Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1963, p. 10

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The men laking part In lrnln in exercises were ring In hnwlucr when the accidan oc curred OTTAWA CPIA rhnrle lmpnlrull lrlrlng nrlllnu lmm Ihu Irnllic dculh of nnolhcr mu Ilnn hm boon wllhdrnwn Omar Lauhl Unilnd Arm lhpubllc Unllcd Nullans undersccrclnry or Apcclnl pall llrnl anlrs collnpscd and dicd of hum nluck at UN hmd quurlm in New York mum dny Mo was 55 yam old FREDERICTONJCP Six members of he 15 Regimen Royal Conndinn Horse Arllllcry were Injured Camp Gane own Friday when an resmun metre shun prematurely ex plgcd PEMBROKE CP James Pallursan of Cabdcn Ont was klllcd Frldny nlghl when hls cm ran all rend and plunged Into the Muskrat Rlver 66 mllcs ens of hem Pnllcrson lather ol our children was guard at the Renlrew County lull ln Pam broke for elghl years Politican Dies Charge Lifted An Investigatmn undnr wny by the direclnr of research for he rcslrlcllvc Irnde prmlces commlsslnn Mr Chcvricr suid OTTAWA CPIGovernment anticnmbines investigators are checking sugar prices but re cent increasean Canada scam to be in line with higher world pricesiustico Minister Lionel Chevricfl laid questioner in the figmmnns Fridvny TORONTO CPIchrround operntlnn Cunndhm universi Mes will soon be necessary the Montrealbased Canadian Foun dnllun of Educational Develop ment said ln report released here Friday It said lhul 12munlll spun at opcrullons inslcad or he presenl seven to 7H momh spun wuuldpruvldc space or an addillanal anclhlrd mnro students Shell Bursts Into River 1° Sugar Checked CAPSULE NEWS College To Go All Year Long OMAR LOUTFI THE DARK EXAMINERSATURDAYMAY 1368 Mr Jnxllco Snmucl Hughes made the award In nunJury ruling of Ontario Supreme Court utter henrlng evidence um Iho Injury aulfered by GH bcrle Rnlnvllle nearby Cnclmslord worse than la In complete Hill one eye NEW YORK CPCnnadnl Nullnnnl Fllm Board has won pmlsc In Unilud Stale lrnda muuzlnc the most cxcllin htchlve at film documenurlu ln he Amnrlcas lnduxtrinl Pholnzrn hy puhllcnlion which crculnlu more lhnn 30000 cop monthly among hnlozrnphen phuln supply oust and photo pur chase In iovcrnmenl but Mn and Industry in lhu U54 Canada and Manual dnvnlel almost mllro May lqu lo um um bnnrd SUDBURV CPIA l7ycnr old girl who see only the rlghl half objccls or person as mull In uulomabllc accident was awarded 0000 In dam nggs Frldax The report that lhe helicopter was shot down wus made It meeting of lhe 101m mllllary nr mistice commisslon by Maj Gen Chung Chunhwnn chic delegate of Communist North Korea National Board Praised As Beehive SEOUL Smith Knrca AP Cammunlsl ground he knocked dawn and badly damaged US Mmy hellcnplcr In North Koren Ffidny The Communisu re fused Io dlsclusc lhc ale oi the lug officer aboard ll mus said Washing lun took leak at Ihe photos and called ham good clue They told us lo go ahead and exploit 1L PORTSMOUTH NH AP The man who heads 1h search Dr Ihe sunken US nuclear submarine Thresher sald Frl dny nlghl debris photographed on the ocean bonam could have come from sub torn apart by exlrgme pyessure Gels $40000 have asked tho provincial pnlcu to make special effort and In rcporLlo me he xnld Fllnwlnl 4hour cablnut lib nz QUEBEC CWPremier L9 sngo who aliandcd cabinet mucilng Friday against his due iura orders said he has asked Quebec Provincial Police to make special eiioris in break ring bombaiming Kenor islflip he provinqg ngnlnsl Sovch embassy clurk Leonid Tchclonuskun whu being returned lo the Soviet Union The man 3L was charged after cm he wns drlvlnl early May crashed Into bridgu on 0lawa amkhls kllllng th lone passenger vlslllnu Rus slan sclunllsl called Vlndlmlr Pelmvflch Chercmlslnav Copter Shot At Photos Studied Cracks Down Slrctchinu lenklhy hqu and 15 minutes the hula ques llon ncrlod wu huvlly Indcn wllh qucrlc and answer rnmed much an pnllllcnl mm as lnlnrmullon Speaker Mun Mncnnuxhlona to ur der were lnlrcqucnl but llrm dollars OTMWA CPISum Iho new mlulslm were nervnus Iolhurwlse the Lihml nnvern men weathered ll Hrs bl ea In tho Commons wflh wlllln oxthnnie of pnllllcnl bnrhl onu palm he zlzclul Can Icrvnllvo Illnn bench bum me puruxylm of Jam and laughter when havinx thal Icnxcd llnnncc Minhlcr Wnller Gordon la unptz Ihe dollar lhty In hll reply In my How II the mpumiblllly all hunarabls uI lhf Iloun no to cut my daubtl upon lhu n1 ur permanence ol hl Accordlng to an Inlarmod nov rrnmen source ho dcbaln will cnnlinue uninterrupted unlm some emergent rcqulru 1m medlmo lellslmvu acllon unlll Wednesday May 29 when un der the rules the llnnl mnllon must bn pul In vale How many cats xlrenglh ha Pearson xnvnrnmcnl will OTTAWA CW1113 eight duy throne speech dcbnle dur lng which the new Liberal xuv ornmcn can taco as many six tests confidence upon 1n the Commons Monday Ieers Laughter Greet Answer Unpegging Canadian Dollar Suzanne Murlon 19 01 Ol lawa newly crowned Clvll Service Queen flanked by Premier Manning at Alberta new and nnllonnl leader of the Soclal Credit Throne Speech Debate To Last Eight Days CIVIL SERVICE QUEEN IS CHOSEN When In oppaslllon the but all wen noveler critical lhu armor Cannervnliva sovcm mentl dcclalan In May 1962 to pen ha dollar to cenla In lexchunza or the American dol nr Mr Gordon said Friday the novernmcnl wlll do everything poulble to hold lhe dollar to ill pmenl cxchnnue rate Qppoxlllan DIcIcn baker prlmu mlnlalor or Ecanv six year until hla gov ernments delcnl Aprll lends all he debulc Monday may In an hour or more aIlcr Iho pm EDT opening below lace depends on mucus and Iandmhlp dcclslon of tho Pro Krmlve Conservative cl ni Credit and New Dcmncrnllc panics Any MP can move non confidence mnllon during the first six dayl though only two an be baton the mum at Any one time Pnny lobed Thampsnm Fridays morning the Oh nadlan Nllp Fesflvsi ln mwn The blueeyed Quwn hold In bouquet of mum nimllnr Io one which PLAY GOLF of ALLANDALE GOLF CLUB BIG BAY POINT ROAD RR BARRIE PA an Clubl cfiu or rent CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE lny you play PllVfllI membmhlp Weekday lournnmcnll OSnuck bar ICluhl run In 661 turn Jum PA 047 Social Cmfllm In not fly Inz In upset the Pcnnon gav crnmcnt And will want to pro post motion only may no no luLllflEd with whatever mo on Mr Dlelcnbnhr movel he laid In an Interview Subsequent speakers In or der are Social Crcdll Lender Rover nwmpsnnwho hnl an opportunity to move noncun ndcnu amendment to Mr DleI enbnkcrl mnllan and NDI Lener Douglas no he mum wYIl mgvn nonconfldenc In he Pearson uavcmmcnt Any such motion by hlm would be voted on dny nlahl aflordlng the NDP chance Io movo nonrconlldence Mr Dlelcnbnker expected to move the main nunconfl dcnce motion which will no voted on Thursday nlzm lie will be allowed by Prime Mln Islcr Pcmon who nlnnz with he on oslunn lender has umlm Red lme lo put forward hll case he you he our dcpcndlnn on length at tho qumIon parlor and olhcr rouflne business rq may MOTION are being sent to Queen Ellz nbelh GovernorGeneral Van ler Prime Mlnlsler Pearson and Leader ma Oppozllion John Dlerenbnker CF ere phata Juiyr Ah Eur um II help reducl TM my mum hu been puhlhhed by your GM repu ltfllIHVI CIA WILBUR WALTON 51 Nuwion PA 000 Incident Median Idllul Mann In Ontario In an flnl three month 196 10 pu nnl lnmul our flu um period In 196 nrommo Sfle¢1lemm pom mylkfluul umqu In lnlflc ucidenll Ilepl rlxhl Imu Nnnh Armin In In And In Iccldznl lnmllon Illll Icouulnl thll ymluce Aulomohllo and Accldul umace or leulDflnn Mr Greens maln charge was that wellare leulslallon 1n gen ernl ahnwad mater preoccu pation with who would pay the com than wlul um need pccpla nervcd Ha uld la posslbla the Trulnlnx School Act chlld to be cammiltnd 218 in Ontario in Three Months Bernnrd men associate pro fessor oi law at he Univeraiiy of Toronto mind in particular he Juvenile Deilnqubntl and Onlarin Traininl School Acil The Onlnrlu Trainan Schools Act monstroslty he told the Ontario Welfare Council can erence here read llke he word drunken llwyer 0r anclal worker Infection Kills TORONTO CPlA Toronto lawyer sumsud Friday hm nlle Justlco In Ontario II In vnsly whlch dcnlu children Lvnslc iegnl rights In the name humnnllnrlunlsm Tho experiment was designed in lest the Ipuccmnns ability to wat Huh knuwn inlan xltyin this use 3000000 cun dicpnwerior the Mun task oi guiding men back from moon mm The xenon bulb bumad inr Ihreo minutes in the town of Bioemiomein duninn Cooperl Iixih grbii Cooper used over Hous on at an ulltude of nhaut no mlles durInK hls norhll fllxht He could plck out tha Clear ABOARD USS KEARSARGE All Astronaut Gordon Cooper marveled Frldny the clarity wllh which ha could pl wlnl mat on earth mm more than 100 miles In space He even led his own nelghharhnud ln xylem Tex II was Ideal dny or an Ideal flight Cowper lnld Capt Richard Pollard lhu recovery phlnlcinn The nslrunnu Inld he could sun smoke curling from house In Tibetan villages and was amazed randcur ul Ihe Hlmnlayus Ha uld ha also clear now round thklnl exgcr mum 1n South Africa Lawyer Says Ontario Children Denied Their Basic Rights Coopér Recalls Scenic Beauty Cnpmlarl Inlnnncl Auoclllkl undu Thu Elpcvlmud Tuvcl Saul l07 DunIop IO Em lhnlo PA manual III II nunu lralnlnz uth wilhoul being lound uullly an onence judn needs only Ihe act um child ha been accused of petty crlme In order to be able to order such commlllul ha Idded Under the name act he said child could be ndmliled to training school upnn lhe wriiicn request to minister oi iorm inultuilona item Chil drenl Aid Iociely Thll could he an may out or chlld waltm money he noted wlm he huh cost of treatment In the mild num ber of nvallnble mental heallh Inalllullonl Ground physiclnns md sus peeled Cooper was drenming when hll hennbual monitored by union quickened Iuddcnly And than returned normal Lalor they rccknned Ihe sudden chnnne resulted mm Conper wnklnz la make an adjustmenl In hll Iult temperature l0 DUNLOP ST When he decided sulllo hnck tnr his Mhuur mouzc lw aald he tucked his thumb un der his harness straps to keep his hands lram accidenlnlly nipping switch while he slept Runlnn cosmonauts also look 3hls precnuflan Pollard mid Cooper also lnld hlm he had drcnmcd duran hs light but he doesnt recall Ihn cnglenu ol ha fiream Cuober said he nwuku mm more his orhltlng cnmnps slur Hed tn dllcovcr his wclghllcs nrml oumrclchcd In mm hlm Laku dunkl where he lives hill mid he could not hl uwn housa beenqu Ihu recs Hn Inld he law all the Flur ldn man and ur north as anhgnzlon or New York JOHNSON WHO For UP T0 OWEN FIIOIHS DMLY TO VANCOUVER Economy Class accommodation MM fun days work at your officethou board your TCA Sllvor Dart jot flight at 620 pm arrive In Vancouver ot MO gm Stay overnqu to relax and prepare for your business day ohood When you condudo your business you can look forward mo smooth comlorloblo fllghl buck homo aboard your TCA DC8 Jo wnh up 104 convaan flights dolly to choose Iromplus 1M cholera of First Cloas or FASTEST AND ONLY NONSTOP SERVICE TO VANCOUVER flIyeMaI hours 50 minutes Sco your Travel Aficnl or unnlncl TCA at I30 Moor Slreol VuL Toronlo Onlnrlo BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE TC4A and CyNJl llonl Ind Tlrkm AIR BAHIT TRANBCANADA AIR NEE We will huvo laden5111m vlncIul conference year on that anld regarding tho lux nhurlng dlscusshna with Mr Human The only auggullnn hnd nl lhls time was wllh ru gnrd to llmln Lnuls Rublchuud New Bfims wlck snld Friday night led rrul provincial conference on lax sharlnu will be culled llll your to rcvlcw lscnl rclntlvns bflween the provinces and the ledcral government Mr Roblchnud uh he quesw Inn of tax nhurlnx wns one of sevcrnl tonlc dlscusscd In meetings Frldny wllh Prlma Mlnislur Pearson PA mm mun Inf Tax marine Soon Saw Wobichéud Fur Free Elmalo Wflhnul Ohllmlon Phonu MITCHELLAIRE EDGAR ONT DTPVA lCPl Prumlnr PA 666 on mum to PA 66474 it

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