UNITED NATIONS MUA llrrunllnu unumlzn munh Suulh Mllrnl umvl lvmh punluhmunl Mr Ill urn Irm qullon poilclM wnu mud Ill dny Mlqrc Ihu Ilmnnn Unllod Nation rprclnl rnlnmum drul In with AIUNM 1mm nuu rmmlu xll nclnr ol llm Amniclm fummlt In an Alvlrn mum 1mm hid in rmnmlurs HIM MIMI an and nllwr lrndv unlnnl may lulu huml In vnfnrclnl ha WHI an Fmth Alrlun gold dl wand wool ml hull mam NEW YORK MN Phyll rim flrwhln MIMI 0va ll waded indny they Ind MONTREAL Smnlry Ilulml Ilhlrcn arnrral rhalrmnn Ma Canadian Ilrnlholhmd ol Hallway Tram purl and innoral mGm ICL drrl Friday Vllo hmlIurn nnhlllrcr 01 In unlnn lying lhu my Horn minim Vlanllnml ha mm In nmuln In me And alncxl Ihl CNII In Ilrnnflyml Thu puke pc cd to to Ihat tar however he wurce Indlcakzd Mrllncs were precled lo back down on their Sunday are Incrcnso und lry or compromise some sun at Ipeclal tunlcrcncn that has been called nr 11ch Thursday In Burmudu nurlce Dup ms was descrlhnd Frlduy us Qucbnc nallnnnlhl whn 1ch ha pmv Into It own mm defended It Iilcal rig and hclpcd In All wup ll rducnlom Thu drscrlpllon was tunlnlncd In nlnlcmcnl issucd by lhu So ccly Friends Muurlcc Du chssll um referred In rcmnrk by who Gerard Dlnn llml Hm prnmlor Ms nnllunnllhl In word only MONTREAL CPIA Wynn old man hls mu nan wnmnn um mlon lmll Irlduy Mn Ihny nppcnrld In In Mammal tour In nae charm nrlxinu rum IHMI sulzmu ul cuunlcr tour In mm charm nrlxinu mm IHMI sulzmu ul cuunlcr til Unilcd 5mm money mu ch llorumrnu Donn Dnmls Tn mlumun Ind hln wn Muncl primer Wm chumrd ullh punsrxsirm ulna cnunlerhll U3 Hm Mlln and n1 LMD Ink CNN mom nulln llnymnmlu On um 34 hcoandcr wns rlunurd wllh hnvlnl I61 lnku TM pnml IM lulu Insutuucu mmpnny dom mcnln nml imam nuclnl le curlly turd In her homn 1116 Mr Transport Board ad vised clghl Inlemntlonal llnea Friday that It has sur pended lndeflnllely their new mm whlch would raise the ml for economy round trip llve per cenbmuxhly $25 on Montreallander mum llckcl Deflance of the advice mum here said cauld lead in rolccullan In Canadlan tour orvlalqtng nlr teiulnllons Sow On Hand OTTAWA CmCanada has wlrncd Drlmh and European llrllnc to drop their plan or In Increase In transatlantic roundlrlp an scheduled to take 21ch Sunday Irnfllc 11er could occur neither 11d back down Urges Boycott Chairman Dies Nationalist Allowed Bail Cllflnrd Rcdlker handles one the Canada geese that make hair homu around lhc brook II Granltcvlllc Que He has CAPSULE NEWS QUEDEC CmThe mle Pm Canada Is Against Air Fare Increase HELPS WATERFOWL OTTAWA CWJulflu MI llrr lhevrlur mu nrdeml mw wlmlllu In Hm lrdflul Immp lumln vrlmnlmudlnu man In Ill mum lha Ilnlnl whlch hm hrouam man VI 197 In nun mont mllbll Inlnmwmll fnlgl Ffldnx Mum II In be Iwn mn Ilrurlinn Ivocln IMrnllan unll nllmmd lo ml Iboul MM In hmm hardml lmulvle mnkm hum he Vlmul Im rmflcnlluy qullldl MonmIL lhluil ï¬rlcu In Innu lunch murkcl ulxu were unchnnxcd 1mm 1lmmlny at mm pounds cnnll 1m Hum ha nnw whulunlc prltv or lhu qunnllly Shara nfllclnll Inld he lucrrnm hnvu hot cumlnn quirkly lhnl rdnll prim hnvn nnl lmd llnncc la ullrh up hmk nl llm wrln In In whom Addressing mcciiqu here oi the Canadian Pulp and Pnpur Assoclnlion lechnicni accilonl Pacific coast branch the devel opment and planning coordinn Ior or the Consolidated Pager Corp Ltd mid them was no mm or complacency dnsplie invarabiu gruwlh prmpccl in he indusiry MILWAUKEE MUA with bllng charge mum agnlnsl Charles Collins dlmlor the Mllwnukcc Scnllncl Spnrln Show In connccllon with rant lishlmz contest he IhOW wnl llsmlsscd Frldny by county judg Christ Scrqphlm Culllna wn named In 11 ml demeanor wnrrnnl March 20 by Asshuml Dlulrlck Almmey Richnrd Surges who contended hm he mnml In future of ha nhnw or many ycnra violated nnlc lollcry lnwn TORONTO CWThu whale Inle Julcc sugar was valued Ivy mill or 100 poundl here Friday In no lhn luurth rmlw lhlx wrrk and lo mm lhln your HARRISON HOT SPRINGS 130 CPIA warnlnï¬ ngalns an and wail opllmlsm In pulp and paper Industry was ulvcn Frlday by Bush anan Montreal paper company uxncullve The liovsbltal snld Henry Gran vllle will leave Ihe hospital Monday with hi on hand sewn succeeded In sewlnu back he severed hand 01 qurald Industrial worker lnlured mglhlaxoz Fourth Rise Want Iail Unit turned his propurty Into we crInwl sanctuary and LI an amateur hlrd surgeon CF Photo Fishy Trout Sit End Wait Jflllk Mlnlnlrr hmlrr DIAL F0 ADVICE PLYMOUTH Enillnd CI Young1m with problem ml dlnl urvlco hm whlch lvu Mm In dvlm an nnylhlnl lmm drc omo ta NMIIIN REGINA CmD flagcrl edllor The Leudwlosl and farmer prcxldcnt The Cunn dlnn Preu will be honored at Columbia Univmny May 15 or Mr conlrlhullons In Csnndlnn Journalism Mr Nauru who arudumcd mm Ihc Columbln Univmlly urndume Ichnol Journnllsm In my has been selected for lhu honors llxl drawn up or tho Ichoola son annlveraury Ho wlll be awarded bronze ma rlnllton 01 qnmgul mccl MchHl newnï¬nper man who Thurldny nlg mu bnmd mm publlc ullllllu mmmll lion mccllnu hm nltr lho tam mlulon decldbd he wu uullly unlulr rcporllnu lnld Frldny Windsor Muynr Mlchnel Pnlrlrk conduct hlmull In In lrre Iponllbln nlh0n Mnynr churn nl dulvrllon unlrul Innutndo nnd Ilnnlcd Alorm an my pm In mlhlnl new Inld Mr Mc Nclll who in term ndml or Thu Globe and MI and CM Wlndsor ndlo Illllnn Ind dllor nl 11 Gulrdlnn publlullon ol Mcnl In Unlled Aulo Worker CLO PORT ARTHUR Onl CF aayearold Armor lotkad himself Into bedroom wlth two Ileeplnz Inlantl today act ï¬re the mom and shut himsell ienvlnx lha two children to par ish In the Imnke Police identiï¬ed the victims Wllllam Churchman his monthold Inn George and his daughter Susan The glrl died later In hospital but nther and Jon were dead whorl nellh bot broke Into the llamlnn bed room Churchrnsns wlle lekln 40 locked out of the home before the lneldenl pounded valnly on tho doors when she heard the shat which kllled her husband Then she summoned nelzhbou who broke in and smashed down the bedroom door Thu Ire wu cxllnzuishud without causing much damlxe WASHINGTON AP Tho US agriculture depart menl Friday laxecu Ihll years winter whut crop at mmm bushels During the vllnl 12 mlnulcs tho pallenla temperature wan lowmd lo 50 dame mm the normal by caollnz blan ket of chemicals The npernllon wns perlormed Wednesday on Mn Elma Adam St Vin ccntl Churlty Hnspllal Sh ullxlnclury mndlliun now New Yark nl Hue Ichuoll nlumnl This inure memo mm 91 less than tho 027000000 pre ï¬tted month ago com pare with Ins years crap 01 513310000 bushels and wlth ha MM average or 001730000 ï¬iixhéia CLEVELAND AP Dob larl havn disclosed den dellcnlu brain opcrnllnn an 33 yenr old Cleveland woman ï¬marmcd whlle her breathlnz earthen and blood clrculatlon wan suspended dellhcmcly or 12 mlnulca operillnn parlormcd by Maxwall Fallon Wheat Forecast Drops This Month Honored By Reporter Barred Breath Held 95011 On CPIHam Sgtstas Fire Children Die MODERW INSURANCE SERVICE AGENCY mun on mu From SARJEANT INSURANCE Proam Orglnluflon FIR AUYO CASUALTY INSURANCE Dr Police said Churchrnnn ailm remain to spank to his wife earlier in the day iockcd all the doorl and draw lhubilndai Then pnilce paid hu nppnr eniiy poured gnsoiinc nround UN incited bedroom and not re In it below kiiilng himseil with JOJAcalibro rifle 111a children died asphyxiation The amllya two other ch drcn Ross 18 and Annle wpre schuol They and thnlr molhun went to stay with migh buyg nhngwnrd Mrs Churehmnn ah pulleu that she and her husband had qunrrellcd 1n the past but Ihere had been no thls recentlyr She could nut explnln her husbands behavlnrr Churchmnn farmed partially clenred properly our miles west of hereIn McIntyre township workan part limo In Ihe winter grain handler An electronlc lmpuleo llnehlng the npced llnht hrlnne new of mnlor new event from down under and other llaumt plncen An lt nrrlvvs the ntory la coded onto tnpe thnt ln dupll cnlcd by wire In nuwnpnpor olllcm ncrom the country and led into their typesetting mnchlnm You not the complete ntoryon the pngce ol your lnily newnpnper Tho lehtypmettcr lhnt propnrca thla tnpe In lined by The Ynnmllnn lrm the clearinghome or new from witth Cnnndn nnd from the ouleide world We one of the mnny lminnting ways in rubllmd by In Bum Eumlnu number In 1m Cunndian Dub anlph Iublnheu Auodnlm OTTAWA CP111eFrcnch nelwark of ï¬re CBC has re celvcd an award mm the French vocabulary eommlllre Olllce du Vocabulalre Fran ealsl Paris or ll cumla to purify the Freneh language Tho CBC announced here Frl dny Ihut the Emile de Glrardln Cup was presented Thursday night In Paris to Andre Payelle Amman CBC reprerenlallva In France CHAPLEAU Ont CP Drngglng operations will con tlnuc during he weekend In search for the body nonaid Bujnld Chapleau be lieved drowned In tho Nema guscnda nlver pollco said Frl ï¬iuald lather of ï¬ve and friend Emilio Mmhlanl aim French NelWork Gets Purity Cup Search For Body Believed In River This is news from AuStralia AN WORKED PUBLIC ll mn EMT mum mum SASKATOON CP Urgnn lzcd medicine In Saskatchewan in trying to drive about Jo dac tou worklnn In Suukntchuwan communlly clinic from flaw rrovlnce Dr Sam Wolfe med cnl consultant to ho Saskatch ewan Community Health Serv lco Assnclat snlq Frldax of Chapleau were llppcd out of their came by whirlnnnl whlln xo THE hAflï¬lE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 1081 1004 He laid press conlerenco lho pralmlnn represented by tho Suskalchcwnn College Physi clnm and Surgeons also II empllng lo kcep other dnctora ram Jolnlng Ihe clinics their came by whirlpbul whllu 1511an chpg Pnnce Inld Murchlbnx thd on In Bujnid or In low mlnulcs but lost his grip He then Iwnm hmm VChaplcau 100 mllcn north San Ste Marlo Doctor Charges Attempt Made Drive MOS From Saskatchewan which your driin nuwnpnpor gets you the news nwiitly nnd nuthoritntivcly Yet theres still nnothur important thing nhout the daily nowapnpor Without it tho imlivhluniin tho rm world might ntill not know what in going on nmund him 110 might till he nppromd hy ixnnr nncc oxpoacd to nlmom mid hulltruthnnzi um the citizens those countrim whom thvrc is no free prom todny Only in your daily ncwnpnpvr do you not mmplrla ropurln oi the world around ymL Keep nhriimt ni nil the new every dny in your daily newnpupur Hu amid the college had not lived up to term of an agree ment it signed with in provin cial gnvcmmcn insl summer which ended 23day boycott hy doctor of cnmpnlsory prcpnld medical care insumncc plan inauguraled by ha Knvem 111an Dr Wolfe said charge Ihnt an nilcmpl bclnfl made to dflvn out oi Sas knichewan nimos no dnclnn who have chosen to provide service in community clinics further chnrgo um an ab lamp is being mndn lo keen other doctors including almost two dozen planning in join com munity cliniu in the next low month lrom coming ln Sns knlthcwani CALLED CONFERENCE Dn Walla and Maynard Wooluid executive assistant 19 he nssauiatlun suld lhuy calla the conference to put the fault about cnmmunlty health cllnlct balm the people the prov Inca npp union or ndvertlse moms submitted Feb 28 by lha clmlcn wns rejecled by The Jnurnnl allot reportwal made by the college saying confllcled with the college views Dr Wolle said the callegu had hlndercd rccruflmen pro gram by Ihe community cllnlcl 1n the Cnnndlnn Medical Am clnllan Journal In Winnipeg Dr Harry Part nuii president oi the College of Physicians and Surgeon aaid ho was surprised Ihni Dr Woiia was nui more cognizant ni the Saskatoon agreement and or regulations under viho Saskatch ewnn Hospiiai Standards Act The culleée has nolhlng what ever to do wlth nppllcnllnns or hasyllnl nppolnlmenls hu sald Naturally we lmpe mm the autonomy has llnl boards no to he usurp by any prea aura groups