Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1963, p. 8

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fifiiig TnE BAHRIEEXAMINEE IATURDAY MAY 11 When at least three Heedie hailks aboverlhe veins on both elbows are uncovered as well as homemade syrlnge found near the body its for sure the giant ath lete wasnt merely ¥laylng doctor Whn Iv whn Muan man nf nu TIS INDEED SHAME when anathlete ot Gene Blg Daddy Llpscombs stature must resort to narco ties as manner in which to face the world The passing of the veteran football rest was stunning shock to the arts world an while the cause death has yet to determined the suspicion the narcotics were involved leaves little doubt Who can acthaily say what caused man of Li scombs prominence to turn to the needle There cou be many reasons family problems he and his wife Ceclllia were divorced in 1960 everyday prob lems It cthd hayg bgen Ehythlng Perhaps it was his size Big Dacfdywasnt metal normal human being as his nickname will attest man carrying 233 pounds on sixtoot sevenInch framemls ndeeqmom frenlldsh thanlthetgyeragg mien Whatever the cause the appalling thing about it is that so much talent has gone to waste 1n sport where offensive players reap all the glory Gene Big Dadqz hipscohlh was an eygeptloqto the rule The blggest tribute to Lipscomb talents as pro fesslonnl football lineman was paid by artlst Daniel Schwartz portrait of Big Daddy hangs tn the Nation al Museum of Sport Inc In New York It ls the most strlklng palnting in the gallery Alongslde the picture of Llpscomb staring down at you llfeslzed his small eyes glaring hang numemus purtralts of the blggest nameiinmm After joining the National Football League without the benefit of college football Lipscomb spent three years with the Dos ngeles Rams as lessthanspect acular ltncman It was when he was traded to the Battl more Colts in 1956 that he developed lnto one of the mostfenrcd ltherrgen of the Ieagqe BIG DADDY PASSES He looks mean an elderly lady was heard to remark to her elderly escort Are all football players lhat blg and mean dont know the nlnn answered Im base ball fan He moved over few steps and stood in front of palnllng of Ted Wllllams scowllng at rook lo entering Red Sox locker Had he man been football fan he wouldve known for sure that Llpscombs textures truly belied his lnncr warmth and feeling for others The ant was hap ygolucky man admlred by many and cared by 0P9 93 Male And now he is gone victim of his own fears and inability to cope wlth whatever it was troubling hlm It was really waste that narcotics had to end the life of such gifted man SMALL CHATTER Barriesport fans wlll get chance to an part their local soccer team tonight when the Barrie 11y Soccer Club meets Etoblcoke atthe Burrle Falr Grounds Game time is pm and It would nt hurt in the least to come out and give these fellows llttle moral backing They are $1 worthy of It Elmvales answer to Emle Rich son Max Steele Sn blew Into town after another vlslt to the various race tracks and buzzed yours truly Max ust wanted t9 let us knew whats great tlme he had week ln Toronto Although the curling season is over Ma lo Leaf Gardens installed our sheets of tee this week or test in preparation for curling bonanza next year Naturally Max couldnt miss out lie sa he had pic nic throwing few rocks in gettoget er with all the boys Gordie iiowe winner oi the 106203 Hart lroph award will be the headline attraction of the Seeon Annual Variet Club Cavalcade of Sports Champs at lilaple Lea Stadium Tuesday June 18th The Detroit lied Wing great will show is many tai enls in baseball and goilng competitions as well as hockey That will be sight to enjoy Inulbly mo mnsl outrunqu lhw ocmmd In lho mo hym nlc Inmu In numb whrn lhl lhmlnnl mychnctl Amman hlxh Jum rr 1an Thom oul oi In mrdnl Sovlrl wulchcd nuamnx umk out and ex prmrd mummonl and admlr rnHon when ha clnnml um lawnlink mark TllKy old hlm how mnl ho was Hml he mu Ind or tho gold medal and mi llldlcd ho wnl Um worldl llnost lulu Jumpnr fly JACK SULLIVAN Cnnndlnn Im Spam Edllot Isnl now for truck and field nuqu lo win avnnll he tore leInu lho nmclnl Ilnrb Inn Mun Theyvn dona It limply hy waxing psyclmloxlcnl wnr Inn on lhnlr opponrnll The Sovlrll hml toupln ol awnloot mm In lhrh IlIIMl llolcr Hlmvlndkndm And Vnhrl Hmmtl but In wmnl cumin Hm uvmvlool hauler In preflnmu lrllnlna Thoma lho InvlnrJhlI wn rmnln wlnncr Hul when lhv llma cnmn Io run out lhl moduli ha gal lhlrdplm hmnw fihnvlmlkmln and lim mrl Hulllml onolwo wllh Ian 01 luvn lral on lnn The mprmlnnnhlo lnymohl nwmlu hho hold lhu wurld nuunl of men In lndm Inllm In lhm III mm toolmo 11m Mn has many ollwr um pe wlrnlu by HIM and women him in mm nmnlnl lhrouuh llll Vllnl Illrr Icnclnl Ibo lmvd knock lnumnllannl compo flllm 11w employ Vllllml mound llnrn1 om mow mil mu me lhoy no In ruled or Inmlnl ll flmn Andhur ll Ia In ynur gm mm mum uh 50 ll mm mm In Imr mum of lamnu Cmuvflu Ml0M In Mr IIII who ll Intunullnnnl rompeu Mk III plherjyr ryd Psychological Warfare Wins Big Events For Track Athletes SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN nncy McCrcdle Ihn year old whiz tram nrnmplnn Ont nnd lhe only rack and Hold doublo gold medal winner In lhu PnnAmcrlcnn Gnmu nruzll Ms ycnr did mnslen ul Job In he womrnl dlmu which IhDWDfl hnndlly Inmo legmlquelf In prncllce Mo er evem she worked out wllh Amtriunl and olhm and lhnw mm nndlnx lhrnw llnr dhlnnu Wlll lusl about equnl to Hunt ol lhe American wamm who hnd mndo lho lull urn helm lolllnl She went ml hm Ind dldnl aka lull wndup bdoro mm In nl Any um nnld Ken N11 Toronto mnnnuur nl Cnnndul luck and Hold lunm on bl mum lhlA wtek when the Amrrlcnnl um lhll Iny worn lrlKhlentd lo dnnlh ol her mm know II Wu ml Mid plyrhnlonlrnl mnnocu Naury Mm hm num curry Mod Muldn Inna Mao won Illm woman 11ml lhm wnl lwenrrvld Ahlull Nollmnn of Toronto whn unluwd wrllvhulm lull In flu Iml mum Emplu nmu halfml lrrlh Am lrnlll Thll Illnc IhI won In Imlm 0m uhlh will Hm mum villus mmmlnl lwlu AIM law uh Furl 1er ML llw llll uh ha In ha lhu hull Ahby dldnl My wnnl lull lllrld nnd gland It lhll In Amman Docmo flullmd Ind Minnd nhl wuhd Inlo lunp pow 11ml on 01 llnl her nume nml Abby dld 11 Amman Inn mm lhm and than lhn MM In fluid ol hrr Ind lhll mu told her more vividly lhnn word 0m Abby illmrullll Ia mlhufim In llrln led llmn Iboul lwo mlnu gygmMfijrovloun mu my appllcd duhran EDMONNN CPIAn arena InvesIIgaIIon absolved NIB ara Falls spans editor and ra dlo announcer FrIday from any part In In preu box IncIdenI In the IInnI minqu of Memorlal Cup junIor hockey chnmpIon ahlp game In Edmonlon Thurs day nIghI The lnvesllgallon was launched after box sugar cube and plastic collee spoons was hurled from the vicinity 01 the press box Into the Edmon on Oil Kings players bench The debris narrowly missed Oil Klngs mach Buster Brnyshnw An arena uflicini said Weve completed our investigation and have uncovered the guilty party The press representative and the broadcaster had no part wilnisoever in the incidenl They wcm no to blame for anything that look place and they wlll be extended overy lu clllly In the same box for Sam dayl lame Imel luuo pnupom la cow ill lmmallnlcly an mmry nu 1mm III II bunqu more muffle nm Itan nhmnd 1m lhu honeymoon hul lhn pmw purl 0mm um no nlvo them rmqu nI mun Ind wllu un ivr mo ctomony Naw Ilu document In pre and In rul vnnco mul onlrmln mln hm un newlywmll can mnh ml zdnwny lwo Immlp Indrr llIAn lln Amnlcnn who look Inn mand Our nllulrlu Mom luv WIMde up In mm ml In podWM hllmwllunnl mnuwll UM Imqu nhlrlu nl nlher munlrlrn hm an In Hum TV am 11d tlmo IM other and my on nck Ind llrhl loam mm VI rml medall Ilm lml LIm MIA 10M In lnlemnllnnu mmpellllm Ilnru lhu WM mu Inb Empire Ulmfl ll Hydnry Aunlnlln when rlnul old mod III rm panned figmrlud in hlddlnl Intem Dvlu Youd huvu In In nm In mm on mm mm In rpgvdll In Amrqu In Arena Investigation Uncovers Guilty Party Jame Ill Jlm Ptndcr IL 54 Churlollelown trnvclllng ncnm Canada In promot nlmmlh mnnlhon lem across Nanhumburlnnd 61ml on Anna boxer wlmmer Imd luck and nah Athlete In hIn yoluh Jlm my lnumt ll rowan or lhv nwlm from CA 10rmm llno NJI Pam Bordon CI 11100 Am nomzmoouznx Aucngmgn iMlm BIG JIM Identified by officials has been banned mm the rlnk 101 one game COULDNT STOP IT lho offlclal added that the two Niagara Fall men Dung Austin sports adlwr of the NI nxan Falls Review and Car man Brown sport announcer for radio nation CHVC Nlng am Falls could do nolhlng prevcnt the Incident by Ihe Um had been drawn to their lcnllon Tho exhibition associniion or dcmd the press box on the west aids oi the garden above the pinyera benches closed until the guilty man came iurwrmi or was reported to arena niiicinls They said the box would remain closed or tho uric iinal games it the Investigation tailed to un cover the person wholhrew the sugar andunpoom Tho zullly party had coma award on hls own the offlclul Iddcd Nlngnra Fm Flyera who won the game to cut 011 Kings load In the bcslalrscvcn series to Friday begun to ramp forces in lhu light Injuries Io nine player In lhe um live game of the mch EDMONTON CF Conch an Emmx MI conlldcnce ullghlly dampened by lhu sight baluucamd players mu think his Ninflrn Fail Flym hnva gained the mo mcnlum nuded Io win the Me mgrjnl Guy Our hay hava regained lhclr mouth and Ip ur mom accuslnmcd lo ha clmnle and uluude Emms md 13 ha pm med hIl club or tnnluhtn slth Iml banalmen mm with Edmonton 011 Klnu or the Canadian junior hockey thimplnuddp The optimism wound realistic comidcrinl the heavy loii oi luluriu Flym havn Iui cred In In in ilve emu oi lhu leriel which they trail Glry Domhonicr and Gary iinrmcr are out or thu min with broken ion Eight other ptnym will in Ilainyinr with Iortcd cut an bm lcbflich itinrln with thtitch head tut iilli Gnidlwonh with tom Ilomnch musciu Terry Crlnp wilh charluytmm Dlil Gin uhnn with lutitdn mm in ccrntinn lion iieruoti with thitdI no out Don Itwmy with Inlhl unnmuion inrm head eoniultonl and two blntk oyu mile hum Gnnimr with mild concuulon and Wnyno ittunu wllh Ilrrichcd rih nuin Tm or unmplc mm ML ll lu Jahnny Vannllm untml cnlltmln Jim llmly WIIh prullmlnr leulmlnI Illln DIImIo And like We llno4 In Ilmuld bu mum own Ilka look In mnln mm It hll Whlmw mlly Wuhan ml HIIIy Hm 1mm loin llllnll Ilulhlu llmwer mu va1 buddy HI In In Imld le man In AIM and that mm mm HI pm chnudny mlmlonnl wml llnz mm at 1min Anna hnl III ha Innredlenh homo wreck AMOCMTEI lflmfl null Kul Mlldtnlwrxrr Wm GermII mllmnled Vnn Clay lhllndclphll heavy maxim 1p an oulwlnlrd Yum WI It nuln ItalyDuh Conn I01 Hum oul ulnlld Fnvlu Mln Mann lllly lmulKuun Tnhynmn Jar oulwlnlrd Ynu JulKw Real Exciting Grappling Card Hap Still Thinks Flyers Can Move onlyan bll Klnl hu no FIGHT RESULTS 2500name alarm was to be sent the club mm todny sixth game mm Niagara Falls fans It seventh game seeded It will be played Mull ay lugs 11 Humans Ownemonch iinp Emms who camn west with in players in4 ciuding spare nclminder now is down to 17 with forwards Gnry Harmer and Gary Dom hoeicr out with broken ten 3th pinym have been re leased from hnspilal their legs in cgsis Oihnr Injuries ranged mm head cuts to rib and muscle brulsnl Despite the mounting Injury toll Emma was confident his club had gained thomamcntum needed to catch 011 King and win the title snld OH King Inst tho fifth game theyd lnsu tho series Our boy nppcar more accustomed to flu ulmntn and altitude and have mnlned lhgtr tlgengthf llccnhie Injury delenccmnn Pal Quinn with no cut that oak our flllchn Brayshaw snld Weru no Ennlcking Yau cant expecl In on good loam llko that our nunlght guess you could fly 11th not over by lung Emms canIldancl Mun from MI lenml mm in Iho mm gnmn lnunday nzhl told on King lost Ihl HUI name theyd Ion mu ica III Illd BLAC may Try Black Label and youll know why its Canadas bestselling beer sfiMABEL BALTIMORE AP Gene Bl Daddy Lipscomb appur cnlxy was the vlcllm 01 an avnr dose narcotics Fisher said there wen at least no needle marks above vein on both elbow of the ynmld Negro athlete home mad ayrlnxa was found near 1de Tha hulklna lunlovlng deten slve lnckla or the Pittsburgh Steelers ha National Fool ball Leanna was found uncon lelous In west galllmore apartment curly Frldn allow mg night on the town He was dead on arrlvu at Lutheran whal Dr Russml Fisher chic medical examiner or Bultlmoru said he presumption Is that lhls man dqnd us result at an nverdose nurcollu and by that we mean hemln possi bquchdentglly nected Lipscombl companion or the nlzht Tlmolhy Buck 15 In whosu apartment Lipscomb wn gum was held or Invesfln nn mack told police he and Big Daddy look thin in Lipsmmha new yellow Cndillnc convertible about midnight took two girls drinking men ralnrnod to Blacks apartment Blank laid he wen lo nearby lunch mm or hmakiasi and when he re inrned ionnd Lipscomb slumped aver kitchen table When he muidnt revive um mmund dfnoM nlhlcie Black called an umbuinnui Bl Diddy was plcked up rum Marine Mmall team at WRONTO CPiAn execu iiva muting oi the Ontario Hockey Association night posiponed decision on Bppiicnlinnl by Chalham Mur oans and Windsor Buildogs to leave the DEA senior lcnguo and Join the international Hgimy Mague The cxccullvc decided In Ink na acUun unlll tho multer considered the annual meal lng the Canadian Amnleur Hockey Association In Brandon My MaygoQH The nppllcnlluns mm lho clubs polnwd out Um both cl Ics ll one llmu competed In lho HL and bold Inncllva member mm In the league Both and In answcr beture May Chalhnm said Is 1051M mum because UM mnm Dengue is unbalanccd Windsor Allan 0m chumplum laid It wanted lo May In In mm Law III AmhAxlval Chah am Windsor which according lo OHA Pmldcnl PM Pnltcmn ha been making money nld ll wu pulllnl out Inlnctnnlly Apart mm Ila rivalry with Chnthnm ll lkled enalcr lrav amp n1 orgg of lln ream We would rather flay In In nnlor league Wlndsar Ipplkallon ald And would come back mm team and morn balance wan evi dent Overdbse Oi Namucs Fells Daddy Lipsuwmb Executive Meet Stalls Decision Cam Pendlclon Cnlll ILIJ by Ln Angelo Rams ml was iroppcd lwa years later The Baltimoru Cull not hlm ur $100 rexuinr on the Intensive pluloon wlth the Colts he was voted mlchgue In lush and 1059 when the club wun chnm pinnshlps was lrndcd to Pittsburgh In m1 As Inonmms Big Daddys pcrsonul llh was filled with prnblcms He wns lwlce dlvormd For the past our years Lips comb hnd llvcd In nnltimuro MCQ IINPAYDIRI OYOU CAN BUV ON THE GMAD TIME PAVMINT PLAN CliffI U57 Here In lull law nxnmplu we hm tooflmlmnnyracondillanarlGOODWILL um Dump Truck Top Valuu Special ll downlomlh prim currently hm our 15 Dumps on hind plug wide Indian ollm Iypo uxed lruckx Those Include Pink pl Panels KthSldes chmll Cabs Slnku Van Ind Trulon 61 um Bm with 304 VE engine speed transmisdon lwo spaed axle 900 XM lira and OK mm dump GMC FACTONV BIANGN UIID TIIUCKI USED DUMP TRUCK 61 Ford F700 wih 302 V8 engine spud lnnsmiulan heavy duty we speed nxla 1000 20 nu Ire md 10 halhluh dump 50 GMC 980 with 302 511 cyl spud Ivansmlsslon two weed 01000 20 ml In and IL wnluclon dump 60 B184 with 308 six qt mad lmnsmlsslon Iwospetdlxlu100mmvearllle9wnlmloudump 1959 GMC 960 wilh 322 VB mlno Spend lunsmlsskm lwo spud axle 900x20 lire Ind 11 It sluel dump 1959 GMG wsmo tandem with 38 Vl unplno speed lunsmlxslon spud power divider Ind 30000 lb bugs and Iluminum dump Alm flouhla hIcklhuI uummlnx BRAND NEW 1952 STon chmls durum plltlll wllh the When if come to flatrs lame to 03 EMT IRUBK REM BRANCH 210 SPADINA AVE mom wm smrmun munkun or mcr Coll Imw with the San mm Chargers nl llw Amurlcnn Fnolhnll Longuo Buddy Young who knew Daddy well refused lo helluva the avnble mm was lnklnu dupg drank good whisky cnnl bellew he ever look dope gurus in ucccpl Ihnt Young an Buddy Parker the Slculm whoennchcd Llpscomb lm Um past two seasons snld In in pnsslblc hr nybody lo convince me of lh new ma 932

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