ï¬g er upped 27 smnds the Canadian open 1000 me tre mark wllh performance 2293 Larry Dunn of the Unl venlly Arizona lalcd to come near um Canndlnn record In Ipeclnl yard run Dunn wu clocked 99 The record 47 seconds Kiddand Dunn both univer Hslly studenls and Crulhcrs university gruduale jwm runnlnl In apeclal evenls In the high when meet The no rlnln drum with lrcmrmlmu ddnlnl nnUvn tnrmu Hrlllnh nmlour hlnl Eddlo mmlllon wmtu In Bcoflllh Humln Exwm Much oi Ibo dllmncu mm on IM th Ind 15m halal at In var1L ms tum NmMry mm 1110 In no pmllcu larI lrwhlaoml he nun lle mm In the by Imu Iomel Um mm 11 landed In moi nmnlm mun H19 15 yank MHMH hair and llmll It they Ioal thc up Tho Us 1er ha lunr lmlrh luurmmu Hnlurduy In Inks IM Ind and nnllod down llm vlr Inry by wlnnlnl live Hm mm nmnSnInl Alnlhs The Hull Ht vlrlory mnrnlu wu lzl wllh luur mnlrhr hulml ulnr lng lho rm my 01 furnwlllmn US Athletes Set E3 World Records mu um um The lmnklu Iran In linulnnd and mum nrcwl he an nnylhlnm lukkly hulnllcd IJnllrd Slnlel vlnym he men In lwnl In Um nmmmr 31 Andrew June so nflcr uer rulnehnrk rlumph In WIIkrr plï¬lllmlny Thu Im unn llu WIknr Cup II at In llmu Ilnro ll In mluwuled ln Iva They llnll nvercumv In day It cll lo Hull pnncullml MI ytn TUIKNUIZIUW Sunllnnd MP The Unllrd Slilrl landing unm lrur Influx wilh lha Wnlktr Cup mlrly In hnnd Innln lurlml lhnlr mm lodny an In mum mnlaur Ivmu Hm Imklol Llhqy wn plul lm Th0 mm uncxpnclcd do opmcnl came here mlnulu alltr New knlnndl ltlcr Snell um mllo In MM Ior man nnd just our hall lecnnd world mm dlrd 55 Kldd ramped around he luv caster Mgh school lrack in 610 In the 3000 metre nm shearing 1L9 mend ol Iha latmu record ANCASTER om CPDTar onto runner Bruce Kidd and Bill lehen made anolher as null on the Canagiinn record book Saturday shallering ex isting mark In the 3000 metre and 1000 metre events mu Ontario Federalion or Schnul at Associations meal Ellr No mus came at he Cnmonlln Relay here Wuhlnglonl Brlln Sternch polyvnulted 16 m1 seven lnchu and tho Oregon Slnle Unlvmlly lwo mlla relay loam lumcd In 71199 par lormnnu United States Captures Cup Tempe MIL In Was em Mhlcllc Conlertnco mm Naw Mexlm Adolph Plum mu mad yam In locondx breakan Hm world mark of by Ohln Slnlul Glrnn mm In 1968 iciryr eixlzcr the 15 Murlncs was mom Sncll In 357 and Jlm ncnlly MODES Cnlil AP 111m world rank and Held record ell 1n Ihe United sum Saturday night with fourth on doomed In um development because no Kidd CrOthersAmong Meet Record Breakers MANY MIE ILLITHHATE Gunlcmlnl populnllon elll mulcd at 9000001 Ihnut 7o wréenlrlllllcmm In nenlnr record brenklng compelltlnn Jlm Curry Kl chencr Walerlnn CVl cleared lee 3V lnchosl In the hllzh jump Fred Qulck cl Glencoa HS London on broke the pole vault record wllh Jump at lack and Wayne Dodd Torontos moor Collezlale nu th yard dash lnly other man the 600 high school alhims ram 200 Ontario schools Joined the recordbreak in net They shattered 15 oi SM record in 10 evenu nine oi the performance topping 0n iarioa best inierschniasiic nan dards Two Canadian inlerscho laslic lhrca Canadian midget and two Canadian Juvenile marks 21 Don Shaughnmy oi Alliston broke the Canadian inlcrscho iaslia wovmila record with lime oi 919 minuias to lead the parado oi fawn pcriogmanqeai 5111 hi of Slralluny posted record high Ice Inches In lha lnlermedialo No ha Jumper was UnI vmlly Wnshlnxlon upho more Phll Shlnnlck who enr Hcr In lho day had tailed even In quality or lho llnIlI In the ma Slx mm It Horktlcy CalIL than drove mllu In Modesto nnd Inked permllslnn lo wmpcle nccauu no one 1le Shln nlrk dun or record Jump no one hId bun lend Inn lhe wind machlno lo do hrmlna whether lhI IIdlnl brmo wnl bdow lha Illown ble maximum of M73 mIIu an hour Lioniilovnr lhn alum man had been Instrumd In could lhnc only whtn Bolton Olllclnll lhouuhl the wlnd wan under bul lhnl hnt enauxh nllnly lhn Immu llunnl Frdcrallon nld mu um Chlrllo Hunlnr lhen word lashed mm lhl broadlumplnl pl that mm one had luped 27 led lnur lnchu fraction lnrlher Ihan ho world record held by nub Illl lzor lcrflvnnclynn Wu Ralph Bosion the Olympic champlnnlnd lor mur rmrdrhaldcn third In 858 HEAR OF RECORD IhtA US wu wcllbcalen AT Wholesale Prices Rplldlnl TruFllln Wm mu Whnlr Iguana um EQUIPMENT llmmc Cwnlyl lzlllll lpnllnl and MM GARNERS WHOLEIALI SPORTS MEMPHIS Tenn AP deluge rain washrd nu the WW Memphll Open 011 laur nnment Sunday or lha mond nlrnlxhlA dny the Toronto DishM lnlurscllolnsllc Alhlellc Assocla llnn topped thn aru slandlnu with ml volnls Toronto Second Iry School Alhlellc Auoclallon placed secand wllh 74 polnls Suulhwmorn Onlnrlo Second Iry Schoul Aucclullon Ihlrd wllh 61 Southern Ontario Sec ondary School AssuclaLlon lauth with 12 And Hamilton lAC llllh wllh ll The doublchround lanncd Ior Sunday nllcr Snlur nyl wnsh oul wu met or Iodny with lha ll pm and unvnn Imnlcun on or 36 10191 Wllh wn mm en lo pluy Tony Lorna held lha lend wIUI nixunderpnr nemsl chlllonxnrn were Illrnld Knmce Tommy Aaron Gmrlo Knudmn Tomnlo and Jury Edward III II 136 Campbell run he 100 yard dash In 101 seconds and the 220 yard dnsh In 221 Eolh llmel were Ontario record and the 100 ynrd effort cracked Cant digrr nrldget standard Morrison won the sea yard run In 102 and the In 512 or his record effort Barry Llcker ran the mlla ln mm mm Darrell Jarvl Collegiate Tomnln cleared In eel Inches In the pole vnull Mlke Hnugh ol Riven31d lllgh threw the II pound shot 56 inches Eight record ieil in the Junior dlvlslallv will Rorry Campbell ni Hamilton Wnsidula and lied hinrrkun ul Tnmnlna Malvcrn Coileglaeleadlng lliu allnck pols vault and Ron Yaschyshyn of Tamnlna Parkdnle lied an lnlermcdlale 120 yard hurdles mark 136 seconds Memphis Open Is Postponed Millnr S$ycnrold vclernn midul and lprlng lunch 31an Ms lirsl lndlanupall start by qunlllylng renwn zine Thumpan clnl It 11961 miles In hour It llml the Hun 10ml trials On Saturday Inolhcr rookle Rutherford Fort Worth Tm qnnlmed lhe lune Cnnadlan enlry lho Olly VI lorlu 100 Ind bumprd Izdm Rodrlzucz Mexcol on enlrnnl Th nyenmld Mex cnn had been he flows lhn link as qunllflvrs nl MM In nnmnulna Allan Marlin Cw DE INDIANAPOLIS AP For mer winner Troy Ruuman of Durham Mich Ebb Rosa nl IIousmn Tex Ind rookie Al MIIIer Roscvllle Mlch earned alerting posluons Sunday for next lhursday BOOmllo aulo race by humplng earlIer qunllflen out of In 83m Ilne nï¬iï¬erlurd car owner Ind rlcd In quullly ll Mmufl but muldnl wt Th3 linn Hnld Hound ord mom mllu In hour unlnll 7330 hut your The rules of rnclnu In On arlo male that enlrle or noml naunns must bu made In writ In and slxncd Illhcr by lhe owner his men or deputy of the agent We lound that this had not been done ACCEPTEb FEES Mooney Idaeidï¬lhu we did accept from Mr Flreslonu lho uecnnd and third nomlnntlnn Last Wednesday the Jockey club mled dlrcclors mm In um tho col was Ineilnible because It owner had nok au lhorlted the entry mndo nearly two year ago Mooney snld In lekphona In terview lhul fundamenan rule at raclnx had been bmken TORONTO iCP Manazinz director John Mooney oi The Jockey Club Limllcd sold sour day the decision lo blr Ameri cooowncd Jet iraflic tom the 10401 running oi lilo Queenl Pialu clnuic here Sniurdny Juno would not be aiiued Jet lniilc owned by Russell Firestone Jr oi Daliol Tun was third winterbook choice 30 MM odds to win the $50000 added mmiie race open to Canadianbred lhrceyuroida Bowlers acrns Canada were hamlnu ngalns their own av araze with their alghls sat on on at the so all axpensu pnld him la the Caribbean Tha wln mu wlll not be announced unlll all the scores are tabulated Ind expected that an wlll not be or at least angular weak Geman Wesllakn of Bnrrlo Held 70 bowlers In Inc In als the Players Bowling Fe uval Sammy mm ma Knmpviow Bowl Westlake wnund up Ihe lournamenl by in creasinl hh average by It mam Canadian Car In Indy 500 Following Wesllake wnsVVdna Partrldze who checked in with TIIE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY MAY ms Kosgcnuk ol Vlclariy th Claims Decision Will Not Change GeorgeWestlake Paces Pin Meet Multo EllyJon Jlmonu mm Mexlcn oulpulnlcd Hur mcllndo Hondralnn HM Mu lco Firestone told spam edllnr Mm Dunnell ol the Toronto Star In telephone Inmvllw 1mm Palm Beach Friday um ha would ruceod wllh Jul Tub lcl lrnln III on lha stumpllnn he ham wnuid be aHdwed la run In lho Qurenl Pluto Cider 7m Fulcrum nut polnlea George Bcnlan mu qulndelnhll 8n JulnFlorcnllno thnn du 100 Cuhl flopped Jan Tarm MN Pucrlu mm to Italted 12 time In 1962 and won xevcn In Ieven nullnu lhls year he has wnn two Includlnl ha 525000 81 Show Milo It Aqueducl Manx 71 In the Inn 1le al Than nothinz we can do about It at lhe moment It up In Mr Flmlane But we at ho In the Jockey club will re xc nd ll declslon for tha good nan In Canada and Amar ibtrrafllc hns earned $93933 In punu linen Firexlnnl bought hlm Flrcsume pnld tho second nnmlnnllun cc 550 due prlor Dec IS 1962 and he lhlrd subscription $100 due May this your The ï¬nal $500 sub xcrlpllnn lee ls due lwn dnya before Ihe men In luhurban Woodbine track N0 ACTION POSSIBLE Meantinlay than nalhlng he may dub cnn do about yummy Juunnmc Conklln VIII not nvnllublu nr comment but secrtlnry Malcolm Webb of Hamilton ualrl lha jockey club law unlo Ilselrfl Mooney laid the $15 an WI paid by ConklIn Nov m1 deputy or Jones Wu didnt Ind out until recently that the phymenl was mudn four month and Iva days after Jel Tram had been sold Flrestone but we werent nwarl the act unm aw days ago that he had not authorized uu oflglpnl pgmqnt Jet lrnlflc had been nrlxin nlLv nomlnnled by Frank Canklln of Brannond the can rexmmd breeder Cnnklln mid him Warner Jones 01 Goshen NY In the all 19110 and Jane resnid he ham or 510000 lo Firestone nl ma Keenelnnd NJ summer ulu on July 15 was areal lournamcnl and these up bnwlcra vlll Just hnva weak out until the mulls from all ovar Canad ue In nld Mr Love Follnwinz tournament Kempvlew Bowl manager An Love salt was Imposslblu to even lake wild mm at who her or onn ul UI prizes wqu In In local bgwler 81 plus In her average and close behind was nos Pnllend an with an 91 lnmnsm Ruu Counlln Orllllu the only member at lho my live not from Barfle finished wlth plus 87 boost and Sharon Franck was mm with 10 Increase New anknubln Hurricane FIGHT RESULTS 0n Salurdny San Francisco dciauled Lo Angela ï¬ning ahead ni lhu lecond pinch Dadzerl lhm mu Mil wlukeo and the Pin SI Mull but ill hieil Chi cnzo downad iiaunun and Cincinnlii deieuled Phlindei phi hiciienn now In hi1 mend iuil much with Pittsburgh Ind hil xixlh in pro huebnii wunl Io cnvnr Firm Irynut in MI nl live Viraln ilinndl II phom npher iur iocni newnpnpu and wound up wllh coniml becum member oi lhI EIscwhcnI In ha NIIInnaI Lanna 111 La Angelo Dodm nlpped IronannlnlSnn Francisco In In Innlnll mhln In three nun nn three lhmenz emu by June Pngan lhu PMIAdeIphIa PhIIIIu lwepl lhelr um doublchaadcr In Clm clnnnu IInce mo IN and the New York MeII mapped menyam Ioslnx Ilrlnu eds In St Loul 32 In 11 Innlnu an Ioalnz the opener lo the Card 74 on ChanIo Jamu lhnwrun hnmar and the Chlc 50 Club Whlppgd Hogslnn 51 many relief decisionsland In all hm hams runs hlvo beg deplslvo 1mm He honked on wllh the Plus burgh Plrales through qulrk ol Intel He dropped from Imm min ln bullpen duly lhll mum and ban built up on of the bell record In Na llonnl Lem In the unlnmlllnr role rellevar And heu llnd in that the ham run cln be pllcherl best kind Menaan was wlnnar min Sunday the Pirate but Mil wankea on bonus rookie Bab Ball lhrcMun homer In lha lnh nnlnz The victory was Ola lender rightlhqndy lhlrd Alvln ONenl lllcllcnn II man whose short but successful baseball career hns hnd some very mlnze lwlsls By JIM HACKLEMAN Aunclakd Pml Sport Writer Banlo Jaycm evened lnuir record at +1 and Cnnsumm Gas made It look easy In In termediate Softball Lenxuu ac tlun yomrday Queens Park Smiths Dairy winner In llgelr llrsl npmnranco nl ha season over knvlow Dairy jumped on Jayccea hurler John Manual or live rum in the new and Innlnl That was Mnnoll only cool mvmclgl He didnt al low hit over the ï¬nal five types Wayne Russell flaxled or Smiths but ave way to Gemnu MacDonald during ourrun nlly by Jayuu the slxlh Jaycm held to can slnxle over lha In three Innings wound up oulhllllnl Smllhl HELD 150 LEAD Consumm Gas didnt ï¬nd much opposition In Clarkmn Hotel Both club were makhl Jajcee de back from 50 ellclt to nip Smllhs Duhy 85 whlle Consumun had Htllu trouble racking wln aver Clarksun Intel in Um nlghx Juyceea were down enlch Ina Ulelr hall the sixth hlfl they bmncd MR Iour hit and that combined with two Smith ergor yesujtpdjn our runs Smlml pkde up link hlt In the tint and our mum all Jingles In the mend Alter that Mnnol wu the boss Jaycees Consumers Intermediate Winners Pittsburgh Reliefer Continues Hot Pace LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Electric heating EllMlNllTES THE FLAME provides new standard of safety in home heating cannot create dust soot or dirt of any kind Its revolutionizing modern living and is within every familys means For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION I5 BAYFIELD mm PA 61825 In lho Iouflh Dav rapped tworun double mar In error by Pagan and wllk And the Dodum Ia mm nm In nvcnlh lollowln but throw by the Ohm lhormap my mum sum Vnteun Ilnmr Roy slave and rookie fltcher chk My keyed lhe Ph 11 wee nvcr tho Reds Sluvm pinch The Dodger ulvued 1119 last game lhelr lhreagnme net at San Frnollco Ind moved wllhln Iwo name 01 he Ginnu Punnl third or rant throw put Jlm Gllllnm an mend in ha lot and Tommy Dnvln Ilnllo mred In wln nlng unx McBenn want In alnlnst Mll wnukca In the Illlllh lnnlnx with the Braves Ieadlnn 21 Ell anemklu homer ln ha nlnlh Had up Then ln the um Bul ley connected Inlnnl Hank Mllwnukeel mm gllcher alter link by Rm erto Clemente and walk The Bum minzed only two Ilnnlu and wnlk all Mo Bean in lnnlnzl but he lulled by on out In llnlsh Bob Venle look am with lwn on and two nwny in the 1m ol the nth andlhrw lhlrd nlrlka pm Mllwnukeel Len Gubrlel TORONTO CH51L Wil hulm Weller the Camp Bor den 0nk Gym Club cn lured lho Ienlor menu clan No It the Ontario zymnasuc cham plonshlp here Saturday nuslnz out his nearest cnmpetluun by lucllon or point Weller PanAmericnn nmu old med Illls won the cllxlhnnlcl Innahorse nun pommel mm hllh bar or 5655 points Vang last year with 1510 mo mum and mm our alrnlxht Victoria lhl nelson loll rCansumeri servui nollca In the rat lnnlnl lhal they were xolng to make It mugh ur Clnrksun They sent alumni pitchar Vlc Lindsay wnlklng when they scored four runs Luke Turnhull look over In mound chores and he WM sull Ing alonz no unfll Consumen exploded again In the arm or suven nm and during the bombing Wrnbull was replaced byIllll Walkpy ï¬evenlh hen mrksun milled Consumm had 154 land he tnru Clarkxon ï¬nally not lo Consnmcra starter Gord Mndge In the mm or four runs Georxa Hoaxmans hrewun homer Ilznlllcd lha end for Media num Lacey came on Ind he had his trouble In tho Soldier Wins Senior Title Mund 24HOUR SERVICE sALEs ma sanwcs All Typu 0f HEATING EQUIP Hull Ina Mr BOWENS r1 um In the opener Kcn Boyer drove 1n the lying run In tho elmh wllh MI mm mlm hlIa linllaand Jnmu lowed with hln cllnchlnu hm run pinch homor chk am of the curd look over lhn league haltlnu load 35 going 10530 in pm lwo names Tho Cubs but exlcnmmnll chk Dml on Bob nuhlt nint hlt pitching and he butllnl 01 non Slnln Ken Hubln And Lou Brock The hm hld all men Chime hlu Ind drove III III flve Cub runs Snnln ham ered Ind linnled twice Hubbn bid homer Ind ulna Ind Dmck tripled Ind lingled hl mud Ilnm homer In ha eighth lnnlnz that put opener out of reach Cuip tired threw shutout In thl lab and game nmklnz an 12 and allowing only one runner second ban Two erron lava the Men In lllhInnlnz run and link vic to over St Loulr Duke Car me delemlvn re Immcnl or Slln Mullll Held dropped Chnrllo Null fly or when error and Nell med In when llchur Bob Gib Ion threw mm on Chlco Fer nandu rucrilcn hunt Tho Mela also not an unnamed run In the womb for 21 edge but Carl Sawmkl rent Into overllmn with ninth hmlnl homer Cuop look lhu mensurc Banlo Jnyceu 1n Iho Icazuc up ener Friday nlzhl whlla last night Clanhon bowed Can lugluja GEL lhreo more runs ncrun Tum Perkin was called In lu quiet ho Clarkgnn but and gel the Job done by nnnhm lhe llral Lhrco halter he need Cnnsumm hnmmLrcd llm hm Clurkwn hurlers or It lnl of ll hlls Second hnscmnn Chuck Edward and MN buse mun John Chrlskle accounted for over hall lhoso with cur hits nplece Both had porter f0Efqh0fl ï¬ght Clurkson had only lhrcu Hugh In the In Ive Innings but racked up seven mum 1n thu llnal two 51mm Coop and Clarksnn Hotel wlnnurs and loser re uimllvely In heir ï¬rst mm the lesson me tonight at Queens Park in regularly Ichedulcd Intermodlnta Son bay Leaguc game Toulth am will get under my at 330 pm Clarkson Simcoe Clash Tonight In Int League the nurput panell ln lawn Cmon In and 10 mm you den DANGERFIELD MOTORS WEVE