Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1963, p. 14

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Tho mum uldlhnl uIIrr MI mmluo Unll Irnl mln uum lo Ml wlhl llmlly mm wnl lllliirll ullh Alnlp Mm llnmlln Hnl uller llulll nulmle cnlu hul Jnnu My llleln wnl knmkwl In lllo Inuml and null wnlkml nmuy nnly In unhlml In llm Imrk ha nnk Mllfll InIn chnrd IIIm 1w luu mm Inlm Hu III lllrrl In Mhnnln Hul lho lummunlll nllrr llu rmml Wmld Vnr They luul Iwu lrudlnu hm or our yum Inla ohqu la lulll mm lrvrnu In Mu cannapr by mull Hm Yumlulu Ilrl IyAhInlllIl lrIHllml llml Io rm hlnw mm Iulfrml uhm hla vrml hll Ihn Ihlru wk mullul In Inn Nth Iouhl unn gun mm Innwlnl Hm Iv WM Knmlll Mn nodded rurUy uh the Jury Allrr drllblml my run Hmn Nu lmurl lunm mlltL Mr Juxllcl llcnry Aylm Inld he mead ullh llw ANMnn rnnlldrrllll 1hr Ipednl tlnumInnrrl the ma TORONTO tomA daycar nld lmmlirnnl wnn ncqulllcd Why noncumin murder In lho unhhlnl denlh at fellow Mhnniun who mm wxlllen ml mnpm lulm lho nrruncdl nlnllm In Yunnumla llrcrunlnu nllcllulhle um Scan mop lrndlllannlly haw drwn lhclr member lrom Cub rnnkn but mum and mom Cum drop nut ho mnvemrnl In lhrlr lrcnl OPTION The upcrl llxlcd Ihrcn $101 which ll Inld un nocdcd In re vmu lhu Inning01L mnmbcr Ihlp Innd The number Rover Scouts Increased by In 4958 whilu Sm Scout nddrd 02 member or lalnl ol ma The per can mm lrawlh compared wixh ma 4a In 1961 and II per ccnl In 1055 Scout mcmbmhlp rm by 800 whileCub mcmbcrlhlp In mmd by 5700 OllAWA CmThu numhcr Boy Scouts and Wall Cuhs Inmascd by 5500 or 24 pcr ccnl last year Um flmnllcsl riso In 10 years lhv Nullonnl Coun cll of the Boy Scouu Canada wnl told Frldny Council lrcsldenl It fluk hshaw or Town mld in MI Innunl rtparl um Scout mum knhlp renchnd lwoo and Cub hambenhip 171500 or mini ll 273600 These nelnllnuons nlrcudy dubbed Ihe Kennedy round at mm talks nrlse mm Ihe Unlled Slnles ullcr under it 1982 Trade Expanslnn Act of cull per cent In Us lnr Ill in Iclurn or mulchan cun mslons ram nlhcr cuunlrlcs sliliémcnl Pirldny 16h Prlme Minlslcr Pearsons nfllce uld Mr Sharp In London will Stabbed PoisonPen Writer Acquitted Due To Loss 01 Reason The London meeting ex pected In den prlmnrfly with Kim npprnnchlnu GMT cnnlre mm mm wlll seek to work out ground n1ch nr next ycnrs mo Tenlous larlflcullinl nclaua um Mr Sharp was to leave by commorclal nlrllna Frduy night for weekend of prcpmunns In London fur lwn days nl mks sluttan Monday among Com mnnwcnllh rude mlnlslm Thu meulinls espnc any the cnnicrcncu oi the nation Gcn mi Anreomcnl on mm and Trade npcnln at Geneva Thurs day may niso give an imporb Ini indication of how fur the new Liberal government is pre plred to go along the road to wqrd ircer trade By ALAN DONNELLY OTTAWA CWTrade Mlnls or Mllchell Shan L1 In Lon dun and Geneva or cnnlcrcnces whlch may play vital role In aha In the coursn of Kuhna wqu rndlpz rclnllonshlg MMIIICnlIOnI In the Thu psnlmtst nnmcd Am weak and write of the tary of Israel no that the eomlng generntlon may know Gods wondrous deed and lo lnw Htm despite the sin at Scout Membership Said Falling Off Worship And The Family ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Mitchell Sharp Off To Vital Trade Talks lrnn The mnxnxlnc lununwnllcd pmch ll lo ho tnllcd Cnnn dlnn lluy And will he owned and pllhllshrd by llm lloy Scouu Cnnndn II nnnouncc mm the Buy Scout Canada will launch monthly mnnnzlnu with an lnlllul clrculnllon 300000 next January Thu cuuncll reported cxprnd Ilurcs nl 3331110 and delicll at 31641811 ycnr Thin com pared with cxpnndllurcs 69351 and II $2759 dincll lhfl pflevlou your HTMIT MAGAZINE The number Scouts and Cuba rnprmnlcd 1L7 per cent of the potential mnmbcrahip Cnnndinn hay bclwen lhu nun cl eight and 17 1111 compared Rh proporllnn or In par crnl In 1060 and 1011 per ccnl In 1052 mulcr understandlng he rule 01 he ndull louder hll rnlnlionsllip lo bays and work lung mug nmu rrhenumbcr udull lcudm misc Ivy D12 la 31300 he report In In ndull lbndcrs mud option lmlwccn shun und lonu lruua cm and kllu In Ihe Scout unl arm US pusillnn I1 snlldly suppnrird hy nnudn ll lnslstcnce that the Euro pcnn Common Mnrkcl must be randy burnnin on terms entry fur nurlcullurnl products well as lnduslrlnl noods AGREE 10 DISCUSSION Common Markel meeting al Brussels Thussday agreed lhnl ho slx would he ready Io ncuqllulc larlll culs an arm The want to negotiate on the hnsl linear across lhchaard mm cm on large mum of producls The slxnn Inn European Common Market seeks dltlcront 11 based an the Idea that hlgh lab in rule should be cut more thnn low mm rnlcs There has hnun no clear slnla mcnl however an huw for tho Canadian government will go In supporllng Ihn US govern ments poslllon on what prob ably the blggest Issue to be dis cuxscfl Gggevn This centres im the lnHiIculllni technique to he followed In no Kennedy wind nnggnlnlng lnlorm olh Commonwealth ministers of Canadnl general support or than negotiation and Ihe delcrmlnotlon Iho Ca nndlun government In play In part In accurlnz loweran arms and other barrier con Irglllng worlpl Nada htIr WhamPsalm 7mm Hr rocnlls haw God led His people out of banana In Egypt divldlng he sea and bring lng water from the rock mnklnz streams and rnlnlnx WINDOW NEEDS BUILDING THIS YEAR FOR ALL YOUR rnn nun MHMMI WITHOUT OBLIGATION on WIIIIK 5DE5LIDERS DOUBLI HUNG SEALED UNITS In In lelevllion lnlcrvlcw Illmod Inn mnmh ln annnn nnd shown Mn Friday nlnhl Cullro Inid lhe recent US Cuban prlmmr Awup could he heglnnlnl poinl lor dllcus Ilans NEW YORK AP Culmn Premlcr Fidel Cnsmz hm Inm cnlcd duke lu Inlk with Ilzcsldcnl gummy llllc red schoolhouse struck hmo limos In Me wcck by an unvxplalnnd mnlndy that Ian puphn drum and nnnsmus wn shut down Frlduy rnr lhn remnlndcr lhu schnnl arm IV nmflsvurer we 7mm sum Inu nflnlr on our hands he Chlc nlchnrd Mild lhc unnc counlnblc rcpelillon of lhu nll mnnl has convinced hlm Ihcru ls crlmlnal acllon lwhlnd ll Wevc Irlcd everymmg In tho way mu nnlrl Pnllcu Chlrl Alhan fllchnrd but we slill dnnt knnw whnl nIIcclcd he chlldrm Vlldumcss survival or l7yenwlds whl he laugh lhis summer lhu Quollcn Confer ence and Trnlnlng Ccnlre near here The course will Includn cnnnclnn swimmlng lllcsnvlnz and lnuMay cnnau lrlu into hush coumry on ralluns and with mlnimum equipmcnl Geneva Cnnnda in also up pooled to press inr more om phasis in uriii win by other counlricn an semi fnhricnicd Kroducisihe melnl ingots ium or woodpulp newsprint and he like which hulk so large in Cnnudinn exports However ii the Geneva mod inu paves Ihn wny for ciiccilve lnrlfl cutting bargaining next year Cunndinn producers can expect see some redutlion at their lnrlil protection Castro Willing To Talk To 113K Canadian olilclala however are somewhat sceptical that rent denl can bu accomplished in the agricultural field in View ans dlillculllcs in getting GATT nation in this regard Trade in agricultural lands laces many nontariff rrablem such as imrort llmitnlons dm mastic sub dim and price sup ports Pupils Stricken Mysteriously Doctors Say Microbe Culprit Weaan lumu Stnnl down upon them manna bread and kWhPsalm HANG 29 Yet cantlnunlly dasplle Ihe Lordl bounty to them Hllurcople rclurncd to halt Mn wayl min lnslncerely PHONE US QQSSAQDVJLygx Qua cm lorlphmrhdml III 118 LEARN SURVIVAL ATIKOKAN OnL CPI Hxhauslive mm and Inchhy Inch searches of the onestorey rcdhrick mm In this suburb Monlroal hnvo uncovered no lhlng lo explnln whnl happen ng Three dnclora cnme lo lhe concluslon lhll some mlcrobc No ulhcr school In the lawn war ntmlcd The slrlckcn ch1l drcn who alwnyn mnvcrod qultkly nflcr an nllock will mmplcle lho Ichool year In other Arm Ichoolu Health Minister Alphonse Cau lurler auId Friday In the Que bec mghlnlurc that pupils prumplcd by parent unhappy uvcr lhe lrnnsfcr In the school of FrenchProtestant Immlmnl children were brlnzlng mtlly nbkcll In class otllclnX her hospital whcro lhc mickm chlldrm worn lnkcn Inld name puphs mmed In be druucd la flu pciut whuro Ihcy could have undergone lmmcdinlo Iurlcry wflpnukflany pylna lnld Ho dldnt olnbornlc and no mom was lmmcdmely cvl dcnl NEW YORK CWU5 do mesllr and world sugar ulurcs bounded higher Friday In huuvy trading Reports of dcslrucllon at 77000 Ion or sugar fire In Auslrulla spurred demand In Ihe wnrld market Worl ulures added up In an cenls for 100 pounds 0n lho da musllc aide Kain ranged lo 50 ccnls 100 pounds Trades at sugar contracts reached Raw world sugar sold Friday at $970 100 pounds but raw domcsllc auxnr prlcc Jumped to $1040 100 poundl MONTREAL CPiLe Devnlr says Dr Guy Marcoux has re gned from the Social Credit Party and will alt an Inde pendent mombu when the Hausa of Commons sesslnn apem next Thursday The newspap ays he 50 clnl Credit party executives have not yet been advised of Dr Marcoux reslnnnklon but the parly lander Robert Thompson probably will learn ll tqgny Dr urcaux won Quebec Manlmarency riding In lhe Jun 1961 elecuun and was rbenccted In the April general election rebeHlnz against Him and ove putting up mm Im aimPsalm 7852 5265 Continually too hexdare God had to punish His people send World Sugar Price Up Still Highe Reported Marcoux Quits Socreds Turns Independent In Commons 0n over mu under Hm non he Roynl Cnnndlnn Navy opornlou In three Hmnnnlonn II It norm the nation and tho cnuu of puts To Run young Cnnndlnnl who no nndy to work hard and learn qulckly Cunmlnn modern Ionqolnz Iorvlco nflm cnrcur opporlllnlueu Inlemlllnu an they no challcnulnw Find out more about thin exciting lulura ludayl It you an Intwmx 11 ml 2651nnlo and phynlcully vlnlt or writ to your Nnvnl llecrulllng 0mm at the nddrou below 25 ST CLAIR AVE EAST TORONTO ONTARIO my lul nhod rm mantu evmalmd Illlulln Ml MA um mullmu Ile II In By Alfred Buescher Tho manque grouped In package valued at about $500000 Inch and valued ll about 8250000 llldL Allhouxh 5000000 In mort gngo lumu nro hpan outrod or sale by lender CMHC wlul ac cept mnxlmum 5000001 1n bldL The exer 0000000 la provide Inventors wilh wldcr choice luvcslmcnl dealer an ap pravcd NIIA lcndm are hclng LWllcd In submil lender to buy the mortgage from Ike govern mmts huuslng agency Can lrru Mortgage and Housing Cor pcrnllnn Mr Gnrinndn sinicmcni snid llrni devniopmnnl oi an active market in gnvernmenllnsurnd Nili morlxagc will hnva mos aigniilcnnl iongAlcrm im ncl an the iuluru oi he house uilding indusiry in Cnnadnf Since ihc program began lolni oi 13750000 oi ClliCl morlme porllalinhn been said on the market OiiAWli 1C newnun Minister Garland canlinninn the policy of seeking to build up secondary market for Na lionni Housing Act mortgages announced Friday that another 5000000 In crawnhuid mori gngc are being pill up lor nie Meanwhue in Quebec City Femand Ouellel announced his resignauon national execu thlg digech ol the ppgly Mr Ouellel 40 said he was dislllusloned ahuul politics but slll believa In Soda Credit Ha said he upporlcd Dr Mnrcoux unrcscrvedly Dr Marcoux the only man in lhe Quebec fatty who can Judge lhlpgq In 39311 hqu wéhhfih be surfiffsed 11 He resigned from the party MEETINGS BEGIN mccllng of 19 It elected Soclnl Credll members of Parllamenl Dr Marcoux was absent and could not be reached In Quehcchmc Frldny night to start weekend assem bly ol the Ralllemenl dc Cred lllsles Quebec 1wan the peril Real Caounllc depuly Nu llonal Sacha Credll leader mld reporters mennwhlle nullhcr he nor um party execuuve hafi re cxelved Dr Marcnuxa reslgnn on It seems has resigned papers Mr Qurbcc City An announcement mld press conlerence would be held ml Sundgy in swarms of flex Ia devour them and locusts and hull to destroy their cropL Pnlm 7314547 GOLDEN TEXT Psalm 785 Offer $45Million Crown Mortgages lhal Dr Mnmux only In the news Caouelle said In wuncsses xuld ngroup whllo men and buy lnHuwod Ihmwlnx rocks bottle mm ahcr ohJccla he Negroes DO MORE WORK WINNIPEG CP Cnnndlan Lulhernn Councll churches ms your occupied more mlsxinn Iclds In Cnnndn than In any prcvioux year Some of the Psalms are what may be called hlslodcal psalms lnclndlnl Psalm 105 103 107 we and 7B the longest ol the historical psalms This pulm recapitulate tho history of Israel lrom tha Exodus to the union ol the 12 trlbaa under David although It not done in strictly chronqloglcal order The great purpose in outlin ing auch history at laraal is made clear in verse 16 it Is the passing on oi the great truth oi the religion to the next generation it such repetition is not made periodically any past history hecomu meaningless and lost lust as the great his tory oi Gloom and Rome was lost duran the Middle Azea This Is one of the great pur ses not only oi the Bible ut oi the institution known as the church and that ol the iam lly How can one main or deci alon or commitment about re llglan unlcaa someone tell him about it Although each individ ual may make his own minor variations In hishelicis each eoming generation may have the right to expect the same standard iacta on which to bnsu itar ballets In the lhlrd day of demonstra tions here suvcml hundred Ne xroLs allemplcd lo Kain en lrunce In two rcsmurnnls hul shed chcrnlwhllc men and boy crowded around and tem pm flared Pollu ordercd the Negroes to leave the area und lhcy maer hnck lo church being used as heudqunncrx ll THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 11 68 NASHVILLE Tenn AWA Nugru mlnlslcr was Injured and several others suffered mlnor hum Friday In an oulbrenk of violence dunan Inclnl deman ttrnlons here Rev lllclz Rollins loudnr ln Ihe dcmnnslrnllon was Iaken lo haspllal alter belng hll on lh head by rock Pollce look scv oral juvcnlles lnlo custody for quullonlng Thu word parable verse finds Irequem usage In the Old Testament particularly In Psalm and Proverbs In tho Negro Parson Hit By Rock Psalms Outline History Of Jews ScripturePlum 1812 BPEER JONES lnrnnluJYnH Wuvld WIdI Tuul Suvlu Burl Oppolllo Ovum Maul l0 DUNLOP 31 BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE JOHNSON C0 llMlTED For lnlovmallon and Rigorrvfllom for Your Rmmllom Cl New New Testamenl Chris brings Ihb form of teaching to per lecllon The testimony termed to In verse means reiteration repetitive witness The law is meant In its simplest sense The speniiic laws issued were meant especially tor the people at those times the abstention lrnm pork or example was meant to avoid the disease prevalent in perk not properly processed and cooked The germ oi the great ethical law which was abiding truth or all at us however is to he found within the composite at all these many laws The reference verse to dark saying dmfnly mean okr scum or enigma Cll aaylnnl Tito rituis and custom to he allowed were meant to carry meaning to the nduils in tem of periodic reminders of the truth and strength at their re iigion Even more important they were designed to provoke the questions at the younger generation so they should learn the meaning behind these cusp oms Verse cuntnln rebuka he tribe of Ephrnlm out wishes ln puhlicly thank the allowing compaan or their real nsxismncu In 019 Jackson Motors Superlcsl OII Cm Soclcly for nclnrdcd Children Ball Planing Mlll le Kulmnr Cunndn Prnll Amomolivn Burrlc Shopplng Plum Dnrrle Insurance Axonh Association les Ramanr Hnrrl AquAEIcckrlc Dans TV THE 48 Ann 50 THE BARRIE Junior Chamber of Commerce I963 TEENAGE DRIVING ROADEO NATIONAL coSPONSOR ALL CANADIAN INSURANCE FEDERATION PROVINCIAL IOSPONSORS IMPERIAL 5550 LIMITED LOCAL COSPONSOR RADIo STATION CKBB LOCAL MERCHANTS AND ASSOCIATIONS SEE BAll PlANlNG Mlll Iqu rim an the tribe israel Preciseiyj what the rebuke is inr WI rim not know amp lhnl lha ribe apparently was equipped and expected In do something in hnme for the nation but lumed back it may have been heir aincknesa in conquering Cnnnm mentioned In Judges Prev vinusiy Ephralm had been greatly blessed being slan dargburer and producinl sen The rut the psalm deals wllh Godl Inflnlle pallenca and loudness lo his chosen people and with lhelr lncnm rehenslbla Ingrnlllnda nnd slnlu ess Thu reference to loan In verse 12 lndicntu city In greatly lmpnrtan lhe romance of the pharaahn In the 18th and lath dynastic Versu 61 return to the capluro the Ark he Cnvcnnn by the Phillsllnu Psalm 123 nulllnn some of tho blcnlng for than who lo low In Gods way Imperhl help hum on our mm 10 All IMIYI modem luluru um hnmm om every mum hullneu mun no war ay film umu 531 94925339355 arrlck When SHAMPOO AND SET PHONEiPA llfll ASK FOR THE BUDUEI SALON OPEN Evanmns inhale Annie FA 6652 PA 664 $119 Cc Lid PA 82496

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