Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1963, p. 2

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Tunl MOIIIIIII III Ipo HM Net Income lvr llw Hnl qunllcr Indcd Hum ma amounml 1100000 or 77 Hull per limo mmplml with 51mm or cnnln per nhm In 1m curmmmflng qunlrr ol In yum Hum Immrnl un TM N7 mm Inf lb lln mam nl In IIIle uni mm duly mm 110504 lmnll 1n th nm thm month of luv noth Ne ar 05 ml in Indpnl la reduced mlnlnl profits and Iowcr Investment Income 0n nlho old basis accounting ncl vgmm In lh Hm qunrlcr would Iva nmnunlcd lo cent Ihlrc was also announced hat Inc Company had cnmpldcd ha liquidallon ll cnllrn In Nbslmcnl IA Amerndn Pclmlcum Corporallon lhrnugh he min 37200 than during the first quart lhll year and hnd will onllm huldlng 1353131 chm n1 Mnluunml Lakc Mine lellcd warm tndrd Much ll mu nrmunh 0d £1153000 or mm per chm rompm1 with ammo mm per Ahlfl lhu Inlllll 1m qunrlcr The hrs District Annual Cub lxee is to ba held Sprinxwaier vPark on June on packs are asked to arrive at the park round 1230 pm Acflvilles are llcthedllied to begin hnliAirour tr Mrlabull 11 Company dudred nn Incruncd qumrr ly dlvldond ol 11 ml per Chm and common 11 pay IMI on Juno la nhluhnldul room May 10 The Tammany rnvlmuly pnld Io unl mm erly nlflmnl Powrr And lAprr Cu Nil Income Mr Hm quarter tmkd Mnrdl ma nmounled lo now An II mm per cnmmnn uhnro mm pmd with mtooo Null er mnmwn Ihnm In lhu I961 nlunl qunrlcr Th Cnmpnny my lhu dunnu In nu In come In lhu Hm qunrhr thin ymr mmpnrrd wllh urnwond In 1061 rlml In allvllyulnbll mnlnly In lulur mlll pmducllon null and laMr nollin pricr InIAmn sum yum mu futma TA Hum McYnlyre hm phu Mlnél lelled lh Annua Mealan il was announced that Ml prom tor lhn month period ended Alan 1963 nmounlcd lo cent share an compared will cont share during the cur mponding period last yuan Thu ldcclinq In purging Mlrihulcd tlfisrjuuga alterhoon will be span lb mbs competing nnynriaus pines olllha Tcndcrfml and ETORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE rla Scnulers were hosts and this discuss and Eamonslration period centered on 01b games 1nd Jungie Al next Akela Club meet win he the Ihird week In June The District Council meetan hubcen postponed from May to May Tl because of the oliday on Mnnday Roprcsenla lyu mm all group are re csled tovbe at me Barrie Cum filunlly House by apm on Mon ay Mny TL VSeuEu Gruup wére remashl Id at th Akda Club meeflng hgld In Josephl Auditorium empen et myY Dlstrlct was well represented at tha een Seoul Recngnltlan Cem ny held at St Andrews Col In Aurora last Salurdny fluean ScoutsJmm the area re Second Allandnle RichA Dale Jim Webb 01d lrd Barrie Paul Ayerst Rlch Cantu nobert Flock Rich ud Maclntyre Donald Slddnll wgljd Smlth Third 41ml nrren Law Scott Wlnclnasler Fourth Barrie Michael OBrccht Slxth Barrie Bruce Reynolds Jr and Roger Rlx lrom First Stroud LL 001 Frank MeEachran guest speaker presented the Scout with their cerullcutes He stressed the need lor leadershlp and particularly leadershlp guld Id by the Scout Law Lt Co McEachran counsell éd the new Quenn Scout to up héld their duty to lead and teach flsfliey hgd been led and laught mu Jeanna Influan mm lay the mat Pginler arzlva or lasls week error Major OBrech is sill Dishlet loner Squadron Leader David Reld Firs EduarTroop lsnAcllng District Qammlsslaner fiusy weekend slnretar um andJrom Hialeah itll be wet ona hr 11959 campers Fin lnnlsnl op NHLShant Bunglm Igm and om Thrd Barrie mu nEPREsaNian Alflmhlnfl SCOUTING AROUND As Taught Comppea by Flynn Dunlap En Bunla illlllllul Eummlry lax Ihl Wul India Hly lo AVIIAOI HILDI BULLETIN BRIEFS llnlllnlrr lnnlulldllrd Guld Mlnu The Compnny In clam mzulnr qunrlrrly dlv Idem 15 rrull prr Ahmu plm nn ulrn I0 renu hath pny name an Juno lo nhnrcholdrrl of monl May II No extra wnl pnld lMl ycnr Hm mrnl Md llnur Dovrlapmml Ild wllhdrnwln Ila nllrr In ncqulw nll llw Hum 01 Duloln Hold nmlulnn Md nunr Hum Ialrrl Inllllnu nl Ichcr um Tho plan rnlml or lllcrr In lune mum Ila hurrl lo Ilnlulo Thr ullvr mu mm IMI nml WM lo hnvn lulul Mny II 1m Gunter Maine in Co For he Hm quarter cndnl March II 106 lhn Company port In lnrmuo per ml In no lmomn lo 1730000 mm $1119000 rnrnnd lho um um munlhl 01 um movimu yrnr IIIII Com lmrll Drunk uv ulna at mm man nlork ul Aple WM prr IInll mmpum wllh 09 per mm II II Ind Much 96M or 9173 per share and lmludcd $376243 pm on me snlo fixed user and accur mm For Ihe previous llscnl yenr ncl pram was eqqu to $80074 nr 35 um per Ihnrc Clnndlln Chemlul Co lld Tho Company hm extended lo Juno it share cxchnnaa lcr or Ihc common sham Canadian Cclnntso Ltd nnd porll that It My ll held more Ith per cm of flu Lillmfl mmmon mm nl Cmndlnn Ccl 1mm oulslnndlnl All common share Cnnndlnn Cnlnnvu owned by Powrr Corp of Cm ndn le Inrludinu lhoso qulml undrr llur cash out nt Feb lmw brcu oxclmnw Inr Cnnudinn LhLmlcnl torn man sham The flame Chapter or the Han hershoppen hrhls to conch alon several mnnlhs of activity on then annnal Parade of liar mgnyfi tonight During IEO past few munth the Enrrlermorus hu conduc ted number of shnws for ser vice club and nrganlzaflnns lhroughuut thls area including MD In Boston Mann and par tlcipallun In In Ongarlo com Foimatlon thenew camp any was iolnlly annuunced by Glennan Doyle4Piesidnnl ol The nnw company is joint owned by Ihe Hill Corporatinn through its subsidiary Hill of Canada Ltd and by Gas fur Lindas Eismxschincn Ar Gr 01 West Germany It will warehouse and distribute and store reirig armed display iixturas shipped from Hills Canadian plant in Barrie and Linde equipment made in Malnzkosiheim Ger many No wnrld leaders In the food store reldgeratlun field announ zed In New York May 16AM they have formed new tarpon alIon HIllLInde Commercial Rufrlgmlmn Limited With Ilces In London In market thclr prgiucu In the United Kingqom lha Scout Sccllnn of Flu In msm Scout Troop has been rev organized and Is now under Scuukmaster John Ncshlll As slsmnl llnrnlgr IllPctmen md sm teni Avcihge more will be worked out at the 2nd or fine tests For inrtherlanallon on thy guitars call Bob Ayres Smulmaslcr Nesbllt look 14 he buys to tha Scnut Camp this weekend The troop will sponsor dam on May 39 to be held In the figifirgnd Haw willkake Nice eh NIPma 1m to Barbershop Show At North 830 Plait In Barfie To supply Piodtidf ForGreat Britain THI 45 Ann In In 81 361 BAll PlANINGMIll SEE qu Mu nwu The Battle Chorul has been pracllalng or months on ur lc number and ha whola show promise In Ivenm fine entertainment Mr Smllh mid wmcono hld rend he Inlormlllon nxldmlh lnumrdcd the Mary Tho mm we ham now nl lhu plan In qunllfled and an Mn nod Job In exlcltllcnl JobA PAID IN ALE modrm nraucny lyronn Illll clnlml an nnnunl rem nl nnu quart HM mum Ila lnr vuh hr Incorpornlcd lnlo moduli nlllco Math Anulher qumlel which L9 lulu hmughl lo Barrie fur the Ihow Is he Canadian Lam an ex tnan flue quartet whlth cenlly ml part In the Belle villa competition and obtained hlzh minL Someone recently Inferred Ihll Mdcrmun Smllh mind at nnrrle City Council Monday night lhul the men the new dis nl guy9 nal qupllfled Alderman Smllh cum to The nurrle Enmlncr lhll morning and explalned lbnl nccordlnx hzcsdnyn report on Council he mnller ul no onetmrlence ho wusponkln nboul new sewage rflsposn plant un on llxcly mumm type npernb mu was Ibou lupvr lnlrmlcnl or he new IIm whirl hmml hm bum yet ll wu mlnlnlcrpnlutlnn at tho helm Mr Blair Iald tickets are nvnllnhle Irom an member Ind will be on Iala evenan Nath Cullenme Tho Ihaw cum mcncu It mo This years show will mutt the Rhythm Count Qulrtet which has twice represented the Ontario District in international competition and hu again been selected tn compete lhis year in camhetition to be held in th OKeeio Centre inJnIy nay Blair president said that has been the busiest few mnnlhs ha ha known in thin chapter and that the unurl are looking forward to me count show petitions where place Line ambushed In 1279 rank among Europes largest Comm crclal llelrllmlor manulnclur en Hill In promlnent manulm lunar since 1509 mainmy owned subaldlary of the Ameri can Hardymu porpomlm British food store operator not their in look he HillLinda product linu flu May 16 Olympia Shop Show in London Ald Smith Is Misintexpreted However Scouimaster Dick son reports number of boy passed their coakinx uni in lighting tests theHlll carpnmlon and Chrlp tlan Merleflinnnmaglnz direc or of Linde They shied Hill Linda Commercial Remmallon Limited will man mnlur con tribution to the last mwinl Bri llsh Food Industry It wfll lush available the worlds most mod ern food store equipment repre scndnl the new designs and good merchandlslnl trend ram 70 hemanhWi VFirs Allanallé laden Bob Dickson Dan yze Ind End Ack or are gawth up on ldst sleep after taklnz the troop an an overnight camp to Camp Wild man 115 15 Scouts who made the lrlp up arcntly lound cult to Just to ten 1119 and lpgnt restless 11th stroua pumminliy gnu The Group Committee In mak lng plan or Seoul Father and Son Banquet for June and fulfill bogtlg drlvg in 3an Is All mam mlum Ind ml1 rm ml nnuu hm ml um mam man will In Juan agrick Qinln 5mm PERMANENTS 8199 rm 17 PA um Zuni OPEN EVENING nunmii MLON mum won second Nlmn wulnn Llh Onlm rlo noulhvrn Seoul Buy Tw ronla llnmlllon Shown dur lnz lhl Illarnoon Ind cvtnlnl Partly cloudy und lumlnl cooler Sunday law Ihowm Inln llkely WIndI hocomlnl llml lo nlxhl and norlhwnmly nelr ll Sundly Lake St Clalr Llh Erle llaku Huron rrglom Wlndlor London Shower llkely ualn llul Allernoan Ind cvenlnlr Parlly cloudy Ind tumlnl coollr Sundly Iclllered Ihowerl llktly West blcnmlnl llth lonlthl Ind normall lb Sundly Eulern Llh Ontr10 Null burlon nulona low Ihowm hm lho dly Puth cloudy md turnlnl cooler llw Ihuwm Sundly Light wlndl Isonlshl Incomlnl mmhwm 15 un Fomnn tuned by In Ton onlo gum ampIn with lwo lawprw lure mlum croulnl he prov lm 1h momlu lhc long weekend ll may to poor Hart Shawery weather prmlb Ind cold nlr mavlnl Ioulhwnrd below Luke Superlnr lhrulenl lo drop below ll lower llku Sujulpy Ndrfitrn Gmrllnn flly Al um Whlll nlur Cochrnnl xngloru Saull Slr erlh Norlh ILAIN BY ZULU Loulw the Prince Imperial France wn Imbuthed and killed by 2qu union in llll 1vauhi Wu In South Allkl npeclnl general meeting oi dlfl Birth District Hunien and Anglers Cougarvniion Club is sdlequled orheyday evening It the Orange Hall ln Allandlla Business is expected in con tre mud tho club propmy club hu been liven pen mlnlon to out lame oi um Inn on the pmptrty Haw Ind when this will be done main oi utmost imperialm nld pre skim Bill Stewart Mumme Foster uld unlenclnl that he wn re commending plycullrlc um men for um accused In In nape um he would continua lo Ihow Illnl that he Wu Able mum pman In dew my In ammo lo questions from the Beach the lcmud laid um he wau arm labourer by pro teulon Ind um his Ichoolmu hld ended and five Ho admmed to pnvlou conviction Iogupxedrobegy agd than flownd Gary Fun 21 of no fixed address wu sentenced In Magistralas Court Barrie yu lordy 0mm months In th Guolph Ralounlbry upon cum fiction of chm00 Allin Inch belonging In hll em ploygr Mr Dyzr lnnlsfll Township Anlmntcrown Altainay Julia Murphy rend uvldenu into the record umm mum had mod to ull Dun mom to three leuntuenta In Barrie but um he had been umucceuflll 11 Iccuxed hid turned him Memhm ol ha vUnlvenIty wanna Ontario Aluanhnvo been hwlled cocktailbum me Unn lor Dr HulL prudent tharUnlveIxlly ADr Ha will nu lo the Alumni the Humane nboul Wesl ern expanslgn plan in the next sagayam 111a recepllan will be held Emutelly evenlnx 030 Itthc mldanca of Elsie And An Mb m51 Reel 51 game Jud Pollack ch at Alumnl Commune uld the urn about 41 member flu Alumni In the urea Conservationists To Meet Tuesday nm HAM EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY mm ZlYearOld Gets 3Months UWOVAlumni Togflear President In lhlll PA RumM TOM HOWLITT 1M Chppovlnn SUN lIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY CANADA WEATHER FORECAST AMn Luau Midlmd wan mud 1n dly In lull by Muislrnla Faultr In Bir rlr nllxlnlrnle Court yulerday or lhe Ihnfl pair cuull Ilnukl mm lho Woolworth Ilm InJlmle on MIX fin nuixnffinfillad lo oh convlcllanl or army and all Bay Sudbury Mova cloudy with minionnl Ihowerl tole uni Sunday Mild but inrninl cnlder lonluhl wind norm in nnrlhwesi 10 lo 20 overnllhl Forecast iempernlures Law Ionlzhiiiiui Tomorrow Windsor 50 67 Si Thom 50 55 London In 55 Klicbener 48 55 Wlnaham 45 51 Hamilton so so St Catharines 50 60 Toronto 50 60 Pelerbomuuh 60 Tuninn 60 Gets 10 Days In Theit Case Then you would conIda Sun Llh Mann Pro lmion lollcy mu uy lhc mom will be paid all ll you IbouM dlu pmnIlurtly Ind Um how will mlly Man In your llmlly You proud ynur harm from In Ind mm Why nol 1mm dulh um yau how nully lhll cm dam YOUNGSTEBSEAGERTO Lmnnmsnpomsormmxna COMMODORE MAURICE MERE Ian looks over lulu model with mm 01 ha youngstm taking the Bum STUDENTS 111 Jun lor sun owns the Eu ria Yacht Club hm com plead Ilep No on in ny Building Home The mnuhlrnla quuflcned the Iccuxtd un whelher he Ind lawyer He nplnlned to la ao cuwd um he wuld be bound am In cunlody In omer mlth make Imnzemenu or noun Ind 91 lnmtd lo ME bljlly Alon lld Th ccund mm In 59 In Idhurnmenl llld wu bound our or we on $150 DIIL Nthrd llllnu la Em Towndup wu remnnded In one week In nlnzlsmlul 00qu Du rle yesterday on diam puhllq mhchkl accux reporting In offense lo police 01 Im when one hld not been commlued Ind mm the nfllcer la Inlet In nvclliulhm nll II serious crlmlpll chlm uld Mlglalnle nn ludlcubll Man Is Accused Sggofing Police YIcM Cluhl Junior Salllnl Course Bohlnd hlm RM gumham Ind Kent Mk Manlhf yin lldlel My ldgp¢lt¢hoAm uplllned cum mu Wlm makel boll This Exciting Display of Firewaths ls Sponsored by the First Barrio Boy Scout Group oi Triniiy Anglican Church IN vsm or RAIN ma msmv WILL as new SMURDAY MAY 25 Moose marked In Ontario by hellcupler crew who drle Ihu Inlmnh lnlo dccp wmr when they cnn bu uni runny cuswmm mm vhlllnx lb Farmer Markal todly with pllnu laklnn the lend ln ulet Pulled unnlunu were null Ch bond pllnu lncludcd ll ynum murlzolds pelunlu rln nlns cabbage cauliflower Ind brouuhl 55 cull box or or Fresh rhubarb 15 cum bunch green lea lrllucu bunchu curls Splnlch ans lb Currou lb 13 cents heel curl bar Paranlp ll cenl pkg Celuy or null tall ham Calvin lllllnl master left points oul sea lion ml bolt Sun Roach Haydn Bm Juno Flir Em torn lcfl LI lerh KIM Harris Join Cnlvln and Eur nbofl Mexcar Thu mum lain dldnt hnId back II FARMERS MARKET MARK MOOSE tent bu $2 bag Ens med Hum 25 com Potatoes JD 45 cents Inge 50 mm extra large 55 cent dot th bunt tulip old well Then wu wide selection 01 born Mth and sold well Fancy good Included baby uh p50 braided run $1 each hu Io udlonl two whldl hm been completed Ex ImIner Photos ry Love and Doug Mardum ream chairman The lid the autumn rim wu unl mum Coniplefe Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE And TV SERVICE PA MHZ

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