TO llnm DOLLAR VANCOUVEII lllFrdrul Funtry Mlnlller ll Nlclmh Inn laid Frhlny llm mvw LII ml nrcrumrnl will do urrr lhlnz III Ill In In inn tho lml nl ho nnudlnfl dqllnr lm law In nl lhc Amtrlcnn dollar In no Cnnmlnn ml rmw my mm wru rnnler mu lhal Hun Ml been nrnler unurl volumo m1 lmm mm nnmlnu mulllmlllnn ulnllnr Innl In IIulv In 1an L1 mnnllll mulnry Munu lhll mun Ufa mud donu Ho clemd up Ihln mnllcr by vllinn Ml lam all In Arm ml hen huyinl Inn prnpnly uk or lnm Hvldtnu nhawed ml yrnr Itrr baunnl hl prupmy hack nun Innlrurtlanl In mike ha In to Mime and Mn nlnn hnrd now Mrl Newlarr Mn nyer II In 2mm and In Nwlove Ila lrndnnl In In rmm ullan or flu pro mty John lelnnxlon munul It lrn Noxlarr uulnnlunl TM man MI ruln comhlrrnllnn mm Hm hnmnn In In mall at 1mm and lmlnlni Jmllrc Ml annxl will nnm uilh yam n1 hr rum mnn mm In rnnrrmcd but Diary of new laws nnd new uwnmhl wu ravnnlcd In Su premv un hm yellcrduy Mn Marlon Boyer widow milk Jvhn Boyer brought Ic Ilon Igalml Audrey Ncwlave larmuly known Ill Audny mm mm or doclnnlfon In xll prrty Ir nyncr nl Orvllll uhn naytr bought propuly In luymr and bull nrnnn on II wnl lhen In dun nbonl lhu Tvm boy from Johnson public uhool are the flu In Barrio YMCA gold rib bonl iar covering l0 measured milcs in the walking challenxu xumd recenin under auspic Ted Robinson ll 41 Shnnly Bay Rd And Dill lilncthon II Steel Si not llulr gold ibbcnl Friday Bath oi lhem covered he lo miles inlcrvnll during lhnlr spun lime ha pnsl iivo dayl Once Iccnmpnnlcd by their irarher lillllns lhcy rov AW un rrcd hullmile In mlnum Brings Suit For Declaration 0i Ownership Of Property What Ihe boy wnnl to do In Mn lhn plnquo In bu prracnltd Allen wlll larrlve at Camp 30mm by hallcaplnr Illa rmored Carp parade squm 1130 am He will be met by MalnGm George Kllchlnz enlnl Command Brig Mnogk Ind he cammandnnl the WAC School Col Hadley Vallcrl Followlnl he olllclal clcoma he rwlll revlew 50 uuvau RCAC car cadell Mn llen wllX then be ahnwn cmanslrmun rudiatlon mun lorlnz aqulpmenl Ind naviga Durlnl Ms tlvehnur stay In ha 2000 camp he wlll be shown how luldlm are trained at live specialist schools vim an unlqu military museum and be lhe lies honor Royal Canadian Armand Carp lunch eon Iwo Barrie Boys Are In Lead In Contest For Walkers Plaque wartlmo army nmccr who served with the Queens York Rangers overseas and nuw an ofï¬cer In the supplementary reserve Mr Allen ha accepted an Invitation by the camps commander Brig Wlllla Maoik to see trnlntng and Actlvtlle at mllttary lchoola win mg TRAINING Chulrmnn Toronto Metro polllan Councll wllllnm II Allen wlll be an honnrcd guest at Cam Eorden on lILx ï¬rst Ilclul vslt Tuesday Metro Chairmdn To See Training At Camp Borden BENTLEY AND COMMNV ll Colllu S0 Sum 01 PA Mm DUCK Tomato Slxcnrd ananln Inwyer and nulhor mm m1 hook on Inw rnlnflnl loznl pomIon and owntrMp properly nppennd tar Mn Dyer Thu cm wu tel om unlfl Monday hm In nuldod by common Inwtmx common game lmbk Coll Il may We Ish we had more ol conical Ell MacPhorlun laid man now no one In wllhln 51x mm us Wed Ilka to walk away with lho pln ue not run away wllh It he dad lly noon Friday the boy hld upped their mllcagn lotnl lo Thcy have all aummrr lo ranch lhclr goal Mlhauzh lha llm walk mmurcd mllu excur IIun mm tho Ive comer up Bnyflcld st nllmtlcd much en Ihullnsm lho boy nld com pelillon hnl Ilnce Indod ley So them hul worn in Any I113 Mumma In numb No In you Mum and you ul IN yum lo he first wnlkm Io reach the so nmrk noon program In cludu demomlrauan um nmllcx and Judo In my At the Armored Corp lundlean which follow will meet Cam Harden Icnlur omccu and mice and student nfllcen ol lho llhOOI DgpxonmmoN Terrmta shun llann air now used by Irmored vehicles WILLIAM ALLEN The Rotary Club or min drlw old ring to no money In support Chlldrenl Ewlm mlnT Pool and other communlly Icrv cu lemmlnz pool II 11mm tnuroly lupparted by he Rotary Club wllh Iwimmlng rrlvllcxu given lo tho commun ma chum alder ol the 100m zoom sooth ticket and In on won prim of 815 nth Wlnnm won Har old Curtll Peter Gaymour John Srhmldt and Hunler menu Ind H111 maxed 325 cl Before the draw they reed to let or am unner ha prize money no Imlcad 0an or all or nolhlniJ The draw wu or 32000 car and the nut people held the In our mm In be drawn Tho winner akin $500 each were Tom Klmmell Mn Hul Mgel Wllllnm Enlllah and WH Sard Cola ALLISTON Special Four local men mm 82000 they won In Rotary Eliminatlon Car draw the Allman Memorial Arena here Phyaical Training Centre na iionnl survival rescue iraininn al ill Royal Canadian School ai lnlnnlry simulation ni casual Riu at the Canadian Forcea Medical Services Training Cen tre anidicr apprentice drill and traininl al the Royal Canadian lime Suvlce Coma Schonl and ï¬nally ml in the only mul eurn oi lia kind in Canada in Join Aiomic Biological and Chemical Delemlve Wariarc School Mr Allen will no Sgt Wil helm Weller demnnalrale iha zymnaalic aklil which won alibi medals at Canada lhe men Pan American Gama in BraLiL Split $2000 At Alliston Rotary Draw Malcomnonl lnwunco mm Dunlap SO Em Moon 57 Ina llrm ynw Insuring your xlroabla invoslmonl In your ouiboard molar boal and lrailer lull good buslnou lho Economical Julboard Floaler policy prolocls you againsl pracllcally all Ilrlrl oxcoollng wear and lenr mechanical lolluro olc anywhcro In Canada or lho Unlicd Slales wholhor you no ailoai ashoro or In lronsporl Give your Economical adcnl call lodavl lelmlon rexu ar mnnlrfly IMIO men of flu Innu department OTTAWA CF Finantlnl operation he edurll uav emmenl In April Hm month 01 the 1m ml year Ihowcd lurplul 19700000 Finunu Mlnhler Wnlhr Gordon pourgd Thuqdny nllhl PA HIM Axon lulu lmuuncu Manny Lid 735 49 Dunlop SD Em PA M2 Today amber appear limit and Ihe manage IF YOU ARE IN OR 50 NEAR AN IN TERSECTION THAT 10 STOP WOULD BE HAZARDOUS PRO CEED CAUTIOUSLY 11 mm the mg corgq go lull you lhlnl mi rimm anal nal to Ipced up and mm um Junction with green and um mu nxo wu ambiguous In tense Gmm mean GO hllo Im brr mean MAYBE Show Surplus $9700000 Very low matorlm tady know whag an amber Iluh mum DESIGN FOR YOUR SAFETY CAPSIZED BOHT ONLY DOOR Cons Frank lehl sald law minute after the call We lent boat out but WA Just door with Ioma rock on 11 Apparently loma boy had been playing around and ma door floated out In the bum Pollen laid Police rushed to the lake Iron this morning unu X37011 there was ban ov leJ nrned near Lakeview try RALPH BERRY lrwln McMahon Mari Oro 2m Shunon Com HJA Dvnlop Em rcqulm Blues expendituu dmp In ha ytnrvloyenr April compari Ian cnma In defence which In valved an why 371700000 In manlh lnlml 650000 000 In April m1 mum 00700000 and expenditures of 51000000 In com rmd with dellclt $2600000 11 April of Ins year when mvr nuu wm $345300000 Ind penm $347000000 3have nut barn observlnl Inddld not have your which under control REMEMBER ABOUT OF ALL ACCIDENTS OCEUR AT INlEflSEmONS WHEN APPROACHINO ON GREEN ANIICIPATE AN AMBER AND IF YOU SEE IT STOP lhawed budgetary mfgnuu the red light you an while you are null In the lnlusecllon WI aura Ilm you haw made no attempt lo Hop have been approaching too quickly but he mi youre wrong Pen haps dead wrong Pollce ram this area who Completed the mum were Joust George Winter Banlo Canal Brandon Bradford Conn John Andrew Orlllla and Co Douglas Dull Brace ll 1151 an edge on he cruln er in nah hour trafï¬c Jnml Hitherto the Prnvon Corps School Camp Borden has been centre or lrnlnlnz military policemen exclusively but an exception wan made when ll was learned Iho Ontario Prov lncinl Police wanted more men to handle motorcycle no lo be able Io boiler cope with Ira ilc problem Lieui Gilli Luasier in charge the 11min group laid Ihe main purpose oi the 200 800 mile trip was at tho men lo an to know their machine and get confidence in what lha mob orcycla can do qua can no He laid Emphash In trafï¬c control In on the mnlarcyclu now wunuflufl er and nahCol Lee commandant the Proves Corp SchooL Eric Silk Commissioner In Ontariu Provincial Fallen ro vlowed the graduates other dig nitaries were Brig WlllII at Army Campqurmnd The mantel had covered total of 50000 miles on motor cycles in rigorous lwmwaek come lha ï¬rst aver conducted by lha armylor mammary penonnel II wax gradimtlon Hny al Caï¬p Borden yesterday he Ontario Provincial Police Mum mwnmu snunmy MAY 15 Know Maéhines OPP Are Told Rt Graduation mu my MIDI Th Inspection delayed mm Wednudny due to poor weath cr wan held under clear Ikle Horace Pratt an lb Barrie District Collegiate Board nld You have Ihnwn splen did mullI of hard wnrk exer energy nnd time You are to be congratulated on your present won She remarked on the cleanli nm of the boys and 51m par ticularly the glrlx while Ihm People notice thou who wear lhg said Arnold CWAC Adv at Central Command In dakvllle Iddreucd tba glrh corps Ind Added It In wanderiul In so many younglgmlo Interested In sum Ihlng can be of real value withem Your Iucceu becomes prob lemntlcal later on you do not learn sellcontrol whlle In school He wha would command must um In The xadlu aald you have xivcn an excellent exampIa of what good spirit can do In lehooL He added that develo men leadership and good lzenshlp were two Important ob lectlvu of the cadet movement My omzv Barrie North Collegiate cadets were lauded or tellcontrol and lhelr smart appearance by Brig adier Willi Moogk Camp Borden commandant yesterday allernoonr Over 1000 cadet took part in the annual Inspection of he boyl and glrln cadet corps at harem World WM Trml larvch new Imlf Wu 0mm um CADETLIEUT Pal Davis accept The BanIa Examlner mph 101 the beat all13 plu Lands Cadets For qurtness 01 DUNLOP 31 TRAVEL SERVICE In lnlormllm and Immllom JOHNSON C0 IMIIED For Your RumIan nu Now Tha demansirallom included wirech operaiiom lending and receiving messages rifle work cleaninn firing posiiiou and range procedure Bron gun ripping and numbi The SquaEimn header edger trophy for the best boy oflicer cadet went to Cadet Lian Cai Ratclflfe bait Ilon commander and the ot Iicm mess trn by Edgar or the best girl ca et went to Cad et Lieut Col Susan MeeLarerL Glril Citizenship Battalion 14 flat Battalion Rulmental Ser geant M8101 Johnson was presented with the Barrie North Trophy for best boy NCO and Sim we presented with the Barrie North tmpiny Im best boy cadet in min Cadet Captain Rt Cimppei wu mth with the Strnthmnu adga or best that number at Ihoaiinz mania were also pinseated after the demonstra tom DEMONï¬mAï¬ONS Walls publisher of The Banlo Examiner presented Ca det Ueut Pal Davis with ma Barrie Examiner Trophy or the best glrls platoon and brisk bruiélhe ECASC Apprenticesh Traan School Band from amp Borden pm videdlha music PRESENT TROPIIIES Cadet Liam Maldunack Coy 3rd Platoon was re sented with the Gr In Trophy for Ike best platoon by Mr Grilfln director 011 C0 9nd toon on parade during the North Collegiulan annual cad et Impecuan yeflardny Pra um 01 313W wu Wm 15 bowed DA chlu dlvlslnn sun mn minted with 1mm and mlpcd arm the Mandi commlb co One Hm Aid cnune ha been lucid Ln um building and plan or Inulhar 1n ha 11 an under nunlna mm LIE tar IVE Brigade 1m bun leased from tho Barrie Alllwl use WW All work on the bulldhlz wu don by voluntary membm the Ambuhnc nlvlslan with tom nearly 600 hop his public invited and reshme will be nerved alter lha Imygcflgn The 5L John Ambula co Erl gada will hold It annua Inspec tlon pm Monday In the new St Jnhn Home slicympbpu 2m this year The candidate or NCO and Oflicer Training put through theoretical and prac licnl examination series at tho and of tho various courses gro duced results that formed II or North Collegiate 01110211 to select allicen and NCOs Brigade Plans Its Inspection warm lug um weapons Ind flrlnu First Aid ratchet work splints bandage and ï¬eld em ergency cues and may ma In display The North Cadet Corps ha been divided Into Hm 67nd and Ihlrd your warm Wm gm media coma Mull aentlnl lb trophiy LI Walls publisher The Exam lner Examiner mm FA 04 Ir