Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 May 1963, p. 3

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mm Allman nlllcm member Na brunch he DPI AI OII Cnml Skinner mirmnn No brnnd lho Ontario Provincial lallce lu wdnllon assented lho chequa In Mr Cal in chncldny mm In lho OPP om hem ALLISTDN 151qu Duklcml by 2715 domfllon from llcm Ihe AlliIan detach mun OPP he Chnmbcr Cnmmcrco nmhulnncu fund drlvu new wcll ovtr tho 01400 mark ambulance cammlnru Collin rcporll ALLISION OFFICERS mm the Onluria provinclul polka deuchmcnl ranl $51735 By ROSEMARY ASQUITH CENTRAL COLLEGIATE On Thursday May sixteenth Central held its sixtyvlhlrd ann ual Cadet inspection The in Ipcctlng olilcer was Brigadier Moogk ODE CD Cam Harden Commandant The Ma or lodgers Trophy for the bust boya plntnon was won by Pla toon number one undcr Cadet lieutenant Peter Gray The Morrison Tro phy ior the winnlng girls plat oon went to Platoon One under Susan Hurdy lllck Ynlc won the Jack Garner Trophy or marksmanship in shooting and Gary Owen won the Siralhcona Crest ior shoaling campeiltlona reception allowed and dunno Was held later for the purilcl pants in tha gym Ambulance Fund Is Over $2400 RUMN6 with RIIYIIIMI MUN will UNI Weary Arches After Marches AFTER INSPECTION On Sululidny lhu hayl Inc AIIDWI 70 MI ma UNTINUUUH MT mm pun HELD OVER UNTIL MONDAY HICililliD VufffsuMMER WHEAW filuunifiiifiséndfufsfinnn Tachfilbéion Obkcllvo louzhl by lho nmhulnnro lund mmmlllco L1 $1000 Mr Comm uld 11m nmaunl II the mlmnled ml hurlnx and cqulpplnl an hu nnco la lam Allhlan and flu lurraundlnz munlclpnllllu whirl hnvo Ml Ind nn ambul nnro nr uvernl yenu Ioclallon rnlud thu money by nunnlzlni bone dinner Ind dance May 10 ll the llslon mnn HVH llckct lo dnnro wn unlit no he Iran was llllcd lo cnpnclly Canal Skinnrr Inld through No brnfich Ihc OPP Auoclnlltm by nrzlnlx In bone dinnrr Ind The highlight ol the day was Ihe perfnrmnnce of tho Senlur mile rclny sqund campmd Herb Shannan Bmco Henry Bob Skrypnychuk and Ray Thompson The team broke 1h GBSSA record wllh time 01 three mlnum nrtyluur paint film secondl For lhu lnlermedlMel Dump soy Snow placed nuth In the broad Jump Ray Thampson seniur was lhlrd In the hop skip and jump as wall third in me hlzh jump enm travelled Aurora comnlele In lha Georgian Bay Dlstrlct Secondary School Tran Meet The Junlurs who placed were Dung Younl second In the mile run Ray Rodgers se cond In Ihe broad jump and Jan Mlller who was fourth 1n the half mile The Geornlan My Second MPEM lo Now Showlng hm mnnlht nia an an ullmllad 500 mlklnl huxhwarkcrl rum um Knpulknllnu Aron as mllu northwul 01 here rnlded hu nln cnmn run by lndepcndcnl um um Ilrlkcrl wm mat to dam and oluhl olhm woundtd and 20 ulllm nuw nrc thorn non cnpllnl murder Hope For Verdict 0n Bushworkers TIMMINS CPI anlllrulc Glrdnor hurd le hour of Ion Imumcul muudly Ity lha rlnl or 171 bxuhwnrkm on churn ol unluwlul nmmbly Khan Inld he hnpu to brlnl dull mile lodny nu mnu mun no lhow mm mm dnnco Wednesday morning they presented ch ue tar Ihla Imnunl la the umber Commerce ambulance fund drlve Dark mw 1mm Inn nra Cunllnblu Grain LAST TIME TONIGHT The allowing sludcnts are on ma executive or the Tennis Club Ken Cucullck president Maureen Stewart vice president Pal Theme secretary and Peter Young treasurer On Friday the Student Cunn cll held an assembly to present honour awards Result wlll he publishpd lnler On Tuesday students In grud ea eleven twelve and thirteen voted or hand boy and head Elll This was prlmnryfiqllol Wllh only one more month 01 school left or min yenr skud cm are dreading tho approach the 1M1 exams Timetable are now pqsked In tho Junior evants Maya Mnucson placed fourth In the standing brand Jump nnd Pam Woodward was Imulh In ho HIMput For tho seniors Pam Blrdplaced third In the shot Dale Bahhette ambushed new record In lhu high jump by heat Ing lhu ormar mark of our tent seven Inches wllh Jump qur eel nlno Inchcn Con gratulation man he member oI hnlh teams ary Schonl Gin13 Track and Field Meet was ulm held on Suturday Pickering Colleza In Newmarket Seventeen schnul camyettd DRIVEIN mums LIIIIo An Cvn MM IIIOWINU HURONIA gar Cnney KeL l0 Pnu Maurice Dun ovun and Bunchnmpx lronl row lrom Ian Van Drunk pmldenl Colllnv chairman of unbulnnce commlllcn re ulvlnl lhn cheque mm Cont skinner chairman cl No bunch OPP Anodi lion Examiner Photo Howaver at regular coun cil meeting letter was mad in whiuh the commission asked or total which would mean raising the rule about hail mill even though mill this year produces VJIEEILY 11000 more than last Oopncll had previously re turned the police budget to the commission asking that ho utlmnte be kept to an menu which would not lncrem the lax rate R0E Council at mom meeting chmsdny evenlnz turned down esumles the Police Commission by recorded vain Some thu prizewinning ox hlhllou were as follows Mn Bum nlne firm one second Mru Lnumer hm Ilrsu two condo Mrl Honbmh three Ilrsu three aecnndl om third Huny Bum two 11ml two seconds Mrs Blnlr two llrsla threa seconds two lhlrdu Mu Fulton one Hm Ive ends Mrs Cunnlnzhnm ono lint two thirds Mrs Batu one Hm onaJecond one lhlrdz Thu lowers were judged In clam mh tullps all type And all colon dallodllu long trumpet dnllndll shun trum rel nnrclmu daflodlla and al age lullpa Ind foliage aullnbla or Ilvlng room modernlnlc an rangemenl yprlng Huwm bum arrangement of flowers and lnllage Atrium violet and cup and saucer arrangements There were 3150 two categories for iunlora spring garden flow err nnd ayflng wjld flnwm wl good dllflly various type Ipr n1 garden lowers the cold anrlnz weather was blamed or the show being smnller than in only yegrl ALLISNN Speck Tho Allmon and Dlslrlct Horticul tural Socialy held Iprlnz flown show and bake me In thenélllnlgn ybnry Hull INNISFII NOTES After Impofllnl mmlon Flower Show Hit By Cool Spring Council Refuses The Police Budget capMu urnlnl oul nur malel dmlnvn pmulwllun or umlm Ind modlul um null curled ml by lulnod mud phyllul lnllrutlar In nu now In you REMBDML GYMNMHOH lnwmvl mlun Mo on 1m coma ORTHO PAEDIC dclomlly Ind PARMLIOICI In Illicit ol Cmbnl nrumbclll main ulnnnh Ind Muc mummr ttmlon Emclm lo lull you lndlkunl mm REMEDIAL GYMNASTICS MR AND MRS DMNES RM DAINES MEDICAL MASSAGE AND SAUNA BATHS By Appolnvmonl Only PA 871 AT cccpltd In 06 nu per cubic yard lor trulhcd mil dollvmd lo Iuyplemenmy bylaw wn pamd by muncll lo be or wnrded to the Highway De partment whkh wwld uk their Icqulucenca lo tha nddl Ionl upendlnu of 090000 on lawnmly Md hll year These ullmules would Idd $50000 to mud connmcllon $8000 lo brldlu $20000 to mm mm Inery Ind 00000 to mu lupurvlnlon and englnminl nm amount with the 10000 Ilmdy approved wlll mm the rand ewdlluu or lhayur mulclenl requln 0m 10 mHLI up lho nto qulred for um lawmhlp penu In er la the cornmlulon by the council august min by cutting tho patrol In name 01 the war ern poxHam of the awmhlr Rem Cochran who 11m that area nld he an polico cost him pmunally nbam um ycar Ind ha cauldm no ream why that dimId would not be covered by ch mulnr patrol which would mum only the cos extra nnddrlv lnz expouxes hlva Ind up to hm or more can 1me penr yearly up to In year and the pollen have llappbd hll loss hey hm been well woth no palmmny ho told coun mm or moms Mr Cochran councll mem ber an the commlulon wlll en deavor to mm maelan of tho Lwo bodlu but so In us we luww Judge llarvlo ll abroad ll thu lneellnl ll lo he held man It wlll mun that only two commLulon member wlll be on hand to dlmu the budgec vllh cpungll In the muniime Clerk Oroh is held up on preparing rm ior rho year which no likely in be mi miii higher hm in year Deputy Rem Cochrana Ind Councillor Imnu um Ola budm be relund council adopted further motion ukhu nin meeting with the comm loll AIA pm conference Mr Hobart nld the lhrerdny olon would mulHn ormnuon oln spacial commllm lhu Ontario economic councIllo no ommend to the ovammenl wow dealing wllh problem created by automation TORONTO WlThcuoml rlo gnvunmenl will lpamor threedny conlmncu on auto mation and mm mum in To ronto Sept 1719 Premlur Ro barll announced Thursday Pruentatlun the Salad ShlrmHomy Nphy or th exhlhltor with the greatest num ber point in Um min flow er thaw LI pending Lha next um ecutlva meetinu Thu lldluflrthe mler nerv ed tea Ind with In the pub llc dudnz the twtrhour Ihow Mn JD McCInoll and Ohm lhlrdl Mn on third each Mr Bell on 11m lwa thirds Mn Anthony and Mn chbrook one lecnnd each And Inna Glumher two thirds Ont Govt To Talk About Automation wmi LITTEEAJIMMY DICKENS JIMMY warm DIRECT FROM NASHVILLE TENNESSEE FRONT AREA TICKETS ADVANCE SALE 50 JACKSON GRILL GENERAL Door 50 Chlldron 75¢ 1m iHUiisTMAY so 030 pm mm ARENA John Gown In chum the Imnlemenu Innan Coun cll 0er to pay or he um of the Strand Communlly ll his committee desired It An AlsocInIIon of Hand Sup ervlnon ha been Inrmzd In SImmo County In order to hm mm ICqHIInlcd with each other and wlth their Rand Commute dlnner ha been wanted be heId In Stroud on lho evenInz or My 30 lo thcII Ila member DI InnISIII Cogncll have been Invltcd he rand of 1mm from new bidder My Ireland when only other contract In lhll am with he Towruhlp cl Ves prl lunch was lEthd by lhn hob axles Mn McBride And Mn William Schell Three memher Willi ntlend ea In Guelph or the Pmldcnl 91 WW WI trip to he Onlnxlo Hal um Penclnnz on June 11 WEI ngpmvtd was decided send some member to the dimlet annual lnDuntmn Inlay The roll call wax Suggest way we can help he commun lty answered by 10 member and one vhltor The mom Do We wall as clhen think or we think nun ulvu wu Ivan by Mn Kellman The prealdenl Mu Elmer Mc Quay conducled Ihn meellng Tho theme was Public fle Iatlnns There was plan and bulb exchange BRENTWOOD Specln The May meeting at the Sunnlwood Woniens minute was held It the hem of Mn Jlm McBride prim this year we in the form of assorted present including wheelbarrow lii iher than trophies 1nd wen won iniiaws ladies high average Helen Wright 199i menl high mugs Waller Hall ma lad 123 high single wlihoui hnn cap Laurie Honburgh 125 menl high single without him up Bob Danci 860 lldles high Ilngie with handiup France McLaughlan his menl highaingla with handl cap Sam Johnson ma lad iu high triple wllhwi handicap Geriruda Ollvar 635i mens high iripla without handicap Don oncr 7n dig high lriple Lu wItH andlcap Maxis Dune ALLISTON Special The Alllaton Rnury Bawllnl League held In claalng banquet It the HI Inn at HockIey Follow chicken dinner the prizes were presented by league resident Ken Bulman named treasurer Jun Stev em and lecrelary Bill Trunk ma um um Snnwlenclnz 1th Ice high Nmplelu with gate is be bouth and erected around the town dump to halt unauthorized ALLISTON sum 0n tho monunendnuon of town 1m man Howard Moore council on mud night hired firm to brlnl in mnchlnery lo flunh the Mild on tho town amen II clean out the catch hallo Tho motion contInca Us at latexunrdl which tho firm must ulfll before balnx pnld Mr Moore old this operation would lreo town employees to do other rm bs 919 mu Ill HARM Brenlwood WI Names Delegates Blliston Rotary Bowlers Get Gifts Not Trophies MSTON COUNCIL BRIEFS LITTLE JIMMY DICKENS 6E0 JONES coumnv MUSIC mm mm MAY TONIGHT Ind A5 MANY HOMES There now are about 1500000 homes In mater London about 40 per cent or them ownerom cupled Next yenr execullve hll pre lldem George Martin aecrellry Lmle Honhmh and unsur er France Mcuuzhlan The remalnder ma evening was spent dancing to records The lo tum was holly Hul en Ih Bob Duner Mm Guchnrdl Ed Nay Frances Mc Laughlan Ken Eulmnn Laurie Honburuh llCDnd hlflhul um Dammwa with Wayne erlht Ann Huddack Indy Pekerman Noreen whalen Don Dan Mariana Goymuur and Sam ngnlrlxghaln Thu cunlm or olllnl the low meet went to Mun chle Spraying And OIlInz Co ud Rexdlle Three or nut Inn lubmllled lendm opened Tuuday night Flre deputmenl chairman Herb Ollver told cauncll the $275 In the 1m budu or mm or the wall and calling the fire hall bean ulde now lnr this putpm 757 and menl high trHe my handicap Golly Wha an dmnplnz Slnllallnn chalmun sun Nouwnrlhy approved $37 expendan ll Tnudnyl council meeting 7le WIT III law become olieollva Juno In I963 Null mu wugflllw being paid the rate oi the wm to which the employee is ntlticd unizu tuch iniarmlliun mmililtd to the mpioyee in name atth mmner the Amount of the wage to which the cmployea i1 entitled the Amount ad dcduction from the wage of tha mpioyeo Ihlt is not Iuthorizcd by tho mpioycc or required by ilwnd the purposc for which each deduc tion is nude my living allowance or other plyment to which the employee is entitled Ind the ncl Imount ofmoncy being mid to lhc employ Every cmginyu who fliil to comply with subxcction or who mm htd Any employze with raise tialemeni under subsection is guilty oiIn oiience llld on Iummnry con viction iilbie to tine oinot man than 3500 ruirildtitlltu mm In nimm mull 0mm Mud tmm mum 54 can II All ll llmin It Mm mm mu Ono clthe mas Impenan place olhbour Lexislnllun meet lnx Onlulo wage earner cqme lnm flecc JUNE lST when ncw nmendrnenu lo The Wm Act become law This Uzi lntlon Ipeclfle In dclnll wlm every employ must do In pm vldln mplayees mu tulcmtnl In wrlllng of wan earned nnd eductlon mlde The Human must be made at ha llma wages are raid Employen and cm luyccs are urged to Iludy the follow us rum rcgulnllons In penalties Hon Rowmu Mlnlmr oflabvur Every employer xlull fumlsh every employce Ihellnu mu Eltnfiflld the employee xutemenl In writing Izulnl pcrlogof llme or lhe work for which lha wageuro SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY STARTING AT 00 mm COME EARLY BOX OFFICE OPENS IOJS mm ONTMIIOS HEW WAGE PROTECTION PLAN uwu Lfi QMW Hummm mm or MANKINDS om 0N mm uo am on smucue LEOUAL PLUS COLOR CARTOONS BONUS FEATURI HEY KIDS Russia Wont ONTARIO HENREIBm HEW Iarn were to blame or condi tluns that led to establishment Emma they Box cum Open 8M1 mm UNITED NATIONS CPL The Soviet Union has broadened It llnuncln hnycull of the United Nations by reluslng to pay townrd parl of mo regular budget well as Iownrd UN pegcnyeeppl anqu Savlel Ambassador leoh Fednrenko nld Wednesday hls country wlll not help to pay of UN hands Illa have been aupv porting UN arm in The Congo any Middle East ghodld land the enllra mt Ml llrlmu yum TONIGHT SATURDAY SHHNTY BIIY Pay UN Bonds TIDHNICDLOIIOHOMRMMOJ 2nd BIG llfll Damm 11W 11 It Guthrie din MT AT 01

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