EMO Displays New Equipment Teachers See AChfld As UniqueIndividual llm mime 01 Mr flulll good npmlnm lhlnk he can walk wlh um rural mrmhm Ila lllll ma nu Hm llnnnlnl mml lhluk Mr fanll II vuhmhln mrmhrr In Illa llnnninu linnnl um lwllrvo hr mu comm entlrxl nn nhlllly Md Wlllun mul llm mime of Mr MIL Julllm npmml he nppolnlmtnl on llm rmmdl Ulnl lw M1 nunlml reu tslnlc nmn hrln nu he plannln board Mr 241qu In hlllll unl nlnln company Md It ununinx ngvrnl wllh Mr Julllfle AM llnlmh Inhl lhl nhfllufluylgn he mun Ronni Mr Amman snhl he lmllcr nnd slrnlchcr prond lhcmsnlm In lulu It unulnu nwr Hm The nnw lypc slrclchcr can he drugged through the snow and will hon so lhal It handy In swamps and plum when he vlcllm has In he luk lhrouxh wulur MOI PROTECTION ll uflm more proltcllnn llmn llvc rnnvcnllonnl llrclchrr Ray Mklnson HMO coordin nlor said Is completely new idea In alrclchcr work Punkpaling was purl or the EMU rescue cam and lhosu who have taken vnrluus phflscs the rescue course much us ï¬rst nld and the SI John Am hulnnco course Emergency Measure Organl ullnn personnel go heir ï¬rst chance Saturday to dcmonslmm Ihe rcccnxly ncqulrcd rescue lrallcr and new Iype slrclchm nn he parking lot at the County Building He stalcd lhal sludcnt In smaller school sulfur an Inter Name Coutts To Planning Board Mn Sarjcanl suggcsled um lhe board Start looking for third school Maybe it should be primarily vocational to pick up those overflow sludcnls Norlh feel that such great num ber of students are being oper sled like machine He voted against the boards adoption at he Vocalional Guid nnce Commiuces suggestion 1113 North Codeglale be expand Cumin lml nILM nmmlnlml fun lo lha Ilnnninz The only dissenler AI last nights special Barrie District Colleglalc Board meeting was Robert SarJeanL End child is pmduci of diiiereni background and en vironmeni and has diiiercnl Hp iiiudes and potential he said Bmadiy speaking ihm are nine planes eanh with its own variations ai whim diiiercnces in students can be discovered at an early age It is the Job of ihe teacher Io ind nut and ex amine ihese at the first he year Only then can he wurk out the besi mcihdd 01 approach ing and teaching each child N07 MORE PETS Nu anger do teachers have pets sald the speaker Teach ers now look on each child as unique individuaL Mr Balmers topic wns Phase Child Development it Relates Io Homo and School teacher view oi he child with incidentai remarks on the foibles of parents was given by Baimcr vice president oi Dewsnn Pnhlic School Term in lo the annual dinner and meeting of the Barrie and DisK trict Home and School Council inn night Seventy ï¬ve members at In home and school associaliuns al lcnded the meeting at Central 1113le Church Recent research has uncover ed many of the Individual lem Ing characteristics children Suggests Third School Rather Than Addition EVOMORE TEACHEBS PETS OR YOU INNTNHIM NOEL Guggflgrgsou n0 apromnmsf AT SOJphcmonc anollm and NH MIUINTMEM lllllNR IA um 11 FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE llllnk CONSULT Md ninmnm ml nhuln mnn Ilmuhlnl he on Um han in mud aim ullh AM Jollllln nnmn nan And Commlllw AdJanrnL 1111 year we ll ï¬lm dcmonslrnllon wllh llw lrnlmr llonllng lull ol cqulpmcnl nml llu Indivldunl nlrrlrhcr will Ilnnl wllh cusunlly In ll Mr Atkinson said We won as mnny volunle us My can not Roalslraflom begin today for Um Ibwcck course whlch will he held In he munly nuildlnz mry Thursday nighl run ll FILLED Emcrzcnty Mcnsmrs Granni mllnn Is Hurling new class In rescue lrnlninu In ubnul lwu wurks Thi min hull In mnda 1mm Fiberglns and was capcclnlly made or us In Kitchener Mr Alklnson said equipment or sixman Imam und ls capable of complete rtsA cugopcrgliyns and of the last on the lrailcr hu sald 15 he Iypc unit hclng dcvcloptd by line counly and we ch It will be far muru pranllcal than the trucks that are nprmaljy used and Oplomohhh Mr Ramsey said The down men feel that 1500 to 1600 pupils in school Is Ihc most ellicicnl unit in uur program When school exceeds 600 sluden You alrnady have last rccognze the economy or lrgc plants he sald But can we teach the sludcnls elfcclivv 1y Mr Sarjeanl asked Ramseys opinions on 111 sub 1ch Mr Ramsey Is district In4 specter for the Deparlmcnl of Educnxlan Iorixy complcx He said schoul principal menliunnd It is not good or he psychomgy of the studenls Um Hwy ranl hope to compel with 1h bigger schwl In this regard the anther also faces he chanenge or picking out the lsalales and integral The fact that children come mm diltercnt levels on the so cial ladder doesnt matter In the teachcr but he has to take them into consideration the speaker went on One hls students came from home where all nine members of thy fnmlly slept in one roam The ï¬rlmual development the chi before he ever comes to school is delermlnlng lacun In his attitude to learning said Mr Balmcr wflh the disparate ethnic and religious tradition Ldowmowp sghoo We cannot do more than incul cae the tenets ol lhonghflulness and consldcmmn or nlhm in he childrenI he said mmm HART MIME ONT The Intelligence Quniinnt tests while lar 1mm infallible give good indication 0i diiicn lng menial capacities he said Hnnesiy and lmslwarthiness arising out at diiierlng sci inf standards in the ham are in dication ni mural altitudes the speaker continued Mr Balmer said that this most obvious diiference between chli dren is physical Health speech hearing vision maturation and conrdinaliun play thnlr part in childs ability to learn Tlllillllfl LITTLE IllrnuL plny nolnu on hm nu barber nmppcrl Mud Mason Slnyncr kt and Hugh llurucc Prall board chair man said dont Ihlnk Ihal were overbullding Within Ihrce In ï¬ve years well need 11 new school regardless what we do But the tcachcrs positions have not changed They still deal wilh about 200 students year and dont feel there Is any thing to be gained by small school am strung onIarxa unlu because of what hey can offer now llu said lhc prindpm and vicc principal can no longer call student by his or her ï¬rst name the power or dealing with the individual he said He added am it affects only two people The gun and nlrns of the teacher are the same as yours he caullnned We are all In valved in the challenging task ol helping lhe chlld to become bellm persan Mr Balmcr concluded The aim of all these studies In depth Is to butter enable the teacher to bring out childs capabllitles so lhnt he can be come an educated man he said Finally economic differences evident In habiLw and dress have be taken Intn acmunl by the leachcr chflda atlflude In other dents his parents teachers and work are nflen rigidly establish ed by the time he enters klndcr gaflenr he sald In this regard TV wih in eye on slery commercial con alderallons ls really sellan educ duwp the drain DOWN THE DRAIN The students have various Bl Hludes tn aesthetic valucs he said You can help by fostering an appmclation of good books Ina them IMO the group 01mm pqgglar chllglrerni er are most Important sald he speak er You can say 1100 In on child and hewill cry you can gay boo In another and he will say bog rlghlhack mm Cull ho Mun mm Mnuulnclurm nlmul min aurcm lhmulh In nunmco Youll ï¬nd lem rnnumlnnl and lrlnml ly adviser Tho hm my Hm yuunz family In WlllllllllnL Imumurr ll wnvIlm that mml lmpnrlnnl unr Imlm lumlly Inmum In mllllllvm Its nvlnzl plan umvhllnx null In In vmrvuuncy nml unle In longrange ubjrcllvm Inch Imlvmlly mlurnllun nr nun mmumnr Slmuhl you Imy nuw7 Ir run It lm pm on unfrly mm hmlmml nml lvrldn nru workhng llm wins than in In Imy now lwpnnnmunl Ill ynum nlvlnr manna hlghnr prnmlmnn nmi llm rink my poor hrnllh ulrllxhu In tho mrnnllmm Sonmlny M4 Ill mnml inrnmo will Ilnp mnklng ll 1leth Impurlnm that now mullw lm xunmnlm livlnn Inmmvnn human umhllnx lwr duvuln lull limo in mining llml pmlouu nuw nzlullllnn nlmut flnnnrlnl lucrm lhn luumlnllnn lth murlwmuhtnflrr ml In flnnnrinl murlly Iml nn MmlwnylonchinvnwcuvllyInlhrnuuhlilnlnumnro Something all Newlyweds should know MAMUEAQIURERS llFE IMEURANGI OOMVVFANV nl Ilnrrle pnlnl hnchlm Int bnhlrdnyl cluhlh mmun nur hmhnppm Show Norlh Cullrzlnle DbrbershoppCrs say it Is tx pcclcd to be Ihe blazes anv nunl harbcrshuppcrs show ever held In narric Rhythm Counts from Toronto one the quartet chosen to represent Ontnrlc In the Inter nntlonal Cnmpclillnn The show Will also lnclude he Cnnadlnn Lurks rom Etnblmlm and tho North York Chorus as well as Ihg Bertie Chorus The Barrio Chapter of the So clay or the Prmervalinn and EIICDHIEEEIIICN Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America SPEDSQSA is busy preparing for is eighlh nnnual show to no held In lha nudilorium of NW Crgie Salugdny night City councfl last night voted against motion to have commendation mu public wnrk committee referred back lorllunher Barbershoppers Getting Ready Age Experience That Is The Question On City Iob NEW omcans of um 1m rle and Dlslrmflnme and Schnol Council are back row loll lo right Lewis Mrs Sill Mrs Roe Mrs Thcrï¬ublu Works Commillce Onlrr llny NYMrl Gm lrty Gum lmcHmo Ha II he lulu Ilnrry Nopklnn ndvbcr Ia Prrxidrnl Frnnklln mm ml Ippnrrnlly by her own mu TorontoRev Junpk VIII ms $5 Hrdrmnlorlak ml IIUMH In vurlnul mm Can Ada ToronloDr Harold Hodg son 55 Inn on nprclnlls who urannlznd lho int Xnucnmn cllnlc In Cnnndn dance nllorncy Mld lhal he accused was the molhnr lwo chlldrcn and lhnl aha needed hm drivers llctncu In order In drivu lo her plnco olcmpoymcm The nccustd Qua lined S10 and costs 12450 wi ummuJ Tcsllmnny bucn heard that skid marks measuran 100 feul More lhe child was hit and 52 Inc beyond the mm the nccldcn had hcrn rncordu by he Investigating ofllccr lho mqgjslgqtu um Mrs Eileen Sum of RR Angus wns Nnvlcled of careless driving In Barrie Mag istrates Court yesterday In reviewing lhc evidence prl In senlcncing Mnglsmxle Gordon Fnskcr snld Hm he could see reason why Mrs Skitrow shuuldnl have seen the chlld Donnie Mclnlyre who we struck by the cm lhe no wind wns drjlegg By THE CANADIAN was know othes wmï¬gue wuh me but am prepared to back up my xlatemans AI sald Who ever Is clung to look alter our sewage disposal plan has to be qualiï¬ed Al present we dont halveanyone qualiï¬ed is 5211 keel man past retiring ago with the labor 2119qu wpglrlrldls AId Roberts said am glad Ald Mnrsellus has bmughl his to council think It Assam haventurther study reported that Caldwell sup erlntendent ol the sewage plant is due for retirement June 1963 and recommended that He be retalned or oneyear yen lod and during whlnh perlnd Nell Fox wlll act as inspector during the construction of the addillon On completion can structlnn Mr Fox he nppolntcd In charge of the whole plant yuun Aid Mnrsellu asked to have referred back for fur hEE5Â¥ Careless Driving Costs Are High Agnew and MrsD Smith Front Mrs Bushell Mrs Smith Mrs Feldmnn and Enlmer guest span her at Inst nights meeting Examiner Photo nAnmé 1va DEATHS IHI LAFONTMNE Tiny Town ships recent lax sale drew bld ders for all but one the 18 properllcs listed clerk Gabriel Marchand reported The only property not picked up had taxes and costs of $264 llstcd agulns ll An adjourned lax snlc ls planned to dlsposc bl lhis parcel lllarchzmd sald Aniouan ilstcd again various properties ranged from low $32 to top ï¬gure of $342 IlYCANADMMIW Only One Property DraWs No Bidders Only TCA flies daily Toronto to Europe No change of plane WorldWide TmHuv I07 Dunlap SI lull Imlu ommum um Imm In lull l02 nuuton W3 iummcn Only TCA 003s cl dally Tmanln lo Pam In Hills lwmx 45 minutes Only TCA on from Tommo la Inna Gummy Switzerland Ind Austria wlihnul change ol planc In mnnrtllonl by ulhrv mlinu horn Pavia Dusseldovh Zurich and Vlcnm galcwayi In mono Europe lurk $0110 dawn $130 no 1L mo Ali nhoul TCAI Fly New11 um rm Ind Iprdll law Gnu hm vflf mm mnl at run llilillil II II IUI it lUIlUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUliIIUIIIIIiIIUliiIIIIII Jul limnomy Ianrn lnrM From Toranlo pm $5820 $2344v 15 Tun TunH11 ï¬f $6220 $250 Inntnannain BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE JQHNSONE 61 Iiï¬inn f9 Inlamnjmnd loiarydlom For Your Rnorvlllom Call Now Trnmc Enforcement Ofllcers July 19 54959 Cashier and Sealan plerlg 967 $3 Assessment Commissioner Ju ly 1963 56600 Tramc Foreman Jan 1963 $1700 July 19m $4950 Senior Assessor July 1863 34600 Assessor Jan 1963 $4200 July 1963 $4400 In 1964 Wu mun mm want Bookkeeping Machine OperaA Iors Jan 1963 $3120 Jan 1964 $3240 agranher July Barrie City Councilth adopt ed General Government Com mittee report to amend Halarles as follows City Clerk Welfare Dmcer July 1963 36300 July 1964 SL400 July 1965 57900 ncll passe bylaw to borrow the sum of 515110 or lhe purpose or purchasing and developing lands purchased rum he Canadian National Railways lo municipal Rumses inn WyeaEhlï¬ï¬itrucuire once the scene much 01 Barrie City councfl last night wrote thhty lo the end of an era In Ball55 rallro 111 old Canadian Nailinnal Railway slallon Is to be damn Ished and he grounds used or mgnklpgl parking THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAYLMAY 14 1983 Amend Salaries City Employees Secretary Jan 1m Barrie Landmark To Be Demolished rumwan mum©mmu Or see flrllaln en mulax Fly londan on TCA BOAC 1m me mlngx avallabla on HOAC lumpplop mlunnla flfllll See your luch agent or TCA Mk about YCAI cnlulainlnn new Ilmalllp Kl xmllu lmh lflvtl Idm You wunl want In rpm anamol Jayme lump um lamln NanI Robert Cram Barrie appeared In Magistrates Court here yesterday on hls second alience under the Highway Traf ï¬c Act in two weeks He plead ed guilty to charge of failing to yield the right of way when emerging from private drive way at the corner of Dunlap street west and Torqnta street His previous conviction had hpcn on May or careless d11 my He was ï¬ned $211 and um costs cv on council meeting council adopted motion by Aidi Marseiius to erect plaque or some kind of mark er on the grounds in memory oi the raiiroaders who worked out oi Barrie or more than century Followmg dlscusston regard tng the project Md KW betLs said Weve waited most ayear think the sooner wq get on vglth this thg better railroad activity has not been used or more than year ex cept once lwlcerwhen trains sup qn special occaslanL thn year ago Ihe sign Barrie was put up an the Allandale station and Inca that time the old Harrie stallan ha not been used for passenger up vlce fenders or the job of demol lshlng the vld station win he ch53 at MayUZI Failed To Yield Is Fined $20 PA 66474