Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1963, p. 10

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Fire FieryFirst Baseman Make Things Tough For Angels nl Icnwny lnrk IIITN illANflSLAMMlIfl Ills grand nlnm In lhe llllld lnnln oi the lint nnma put It nu nnch No hnd Hutovnm Immrr In lhn nlzhlrnp and unrrd II ulnnlnx run In lh Ilghlh Inn an Inn lennl dnuhlt war laugh day or Al Angela AIIKEII Flral lhcy were routed out lhelr hotel by Ilrc then raukcd out meay Park by fiery first basemnn Dick 5mm who say hel warritd nhout hll hilllnz dmvo Lin uven mm on two homers uonu grand Ilnmnd led Bar on Red Sox to doubleheader IWNP Angels Ind 74 ngnulqay night Mudm Grnnk hlnnkcd Kln Cily Alhlcllcl on Na Mlm nr Clcvnlnnd lndlnnl and llnlllvnnru Oriole whlnprd Washlnglon Scnmrx 71 on Mill Pnpnas lhrcchlllcr In nlhnr night game New York Yun km edged Mlnnuola Ninl tl ln Ihv only day xnmr lhrcnnlnrm nm in lhe Ho lll Summit In lluslnn dulled Anxcls 1mm lhtlr mums In hl mly mumlng haurs nnd he IIUHIMI sum inllhrd lhu mu Stunrn hzrn propellcd he yaurprmnz Rcd Sax lnln Ireland When In tho American League nnu gnmo buck or Chlcnra hih Sax wha nuned lngy pvcr palrpilA Fixer 5mm nn nlrrwmn lrnda le vmeniHnII My Hrd Sax nhn wrn lmnklnq or mum rlRlemmkd power mm nun lmlltd In lnlnl In nnd lncrrnml hII Immo nm pmdncunn la mm bath mum hluh nmonl lhu 1mm lcmlm Hm Slunrl hlfllnn only 750 my no hnl unlixnrd Even clrlvu In loo rum By non GREEN Amclllrd Pm Spam erler Senior Softball 1963 Schedule Auz DUNLOP BHTSTONES July June TIRI iERVICI IOI BAVFIELD 51 PA 66549 i0 BARRIEVEXAMINER TflUflmAYMAY ID May ZZEdgar Stewart J2nuenl Park Mldland v5 Truclova Heating Queens Park ZSElmvnle vn Barrio Plaza Mineslng 25Edgqr vsElnvnlo Elmvalo SEE US TODAY TIRES floBarrin Flam vs Elmvnle Elmvnlc zzBarric Plaza vs Mldlnnd Midland Trnulove vs Stewarll Queens Park ZITruclmc Burrlc Plaza Queens Park Elmvnlc vs Edgar ens Park mvnlc vs Edgar Quecnb 25Slowarts vs Edgar Edgar 279pcn LQuccn Pajk Slcwnris vx levale Eimvale ZoEdgnr vs Midland Midland zlBarrlc Fina VI Truelove Queens Park 31hlidland vs Stewarts Queens Park zMldlnnd vs Edgar Edgar sTnulovn vs Elmvale Elmvnle 5Stcwnrlu vs Midland Midland 7Sicwaril vEdgar Queen Pa Elmvnle vs Barrie Plnla Que 9E1mvale Edlnr Edgar loBmlo Plaza Elmvnle Elmva lzsuwm VI Barrie Plum Quecn Park 12Slewma vs Barrie Plaza Mineslng lsElmvale vs Truelnve Quncns Park lsElmvnle vs Midland Mldlnnd lsBurrle Plum Edgar Edgar Trgelnve Queens Par blmvulé VsSKewmu Queen iark YIEdgar vs Barrle Plaza Mlncsing ZJSlewnrls vs Trucluve Queens Park BMIdIBHdJs Truelqve Queen Pafk Open Queen Péik loIruc BEST hlmvulo vs Stewarts Queen Park 2112mm Plaza vs Edgar Edznr 24Truclove Midland Midland 28Midlan51 Barrie lflnza Quqcn Edgar vs Slewnr Queen 7Elmvnle vs Edgar Edgar aTnlelave vs Elmvnle Elmvnle loEdgur vs Mldlam Mldlmld lHlewnrl vs Truelove Queens Park Barfle Plaza Vs Midland Queen Park lzTruelave vs Hane Pnlza Mlneslnz IAMidlnml Edgar Edgar lsfilewartr Elmvale Elmvala Open Qumns Park l7Barrie Plum vs Stewarts Dunc Park wnle vs Midland Mldlnnd 191 gmfiva Tguulave Qgccna Pnrk Truclovo Healing vs Stewart Quecnl Park 27Sewarts Garage v5 Midland Mldland mTnmluve Healing vs Edgar denr ZBEdgnr Barrie Plaza Queens Park Elmvale vs Truelove Heallnl Queens Park aohlidland Elmvnlc Elmvala Barrle Plan Stewart Queenl Park Edgnr vs Elmvule Elmvnle 51ruelovu we Edgar Edgar fiAlidlnnd Vs Elmvnle Elmvala BBurrie Plaza v57 Mldland Mldland AILSlnrs ind Tlckct Draw Queenl 135E STmclave Mldland Midland 5fiqrfie Plazg Tyualnvg Quec Park BUY THE BUY Bill Monbnuqucue wank lhe dixluncc or the 1m unma via my but Bo Bellnsky chk nndnu won lhe Iemnd In xe 1M nnd hlt 30 human wouldnt bu happy hit or the balling IVE have right now he Your taste Calvert Old Rye Every drop of Culvort Old Hyo mun pun no risk qunllly control chock boron Iolwlng our dlltlllory Your mm In tho nnh chock Try gm lm00h Cnlvore Old Rye the 977kcheck 645 pm 645 pm 830 pm 700 pm 310 pm 615 pm pm No pm Mennwhlle Atlanta Cracker downed Jucksonvllle Sum 32 Columbus qu delenlcd Roche tor Red Wings md Syracuse Chchx dnlcnled lndlanapoll Iu dlnn 5L Toronto whipped Buiiaio 15 times in II mucking inst year and came up with another vic tory Wednesday nixhii bailing the Bison 4A1 wiih limehit pitching and lhrce homo rum fllgh under Carl Butler and Russ Hamlin comblncd to choke U1 Bulkdo power Ilium be low 906 fun at Banlo lhe Islyes crowd lhorer lhll week Kaulnx munwhlle was tuuched or hits but struck out 12 and won Ills fourth In raw when Ron Fairly drav In Illa declsive run with Iwooul Bison are wallzlng Many in first place In lhc northern divi sion In games In Iran of he Ianplaco Leafs But when lhu Denis stumble ltx usually not against Buffalo The Leai triumph may have been impressive bui It wnsni cnouuh in boos umn oui ni he division cellar They are hall name behind hoih Syracuse and Richmond Ind Iii nii Roche lc page Before Hendley regnlnld hh compnun the Cardinal had two mare hits and three runs But nothing couid dlm the cr nrmanm of the 24yearold hnndcr who pllched prababny the inle game in his three nea logs in the majors By THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto Maple Leaf may run lnln considerable lroubla agalnsl mosl club In the Inter national League but dont count Buffalo Blsons among them yet Hendiey at Julian Javier on grounder to open the ninth but pinch hitter George Altman reached first when FrankBoii ing booted his grounder Tint seemed to unsettle Hendiey who wal than tagged or trip to right centre by Curt Figmj iur tin int Si 4in hit While Knutax was making his first appearance since pltchlnz nuhlllar agalnat San Fran ciscu Giants Hendley amle flu spotlight by hurling the Brave triumph over St Loula Cardinal Wednuday nlghl and comlnl within two out of matchan Knulax ourdayold maaleqplece MIKE MTHEI Allocllled Pm Sport erlcr Milwaukee Bravcs Bob Hend lu mnda llkg Sandy KouIax of the L0 Anaech Dodgers Knu Iax didnt Maple Leafs Find Bisons Easy Preyt Human canmbulcd Io lhe nm Hendlev Falls ShOrt Koufax NOt Impressive IInKl inlhs 12 inning and mm ha Dodgers 52 triumph over lihllad Illllllu In other Nations axua ac tion iirsbpiace San Francisco scored our run on one hit in the fifth inning and edged Pill hurzh Pirate 43 Cincinnati Reds belied Linkage Cubs and New York Mela downed Houslan 74 ending the Colls winning streak at six Héndley was 57Wh 1h Brnm in 1961 111 last yea Phil Gag am tworun homer highlighted Ihreerun sixth Inning Crnckcrs came from boiling to nIp Sm JcLs go Ihrce bake hilsnlrom Gary Rushlng Orlando McFar lnne and Manny Mola nnd Willie Smith siruck on 11 man and scattered eight hits or um Indianapolis win Chicl go only six hiis oii Herb Scor but bunched them ciiicienlly and tagged Kile hardiuck leilhnndcr with his third loss wiihnui vic lary this season producllon smashing round tripper In the seventh Inning Frank Leja and Lou Jnckson nlsa hi homers for he winners Jewtllerl HI Dunlap PA um Hour All WATCH REvAI FRANK ROBINSON BILL LEBOEUF Scnlct Waxk Gulnnlud For Full Yen Aiier Flood trlpm gut things alarlcd lar lha Cards Dick Grout loliowcd with single Charley James was sale an an arm by Denny hlcnke and Grant xmrnd the third run on Ken Buyers singlo beiore Hend ley wnrked out ol lho Jam Menke homered for he first Bravcs run in the third inning and Milwaukee continued to Eodfld om Slmmou who lost il llrst ailcr llve victories Fairlya runproducing singia gave him leagueleading 29 run bnltcd in and Elva Koulnx his mu victory in six decisions Tho Dodger southpaw had been tilled for pinch hitter at the start of the inning alter itrikinz out 10 or morn in game or the 43rd timer Jim Gilliam scored thowinninz run alter singling and moving to second on gassed ball iha loss went to Jo nny Klippsicln 12 11 Glam broke careless us against loscr Don Caldwell In the fifth altar Orlando Ce pcdn led all with the lnnlngu only hlt pop fly that dropped qtrcHqudwehtirgow 15 walked winning char Junn Marlchal Io force In one run and hi Felipe Alnu to force In another bcIoIe Bob Halley hobbled Wlllle Mays grounder and lel In two more runs and now 42 altrr paxllnh his Inuth complete game with his second threehitter of the sea SDH So whether or no you have nose for burgnlns remember the biggest bargalns of all aro right under your noso In tho Classlflod pages of Tho Barrio Examlnor everyday Or If ihoru nomolhlng you need 10 buy WANT ADS am ulwoyl your best be for bargains Youll find who you want at real money saving prlcos WANT ADS are bargaln any way you use them When you havo something to so WANT AD the moat Inexpomive way In ho world to tall people about It For as Imlo as 96c for one day $216 for three days you can toll 1housunds of Examiner readers about lho thlngs youre offering for solo Just call PA 824l4 lo placo your ad Some people can smell bargain mlle awayl But 1he biggest bargains are right under your nose every single dayl DUNEDIN Fla AWSome say professional gulls ynunx Jack Nicklaus endangerlng Arnnld Palmerl mnney wln nlqga recnrd Nicklaus Near Palmers Total brief look at Ihe Pry SOME PEOPLE HAVE NOSE FOR SAVING MONEY csslnnal Golfers Assnclnllnn records shm Aickluu 83000 bchlnd Palmlra mm 111 time last year when he set the rccurd by endlnrV he msrm wllh mum thnn $80001 Vlcklaus stands at some or he seasoncompnmd wlth Pul mer $9303 lhls 11m as car The dlflerence Is that nlmel had wontlx out tournament last year while wcklaua him Ivan wily lhree Mann Vednesdny Mcklv almnsl $20000 ahead of scrnnd p115 ul gmw Planr hns won Shaw lhl venr Tnny Lem ls Vhird with $35396 and Pnlmc In to lh 154 illllus Buns mm with 625525 PGA slnnqmzs

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