F303 special Baby To The Railroaders Bummer Ell Repnmr To underiland what train 15 you hava In adjust your mental huge 01 locomotive pullan cnrs It marl Ike muple thousand tons stretched over hrwquanen mlle bar relllng down two strips of steel at so miles an hour Especlally Mien youre alk lnx of CNR Irelgh train 03 nlghlly out or Torontos Mlmlco ha SuperConun enml nl ha Irelghts lho hol shot express of them all woth about 52000000 lo 51000000 every Hg itleaves Danznrds Accordlng lo Hanks superlnlendem ot Barrie CNfl Smlon Gmrxu Homer lumc supeflnlendenl in Mlmlco and Gordon Ellison lralnmnflnr and mud lawman in Mlmlco 303 ls handled llke baby from Taronln is destlnullan ll Vnncouvtr lhmo ce has been op¢r nllnz on halshal schadula since Nov 2151960 and alnce then has been complelo suc cess HI IA 1m ullw mrmhrr Ihu umullw Ind mmril 1h leilu 0mm an AM Carrying perllhnhlu maniiesl cam express mail to winnipug and palm west pm erred traiilc and car and pins lpigzybnck trailers 303 is strictly limited in 60 cars and aiitn lake precedence over regular passenger lrnln runs with the exccpilon 01 Hrs class trains Ihe rip between Mlmlcu and Hornepayne other train normally look to he holc or 1h luqny side the xy es rlcled to 60 mph limit 303 travel the 5714 mile distance bdwun Toronto and Hornepayne In mu uvm It ham van then he schcdule mlzhc be beaten by In hour or two said Mr Horner crusa II buxlness an assur ance of speedy delivery and constant flow cl merchandise from Eastern Canada In the W251 Coast To Ihe businessman Hm only lunrlnlccd that hl men chmdlse will mlve on4lme My and In good condlllun mean um he can afford Io ship more lmqucnlly can acl cct produce Ind schedule Dro ducllon lo mm mqulremcnls ï¬rewhmlm has ll Hart In Mimlco From vnrloul pm CAMP BORDENA Caaadlaa lnlanlry llcld olllcer who wan pllca l1 llmc an lho rllle learn reprcscnllnl Canada annually al lllsley Eng rcllrcs hls week wllh 32 year In llcr Malcslya Caaadlan Almy Miler Dick llumplnn CD Raynl Canldlnn nrllmcnl have he Irmr wllh long and colullul than mum and much dcvued Icnke lo lmpruvemml Ind lcsllnz Can udinn Army wenpom 10 BURDEN IN Major Hampton cum to Camp Dnrdcn In Hm lo hccnmc ml mnmbcr at the Royal Cunndlnn Srhool ol Inlnnlry There ho was appalnled 0mm Comm andan Wupcn Trnlninl Con my and In wu In1rd hand the Inllnlryl Uur TIL n1 Sccllon Ilm ll lho RES From lha llmu ho tank nvtr hll Ircllon unlll lho prmnl dnle tvtry Cnnndlnn Inlnnlry weapon hm pnmd lhrounh hll ham or mllnl lmpmvcmcnl nml levelopmtnl In who wear MI ccnleml Around memh and cxycrlmenl In Improve Cnnldlnn Inllnlry wupnm Ind lo lha accuracy at lhnu mlrllm who man them pent lull weaken rlding he nil wllh CNR lrelzllt and manner lrllnl Hm ha llnl Ilary MI ad vcnluru Much he drn11n pllmnnl Iur he Cnnndlnn Army lllrxu lnr rlfle rummmlon wnl Inlll lrd Ivy Mnhr Ilanrm nrlur to II lnupllun In 051 In cnpmn 0H1 ms of vlllo lrnm whlch unn Hm cnmpcllunn um fur hl wnn um hllh lmllvldun nl rum uwanll ll lho Crnlrul Command Ind Anny llnnl mm mmvdlllnn Hahn lmn mnl norrlnfon lwo rimwr bullion Iqr Iwnni hi hi Army Int 011 th Blsley Inst1tut10n G5Ffess Major Hampton Retires Iflsftfégem yvellcrdlv In Mnnlulrnlon CamI III Mnlnr llmplnn hm bun Ilmnl In or yum Ilo an vlln nu lhq Clnldlln lllllry lnm mu 1an ha npmrnlnl Auv Id rluhl Ime memlwr Ihv Mllonnl mm Ila ml lulu nn MI mm nl nluluy wmle unlinmd In Enlt land and mu bun In ï¬lmy mm um munhrr cl Hm Candlln Army flruulnr xlnl mm Mljnr Hamvlnn won lhu Cun adlnn 8mm llnl rhnmplnnMp In 1951 mm mend In um and Inn in mu llll IWN An Enmlner Vupggler TED BEAUDOIN Mlmlm yards mm al the lrnln to uric order and dis patch It to Don yards at 830 pm the Don Hfle the requlred number of can to hran the min to 60 cm not counllng Ihe engines but he eluding If amuse of western and aouthwcsmn Ontario coma can usunlly loaded wllh automobllgs When 301 leave lho Don at 1050 It mm Bah Subdlvlslon south share at Lake Slmcae and hands lo Washngo no miles north pas Iul here at 1250 In the mom lng plcklnx up train ordggs Four crew change are cited cd on In lrelght before It gel lnln lIarnopuynel the louth crgw haqllglg It In vc alter pulls hula South Fury on Hi my to Cnpml 130 mile north wast and mrlhcr into the wild erness that made Onlnrlo hm ous as result area cm are eckcd and en zinc changed at Cameo with In period 10 mlnulcs Then 301 hlls Ihe rand for Foleyel number 130 miles westward The tlnnl crew changu on the In from Toronto tn Horne pnyne is completed almost on the move In Foleyel and 303 has nnly 18 mllcs to go until Hornepnyne and another vlclng at the entlre Iraln be torn tt jogs on In Naklnut Arm strong Winnipeg and point west Why an mnny crew changes One at the rcawns that Why an mnny crew changes One he reams that guidan wear train along two strips of rails 15 not the Basics him In the world One 01 he most Important hing an englnm mus do to conlrol lrnln speed adhere to xpccd llmlLs and brake lhnse 25000dd Ions wllh the gentleness or whyor the lruln will buckle And Its woarlsome thing to do The tall must be wnched comlnunusly Every Hm lhcres bond ahead you never know landsllde occurred or If rock ell or what nid engineer Cohcrlny on he Caprcol lo Fn Id an guldod What inslrucllom are neccsnLry In 2nd lg alq Sundlnx Worden In MTmlco rend Cur limit60 can hm unlu Conslsl orders rend Handltn scaled mull nnd cxpml or WInnIpcu and wul Iva nhlo Indium perishable and prclerrtd ram or Wlnnlpe cinllnn nnd Damlnlon ol Clnuda Rlllu Assoclnllon LONG CAREER ed mllllory carter In Guclph Dnlnriu memlm the lam Flcld lcry Ru n1 Cnnndlln Arllllcry then un er cummnnd 01 Major Gmric IL Drew nnw Clmdlnn Hlxh Cammhsiuncr In Londun Eng Ha cnllalcd ln lhn Permnun Army loyal Canadian ncxlment In 1937 In MI promollonn up wnrd ha was honored wllh all he rnnkn except lur Ilnll lur lzcnnl Ind wnrrnnl olllrcr llnl clans Mnlnr Hnmplnn wan commll nlon¢d llculennnl ln lhu 0Y nl Cnnndlnn ncnlmrnl nl lhl 0LTU Gordon Mud umd wIlh lha Toronln Sculllln nrglmnnl In Enxlund ln mu lhrro he wnl Cnmp Commnn mm at Urlundu llcndqumm Durlnx lhn prrlod mus hl wnI cnplnln wllh ISO WEH SN AlIF lnlclllzence nunth la cmlqunrlm Clnndlln Army urvlna In Narlhwulcrn Euer In nm In WM Auhlnnl Gm unl Klnll Olllccr Second and Inlcllllmtel wllh Hm Cauldlun Mllllnry thdqulnm locnled In Ellllnml lnlluwlnl My mum lo Cnnldn In m7 Mnlnr llnmplnn urvcd irmrnl Slnl 0mm lhlrd 1mm WI lho Cnnndlnn lnlulll urnm form Anny Iludqnnr lm In Junwn lln wu lIontd 1m unlll ukrlul lnr tho Clmp lor¢n pull in 1051 MONO IIY PHONE mum at Ihl Unlvmlly LOHle If upulmunllnl ullh lrmmlnlon brlln her ml munrlu Inwullrl by lnlrphnna lnr dlunmll mumunmpm wile For elderly and rnnuln ml pallmll Elclflml lnrllllm nr prlvu mlpnulu um Ind told Mr ln norm Helm ul Num In MIdencu mmm NURSING HOME 5110mm our MARSHALL Rug PHONE 114 In States On Course and beyond subject to Mom And then heres See note and Note mm Outall time 101 lralleu Mlmlco and BaLhurst street 13 720 mm or mall and express II Top onto 915 pm us minutes earlier nn Dnyllght Saving Time mean that lrnller cannot be added the cur list In Mlmlco or Baum alter 7m Similar lo newspnper opernuon when pm is laid out Ind put to bcd mum time In loo late to add my hm Um 3N mny hand HI curl within the ton llmll but other opal lop equlpmen can lundalns cl celerl must be put an 409 Whldl mm No local work lo dons by the lnlnl crew ls mennoncd ln Note Note uhedules 103 la mlln track opgrnllon Inns Note rcslrlcl weight mil en lo 50 1an or onkl Ind Inn Ralph ID will cnnllnuo lo mldu ll 11 Nikon SL Alllllan John Johnny Johnson an engineer with the ONE for 11 yam guide No rom Hornepayno to FoleyoL No ha Super Continental llnrnlrl Farhr ol nml lI undml Imllluln nl llul mu Mnnmmmll coum In nzvnloymenl Ind Munuumcnl anfllmlM lrnmnlu lhll week In Charlene NC Rullurl rum lhrnunhnul lhl ounlry Ill llend ll nu count nu mum wan uri vanctd ml calm manIrmen lml devola mull luchnlqu whlch mul In mulmum um In prowly ownm Thu Churlollu mum II Ihl mund rnnduclrd hy REM lhll yur HIICM II IHIIIAled wllh lh NI nnl MIMIMan Roll llnudl cuboau lhu réde win MAJOR IL HAMPTON on némi um Dnnhp 77 um Tovwln My IIrnllï¬vu WOILD lllll TIAVIL Invch Ihlv luIIIII Ilnlill lqmu ï¬ndOI Tun IAIN will 0N CO Tll IA III mulc nollce through to Winnipel Ind to does my boon lined up lot 03 This onlmd in Not And to assure Illa eniino and caboose crawn ztt ihelr orders Ind knaw wh on the rain caboose mm copy of waybllls the conductor also in journal made up In Mim loo giving complete inlorml lion about nvnry in point oi origin desiinaiinn dud weighi and consist and hooso crews also in copies oi min orders WATCHFUL EYES And every mlnula 03 rldlng he llne every mllon uenl dispucher cmwmln 1pm hand man conductor and enzlneer on ma look out or it the min but law minutes Illa you could almost hear their silent pnym Cum on baby yellerdly In Mnumrnlol Cnurl Blrfll lho lhclt ot nuaallne of value less than 50 from but owned by Greer Iramporu llon Co Ltd 50 gm the brlcl 14hour journey mm Mimics Home pnyno AI lhls Hm nrudl loos lo pm last Friday 03 Already In Vnncouver and maybe hue new no nul omobllcl hlVe been bouahl Lawrmca Mllll Donald Shell and William lllllll all 0r1lln wm mm by MIKI rnh 11 Foam that lhelrl wu mlaua oilcnto under ha Crmlnl Coda ol Cnnndl Ind lhnl lhcy mild Ilwnyl luv the regard lg xl half hug uunle or lhu denmum Dnn Ild Shall Cowm laid the court lhnl young manhood uamrd lo Ind 11 nccmnry erImonl wllh lho regululnry nm cl IOCIBI 1th named mm 1nd oul for mem Iulvu whuher um um llvo Lhalnvnm of un on permnnvnl ul MI lerllu roller anu Ied nu us to urh of deftndmln and direclad um uch ul lhl hay wnl la bl rt pomlblo lnr relmburllnl hII pmnll Their being Ipprchnnded III llmo would prove to MINDY typeIon hp come ram Winnlpel Johnny made his ï¬rst trip an enulneer in 1852 Ex Imlner Photo MATTRESSES MANY OTHER ITEMS AT COMPARABLI PRICIS 13 Colllor SO SELLS AT 7550 OTHER MATTRESSES ANY SIZE P05TUREPEDIC LEVITS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS lIMITED 5M from THE numm EXAMINER8 EAIURDAYyMAY II in The RCA Station Camp Bor den Trum at Bind under an dlrucuon Samn1 Rich Irdson hn won lho Tnlnln Cammmdjrophy in 1th RCA competition mm Annnll Klmmln Band Feltlvd held mono le Salk Tn compellnx RCAF Emdl were mm Namno Ind Panhald Alta Moon anh sun In Pomn Prnlrlo Mm Camp Borden wnun Eulem Canada reprenqua New Prom or in Run Church wll be In mum of the evening laxvim 0m sullen United Chmh tomor Spenker It the Ma annlvnr ury urvlce will he Rev arwnKnowlna MA pmldenl of the Tmnlo Oonlmnce Unl ted Church Cunldn mout mndinu authority on an Mule Couulry church Born In Sclrboro Mr Know graduate 01 McMIuer Uni venlw Am and Emma uel Collage RCAF Band Prom Borden Wins Title He hll urved our yem Sturgeon Falls 14 It Powsun and tour Bolton his present chum Ha il wuim member oi the Home Minion Bond and mumber oi tho inurerd mmmmee known the Joint Committee on the Mrll mum no urviu wind mm II 715 in aimed aummer visi or well midenu oi tho ml Mr Knowlu mu in important flu null and urban lolk at in understand such oth er beuer Speraker to 11 um ul Eiveljur lyervlcc will mv Sevcn mamhm of th Ellllt Jayceu are In Kitchener this wetkend Illzndlnz the mom argo aye Con nlon Leadlnz ha Burris Del It lon II pmldenl Bill Bnhhwn la Icmmpmlrd by lncomlnl prl lldml 51d Taylor and 00m mum hen lhc Imw oxecuuvc whlch wljl Ike ofllcgJIgg Nut provlndnl alllcm or the 1m year wlll In eleclzd Ind ymvlnul bualnm will bu dull wllh ll lhu thready meellnx Special Service At Oro Station United Church Sunlaf Wmdmon In pleldcd guilty Bmlu Mulllrlt Cour yullrd lo nuan dlilurhnn II public pilce Proceed by lummlry cun vlcllon Int Crown Allah ney John Mu hy rud lhl ha Iccuud wu zhllnz in Iron he Amerlcnn Hotel on Itlrlctlnl cmwd 101 ulll and vs chlldnn am at whom waI crylnn Th accuud wn cut and bull nboul the Ice and hln trou Im wm Inrn lhl court wu old Both of he combaunu hld been drlnllnl Ind whm my not In lhu pollen Imlnn they ll mpan In murqa thl Hill When lh Iccund wu quell Ioncd mm ha Dmch hl nld lhll ha hid llvu ehlldnn nd that hc hld reconlly Imam capgllcd wllh HI Mum 11 Fall ï¬ned the accuud WI Ind com glvlnl hlm unlll Jun 17 Barrie Iaycees Ht Convention OPENING DINNER Pruldent lobed Am man will pmld the 0pm ng diggero n1 Com m7 cxubumma an 311 glubbougc onuth rocfpllpn In lhn lwnii wlll iwédo lhc 311mm ythlrh wlll lollvwod Man Is Finéd For Disturbance 1695 PA 30 MEET TUESDAY On account the Monday holiday the Klwank clubs ol Bunlo Ind Kempenlelt Bay wlll meet jolnlly Communlty Ham on mm or luncheon 1115 pm PWlflm will be In chum president murle flexnay Kempenlell club LIBRARY BOARD BanIa Public Library Board melved 1h rcslanldnn Rev John Hv Elddel awan to Ill Manure mm he clky His position duhman the new hulldinx commute has been taken by Donald Cameron LARGE INCREASE Another lam lnmue ln book clmlntlon Barrie Pulr ll Library during April was npoNed by lha librarian Miss Constance Hardy at lhe mnnth ly meeunz ol tho board dir actors wu especldly no In thu adult depadrnent Houuihh weék EASTER SEAL Bunlo Klwnnll Club Euler Seal mall campllan or crlp plad dulldren ruched 13M re um um week with olnl 151 commklee chlkmln Dr Georn Leuell repoflcd CENTRAL KEY CLUB Bury Dch and Grunt Fair of Banlo District Central Coll calm Key Club attended the dlnmr main of flu Klwanh Club Burl It Communlly Over 360 atudenu mended the mdunuon dance held In the North Conelllta caletem 1m AIM mummy 91 by evenlnkwu 7th seleclibn oi Rapnlrl lo pru and Mnku ol Applllncu 31 COLLIIR IT CHAS KELLY SERVICE CENTRE PA 87122 LOCAL AND GENERAL LEVITS WHOLESALE QUEEN AND HER PBINCESSES DISTRIBUTORS lIMIIED Mnior Ind Mn ll How ud will b6 bonon at Fun well in the Oiileen Mes oi Barrio Annoury on Sunday Mly prior to their ukan up residence In Dawn The rm puny in Major Howard originally pllnned or my 2A In bean uncalled rim the gum ol honor would no be able to mm min in Wines dub iu in 011nm IORONTO VISIT Oflklnl vim moorToronto Klwnh Club wu made by Wu of Bunlo llwtenanu govemor Dlvlllon Five 00 of Queen And her wa prin ms Eleclod Queen by fopulll vote wn Bonnlo Tay ar nude IS Princesses were Tina Camcron leu Soy Barrlol But Boat lnluranu Buy ll COLLIER ST SUITE 301 BRIEFLY BENTLEY PER 110000 VALUE FOR ALL RISK COVERAGE WITH NO DEFRECMTION FAREWELL TEA PROTECTION Our Product BENTLEY and CO AT Mum Tulephnnu Annmu 5m Dishlet Kiwanis Imenmlnnr al on Thursday Mr W511 was the speaker at the clubs lunch any 1meeting In d1 Amdm Fire Chief Named For Tiny Township LAFONTMNE SpawnM Township Council It tenant special usslon pamd bylnw aï¬polnlin Kennth Brewster ll trlcl chlel of tha Woodllnfl iepgch F1 ï¬flzude Also passed were bylawu tp resclnd Ippolnlrnem ol Claude Belmurl lumen to the clerk one to resclnd mung up clnl pallce are or Woodland Beach and one to resclnd sea in up the Thunder Bay meld police urea and Mary Perkins Nell flun tubusa orchesth provldod dancinx music Examlm Pholo BOB BENTLEY SERVICE In Our Bmlnul PA M301 PA 6653