Infant SuWiVES ll THE IIARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY IS Delicate Surgery ancasrrzn Ont CPIAn Three Nuns Four Others Killed ans union envn to In Head0n Crash Near Chatham intranetsanteriora birth were taking him home said Bobbys lather Impound po iiccman In nearby Hamilton We can never thank the doc as BIG MOMENT ron TlII SMALL at he attended services at First Christian Church Astronaut Gordon Cooper autographs Bible as young sters gather round ltlln alter the in nearby Cocoa Beach Sunday morning lie is scheduled to make his Iaurney into space Tuesday tAl Virephotol Moderate Whites Back Negro Status Struggle BIRMINGHAM Ala lAI Ina iounlnins in planned stuges oi the leaders oi the Negro CHAIHAII CPIA headoa other car on the twolane high car collision killed seven per flortis near here during the week en Included were three Chicago nuns bound or meeting in Kingston The dead Sister Julia Brace 39 driver and Sister Superior winnilred Corcoran 50 both or St Georges Hospital In Chicago Sister rt St Joseph Kearns oi oi St Josephs Hos pital in Poison Mont Peter Francis Fltzstmmons 62 an employee at the Chicago hospi tal Eugene Ryde ti and his 32yearold wile who was driv tag at Glen Meyer 0nt and Walter liaisebaut so at Tillson burg Ont who died in hospital Sister Clarissa Donovan 56 oi Chicago was In satisfactory condition in hospitai here with broken ankle and other Injur ES Hutscbauts wlie Elisabeth 21 was in serious condition with multiple iaca cuts and trac tured leg while their touryear old daughter Sandra was in lialr condition with head tniur Ely OPERATE TODAY His motherlnelaw Mrs Eliz abeth Pal 52 was to be oper atcd on today tor head and ehcst tnIurIcs The eohlsion put tragic and both to the Roman Catholic sis tcrs trip to conlerencu at their nursing order and to an Ontario iamiiys gay Iour ney to wedding In Detroit The three Americans were to be keynote speakers at three day conierence oi the Religious Hospitalers oi St Joseph The order founded in King ston in 1845 optrates hospitals in Wisconsin Montana Chi cago Chathnm Nl3 windsur Ont Cornwall and St Cathar ines as well as several schools At Kingston Mother Superior MacPhersoo said that although several delegates had arrived irom distant points the contor aoce will be postponed InchInA way and collided with the ear driven by Mrs Ryde The ioreo oi the collision drove the engine blocks at both cars against the treat seats and the two vehicles were thrown from the highway and left iacinginta ditch Wedding presents irom the trunk oi the Ryde car were scattered about the htghway long rosary carried by one at the nuns was crushed on the pavement Police said it was the worst trailie accident in the history oi Kent County The accidents iatatlty tail was not iully realised until doors at the mangled vehicles were prlcd oil and seats re moved it was terrible said Hec tor Lycke oi RE Bothwell who was working In Hold near the scene The Negros struggle tor higher status In the historically segre gated southern United States is receiving signliicant sup port irom white Iicnolrs ui moderate lcus Moderate wnncs usually shun the limelight in which the soulhs more articulate segre gationlsts bathe lint number oi them came inrward to par ticlpnlc last week in biraclal citlzcas committee which sought to unit it desegregation struggle thundering In down town Birmingham Tire bi racial committee agreed on these proposals to curl the eoniiict Ilcscgregatlon at lunch counters rest rooms iittrng rooms In the stores and drink within the ncxt 90 days Upgrading and hiring ol Ntgrocs on nondiscrimina tory basis This will include hir ing Negroes os clerks and sales men within DD days AIIIIANGE RELEASE Arrangement tor the re lease oi all persons arrested during raeiol demonstrations on bond or on their personal rccognironce Retestohiishment oi com munications between Negroes and whites publicly through senior cilircas committee We would hope this channel at communications bctwecntho white and Negro communltics will prevent the necessity tor IuIthcr demonstrations said Ittv Martin Luther King one movement The agreement has no oili ciai status City otiicinls In tact have is sucd strongly worded state mcnts saying they will not be bound by any agreement reached by the biracial com mittee For woclu there had been building up potentially the most dangerous crisis inthe history at the struggle over civil rights CLASIIED IVITII POLICE In the downtown business dis trict thous ands oi Negroes clashed with police wildly dramatlring the demand among others listcdIur the right lo cat sandwich at department store lunch counter ttciY TRIED ro PASS BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Beautiiul Samples Frce Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PABms BAltltlE Unholstertng Is Our Bust nus Not Just Elde line 65 BRADFORD 5T Police said Sister Brace lap parcntly pulled out to pass an CHINAWARE COMO SETH apiece ltllllttllttilrt not in tulip share Pink ItIItI Ycllow pctnil vtlth iirron cans hllICIAI srt 149 149 149 roomy In amt IINILn WALL ll ttlm loltIty at Horse utmr iralgn SIIILIAL ynlr WALL ILAIIIIW Iolirly in Ilil sign hlItlAI at will lolI lit 149 flKthK tinNAhllNIN tiln Ittl polttty plltt at aruxw ul twin noun LIQIIIZIII GLAMIIA ilt NIHIINI tulouu hliitlAL ior IIIIIN it Ioliury In tiny and lilli tliv atn hI HAL pnlr 11 Illtllla in Ttilll IlttTrlilthK ilIN or Ior rottp into glass SPECIAL it Ior AhlItTIIAYh IIN bTANIl Sri III class nrlt Iron In aututtvl rolotuo on carrying sinntl SPECIAL but WALL ILAill SllitlltL with do WALL ILAQIII Gill llrlllill Si RIIIIC liliLi ItIiIrty In tiIIiIIAi rtt lottrty In tloslutt ii lAir with IA POTS Iotlcry in Tutti Irutti do rign SPECIAL rath liliT OP IIOWIAI Pink SPECIAL set Illl Illl IIIEII ctablo design SPIICI coth RALAI Iltlltla oi Irtnutouc AL sct NIIIIT ilAiitlii Assotittl Loltntrl SPECIAL ior ALT ANU IIIIIIIII HIAKHIS uilh orlnl topl tiIIILiAL pair rthrnwarc In Blue or otlh rpotm and totk ttnul ursoar MA 13 149 149 ltnrlhenunre In vrg 149 149 149 IIIH AND KAIIIIZIIPI Mill Mom anti Iltoi bl ntollt SilltIAL npiccn set mtqu oI earthenware AL art 149 HNAIK NILTH motll oi rtulltrnaaro AIIIIIIIIAL HILIT Iltotle bllvtlAln box oi pinlill 149 HOUSEWARES NIZTTIJTI mill at niultllouilt nilh Ilimk viosiir ltlIIIIIIl About Iapial sire blIltI catII VILLIIII AND IIIIAINICII mrnts lltrial Itiinth test at plastic burn Special art 149 our ot RNIVIZA For tomato grow irult nntt Iitillrfll paring lilnlnlcsl steel triater Ilrtmn imqttrrcti Matti llallillrp IiliitJiAlr ut oi 149 Rememberthe EATON Guarantee GoodsSatlsiattory or Canadians everywhere Harrie rt Collier St GARDEN DAIIIIIAS Cactus uinnts bag SPECIAL it roots Colour lied Yellow lime or Purple roots in polyethylene Intent boy returned home with his parents Saturday hotthy and growing altcr an operation which may get him into the medical history books Robert Grimbly livemonths old son at Mr and Mrs Robert Grimbiy was operated on three weeks ago to enlargea blocked valve In his tiny heart The operation pcriormed by three surgeons and nine assist ants at tho liospttal ior Sick Children In Toronto is believed to be the iirst oi Its kind on one so young The lninnt almost died during the Iivehour operation heart lung machine designed ior chll dren was used tor ts minutes to purify his blood stream while doctors worked on the dry suriaco oi the heart We were resigned to losing him and we can hardly believe READY CASH for houserepalrs use Niagara loans up to $300000 or more or many worthwhile things Why dont you The dependable source of Cash NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Phone PA soon Orlllia 52 Coihrno Street East Coltlngwoad 105 Ilurvntaria Street Phone 1732 Phone 32843 NEEDS 149 IIAIIIJAS Pompous oiourn itrtl Yellow lime or Purple roots to poly SPECIAL rooil TANNAH nlourl Ilcti Scarlet Yellow Pink or Salmon It roots in Pol SPECIAL roots ILAIIIOLUR llltitrl bull Ia polyethylene bag PHONIHH Iytnrolti tools It Colours ltc irno box SPECIAL roots nuortrti Nit nitturn Vrry popular Hntllrn ninl roots In polyrthyiroo lltlli ITCIAL routs ICIAI hag oi to nit or bite Jroota lo polyethy clhylrne bag 149 149 149 149 149 No hire itt in Pt lin coloors to eye IIH IIAIIIW tIAIIImN LILIIZR Tiger Itnhruot or Iittinin varieties with rantta bulbs in polyethylene Ilng hPiILlAL Intihl llAltlIIlN ATAKIZII oun innuiio oi lhrre loot slnhrs null ont bnntllc oi 13 Iotlr loot Italics tiycsi Green tillZLiAL completi oi colours 149 149 HOME DECOR PAINT Itlttttillriit Finn nylon Inillo Intuit In width mono suil paints hlMtA an able ior lltirl AIE AIITR Iaie trxlialns anti talnnto made at toltou snllriotlt olonrs ltriuo or about TWAIN Illlte Illlnin lira alsult Ita9 IIIIIIIIAL sot ILIIATIJI nrrn limit ontknaa has our mw loo rmmn pirnlrr Money Reiunded sot Iriityty to one arr tllllill trill lttmhl roll plus to SPECIAL to 149 149 ammum tors enough OPENED VALVE The surgical team headed by Dr George Truslcr had to open valve that was hell the size at dime and should have been the size oi nickel Dur ing the operation another mai iormatlon oi the aortic artery which could have caused grave trouble itseliwas found and also corrected Robert weiahed av pounds when he was born In Hamilton hospital Within two days oi birth he had turned blue andl doctors told the Grimblys their son would probably die The heart blockage caused blood to back up into the In PIIONE PA Mile SALE save 0N move nun AND ss am PaotEcrons on SALE now as Photography by Favero IA SSIM 29 DUNLOI ST WW3 leSAFUN TIME IN ONTARIO takashm picnic under Ontarios sunny skies too tar all alumina takes and II beaches abound In Ontario There so much to do and us secver the many quaint souvenir and antiqussheps hrImm with ooed tuys and explore old tarts and monuments that represent Important events In the making at Ontarios coiourtul history SEND FOR PAGE FULL COLOUR BOOKLET ROAD MAP ETC ONTARIO TRAVZL DEPARTMENT 216 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO ONTARIO NAM ADDRESS cm PROV ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY Han Bryan Cathurt Mlnlttsr KNOW ONTARIO BETTER heck thes Values Against Your Needs DnAlES Iol clhyttne plastic with opaque plastic lining Cooan thc llroon or Tur quoise Site about 111 each dtttllol SPECIAL pair IIIIAIEIIY TRACKS track compitlc with codbrackets 24 runners bracket screw and one bridge all packed In lube SPECIAL complete ItltAIHA Linctl Polyethylene pInJIIC ob ours brown or Turquoise tra about Want iiilICIAL pnlr lttlllltIZHS IIUIFLIZR Cotton monthly fob ours lttt Green Itloo or Gold tiiro about 6sl SPECIAL Iach TAILORED CURTAINS biir Trulon trnyoul Sire about itsrd ti AL pnlr TAILIIIIIZD PANELS Whlto Dunno Sire about luxttl SPECIAL enrh 149 WINDOW RIIAIWJ Illllllttlltllt tor 149 ty re mntie oi plastic rontctl cellulose Illtri While only Site about MWfl SPECIAL oath FLOOR COVERING 149 149 149 149 LINK MATH Illltlt strip rubber titre about Its10 hIIICIAI esth AIINIVAL MATH hittliirnlottr on Illmh rubber titre about Inx2I tilltClAL tlltll IAIIII MATH Wool rnrpcl In nuttlt rtl toiutlll no two alike hite nlmtit Yall IiititlAIr catll lITIIITI MATS liioltitolour nylon till about Wasnt tililiiilAL until 149 MATII MATS litrntl oi Vittote Wool HIV EXAMINER WANT ADS 149t ma Iiayou with mm at in holy Hut Itllylrltl IIllltltolmlr only lllll ttlmrlt It no SPECIAL Lit EATON BRANCH NONE