rm lwalked my first measured mlle tth week Fortunately was able to save me wesnt the Zlast one to sllde lnto home plate and dld actually walk the mile In fact two very healthy rugged loaklng Follce men the flu chlcf and two very young gals terlng on even hlgher heels than mlne took at least 45 sec ondslopgeg than did to kth Ln ur my cum muun Anyway kit all sounded llke fun when several of the male reporters thought that should tag along to get the womens angle and you might even pick up some than for decent column qulppecl the clty editor Him by the way joined in the stroll alter much prod ng As we gathered at the five corners Alf chk made it All sound llke so much fun that you felt as if you just couldnt afford to pass up the opportunity There were three courses charted two on Dunlap Street one on the west route and one on the east route and one rum 9n Bettielfl no onus lung uqu mu Actually hadnt planned ngthe mile and therefore was anything but prefared for itI hadat least three strikes against me mm the stark was carrying heavier than averae handbag which contained my lunch and box 0er rl Guide cookies my shoes had spike heels and pointed toes and my skirt was one of those strai ht obs also think there should be allowances made or fact that am built rather close to the ground and thereiorel found it most difficult to keep pace with the longlegged stride of my come as mmnl as my um uuuu Vu map Slnce Hayï¬eld Street was very familiar route to me chuckled to myself and thought this will be Inch had walked thls mute for year four times 123 and loved ll forgot one llllle item the tourtimes ay walk was when was few years younger JUST MY LUCK av ll hvvn just happened to be teamed with group that are in Ame physical condition They Included Mrs Ursula Hoehner Director of Womens and Glrls Activ ities at the Dave Keyho su ervisor of physlcal edu cation of the Barrie Public Sc 0015 Mayor Les Cooke still in shape from log sawing contest Ted Beaudoln Ken Catherg Lee Partridge xu 51 nun mum As we heade no on Baytleld Street the noon day sun shone brlghtly and as approached chk Steeles Chlna Shop my throat was parched It was then realized how unphyslcally Ill am and by the tlme we reached Sophia St had declded had better enroll in the Ys Keep Fit Classes called to Ursula but of course she dldnt hear meby this time she was hallan up the hi nunm1 uy mu The youn gentleman who was kind enough to walk with me he or his long legs and long stride gave me the com eta Instructions on the haste funda mentals of skin Mn 1f should ever decide to take up the sport am at much further ahead of the game There was slgn 1n the distance and we heaved slgh ol reltcf as we approached lt onl to discover it was the quaflermlle slgn we still hndt long old hill to tackle At last we were at the to and want to have word with the party that sald itll be tough going up that hill but clnch coming down it A1 mm Amman In XI olnl told my faï¬ï¬fui Eompanlon to March On here was no folnt in both of us being late and with much ado ho cit BESTPOLICYi 77 nu You know may not be the fastest walker but am the most honest When was lagging several blocks behind was ofï¬eged Kirivein 331qu sgagk in new Chevrolet an remand Now thats what ca integrity It would have been so cas However now wear ribbon lch hears tho label Measured Mlle Oï¬enlng ay partlcllpant with prldo and when anyone as me about It simply shrug my 5hou1dqraand actnonchn nt0h It was nolhl nu It reminds me of common made hi the mayor when he was presented wlh hls ribbon the end of the walk Oh this didnt bother at and he plnnrid hlsrlbbon on backwards 14an Speaking of ribbons im seriously considerin turning mine over to the Barrie Examiner Proolroa er She walks thu miia daily plus our extra blocks 1n Iaci Lo quota Congratulation to Mru Marjorle Lewis of Barrie who was the only volunteer woman to participate One thing noted all the women walkers wore hlgh splke heels save one woman who had the fore sight to pnck her runnlng shoes In her handbag It was who declslon end envlcd her ITS CINCH Members of the Menetles Club have signed up to walk the mlle and have cholce of any one the designated routes Members nre not try ng to break any remnls according to Mus All Dick We just went to walk the mile Some members wlll be pushlng baby csrrin es and other will have llny lots trying to keep mm shouldnt be dlmeult because nceordlng to sto lsUcn housewives wllh preschoolers walk In overlie seven mm dny Mrs chk qulppcd Manha ol Ihn mu Elma PM Sammy mclll lhe ham Mn nutty Mnkm on valer ï¬l 11w pmldrnl Nu mer Nlthnl opened mullnl Ind Ittflllry Mm Dorothy Mrr lill mm the roll Ind rud m0 mlnulu lag get Nlchnl and luler In vlllnl mcmhm to flu Sororlly rmwrnllun Ilnled In hed II In lloyll York Holt Tomnlo on Jlgnc ll Irllqual lhnnlumwu IM mm on 11ml Ind DI Sorority Conclave Slated For Iune olla ml mlny nbwl Onxrywn lunler who mule In rlnl Iummm how lulu rm you Inquliov aha low munmn wlm on mum and ro mod ll ITOMGE 0N IEMODEL JOM CALI ToDAV WIGGINS FURS PAMaaa yon nu mum mmmn NY on ammo IRII ouzmo AND MINOR RIPAIR AGAINST Moms HEATFIRE Amwayr BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY ll SI PROTECT YOUR FURS SKIBTING THE BAY PHONI BY rm Auocllllon lnr hemmed Chlldrcn minim Eulcr Bum which lhl Sorarlly hnd donned lo Ihcm Mln Domlny TlmmDfll ol llm commluu rumhd unl lnr lm nexl mu inuv lhu 1m nl ulll IIMOIL rommllln II In med la unl flnl dflflfll 11w Imullallon new Mlle look para ll chum Preo ldenl Mu Burl lnrp Vlro pmldtnL Mlu Merlyn erkrl mu Secrflnry Mn Audny Imell Trruuror Mn Ilulh anlnml DHNIOI Mn Dill llmkln nn mlhlnl marm wu lenlod In lhm pm ml DIXON Du buy l7 else to lam My mother and dad are dl vorced Two year ago my mother marked to go with man who drank lot and treated her man She flopped going with him couple months no and was very happy about the breakup because he just plaln no good SALON WINNERS ha leather cram ahaw held in chasm New York recently ANN LANDERS Last weekend was on of town 11an some relallves and when cum home mind my mother entennlnlng lhll man It was mm Illd they wen both drunk Hep In the car banana was abvlou um ha man had moved In big and hug gage My mother says Ihe will gladly alin enllolmen paper so can to right into the army Im dolnu wall In school and know how Important diploma In cant Aland to live under the some ml with my mother and this man but have no where te lo Please advise me nomelm hm flamelfll ii ynur high Ichqu has no guidance adviser speak to the principal in your favorite teacher immediately Perhaps foster hnmn Irrnngo menls can be mlda or you IN ll not Humble he Inny luu Ipccll plnn whlch wlll unable you In your dlp lama whlle In the Iarvlcc Thu Important Illan II the diplama Dropouts usually slag hate lowApuylnl level and In trapped thus tamer JUST LISTENEII Dm In am We becn rudlu your column or long tlmn hoplnl mmeono would wrile In Ihoul my rohlcm But no one his nvo decldcd In wrllu myull am person who 11 conlcnt to llltcn to olheullk More hm once my evening ha been rulned by Iomcuna who uyl why donl you ever my uny lhlngf Youre no qulcl Such rcmuk mum me Ill Ilka ml The Impllcnllon ll Um nm Illrnl becnun Im nu Some people nrtn capable ol uylnz wllly or nmunlnu lhlnus am one lhan people and know ll Io lnllcnd ol chlmlnx In wllh some mane lansulm comment Jun llllen How ild ll TOP CHM Thu llllnl Ipldrr crnh Jn pm II the war hum and Inmclimu meuulel ll lucl lmm llp la llp FIND NEW ANN mw ma IIVMCI In rlrnlha dnncln lpldor hu lyun dllcnvmd In Soulhwut Mrlua Namlb Dunn nnd True and um Nlullhn by Mn Fly MIHln Mu Jenn llnllmhy Ind Mm nubu Inpy rclmclï¬vcly Stagnate At Low Pay It You Dont Graduate I0 ml DISEIIHINHINC mm whodI mm mummnu pman mm mm is lmrMMAmnnumhly AMImu mm rm 441 mm mm m4 lawmnnhlu TIADHIMVAL llAUTT mum mmch mm mum vIIl Annundm am who doesnt know who turn to wllh my prob THE BARRIE EXAMINER fly wish eaglld lhlplg uquclcherwher ru péupla make paint my sllcncv Can yau helmThe thenu wen Mrl Ken Cavnnngh Mrs Henry Huyck Mu Dell Jmmba and Mr and Mn Den Llslznm Try this when laquulpus lnsenxiflve glob needles you about your silence Youd be surprised how much person can learn by kneeling his mum shut You on to try it mmellme rmM nmgm Dur Ann Lnndm was as clnaud with the leuar nlgned Sister because had In idenlL cal problem never occurred to that even one other per son could have been In such ï¬x me had brother who warn problem to the whole lamlly He wouldnt slay 1h school and ho kep xeulnz inlo lmuhlo when marrlcd my husband and become his legal guardian and he mado his homo with urr go hlmlo so psychlalrist and he mad ro markahlo progress Blyllrll Nmt IA um Mar year he was vastly Improved My mother lhen Im slated that we let her have hlm back He dldnl want to go but the nmlly premiumpr so huvy we gave um was Ilunrrible mlslnkc 01 which will be everlnsllngly ashamed My brother Is now lulnl lass lo the human race and am responsible Hm wlsh had stood my ground and not allowed my molth lo Ilnlsh he Job ol wreckan my bralherl Illa cumplctcly Welgned 5nd quad II Bur Illkn cur klhr may give someone else lhu strenuh In Hand ï¬rmso you have pub mud valuable nervlce Opening parliament prov ded Ottawa with one 01 ll molt Ipeelneulur luhlan Ihuwu The wntm Aunuy weather pmmpltd women gum in wenr lhclr Un eal Ind musl tolurlul ow One vcltran nnrllnmcnlary upcnlnnl uld ll Wfll the must Incclnculnr alncc Queen Ellllh bclh olIlclaltd lbs 1957 mo muggy Mn Lultr Pcarmn wlle nl he prlmo mlnimr chow whim anlI own cmbroldcmi wiUI red cnrnnllnns Wlul mnlchlnu slolo Ifncd wilh ml mlin Elm wom ptnru und 55 nUnn mcdnl the nwmlllon lender who Naked letthnu In new rhlx non lmlnln nl Ihn nprninn mo nn mmnld lmn noun Imbml dcrtd hp lpdlcg Scaled Alda Scum cmmnny mm mm wlm or rnhlnrl mlnlllcrl In rlwllng Mn lnul Mmln will nf In exlunll fluln mlnlIIrr Sh wu In uhllu dml which Finery Is Donned For Gala Opening WNNOIINCSMENT INFORMALS ACCESJORIFS 111 Barrie Branch of the Cm adlun Society Cman Leath ercrnfl met the home ol Mrs Clarence Corbett Highland Ave May 16 Ind made lens for the June meellnl to wh ch lhu Ham IlInn Gullgi has been lmqlled the Ninth Inlemutlonnl lu aembly gamer Crammen held at Rochester New York he allowing Barrie member attended Mrs Wlllam Barry Mrs Boltrlll Mrs Cald well Mrs Ken Cavanngh Mrs Cnrhelt Miss ElizabeLh 0111 Mrs Henry Huyck Mrs Heymck Mrs Del Jacnmbs Mrs Findlay and Mr and Mrs Trcw CSCL Members Attehd Assembly M3 Examiner Pho The allowing mm the Barrie CSCL won he red nbhnn Cram man Award Mn Ken Cnvnn ugh lealher ray Mrs Henry Huyck leather lrillhlm desk pen Mn Reg Tuck red leath er desk set This was the lint yenr um lhl recaxnlllan was made and was awarded for wgklmanship Thirteen artxcles were chosen from Bnnlas entry or display In the Saion the artlcles d1 playwd helm selected mm pon Iorlnz GI11ds The Mlnwlnl received Blue Ribbon Award Mrs Ken Clvan uh molded lrny lnapshal album flower and hat Mrs Coulu navy Iaalhcr purse Mn Henry Hnyck leu er holder dvsk pen let Ind clutch bag Mrs Del chombn covered juwelery box Mrs Trcw desk batter and nolo pad mu Trcwdr cullr carved cgnlrepiogg Alf than uhnwlng snlclek Ike IALC wen awarded yellow rllglgons lluvvnm Mrs Ken Cavnnagh demon mmd lhe making lenlhcr flowers and Mn llcnry Huyck demonslnled box covcrlu TALLIE WITH NAME Eccentric Ciuh In llmrlnn 11ch up In It mm by hnvlnl clock lelh hand that move incikiiuids nhlded lo lurquolae at lho druy ed neckllna Ind hegn Inme The women nl he Commonl let me color Ind floor ienglh unwm to lï¬n 0le Judy La Marsh health mlnhlcr In lhu Llhml cnblnel chm two plcce navy blue cups lllll ulm mul wllh whllo heads at the hlpllne lcr newlyelcclcd continua Pnullna thcll mnmhtr for Norlhumbcrlnud chm Muck III with hm whlla collar And Mn Dorolhy Kannu mum hcr lar Vlnnlpu South than hle dml wllh Icooptd ntck llne Mn Jenn Cnmlmnn who menu Orrnvllchundu or he Consurvnllm um lull mrled ulvy blue dreu with hllu outMy ollnr Dull NORMAL EVENING nlcrlolned at an informal ovcnlnz ol hat Dunlap street West resldenoe on mursday Guesulncludod members or the Palm Dauben Club ol Nowmorkel Among lhe uesu wera Mix Vloln Wllson and Mn Eye Mount Albert Mrs John Dale of Aurora Miss Molly Fart Slur ton Mm Hopklna Holt Mm Greenwood Nigel Ro berta Mlss Mary Phlppud Ind Mrsl Gould all New market an uncut whl uh tho clly Ind dhlrlct Wedth nlvuurlu blnhanyl bride pull eomlnl olIn pm llel Milton and Muller In Item lnleml In women rude of 1M sue Ynur help In lupplylu this new will he may unpre dmd Pluu Man 11 11ml Examiner It PA 557 Ind uk In Eileen Dkan Audny Conhun It the Wnnv enl Beguman 10 BIND LEA Allen Batman Toronto rtennr vtstted In the city this week Mr Batemun will take toner tend tn the grand opera producttnn under the baton of Ernesto Barhtnt of Toronto Con servatory of Music at Hockloy Vollny thl summer 10 RAISE FUND Th Mnthera Auxllllry tn the KcmpeMel Trumpet Band are sponsoran dance to be held am Guthrie Community Cen Ndlu Inlendel mgr Mr and Mn Ladle Smllh Land Farm Cookskawn have Announced the unmet mcnl half only dnughte Beverley Ann Wm Bre wer cl Toranla snn ol Mn Brewer or Washugo Thu manInn will take place an June 15 pm at Bethesda Unlled Church Don Mills Onl arlo 1mm by 5nd Sludlo TUNE BRIDE SPEEKiNG OF PEOPLE AND PLACES 72207567 rm 64a Nahum Start hulldlng garagu from the Ball now Dollyourselt or we can do It or you labour and matcrlal lt wlll cost less than you thlnk and will he an excellent place to store blcyclcs and lawn mower as well protect the car next wlnter Indlvldull Dulgn OuhlundIng anuo ImlllON 0V IIIE IMth IMNINO HILL L10 WW NO DOWN PAYMENT CHOOSE GARAGE THAT BLENDS WITH YOUR HOME FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION HEW thin avenlnl Procech tom the dance will he used pur chase unlformn Ind lnalrumenu or the band Dunes music will be provided by The Nolnblu under Lhrdlrecllon of Bruce Jennhm Dance time oclock To LIVE IN AFRICA Dr and Mar AScoli Ced rinzten SLNheve received word that their ronlrrinw and dnuxh ter Mr and Mrs HarryVRoxerI and anyily have arrived mie ly in Port Elizabeth South rice En route loiheir new home the ireveiiere visited It Brun xels Antwerp Amsterdam and Salisbury Southern Rhodesia Mr Bonn we lrnnsierred leereiary treasurer oi the Ford Motor Company It the For Elizabeih uiiiee Mr Ind Mrs Ruler end inmily were in sin maintenance supervilnry ltnii recently retired item the Civil Service Hie ieliaw workers hon mned him with party bermo he leit which we held in the RCMP Sociali Centre It which time they yresented him with an electric irying pm Hiring summer clvillm hely hm glimmenced ggajn n1 ny Xe who worked Borden past summer huvo dur tumd la work George Dov In plllanl the AllIslon Memorial Hospital and VIII no In back to work for law weeks Also on the sick 11s Sander of Tllomtun RCASC Memorlll Day Cere monies were heldrln Camp Bor den on Sunday There were church services or both Prom EDEN NOTES Sgun Hmdy RCA cle mm man II All nmm Dual wu SOFT WATER Appnlntulnl any WITH COMPLETE SELECTION OF MEAT BEEF PORK LAMB VEAL Ind POULTRY WE SPECIALIZE IN QUARTERS 0F BEEF CUT AND WRAPPED FOR HOME FREEZERS PAINSWICK PA 853 Im Delivery on 0rd 01 Man to Burl Bed Bell Only Gav lumeledyfled Hlu PERMANENTS thï¬Ã©bfssmo EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE éEï¬kYVSWMEAT MARKEI 550 NOW OPEN Wllh upon or live your prior to hll music Ind promotion wgnumq ovum mummy guest attend the Hum3mgng wgddlng 11351 the HuntBattm weddln in St George Angllcnu Chur Mny 4lncluded Mr Ind Mn Har old Johnston of Gamma Mr and Mrs Bert Lanzhou PManlck Mr and Mrl lohn Batten Elmvnle Mln Llndl Adams ol wyavale Mr and Mrs Butter Mr and Mn Georu Butters all at Cook town Bob Howell MLs Mur laret Ruchnn all Str lathe urinal The bride Diane Evelyn Butlers theduumer ul Mr and Mrs Dnnlld Herbert But tars RE Bmrlel The brlda groom Donald Richard HuntLll the mm Mn Borden Hunt and tho late Mr Hunt ol Stra hnne Avgnue Inn and Catholic xervlcamen march past and wreath laying Ihe RCASC Cenotaph on the Grnundl of the RCASC School Ofllcerl Mess NDEA held lu 0er month ly meetlnz In Unlon Hull In Barrie this week The memer have Ipplled or malt unlun chlrlu to the De mm 71 Insurance Ior Ontlr and expect that It will ellher be Impled or refused whhln few weeks Blair limit lb pro em motlrykeunm Cull lhu mu or Im ufllnluc Ind lho mlny Ilylu Ivallnhll to blend wilh your houu wnh no down pymenl Ind lerm null your budiell why nut Ilnn Ioduy Mrs Mnlmm Helped with out Injury lhl week whrn minor expiorlon In her an mo tor re an Ilre The accldenl occurred near Midhurfl Provin clnl Reforeslry while Ihe wu ruurnnu to her horn west of Cmmre Services 48 Anne PA 60902 Modernillng You vno mva courtcu Imlu All your due Ibo Wt vhmuq nul um no mm pmmvuu lo nu premium ulchdrnv IM dullva mo chm PHARMACY Dunlap PA Cnlllll ll PA Hfll CUSDENS Built PA 85374