Doug Sandor played without sin or the Ixst meslnco the Instm Tournamenk and mo Ulroeundewar 61 for the upem lnground lead In the $60000 Colonial National Imitation no tournament numqny The bl new the openlng day was the wlthdnwal of con lroversln Don Jmuary who dlgqnalmndlhlrr 1f 1hr abova ladies were mem bers the Kempvlaw mu dny Afternoon Lndios Longue team whlch was winner of the second series The trophies were growled at their an nual banquet last night the Embassy From lei to right In lhe Iron row Shirley Brown Mario Scoot and Dor ecn Richardxonr Back row Neill Pooier Joyce Ronnun and Doreen Arh High slnzla oi ihe yearwu rollad by Min Sdmndien high lri January Invited to the tour namenl alter thrulened mayor ruvnu had an 33 and look hlmseLl on for pinyin lhl waongbali or 19 hole Sande who Has been nui lerlng mm neck injury or three yearn nld flu but nun that flooded the course and pill kcpt him from palm He pm needed to put on line pulling exhibition in inad the field at 56 iniu the subund round iiilll Collins nnoiher eninnl hampered byiniuryha in flipped disc in his backum in with 66 for ucond place The Big nineJack Nick laus Amoid lmmcr Ind Guy Playerhad diliicuilicn with lhl tonne Doug Sandérs Leads Colonial AVE TROUBLE Nlcklnulmunn ed 71 um let him our sun out 01 Int 1m Palmer Aha And layer 73 Buldinz 1mm lred FORT worm Tag llMlllï¬ HALFI IEIWKK Na 11 llllhuy Mm nuvlo flllllh Mill In 000 ova mmv connfllam am waon aw mum mvom nunma Woman In ovlhn You paulun Rnl out UO Mu In You paulun 21 Illa pom Inmun mm lum run nu Mn mn nu an In mun ul mm vunyomla mun Ymuammmmmmm Mun Immllndzyum um M49 SAVE EXTRA 510 T039 IA HIT 7m um Mum In Innm SECOND SERIES WiNNERS Each member of the Barri Feewn All Star squad was pre ented wlth trophy by Mayor Cook on behalf of the clty nl Barfle at banquet at th Guthrie Cammunlly House thc other aver Thu dllzens of Barrie who In your friend Ind nelzhbm IIQ vary planned with this honor you hm hm brought to Ihll ally slld Mr Cooke as he avggrdpd thy 3mphlcs eel that the parent and the exetutlva and wurken thc team duem lot of malt for the hurty Interest and per Iunal devotion that they ha xlvgnto makethls sucge phwenl to MITIan MonL won by Millie Cainu nn 757 And blah Iverngo lExnminer Photo feel not only are yau learn lnl to In ï¬ned citizens but by our pracl co Ind lny you Ive Iho so nuw nlcrcsl In tho hum al Barrio prople gar 1he uhre ol Barrie and in Barrie All Stars Angry Debate Over Soccer Th1 II home grown learn truly repmcnlallvu of Barrie boll Teim member who received lrophlu ware 11mm 145 wmwlua 460prsrmlaï¬tv CANADIAN Réyvdulggjs3 wit Orv ï¬x 0347 mom mmh mmun ummï¬ommmy hm 541 mun Em xémlgbgg Ion sulfa onncjdfliflf cf gnaw Advmnn Gold 8mm It Roe nnvéurco tho my bogtom oi this ï¬lm1cm mnri ï¬fth witninlxyfé max buy try meng auatomblondod 09 trip my yuullohjoyhhnqglnydnvour Mens lectlon nl Barrle can try Club has ll openlng ung dated for tumunow Gall or rlm mm at noon It will he allowed by the usull IIIR act lvltlcl Includan ol courae plenty ol good food Perry MacPhamn Kelly mm Qulnn Smilh McKanhl Cunls Mc Fadden OnlyD Maloney EDWEIL Lynch and Dnuy Country Club Stag Tomorrow H3 DUNLOP ST By BOB IRIMBEE EDMONTON CHA threat to withdraw MI club from the Memorial Cup Junior hockey chumplonshlp vunlahcd May as coach Hap Emms of Nlanra Falls Flyer sald his club would be ready for the ï¬lth game Sal urdny Igulmt Edmonton on Kim 11y Iumed back Edmonton 011 1m In nun1n dlr ylay to on on Klnxl mlrlln tn 32 In Ina hellolvseven mien It was by let the best game at the serles and Inlath on mildl blner note bath on Ind all CC haven game Ls needed It wlll pa played Mond 11qu crowd 6766 Ins unlil the ï¬nal mm when the me WI lalldly in Flyln pocket law mbpnced con tent Iplrkled by bfllllmt lndlvl dual mom Ind and to and dishes Terry Crisp ms the oiiensiva standout inr Fiyer with two galls the second the avsnmai winner Gnry Hunter who sui iered broken leg in tha mid dle period Bill Giuhan and da iencemun Don Awrey added singles Deirncemnn Jim Eagle and mm Doug Fax llliild for Oil Kings who never overcame iwnoei margin built by Fly err in In gpgnlnz psriod Threats WithdraWn ReadyFor SixthGame ey ed 3fmir1wo po riodx TWO BREAK LEG HanEer the iecond Flyer to nutter bmken leg in the varies jub hlrd 13mg Mgn day nllht Gary Domhoéiar brgke leg Emmi nld Hume broke hlu 1e Keg mldwny between th knee and Vunkle Thu rhuhnrb on me let started with Ian than two minute plly when Greg mum 01 Ed monton Ind Rick Morin NI mn Full mshed Inlrm the bonds In the Mann Full and thy plny movedlluwlrd on Kings zlmé PA 61801 Miaii Aner tho mlllxlon Plulnll flick muck Morin on the had whlla Morin lny on the let The AmericInborn ddencemun wu liken tn the droning room qn number and lutnhu wen guned lo cjogg lhu qu Lona lell bnx to help Morln Melnwhlle Flyur and Oil Klnl pllym pulhed und moved in Iron II Edmonton bench SUcdkl were wnved and nature me Emlns Ilmul not into tho Act on the way hack to tha box and txchlued ml lauan wl Buster Buymnw Oll Klnn conch Brnyahlw himsell wu lute and shook his Hutu1 preu box opcupled by mum lportr writer Ind kporucularm Mn menu helm bbx mar cuhu Ind pluuc apron wn hurled In tho Edmonton bench and um muted lo Brush hid come mm the pun box Pollen lnvuuuud but could not determine whetherlb deh rls had been thrown from the box but Art Potter Edmmr Ion Camdlln Amateur Hockey Assoclallon resident uld later all radio In newspn penan nel In the box face expulslnn mm lh amides MAY IAN PRESS He anidrha received report from the arena munngement am adygd the ullty Party and addad the ulny party was grdered IPpulrugl m9 gxhlbl Han associallon office today or the =an group would be baglud mmugu bnx Emm hld hmhuwordl at Pager 390 Re In the CAHA omclnl wu slrlcfly homer and hi lb Hons wan dlclalorll dont cm ll may an mind me but in will thnk Tha cistern coach IBM Patter hled to follow the rule In th We Are Celebrating Our lZih ANNIVERSARY TIRE SERVICE lTD Bradford St PA 9001mm CAHA manual on lhm quea tlonl he hld rained On me whether the II lines should be In lee from end bonds In Ilnd of 15 Edmonlon Gar dem Eran has promled mu mun sule Potler Illd any cmlclam his actions would be than be low lhu amunnnunl meetlnz wonk nus on Pomr said he Ihnuuht he ric no or hld been cleanly playtd Ind had up mount the VFW BM 69 can rled out 01m to dehult the urln on Klnns the club would hm Iced lenzthy penuon Emma um um an arm hl Ewen would decide whelhar cy wanted continue the no rlu or lelve or homc The plnyen can go on 111 my Ihlnts Ire gain new Ind rink me chlnce or being crlppled for Dluonllnuod Tln Trud Dulnm and lmory Suondl The muting mar wu can cellei Emms Ion Puul beam em broiled In fracas with other Inns um remarks made to hls wlle He was hundculfed by three policemen and curled the uncluary ol drurlnx room corridor Wlth Your lurchuo Of $500 Dr Man You May Slnplnl am ï¬nd Ind lie Pup Tenn Ammunition Piqu Buhla Badminton Si Buobnil Glam Sport Shlru Bill and Bull llunllnl Knli inninx TIcklI Ind Lil Jchu TENTS FISHING TACKLE GOVT APPROVED LIFE JACKETS FOR $150 We curry uvzrylhlnt for lbs cmper at MANs SHOP BARRIE GOVT SURPLUS Dunlap mu Your THINK AND YOULL BUY GOODYEAR Guilty gm wlll uudum wllh III of punhm 40 GOODYEAR On All Our CHOOSE GIFT OFF ï¬nd Ind Reel Ammunition Badminton Sou Sport Shlru llunllnl Knlvu BARR EXAMINER DAY MAY 10 NEW YORK AF Floyd Pull rsnn Inllned Thun duy ul miller his lnjmd lln not hll pluynad trip to Illlle torn Blrmlnglhnm would alter the date July 22 remllch with helvywclxm chlmplon Sonny 11mm us Venn lha light dellnllely will no on July all the armor mmplon who wu knockad out In the um round In Septem ber Evan my hand hlsnl hauled It wll an on Pullman appemd It pm conferenca wnrlu mall ban dm on hII right hind It cov ered mr Ihnl remnlned whcn decim ramnved callus near the knuckle the rim hand There will be no more MD on my pm said Pullman The doctor 11 be 1qu to mrlhoxlnl ul June have been doing and work up the cm The hand LI line be Ill rlahL Injured Finger Birmingham Wonft Hurt Fight Patterson The rematch originally 51 or Mimi Beach Elm in April wu malponed mm Audi in April 10 bacluse oi an injury in Lisinnr knee Mier it was rescheduled or has Vega June 27 it was set hack by Patter anl minor opmlion lha muleXena called In an dickery dock should see stuck DANGERFIELD HICKORY lXAMPLI 0F SAVINGS GOODYEAR 50044 Flu lan MOTORS mu om munlud or hum ETlre Dealer new Arrow Sch Wldlnx Pooh PA 66443 living Huh Ind Flnl Go BIlXI 19 Rag 3245 Many Mnny other 01 TIRE you our nounco um he and Jackie Rob man were xolnx to be partner In ml esllle venture Put emu uld he wag going to vlsil Blrmlnxhnm next Mandly will the huseblll Hall Famer Hm Negro to My major lulua bmblll expect to be muted ex pect to be hindled multh and put In loll Pullman Hid his hip would not seriously Interrupt his prea llxht Ichzdule may dn put me In Jail Imulna then will In mmebody lo put up ball In said EQUIPMENT AI Wholesale Prices Spudlns TruJch Wmdl Iron Wholmle slmm Conniyu Ind spurflnl Good 0mm SI Dunlap PA MN GARNERS WHOLESALE SPORTS