Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 May 1963, p. 14

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Full llnu hlgll class Form Mach lncry illke new lw undorslgncd has rccclod lnslmcllons to sell by publlc nuclan al CON 05 TINY TOWNSHIP Hnllwoy bclwcon Wyehrldge and Wyuvole SATURDAYv MAY 15 A1 NOON Property helnnging lo ED GRENIER CATTLE llLnllh Slows En llrn herd blood tested and TB tested prior Io sole Elmluu Special Rollo IBM Polled Bull No xsvzm Born July 1957 Sire ClIR Plus Rollo 14 No X490556 Dom Flcdu Mlsohlcl Spoclnl No 502381 13 AUCTION SALES Vaubvlcw Lady Maryanne 5P Pollcd FemaleNa X665577 unit 1955 Drcd Feb 184 1063 la herd slrc Vuubview Audrey zJNa 416m Dom Mmch 28 1954 Brad Feb 19 1963 to hard sire Wnnbviuw Mary Lou 6M Nn 575610 Born Dec 1957 Brod April Is 1963 Heifer cnl sells at fool 57 2310s Lady Juno 9NNu 619933 Born 5ch 1935 Bred Dan 22 1962 lo herd slrc No 323m Born June 22 1951 Brad Oct 19m to hard sire Wuubview Dolly LI No 416196 Darn Jun 12 1954 Bred April II 19M to hard sire Bull cnf gelling nIaol SumxfiudaleCrustinn 1w No 3551 Born Supt Ii msllflull saying at Inf chh Brae Dmfiincnu Na 710159 Born Dec 1930 Brad Nov 1561 In herd sire Vaubvcv Anita PM 562962 Bum May 10 1937 Bull ca cllinx at fqol Wnuliview Lady Alice 1K N0 53 Burn Feb 25 193 Jrcri Aug 23 IBM l2 Vaubvici Vanice lLNo mm Horn Feb 21 I936 Hell cr cal swig aluIDuL llciicr cnu IS Wnuhvinw Carnlina Nn 6111113 Born Auk H1 Bred April 1m to herd Heilor cal snlling not us vuubvicw Lorramc Nn 562963 Burn Murrh 1937 Due Mny mm In herd fire 17 VEIulniew Annie 1PNo mm mm May 20 1939 mm call sells at foul Ill uubvicw Lucy 15 Na 7119 U0 anh 1951 Bred Jr 24 IBM In hnrd sire Vnnlwirw Mary ISNn 7425196 Born May 19M Pu uuc bred Oclulmr or Number 10 Luhlew Agnes 555 742997 no May IO IDGI fired on 27 92 lu herd sire TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL SCHOOL AREA PreSchool Registration 14 PUBLIC NOTICE 11w lcglslmion lhildrcn who wlll onlct Grade la lhc Public Schaols ul Iha anmlllp ol Innlslil School Area No ln Scplcmbar lam ls lo take place lallows Sunnphrac l5lraulNo IDA Thursday lllay no pvmnflzls nm llolyNI lzlllqndav May 27 210 am345 pm raMordNo lMWtrlncsrlny May 29 Palmwla No IllMonday May 27 pm pm llulonln IxAhxuday May SL m1 l7lldny May Killylcn lllarnlan Na Bl my Palm Nn ll Knock No lSnny allcrnoon May 21May ll Pvmlls ul lelllrcu Mm will be le your age by December law Mr urmnuy rrquuled la mall arranzcmonls on the above data Inrmh ure mm supply pm nu also lmmunlu llon maul Mztrc available AUCTION SALE OF 52 HEAD REGISTERQID HEREFORDS ON THE 30 OR TAKING IT SLOW HOLIDAYING IS FUN IN ONTARIO DMMIIO AV DIMMHINT III MMMMKNV flUllDlNOl WHOM ONIARIO mm In vnhuhing 0mm vouu Inlay 1m manmml mm cl good bmm unmmnmg mu mém la um My lulu And lot In cmlemhnl cl Ulvnclhon Onlulon 12 mm mm nmwnmm and Inmul la Ill vlmlovl and plan nmq my 0mm vaulmn now MIMI CIT FREE NAM ONMMO DEIAIYNINV MAY AND PUIllcflV Non lryln elm glamv mlULE WI Chairman um low to Mar vuu COLOUI 00M ION MAW IC lfliJ 153 sire 21 Wauhvlnw Vcnletl 75 No 117999 Born May 30 1991 Brad Nov 151963 qlgcrd 23 Rollo Miss Damlnelle 121 No 809291 Born July 11 1962 Sol 22 Rollo Miss Violet 141 No 80929 Born July 10 I981 Sells 9P 21 Min Alice Domino 31 Nn P795777 Barn Apr Ill 1962 521le 25 Rollo Lady Annle Na 3092M Born June 29 1362 Se pa 25 R0177 Miss Lady Venice 4TNn 775778 Earn April ll 1962 28 Rollu Dam nor Lnd DT No Homo Born May 31 1382 Scrvlcg gggd filed 29 Rollo Prfiuie 10T No 80929 Bum June 10 1962 Ser vice urge bull 21 nullos Mlsx Marl ET Nn P795780 Byrn Km1119 30 Rollo ND P509185 Born MAY NZ Servng ageuPalledgul 31 MIhlefiinnh Lois Brae mGNo 353094 Bull cal ml at loot MACHINERYAlli Chalm ers Tractor D15 year old Allis Chalmers Douhln Dlsc hy draullc llll IV ll 5120 new Allis Chalmers llydrnnllc Cr lvalor 10 slzo new Alllr Chalmers lurrow plow boltoms hydraullc new lnler rmllannl Enlnr No 45 molor drl vcn llke new Cockshull Mm urc Spreader No an mbber MnsseyHnrrls Blnder out lnlcrnallonal Slde Dellvery Rake bar Sccllon Drag llnrmw Olaco Rubber Tired Wagon bearlngs Wheel Trullcr with 11 plnlform 23 Il llny Elcvntor new Horse Sculller Sprucer Cual nnd Wood Cook Stove now Some other household Aellects Terms Onelhlrd cash Bal arm nn apprnved jolnl nale wilh lnmrcst al per cent per an mm on cnme and new mach lnery All onwr Hem cash Nolhlng In be rcmnvnd unm sculcd or Farm sold Buyers from dlslnnce must prove Idrr icaflon wilh clerk Snlc Mnnauemcnt will no he Mspnnsible lor ac cidcnls or lnlury pursnns on prnnerly durlng snle dayl Sale will be held under cover In men or bad wenfiller me la dies from the local lnslllule will Harry Bunnchnmps Clerks ANDERSON °0VMAN AND TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PIIUNE BMl HAD TO LUSH HALIFAX Emzlnnd CP Ilrspkndcnt In chains of office nml mnrnlna wmr Ihls ank bhlrc towns council scllled down In with Ire brlgude displny Suddenly base brake and rcanccd lire chit had In npnlnnizc In number dump dlgnilnrics COLWILL LTD Aubuoneers MN lérk finrkcr and ORILLM CmLotta own en from Melmpollfin Tamnto were accused Sunday want Ing perpcmou rundown pub lic school In Rama Tawnshlp urea afler plebiscite or naw antral public achwl we rejecgcd SnLurduy School Trustee Robert Hayes said the Toronlo people came and looked at film cracks in our schools the condition he Iollals the wood IslovtzsY and aald Thank God our kids dont have to attend these schools but It is good enough for mu local hlllblllius 145 In lnvor and M7 agnlnst replacng the cur rent our onemnmschools with central schnol In one poll where 95 per cent voter were collage owners the vote wag 514M gains the plan LONDON CWBrlmn has named Sir Henry Llnloll lo succeed Vlscoum Amory as 1111 commlssigncr to qundn However Iormcr Inmne uny mcnd Cooper disagreed wlUI Mr Hayes Everything was all right unlll Mr Hnyu gal on the school board wllh his big ger Ideas lhan lhl little town ship can aflord he sold Vr Eenry will Inkeup his up palntmanl next Novembertho New Oificial 233 BRADFORD ST Oxilliq School Is Turned Down NIIAL MOVUHI VALUI CAPSULE NEWS Sturflro In spoclnily bull for homo who want IportIcnr udvonturuwlth nocur luxury Bturllrol aporunun mm wllh llu contoured roar wlndow nnd racy uyilng And Scurflrou luxury shown In luvllhly appointed Into rloru wlh buckoi onto and Ilmurod nylon cumming mm the convenience of power ulnaran and power TAKE THE EASY STEP UP TO OLDSMODILE AND BE OUT IN STYLE TODAVI DANGERFIELD MOTORS lIMITED month after Viscount Amory leave Canada altar the expiry or his term of silica an an nuunctmen said Sunday MARGARETE MATZENAUEIL Dwa Dles Margaret Mullennucr 81 oneHm Mclropnlllan Opera prlmn donnn died Sunday OC3 r00r Cdzolilu DCF4 OraSOHFI DIEl Your Chovruhl Oldlmobllt Cldillu Envoy Ind Church Trutk Dulor WASHINGTON AP lhu us supremo Conn ha ruled that stain or city may no In erfura In any uhlon with peacclul nIMn demonstration or raclnl Intemuon in vuth plicqsual bglxlncu Bul the rullnz Monday dld not clearly ape out lhu legal poll llnn lha lndlvldunl the keeper who may wish to Ilrlcl hla cllenleln without lha Iuppol of xenreullanrlniua Van Nuya Calll She was Id mlued lo Sherman WayCon valemnt Hospital Saturday Iner annexlug stroke No Interference MOSCOW AM1119 Sovlet Unlnn through one at its ad mlralx threatened Saturday tn attack and dulmy any Ameri can or Atlantic Alliance mer chant ahlp armed with Palm nuclear mcketl Admiral al Gouhkov commandehlnthlel of the So vlel Navy made Iho mm in tha face of American and mu Ilh denlah at any plan lo arm merchanlmen JAKARTA Indonesia Rent Presldensuknrno was mndellleume pruldent Ihlx Saulhmt Alln nailnn Monday In he wake amlChlnese Hot In and charges than were phi Qn pqgrjpraw him Hls Installallnn president or Ilfe capped the career ho Bywayold farmer rgbel lengcr who has headed Vlha M1161 Polaxis Threat Sukarno Installed ujmrwww wrm alnce he and hll nationalist lup pmen pmlalmed It Independv me In 1915 our yenra helm nclunlly won lrcedom from Holand Major Lawson 45 Czar and Edmonton Alm hns been named deputy provost man ml for the Canndlun Army He will be promoted to llcukcnnnl culnnel May 20 Ma Lawson has been deputy nsslslanl nd julnnl lonerni at Orlona Enr mcka ln Oakvllle Ont since March 1959 ST JOHNS Nlld OP Nawspnper publisher My Thomson chuncollnr Memor lal University conlcrrcd 209 de grces during convocullnn cere union LAWSON Promoted Coniets Degees brakes Tharon morol Btnrflrna Spam Cuneoin with HydraMum TMlck conkrol and tnchomoior puts you In command of the umooih roaponalva power ho hlgh Iplrlmd 345hp Slnrtlro onglnn Sufiy your yon for eponIcnr excltumon and nocur luxury Drlvn the In men uporloqulppod luxury cur5urflro by Oldsmoblh by Oldbmobile monies at the unlvenny hera Salurdny Among them were llva honor nry domes two them can fened pulhumuualy on Slr Eric Bownler and Dunall 1n dusmullsls who played an Im porlnnz pm In tho economic ex pansion Newloundlnnd during lhu Inst 50 years Eélh dlgd dur lnz the In your flldsmuhila MALIBU Calif AP Pain rink Joseph Funow 20 non oi nclrm Maureen OSulilvun nnd murina Flo Edward Gard ner 19 non of actor Ed Gnrd nor were booked on suspicion of possession of narcotics uiier weekend raid on marijuana pnrly shcriiia deputies snld Fnrruwlx already on robalion from nurcollc cnnv ctlon Gluscpp inrleili 39 an In linn scientist working 01 Burn lom wns ordered Mnndny to wind lrlal June in an charges of spying for Russia He said he would piend innoccni Detectives nnd Briiish secret agenls laid limiing evidence ni spying at iiinrteills home and oiiices Stars Sons Held WASHINGTON AP The US Supreme Court struck down Monday In rnllrond lreluhl rule dlflcrcnllal authorized by lilo lnlorstnle commerce com mlulnn on export and lmporla To Stand Trial LJWers Rate somusyp lllE BARN EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY 1m PHONE PA 66527 movan In the United State be tween ass was pom and tho mldwen The southern or port Non alk Enlllmm and Philadelphll hnvc ram udvunmxc 40 60 cent In ton aver northern tier pom ol Ponlnnd Boston Al bnny nnd Naw York pity under lhe ICC nrdar LONDON mantelvBrluln has agreed in mm lntemll aclhuln to 115 Enhamna Mandi resort cnIony under new cnn smullon hoped In ndomed by Jan 1964 communique issued Monday lilo cioso oi lhreeweuk can Atiiuilonnl conference here said it is proposed to give the sub tropical archipelago and in 107000 inhabitants minlsierlni system 01 inlcrnni seligovem men with lwnhousn lexilll lure by the beginning oi nu yenr The 700 lalnnds and 2000 rocks mnklng up the colony stretch ram thc wulern Man He Ocean on the coast FIorldI downiluncuba And the edla Ha Ciflblicun Bahamas To Get 8611 Rule In64 BACKACIIE Whenkldncylml la nmnvt um uldl Ind rum bnmm muh tell dlllflbld Ion Influw Dunldl Kldnl pm umm lldnuylwnunnl dlfly You Imm It um Conn urn

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