Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 May 1963, p. 7

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535 Mn Lloyd Fuller Prulldrnr ileomcd the Youlh Group Lead Burlon Avenuu Unllcd urch to thc mceung held by by Unlled Church Women ll Dlvld Reeve honour uldem Introduccd lha you erL Mrr Elmer lluhbcn and Wllllnm Orlcr reportan Mum nm Mlu Eds Mgr laglingual Mln my on or xp arm 31 Ml Iml Mn McDowell man Blou Mln Shelli rndnrh dun And Mn Bro mp the can covtrlnl dtpmmenll Age 1217 mlr Mudlu durlnr he year lmmfln llllel lurk All or Tull Inge Faur on Mwnbenm and Frnlrnnl Irbcur cmcrlnl llu arm of am and Hon Kan Article hlndwork wm dlrpllyed in udln chap lllch Ind Chrtlr ol or Ram 11 Enlhurlnm cl Ill lrnd gr III qulla Ivldrnr Ind con Olllour Ind ln thunkan hem bf lhrlr rcpom Mrl Charle Im rlmnrkrd um llurlnn vu lonunnm lo hm dm null llnc ullbrc worlhlp urvlu wu com 1504 by Mn Cyril Cook me by NIH Ean Gordan Ind llr lilo lh new MunI Cammllm ml Involnlcdz Mn Cr llrntntr Ind Mn Wllllnm Lluln up unllni lhn UCW Ind II pm In In Lloyd Farm 11 tonlrunllonll rule will Md lenuwrler Plrk on man Juno lmnl unll hr Jun mul play at unlrlcl mlhlulllthCxlrdwlll hr hem no In Inyrd Inc Why llch plrrrllutd or Hook llll Illllu Kanm orv hurrh yiBurton UCW Attended By Youth Leaders Our dining room window iiich her bedroom window Vhenzvcr my husband ma her bedroom ighi no on he rulhea inio Iha dininz room Ind niaru in play wliiairoi The woman nvvcr puIJI her hadu dawn She mid luv ha blind nut io on my hmbnnd min hu win Aow takinl everything in hnvn never laid word In In About thin became dont uni to mlko an ism oi ii ll 71 Ind definitely over the 5M1 to In romance is can pmmi hope hm mnde my ui clur Any lunulianl would be Ippereclalcd OLD binTam WIFE but Will Doni juni III Unia mu clam with broken him Tell him you us win if that you he in enjoy ucond lldhnod ONE CALL lglndenx Im not Dear Ann Linden The widow who Ilves next door II wornn In her 40 She II phat at but we have never Inld any hInz more Khan loud morn hu or good evening lo on Inolhcr ANN LANDERS in 1er annual luppm mucllng Ill held or mem bm at the Flu Kamncnlen Dlvular Land Ranger Com gmy and guests at Trlnlty 11 Hall last evening One mng Watches TheWidow Through The Window LONE RANGER RECEIVES ALL ROUND CORD luml Hck In youmlm or Iclllnl your dnulhlcr do In Iha plund lnd vow lo do belle job with your children your rclpomlhlllly lo fluid hi 1le And to 1an111 II or mm personl wonh lurnll who Alum locum dnulhlrr lo weekcndl he boy MI homn Ind Mn mllilvhlluplollallld our dluxhleu mind Alamu ul Ind Ihe lm cut In out her ll Illa comglclnly Whnl cln Iv doth FOOLS 0F We bellaved Ihe would get tired at him or or hmell lhnl he wnl no lood lo we let her wood ll much llme wkh hlm Iho wnnlcd We even In her pend wcehndl MI home It the lnvfllllon MI pargnlg of mun My hubbnd film uronx nurlclon lhl our daugh er nn Ind nunled lho boy brcnun the prunlnl We ball lhe whale mm In null of tho boyl 9mm TMy Ihould luv clout wnlch When told or lhn boyl mother she Immmcd Dur Au Lindan am mother when hurt breaking rnlud eight children My lev znlh childn girl lhhnl Jul run and mlrrlnd boy nun olulu gagp lay Den Hum Sorry but youll have to help somewhat cm To name womcn the teln phom ll meful lhmp nm no luck It home with Hdl diaper homework cooklnu Ind laundry CIHLIM on Ihe horn ll the on tun thy hm Why don you Mk ywr wile me up the phone every hour on the hour log ten mlnulel Ind then youd be sun to not bar wm you help ma prmuro telephone company Into an qu mam hulol all seven mln mu enough yakklnu or lnybody Than yamARMS Tel me Ann Lnndm how can penan zabble on about dnlhcs recipes kldx 0151p and fiber trlvln hour after hour Iflur houfl Dont their moulhl rust dry Dont their Inn let have telephoned my wife 11 time his momlnx at llfleen mlnule Intervals The line ll Illll busy Thll has happened In me beiore Once so mad unl her telegram and laid her in ma lelcphnne On another necnllon naked the av ernlor to cu in but flu enld her Inpervllor wuldnl let her cut In unleu It wan an emerlency lold her me In emergency that somebody Wu 0an to ah didnt work relnry because xhe Lou lo iunch Eu Im novburned up cant wait until she return no plgage excqserlhe mlsmkex Collin S9 Dellcatessén the hlmltxhu at the even lnz wax llle presentation or the All Round cord to Janet Jenklnl The All Round card the highest award In guid lng ml the Gold Card and II presented or proficiency ION ALL COOKED MEATS AND VARIETIES OF DILICATIle PRODUCYS Knhcr ltnnll lytrltl In Corn ml and mud llun lnluml Vllhly mm mu hlld fill flllllllul Mn II II llln In Hull nmlm laid och fin Pumul lIrll llnan 5mm rum IM InP Cor ml funny Vulely ll InIll Kuhn fly hrudl Vukly No Mall ml Full II mm 01ml llun BOSWELLS SPECIALS AT DEllCATESSEN blnml hll pnrlnll Immune Ihey didnt km nn eyu on them are lookan or Icnmganl Dunn the social hour Mrs James Mchrmnll Mrs Russ Chlpchu and Mrs Gordon Cn chrnne misled ho hostus Dennll Tmona son Mr and Mn Jonah Tnmna ol Welllnulon Hull grndunlcd from Walrrloo Unlvcully with Bachelor Am degree mm In mythology Dcnnls gradual of Bank Norlh Commie chm 60 flu lent lhe clly lhb week en mule to Europe whtro ha wlll be on our for the nummer The upcclnl speaker Dr Wilson wk on his trip to many exyerlmenlal arms In the Hr llh Isles lollan their dmerv out ways farming Roll call was suggestions for ma The program was In charge Mrs Clarence Moggnrlh cun venor of Agriculture and Cam dlan Industries Mm Haggarlh ave an lnkcresllng randlng cn tllled My Neighbour Experimental Fanr Topicfor Ivy WI The relulnr meeting of Ivy Womens Instltule met he homa Mrs Lama Cnrrulhcra May wllh 10 members and our visitors vrcsan Mn Eslen Davis gave 11 re bori on the Necdsmuir History that sin in compiling The mm at $82 was collected or lhe Cancer und Pholo have from left are Mrs Mur Ion Svlwond Rangers Cup nin MN Ivan Grnccy DM slun Commissluner Jnncl and Mrs Curler Deputy Am ammlsxlnmr Examiner Olhul um II In In In In mg no RECEIVES BA rm In Canner HAIR UTS 00 36H Appnlllnull only PERMANENIS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE 550 Bmlo Alllnllll WHI Work 0f Bible Christian Union Related To Emmanuel WMS Mn Heath read poem Ill Wear While Flower or You Mather Dear ta muslcnl accompaniment playrd by Mn 1kg Thnmgmn Watson announced that World Vlllon Incur mud presently hu nu acule nnnxo or mmrinl or bandnzex Mn Wuhan avpcnlcd to Iho WMS member to Inva huh nld whllo sheen and ublcclnun or Ml need Summer and Mrs II It vsm alerwul Introduced Mn Monow Mlu Miss Bully Farmer of he Bible Chrixllln Union oiiicv in iian ion wnl this speaker or lire Mny meetinK oi Iha Warnenx Mission artSociety oi Emmanuel Bap Us Church The meeiinz wan opened with tho pmidcnt Mn Lung rrmn prcridinz in View oi Mo thers Day the cammulied on U10 many women molherl nnd zrnndmoihern who mind behind their children or grand childrm who are serving on the minion iieidn oi the world by prayer ind gihcr usciul waysz Mk Rhoda Young Dunlap SL East motored In Syracuse New York where she visited friends over the holiday week end ENGAGEMENT The enznlemenl has been an nuunced Mlss Evelyn Juan Holllday to James Len McKln non The bride elect is the daughter Mrs Chester Hol Harry Woodrow was among the graduate mending he dlnncr and dance held for the 63 grud ununx class olnyersou Institute or zhnolnzy at the Royal York No Toranlo Mpgons TO NEW mm Mr and Mrs Jack Ethering Inn at Parksfde Dr have re turned In the city atler hall dny In Bermuda where they were zucsu the Bermudian Hate The amp left from New York City on the crulsc ship the Queen Bermuda GEADUATION DINNER Mn William Woodrow oi Orn Station and ltny Waadrnw North Bay attended the Convo cation or tho graduating class oi flyerson institute oi Technol ogy held in Yorkmlnisler Park Baptist Church lurontd Barry Wandmw graduate in Chmd5 try received lint class honor and will assume duties wilh Kim berlyClarke manuiacturing firm at Kapusknslng BERMUDA HOLIDAY AflENI UNVOCAHDN STOP THE WORLD ASTROS IN TOWN NEW YORK ANAll nnut Gordan Cooper lonk his wife to the healre WEdIIEI day night choice plays Step In World Want To Go Nulci Are Inlenuen cam 11 lenml noell Ille In clly and duhm Wedding nlvemrlu hmhdhyl brldn Dlnlel mum an pm Ilu vllllon Ind mnllen In II luml ol luluu In women mden Ith nuge Your help In uupplylnz In new II In nun Inm ctnled Plus when Thu Barrie Enmlner ll FA 68331 Ind Alli 01 Ellen Dlxon ur Andrey Coullnn II he an llll Department Phony Eileen Down or Audra Cnulsm PA 5517 PEOPLE AND Fifi You Still Cant Beat Natural GAS Mn 11cm cxnrcmd tho nnprcclnflon Hm WM to lhc speaker or her Interns In addre55nnd nlldcm mlrnshménli Miss Fnrmcr old Ihc work at Um Bible Chrlsllnn Uniun whn haw mlsslonnrlu In vnrluus plum In Nonh Amcrlcn but also In Europe Italy Ausulu Holland 51nd Germany Farmer ls nllicc secretary or he Bihlo Chrisllnn Union in Hamilton she brought grcclinns from Miss Trudy Strauss vho ls missionary wilh the ECU In Germany Mlss Strauss was lumwn persnnnlly In several pmplerhure while she was ob landing Toronlo Ilible Colluuc hllss Farmer spoke on lhe sull jecl Love the low of which Chris spoke which Is 50 dillcrcnt rum the svnlimcn ml or scllish lava whlch ls common Chrisls love produch service This law nmnnnlcs from God nnd results In net or sclldcnlal mallvc lhnl nro as pure as he light and tho omlsilan al unjust crlll clsm Guests Handing were Misses Cncilla Reynald and Doreen Mo Ginnls Presldcnt 55 Goodfcllnw was the Ihu manlth door prize The engagement has ban an nounced 01 Miss Penny Isobel Becsley Io Charlvs Arthur War lon The hrlde clccl ls the daughter Mr and Mrs Thum as Charles Mosley of Midhursl The bridegroom elect Is the son cl Mr and Mrs Villlam man of Toronlol 5L Genrgcs Anglican Church Barrie wlll be the snfllng far the nflcrnoon ceremnny July 13 Barrie merlsls and guests explorcd the new Simone Coun4 ty Museum on nmsday evening nllnwed by bum pnrly at the Haldane Miss Gladys mm Alaplv Avenue Miss art was nsslslcd by Misses Evelyn Glllham and Linda Dnilcy day and Ihn late Mr Ilnllldny London Ontario The bride groomech the son Mrs Alexander Maximum mm the Me Mn McKlnnan or Barrio The wedding will lnke place Saturday mornlng at Mar inx Church Landon Barrie Venturists Tour Cty Museum Thy 5ch commlllrn mm JULY BRIDE Miss Margaret vins lhcrccipicnl of anur Markle cducnllon and welfnn llircrlnr or he Unled Slrclwumm Amurlcn ICLC mu iu nnsldcnl he 0n larln rflJrc Cnuntll ngrund wwlkm agenclcs wcrc lnu Iuclan ln stand up and he mm on majol Issues llF Chisholm as speakinn he onnlercucr of he Ontarlu Commlllw on Children an In lerpmlcsslnnnl group lnlurnslcd In child wallam flarbma Chlshnlm said most such workers are so over wnrkcd they have llllle lime Inn for what Shcfflllld satin ac llon But when need In was with critica welfare needs whch lllly should hme cham planed they sumclimcs routed hlln sIlnnce UR age agencies might promom some help for lhg nqemics GUELPH CPIA Toronln sn cinl worker suggested Wednes day In Mblic expose the cell or 5an shorgngcs and hle CORNWALL Ont CWFor Genevinvfl Culucci 26yearold Canwnll nurse he pallllcnl tensions bclween Ihe Dumlnican Renuhlic and nelghburlng Mail are secondary to the act that thcre are pcuple there who ncel madlcal care Shes planning tn icavc for Ynmnsa communin not far from Ihe Dominican Republics cnpiiai ui Sanln Domingo to work at riinic one of several centres upernlcd hy Canadian nuns nricsls and nurses Tho Catholic Wamcna League or John VlannvyPnrlsh hnld us My metling on Monday evening wllh l5 members pre sent As May deslgnaled as Mum borshi Month Mrs Mamc Membership Convener gave repar the progress of mem brrshlps belugarccclvcd There Me renews and 11 new meml her up to date The league aiming Iar an all hlgh 100 memh2rs If this gun reached th membershlp le be ll hzghest In the short hisrnry Sir John ch4 we announced that rum mngc We would be held an June In the Odd Fellmhs Hull Col ler SO Mrs Lemancyck mnvenerJor this event r=pa was gvcn by Mrs Kelly and Mrs more of their lrlp to the Penztang Has Welfare Needs Social Action Medical Personnel Needed In Haiti St John CWL Hear Reports Robort and Sams Collier at um Your In New Colllnra Elcllemrnt From Thl Leldlu llnlr Slyllm Al The present executive was re lumen in office The execuuva mm mm Open House was 10ch very lnleresflng dlscusslon oh how thn patients renclnd and lhe aim of tho doctors In holding lhls Open House was glvzn by My wamen No members are attending lie Annual Canndelde CWI Convcnllunv held at he Ruynl Yirk Hotel In Torango tndny THE BARR EXAMINER TXIURDAY MAY 251953 Crisp gingham overshlri that name with its own mnlching gob bat Pink or bluo sizos 10h 16 Wondorinl value Arnui skin Helga biuc hinck Slzos lfllo emu Nautical look in while coilon sailclolh sizes 10 lo 16 Pop on with amped collar Holivbollomcd imusors 50 DUNLQP ST IMTV PA um Especially for you fashions with the AIALKERS XOUNG now stands as Presidcni Mrs Kelly first vicepresident Mrs Gazry second vicepre ardent Mrs Garvey third vlrcprrsidenl Mrs Penn uck Secretary Mrs Ecl anger lhcnsurer Mrs Green huuigh Membership Mrs Moore Spiritual Mu ii Mc Lciinnd Visiting Iiur manlh oi May Mrs Deianger and Mrs ii Moore 498 898 498 ruch

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