Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1963, p. 11

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Im culvnéLm or n10 Mk mo rm Tel hour PA Hm mmlu lar unhu Inrormnunn lurlhlr lnlnlo PA mu Donal mum duor Illdlap VJ lulamulc lwo Iona cu buck Tellphunl Dud om moment was Good mom 51 nun Incl can1 Ion 1000 mnu um um rt but an all Mnhnnu ncu dur PA MW lac1 30L You GET coon DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford PA 85071 Buy new car now with lowcon llIalnxured SCOTIA PLAN JOAN nu BANK OF NOVA scom mmrm ru mm CASH TRADE TERMS AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 25 Aster milklnz with new Drum 100 mics milkcrl Barrie Holly Hwy 27 PA was uni um or mu uh Am 15 Elm Lon Apply nunrt up unm RH Emma onluln or liphnn Elmuh in Morn Ind mm paullrymw an choallni DEKALB PULLETS Started randy to lay and dry old chlckl Order now or early Order dllcounL For mm or hnly an your poultry problem cull Cram Hunlrr CRAIG HUNTER POULTR FARM LTD STROUD PHONE 77 QIMNHTV ma Ill loan hly or IIXI Avrly MIG m1 Ill 5m manum Fun Farm Supplies Service Case Nam Hallnnd David Brown Bully Farm Equipment IM BURTH M37 FARMERS MARKET Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESING MINESING MOTORS HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE WANT TO BE HAPPIEE DRIVER CHARLES CHURCH DEKALB PULLETT POULTRY CHICKS FARM MACHINERY FEED sun GRAN 176 Bladford Street WI will my you THE HIGHEST PRICE IN TOWN FOR YOUR ORV HARDY MOTORS LTD EVERYTHING Buyth hr mm 054LG DONT GIVE YOUR CAR AWAYI SELL lTl IS HERE DLbrvAlIlloNtn lily ma Pu Uu Illa ilddlu llnnu Ind Ponlll lulom Zvnlnl ump flrl Ind nlrelhmenll lonhunl ON am Tillman MI 010 Imlnn whrmw WENT Wm dHy rnmmuler ml Ind summ2 MIA Rummy Ind Don Mxl vrlnlly ulnpnonn PA £71101 CIU PA Hut Any of mu hm clnssmcd adllkcru wlll OI am mm yo with your EDDY 52 mm vltkflw lnlck Wlll lrldl or mum MW at Ilud Inch lumhn elepnnnl Emmi ll IHIII ll lfler mm 510mg 19 Vlngauvcr nn mum 1y my fiouiu Icr nFz mm papal wrm Box In mm FORD Flllllnl Cnnverllhln In lumllll Md wllh muchlnl mm or lfllomlfl rlnlmlulon cul Vlom mm mm will um wln dew wuhtrl Ind hickHP mm mulmm nnrnwnlr on down Ind mu 1th blhncl 55 Mr mnnm PA lNIL VANGUAIID out due ndln In cull color Wllh mllthlul ln lulnr 1mm nrluml mun 0n lull ownr Cunom nfllfl whlll vun um Ind willan wuhon An mumKy nod buy II wllh 10 down PA 310 wmn In nunn lulu WHII mmnm mum up um um cull1m mun winan will mm mm low law mm with 1076 down PA PERSONALS BALAXXI fmu door In llllmlnl blink wllh Md lulnrlur Autumn lrllumllllan wllnm IIdluY Ill mw whlu will Hm Ilely pldded duh Ind ll bolll on own or In Immuu can amen hm with 10 down PA 19 um cu mumncn Ill mu parmu drlvn 11mm my drlvu numnu III DI éllfllm IIIEII COVIII my In Co ll Cumu ll DODGE Inn In caca brown with lln lnllfluh Automa lle lnlnmllllnn cullnm ndlu VI mulor Ill DIV Whlll Wlll Ilrll Mum ll um ha lumenm zufindown 1J0 vu momh PA nu cuivnuuu um um um lllndlld Irlnunlnlnn kl malot now In nu Extnun condlllnn um um Rummy print phonl PA Hon Pflel £1450 Print It Tlhphunl llroud unal ma rommc mum mumr Illndlrd tummlon lmmlcufno comman me am lnll mllu him In com um mgfmud wumn Tunmn MAKE AN Fill ll Buick or Pour dour hurdle with mlny Ime Nun body work Tch Men 914 II VOL IW IIINIIUII mum ndlo wandu wuhm Law milAu WU In oldr ur Ind um or Ill suoua MR4 Jul munm xmqunngm luk wnlon qu um um 7w uln mow llnl din wlndlhkld wllhorl on awnr Ileolhnl candmon Ttlwhonl PA um AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKS TRAILERS mun Imlnn Wunn cu nu man or in down wukly TIuphem PA CAR PA 84272 xrmmNcIn momma or Inn opcrllor Mun nu to man 11 mm mm mm work In Drum labhlnl my run nnudm plm burmu nu mnml mm emylcymenl mm Phon nr wrll mm lldlnl thlm Limited P0 Ilul urm um quulrra Immedlnlcly 404qu week onerous holldly and vlullon nay mu rango NHL Apply milmud Mm um An IXPANIIINO qulu um um lllulmtn and Ill npunnunlly ll you It yllrl or older Ind hm lmgllaf Int Autuuy Wfl Ilu MECHANICS FOR GM DEALERSHIP We pay $240 per nu ma hour Beneflu Include pnld slalu lary holldlyl mum 0n mm Hospltll PM And medlcnl llle lnsunnce plln wear vacnllon plm other lrlnn ben cflla Write or call SERVICE MANAGER AND CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE 110 77 Avenue Rand Torunla Ont 91H CIRCULATTON REPRESENTATIVE Young man up to 21 you of age with pleasant perv sonnmy and easy manner Applicant must luye chnu for licence This posltlon often In ex cellent chance or ndvancm ment Full companybene ms erto to HINT FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Clmlfled Ada or terrlflc urnlture Ind up pllance bargains PERSONALS We mu Io HELPWANIED LEARN HAIRDRESSING Govunrnlnl Chlmnd School Thorough lmmnl Ill bran chu ol mm cullun DEHWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY 51 PA mu BOX 99 BARBIE EXAMINER WOMENS coLUMN 113533 affirm 3mm mu MALE HELP DeVflblsa Canada Ltd Bnrrlc Ont INVITES YOU INQUIRE ABOUT THEIR CLASS SHEET METAL MAN PHONE PA 85541 CLASS WELDER BEAVER LUMBER PRAB PMCUT JUILT IPBCIHCATIONI 121 BRADFORD IT Ind YOUNG MAN In wnrk hum to Ivlnlnll Cull will could kind wnrk Plllu It PM PA 4111 PAXNTXNOMI of Dllnllnl dam V011 Inn ulll nu zm tllnl Infllbll rvct lnllrlor cur Clll llln II PA Mmet Ind Duconulu lvru In Low mu lrn mu pnm IfA c6901 For Want Ad MmDLI AGI Coup lo Mk II II bulldlnl Hr flnL Wm III II filrrll nun EMPLOYMENT WANTED THIS SPACE AVAILABLE CALL PA 82414 la in 1001 Illlr dandnn Ind pixIona MunMid Infill hr 1th lm armuon IXINIHI PA CAIIUIWWAITRII wlnltfl Illa DUIMIG cook Tullphnnl FA or Ipply ll Dunlap Elnl CAPAILI nounwork PA Hill COMPANION Kan Id or on lld Illllb widow LVI In InnII lllmlllr SALESWOMAN IN BARRIE Lona ultblilhed Barrio Ilrm require uluwomu lo ItIl by elephone Ind perlonll con act with local human nub Ishmenll This hIIlcnllnx union with excellent opportunly or Idvnncermnh Some knowlodn lyplnl In lmL APPLYIN WRITING 10 BOX 11 BARBIE EXAMINER PA824l4 IO HELP WANTED AVON CALLING MATURE LADIES An no barrier your own qmblliun II he key to mom with AVON Cu much eru Mrs Wllkll Thomron 5L Bum or an PA mil MALE FEMALE DNACK BAR FEMSMil Service Ulfll or well Mult Ilvl TI Dial NOW OPEN HURONIA DRIVE IN THEATRE Open Days Week ALWAYS BIG FEATURES ADMISSION 75c Chlldnn Under 12 Your FREE SHOW STAN AT DUUK Most Anything AUCTION SALE Wednesday May 29 at pm sharp FOR ESTATE OF THE LATE II LANGE la 11 cancnsslon Essa Township one mlla Wed Ivy Villugm and 15 miles mum SALE Rculslercd Jersey enl Lle bulk corner mllklnz equip menl Ihccp hluh elm nrm machinery grnln Ind toms househald mom form mil no reserve lhc lurm told and the mm mm ha Icllled Tewnehlp School Are ol Oro lnvllel lender for theirno partition oi public Iehool pupil ior the following router Roule 16 miles El pupils Roulezlalri miles 55 pupils Route miles 11 pupilI RoulHa mllu puylla The Ibovo are ille epproximnle pupil loud end milem Sealed marked lender will be reeelved by the undersizned up lo oclock JUNE 11THV 1965 All buses mm coniorm wllh the regulations The Depart ment oi lrenspori be driven by operator approved by he school board and Idequllo in surance carried by owner Furlher particular peneininz in proposed route may be obtain ed from the undersigned Lowest or any tender no Mew Inrlly leceplcd JOHN 5cqyTreal l3 AUCTIONVSALES DAN 1962 may number 570m will number 15515 11055 MONARC SEDAN 111 number ms mas CRAIGHURST GARAGE Crnlzhum Outr104 111E ndvarllaemonl ed In hm Issue 01 rlu Exlmlner 1195 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1M2 llcenm number 103390 Iarlal number 1814321 11951 FORD COACH II we number Hum mill pamper 55mm number csvnmxem 131351 M51 AMBLER sa wishNT To now sums MECHANICS MEN ACT 1180 1050 Ch tar 227 Section The underlined win wll flu allowing car to mover low Fhllrld Iller 12 NW lEGAl ancss Want Ads GARAGES Junny gouaan 0rd Smlon om SELL Auctlonecr $259 FROM PA mm 11 Sugar country lhal tx porLs 300000 Inns yearly cur Inn brand clnmlu mulchcs Ind lawline wtro scam and For llve weeks sun mllls bauxlle mlncl Ihe dockl lhu railroad Ind alrpum were shul down In In aleumlnz colony on lhe norlhzasl cons ol South America Faw walked or cycled 1n Ihe 51ml where office bulltl my and Inhan wm ihullared Last week ncznllnlorl re ported possible compromlse agreement between unlnn lead 11 and novernmcn on the III pulud labor relations blll nu ma alrike could 10 all while hey argued aver pay and mrvlcllm lzallkon term lorha rcum In war Opbfiillun pnllllcnl radars hoped Illa slrikc would topple lhu harrled premlcrl govern menl AI nod ran Ihnrl many cared hungermoflvalcd rlollnn mlnhl break out other looked for breakdown ol Jnganl nurves GEORGENWN BrltlshGul anu APlFor flve week lhlx Brillah colony has branded In bmcr deadlock bnlwccn Pre mier Chcddl Juan and 40000 workcrg ldje In gqnernl mike mm Pollco uld Duzuly tether three left hotel on the shots nl lhu rlver wlth III wlle Lynn 23 lhartly utter pm For some reason he klckcd all Ml that and dlvcd lnln Ihe wulcr going under shortly helm ruchlng the plat TIMMINS CPIPallet and firemen tinned lhe Mltlanml River Sunday or the body of Ronald Duauay 25 who leaped fully dolhad Into the river Sal urdy night In an attempt to awém lee to generals wiel2 He told nominalln conun Hnn or Nickle Bell rldlnu that such deplrlment would only mull In further buckpus lnuf The need In Iur ballet gavemment nu more mum mm Mr MacDonald Thu new depnnmenl wu pro Wscd by Liberal Luau John lnlermam at pmvlnclal nomlnnunz convention here Iwu wagkl The convention Sutur dny nomlnlled Ed LBW Io content the ml or tha NDP In lhe next provincial elecllon The seat In vacn1 SUDBURY CWDonald MacDonald Omlrlo lander ol tho New Demacrallc Party uld Saturdly scrimIla pm vInclal de artmenlfor develor men mum Onlnrln wand be mu of time River Is Dragged Etlflénfs Body Food Runs Short As 40000 Strike BetterGovtf Says MacDonald FREI BRAKE TLSTTNO ALL WORK GUARANTEED CALL TODAY BRAKE OVERHAUL FOR SUMMER DRIVING The TUC wnnled anln ellher lo wlhdraw lhn Ml or accept Iafczuardl or Independent rep rmnlauun on he proposed Ia bor ralallons board Oppoxman pallllclam wanted Juan In re sixn ThuU5 educated 45 yearold dentist Eu Indhn orlnln rclusrd to quit omen But 11 week hn wn rcporled baw lng lo Inborl dqmnndl lar nrficndmcnu MI hm The TUC called the strike over labor bill whichit laid would give Jgnna luvcrnmcni power to determine which bar gaining unions the employer nhouid recognizer Hi1 ion In pccied hc laugh canlrai ovzr labor in move toward dic inlarship ihgy paid would im Strikers peace iui resistance with extraordi nary discipline where six per sons were kiiicd in rlolinl aanlnsl Ihe government in Feb ruury 1962 Their leaders in he Trade Union urged them In rcirainirnrn violence that might deprive hem oi vic cry rose ll firfllah Gulana gained wage undgr 7h rule runnlnu uut Jnunnl govern mEnI had tnlled to break the slrlk emeruency powers HAVANA ANSeveral hun dred Russlnn men women and chlldrcn len Havana Saturday on the Soviet passenger llncr Mari Ullunown apparently bound or home Most them appeared la he mlddIengcd passiny technician or advisers to the Cuban government Enund black hear was aha and tiled police mnalablea Sun day all alter it wandered into ruiaentiat area at this was cm Quebec city The bear had broken hind icl and palica be lieve it let nearby Gailneau Park bccausu it was having iroubla hunting load RECEIVE DEGREE KINGSTON CPD Twenty ana graduate in liaw were araniad degree Saturday dur ina law medicine and nuralna science convocation ceremonies at Queena Univerlity here GIVE FREEDOM EERN Switzerland Reuters Switzerlands allmain elector atu valed Supda la give the government me am to choose whcthar thla neutral nallon ahould accept nuclear weapon socialist hackediniiiaiivc calling on mm to rule that lhe aavemmenz must an to the nation for appraval it it decide in acquire atomic armament was massively rejected 50458 to 273355 moor Bean cm lnlrodurlnl lhc Nu rmuuru JORY MOTORS mm NEWS IN BRIEF Mani EXAMNEII MONDAY MAY 21 ms 105 BAYHELD ST The Car Page WM lo mk indcpcn im his while ruled Airican couniry Field laid reporters he expect to win the British navernmcnt agreement to independence but it may mi come right away END CONFERENCE OXFORD Enzinnd AP Trude union leaders irnm Bril Iln the United Siaieu and Cam ndn wound mnlercnce Sun day determ ncd lo work iar more rinse beneiiu luch in paid vacalians yensiom and medical services They agreed ii that union ehouid men or beneiiu to be made Inni ienbiu when an empioyel cnunxu Jobs This may said In conference Iiniement would usual mnbiiily ni labor in an en rapid technical than QUEEN BENDS MESSAGE LONDON Reulen Queen Eiilabeih in message 40 Cum monwealth youlh Sunday called for worldwide bruiilerimd which could amend Ill be rien ai dielence rice creed and rim Her mango wn read Ipecinl yuulh urvice in Commnnweaiih countries BUYS WIFE ACCRA Ghana APlUnlted Staiea Peace Coma volunteer Dan Carmody handed over £1 mo in his future iatherlniaw Saturday and becalhe niiiclally engaged to Ghanaian Kiri In irldillonal heirothal ceremony Carmody also presented hla bridetebe 21 year old Grace Ahenla Oparebea Del with ring and Bible He in white and his iiancea II Nun UHOE DEFMNCE GLASGOW Scotland AP An orlanilatlon calllnii itself Scoia aninat War diatrihuied lcaileta in Glasgow Sunday urg ing banthabnmh aymoathlzerl in der iorcea oi law and order nnd wreck Ihe ataiea war ma chine Tho lifltish government branded iha leafleta aoditloul and laid it wok ihe gravest view oi their diatrlhution DlNAll SHORE MARlllES MIDLANDS Calli AP Songslreaa Dinah Shore aurg prlaed almost everyonevexvcpt her two children and ahap named Maurice Smithby getting married Sunday The children were there And it was Maurice Smiih she married VOTE AGAINST STRIKE DAGENHAM England illeu ierslTransporl union worker have voted at mnss mcrling against strike at he Ford plnnt here ending seven month light over the tiring of 17 menulhe declainn Sunday by malarity oi members oi the Transport and General Workers Union which has 10000 menin ihe plant avoided another shut down oi iha limoworker lace tory wracked by labor sirlia for we years SEEKS INDEPENDENCE LONDON API Premier Wlnslun Field of Suulhern mm desla arrlv IAndon SundBy

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