IV 10 WCI Xl Nfl NIVI Muvlmlcn kwaumunrwtmflmmupu IIIcl In fun cm an on ran humu an In Scholarship Winners Get PrizeSIn June Mmim III Ilnnl lllnl nl NL null hL luflllln HA IC fan can In can an aunt cu CAI Clmlnl cmmlul p3 TM exnmlnullom III bmd on lhc elcmrmnry Ichml cnuu on hnnwlrdxo current The my nude Schnlm lhlp Award or Group Thm cnnlulnnu arc provided by mm City Cauncll Thm ur lnr Iludcnll who nlltnd Blrrll Ichooll rm IchaoII enlur conlul mm on lho Inml bum coun ty Ichooll ham tho wrillcn cl Iminnllum and he prlu mumy no he mm Exnmlnnllom held May numlcd n1 lnndidnlcs Super Inlandenl MtKIy Tunla Ind Inupcclcr Famusan Alleluannlch Seven award ram £50 In 310 In to group one ccnlcslanls who nunnd Slmcuo County Irhwll with up In Iva lulllma leach Seven almllar awnrd no lo Group Na commnu from cnunly achnol with or more lullAllmo tuchm Schools are Allowed In enltr one pupil 1m evtry 15 undo clzh puplls cn mllld on Much l1 CANDIDATES These uhnlnrshlp are won land by tho counly Awards En la the um county grade duh Iludenll ranklnx hlxhul In Il nreunla marks on wrillcn ex emlnallons in each 01 two mum Wlnncrs the Slmcou Caunly Centenary Scholarship will re celva their prizes ha Juno union of Coumy Council lhe munly nducallon commlllee an nounccd AT COUNTY COUNCIL AT RIGHT In one Ihn CAP rescue crnII Illou will be par the Borden show Examiner Phalns lak In It Trrnlon ROY CANADIAN Mr Fdrcol ouutnndinx nylon the Golden Hawlu wlll In thmuxh lhelr mnnnauvm II Clmp Bordon Wednesday IL moon The Hnwka lhl future nthaction ha null Air Force my Shaw Thu Hawk Ilamd their Ihow May la And will hepar lorrnlnl In Canada and Unilad sum until his In Svplember 1mm 33L mun lull lawn um um um rvLa Pl A4 mlfélnm Inn 40 IV lnll VIIAHII In Inn Cwan by Flynn ll Dunlap AL limit TODAYS STOCK pnICE im nu 1m GOLDEN HAWKS PERFORM KTBORDEN ON WEDNESDAY uNu ili nu um um noun mm nm on on Dan llnru Dnm Tar In um hr mL raw mm mm um maul MN on llud III In Imp rnMru In on am uIHIl AM Mllull mm In Mrqu Mu uuulln Inmmv rm mm mun11m mm Then calm mull mnlu In IvarIa dully thlhl um lent 10 flu or lhemanlh porlndl May II to Oct 15 The In men Illretards le Anlul and flu Shmlhom Item 71 pzcled to nullify on duly walnhl nm ACTIVITY HI rlnh Acllvlly mnlnlnlntd ll rand pm In South Simeon over lhl pml mull wulu Kren nnrllrlpnllnn hy lhu club ms was ueenn Gulnm C115 16 calm mm South Sim cnc Counly haw been nomlnnl cd To quality or entry HI cluh mcmbcn mun mum wlth In lhelr own club ll Inn 75 per cent ol lhn palm nllollrd In Ihe 10 club 9mm Jellcryl Mcmnrlll Award Km lo ha candldalc In each lmup who gun the high mark In lh Ipcclal plpcr Them lhrce Awards are provid ed by flllph Sncmova And The Huronia Historic Slm Ind Touh lsk Aunclallon hlslary and wnrld evtnh In Id dlllun Ill candldnlu hm lo write special pa er Thu Hil lary Ind Gwmp 51mm County Nominate Sixteen Area Calves For Queens Guineas Class The mud rrproducllanl av um flth rm ml nun mm rm ner Ill lhlllnll In an unborn IL Tum II 1m wum 31w ban Mnnlrul flound unuw IIH qu who on nob ml In Icwu Ind whom manln In clllll Chrhlinl Mur pu ml llnhm rlIMr dl OII qul 111 Ind II ol loot ml binl mm tin worm mpullvtly alum by tho mm ID Iddbd In my Inlnrmnllvl ind lnlmvllnl mnlnl rnxlnln fruhmmll Inï¬ pllod by Ina Mn Im mm It downed Illh hum undo mm name 1M pvoï¬lomu In mlnmnlnl hull Then an Mnndly MY Oil kanlnwn HM and rluhl mel Joinlly ll lhu Ilrm nl hm anrh club ludlr lull lum nul al numhm mndu lhl much In Iumu Ill lAInIon rrllldlol nl II flnlry Club Iron on mnlllll Iddlul Inleml through llw ml In mnlllh tonllol mph um Club luder llnu Fmor IIVI III nxullrnl IliumMan 0m prlnclnln HI Ivallnblllly nulrlcnlu ï¬rmed In cn lhnl pruvcnlrd nulrlenll mm becamlnl uulul to flu pllnl Jnck Wlllur ludrr lh unln Club mlnud om lha rw llm lhll lha Inner mud do In mulnlnln load lulllfly pro rim Thu function mum and Im pnrlnnu he nulrlrhll In lull wm dIIcuued by Normln Soul HI oulllned lhc lmpnrb In melnl Hm In Ill mm um In mu nmounl at plnnl nod requlrad lor mul mum produnllun Eldon Cublll demorulrllrd lhl Vlrlaus lypu null Ind lho Importance of bath knd In crop roducllon Exnmplu ol emu YD ware on dllplny In cllflly my conluxlon which mlzht occur In he Nolrnwunn am an Mly 154 he Nolllwnlgn Cum nnd Grlln club met It flu or Hull In Slnyner Interest wu nrmmd In memhm lhrouzh lhc well prepmd Ind presented Illkl Even by tho purllclpmnl lndlvl Ill membm nslhlo for Iucml In meelnu In dm Jelroryl pnlnllng whlch Inscribed Ind becoms the new my the Ichooll whlch pm pixed the wlnnlnz puplll Mr Snclgmvc also resent each of tho winner wit prln ha da nllal The JcHeryI Mem oriul Trophy Awarded to lhe pupil clung Ihu hlzhut 111HK In um paper Tho Hillary And Geography Slmcou Connly rcmnlna In that puplll Ichool lnr om yur Whllo Iver Cochrlnv ylons Cloudy wlh Ihnwerl by Allcrnoon nnd cnnllnulnl In Inlm 1me cloudy Ind much toaler hudny Wlndl north cm tonight Ind Tumu Thomu Landon KHchmr Toronto lmrhom lnnlon XIIIloo Mullah Norm Sudlmry lrllan Knpumllu Whlll luv Ilrmnnu nmminl hull 51m Mir Mounl hull ol hnvlu mnmhm nd lud dlltunlanl In lhl dwilnpc Hum Ind lud or lniuorraw Mnlnl FontIll Gmrllln Iy Ind Luke Brio Ind Huron South to Iaulhuul wind 15 knoll Pmly cloudy becominl cluudy wllh Ihnwm nmdly marnlnl hmul Trmpmtum luv to huh mmm ruinm Norm Ely Sudbury Sun 51 Mme Cloudy wlh Ihowm lo nlnhl Cloudy Ind room wnh ncgulonll nln Tuudly wind Luke Onhrih re llonx Imlllom Toronto Mllnly cloudy with Ihuwm Ind mllmd lhundmhnwarl Tue dly with much lhu umn em pqllurql lndn Bay llnliburtnn rl lam Cloudy with Ihawen Ind Iclllmd hundarlhnwurl and mu cooler hmdly Wind noughwm 30nllld Anoplllx The parslsllnl lllgh pruauro area that ha brought many and warm weather to much of Ontarln the Ian law dnyA wlll mova eaxlward out Iha pmvlnca luuduy lo be re plaud by dlalurbanca muvlnl eastward lrom lha Dakolu Showery weather wlll apread over mu ol lhn pmvlnco nxcsday as clearlnz lake plnca In northern raglan Lake St Clnlr Lake Erie Lake Huron rulons Wlndlar tendon Cloudy wllh Ihowm Ind muered thunderbower lanlghl Ind hmduy not null so warm hmdny Windl noulh up 15 Tuugay Forum Issued by lhu Tare onto wnlhor olflto It THI Am II Thoma 50 don hmr ho him so nlllnn Cnhlrlnu be onto nhomu 10 Mon 45 do WEATHER Pflii BALLPLANINGMILL OB 7n Barrie Had Trafï¬c Iatal CAMPAIGN DINNER YMYWCA vnlunmr wlll bur mum lhc dlnnu lhll mnlnl II II Cnnllnqnlll Inn llru 11m quar lel hu mmd In any compul Hon Ind wu lht only lldlll qu rm 10an swam EXECUTIVE MEMDIB Mchhh ol llmlu wu eluud II III oculle mum Onlnrlo lunch lm In Plumbing Ind Mch II Cont lorl Almlnllnn mulln Iul unit In North HOCKEY MNQUET Tlm llnrlo drhmmn of Tormlo MI Lu ol ml NI poclod to ha nun Inc hnchy bun II Inni Cammunlly lllll 11ml II no pm Ely Winning llnl prlu wu nwkl mm rm lmm Now muku men yrlu wu mm Tho Burle Bell lldiu gun lhl IImany Blllu hlpler nl lllrmony Inc com pclud Frldly mnlnl ll Iho Schombm Alrlcullurll rlnl FnIr In the fllrberahop ur Compellllanl and won nun Slnxlnl In ha quirm um Mu Phynll Dmn anon Mlu Muion Gaulh lend Mu sur Iey SMIIWIH hlrllom Ind Mn mt pm mm axmn MONDAY MAY fl ma Emit Clly Pollen Chlel Ed Tlchlrhul Ind OPP Corpornl Hollham Joined form In conxrnlulaunz the ugler unn n1 éhu motorlsu aver tho week an Chle Tlchlrhurl uld an thnl morn Ind morn amillu In malorbu Ind planning lher vnuuanl lll mlth to In that moiorhu In 1er con Icloul Corpom Hallhlm expremd the lame oplnlnn and both men laid lth hopod thll nkly nu luda would continua during the aummer SIR Andrew nd Cook both or In 51 Blake Bull Vlclnrll Harbor an ending mhour mum on to Iupervlslon come In he overll plln denimled to lmpmvo pollen work nld sun Scrum Evmnfllckl of Baffle Thu comIo ll liven by North Western Unlvmltyl mm Dov pnflmnnt nllmla Ind at pra unk is being lvan to Ill HI and ml urzunll mo Tha Iecnnd elm hexn thll naming the policemen Will turn to hair rexpocllvo dalnch manta week mm Fflduy chh relumud In Fridly HI wu In 47mln elm The mum mm Introduction prlnclpiea humn relations ev aluIUan ol pmonnul Ind alher rflilled upecu of palm IIIleV xon EightyJouxAyenrold ThomI wAdswmlh 15 Dunlop 51 died It 213 pm Mly ll anu hlvlnu been bumped by car the pravloun day nld Chlel Ed Tlchlrharl Chlel Tlchlrhan uld lhll re mlled In blood do on hll hlp HI wn lo the hospllll um next morneu nld the Chlel lo we Iboul hh hurl cogdlllon He uldlhh wan Iha mond freak Accident in almost two years In Ihe 1m fatality ld Enrrle dnr hld hit the mar end or truck Ind the driver hell out the truth dour Ind natured MI nkull landed onJhe pavement Thi Inlll lccldenl occur rcd Any ml 17110 drlvnr of flu ur in hll Mr Wadworth wu Thoma Huzyard Barrie Only three minor accident were recorded by tho Blrrl OPP detachment In melr Am Ind no IECIangl 191 hgckyi Two Engdo OPP detlchmenl Ieruelnls are one buck In Ichml lhlkl twweek mum It lhu Nmnlo OPP Col Banla had It In lll lul flcflfglclldent on Myl According to police Mr Wldswarlh wu crossing Dunlap Illeel wzsl near Bradford most and Wu bumped an the hip by car Barrie Belles Capture Prize Tn Competition Quiet Weekend Please Police OPP Attend 70Hour Course n0 IMMII all MI Inn on mm In All Mir In an IIIM Mun In In mm mu git Aï¬ntjrgw Ind 51 Co Lid PA Id Alcorn who hu boon mnnn er of the Barrie ol llco of The Elorllnu Irum Corrarn Ion rcllnquhhlng hll yolllion on mount mill mnl health Shula hu bun ngpnlnml mm or In nucmd Mr Alcnrn Mr Shula hu m1 moclm with lhc Corpor nuan or ovum yum Iho Qumet smlnl In rlu rut Flllh In in nurdcd lo mln comedy mum Tho Opllmllll lrom homMrl Id lo lhu fluent Four mm rm and lhlrd prlu wu won by lulnnom mm Tor In All Hull ho quulm mcmhm thlplm In BPEHSQSA flocmy or lhc Prr Illop In Fan mm TM Bunla Model Mrylm Club hu hld rough qu in nu at uni nuver rally at on untll lumen whun II MIA mm mm n1 uuan Th mend bunkIn reporlld wu ll Gordon MrNIbba r0 Ildtntl ll 10 Alonndcr Si Mn Mchbb nld ml Mr Cl thln old pollco In houu around mo In lhu Imrnoon Ind nlurnod horlly Mary Mm More than 512000 hu been collected and Camp Borden no celpla not In yeL Mn Dlrd nld lhoy wlll be In Ihnrtly Ind when they Ire llsl he donlllnnl dlalrlct by dimch will bepubllheql Hembm In the Cincin Secl dy Phll Sum pmldcnn pardon LIrkin vlctpruldenl Thlcvu hud bun llmo ov er tho wtckend In or lhelr elLarlrlqde all yllh onlylua The In rrporl um In 1040 last nlxhl mu Angelo Clurchlll haul on Sml SI Ind been broken lnlo by Hcklnl In tho back door Corporal nu Nollhwly nld nothing MI mlnlnl lram Mr Cnnrchlnl home but lhu houu mined The Burl Cancer Fund cam pamn has been mucus Ind lhe mm ha been ruchcd Mu Joan Blrd unll lemury lald today The um 2960 Ind Cum pnlzn olllclnh col lhll with man lhln 311000 counted and Clmp Borden Illll lo be heard tram there In Hula mm Kim ï¬n bean ruched Banla Model Airplane Club held ll laudh meet or um ul lon ll Blrrle Airgun yummy More um um maple watched the llltle flowered plane cavnrtad dived loopedthtIoup Ind rumed lowud elch other like Angry falcons In the Iky Don Nut he cluh ralnllonl cum1 nld the club lrled 01a 0an be lore In year some member beam discouraged beuuu hey had no plm to fly lhelr pllnu 19 use Club inunben were ï¬rmc the demonmluon Ind ylemd with Indiance Mellon Banin Airway um lo lha rescue Ind Inpplled 1qu or the cluhl permillad mem ban to us 11 huh implement Sllelm mun Incepllncs Ar II Enrrleu naw school zon llm meted month no nelr anz George School concern Chum Wilson chllrmln of Die Flre and Trunk Commu lee and James uwe Banla mum Supervisor umd Iodly um the luck public mellon la the nuw mnrker mun thll the comunlty 1n meal pleu ed yelopmeqt Scnrborouuhl recent upcr lento with STOP lem In French thawed Lhnl people do not her lute lo speak up when they ï¬ll man with ll laken by tram department nld Mr Lows Crost Are Increasing At Model Plane Meets EarleLM3el Agrplgqg Cluhlgnd machlncry lpclydlnl pawn depéndlnx on he type Mn New School Zone Sign Meets With Approval Cancer Campaign Is Success Three BreaksIns Only One Theft ALCOIN Thu mnuuo mum Corpémlon VIIIIII HAIRCUTS home no In cuh wu Ilnlcn Thu whoh homo dim bedroom lha Hvlnl room kll then cup Ill wm lurned lnlida cu Mr llulchln Ian Na vululblu wm Ilulen from MI place lh Md hi home or only coup nl hourl NEH Hulchlnw 105 Vancouv ITS wunl Io lucky There our hunches In the am and lhalr nmldsnu Mn Bun Bellon Mn Malmlm Camp Borden Drcnnln Allhlnn and Veih T611lnhlm lred lo pry the mllk door open hul um they couldnl huh door knob She uld the lhllvu or lhlel klrked In bedroom mean and 1qu ll bedroom and machlncry lncludlnl pawn lawn mower and cleanlolly Men At thu Banla AlrMyl whose lnlcmt and help aparkud new life into the club In Guy Lnroque Jlm Palky Ind Murray Pull Mr Mellon uld WI un do lhlnn wllh the model Ilrplnnu lhlt Ill ulna olrplnno clnt do We cln do the oullldu loophn in looy with the bottom plane on the Inside of the An mull Ilrplono cant do breuuu It would tear lhe wlnu If ynu mwhlnklnz In lnln model Ilrplnne Apart you an kit or tho mu type model or as law 150 and Ihe lourenllna bomb er so as high Is 60 or klt flu Iveru kl mt than It lake from few hour up to our month In build one Mr Lowe explained thll 1h lign compromlm black lettering on reddishorange background Tho hue paint Ilmllar Io lhll uud In nixplane marklnu Ind and campaiin chnlrman Dr Smith lecreury Rory Danll publiclly chalmun Mn IL Whnrlon wumenl urvlu chllrmun Dr Hullnzl educnllun chnlrmlm Mn Mnhel Mgljlhlll locil cyglrmnn Dlmlnrl Mn Willard Klnlle Mn Vllh lulu Moore Mn Ll Rouer Mu Islbclle McConllh Pele Mllu pm nmldenl Mn Joan Blrd Unh tccrelnry Ind Don Klnloch ulcnllnn Ind mplnlmnnce chllrman You nama ll and they luv It to uld non Mellon pruldunl ths club wen slandlnn under lhl um um rubllc mlzhl ell ma lhnl they ked lha naw Ilm but not olherwlle noted Mr wn The Fire Ind mflic Com mluea in pleased with who xlm ha continued 1H done enough in coior In mud out iih STOP Iizn bill in distinctive in ii own rluhl We hope In associna he mlnr wiih school inléha mind 1h public In In $100 JOHNS Dunlap Barblr Shop IHUTI Mum The builtIn convonlono of the Down live you go Inywhero mval no dom whmvor you WI sturdy road woven con nlrucllon bullt In with mu moduli mum that when you buy luv or ran hnvo bought ha bML MHIM LIMITED OFFER Duvln Mn 21 Jun All Mw me TuHrrI Inlul Ill luchd In hmoul REESE mm llul lhu ul cu ry llenu llvrll Lot un lnlroduco you to Um fluent qunllty travel tulle in Clnuln todny dependlnx on he type Mn Mellon any you can learn to bundle one well enough to an It In the ah und do straight with miller ham Bul takes more praclfce In an lhu more complicated It he gayu New membm In the BunII Modal Airplma Club we come Ind the experts are al wnyl willlnu lo live now mem ber hind Everyonu nu chance to fly th plum 1mm lhl 501 lo the oldest Al and of the met last lum mer lhere were demnslrauonl mrachule jumping Ind nun mm the Airport whlle the model Ikpllne gm lhcir blu demomlruuan at tho yur In the small circle where my 019 planes On Jun 11 ht Scout Molhm 2nd mm wul nuln um lht tub nnd mull plcnla ll Sprhuwnm Plrk Member mun be 14 yam ug or ovgr uufo pllnu my to of ubout mo mry Sunday when the weather sultahle They cunnol be 1an In hllh Winda The munlclplllllu ol Blddlt lard Ind Orchlrd Belch ln lh sun Mnlno have been experv lmunllnz with th llgnl nld Mr Iowa Burl the Int centre ln Ontario to use the Ilznl Em example has been Inlluwed by East York and lawn near London Tnmnrrow ll lnmlly mm or St Andrewl 2nd Emll Boy Scoull Tho Scaulerl wlll lulu Ml opporlmlly lo ncqullnl par enu Ind Icon lrlendl wlh plum lor Troop Summer Clmp lo be hald Aux ll Dhlrlcl Camp Wlldmn Mmlnull col our lllm of Jublm Jambom ln ErynId m1 wlll be Ihnwn cm be en lrom well our two hundred mt THE THE LEAD Most other Onlario munlclp IXllle continue In uu tha blul achml sign laid Mr lawn You ware on top of the blue one be lorlq you nollced Mn Wilson uld Ald Earl Williams concurred The now lixn is good and much helm Ihan ha old ML Lowe nld um plum call for another lo bu erected in the west end of lhu clly II Na 11 lehWIy and Burton avenue ll will wnrn plug malarial um Ihay In mm Klnu Edward School Although could he Illll helter Enrrlol lrafllc record over the In two yenrl an envlahle one uld Mr Lowe Thua II no len why flu hi metropolllan ccnlm Ihould be left In lakv he mi in seeklnl to whet method rattle control and may Sctnnd Elmo Scout Troop Invelled ln Hormhoa VAHoy near Ednr or Sundly Inu nogn hlke Patrol booking Ind Ilznalllnl mhdnn wu lhe ham hlke Seoul Slum Win Ind Hugh nolhner pulled Indlvlrhul In 11mm Ind cookiul mu IV Gordon Ind Stun WI mind lm monl Scouts Complete Outdoor Tests Going Places RUSSELL CHURCH MOBIL HOMES No Hwy Scum Ml