baseball In the throat ls sup osed to he the straw that broke the back of New Yor Yankees camel in the 1060 Worlu Series Few peo 1e recall the hatter but everyone remembers It was ortstop Tony Kuka who was felled by the badhopper That pla helped Pittsburgh Pirates become world champs of asebgll Yesterday attérnoon at Queens Park there was similar situation No neither the Yanks or Pirates were Involved But Stewarts Garage and Robertshaw Controls were They are softball clubs They were tan led In terrific pllchers duel than whomp routlna gyounder was hit to the ï¬rst base side of second The second baseman Bill Goosen fat head on thevball 54nd gotlnposlu9n gath Itdldnt an nun 54 he en Tyre ball 01 crazyï¬bpiaiélsmncked thé 1e er In the eye Down went Gooscn Safely went the batter to ï¬rst and to home plate scnmpered the runner who was standing on second SPORTS TYPE That was the onlyrun of the ball game was worth $80 and lot of prestigie to Stewarts Robert shaw won 30 or being Insists 1n the tournament but lost no prestige But bad hop or not no one is going to question another phase of the game the hurlln of Stow arts Harold Butch Boyd In fact the ay should come right quick when the lag Butch will have to disappear Thls fellow whlle 51111 kid hurls like man Hea already in the form that played blg role In carrylng ée6Â¥nrm to the chumplonshlp of the local league 1n 0f the teams saw ln the tourney whlch ln cldentnlly was run excellently Stewarts has to he the team to beat Theyve got the Bltchlng 130 and Jim Armstrong good hlttlng and la ulous fly aslng Tomonow its play ball officially for Stewarts and the rest of the Barrie District Senior Softball Lea JUST NOTES lts opener time around theold supper table Barrie Intermediate Softball League starts regular season action this evening at Shear Park with Clarkson Hotell last years champions playin the 182 cellardwellers Lakeview Dairy Out at orn ton the defending champions open the South Slmcoe Baseball League season tonight against Utopia lhen tomorrow night back at Queens Park Barrio DistrictSenior Softball League kicks off with twin bill starting at seven oclock Thu best BunII Cenlrll Col lama muld mam wu 20 point Thomhul Collegiate clplurld the Georzlnn Ely DII lrlct Secondary School Tuck Meet in Aumrl Saturday wllh 69 mlrken Junlor random or Central were Don Young flay Rodger And Jack Mlllnr Younl wn second In 1h mllo nIn wllh lime llvo mlnulcl and lb lecondl our lecondl under lhc record mark Radar wn no and In Iha brond Jump wllh 11 Ice le lnchu whlle Mllllr In lhed lourlh In ha half mil with llma of two mlnum Ind 12 lecandl Over the seven Innings of yesterdays llnale Boyd fielded but two hits and claimed eight New Toronton an on strikes in the inllrmedluie divilion ii wn Dom Icy Snow inking iuurlh um lhl brold jump with in lhm inchel Ray Thomplun paced Cenlnl Swim wllh third In lha Hop Skip and Jum mi ihm in rim Mi third in tho high Jump ilvo ed 10 intilu Central Misses Out At Tourney Ghost Of Kubek Bugsï¬obertshaw By STEVE JONESCU WI II you REMEDIAL GYMNMHCJ lmpnn win Illa Illnl can OMIIO IAEDIC Gelml Ind IMMILEOICJ Illr In Clnhnl Thrombolll lullI umnm Ill Mun muuulu InnIon melm lull your lndlvHul at umlu nl your main mail In umlm and maltl In All mm Inland IkmM ï¬nkl hutM rm mun EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY Ill REMEDIAL GYMNASTICS MR AND MRI DMNES RM Uzmm Emu02 Zmmom 20 ucz wm Iy Wnlm Only PA um AT PM mlnuke ware uken by he Senior mlle rally lquld command Herb Shannon Bruce Henry Bob Skrypnychuk and Roy Mompwn 1h tum ran the mile why ull ï¬x up and Inner than he GDSSA card lernla time was thm mlnulu and ucondsx old record wn hm mlnum 501 lemndl other mambm ha Ielm were Terry Mcflenly Tony Val InHl Junlon PM Murphy Bob Mllchfll Jng Cllrk An DAvId Gamay Inlmnodl II Allin cum knlnr BEATS CANADIAN MONTRML CF Mom ml Wunderm edlcd lho tour In AntlAunnlnl mm north om Enullnd lundny In In exhlblllm rumr lune an AnlIAAnmlm began lelaml dEuum Cunndl tour an mur Iy 1963 Seniqr Loop Softball Schedule Tmclovewlleallnn v1 Skew Mly zaTrueluve vs Edm Edgara May 291MB laml9 Plug Queenn Pukieus pm May uBlrrle Plan vs nuelove Queens Park100 pm Ednr vs Stewarts GIraUHQueena Park830 pm May nElmvlle Vs Hanlo Hula MlneslnlMS pm May 252Edgar va Eplmale El June lTSenlnr Legqu 411 Stags vg nlqrmedlnlerhauue All June sSlewml vs Truelava Queens Jun 4Bnrrle Pllu vs deax Edgar645 pm Jun bmmvaln vx Stewarts Quacna Park 700 Edgar nunlove Ouaenl lurk£4 Jun chwutx vs BurrIa Plaza MlnulngMs June shuelovu vs Elmvale Elmvalema pm June llstewnrll Edgar Edgar645 pm hnla lzTrnulovc vs Barrie Plaza Quecnl Park7mpm OpenQueenl Parkam pm June l3Ellllwll v1 Edgar Ed urms 111 Jun lbBnrrie Plaza vI Elmvn Elmv emlv pan Edgar vs Truelove Queens Park645 June l1Barrle Plua vl Stewm Qucmn Park830 pm Jun 19Enrrlu le v31ruelove Queens Park700 pm denr Va Stewarts Queenl Park830 pm Jun zoElmvale VI Bum Plaza Mlneslngeus pm June IzEdglr Va lmule ElmvaleMs pm humlove vs Stuwuï¬ Queens Park64 pm June mEdzu VI Barrie Plaza Queuna Park700 pm Elmvale vs Tnlelove Queenl Park880 pm Juno flSlewnnu VI Elmvalo Elmvaleom pm June uTruolnvu vs Edna Ea nrOHS June IsEnnie Plaza EImvn Elmva H155 pm OpenQuccnl Pork700 pm July zBarrla Plan vs Edgar EdXIrGMS pm July sElmvnla vs Srwnrta Queenl Park645 In July sTruelnva Bnrrle Plaza Qlleenl Park630 pm July Ntewnd va Edgar Ed nrdzts 51m July oTruelov vs Elmvale EmvaloGus pm July aBuflc Plan vs Slewartx Queenl Park830 pm July 10Slewans Va Trutlnvn Queenl Park700 pm Elmvule v1 Edy Queens Parkmo pm rtln Plaza MlneslnIMs pm 0110 um Fir 45 pm My IsEdur v5 Bun1r PM musing645 pm July lTElmva Stewn Queens Park 00 pm mum oanJm July unuuvnm mum Barrie Plan v2 Truelovo Queens Park830 pm JulylsBarrle Plaza vn Edgar Edgar615 pm July mTrurlove VI Etmvnle Elmvnleazls pm July nTmflove VI Stewarts Queens Park830 pmp July nElmvnle Vl Barrie Plan Minexlnzdzls pm July uEdzar VI Truelove Queenl Park700 pm uggekqueena Park850 pm July ewm vs Edgar Edaarms pm July andxa lmvale Elmvanazcs pm Openmm Park6M5 pm July Mlewms v0 Barrie Plaza Naming845 pm July llEmie Plan Slewnnl Queenl Park700 pm Elmvllu vn mlove Queena Park530 pm Edgar Edgar45 pm Elmvale Elmvanus Aug lElmvnlo v1 Aux iSlewnrll Aug Burrlo Oily Soccer Club mind In defunct of II Aurora Cullen nlal looser tournament um In Angora yggterqua uwlm Qum Par 430 pm Twelwe Queens Park700 Benny Sleenhonl and Ted Doi each nick or Ilnnlo on to give Aurora Ihutoul aver lhe Barrlclles Barrie Clly advanced lnlo he flnula by blanklnz Noerlandln In the flu round and thumping Ptlerbara on three goals by Harry Morrison 1n the lhlrd Auron duelrd lo Koalleu draw with Newmnrkel In thu Int round And nipped Oshawa 11 Inrlhe third In other mulchu 1n he 1le lum lonrnlmun Palerboro whlpped Neerllndln nd Barrie City Fails In Title Defence llilhlflnl Ilnulh III Mun 11mm by 0mm Am mullkt SWEET DADDY SIKI BILLY RED LYONS VALINTINI IHIo DIPAOlO vs Stun STASIAK SPECIAL CHAllENGI SPECIAL FEATURE AURACTION 112 HourTimo limil Gentleman Jim WED NIGHT 845 Newmankc Ind Oshawl wcra deadlocked 22 Thornton wlll play host to Utah anlgh In the openlnï¬ game the South 51mm mm bnh Lemma Thornmn Mending champion Game time In pm WANDEREM ARRIVE MONTREAL CPJ Wolver hampton Wnndmrl Brlulnl Flnl Dleslan soccer club In rived by air Monday or In ex Mbllion our Canada Ind tho United Sum Simcoe Loop Opens Tonight Valentine HADY lo vs Johnny Robert Shaw Control from Toronto hnd lntenllona nl win In Intplace prizemoney 1n he Earrle Invitational Sonbnll Tournament 01 the mend year In NW at Queens Park yester day buz theydidn ï¬gure on chap by name nl Butch Boyd Boyd orks Wonders PM Tourney Win lnlmlzcd crowd braved the raw windy weather to watch Boyd perform masterlully in two games In lending Slewnns Garage to tha lournamenl wII The chunky chucker blanked Clnrksnn Hale 30 in the sucand Ill ol um tourney and lushloncd tight 10 victory over Robert Shaw 1n the llnale Seven names all were play ed in will proved to ba suc cuulul and mum numament Tho ï¬rst lx allalrs were no live innlng nature unless an cm was leadlni by llvn runs at the end 01 three complete alanlal In whlnh cusn um game was aulnmallcnlly over The ï¬nal inmewan xeven Innlng stretch Boyd was wonder In Slo waru bl win llmlllng lhu np nosltlon lo wn ncrmch alums Hu wuikcd only two and bind his control tho wny alrlklng out II lho 25 halter hu faced The only member of the Hobart Shaw squad who had any luck at nllaznlnst lhu pflchcr was lenllelder George Tonsdnlo He reached base three times walk an errnr and Ilngle Gard Shears the lnslng pllch er wasnt exactly what one could call but He was also my with hisMu xlvlng up on tour while lnnnlng seven an walkan nane llls maln lrouhle turned up In the second lnnlnl whln Slewnrll counled their only run Alla Pcle McClukcy went down an strike and Fred Cull ing grounded nut Ar Mnrlln drilled ï¬nale through lhe hole lllll Bertram olluwcd with llne shut to lacond which ham red and hit tha mond lack Bill Gunmen in the nee Mnnln scored from accond and nut mm was anle Goomn was re placed by Ken Galdancer Jlm Bertram and Boyd nc counlcd or Stewml other two hits Bnyd worked hla way on of Iroubla ln 1ho lounh Innan when it appeared he was in or had llrne W161 men on ï¬rst and third Butch whmed chm strum pm Vnyno Gordnneer to end flu inninl lmllhl any Elmule The In tournament opened with what vm mbnhly me but mo at tho uy Smllhl Dalry edged past tough Elm vale crew 65 In eight lnnlnzl Smllhl came up with chm Mu Indchreolunslnthe elzhlh lnnlng to pull out the flaw douhlo arror two unglu Ind lwahnmr accounted for mu tnlflel Wally Kelmun doubled alon um lhlrd bun lino In that in Dun Morrison and um By JERRY GLADMAN came home on Alma by Ron Zlgke lg wln gngnm Tho vglnnm picked up nair ni runs in ha second inning to flan lhln nil Zielke was again lhe era he sent war runs across the nlnlewiih 11 ions doubi Wayne Knccshaw had previously been hit by pitched bail and Keliman had dogblpd gorieit Jnck Ethcrlngton Smiths last hnll ollhe lhhd by wnlklng and came homu an triple ln centre by Dan MonL son to make It 30 Elmvnln came back In the nurlh to lo thg game up Dennln Turner walked Doug Stone but out bum nnd Herve Graham belted dnubln to can lra to drive In run Pinchhitt er Smokey Volllck walked on our pitches and Dave Camp bell notched sacrtttce fly to the outï¬eld t9 knock in another run Leo Balsamt walked to laad the bases and brother Lou tul llch with anolher walk to In up The scan remalncd un in the Eighth lnnlnn when Elm vnlo struck or lwn more runs Paul Channel bullan or Elvle Frankom walked on our Ilch umnn the stage or mo run by Smokey Volllck But it was all or nll as Smllha won he name In their hall of the eighth Slewnrll GnuII Clnkson Ilotel Another brilliant hurllnl per nrmnnce by Bulch Boyd ennhl ed Slewnnl cnrve out the MNILA AP Undclenled Ede Jam luccusmlly de mand his world banlamwelght buxlng champianlhip Salurday nigh when Johnny Jamllo I110 Phllipplnea fluorcd In Iha llth dld not answer the bull or the 12m round lha Hm was recorded as lllhraund lochdual knockout It Wu UH 38th knockout In an haul for thn 21yearold Mlle hulder 1mm Sun Paulo Brazu whn never has 1m mole xlonul light although he has been held In lhm drawn Th1 wnl hll lelh Mlle defence Ind all ended In knockouts The champion welghud 117 pounds and Jnmflo 13 ha ï¬lth ranked coriander In hll weight dxgcked In at 111m JD now plan to take on leatherwdghl ohlmplon Sugar Rama Mexico In Los Anxuel In ellher in or Auml with tho leathery gm title It um Ha ha complained hm Imu blc making the 118pr bnn hmwelgm IlmlL Ha uld hl would pram Iv um in th pound dnu Ioire Retains Bantam Crown Your taste Your mm In tho With chock CalVert 01d Rye quality control chock Try light Imoolh Culvon Old nyo Evory drop of Culvert Old Ry mun pull no rigid boron leaving our dlltlllory is the 97 check 50 shuloul over Clarkson In three Innings The win nave Stewarts bye mm the seml ï¬nals Boyd tanned Hrs Ihmc hulluro six out scven and wound up alrlklnz nul clghl the 10 men he laced He gave up walk to Bob Hllllcr In the second and pltchnr Billy Walker fled out In the lhlrd Stewarts plcked up three hits in the Hrs lnnlnl good for ï¬ve 1311123 The hll blow was Ihreu run homer by Fred Cuuinu sacriï¬ce fly by George Falcon er and single nccunmd for the other two runs Tmelova Hull Onethll chucking by Gord Shears lave Robert Shaw 60 Ihumul over Trueluve Henllng and bye Into the semiï¬nals Shears muck on our walk ed none and saw up onesingle In lluee frames Shortstop Nick Owen connected or scratch ulnzlo In the xecnnd was he only butler in much ï¬rst base llne alnglo by lastmlnum mm Irvo Feast sent two runs acamperlng ucms ha 311nm and started the mule In Ihlrd stanza Wally Sobclyk and Gary Dempsm slnilcd before centre Helder Wayne Gnrdnnccr nlrnk ed threanm round flipper to put the name on Ice Mlnulnl Edllr walk and an Interelercnce play marred an otherwise per ml game by chucker Jan anr ha led Mlnesing 1m Banie Plaza 50 thrneJnn lng triumph over Edgar Rnlgh Knapp was pllchlng good all or Edgar until he ran Into lrnuhla hi the fourth and was replaced by cenlrbflcldcr Al Smllh Smmr we nn ho mound when Mneslng counted mulr llverruqs Single by Wluslun and Wen dell Downuy klple by Blll Gmnl and two errors caused all the damn Mlnexlnz plckcd up total seven hlls cu mule lo dulr victory Elewull Gnu Smlthn Dairy powerlnl lwonln homer by Georxa Falconer broke the back Smith Dnlry Stewarts marked up wln to so into he Ilnll round Ilnlns Robert Shaw Falconer blast followed donhlo by catcher Joe Mnrley lo sve ha Garage boy lead Jlm Edwam came lhrough with double and Frank mlllnza Jingle provided the marler vlclory an Edward came on to were Slowrm clicked or Iingia any In tin opening name when Fnimnerl smiilco Ly drovo in Jimmy Emma Pele McClu ley land into beautiiul pitch in the mond In boil the hall Robafl Shaw mllc for Stewarts second mn sncrlllce fly by Lorne Arm almng brouuht In An Marlin Robelrl Shaw nulnz heavy but biz Lou MIMIC and twobl plchlng Jab by Dun LonV gave Robert Shaw xhelr bye Into the hullround v15 54 Irh1rrgph qv lnujng Wlegel followed Wafly Sob czyka ninule wlth mashlnl double In drive In lhu 1m run Two errors paved the way or me second tnlly the um lnn lng In thu Ihlrd frame Wlegel belted tourbugger with Slmp son on base lnr twn more mm Alexander uddcd the ï¬nal run with hl homer and won the grim Long gave up double to Wendell Dawney and alnlle Blll Adams In luadlng the way or lhu winners He walked two and anned we SCISSORED SPORT BREAKS MARK MOSCOW Reuters Rus shm athlete Tumnm Prul broku her own womens world discus record here Saturday with throw 5929 meter col Inches Her pre viuu world mark was 5096 meters 193 feet alx Inchea set In Landon In Scpmmber lWL MUST DEFEND SYDNEY NS CPiCanl dinn middleweight champinn Blair Richardson must defend his title against Ron BmuIen oi Saint John NBwiihin all months Sam Ermnn president oi um Canadian Boxing Feder allon said hm Sunday Broth has been making llllc bout iorvnearly year PLANE LANDS BAFELYi MILWAUKEE ADA chu icred plane carrying lhICin clnnnU Red bascbnll team imm St Louis in Milwaukee made iorccd landing at Chlmnl OHara Ilipafl Monday liter developing lmubie in on our enginesi iila leam wal trnnxicmd to analllu D01ln Chiangn of Hummer drivlnz ll ahead in an OK Used Car from MILES DANGERFIELD MOTORS