Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1963, p. 7

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Jlm Cluk of Scotland tho early lrndrr dropped am on lhn 7W lap hflllul Hi It lmun unxhnx In Lahu VINI Emlml YON nu AFCPI filrmler mlllnu Jnhn Krllry azvyrnmld nhool lrnrhtr lrnm Hynllc Com won lho NI llonnl Ammur Imam Unlan mnlnlkm Sunday or In mum mlmlnl eluhlh Ilrnllhl llmt Kelley lung ranIdem UM pm mlrr UH mnrulhan nmntr ml mllfl 1M yudl In two Imus mlnutu Itcnndu lmllnT Held mo lyy nhout The only Clllldlln lo HIIh wan Gnmlm ilmour ol onler hunky runner lnr Mount llnyul Futan 1mm AC Mm pland an In 51 HA1 IINI mo MNIJHO 1M flrull win mnmhlrakhl lnvld llnkrlhnll rhumplnmhlp mlunhy mill wllh an ull vlc Iory am he Unllwl mm Tm hoal munlry llnldml he mm lmn unmd whln wIIh palm 00 rmrd nu Amnlrnm who nrvcr 1le mm lMl Mlle fln Mud lourm wlm II II rmnl nny loll lo HunIn Yu1aalavln Ind lImJl Thu 14mequ NA llonlll wumfln Cnnmln In ha wnvld mmmmnu um oll mlnnlnd ham rlmmplonchlp mm In he yrrllmlnnrln MINA Vflfll MMIK TEMPE Arllv Ml New Mum Umnmlyn Adolph BARRY EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 21 1M Dont let those old fellas fool you be those ath letes of yesteryear werent as cod as ey any they were couldnt count the num er of tlmes over the East dozen years covering sports beat that oldtlmere eve cornered me wlth tales of those superman of thelr youth cant go back wlth them ln time but theres nothlng wrong wlth eyesight and the record hooks are showlng were bull lng them blgger and bet Ium IHll lh undln cham van mm Brllaln cncd ha 1061 world nula drlv nl chum plonlhlp camncllllnn Sun ny with rousing Iclary In lhu 100an Grand Prix dn Mnnlcn lirnuzh lho Icrpmllno nlnctl ol Ihll luvllm mun Tho mullnchlncd Drllnn ha hlnd the wine cl MIN MI 0110qu cm llw llnlth by HM ltnmmnlo fllchlu Gln lher Grnnmln IIHII 711111 and turn ManHn New Zenlnnd ln Coy mlnule ls still 30 seconds clocks arent going any slower today than they were two or three decades ago And how can you compare hockey player who could go or so mlnutes every game wlth superbly condltlon ed player of today who can only go couple of min utes top speed Its only reasonable to assume todays athletes are better Oldtlmers dldnt have the fac lltles we have today Major lea ue baseball clubs and so hocka clubs spend hun reds of thousands of ollars eac year on farm stems scouttng and every other means posslble to pro uce better athletes Granted the oldtlm er perhaps had to have more natural talent and whos to say that under present condltlons some of the super stars of bygone eras wouldnt exceed toda athletes But thefact remalns that they didnt and eh records FROM HERE THERE Corby Adams arrived in town Saturdafi night from Ciarkson Colle where coach Henry edge commented His lnsilnc for base ball is amazing Corbyltiost Valuable Player in the local senior softball circuit the ast two years is in top shape and will be making presence felt soon in the softball loop Don Dykstra who hurled True love Heating to 58 victory over Stewarts Garage Saturday night said he felt tired from the third in nin on He had plenty zip in the clutch Dorian Par er secretary of the senior softball league says she will not play softball this year it wlll bring to close long career in ladies softball for Mrs Parker Phil Lamb president of the local Ladles Softball League said Saturday the 1002 will get underwa the first of June and he is expec infi wellbalance lea sue Jim Short senior softba league prexy heav ed sigh of relief when his league finally got under way aiter aiew days of postponements was be in ning to think wed have to draw in new ache ule but lets ho well be all right now he said Final results of he Bradford Plaza Mixed Bowling Lea ue are in the sports department and these will be ubl sh ed tomorrow The 14ih annual sevenmio road race under the sponsorshlg of the Carleton Place Chamber of Commerce will estaged June 8th Three ter every year ire slurgr eééfi day The two baseball marks which looked like they would stand up forever Babe Rutha home run record and ly Cobbs stolen bases mark took lot ar ments away from the old boYa Theyll tell you at Ruthplayed with dead ba The manufacturers of baseballs clalm theres no difference In the ball of to day than when Ruth played Track and fleld swimming golf you name and todays players are dolng better As last hope old tlmers wlll go lnto boxing Pretty hard to et suh stantlal argument here because lt lmposslb to com pare fighters Theres no gulde to allow in boxlng no measurlng stlck no lnches or tlme clock to go by glance in the ring record book though will show you that all champlons fought thelr share of push overr The crop of fighters has been tougher ln dlt ferant era but any champlon la the best in hls dlvlslon of the perlod lnvolved enjoy the old stories but remember theres no more weakening emotion than yeamin or the good old days Those good old days are to ay Additional fade are included thlncnix hey are one mllo race or midgets twumllo run for juvenile and threemile event for juniors um wmu mug Amm SCISSORED SPORT SPORT AT GLANCE Those Good Old Days Hie Today By RICK FRASER TWO MARKH IET MODES Cllll MWUnIc vmlly Wuhlnuon Iophu morn llrlln Slflnbtrl polo vuullcd 10 Int mm inchu Hnlurdny nl ll In on two world mm bmklnn parlarm Inru nl um Calllnrnln til The Iernml warld man all durlni he uvrnlnl Wu lwm mlll why when Iho Orcnnn Hula Ixuulcl ml lhl dlllnncn In mm mlnulu Ilcofldl NEVER BEND INJURED NEW VOIIK MN Clnl my In mhllm uh unlAy lhnl over and dim plnn lwnyurvnld I001 II dc InHtly mu Nu lulmom 3mm lo run Aqutdud Nam 1mm wu lhc nmmrrun In Human In In KMth Derby lml lulud Mn In no In In lmimn hohlnd Clmly and Oumuny Tlufil roll Ilulnud Ml an III Hummer Imuhld lhl exlllln wofld record In 1110 our duh Saturday mm In the II ml In Wemm Alhlullc Cantercnne luck And Held thumplumhlpl with clocking or mondl Hummer was clocked In lho llnlnlllc Uml ll ha haul Arham sun Unlvth Illyl In Wllllnml In lhrlr hzr aided duel Vllllnml wan Ilmed In lu The ullllnl mum at MM wan In me by Ohlo Slalol Glenn Dnvll II Dunlap um Wu carry mrylhlnl or umw II 11W MANH KNOW TENTH FMIIINH TMKLI GOVT Mlfl VEII Ll MC FOR 0AM GOVT SURPLUS Bellmky who had one unbr unvath great night Ind many unhellevlbly Iale onel ll leav lni the penthouse overlook flu sunset min in favor lummer homo in Honolulu an Angel Angel of lhn Amerlun Lune on the pltcher theyre sendan hlm to their Hawaii farm club In the Pacllc Coal But minaxer BlliVRlzney cl lhe Angel wlll bu keeplnl track of him nla Hm lhlna 11 did wu demund bauut or ulse otherwlse he nld he wouldnt sign Angel unenl manual erd Haney who mover bcumo one Bol closm mend told Mm to sun or 000 or In ham 90 met Baltimore New York Chlcua Kanm Clly Bollon Mlnncmll an Angel Clmlnnd Dalroil Wnlhlnztan null llluxdly Balllmon Clevallnd Wuhlnllan Naw ank Bolton Dclrolt Chlcnlo Mlnnmln City Lo Imqu soon In thll Idlhllldfl looks Ilka ha can pilch Ihe my wa think he can hell be buck 302 Midi Ballmky want le yam In tha minor league Ind lou more emu than he won Eu he wu mm the day he lolned the Angel In the lprllll of 1m DEMAND RAISE Bcllnaky pitched mum hm nlllml Bllflmon Oriole Mly 1961 Ma won hll flflh Ilrnlzhl pm my 11 In Runllu sand Dnlllmoro 1M Cluvtlnnd Wuhlnxlan lI Now York 16 Boston Dunall 1H Chlcuo Mlnnuoll Knnlnl Clly Lo Anlclu Gun Maudy Na um uhuduled Inn Prlnrllco MI An Ian Ilulbuuh Chlruo Clnclnnnll lhllndelphln Mllwwku lieuton Ncw York null Mlunhy In Ann sn hnuclnca Nll Yuk hull llnunlnu Chitu lhllldtlphll Clntlnmll lllllhurlh Mllwnuku nuulu landy lal Ankrlu Han Funcllco Nu York null 71 Hanna miclo tlp Clpclnnull co rnuuurih Mliwiukéui The mlzhly Yukon Eric who flick human like tooth plclu mlku 11 Int Ippnr um the yen Barrio Arena Wednenduy mnlnl Yukon above wlll 1th in nu lemlllnnl the prnlullnnll By THE CANADIAN PRESS LA Angels Send Bo BelinskyaDown my mama 1m 1mm hindy Dolrnlt at La lumlu nulllmorl ll Knnm City Wuhlnmn ll Mlnnualn Clovrllnd ll Chlcua New York Damn MAJOR OIL COMPANY hn hllh Inllonm ur vlcu ntnllon for lulu 1n 11min Bxullont pm lel or right man For funlm pmlculm Ip ply Io BOX 15 Kill IXAMINII Amerku anus Pd GEL are 29 15 659 YUKON COMES TO BARBIE BASEBALL SCORES II 530 IV 20 11 189 20 75 Ml WI 16 11 431 10 590 mi 15 81 MO 15 hi on 50 543 511 Mi BEEEEEBIS unsur 19 IA 111 mi 112337011 SERVICE STATION FOR EASE I8 571 WI Mi lured hLl first Ian saw more May 17 By lhls llme he had julned sumo Hollywood lolkl who lhlnk In early nlahl llwhen an at hnmn helm tha morn nl pl per Ba ilnishcd MI in major league lemon Sept so with record oi 10 win and ll iosm Lani Jan 11 he lined hi sec ond Imul conirncl thi one in 215000 FINED F0 LATENEES On Feb 26 ha wu ill or tactics He repomd hour ale or In exhibition xlmc Much ac and wu lined $500 On April Bo amounted his enzuemenl to when Mlmla Van Doren 011 mi 11 he 10 hi am nut to ChicIa WM May 19 he lullercd MI month 10 In eight declslonl And on My 23 ha and out llelder Ken Hunt were ouqu lolllhwnil white to uhaur cn nan Ind than enough lhb club dldnt Ive me chance um yen mm llll Mth Juckmnvlllv Columth numlo Eyrlcuu Mhulcr Tnmnlo luehmond ruchluWu Slack Orlolu pllrhod 1m norXu Innlnn llvlnl uy only an MI In two nllnl punncu Ind nulnd cud or houu nulllmm VI lcrlu flundly am Clmhnd IN and Him lam hell quit boron Inlback lbs mlryo null Ilflfldl Bumlo Rachel Columbul Syncuu luckanvil Mllnln Toronto lndlInpolll Nthimnnd at um Rock pyd II lluulll Innay Juhnnvllll Mllnll numb nodular Columbul Tomnlo In Rlchmund It II flack wd round mumnab null llrlln cmhd DirMun ham In lh op 10 HI llvl PIHI bu victory our MIL lundny wrealflnx cud Inlnll Stan Stullk Ihn mlln Ivan 1e tuxu mrybody Jkn HIdY claim averyane pet peeve Jnhnny anentxnc The opener plu vietern thv Fol Ilnlt 0mm Mum undo Tomnlo blumbua at nochuur lndlanlpolll ll Hymn ghonvljlo 10 Rad méhmand 1mm II AIIOCMTID lfllll Mike Valentino Gnmu Nudny Chlcauo Naw York Phlln leburzh San Fran at Clnclnnall Lo Ana ll Mllwnuku Houxlon at St hull BALL STARS lulemnflannl Lulu Southern Dlvlllnn mom 21 15 Northern Dlvhhn and 19 566 19 20 to 300 15 flan mmmm nun HOD Elmvalo backed by mu mound job by Lao Belcourt ll hos club rezhtered wln aver Edgar whlla the name Ilmc at Queen Pnrk Melon potted decision over the defending champions Stawml 0mm Elmvale nndTruelnvn Benin choked oi threat by their op ponanla In the ninth Innlnl to chnlk up vlclarlen In the Senior 50mm Lenpn Saturday night lruelnve Jumpod on Slewnrtl hurler Butch Boyd or our run By JOE EICIILER Antoniled Pm Spot erm Inn and nearly uhntlered drum my be realized in Ha llmm whom Elba Ruth wu horn and luck old Oriole Jnhn McGrBW liuzhuy Junnhm mtg wuue Kale flourlghcdt can lugue pennant took an mm MIMI or realism Iodly an the new Oriole enio ed sun than over lha ew York Yun res Nnt me ha clarion days ol Bod95M when Ned Hanlnnl nld Orioles pj Ihm slralxh National League pen nants have Baltimore lam had as much lo be enthused about nllly Hitchmckl hluh flylnl Bird mlde elm vlclorlu In raw Sunday and hulr In 11 by swanan both end double hunder from the cleve Inqdlndlan and 61 Only once In 1960 hm lhe Oriole enjoyed Ilm plm perch 1an they returned to the Amurlcnn Leuuo 10 year ngo Alter In Ibnnce pl 31 yell1 Yankees mumed thlz dream with llvMuna sap umber Iwup almolln com flalely thay had done back 1908 when the Inpplnnted the Orioles in American Lnazue Hymns nawn 1mm The Yunkcu couldnt even nweep In place Washlnmn Sunday Mm loalnl lhn nm game Ike Sculan deflated tho Ynnkeu 74 In In nlzhlup lo map lho Ymkeu Ix10m winning alrcnk Ind and their will clgpbgnfng lqslnz Itrinl fiction and Benton am ill the Tiger winnlnl Iho 1m non Knbbu rank one lho llxhlul ball In the Inlunlllonnl Lcam nnd lha Ilum prov II but for one fly at lull the flochuler bmmln Iwunl with prodlzlauu power Kubbn bllltd 215 and hlt Ihree hams rum or lhn er Wnzl 1m IQMOH Through name lhll year hln bulllnl mark wnl an anemic 224 Ill lhrcarun homer In the llnl Kama Sundnf allrd lo pravcnl Bullan vltlnry but hll xrnndllnm drle murcd Ihe WIMI lrlumph In tho nllhlcap Mlnnn mnllnund runaway pate In lhu Southern Dlvlllon Tho Cuckm Imp chhon v11 And And boomd heir lead to men Tho llm um won nnln Ind lhu mend wu culled the min by nln1 Symun lrlmmad Bull10 Norman Dlvldou lend to out hall mm by dawnlnl Colunv but and mom whipped Indianpoll lndllm Richmond wu ruined oul at III flock Klbbu who hld drlvm In only lhru run III non llod lho Icon or Rachelth Eundl wllh In lhnwun ham ol By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS urday nod but Buflllo Byrlcul numbul Aunnu and mat but Toronto NIZDED HELP Sweep Gives Orioles 212 Game AL Margin SOftballaT Vidtories To Elmvclle Atlanta Crackers Boost Lead InIL Call Banlllclll mm 00 um doubloml for Spvlnl uponm Iollovu bllll for my lood nuon Th0 lollu It umflclll 10 uy ml Cnll mm Lam unto 000 IM man View Min an Immum EENEEIGIAL énfiifii in lieu To hub Way the ONE place to cull fw the mnuto you want iiiynTnnmu mu hmfiu wwwmg In he Int Innlnl Ind dupllu no pulmnnce by the ky chucker over the final night Innlnu 52mm tiled to over come thl dwelt Mm lhe Ihlky an Boyd limited Truelovc to only three hlu or the rumlnder ol the Elmo No them were Inlmd hllj yhlla go other wag lung all homer by Gary Think Tn ll llxul IOUGH IN CLUTCH Stewtr lhmtened 111 lb at tho nlnu Innlnu but Don Dyk lama and um Ru Sax nk In thy nllhlclp 65 Mlnnuola won in uvenlh In row with declllun over Iho Chicano While 50 Ind 1m mules topped Kama City 04 Dn Sumday Blllmnre dwnlfl 531° Y9 Keen mulled Washington 51 Minnesota hhnked Chlcafio Know City but Lon Angela Ind Detroit defemd Boston pair oi threerun lateinning thrust produced bolh Balllmore Sundny triumph Jim Genlllal iwwun Iinlla wu lilo key blow In the Main Ihreerun rally In th uvenlh inning oi the opener lhi overclme Clovalmd lead Ellilmarel sec ondxlme also in the MV enih Inn in John Powell than in the llenk ln run with tinllo And chkie Brand allowed with lworun 191 Wu Slock 1n relief wax credited with bath vlclorlea They were hll fourth and mm at the mm without defeat Muv Braedlnll lhird MI Illfiil mred Larry Unborno wi the run that mapped 55 ii and vaed in way or the Sentors mend lame triumph the lint 1n iive name or new Mlnmr an Hodm Jlm Duck worth rookie rizhihandar gained his ilm major league vicinry in reiiei Horn mm by Mickey Manila and Pinion iinw hfipgd Ylnkeq rlziil in mg Iron om 31 Baum pm 1th my In men declnlonl 1n PEN Hams But the Bison nllled or three mm In flu elyhlh De prle thbea bnu landed homer In the mend nmz lhc fled Wlnll needed no shot by my Younzdlhl lo lubdua hl Blmm ElifilhXnnlnx home run by Eddie Bruwud and Gary Gen ivr llfled mu Red Sox la MIKE VALENTINO Addlnmn In the flu But the Bison nllled or YUKON IMO WED NIGHT 845 TWO BIG MAIN EVENTS Valentine TOP AllSTAR WRESTLERS IN ACTION ITALIAN IIAl RETURN REMATCH vid managed to com through lhocluc13 Stewgr It bases loaded In each of the nm Ind third lnnlnxl and two man stranded In tho ourth Indnlnth frames Trueluva was oulhll but Dykmnt tmhnau Ind wlld Iuppor In the plnchel ivzed the win or Truelova Dykma and Boyd each fanned in the mm mm lune 1le 1m pun and Boyd our An Indlcnllon the oppaflun luau Stewml had worn lnlhl nightnlp ylclory after the 11 an Inn clubbad Dave Mom head and two Haven or 14 ml ma openen Al 1mm und Dick McAulmu each had homen and drove in men run In the 1391133 Harmon Klllebraw Zano Ver unllas and Earl Bailey had hume nm to make easy or Mlnnmlau Hm Perry to win bl third Insight at tho ax N35 who Sox Ellly Morans bum loaded unzlo highlighted ourrun leth lunln for tha Angeli who salvaged Unix gages lama mlulmm life 2min Julla Navarro In rellcl notched rlstlnunh victory without de an The 60th slmm Blflbl benign lot underwg yesterdly Burrle Fair round and Ulopla came out lha wlnnur posting victory over Tol lenhnm Wardlo hurled the viciory liv inl up luven hill Ilrikinl nu ix and walking iwu in Hue lev enlnninz lili Ho Illa had good day at tho inle picking up pair or slug and Icar inu one run In three trips main llnrled or Talienhum but Sinclair replaced him in lha Him The Miler picked up the 10mm hit iho dly iri la in tho sixth Ulopin renrhed he pair or total ll Mls Farrier linmmcd lho only exirubuo hi or Uiupin doubia in iha iiiih Stan Siusiak PICK NAME KANSAS CITY APlChlell ma nlcknamo choun Sllub day In owner Lamlr Hunt or Klnm Cllyl new pro toothall lenm winnm ha American Foothill Lulua chlmplnmhly hill non II Dalln Tollenham drew 11m blood with run In Ihe flu but Ulop In Icored two In lhelr half and another In lha aecond Thny moved ahead 51 with pllr 1n lhu mm and Tollenham noted their final run In the lelh Utopia Pdsts 52 Win Over Tottenham Yukon Eric SECOND MAIN FEMURE WEDIEIIN CANADA CHAMP llnt Innlnl when they mind on on run an hm Ilnxlu an walk they lulled to noon on walk doublo and hit bll ler in the thlrd and thelr b1 chance In the ninth when that collected two Ilnglu vulk Ind lmelnve Nmmltted two man but Slewmn not only one run stowutx lint hmman Lom Armltmnx led Ill hitter wllh Bum fourorient night anud out pnlr at doublet twpIlnzlea Ind also cullectud walk Shortstop Jim Barium nlnllud hll Int three tlmu up then lofted fly ball la Ian Ind Itnlck out or thruorIlvn nlght Think was the only Trun lavu halter tn reach Ba or more than ape hitBanl homer he also hnd our Ippurancem Elmvale Edznr trailed lain Into the nlnlh Innan but scored two runs and had Ihe us In marker on base with only one out but lulled lo Ho um Icon BELCQUM HOT Mo Balcmlrl handcuflcd the Edgar batters with hilly twa hmer both regulated by short llop Gaynes Ho um elm Eggqybalter down 911 glrlkel Ralph Knlpp went the dmnnca or Edgar and turned In II hn peflormnnce Leo Belcnurt was ha bl thorn hi Ilda he dammed two Ilnglu and two dnubles tor nurtorlour nlh Tho lenm exchnnud aInzIa runs In the third mm and Ed Knr took 21 lend WIN run In the Hun Elmvala Had with two nlns In lheIr MI the Innlnl and rallIed or two mnrg In the IleIL ry with two runs In the ninth but Elm vale held an to pin tho win CLOSE VICTORY Thu league Nil nlzhl saw Mlneslnx score wa mm In lhe elghlh lnnlnl to ov momo dellcll Ind pot 54 victory over Elmvnlo Rallel hurler Wen Downey who tool over from Ilarter Jnck Val In the Iaventh plcked up he vie lory Dan McHuxh will thus lay Elmvnle look lead in the rim inning but Minexinl Inor ed hm In the mend to move ahend three run Iith uvn Eimvale the land nnce All but Mlan scored the lie n1 Ind winninl run In Q1 eighth Conlrol trouble wu MCHUhl blues problem He nva up only our hlu but wnlked six In Mlnexlnxn three run wand and anolher free llckat mulled 1n the damn run In an dlhth JOHNNY FOTI Rep1n to All mm can LEI Pickup Dlllvt HOUR TOWN MA NAL suth PA mu VALENTINE STEWARTS GARAGE Blyfleld if

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