SRevolt Crushed By Govt Troops Rmn Jmanm wm lawml Hal In ma ucumlm mu in mm In mun all Anlan mllo ammuan Ihnl lha he lender Tam Aydvmlr null lmn upland ullh Hm Illnmlmd arm nfllcm who had Iuppnvlod Im ISTANBUL Mll MI nnkllh mm lmlay mulm Inrmu umy rnlnwln and alumni In 15 manlhn In rm pnnr Tm mo lurked by wMI Wnr Collwc lulled 1m Wm Ilnuu Tha am on by uro lud en um Illuky hlrnclnl ummenl lhII had been lhunl Innd by Ihn whoa lmnrda hm dllnl ol lhl dlmuln Olllmllfl IIXIUMION In lrllrr lo uhool prlncl rah Sum Theo Wllllll Dldrltd mumllnlu upulnlnu pupil pnrllclmnll var In Ind lul We Mu no mk to mrrm unwln act by mavlnl 1ynla mlher unwlw BIRMINGHAM Mn MP Ntlra lendm my lhny will In to lcdernl court In cllorll to vold nlrmlnihum uth hoard nrdcr nxpclulnu or Amprndlnn morn lhnn 1000 Noun puplll who dcmomlrnhd nunlnn nunllon The school bourdn ncllon Monday wnl nol unuAIeclrd nml Negro lender II My Elnnnrd lo IN the move only lelnl mcnnl ncv Mnrlln Luther Klnu Jr alter In wllh Noun lend Wn will 1101 till or mm mm or boycoll at Iclmull nor Wlll wo cull lnr rtnuwnl demnmlrllnm ll mum co In rouhle Ilmed early Monday night when In men wem called to James Elm Nnrlh nxllnzulsh burn lnl Hm nlllhl by lun um Around 10 pm lhcy tx llnxullhad Ira In the ground floor of tho huum The Illunllnn not on hand mlnulu Inter when nvcrnl linemen lrlcd la qulelcn cmwd nl 1min adults and teenarms who hnd Ill lwo gasoline Hm at nenrby lnlumcllom Flvo mun ranglng in nu 1mm 17 to were charged with calling dhturbuncn and ob Itrutunu pollce and was held In malady overnllhl Nn po llcemen worn lrcnlod In hospi II for mlnnLInJurlqs HMIILTON CP Ram In youths burned vnuml lwo llnrey hauu lo the gmund early today all police used am to disperse mat 600 Ire rnckerlhrnwlnl learners and ndullm Gasoline Hm flnrcd in tha street of lhe citys main nonh ern buxlntss gallon youth and pollcemen clushad In ml lured aklrmishcs Over 1000 Pupils Suspended Negro Leaders To Fight Order Police Use Force On 600 Rioters An RCMP constable and mllllary gulrd Aland at the entrance to In West Block ma Parllamcm Bulldlnzs at Your No ua For Examiner Wnni lid Teio pilan PA mm The ielephona number in cm or the lamina or Editorial Dept in PA 66531 Our Telephones STOP AND BE CHECKED AyJonhn nullrd mm the mley Ind lulled lflrr mulermlmlm IMIHIVH mmqn In Funm 1m lnr Hlpvrnlunnrdvnld Iim and MI Immune um mlrl ï¬unnf MP nl ml lhe Tum Irmed Ion nch In hmukm Ihmlly III dnrn lunch emul nflrmpl hy mull map In In mu hu lmn mum plate tnuhrd nl llwn lull when lovrrnmonl mm ullmml wim Mm dm UNI Ill Illllmulum In nlum Io Hulr hunch and lurrendar MuirHI wlllnnl wm un der In mm henvy nun lhl communlqun uld nld th Cnmmunhll wm nlnlnmd by lwo buullom brought lnlo IcHon In Emmi convoy VIANTMNE lumen Violin thllnl hrnkcn on on nu Illlno du Jnrm ht lween pro Communlll Plthll Lnn lroum Ind nculrllll arm of Gen Kunl Lg cnnllllen annauncgg 19¢qu ua ukI hp or lyg dlyl commhn had been Dr King culled lho board ncllan ram mow mm ral duslnrdly ncl prmlon than undcr 16 It 1ch 1031 puplh nrruled In pmul mnrchcl during II in levcrnl wtlu Ichool board Ipokesmnn nld lho mlon Win In klnplnl Mm ht bonrdl pulley any They laid they were called to another mu he clly when an elderly man wnl bean benlen up by oulhs Nu mull Wm maï¬a lnrldenL Police and youth clashed again in isoiuied incidcnlx liter rclnlarcemenu arrived but lhl crowd dlipericd around mid nllhi liremen stood by wilh hoses and police don Arrived on tha acme An hour lnler he homo bunt Into flames Flrcman nulht he blue but ho house wu de Itraycd in no mlnulca Pollen mid delecflvu law we youth carrying onulnllun can of gasoline dunIn lhn mans but the younzl dropped the can and mi About loo youths surraunded three policemen punchlnl and klcklni lhem us they Irled to put youth into trulm radio Italian reporter rm to cruLser and called or reinforce ments over he twoway radio He was later escorted lo lately Iher xomeone In lha crowd lried to assault hlm Battle Rages Across Plain ounwa scene the NATO mlnlsleu conference which beglns Wednesday Everyone IntelIn lhohulldlng mus Ilop 112 martin Examimr UENFVA pulp and Finance MInlAlr Valery an Ilnl uld loday Unlled Emu hld Icreplod Euw pun onnmm Mum lmIlerprumull on lllchullhlI for man DEllwu lnm wlm only Iuhnlul IIFIAIII mind mde all by lhe onele Almmcnl on Tlrlm Ind Tndl lnATll manhunt mutlnl HORTON MP1 Flnumul Imthnn 11 mini Iron lawn od pawor llnu kmv lha Ntw Enllnml Lmhrnm why In um um nl mm vlolont lhllmlflllnrml nml Imnll lnmulmI lhnl rumd lhrmuh lha lumn nu Monday Fuur pmom dial duvlnl tho IlormL all In Mam OSWEOO NY AP mum Ln Onlmln MIIIMIN today lur ll mm olnorver mm an nlr lnrrn Inlmevmr HIM ITpnnnlly cmhnl lnln lhq lulu Monday The body Hm pllnl ml Dnvhl Lulull an wu luuml Innlllm In Hm walrr nur In all 01ch ghoul lhru mllu nurlhuul laxlm Iulaxnl mllu mu Wllurlown StgnnnCauso New England Damage LONDON AP nabs Dnnidl Hollywood qutcn Allen lllml And tho urly mm nuIIxud conulnumm today nncr Iullrrlng make Sh wan rrporlrd btllcr but Ilill mu1y Ill Shul elm hunk God uld her Amcrlrln nrlnr huxhnnd Hull Lyon Shn mounted ll lhc lumlly Imllcd and Inn nlm luck kw wank Vqtican Has No News 01 Relapse VATICAN CITY AP HrWIlI clrculnlcd In Homn odny Ihll lupc John hand ulbnrk In hII Illnm during Hm nlxhl ï¬nurm Vatican uld Ihey hm no Inhmmunn mw nlnpu Blyurnll lnnlllll mmhur Walnudly And MCI wu lull Idmluhd lnr Walnutmay MOSCOW AP Thu Unllcd Elnlcl nd the Sovlc Unlnn Illned memonndum lodny ulcndlnz or two yum lhclr urw mcnl lo exchlnn Inlormnllon Ind weclnlllll an Um pcncnlul um 01 Atomic enmy Tnu ummenl wan ï¬nned in Dr Hum Subaru thnlnnln of lhn us Momlc Enemy ommlulon and Andrmlk Pelrolynnu chnlrmnn nu Sovch Slnlo Commith or Ullllullon ol Mom Entrly lslnn wax exprzmd In lhe arm mo Iullon one number up proved the ï¬nal mllon Mun dy ho Iroupl thmedny nn nun convention which allowed an carllcr comment on lenrher Ivnllablllly by Education Mln Imr DflVll WASHINGWN MP President Kcnncdyl blu Id nlrllner compleltd HDHIW mm mm Momw In Washington loduy tlnlmlnz ll apeed recordl Thu nlr om noeln 707 How lhu 500 mllc dlluncu In nlnl ham minute and mundl US Accepts Market Suggestions LONDON 0M CHThu Ah Iaclllcd Secondary School Board of Onlario will ask lhe Onllrlo School lrultecs Cann cll to prod lha tducnllon do paflmcnl Into ullllzlnx whatever Incllillc In Ivallnbla In lha Frovlnte mmnx In September ovulnlnllenchem US Russia Sign 2Year Agreement Pilots Body Found In Lake Actress Bebe Daniels Seriously Ill JFK Airliner Sets Speed Record Boards Would Like To Prod Dept and show his was before on lerlnz and handbags must Ve opened or lnspucllon CP erephola lZPOUND FISH THOWN BACK DRILLIA CPl Plul Srlgleyll ought but an hour Io land 12pound mulhlunza while he was Hahlng from the town dock here Ihl Ihaudny ygekexgg Finally ha not It in He Imlled proudly but the nmlla mad and he threw the lulu lmllly buck lnla the water Thu muille union ducsnt open MN July NEWS BRIEFS New Democrnllc Lender Dough who planned lo move nonmnlldcnco manor of hls own today prnlscd the mural Kovcrnmcnl or II dllpulch ol buxincss and Inld ho onpusillan pnrflcs have rcsponslhlllty to relrnlq lrnmfnllorml of lrlvxr loul nhxlmclion Saclal Credit Lead Robert Thompson who urged the House com being 11 pnlllicnl arm and get down lcxls Inllvn business mld Mr Dldcn bnker nude hush the mov Ian Mr Dialenbakcra non contidenca motion due to come to roll cnll vote Thursday night and Prime Minister Pearsons blunt ltatrment that his mlnorlty gov ernment will not invite special arrangement to stay in nlllce The Conservative motion While recognizing that Canadas economic growth dur ing the year 1962 exceeded that at any country in the Western world thl liousa regret that many the ledges mad by the prime min rtcr and hi col league have not been inoorpor ated in tho lovernmentu declar utloh olintcntlan as outlined in the apcoch trorn the throne and lurthcr rogrcu that the policies announced tail to provldo lull opportunlty tor tha noon at Canada to mntlnuo tho Ioclni advanca and largo economic growth at this past your URGES ANION It was dandy but unremlved well alluded Hausa and packed gallerlel soaked up hour of ll slflng up Mr Diet enhnker back In his parliamen tary rule culling oppasllinn crillc and Prime Minister Perm non theupragttsed pundlL By DON HANMGIIT OTTAWA CF The Com mune got Monday what the vot er missed last month face lMace debate between Lester Bowie Pearson and John George Dlefenbaker over eco nomlc pulley and Canadian American relutlans Pearson Diefenbaker Debate FaceToFace $50000 REWARD 100 000 HO Bmlo Omgrlo Canada Tuuday Mly 21 I963 Mn llnle vm lulu lhn lrlrphonu lo hll launder Mrl Elva llrluwll In Imiporl NYI when lhl mullnnl ml mgl hll hmm II nunl Id lhelr mm vemllan wu Iuddenly Inm ru led uhrn Mr Inlher mauled 10 Dont du llml The wan Imllk lhvn knee Shuvlly allcrwunls mm on hull up In lelrpï¬tfng Mn nrumll mm called her mm In May Mm nut to Mr val5 ham med cued hlm mule chhm floor In pool at LINDSAY Onl lCllllm1d Halo Wynnoh Ilmumnhur dlnl Monday nluhl we Iuml ukull mlreml when wnl bonlrn up In hII homo In Ihll lelubnmulh nru Mun Ra luglay plum Mr DDUIIIII Inld lhu flu nnnmnlldcnru mnllan muvcd Monday hy Opponlllun Lender Ulnfrnhukrr ll unntcoplnble lo hILlhxlnmbrr group II 015 pm lull on ML Doug hu mnlloIL Ibo In at or flu mlnomy Liberal lavm mml OIMWA CWNew Demo cran Lcmlcr Douglas churn lnx the Llhcrnll with llnrlnu dlmxnrd of Inrllnmcnl loday moved nnnrmnlldenco mnllon crllchn In guvrrnmenl lnr hnvluu rcldrd lo ncqulru uu cInnr Wflfhcfldl Mr Dmufl mnunu mom nonconlldcnco mulinn In lhc Common lllronu watch debala Hfllllld lhnt lhn nvcrnmrn had announced dcc Man to ne ulm nuclear nrml or Cunn Inn arm and Dumb unnl lhv thnnm dsnrmn mm and lncmued Inc chnncu olrnuclgnr wnr VIEWS CLASH Mn Pcnmns rcllurnllun of hls vlowx on blcullurnllsm clnhod with lhosa Opposi llnn Lender chlcnbnkcr who urged him lo may proposed Tb Fiénch Cnnudn issued lhls rnmlnder You cannot have blcullurnl country wllhnu hnvlng coun lry So Quubcc to be Qucbcc mus bu Qucbce In Cunndn By KEN KELLY OTTAWA CF sober warnlnl that Canadas survlvnl demand an solvan the problem bIcuilnrnllxm has been voiced by Prime Mining Pemjspn cannot max ne anything lhl llme man serious to the progress Indeed latha survival at our country as conlcdarn on than xucccsslul solqun lo his problem Mr Pearson said Monday night In ha Com man throne speech dcbnle that the pnrlncrshlp must be true mo and equally Impor Innt It must be all by all con cerned In the country ho run one Shoomaker Dies Skull Fractured The assemblys anlsls had lols Io Mr DleIenbaker described the vaunted 60 day decision as the shlfly days and said the lhrono speech was na tional disappalnlmenl Normally Ihe throne speech debate last elgm slltlng day But State Secretary Pick ersglll government House lender Said the House rose 10 pm Em Monday ngh¢ Ihat perhaps couple day can he snlppcd wilhnul Hm mngthose with somelhlng lo lay it is iuil oi platitudes spaced out among economic generali iie which indium lhai um Douglas Moves No Confidence PM Concerned About PQ Crisis um throne each dcbnle He rvgmlnde Enxllah Cunagn chlcl prolag Thu Pearson proposal Includes 1151an ho province to consult with lhe proposed commisslon on way In cnnhle Canadians to bccamu bllinuunl It nuurcd them lhc term of rclcrenco nro Ilmply plDpflnll not blndlnn on um provlncu and am led wouldnt commit lho pmv ncu In My rncommendnllam mndu Mm lho lludy be broux Into cum Thu dlvcruenco at View Inwcd tablan by Mr Pearson 11 mm to tho prcmleu con luInlng proposed arm rd mnm or the 0an commisslon on blcgllumllxm 11m II minimum ham In her lamom mm or lhc be an In mm mm Mod man 10 umk Kmnal 23 jun mung349 mm wairwmw quimm ind qinvnnul ll Mummnmmm mummu Mr nlnlmhakur Ink such caniercnce cnuXd lake the ï¬rst annr stop loward greater un fly and uqunllly by repnlrinl hug our cansmullon as his nov cmmcn hnd tried to do Yau cannot bran uhnul discussion among various prov lnm our nnllonal Iymhnlu by mean of man cnmmls slon You can do only lhrough mccling betwcm the Mural government and lhe province so la secure In common unlly he nccchnnco of print Plas wllhoul 111ch cannot ruan commlsslnn on £51 nub jecl and lnxlend call den pravlnnlal canlcrence ylnnners and the bureaucrats know best he sald The throne speech could also he noted 01 its 1an ul pollcy The speech from the throne Indicates that today new kind al phllosnphlc and thcnrellcel planning has become the essen llnl pramam ol lhe Liberal party the theme bnlng lhat the government known besL Mr Dielenbakar sald that If one or two Mr Pearsons minister had their wly his plnnnlng would put conlrnl in the hands law Individuals whounless prevented by legls InflonWnuld turn the federal government Into burcaucra numeracy nommm pmscnzn TAKES TOP mmrmm Ill ncllann lnllowtd week end ol Increased ncllvlly by the bomb planters The blues blnsl slnco lhe slat nl he ter mrlsl campalgn demolished sev eml car and broke thme duzcn window In the vlclnily of lhc nnynl Canndian Elcclrlcnl and Mechanical Englnzm annury Monday In Quebec Clly 1le nl dynnmlla was found In each ollllniflerenl mall boxes meal nioï¬s Enamel and law enhrcemenl leaders was called by Premier Jean Lesagc who snid Monday It must st He was Inn to dlsmnnllu when exp oded shredding Ml left arm and nut MONTREAL CWQuebecs lop miliiary civil and police au ihoriiiu meet iodny in map campaign 10 wipe nut terrorist bombingsv In Quebec pmvlnce They the tennrlsls are do lng enormuus harm enormous harm to Quebec as well to Frgnch Canada The prcm er also announced that the provincial government is posting $50000 reward for information landing to the ar rest and convlcllon ol anyone responsible for terrorism since April Alpxonv m1 Fr ny an 15 bombs were planned in mnllbaxaï¬ll of ham Xn subuman Wesl mounk mnlnly Englishspeak lng areaand the exploslon one of them critically Injured army nngneer Waller Rolland felt syenmld IErllflnImfl or WILL REAL PM PLEASE STAND Justicé Mlnlslcr Lioncl Chevrlcr mndo lha anmu slip nnxnllcr ln lhq dny Conscrvéil on membrrl thcmd nnd banged thclr deg bath Ilmu was bound la mnku lhnl mlsluko nnd nm 21nd mndu at once Mr Pent Ion laid with smile No Menu lo Opposition Mndtr DInIcnbnkzr lhe prlmo minlsler during Cowman spcech Mnndzy OTIAWA CWAI Prlma Mlnmcr Pearson ruclully Id It was bound lo hap Biggest Blast In Campaign Wrecks Cars Breaks Panes NalMora Thin Par Copyl4 Plgu cInudy much colder Shawen Fasslbla snaw llnrrles Wedney day Mwlonlght SI Highlomot row 47 Summary on pngu two Local Weather llospllul ol though All unconscluus ls mav lnu hls body more and ll mel lnu tn pnln They xnld ho had mslcd wcll durlnu lhn nlkhl and both blood pmsum nnd pulxo were Koodl mm um um Mn Mm well lllddk mun Ohm Mn rum Ind Mn It Mini uh fluid on why flue MI MN ll an Bum Mm 45yearold army on glncor uttered erltttnl nJuans Friday when dynnmllo planted in mall box exploded as he trled lo dismnnllc It Ho under went Ivehum operntlonhlx lett mm was amputated at the elbow nnd suruery was per tanned Ms chest nnd tarot Leia hisarm amputated In Ivehour onernllan was MI in critical candluun and uncan sclous Inday Thu bomblngs which took the We kn elderly watchman April 10 are blamed on Le From dn lecmllon Quchecois group sccklng Quebecs inde fcndonce from Canada by vio ence Complicating pollce work was the Vlclnrla Day holldny week and Is In 20 crank calls day reporllng bomb scares and such thlngs he dlslrlhullon the dynnmlle sllckn ln Qua bcc Clly Prcmlcr Lesnge In calling 19 meeting sald he had the lm prcsslnn durlnl hls rvccnt Eu mpcan trip Ihut arclun coun lrle were wonledv about the boqablggs MONTREAL CW Huspfllfl ofllclul sald lodny lcrrcrlst bomb vlcllm SgLMa anter mucky Lela own name allaht lmpmvcmcnl um they mld his chances of survlvlng runmin W50 CngNKS BUSY ll was no known lhe Que bcc ncllnn was rually currled out by the FLQcach sllck born small lug marked FLQ hul nune had uses or delonnlors and pollce sald lhcy lhnnghl the sllcks were planted prank The armory blast on north ccnlrnl St Gregoire Slrcet Mon day reduced on car to wreck age severely dnmagcd ihree ulhers and nllchcd chunks wreckage mare than 50 yards N9 one was hurt leafed foreign inveslmen In Quebec would be allotted Bomb Victim Still Critical