunnlinnll Luluv lmwmm hulo In Almnullm Joyou uglinhllunnder II all In Extra Guards Watch Stable LOSES SKIRT WINS MATCH SUNION England AP Murxml Greenwood my aha vmn har much In Ihe Surrey lennll chlmplnnshlpl Mhon hrr Iklrl lull down 51 lhl slrmxlc moment happened Monday In tho mnlch bclwecn he prklly l1 yumld brunclla Ind 1m Loo wlm lhn Icnra lled 22 Ind he IlefllalI in Lee All Gmnmnd cracked vlrinu mm moss lhl ml Th hnd uplrnled huh lam from It lei to her nnklu whill crowd ol Ichoolbnyl ï¬ltered at her ï¬luu Ind whlla IUlpld mm em 11 mm an Lu hIK her rdum mu Ind mined mvlu bunk Wmlldnl have on hut lnr nu Ilrlp tune nld John Romano Breaks Finger The blushinl Min Grun wood plchd up her Iklrl ml to ht drcmnx room remnrd Mr cumpnnuro Ind alum Ind wen on to win 15 CLEVELAND MlCulchor BAN EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY INSl ulron Thain only onaaep nmovm from lnl place In he American League Clnclnnnll Iledl In the Milan Luluul QM dhlslnn maneou um Them Ir mm lha maior disappomlmenu ax the b1 lenlue aenun head Into elglh week Viilio hinyl balling 253 Elm Muslal only icur pnlnu higher Joey Jay with eight deiull in nlna declsinns fly JOB REICIILER Aunclnled Pun Spam Vrller nulllmore which hi mm hlz Inngua pennant nlm 1m shape up Mnlllde chal lenger In no pcmelunl New 5k ijdgu Mpggrunt nulmo ï¬yncun Huchullr Tornnln Richmond flunk wlnlrr lrndu currently are murInu on An alumma wlnnlnu slmk nnd own 13 19nd our hp Yank Thll ll yenr dnmlmued by pltchm Nat Ilnce Ihu day he dead hall have hm bun Io mnny lhmoull Ind lowIcar Mggamu Alllnll Arklnul lndhmpalll Jncluonvlllc Cnlumbul lmn Tody Hullnln ll rvmnln Columhul Inch NI lmlllrupolll ll Nyrcun 1N chluamllle ll Arum IN lllchmnnd II Mllnu 1N Mudn maul Cnlumhu nochnler lndlnnapnlll Bymun lull0 Tornnln Richmond Allnnll Jltkmnvllll Lllllu lock Amrrlrn lulu Na lllllfl Maudy mlylhlt with TM 11mm levllrh Anulu lMcllthI IN llulllmnm tllamm anul Tlly tllomfltld Wuhlnilnn tblnleln Mlnmnln lKul lN humnmm nl Minnnmim rm Mk Hman my Only um Irlmlukdl anhml lulu No um Ilnmhy huhMe llhhrn buy hlutu lvllwvllh 51 le ulk HIMI 27 NL ghylumpwu rs III II 11m wmmra MM wu lhl lltlmllng rmm Inn 30 yumld mun Jun mm Mn Haida ll Jim old Two Mllllllld no ammu vm wlnnlnl Bwlllnh llllu wllh mulnrfly Mn Walwn luo Iliad loll um In Tony Luna drivel wllh In Iran on tho um hole um omd nuddendenlh plly on wllh Tony man In lho 550000 Memphlx 0pm Goll Tounmmcnl yulerdayo Anon hauled the hole but Lom NI lnllnml tKullrk Al Mruu Hellml IHI lNl New Yulk mum 12 Ullun annlmmullfln llmu cdnndny numu ll Im mum IN llqumma Al Klnlll IIy Wuhlnflun nl Mlnnnoin 1N Nrw mk Al llnutnn 1N Only In Irlmlulnh Disappointments In Both Leagues By THE CANADIAN PRESS 7111 hllllng ha been lltkly lnlumllonll Lequ Soullmn Dlvlllnn Narlhlrn BASEBALL SCORES 0N WAY TO VICTORY 111th 21 15 57 lo 56 525 ll 10 031 II 10 GM 23 15 651 II 21 11300 1014 11 29 191 ll ni Too Short Now Says ExChamp Em Baukl ll huulnx 206 Mm 51mm mn1n Skew rnn 721 Norm Cuh 377 chk Stuart ky Cnllvilo 751 valuable Pllyll In he Nluanll League II bullln 251 and II lldelined wlth cnltlum dcpollll lnAhlt llfl lei Ime number of In years bnuin leader In lhe dul druml lhl Imnn Peta Run nels who led 1h American League In hllllnu In 1962 In bal lllnz to reach 150 Tommy DI vla lhe Nationl Leanna klnl lul Icasnn manled lo llmh nvcr lbs 300 mark only 1m weekend ballm ulna 12 well our 300 blame hl Ilump on th toId wallher num er nl hlllerl who werent xuppoud In hit or hlxh cram huu been llexinl their mulclu luch WIan Cnuuy 356 We Cnvlnglon And Chuck Schilllnz 327 Some people blame um um blah Ilrike mm or Ihe low but llqg Ivenguu sun Frnncllco Wu II Clnclnnlll OToole DI Anxelu Kaulnx II Mllwnukra lAmnlu 24 llnunnn Numbrt boul 1Broalla 1N Gum Wtdnudny 5m Funrllca ll Clndnnntl IN IA Angela ll Mllwuku Hamlnn II 51 Mull 1N Only Ichlduledl lnlrmtlonl Lulu Hullllo SUI MOW4 ll Toronto 100 W1 Iboll nlllnn 411 CI l0 And Clllnn flutlor IN mun Jane And Calm um Tor Cuhr mlaChrulopher Jlthnnlll WIN UZL ll Avhnul 00 Il mm 11 5an and Chill Kmll and um IIHS ArkElla Mltn ohunlml WHOMl ll flachntrr MIMNI II Hark 411 and llunhln Ehon HI and mum lllh Roch flaunt lllrhmonfl MIWM Alllnll 100 In llnnnh Ht Slowu Mn nll Inmm Am mlunlrllz ï¬nduwkl 71 mu II and nlcktlll hot one hellzr or par Mr Ho Ike $9000 llmpIcl mmcy and Amm win 000 The pllyofl Elmo when both sullen inlshed lhe 72min mum tied 27010 under par AP Wirepholo IHOUN Ernllnud Ml lmflollo nrddnwn loll hrr In rmmll mulch In In Scumh wnmrnl hnmvlomhlp Mondny hul mm In than old 1mm NEW YORK AP DIck Grant bl hlt three years Ila when he won lhe NIllnnIl Leuue mum ml and Ihl mun vnluabla plnyer lwnrd ha resumed lhc magic touch wllh St Lani Cardlnnlx lo lake over the lead lrnm Phildel Gmal who has the major lulue hlzh 61 base hill lillud hll avenge three palm to 551 In last week lime wlfll ll hlkl In so lrlu Cnvlnulon all 12 puinu Into second plnce 843 Thu Phlllles ouuleldar manmd only nut hill in 15 Lem tin 315 He llumpad to 17$ YD MONTREAL UP Newny Lnlnnda In um comer of the hotel lounge Ipplnx gln cockm and rentcllnl um per Arno hnl ID fleellnl um Gm led U1 senior clrculk In 960 whlleuwlgh Pillglur For Ilthouuh bean 37 yem since he culled ll quill lflfl brllllant career hockey and lacrnm player thml nun mule In lhu va Tho molt Islanlshlnn Ind lurprlslnl lhln About my In many the way Im trailed by peoplu nld ha IflrytIrold LI lnnde cant go anywhere on bun In club without Iomebody wnnllnx lo hlk to 1211 you WI th most wander lul mu worth mm lhlll mgney From to 1925 Edword Cy ril Lalonde bland Hull llardom In two marl through olnnlml lomno Realm Su klloon Vancouver Ind New York He once cored wln nlng goal In llcrom mulch whlll playlnx on And In one hockey um ho neared ulna goal Clllldllnl who naver nw Mm play lull know hlm by rlpula Hanu number of hockayl Hull Fume Ind In the mnn lelccled in Canndlnn Press poll Ihe groans llcrnua player 01 he nm hl century PLAY GOLF Dick Grout Takes Leqd In Race Hitting 351 NeWIy ulk hurdly pause removed dlrkr algub em can pluln hi little trouble wlh lndlzullan every to men But Im helm okay Ho dooml are much or winter my more Tharo nonl lnl to do can at out In ex arcln and my mm and Im INDIANAPOLIS APLDriw were Ilkan more Ihout pll lhnn Ipeed lmhy ma Mp0 molar Irecdwly wn opened Iur In hr pm to mnlnn beIoro lhl mmllo n3 IIlurldny Thu conunlloml Oltenhnum powered ralrhlerl wlnnm lhv In 11 Memorlll Dly elm flu but been mlklnx lhm ar marl pll llopl In men um Colin Chapmln lAndun whn bulll Ihe chum lb lwo LamFord In the llzld plun min on slop when or nd Prlx driven Jlmrny Clnk Ind Dln Gurney erkey Thompmn nl Lon Buch CAM wlxh lwo unum nlly Hm Chevrolet powmrl cm In llnwp ham to hold room AI Mlllzr to two Ilupl IVE Fame Not So Fleeting For ExStar Lalonde erl II pnulhillly Imull Jon Inn qunlillnllon murd holdtr may Illa lry inr only 1w mm In AmnnIn would lllhlrr lhun molt hi other nnven19nll DH all dependl on Hm Jam uld ll Hum II no In arybody hm to Aboul lhn Twemylhm IM lur Im wlll rldo on nnw IDInch MIdorlnmd Ipltlflrllly lnr Ibo MunFarm nu Mm Iml rnr mum Iliad lhl wldrr marl and IMle lo Hm nrw llm nmrl ur hu tiny lnch whula II Ihn inlrIcm urnlum xInu ol UM lmurFordl Ind nompmnl can hold Illlnl tlw nnlmly Ilmp flgn nl lha Held wlll nm on alumm Iprrdwly llm llrlmhm In lb mr Ind II In front 911 up Thurldly could In doc v0 Big Concern Over Stops Lu UI Chm In Cu elmw mm mum mm mm my AW imlufl Cmplm Immu mm 7ullnv WINTER WEAR MURDOCK 100 LI TAKI CARI ulkea IoIIly wlth pause Frequently he dlrkrimmed llme next season and halted 294 1962 before the Pirates Iraded him lo Sl Lani last Navamber H2 hit total In em mm Hun anyone else In the bl leagues Bill White the Na llonnl League runnerup wilh 59 Inï¬ellgs Brooks Robinson Balllmnra and Chuck Schllflnu Boston Red qu nhlre the American Leaxua lead with HE F0 lHlllD Ron Fnlrly Annie Dodgers and Ed Billly of San Francisco Giants Ira dend lnckcd or lhlrd place ip lhe NI Hnnll League Inning competi Ilon Equh lna gel loft Howaver ho minus to tend mm mm ï¬lm his hockey Ilml mller Mont ml Cunndlenl In mmmer he due of walking Ind plug elf4n thl hw 7nsthm men Wick riding In In elem1c loll can provided by the club On May he and hll wile Ivlne celebrated 50 yum marriage wllh lrlendl It smlll downwwn cale Newxy danced litlls ii to mark lhc occasion 11m Lnlnndu hlvl lived hr my ban mu In cond noor nnrlhznd IpmmenL They hava one dlulhler Lomlno mlrrled with two Ions in curler ended in the uriy 30 Nawxy look Jab clerk Ir government liquor niora He worked 10 yoan as bunch nilamzer beiare retiring on pon Ian ch Thms km with hollow In the fleshy pm of MI mm when ha wu mhed Ir vgrelyby 11qu wyhen wu wont lnlury evu doctor had to plul an By 1m moumzn Mus Forly year no younl nnmtd Bobby Crulchxhank chucd the lmmoml Bobby Jonu to 10 11rd at our Uulted Slulu open 01 chim plonshipl And whlla hurdly my bra or the title he 69 yearold oller rum Plusburgh ll ml In hm lenllnlleu Inn wen enauuh mlnd you lo make pail lhe um round elimlnnnnm lnr he laurnlmenz II Hrookllne Mm June 2022 Cruichshnnk wu mun Ihe hard no player whn qunll ch so location Mondly An olher loo llmmund IDI wlll be IIIch In qullillclllom ll Ill Illu Iodny Annlher so do no have mu llnmund mu boasting lhu led lo 500 Thu hula tld will rhly pod dawn In About 150 nl lh mllonnl qunlillullonl in lmd Irul Jun 1011 JUST GET IN Mm In In playoll lo June In Inn And wu led or mend hehlnd Gm Sumo In 1032 Juxl mud ll undrr lhu wln mm In elm awr 7471151 our cum and Green om comm mgr Pllbuuh In Ill 1050 pm and lrun pluyrd Mnndly In lhl hnlv companion Vln wthe Amenchn League Veteran Golfer Survives Cufoï¬ WINDOW NEEDS BUILDING THIS YEAR FOR ALL YOUR mom US III In IRMA mmom DBLIUAIION fll Vim MITgHgLLJAlnE ALUMINUMI Ml Mama um SIDESLDIM DOUBLE HUNG sumo uum Wooden Frlmul Wayne Causcy Kansas City Alhlellcs regained the top spnl from Frank Mulzuno ul Enslun Causey climbed one point to 336 with slx hits in times bat Malzonu dropped lulu second placc llewilh Floyd Robinson ofChlcaxu While Sax at 343 runs and continues 10 lead lhe Amerlcun League In lhls de pnrlment wilh 13 He also No runs ballad in mm 31 TM HE Vin ugn Sunda ank Aaron wau heads the Nullnnal League Inf human with Ken Boyer at St Louls Cardinals droveln slx run lAsI week In lake over the RB lend with 36 one more lhan Aaron ho In Ihe with Iwu Inlet dug hp lo huspilal In our way as non quoted as anyan Ihar oi ha two sport he preferred hockey hr new uyl he nvori Imam He has 10nd memorlu Vancouver my second homewhere he says he wal plld $6500 or 13 Imam lame one mason He never made more than 500 Iea Ion pllyIDI hackey roo MANY mum5 Lumue looks like roughl am but it really hnt ll wnyr preferred over hockey beclun its vlayed ln ha rum mar out donrr where you lot of lresh air Its just hullhkr Lalnnde no altaielhu hippy with modern hockey al lhnulh he concede has he come ma spectacle and he mm to love 1L player today Isnt on hi Ice long ennugh at any out time to concentrata on inaldl hockey Look Iroqu you Influx new mlny auperLtm but you lot with In exception of Gordie Howe 2y vs no fellow In Tar min Prank Mlhovllch whon prgu cry Irom hll ler when 1m hm werg two or mm Innermu on each lnm led the rrgionni quIi indilnnpoii wlih 7071 lwn ovrr pari Balding Ihlrod ihn iudi Imonx rezlonnl qualiiim Buillln NY with iininnd smf iord oi Oieln NY Both mm Balding wilh round oi 59 And 75 on me par71 Trlmii anlgyqunlry Ciuiz courui Thm Cnnadllnl unï¬lledZ Sun Leonlrd of Vlncouvr Al hiding Toronlo and lame Toronla an Lu hockey mr Bill Elinlckl now US in dent who II nllho of Win 13 Exrlnlcii cémpclinlr Au hurndnle Mm wu lied In third plun wllh New Sedans with pow er steering radio and nulomnuc transmiss lon low rnlcs vall able from AVIS ull loduy PA 64512 For Rent WW up