child been on wlln romhlne lhq mum wn llw minim ml rm lurh rul ruvlnl In mnlrrlul lhlnn ml he will will un mnfl um new mm Dnmrmc MHI umlmrnlul mumr will bu umlrr generally llna Innucnm wllh mmanu rumdaily lhrlml 1m Ill nmulh In mldJuly Im Au utl only Navrmlm and IM Mvmun nnl mm or lmnl and nodal lnlcmllx lulu me early Mum only Rm ltmlmr 9nd 1mm Hutpl In lhn nun ol trrnllvo worktu who wlll ha guvunnl by unpllonllly Inn nlnnrlnry upecln In June luulnm nnnl Mcupnllonnl mall wlll he mare nr It rmlllnn unlll InhL Odnhcr thn my wlul Ilnn an an upwnnl lrrnd In hlrlIur hauled Inn In mldlkmnhvr Md cnnllnnn 10 mome lhmuuhonl Hm llrll mm mnlllhl nl um Imk lnr mun 1th llnnmlnl pulmll In llllllAuluIl Inlu No vcmlwr and rally Ilmmlwr and llnllu In upnml mum lnry lnltrrnll In Jnnunry 1m mmm now and lnln Nnvlrm lnr Imwmrr It Will Im who In lm rxlmnrly runnrnnlhe In llnnnclal mullm The soloist Mrs Shirley Share of Wlllowdale sang the Lords Prayer the Wedding Prayer and Eccausn God Made Thee Mlne accompanied by the organist Ireland or Mld bud The bride is Um daughter of Mrs Charla Palmer Slrubane Avenue and lb lnle Harvey Wilkinson The bridegroom 15 the son oi Mr and Mr William While oi FixlrilcidY Connecticut The bride was given in mar riage by her uncie Viiilnm Pack Byron Ontario TRADITIONAL GQWN peclnl day the bride Chan gown French silk alien Themlcdlncebodlcool Ihe dross ealurcd scnllopcd necklinn appliqund with sequins and lily point gleam The hul Calnrl curban Is not the wle Iolullon la problem lhnt created by lack of ncllvn exerclsc homemnkcrsecre who hnvinx mm wrllcs tapnclnily Hko he re port mm dmm now who mm mm good and mm who nro lrylnz hon lo 1an welxhl am In lhe Inner cole xory nm only and In my II lumormw In your lzlrllulny your hamcnpo Indlcnlu em all Job Md tlnnnrlm prmprrll belora ycnrn rml bul you wlll WI wmo llmu More in tho mulln of your um ran TOMORROW Mllntnln rcnlmlc nlllludu In All munllum and um good ludlmtul upeclnlly ln lhu IM II ncllon sums lo be re quired bmy Inmlllnn ml ynu to hide your tlmo hm pallcnco In Irrum Ilunct bccnmn tnlnnxlrd In IUIIII nlhm FOR THE BIRTHDAY KEEP IN THE TRIM THE STARS SAY Lack Of Daily Active Exercise Creates Problem For Dieter Dy IDA JEAN KAIN fly ESTHELLITA bridesmaid were nulled In lim llar gowns pnslel yellow or xnma over Inï¬eln Thclr head dresses were yellow rose wllh lulle vehs Thcy canled cm cunt bouquets carnnnwm and rosea nue matron of honor wns Ihe hidel sister Mrs Cllhenne Pcnrsnll of Barrie Mrs Susan Chnrrinr Qucbcc and Miss Lorna McLean Los Angeles cm were bridesmaids The brides niece Miss Anita Pem nll of Barrie was the flower llll Hands srencer the brides neghew was ng bearer job as Iccrclary all down for that elzhlhnur day Tu add lIIIIn In ullmmlnn In lllrldllfll ml Ilde bend ml rlully ulk Mm lnr nlwlline 26 In indm ml Mm nnl In uch lmhu Vllll lhm mmwrmrnh youll m1 ï¬lm Illm Ind 1mm er girl wore ban lnn rack of while organs with lace Inserllon She wore head dress bundenu of ynllaw rose and carried crcscenl com flowcu and rascs For lha pm week luau kept my culorlel bclwun 1000 and 1100 day and have last only our poundi lInl Ihll Iluw ualnl welghed 10 and now welsh I36 pound read your column about lhl girl 10 who and mum to lllm down to 120 poundl 120 would be too lhln Im 451 Don on make llllmnca lhlnk have medlum lrnmel 1an do one ludm WM lllrouzh your column lhfll learned about emotlonnl over cnllnn and Ma lnllzhl hII prom lo be mm helplul 0n the weluhl um The nenrrr you are to normal wclzlu 1M lcu Ipccluzulur lha wtlfhl on on 11¢ The rule ol on ll dtlermlmd by he dcllcll bclwun his load can Iumcdal mmurml In 1mm 01 ulurluund he no butntdl Evidently on have nlwm bun lalrly mo mm In your MINI Imhlu olhuwlne you would he morn ovtrwcllllll To low II anllllylng rule and lo Illm lawn In 11m HIM rlncn mr up our exnrcln you coud MI mllo and hull In two mllu day Ihll could mnke luv dlllmnu You would Hm dnlly Will lha pmm curdu lo hullnu yum HIM hour 01 Illufllr Not only would lhll hrln you In lnno up and ullm lawn um 11 would rnhunce your lull ol uolllbrlnl Wllllr lhm mad pound HI uhlch you In pulul wruhL hm In wtlzhl mnu or Imlld Fur wmlwn IUIW 110 mumk or llul llvo letI lwlnhl and Ive fur Mrh ulm lndly llrmxllnl Haunt Juan ynur Imn me lumlu Fnr wnmrnl you mr lawn smaller Hun me run In mull mm lum Ilm In wllll mrdlum lmm lIma wmln lirwu lnmr man have In lmm Dulnhlu welsh ll lhl walnhl uhkh ynll 100k uml lerl Ill and hue ho mm mum lflll Verna 0n he no mm Your nnrmnl wallhl AI 13 ll um Ithml mu lml mm mm nn nen lmnn don no in hrmlcr The bridcnmamvl lather Vll The bride travelled In twa plcce lime green houcle sult wigï¬elge ngccssorlqg Followlng the wedding lrip to Niagara Falls and palm in the United Slnles the couple wlll re side at 710 Slerra Vista Avenue Alhambra Culllomla Guuu nllcndeg from Bridge port Faltfleld Conn Soth Pasadena CnllL Montreal Que bec Windsor Iondon Court land ChnLham 54 Thomas mo onto Darchcner Delawurn anbelh Bowmanvhle Kitchen er and Georgetown dlrefloriithlelflluld llqu mm Incmmn in lam lhe order mull hunk III llnnnclnl Illunllnn mm nulldlrnlly And mmhln All polHm unurrurnlrml nh vlnrlnl Iml munlclpnlAlnr lxlu Innnml lumml In llu pnll fundr In up nrlll In prmldï¬ nvtmlo lnr unml nquu ham 1er rld Mary llvr yum and Hm urxl lmwnl wll Ivllln Ivy Jun unvy 19M hl wll Mr vllrr um Imfll lhu VON Imml nnfu Ala In nllnwu Ind lh mm mml In ndod Mild luluan or hvlr wholrlwnmd mp rl of an Incum In he pm mlmml urvlro charm hr the mad ul Hrn In flu mm mm rmll WLVIIIIA made by Nu balm Jun um oiouhu wm dlreqtorImhlel laid the mm WINDSOR Onl CP Jo Irph MnII Inndan OnL vmldenl lhl Vlclmln 0r II Nuuu In Tnnndn lnlLl lho ornnlmllonn Nth Innnnl mecllnl rimy ho VON will nul ho aide lu upuml luv Irn Ivy deprmlinl on unduly In npprnll human VII declde upon In closed INIIDIII ml lho ungollnuulfu If Perl nurwell Enklmo muhrr leave tMpmllve flare wllh lroculu and chic to or hcr Inmily The rep II For Burwnll on Unllvl SAYS NEW PRESIDENT VON Services Cant Expand 0n Fund Raising Appeals MOTHER SHOPS AT COOP Mrs Ethel Richardson oi Mc Dnnaid 51 had her entire iam iiy as weekend guests They in ciuded Blackslock and family oi Toronto Miss Peggy Eiacksiock of New York City and Mn Price oi Oriirin Kuesl the home Mrs MenInk or McDonald SL the weekend was her son Lewis Merrick of Toronto Mrs Cairns oi Worsioy Si lei the city last week in molar lriy through nichmnnd and Williams Virginia gfshingion DC and New York Mothers Day at Central Unl lad Church was marked with Baptismal lies periormed by Rev Lee at the Sunday morning service Children bap iizcd Included Michael Andrew son Mr and Mn Andrew Howden Illduh Road David Glenn non oi Mr and M11 Charles Surgenor North Park Road Michael Allen son oi Mr and Mrs Allan Raymond Os borne Mary Street cnmerNmG innEs Rev David Reeve officiated at the service oi Baptism in Burton Avenue United Church Sunday morning Children bop tizLd included Keven Robert son at Mr and Mrs Earl Beers Victoria Street Wade Melville son at Mr and Mrs William Bulmer Robert Street Sandra Louise daughter at Mr and Mrs Lorenzo DuPn Bradiord Street Jeniier May Philip Lloyd Gloria Anne Milien An thony and Rebecca oiita all children oi Mr and Mrs Enrln Fnirbairn liiiin Street Travis James Arthur son oi liir und Mrs Floyd Farrier Henry SL Craig Allan son oi Mr and Mrs Ross Funecott Parkside Drive Susan Lynn daughter at Mr and Mrs Douglas Garra wny Blake Street Anne Chris linu daughter Mr and Mm Robert Gopdiellow RR Bar rie Mnrk John son oi Mr and Mrs John Hanlon Campbell Avenue Jan Louisa daughter oi Mr and Mrs Ros Hicklinz HAPHSMAL SERVICE Fortythree mzmberl of the womens telephone mmmlllee of the Building Fund Campaign met this mumlnx at the Barri relallnmhlpl wul nflmd In vrder by In panInn homo cm The order um nllher prnlelc lmlmhlp In home cm wo xmun can rrnvldn IHHI or plan to mlnulod by other llflldtl Iho In In her nnnunl mm hho perm llul hul mm at UM nnlern II1 Innmhrl hm duvelupwl ulmnl or llnl um prnmnm lvr hnmn mm Illh um nr more lump In llwlr ma mnllnl lnlnl nboul so hunch punhunt 1le mva Ullul walkrr Emlllo Rar lrnl umlllvs dlmlnr llm vlnlllnl Numl Almrilllnn nl Ilrlvnil Ihl htr orunlmlnn employ wnnun annl hmm nlll for hnlmleml mum whkh In In ml numl Mln Rnyrnl uh hrr orIInL ullnn In lnnmlnl HI nu lha mmch hum Ml In Imlrpcmlenl npunlnr lml purl nl lum womnI VIII mfmlonll hum ll II nlmmlwlly In mnlmhmnl no In Xud ulna and who uu mac llnl up Ind It homo AM um uld my In he Norlhwul Tcrrl larlu ll one lama up by Mimi lo mnrkct Ihrlr Ilene urvlnn Ind olhrr hnndl mil Hum mm Nullon in Him imam Women Workers Line Up Schedule SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Wesley Street Cynthia Lorraine daughter Mr and MIL John Workman RR Uwpla RETURNS FROM WINDSOR Susan OBrecht iirst year student at University at Windsor has returned to the city to spend the summer vacation at the home at her parents Maiur and Mrs OBrecht Shanty Bay Road BAPTISMAL RITES Rev Skelly oiiiciated at the service at Baptism in Collier Street United Church Sunday morning Children bay tiled included Andrea Margritt daughter of Mr and Mrs Blanken Eugenia Street Julie Dale daughter at Mr and Mrs Austin Bowman BowmanAve nue Judith Ruse daughter at Mr and Mrs It Cameron Oakley Park Square Christine Evelyn daughter of Mr and Mrs Beverly Edwards David son Street Kathleen Patricia daughter at Mr and Mrs John Ferris rottawa Dchorah Ann daughter at Mr and Mrs John Gilbert Blake Street Robert Douglas and Elizabeth Anna Louise children oi Mr and Mrs Stanley Hammond Owen Stre Ellen Dale and Nancy Lo daughters Mr and Mrs Latimer Gunn Street ill and Peter son at Mr and Mrs Marshall Duckworth St Thomas William Gordon son oi Mr and Mrs Tarn Park Antrn Miiis Linda Eileen daughter Mr and Mrs Ronald Smith anier Street Robert Eric sun of Dr and Mrs Tikkaia Vine Crescent Carol Eliza beth daughter at Mr and Mrs Todd Oakley Park Square McMASTER STUDENT HONOR BRIDEELECE The membrrs Beta Sigma Phi Sammy and ldendshonnr ed Eleanor Dolrnn at mlscel lancous shower at the ham Mrs Faye Nikita Angus The ems student at McMasler University Hum lllon has relumod to the res dcnce of her parents Mn and Mrs Fenis Ferris Lune or the summer vacation period YMYWCA to receive material and ï¬nal lnslmcllonn prior to the campaign opening on Thurs In gvenlng Aliendanoe at the klckoii and at the Iva scheduled report matings amniial to tho success ol his campaign ac cardlng to Doaiey Greer Campaign General Chairman Mn Powell and her commiilao have ncceplcd responsibility for coniaciinx every worker prior in every importnni moclinn ior iho purpose oi rcmindlng lhcm oi lhe meeting and commonl calo any aiiwr rilnznl inior mallow 1110 war oi this com mills conirihuiel moiurloiiy in he morale and no nnthuslnsm oi the campaign organization Assisting Mrs Poncii as Cop lalns aro Mrs Rad Snider Mn Alan Gundry iiirsi Vcliinglan iiairum Mn Dalton Ncsbili Mu rgon Wait and Mrs Thin committee has been re crulted by Its chairman Mn Powell lnr lhe purpose kcaplnz In close contact wllh Ihe more than 300 canvassm during the Intense perlod of he drlve being conducted during the next three weekl Other members lho Com mlnea nru Mudnmu Em anon llocckcr McCronc Hnrlley Miller Stuart slmpwn Hodge Ellll Mchw Ollon Mnc Ltnn Evnm Inulln WnllLu Vance McLean Panonl Howell Knox ltmman ll McCollnn Parker Taylor Rollnmn Mclmm ll Saunders Ilnlcllfle noblmon May 11 Dlnlr ll Kilns Mcmmh Snrjcnnl Smnndych and Younl RcjlgmldFrcgmin Survey Indicates In ukcd II number of Quthec Amlllu what they would buy lheY hid mm mnmy Nul unu rep lrd lhnl ll wuuld no lnwnrd huller lmlnnted dltl Mall Inld lhuy would glvn IIIMHY lo lumllun or In nuln mohHa Ind added lhnl hey wouldnt hullnle to bormw lmy Hum Wu mm Iurprlu lo lur vlw In ludlnl lhn nva ha twn nodulnulnln um um Frxltrnllnn lell Unlnnm Prefer Cars To Food It my lnuml Um prl nrlly or lnmlly uvrmllnl In Qurhrc mm In III nnler Fur IIHIIH nulunmhllo hdlln mullcnl mull IanflflN nod Irrvrnflun Inmlnl In mnu rnm Icfllnl lur rhuprr Immu nrruury In order In My lumllum or car And ll wnn lnuml lhnl lu warm lnmlllr mnml In own Hm hlflrll nml nmul nu Iqumgnq mm guy in rm unmv Ihuu IA All Ian HAIRCUTI 00 Ammo 0in EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENIS mrf wArm 1min flan III to II 550 llll bride elect opened her slit under cascade oi white and pink streamers assisted Mn Barbara Pow delightin lunch was served by the hostess and enhances Mrs Jean Baiterlhy Also enterialnlnl or Miss bolt on was Mrs Poole Queen Street who was hostess at miscellaneous shower She was assisted by Mrs Marisn wm lama and Mrs Ruth Bell The bride elecl was assisted in opening her lovely gins by Miss Diane Poole one of the brida maids to be Miss Doiron is to be married to Kenneth Donovan on May is at St Marys Roman Catholic Church at ll mm CHRISTENING PARTY Fallowan the christening ol Kathleen daughter of Mr and Mra John Ferrla oi Ottawa in Collier Street United Church reception was held at the home 01 the paternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Ferrisv Ferris Lane Guest included the maternal grandparents Mr and Mrs William Sinclair Mia Beverley Sinclair Bill Sinclair all of Weston Mrs Margaret Airth Dr and Mrs Grant Snow all of Toronto Charles Parker itiineslng greatgrand intirrr at Kathleen and Rev and Mrs Skelly and iamiiy WEDDING GUESTS Ammg tim ouwmw guest who attended Ihe Whlle Wilkin son weddlnl Central United Church on Saturday were the bridegrooms parents Mr and Mrs William While Fairiieid Connecticut and his uncle and aunt Mr and MIL Jamel Gib wn of Bridgeport Conn Hnnorary president of he Barrio Womens Liberal Associ Illon Mn Leonard Slmpson of Elmvale and Mrs Mm Nels Barrie were man the head table guests the Satur day luncheon held It the Con tlnenul Inn Dlher head table mull In cluded guest Ipuker Ralph Snelxmve Ind Mm Snelmva Mn Calvan WLA Presi dent Mrs Tcd Ineson Past President Mrs Duh Peamn Bnica 221m en rs Tcd Ineson Past President Mrs Duh Peamn Secretary Mn Bruce Edcy vlcepresldenl Mrs New lnn wile of the president of lhn riding Mrs Joseph Whelon convener the luncheon party Mrs Newton Introduced Mr Snotgrove tthrral candidate for Slmcoe North tn the recent cl ecllnn ln ht address Mr Snel Krovo thanked the members the women assaclntlnn or their enthusiasm and devotion dur In the men compalgn He commented Ihnt lhclr wort be hind the scene playcd an Important pm In the campaign INTRODUCES SPEAKER The Snclzrovc have just lumcd mm Al holiday in the Barbados and Mr Snelgrovo mid that Is on lhclr Iv orlle vacnllon lands NEED HELP on Mt Ilvlnx condlllnns In the Barbados llle weaker polnlcd out that lhm people need help Im II are mum lmporlnnl than lll nu nld lhu maker ll my hupa that Canada wlll lnke leadzrahlp In helplnl than people help lhcmsclvcs He told he wnmcn Hunt 90 per can of thc pnpnlnllnn In In nnrhmlol is colored The nullm an ullll cmployld an the plant IUOIII whm their lordulhm worked helm llm nlmllllon Ilnvcry he unlcd Mr Snclzmvc wnl lhnnktd by Mrl Cllml who Inld lhnunh wn were dclenlcd In HI rldlnn In Inc In elecllon not ulvlnu up lhcre II wnyl lhn IIth um FOR BARBIE WLA MEMBERS 1110 May mrcllnl ol Trlnly AMHan Church nulld Ill hchl Iut cvrnlnl Trlnlly lnrllh Hull Mn llutk lund pmldrd It the unlan Mn Em wnl nuke Mu anvo In lbmlrllrd Inn on htr men trip la Ennlmd um purl Imlnnd blur Illdu mm Ihown 01 Ill polnlu In mm hld Vlllltd llrlrelhmcnll wm mm by El Jouna group Mrs Ellis Speaks llt Guild Meeting Living Conditions In Barbados Outlined By Luncheon Speaker DICK STEELE SON Eu Wlndav Dllphfl ALL SIZES COLON3 ANI lfllClLl TEA POTS um ï¬llnu up Dear Ann Landau Several yearn ago my huahand and lot an deeply In debt we didnt know what to do My husband went to se Mend about bur mwlng some money The lrlend advised him to 1119 pelltlon In bankruptcy My husband took advice Because It seemed Ia be ha only way out haven had good night sleep since keep going aver the 115 nl pea In we owe money to and its rivln me crazy My husband say am null lhal lot of decent people go Ihrough bankruptcy and Its pefleclly honest and leznl way to gelqul legenungcr All hl lulklng doesnt help sllll lee guilty We owe few small hill new but ll went back lo work would be able to clear them up and star la repay the people who last on us Am null us my husband says or should go ahead and do ll1CONSCIENCE am oh nations Then write or phana the people who lost money on you and tell them you will begln to repay them noon Youll eel better imme diately ANN LANDERS Dear Continue Go ahead and do it Youll never hava pegge Io mind unlilflyunrd prcsnnlnllon wns made In NH 11 award by Mn Tcd Ineson on hehnl the Darrle WM memben Mn Howard wlll lcuva Ihl dly In June to like up residence In Ollnwn Mn flrénnnn wan ha door prlu denied by lha Fab rl Shop Money Is The Root Of Her GuiIt Complex RALPH SNELGHOVE magic Wu pmvlvla lhu ï¬rm In lryrlunlug unlcc Try nur exrhulm Snullono Mule full1m phu pmfruinnnl Ikill 1n mmm colon lull mlmo lo yaur dnpu Iml Illprovul Your IAIifullnn nludl IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY ma PICKUP AND DELIVERV SERVICI DUNLOP WIIT ll DUNLOP EAST WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD Amflho um WIVUVIVOW Plolanlonll SANITONE Olyclunlng Guaranteed MOTHPROOFING sunny Deur Ann Lnndm hand roma any named Harry asked to an steady with hlm last wlnter was thrilled Illd ac cepted Alter lew weeks rm llced that my whole llle was regulated by basketball ll Harry played good game everythlnl was peachu Ind cream ll hln game wns all hed get Ileg and plck llght over nothing Thu nigh Harrys team lost Um champions he was In much foul moo ho pplkd ma few names you wouldnt print and broke our dale for th next evenlns which was hlg school dance was lhen that de ddgd to call all our Randy ranzemenl Now that haskelball season over hea bezzlng me to no aleady mun lle lays hukcl ball was In blame or all our problems and now we wlll get along like two llllla lovebirdsl Shall laka chance llka him lolKITIEN Dear Killen 11 not has kelhall ll wlll ho somclhlng else lea great many nther people marry lake on hll lmstrnllons and anger on the handles object This Ls called displncggncnl DOGS DlSll Dear Ann Linden Please slop telling people Its nll rlzlll In put the do dlnh In the dlsh water llh Iha lamlly plate Hot water and soap do not kill every klml arm ml were me hosplllls would not need slerlllzerl Even bollan water does not kllI all baclcrla espi clally xpom of lungl Datc Hurry occnslnnally but dont go steady with himor with anyone else Den II My authori lic lcii me lhai you are indeed correcthot wnicr and map do nai kill nii germs Mask uni mnis however like most im mansi are not iniecled Ind thereiore rnuiine precautions Ire suiiicinnl When handlinl nick animalsu when dealing with sick human Ilrlnnnl Ilcriiizinu procedure ncnlial The person who wlshu In Inku no chance woud wuh lho dagl dllhcs Icpurnlely dog should have his own dish and it should not bl washed with those uxed by hu man beinls The notion ï¬nal dogs mouth cleaner dun humanl mnuth ll lolklorenol withstanding lho phrase clean as hounda tooth We know very little about some disease and how the are transmitted Since animus do transmit some disease to man It wise to observe unler precaullnnspr MEMERa IIUS MAYO CLINIC Ann Lnndm hand uy named Harry asked go steady wilh him last was thrilled Ind no Mler few week lat my whole me was