HIt Fnlcml Flnmlu Urum mml wan lulud luv mum on lho mnller nlwml no you no um um lmlr IIINIIIIII In lhn mpnrlmrnl Tmuwll Blncl llml luhrrqu hflI nnl bun In vnlml III In IIInIIIInn nml Iflw Iranpurl dqmrlmml Ink In uIIIIIMn ml Um mnllrr n1 lamprey ll mu nr Um nlmln Dxpnvlmrnl hum mu for wlvlrh mpmHvle lnr lhc OTIMVII alchnI Then Iome dnnzcr lhul Inmle all will enIcr LuluI Slmwc and Couchlcmnu Il lock Inca lho mIrIna rnllwny an Ifn Tum Baum Urpmlmrnl cl FIIII rrlu Mprrl nnld hm lodny In an InIBnIuw WIIIIn llw cllnncuInI Inm rnyu rlllnn InIn um Inlnml nkn II reInlIvo mm mu lm vrumnhrml lIml wn IIIInl lhlnk llvoy Luuld cl Inle lIm upper InnI lmkrn ellhrr mu lhry dlvl Ihu nmkrunnn InILI 11m aIerrllnn In lullluu In III InLkn mur Irnm Inmo IIIflIO Im wlm dlunlru wllh aur nulmnl nI Hm chnncm In Inmpvry urulnl Illruugh In NI llclml numlnr In Ilml Hu lruu Illhlnï¬ bl Mimicnu who wrom he uumlnnuan 41 passed Lust nghl he mm were lndurl chm Commander John Chap 11 Canadian Power Squadrons prtsmlcd the Com manderl an In Edwin Nar mnn 41 anr Inslnllinx Mm Lu Mud Darrin luwcr Squadron mouthc The ocmslon wnx Hm Chung of Walt at Ihu laven lh nnnunl Commnndcrl null and Grnduallon ccrcmonlcsfheld m5 Ibilmhnsgy lug nlghl hlc Crï¬xlr ChoppTHIcomm mdrd he Danie squndron nr 01 oxmllcm record II had set In lhu lunchan of Info haul hnndlln ll bnslc pllounu clnu duran ho pnsl wlnlcr Will by lnr um lnrml nmonx the 10 Iqundmn campusan the Geor xlnqTnnl plurlcl ramen nus revoluv Inn In travel today hn caused government and buslnum All over the work Ia realize lhc ra surzenl lmpnnance rave and Iaurlsm In tho wnrld pollllcs Economy and prosper The Cnnndlnn Tourist Assocln Inn and lhu Ontnrln Chamber or Commerce are sponsnrinz series hospitality conferences deï¬ned to lm rave and updnlr aourlsl rcccplnn and service methods Tourlsm In old Marco P019 Int the Grunge conference held at the Conlinenknl Inn ln Dun1e yes lcrdny was nuended by 40 ro presentatlvns rum la commun lllcs he Gearglnn Buy De vnlupmcnt Assoclutlon Huron country and Grey and Slmcou cuunlins Murray Brown vlceprcsl dent of CM Wu luest speaker at the luncheon yesterday ailer noon He spoke on he new oullnok for lourlsm and sald ll was mixth bl buslness lndenl lyan luurlsm with llnnnccs he sald ll has reached vnlume cluse lo 58 bllllon annually lhrcc limes lhc valume 01 10 years ago Mr Brown snld lourlsm ln Brilaln nulsnld any product whlch mndc It reknown In he ï¬rst place and lnurlsm was rr spansthe lar mum lhnn half lhe lolal larelgn uchange of BIG BUSINESS MUST WORK IT Fear Lamprey To Enter Lakes If Locks Built llnl rum1 npulumm mm JOHN CIIOIPIN Cum ndinn Power Squadron con 1ralulale Edwin Narmnn FortyéFive Pass Exams Barrie Power Squadron Friendliness Makes Tourlsm SuCcessful nl um rmllrl In pm In MI lHIlIlln 0w In unmml Inld Ila mld lhnl Ihnll Immu mm In Hnumlcr Iml llw uvyrr mm hul Hwy hnw mxl bran mm In lllnlllrnnl numlml fluy hm not tum up ll wullmn mlrnmv luml Luke OMMIU The lnnwrry mulxllllm lulu Ml Inmawd 1h Onlulo In mtnl nan be On In quullnn burr Iho lmkl Innlup lampreyl the htrlrl Imkrlmnn HIM ho dld nul kunw my hurlm mm fluid In In and rflrcllm moulrlr 1mm wnuld 1m Ilnn mm lmlu mom have bren klllcd nl IUrh hnulm nn flrrnnu nnlulnz lhl iron Lnku Umnlrnla mm uml hul more 11 ml umnm Uml mm would he IHNlhr xvu hm ln hum Iwa Inm pny truck IKIHAIII mnwnlnl nunmt In Hm Im In nnlrr lo Ilnrl lmublm wnuu um mullp IHly mar mm mnulr ll dld Impwn mng he erlnnrl CM um um II II ohvlum Uull Inma drpnrlmcnl UN nurln Gav ornmcnl II pmhlnz nr um lock lulml dennrlmrnu do nnl Intml lam mm many an and prnjrcln unlcn lrmln clnl Gnvernmrm mk ll ad membm 01 lb Squadron brinuln he membership up lo 01 $1 he Iucccsslul women cnndldnlc wcro rccnlvcd Indy markups making mm 17 One young student hrcamc junlor module For hnvlng madu Auhsuml In conlrlbullons Iu lho prcmm Hon ha lnlmlll Cnnn dinn Powcr Squadron durlng lhe pnst your CMzl Cmd Chnp nln amenlcd Ipcclnl an In tho cm mtrll mnt to tha lollnwinl membcri ner mrd llilhop Alex Boltchownky llnbcrl Douala Huh Drury Im uul Mncallnvrny Edwln Nnrmnn Bruco Ice and Lorna Vlcu all Burrln Gourl mm icrrnn Aurorn nnl Nnvlll Burnï¬ our sm LI Canadas third ranking source lncume sur passed only by newsprint and wheat Foreign dollars hrnllzh $550 mllllnn Into Canada In 1962 13 per cent Increase rum mag he said TaurLsm also an import he added Money spam by Canadian travelling outside lhe country payment to be mnda Just we pay for goods we Import sum that the outlook for Iourlsm lhln year Inoks good he menlluned that enquiries celved by the Cnnadlun govern ment travel bureau so far 1M year are up about lo per cm lnr flu sigma period last war lha llallan government and Is Lha Imest dollar garner In France This Is big International business hlzhly compelillvn and digging rnpdly Govemmenl and buslnesx ul Hclals predict lhat lourlsm will rank second Cunadlnn ex Pagl llnl And by 1567 ML Brown sald llkely It will become Cun udaa No export whcn we expect our dollar earnings from linurzsm to double has 962 ALSO IMPORT Closest ulimnlu Angles lhe overall tourist lnduslriex 01 Canada enioy an Income of around $2 hllllon your and It esllmnled that Ontario Eel clogoï¬a hall 117 qmou ccnhe new commander of lho nurrle Squadron Lmklng on Kobe Cliflnn pas Fo lï¬arllnl an in Cnnndlnn Brlnllnx ha bmlun £10191 TI lmlul Im ln llvr rllm um rlorlrd lxy Hill Mrlhvvwn In ll mlnulrl lnr Tm mun elm nmupldrr Ihu mile In to minum narrle Power Squndrnnl ncw cxctullvv Includes Commander Edwin Norman AP Exe cnllvn miter Mex uolcchowaky AP Trnlnlna Olflccr Ruben DMng Fer Litul nmcn WIN lccrclnry Fin thul Anzu Manllllvrny tunur vr Flrl Llcul Gcarn Burl Gtrnnl Aurora and Im Ccmmnndcr Roberl Cllflon AJ nun lhv upnwnlnl round Ire nnl loo Inllllnclnry They wm nmrn momrn In per Inlm hul tonlrol mtlhodl no reduer lhtlr numlml mm 60 per um 11an rhcmlcnll WI mm In The Walk Meuum Mlle tnnmnlixl Iu rllln Mldumrnd nummn hm lho llmlr rlll um Ihm Duvpyl Ilrxiny Smnmn In and uh ul flrlde nl Juhnnm 51nd Im In Muml Irrnnmunhd lhrlr rmlwr Jmk lhllllm an tvur mu 11an Power Squadrons hluory mcrll mark were nwnrdtd lhln year In May arsoclnlcs Lnsl night here llunara want In Mrs Elhel Lllllun Mn rLouIrcllc che and Mr Mnrlup uolmflomky lock to nul In don wmh Ihunld he hp an lho Inn my Hwy mnko Her wcnrnuu Sum cunlrul mm mm Ihnulrl mlnvlod nl Um III nlm llmu lml ll wnuM lm Inn any In lry ln he lhrm mII In Hu llnt Imlnnre 11w lllhulu mer Inld Commnndnrl Cllnllons wm mucnlcd by Commander no bcrl CllIlmI ME la dear Elllslon Orvnl lehnm Mnh vlu Hobson Robert mile and Wlb Molmmuor No matter how you Alice ma louerl huslnes bi business But It close huslness Your cammunity can get ll shun If it does some lhlng abgglA He added that the commun lty must make up It mind to want more oturlsts work ni xmslvely And develop tourist potentlals It 5103525523 and seek new potentnls smmcnon How L9 tourism Bl Lm year the volumn tour bl buslneu In Canada wu rangth twothirds ol the lulnl cash receipts from nchropI llvtslock and other amcullurll produce turned out in Canada wlgfln ygarflï¬he snld Compared further Mr Brwm nnted that tha value hurls huslneu In Canada was man ly equlvalenl la the total salary and wage blll of all manufactur lnlzï¬lnduslriu Val Ontario Our rcp kuiian among nui visitors depend on human sat isiactinn at he most personal kind He said reputation thriv ed on the appiicutinn oi good public reiution principles on the revival of inicmt xuch things as conservation Cun udian history and maintenance to home he museum that the share lhe individual commnno iiy receives wiildepend on Ihe community ilseil Ila nimudo inward tourists in recognition oi ihe valua of tourist huslnen and what steps take in mm uln angprqmlla llhls buxlggu School Children WalkTho Milo commander ol the mm Squadron Bummer Phnlob 41 41 04 45 499595 9515 The Iccrctnry gave mum of an execulive meeting 01 ha Ontario associnflon and told he mtmbeu many changu ngm ed lor lhu coman year Mem ber wlll required to complete examinallon forms In order to quflllly or rqcmbqa Toranln William Slmnlmn ID founder and nwmr Inn whlch later bo cnmo lomCufl Palm and Vnrnlnt Campn mallard 0M VIHIIm lnlhtr nlllt Gaby 7a whn tnnclml mnnnml and lrnlncd ï¬trlllonl lcnml or 30 yum Mr Justice Curl Stewart set three cases over to th next sitting In Supreme Court here yesterday before ndjuumiug court untll 1030 am Iodny Twu the cases were or dumugu or negligence motor accident and the third was suit or parsonnl damages or negligence nnd an Injuncllon Guest speaker Benny In Insurance ndIusler gave an oulllne oI lhc coverage whlch mehl be Included In supplemcno lnry exInnsIum usunlly added In Ire policies lIo encouraged lhe lenml annnu Io kncp lhclr tllcnu polIcles well arranged mnny dId not bolllcr lo read he Ilno prim Ila cmpluw Izod Hull prncllllnx Ialr dcullnxs wIllI lhalr clIcnIa would In lho evtnl oI claIms rcpny more The proposal lo mukn Ice lum nvullnblo Io achool and groups who dulrcd Inlormnllon wan unread and some mambcrl volunlmcd lo at Ipcnkm GrnuuDr Snul Symnn hmcll dnlrynlo la the Wurld Health omnnhnliun nlmnhly Ind dkrdorKencml In Il mll chllh Minln Un my If Wumo ML Irculary he Onlnrln rhlplu Outdoor Vrlml of Cnnndn at nlluck 1m Cnu Cull MrL pa union mnlhcr nl wlnlm Pm 2mm Mun Iltr Wu GnlInlht of aur national characlerlsllu re all people are nelghbnrs and pnrticularly or Canadlans who generally have reputation at not travel llnx within Iheh awn cnumry In any great cxlenL Mr Brawn stated here was remap great need or saw us Canada nnd knnwlnx Can adlmu better He said all diam la attract tourists will In they not coupled wlth canslderata al lentlnn and service the in divldnal visitor Mr Brown suggested that Canadian develop tourism all year mud and nuts ldle or am months ol the year By dell promotlnn and adver llslng fewlemons of llll country have already capllallz ad on the charm of all our of Cagadlanhglasoyal perlpds not taking advantage the many calorlul lesflvnh and events that oflerlhemselm In lhe autumn and spring There very reason In believe that develvpmenls of special events yeahmund would help to reduce oilseasons In Canadas tourist central clnslns Mr Brown added that he did notwant to stnss only the ecannmlq actor In tnur lsm To see tourism in econ omic term onlyIs to mlsa In wider algqltlcnncc Tha soda aspécl lo tourmn vlsillng gives bath to the guest andlhe hosl dcgpur Inglghu lg Three Cases Are Set Over Agents Volunteer Give Lectures By THE CANADIAN PRESS Jusuce cases Jul ml nlmm any um mm when My um DEATHS Ice Curl Stewart over to th Supreme Cour before ndjuun 1030 am I01 Slewan 5c lh next Cour here ndjuuming Iodny The value and rccaznlllon glv en lo Ihr tourist Industry by the two government levels and mun IclpaIiUes was poInch out as an Impurlanl factor In the success ollm Industry In Conudn 1v an Inalysls or wha and where we am suld The first slop any prnhlcm Is to arrive at ccrlnln and plan In lake pasil as result the wo He sald the lnvcnli br remonal lo have value and canlnln n1 Items which mlghl lrnvcl Industries su commodnlian eallng menu road system information nu quit vious Growth and neunrnphy he rcglon were lwn of he noma nhvlnus llcms he menuoncd Pimple nrc Inmrcslcd he discovery and early develop mcnl an area bnundnriem mu actual and licllonul book wllh sell gs ln lhgreglon Mr Mcllallle uulllncd com munlly survey ol lnurlsm which would measure lhe lmpncl ol Inurlst spendan on the economy 01 the communlly and mould dc James npmcn bra Department Hch oullln fauna rose luurlst cm SIMPLE ANALYSIS Reaearch of tourism Is slmp 1v an Inalysls of what we hnve and where we nro galmz he It movwd ugnln flmrds the Angus seed lnnl lhe Dcpnrtmcnl and and Forests date back to msnl mowed lhls lnle In May In mnny In your Maybe mowed nrnund lhla llmo year before mu but no records cth May me one qunrlcr Inch May 1017 am Innh Mny 105 one Inch May 1m onehnll Inch May 1056 onvqunrlnr Inch and May me our unrlcr Inch Tho Inst now all In llnrrlo wnu lhu early Icgmcm or Inn mnnllL Al lens onequnrlcr 01 an Inch all ovnmluht In lhe An xux mu Inld Mcrv Dabwn flu scmlplnnl Frnak Mmlngn or In mrnl mm hclwccn hrru and Mn kokn hnvo lmn Issued by he Public chlhcr Olllco 1de law lunlghl 23 and lhn Mini mmuriJw oi Night Snow Is Record MAYOE COOKE of Ernie dlscusscs way In in crensq the tourist lnduslry In Barrio hospitality work Say Tourist Districts Wise To Do Research Tn ï¬n lelmlln Wuhnl hllnllol llum MITCHELLAIRE 1mm ONT PA 666 WHITE T0 to mullch ll tnln conclusinnl to positive ncHon the work lnvcnlnry should have mnximum nro galmz slap In As umbili and other so ab report of ailsct the solvhg RECEPTION Mounlt general man ager the Mldland Chamber of Commerce spoke an recep tlum services and informallun unlres He menlloned me Mid lnld receptlun centres and point ea aul he varlous research mev huds 1nd techniques the chum bor usud to set up two Infor rmnm booths costs us about $1000 yrar lo operate both at them on the inrnmlng roads to Midland Transportation determines the best site or such centre and irnliic survey may give the bust advice which in our cIse resulted in placing them on lhn two road into Midland lie said the key to in success lul cmirc was the stall Weve trained men kids and ladies and have found out that mnnicd wo men are natural hmtesscs They acuton nwam oi the prob lem of travelling inmily while yuungslers are nail use of selected melhuds of smlf selection was proposed by Bert Lyman manager Ike Toronto Holnl Assoclnllon in his piescnlnllon an personnel sup trrmxw the travel hablls and cnaracterlsucx 11¢ visitors As an example of his he said Standard Brands lekcd ccn ducts wmlnule course In cstv ed managemenl lechnlqucs for the load service Industry FORMAL TRAINING Onco the stall is selected or mnl raining Is the next Mp shop yesterday The confcr ence sponsored Jointly by the Canadlan Tourist AssncIalIon and the Duluth number Your taste Calvert 01d Rye Every drop or Cnlvort Old nyo mun pnu 90 rigid qunllly control check before leaving our dlamlory Your HUN In cho 97th chock Try llght amooh Culvert Old Rye is the 97 check he encuuragemem and develop men or hlgh school vocalinnal cnurscs lar laurlst servlce InA duslrles There ls llsllng cl 350 film and lilmslrlp training lds available for these who want lllem There an nex hnusllblu source nl speakers from lmde nssnclntions govern ment dbpnrlmcnls and compan ies ln the buslnflsl ol supplylng lo Ihe laurlst scrvlcc eslnhllsh menls Mr Lyman added that onelheJoh Irainlng refresher courses and management train ing courses are also available and that some groups conduct seminars In technical subjects Iur vnrloty jobs Tho ms two subJecu were concerned with the leachlnq of hospitality and an clreclive pub lic relations program The purpose of hospitality srhool wno outlined by Hollywood secretary manager the Sudbnry and Dislrlct Chambrr ol Commerce The school In deslgnod to help tour ist service personnel become more alive to the tnurlst oppor lunllles around them and the need ur better rcceptlon and care ol tourists Touchan llghuy nn course rlnnning length of courses and omtlon the school Mr llolly wood polnled out that all per sons whose work brings them lnlo frequent and dlroct contact with the tourlst should attendr HONEST Erwin Kreulzwcbcr cxncullvo Commerce was held at the Continental Inn Delegates are left ta right Marcel Belehu meur Penelaug Mch Spring meeting of Ihe Barrla and Dislrlc Advlsnry Commit lee In the Canadian National In smule or the Blind me at ha home or AIL and Mrs Mcr rm Allislnn Tuesday There was an excellent repre senlalion of board members from Barrie as well as from Bradfnrd Allismn and Angus The meeting discussed various phases all work or iii blind in lhls arcai Plans were made to hold the annual summer picnic or the blind ai Simcac Cauniy Tin picnic his year is take place at Sunset Park in Coiling wood Anulhnr Inpic of the meciing was the 1963 appeal or funds throughout Snuth Simcne mm The cummillcc set the ohjccnve $13219 and it is expected that this amount will cavcr the cast at serving the blind far he cum ng year The advisory commillee is member lhe Harrie Unilnd Appeal in the City at Barrle and Banies portion me oh jcclive will be $7271 The len lalive dalcs fur lhe appeal were set or lhe lallcr parlian of Scplember Accurale and air stallsuc and fair stnlcmcnls wll build cnnlidcncc he said and good public relations program aimed ncccplnnco open assistant the CTA expounded Ihe principles oi good public re lniions and criticized lhose who release 1an iniormation In tho pruss radio and ulcvisioni False propaganda will not work Blind Plan Annual Picnic Mayor Cooke and Bert Rumble Examiner Pholo