Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 May 1963, p. 7

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mun MAY 00 Welly Mun Club Kiddo ohIqu llldl Outdoor Bpomm le WI YII hrr llrhm an lATURnAY MAY XI 00 INluloll Cnlhnl Il um um lrlnnu um Mum lnlrul my Amhwn Empln Hm CDC Nlil Nchl Wnunr lvuru Mai uuuu memmm IAIIJIDAYY MAY II TM PAHm L00 Wnllllnf IIMl Gun We flowllnl Can nun nnnny hm nm The Luc 5mm Bum llllhllflu Cuml Cunn Ta Tall Tn Truln Inn nun Wm Iuvl asppp 83 3258 umuuu FRIDAY MAY mI ind Mn Gordon Glflm held dlnnlr party recently In honor or the 63rd wedding lnn Mr and Mrs Fruer Glam Toronto Ind Mr and Mn El wood Gmen Sunnldala Com en ware Sundny vixllon with ML Ind Mrl Hngry Gllf Thu May meeting of the mens Institute wu held In tho hall Wednesday with lacond vice pruldent Mrs McDon ald pmldlnz Roll cull Rid dla wu amwercd by 17 mun bcrs Th3 moltu was reld by Mn Noordezraal Plus or bu mp lo laronto In June were repeltad by Mn Bart le It was decided not to sponsor the 4H Club llrls this year as len der could not be abtllned Mn MM wu appointed xlck vIIIlor In pllce Mn K01 Icholen who wu unable to act thin year Mrs Ward Mn Gwen Ind Mn Sm were In chm the program which mmllted ol Immlnl pa ems gamer and contuu Mrs and Mrs Maw Ian romedy duet Harlem ware Mr Kollachotcn Mn am enfiund Mn Frnd le l1euulllul sunnlu Fm Elllmllu FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone mm DARIUE Uyhulllcflnl Our um um NM Jun Mr The Dorcas committee diz played quilt to be completed and decided to purchase Iter lal for mare quilts Mn nnk Elphick was in charge oi the evenings prolram Mn Kenn eth Bush dlscussed the chapter Organizlng for Action mm the study hook Micr closan pray Ieilchiile hostess urved dainty un By MR8 MAW WflMENS INSTITUTE at the home Mn Jack Mc Cann Wednesday evening May 15 Following praym by the president Mn Minimal roll call was mwered by mem ber with Blbla verse cnnlainlng m1 wan Hope 6111 mm Barrie spent law days last week It Bum Millers ST GEORGES WA The my main of St Geor gpgWuman my gld Sunday vlnllm with Mr Ind John Ellis Sn were Mr and Mr and Mn Jack Iron and Mrs Jack leom Ind lamlly Scarborough Mr and MIL Verne Wellan and lumlly Mr nu ma Mr and Mn mu Gallup went Rim 53 legal lg trip in lhe weekgnd Wlllllm Olllo look Mum ems Mr and An Clouzll ley lo Malian to flf In England nmonll hol Mr IndMrL Bruce Mlllar and family vhiled Mr And Mu George Elaphens undilmlly In Sund AROUNDsIMCOEFiCOUNTY BKTWY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK And my mu no Mind in You nun THERE IS NO CNAROI FOR THII RVICI yvqum 63 oqkhlfllplr in nnmrénn Irr gull gill RI Dlnll wu of ur Wlbfll Mull NIWI Wlllhln xuam gummy lloudawn DRIVEVOURSEL CARS AND TRUCK TELEVISIofimgGMMS By MR5 KEN HUB EDENVALE cno CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI UTOPIR CKVR CHANNELS BARRIE PA 812433 mm mumMl mnll Mbll In All lllr Thultl Wmlun LT mum in llanl In Imam uremmu rum uum lull INN AHNMHI WI CTV Nlll II II AnlIIfll HI ummv mr oo um lnnnll no mum 00 NIVI THIN Amml In Vlull M071 hnhmndol mm Mlkh Ila mu no pm Mill WI 13 ll AM nn mm 13 in 31mm um wu mud the home flu cm Mam the pro Am bung In cl of Mn Hlmlllnn and Thaw Mn Abrlmx Th April medial or II WMS 7i Prgxbytfrlln Chum Fri and are sorry lo learn Mn Jami Donnan II plum in War hoswnt mi and Mn John McMedm Toronto upenl Mondny with Mr Joesph REJPNL 1m Ind Mu Bob Mnnur nee Trad Ellison Paul And Peter Ellison at Toronto vhlud durfng the weekend with Mu Chg Elllson Thanh ha been lame Ivldenco vmdallxm lo prime Ind pubu properly In the vlllum Fluvial bed have been 1mm led mid nntlclpnled beluly del uged Vetnon cho Ind funny Smltlwlllu IMM SIde 1m wig Men gq bnurs flattenhnm lire damn man man hid the him under conupwkeeplng damalu manly to tha buck kitchen The home owned by Flylen Moon jaw Sdxk We In very mum or In efllclln volunteer In cler ant Then ha been lame Ivldenco Elf ETHEL WICE Pm could hm liken 1h live Hm children Mr and Mb Vlonnuu mm cvenlnzubouk 0mm hld It not been for the Inmlly do mun the ehjuz dnuahur Ixed Is 319 lmfmlly mum to Elyrnlhgn cqu lrom nexlgioor mlzlg Mr ubd Mn Douzlu Elma and funny mind on $11an evenlnLMIh Mn and Mn Ba Ellen and firmly Sunnldnlc Borne Conn lulaklnns In Mr and Mrs McDonald of Monlo an in or daughter went and mily Mr and Mn Jack Maw ol BUnd River and 11m lvzmtedyofith lrlendl In North IV ifiénnlf McDanIld ol Mnlo 5pm flap mound with wlmlon Sandra Lyan Mr And Mr Bill Fluent Ind anally null Helen 1mm Toronto nt sumI with Mr Ind MrlzAxQv qu worm Mr Ind LMu mu Harm and nmll Burl vIIlM Sunday with mun Bun11M Sundlyf VlllWfl with Mn Newmnn Glflen were Mr and Mn Don Gluen Ind ml Contra Vuprl and Mr And Harold Gilchrilt Ind Mn 01 Chi ol Blnyn vmary 1h llulrl pmnll Mr And Wu Arthur owln Ind bmh mm to Mud Mn Smith Who wu luvlnl on an 1th mun IMMUI wgrld nu mu lulan mum Mr AIM Mu AMaw dlmclnnoll Paul H4 II Ill low Hum TORONTO TOTTENHAM 5mm hunll The Dixie IIm ll in find lhl lud man llkuly to produce our dmmlv rich The mall promhlnl chlncc II to atlch clubl In lha hope of eventually wlnnlnx two club lrlckl lpldl Ind poulny hurl diamond lend would xesl mm mm on Rh mumwon lhu rum ud an and could le dllmond nu bu um ponlblllly II rmu remoll when In looking 11 palm Ind the opponenln bla fllnl lndlum hay hlvo about as 92an Quch dlnmandx Thu In dlcmonl In um pulmr hu KIM of club Opening ind In miller ol neuwork but an may lndl whm th beu lend an be renonnhly Arrived It In Ihll hind or example tho two pnv nlblllllu um Illnd out are he elm diamonds Ind klnz at clubs nnd lhe question In de lemlna II which In man up In pmva suocmlul DAILY CROSSWOBD Tho blddlnl ha been Ono same on your right Threa Spldu on your left Four Spldu on your rlxht Which cm would you choose Is your openlnl Ind In Hell 01 he lol lowln flvc hand om um on MN758 6011 III um um um 99 AM 91W OI one non on mm 111mm any Ilom coulomb It TWIN 01M 00 HJIHIM II NOONn0 vuul Min MD ll WM Mr nd Mn lln Alklnmn of Smlthl Full were weekend vu More with the nrenu and um lllel Mr and Prone imam MgrM cl Mu lo Normm Mini huloul Mn Gearin Guitar Kin mm levml day 1m wee wig Im llltel MniJack Eelvg Mr and Mn um Dlvl mm the holldny wee and In Bughurfl The United Church men hm been busy clunln lha church 9de and ma Indie thV In clunlnl boo flu church on Wednexdny Ind Ihundny lhjg week United Churc Sundry Ichool room Silurdgy Illumoon Ind roll call My Favorite wort wu mated by memberl Suun Sum md lcrlplun and lho moun Ind Mamnur prayer wII repeated ln unison cl tom lhn Itudy book wn mm by Mn Bum After Ull mceun Iha children mud Arl fllggn 03ml ré multimillion to Mr Ind Mn Keith Coqu on he birth ol duuth ll ho Royll Vic loglln Helium Bmlo MM mom Mn chk ROM calm1nd th hdlulrldu Club WIdneI any cvenlnl In wnk Mn Ev Reid and Mn Mao 8mm won an urch Mud morning My 10 But lo cal dump mum 11 at tho urvle vm hold lndoon In In Roynl Vicm 31009 BlnlI 399le lc wan quw Than wu Inn crowd II Elwood Jennewl uh Lad tho mm of Chrlu Church WA dld veg wgljnwllh 91911 bgolh Mlmall 6m mum Ile will the Introduwuon to In 1tu hookah wu lollwed by and nmwer perlodconductod by Mu Hlmlllon Ind mpendtd ln bynurqu lushde vim served by lhu houul And hor mum CHURCHILL If CONTBICT BRIDE IVY lOIIlllkOI 11 mm Nu mm lmduu mark Non Med4w By JAY BECKER WMON fluo Indian Ayntour lldlu Quaen cl burn The llnllelon lud ll Avoided In MI cm In line wlth lhu mm theory lhnl wllh lnnr trump honed by In honor II but In lud Ion Iult rllhar than that Ink The hope II lhll repelled hem ludl wlll arcs docll lo NH Ind lhul walk PM dllmondl We cant cxml to like our trick on Mih Alone lo the hull chm Io try to lupplemem our sldu huhcud trick will one or more diamond mm II in prewppoud um pmner 1m ll lull one quick enlry IInce olherwlu our cum ll hopelw TM dlnmond lead him on In iuumpthn film fipade Hm but to adopt pualvu llna delem beenu hm II no much mm Iain trick by ludlna anylhlnl except trump The hm II led nlhar than tho luck no cover the pol Ilbluly um partner hu thu Inn Ewen Unl about 10 poInL And we hava to try to put them to but me by unackan the Iult when do cllrer II mall up In be weak Pmner may hm the Mn In which can we dlnmond trick utnbmhed ll noon cllm Inku Has an M50 It may be um partner hm the Ice and dummy he klng In which went lhe lend the qungmy pmva yrygflecglve ol Hulldlll wu held at Oman Boll cull Canndlln Wlld Flower nlwered by 11 member Ind vml vllllnn lnllnllulon olllcm wan held wlbh Mn lhommon ln elmn anm or the oven lnl Duhllc rellllons lhl clerk ol the lownlhlp ll Roblnlon ol Moonltnm IIVO In lnlemlln and MomIva talk on mun clyll IM lunch vm uh ved by th hunen mined by Mn Wllm and Mn anley ruauq humans Tommi Siran bidding Mr Ind Mn Archlhlld 1mm wm mum with Mr ann Todd Sundly mpg may Tho mm Junlar Funnel1 bmqul wu held In Glflord Hall mudw evanlnl May wllh In mendch ol ova so slflnll mm Ind mambm Illord Wamann mums cuter Id or flu turkey banquet Mn Lu Bonfireu Ind Bury who have been vhltlnz Mn Boudronux Mun Mn and Mn Rumll 5mm returned to Mr homo In Senorkh Mn loudruul humnd hu been transferred 1mm Niall Fall Io 5mm Mr Ind Mn 5w wlrt lccomplnlod lhulr daught harm and rpm tho week Guuchln Unludthlfldl Inni vomry Juno will hm Rev Mr Linday mun 1mm mmr Peoplnn Union en loyed In mum bowling dny and alumrd wlener rout wn held Churchill Unit edr phurch Mr ma Mn wnuun enn ublo or Tomnlo wm recent K1110 with Mr and Muuw Congratulation to Mr Pm who luccmlully complehd ht um yenr In theolon It Emm Inga galley And Mr IndMn Willum xlmon Ind Ibo yhllod with rllndg HILLSDALE In loom gt Mm am YOU CAN FIN ANYTHING MY TUXTAILSDINNER 3W3 Suaa so sznING WHIY 1H Rmrws nexus 7t aunumou aunwwezvh ALL me am m2 vou auam To BEASNAMD vowser 1mm KIM MW lav Mm war

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