Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1963, p. 6

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Emir Ind Imblllnn will In rm huhy nllmulnltd nnw lhll Lyou mny mm In mm Irv mmdnul rllm mnlm yum II Ilium Ind Inltlllon mr de canted by than who uem alund In your my II you will an lllplqmnry lmluxl nrxument hanwr you will fund mu mmhlnl um um man ImnoUIIy VOII Tlll lllllTllllAY ll lnmmrow II ynur bluhduy ma ynr nhurl would find In NM or luddfll mm on female of mvlmmenl and mw Inlemu mm In Ichlmmeut beyond your mac ul hopom II Ill be mr whoa lnmIMWI rlunlllu Illl In offvred um nxly out fol IM blu owodunlm ull Vow war uchlnied bl tween Elaine France SchundA len Ind Genld Arthur Dunn at Mldhum United Church Bukell of whlla mums Ind Kink Inlpdruon crusted he Ickmund Ietllni or lho mer nonn ceremony purlarmed by Rev Gohcen misled by Mr John Runner The soloul Mn Gordon Wright Mldhnm sang Thu Wedding Prayer and Per lect Inve accompnnled by or unis Mn Douglas Goodhnnd of Mllfimm The hr II the dluzhler nl Mr Ind Mr Marley Schind Ien nl Mldhuru The brldb grooms parenls are ML and Mn Arthur Dunn ol Downl vlew Onlarlo TRADITIONAL GOWN Entering the church on th um 01 her lnther the bride wu owned hi lull length dress at Illk omnnu over taffetat The gown was tnshloncd with ll ted budlce with mlloptd neck llna cl lace embroidered wlth sedule and purls nnd llly polnt sleeves The sklrt ol the xnwn was boulllnl huddrcss seed purl and roses held the elbow length vell at lullu llluslonl The hrlde curled bouquet of red tests and lvy strun United Church At Midhurst Setting For Spring Nuptials The 619 I9 Club at Slmud wu formed from sewing clan spousmd by he Woman In ammo and held In the Com munlly Hall during the Fall cl The Head In hrcome balm acqullnlcd vm apparent In lel ol the young wamcn In the clan Thin group planned Stork thower Inr lwo mulhm lobe and he even was cmlul plnns wrrc armed to or uniza club urly In my Thu In mminu look plan In Fcbruary and KM name Stork Club Wfll chasm became Iho Inlllll mcclinl bclnl 5qu Ihower 11w Charter membcrl were Mu Clarence qusnn Mn KcIlh Conslnblc Mu nob erl McDonald Mu Gordan nlnin Mrl Jack Hughes Mn Vlrlnr Small Mn mm Ynunu Mn Norman Mnyu Mn Mel Ayenl Mn Gordan 111 Min Mu Ferluxon Mrl llunull Lowry Ind Mn Hume Grenly lhuo 10 member are um Club mtmbm Mr lL Mun wn thonn dull Sammy wu Mn Hr umn Trcnlurer Mlu Fu luwn Tho nul yur llm Club mm hmncd lo Gu 49 Im becnun In hm and trlend nhlp tnhycd And lm tho yur ll wu ornml Cluh mumy Mun ch nth Frhmury with CHANGE OF NAME Th elu on cm ll hrld In Fubnury Tn lhu orlslnnl cum PmMrnl Socrtllry and Trtmum hm hm udd cd Vlu lmldrnl Wellm and Purhllrlly III TOMORROW Gae 49 Club Of Stroud Reaches Out In Community WHAT THE STARS SAY IAIRIE EXAMINIRRHIDAY MA Thu hrlde was ntlendad by In Carol Dunn n1 Dowmvlaw lhe hrldgxropmfg alslcr The allendanll gown was sheath llme green Inllcta en hanced wllh an nvmkln mntchxnz IuHe She carried bouquet 01 pin mm and while mums Th best man wu Ray Sutton of Thornton cousln of he brlde Tom Sutton Barrie Ind Ken Wilton al Mldhum allo cousin the brlde war usherl RECEPTION Th rccepllon was held at Illld hum Townshlp Mall Receiving the guests lhn brldel mathcr was alllrcd In gown nl belge lnce over sllk Chocolala brawn accessorlns and corsage 01 yellow swcelhem ram complet ed her ensemble Aulsllng the hrldexrnnml ther wore sheath grown In powder blue tunes Her corsnxe was pink sweetheart rem Sell Kvende BIIIIC Fur lravellini lhe bride won ahcalh dress at plnk linen enhanced wlth mlnt green con and whila acccssorlu or car uge was red roses On return lrom Ihe wedding rlp mm In Southern 0n Inrio nn United Slates the new lywed will rgxlde at Ll Clmp Juflu Vmucurngr II In an nunl Sllld Ilnlu luppcr mullul qucl Ind Snclnl umlnl Hul bandn nnd emu are lnvlud An nnnunl Cllrlnmnl vmy ll held In Dmmher wml an chnnu In at Iha mcellnl Illhy Ihowm nre held lor Ill member hnvlnu lublu The Ilcl In hulpllnl are nmcmbmd with gm um cnrdl Enlcmlnmrnll lar ht Club hue Included Inmlly pknlcl lunthenn ll munbcrl Wan un Hench rollgt bouln pu lu and mum Cmnmunlly perrII hm In cluded dnnntlnnl hounhald good for mully when homo Whm Innu mnmmd lvrAuuul ma Nuvrm ml only Ikrrmlnr Inu nr Mm upmlnn July Oclnlwr um homqu COMMUNITY WORK for ml and decline Ic an th pcrmul vrlnunmhlm In onwrnn lh ml I1 monun will aim be luvumd hy lIcfllln Inllllm nm pmme Inr rmmure lhll month lulu Mum and mlvl Denml TrIul and will Innmu will In mm In July Nowmlwr And Denmm MM mm on lhln dny pnjoy lh not than In huh pllul um muM who lrul mmu ml math punuku Do uohl ulrmannu In midJuly ml In mldlueylomber ham MRS RUSSELL LOWRY Irlcr Pruldrnl mi Membm of he Knlxhll Columbus Lndles Auxllllry held the llnm mean the union Wednesday In an jump flerczylSlreet An election or oiiicerl was con ducted by Mn limes Ciyne with the ioiiowinl resuiu Pro Ildenl Mn John Komlr View Prerldani Mn Rumii Cldeou Secreinry Mn Bruce White Trearurer Mn Edwnrd Mun Ion Telephonl Convener iiirl Nail Hnriibuu Socili Conven er Mn Jamel Glynn Program Convennr Mrl Joseph Trahnn Publicity Mn John Brennan Mn Frlnk hincdomid com manded Mn mm out inl Pruidenl for her direnion ol the mmy luccuniu projects thronzhouifiey hot may builel In par llowed he elm or mm nl NEON CF The lWfll unnIvernry the Women Missionary Society the Pm byterlun Church In Clllldl will be celebrlled In Monlml MI 510 next your at Ihe orzlnlzntlon councll mullnl Nudny 1110 World for ClumHhe mono Idomd when the In lroup me Sn 1m the Church of Andrew and SL Fun In Montruiwlln ha lha ham or 0115 gpniqernry Elev Officejs For 0f Ladies Aux mbold plm ufd hm or long mm on nluoml And laxelm field were Awarded 1n abun Mr Gehmnn lormerly Gnu Lryenr gold pln fur lumen In Dyna Ind XI Margin RamsEy formerly Brandond Hyatt bar or laerivlce in Formon Ind Brllllh WMS To Mark Century Of Service Dorothy Dounln formerly Lucknow Onl wyur bar for urvlce In Foxmm and Brlflsh Gullnl NAMED CHAIRMAN TORONN CPLDonia Williuma director at tin inrm pmducil hunch oi lh Ontr10 Agriculturo depmmenl hn been Appointed chlirmln oi the newly esinbiililed Onmio Food Council Alriculiure Minister Siawm Announced Thqu The council muted under lex isiailon It lhu 1m leuion oi Ihc Immature hu the ink oi Iirennhauinl the province food industry and increuinz the Hi oi Onttic ilrm producil Iin domestic Ind ovmm mur ell wu burned In on cue the men lhl community robum ham whlch wn burnedmnd the club member provided men or lhl bulldun Thm Keelervlolllrl Ind min were provided or lhe vnlan plrk Member lake mm mm Al homemaker In homu whm lhcre II Illnm pravldlnu mm or ha mum and prcpuflng tho Menan mnnl when neccmry or he lamlly Local cmcer pnllrnll are II lltd and remtmbered with and cumin Dbnnllam cl moncy hm been liven to he nlnk hum Wlnni Fez Flood Helm Royl Victor MPHII mu Beclnn Flood Chlldrcnl Vork Shop Ind Cnncer Soclely Local venom conflntd lo am Mon Hnlplml have been mumbmd with card Ind mu Vdonllxrnn two mm mm pouring Jun And an own wu mud lo Slroud Communlly CHARITABLE WORK Drmlnn mudl or Ihl Canter Sockly No membe Illcnd Annual Cl In quel Ind Mullnl In Club number hlVl Iourtd un film ml Mugm lluplul Toronlo Humhlm IUII In unl Innull ly or lck mum in minded by club member or the Emma Chll drm Walk saw In Wall ll danlliom cl many Each you mambo IerI at In Monml Much ol lmu unvn Fund hm bun nlud mm lumwchru rmklmln pmlu bah nln lunch mun In Community lhll mum lo but Ind Llndlll umwn Tlc been told on flowers mu Hunt Ilnll nmrm lnr Includer Mu Funk Eu hlm pmldont Mn anim umury Mfl anmln Inn lmnum For mm Mu Gordon Illx vmldenl Mn nnbm Denny ummy Mn lurk ounl lrmum WINMOR 0M CWJoflnh hum at lan Ont Ill reappointed nullonll pr ldmt oi lh VIclorhn om ol um Clutch ma lrvuyl Annutl toman by Iy min at mumpmmu Joseph Jeffery Heads VON Mlu Anm Carey will return to her luchlnl poslllon 5L Johnl Ichom In Mlnchuur Enlllwd with wnllh ol know ledge in Cnnldlnp hluory Anne an exchange teacher at Munlcal School tenchu rides hm Ind our Thil year nbmd hu been wonder nl npparlunlly for In In vzl mu the country rom cons In coul Travel ls lnvnl unblu hr lenchln in con cerned Iald the Mendy young women much mlzr to leach hhtory am you hive had flue parlonn expcrlunce vlltlna Ill these place at Inwml will bllbll lo pm alonl mm lhlnz to my pupil home that muld naverlench from text Amrdlnl In Iho wellInven nd you womln her Clnadlln puplll react 111 ha same wly She llndl lhnl they haul on to avery word when the mak lnl About England They are vtry anxlonx to hear all About Ibo hluorlc places In Enzland Ind name of the pupil haVI found pen pal nmonz the stu denl ll Ihe school where laugh heron cumlnz to Can GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY 13¢ish Exchange Teacher Has Enjoyed Year Abroad Anne came lo Canndn In Au gust Int year and will mum to Enllnnd Iboard lhe Empress 3mm on Aug 21 Mn Ind Mrl Baleskey of Innlsm Street will mlrk the son annlvmuy ol heir wedding wllh open house or mauve Ind lrlenda5undny Guuuwlll be received lrom two until our oclock In he afternoon and from men In nllll oclock In tho venlnl PANCAKE SUPPER Gmup 5L Geo ma Anglican Church In hold In Pancake Ind Sausage Iu tomorrow In the Parish Ha urton sznue Thu men will cook And mm the load Supper me from to pm DINNER GUESTS Amen the nun who mend ed the Annual dinner meetinl of the Bunla Unlvmlly Womens Club were Mn McCunlz Mn John Stevenson Mlu Mar lon Brown Mn Fred Hucklnnd Mn Kll McKnight Pending Mm Gllnford Mn Jim Slmpmn Mn EAwln Mayne Mrl Wendy Nicks Mn Elem nor chkmn Mlu Grace Younl Mn 5mm Slewnrl Mn Doq NIAGARA FALLS TOUR contingent of girl xuide Ind lender from the first and third Barrie Companies 12 the cly by but mm on May 4th for any of Ilflmflfllfll It Nilnn Falh In addition lo lha usull lourm mum web he wnx museum and he trip undar hill the MI en Joyed cookout lunch Chip pew Ind vlail lo Quecnslon Height And Brockl Monumtnl Shnrron Vlllay wu ln lho woulth lhu reuulnr mm pnny mull on MIY when Iha mldo her prom Ind wnl enrolled luldc Gum ll lhe memony wnl Brown Owl Gun 01 cllhlh Barrio Park who mde Sharron wllh her rawnlt wlnu whlch Aha now mulled to war an Mr nirl nldu unllorm to unity lho Incl um rcqulrcd hmwnln lull Wire complued bclm hrr el4 uenlh blrthdny FIRST MflfllE News Of Kempenielt Division Of The Girl Guides Oi Canada Al lhe Ilmo Jnnll Cor mm wnl dcd our pranc iency badm lhrlfl wrllzr mm and oymnker llelen lltll and Dlnna Alncw both plllld IntIr Illlld Cma lull although he lultr hld nm llma In ml nlhm 01 um tompnn ho look Hm Inslnlc Ion an wlll relurn or 1th lullnl lhll wul lIllllD Illanle PACK 17w bmunlu lhlrd Darrlt honorrd lwnnl Dirknu Mlller her tnrnlmtnl Ihbury who wan enmlled Apr Golden llnnda hm hm named and wm wnnln la Hulhtr Cmdwn Iml Durber Column th lnm Oaulu wu prmnlcd wllh olden lnr Ono yur unlu II In molwd chbln Ilnbnky and Judy Irrk Ind Hulhrr Coul wn was awarded her mlmlnl wollrlmry bldlt Thu Irl Ude ol Illlh nur rln ommny and lhelr ludm wlll nuran lhl nummulh llrnu llruon llnlly In In MM In Tor onLolon MI HENEDICTION IMLLV nIII unnl II Immnrnl lll nunlly Cnlhollc Womenl luau nr lulxlu and hmw nm In In Irrhdlocm of Top Trn mm luldn will Irulvn lhelr nllllon Ind My ludxu nl crummy In mm lhedul 1m Jun Jun MIUIIHI ml llnr McComb Anm Inu ue rlynn Kum Vflulrn Uubemay ery Ellrn TUIIIII Mrllnm hm Ind Llnl MrMIhun llxvlhhnll luldu Illa on EILEEN 131on Phone Ellaen Dixon or Audrey Couhon PA 517 PEOPLE AND PLACES Th1 was her first visit Cmde end it We one mutual meaning It oftened an nppart unIly lor the attractive young teacher to vial her parents In Montreal Annel pnrentl had mend In Canada few year no and lhle was the flu me me had teen them Ilnce their departure nley were hoping might declde In ulna here but an my friend are ll home in Manches ter Mia Carey melvcd her Jackwn Mn Marlon Wmlace Mlu Molly Smllh Mlss Jane Realm Mn Morris Mrs Mnrlln Harrll Mlss Helen Kelly Mn Joyce Fnrquharson Mrs Skeny Miss llnlel Mb Dnugall Ind Mrs Wm pro gram convermr Scurhomuxh UWC Mlss Leslle Coxall atu dent Burrle North Cnllezlale spoke on behalf of the YulYW CA Eulldlng Fund campalgnl RETURN FROM NEW YORK Mrs Stewart Wellinp Ion St West reurncd the city on Wednesday nller upend lnz Week II Eh home at her parents Mr and Mn Edward Gundy of Grlumare anry lawn New York The engagement ha been an nouncod Miss Daralhy Ann Bytes to David Robert Almond The bride tbs daughur of Mn Johnslan anomo and the Into Bylcn hrlduroom is the Inn Mr md Mr Almond Melb lard The wedding wlll take place In Wuhlnzlan United Church Toronlo Jun ENGAGEMENT joyed mmfinny hlka on my when am made sprint um am up 51 VlnccmSlml north of hluhwny 400 The wcaA her was perfect hr hlklnz and 1E enlhullnsllc luldts vol lhll uullnu the best Mku ever FLYUP AND AWARDS Ipcclni flyup wul htld rt cenliy ior Marzmi Jones 01 Iuilnih pack that hu could oiiiclnily transfer in guide company when her iamlly mnv cd to Own Sound iiinrxnrtl vm received into iha guide hormhoo by Cupian Parry Ind member oi the mend Limit Company Conunluinnnr Crulahund wnl guui oi honour ll lho park on May when rho prucnlrd number brownies with budgerr neclplrnu ai olden burl lnrlud ed Judy Davin Ptuy Gnliln arr Brenda McLeod Judy iirimmrr and Diana Pudnlrn Ii lvlden luddtr wu nwnnird la Amie fluuwurm and Mill badger in Judy DIvlcr Jnnlu Cordy Sylvin Moore Surnn midock Lnllo lehiiool Iihon dn Fleming and Suun ulnilnl Hinhi proiicirncy hldltl had been enmcd by nonnlo Marlin which lncludrd IIKrIiIHIi min Ilrcl houm orderly uitr oh mvrt pnlhilndrr mm nnd rycliri REMINDER Guldm and tommlulnncu my ruqunhd In hnvu all An nual reports In lo Mn ann notnlnlrr than May ID MI culnnlnlu and mm nlmuhl he vmllllnl ruulnrly or lhl unmI on June link mull Ilml lhc Immllunc mrmhm lutndml Ihll cunt Thu bmwnlu Ind uldu who plln lo nnler Ihq mm on hut Undlurll Impbooh In remind HI work on lhrm now I0 lhnl lhry my All In mlleclrd hy July In lhll mulel arm In uldn Ind lrmunlu wllhn Ilw fly and wlll 0n judged In In rIIm lo Iml undrr And ll Arul own lllm wlll In MM IM IIIIIUII Ihww In llnnll an Aug II 11 book mml in mi lm than lo wllh mlnlmum cl lm pun Canlrnl my Include plflurtl leol Ind Imam nlnflnl lo Imulrullun pus ably ullh UNION Th num nnd nhlml nl urh enlrnnl II In lw mm In loner Ilahl wul mrnrr at In lmlvlo IIMI mm ml Mnlu III In luer nflvr lmlllnl hn lukrn DIEM In lo In hand an lu uunnll vnluo Mlxlnnlily ml ludlunm mpul mum nwnl and untum MISS ANNE CAREY arml uhoollnl in Manchester and hi been on the tucking um one of the cityl school than her Irnduallon TRAVEL BUG Sh IIYI uh wn bImn by 010 travel hill and this Ictn Illy Influenced her declllon to cm the ocean sXm comlnl to Canada Ihe his lakan advunuu of every opportunity to the VI coupgynlfle Lu la Anna Lrnvelled In the Mulkokl area on pllnn ed tour with the mm Brltlah Commonwenlth and Emplret aw York Clly was lucln In place and clpeclllly won dertul on Enter weekend len When travailan Min Cmy John Inokher exchange llncher who In Inching 1n 0mm mey met at me on In laxAdan FnlIIndnwplc wn lugld or leachm before they lulled for Cnnada We have became as friends and she like traveling in much do Anna com mauled Before relumlnu to Enxlnnd Ihll lummer Mlu Carey plans In extrudedwur of Milan Cunadl and balms intern In ma United States an apexl menl with another ieachnr Miss Jeanne Smith who Inches al Camp Borden Jeanne has help ed me Iremendauuy in adjusting fillet Canadlln way of Ilia Ihl no ADDED Commar The Canadmn wlnlen was no harsh the ynunl tench er had expected 0n tho conlv rnry she clulms she dldnl eel Iha cold as much hm ihfi does In England course the credit this to hem able to come homo lo warm house real ly enjoyed central heating and Ihall miss lhll comlon next wlmer when Im back huml Anna will leave Canada with and memories Shn has found Canndlans to be warm and Hendly wouldnt ha all auxprised to find mysell wan lnz to return again very soon the qulppzd 11 been mem orlble year Dri Arvo Snuks mm the Onl urto Hospital atPenelIngulsh an was speaker at the Starla Puhllc Home and School annual and liin meeting lir Qinsoy In th Introduction oi Dr Snuiu manlioned his lniercsllng hock xround Born In Estonia in I920 the nonnernmust oi he Bulllc countries graduate oi ha University oi Tanu in Estonia University oi iieldelheru Ge many and nilhe Unlvorsliy of lawn Oniario min at War icrn post graduate course in psychiatry NORMAL PATTERN Dr an scumd pmnna lly development In children Whal normal parental be haviour Parcnla pun along In their children many lhu ldcu The ngulur my mccllnx or Dante Branch Womnnl Chrmlnn lnmpunnm Union he Hnl Monday In each month The May mccllnu wt held on May II the horn ol Mn Rl glchprdwn Mary $1me whom we wean zl member an hrlrl but liver nparu the Cnunly Ccnvcnlian whlch they had numdrd In Midland lhu pmlmu wuk All mumbtrl repealed Que pledge flnlhtr lhnn lhu uwn Mun day II planned lo hnld the June mwlinu II lnlarmnl boxrlunrh Inppcr mullnl II pup of Jung No mcnlluu made lohncco In my 01 Ill arms In the Indie Bul lhe Umun nlmn lo uny thing It cm du lo dlmurlxu 11 me Mrmbm hope In chmcr ban or Mny Ilka lrlp tn the Annual lroVIntIIl Com tnllou In be Mk1 lhll yur 1n ltlrrbamnlh Emotional Security Is Factor In Heathy Mental Attitude CALGARY 1CNMrl Zenwu Cullr1 Thnudly wn rulrdtd pmldcm nl Ih NAHOIIII Council ol Jawllh Wmnm WCTU Discuss May Bus Trip Mrs Zemans Reelected Prexy KAY Il Duh um SPECIAL 49910 i150 MOTHER DAY hrml hr but Ann under ii help with thin one the entire lice um win be eiemeliy mieiui certain woman who work with us he hebit oi mhnlizinl her remarks by hit up people in the enn unrhing them in the rib or ending her in an Ihwider or buck lhcu re not lavepl Ann They travennunh In knock person all bllnnce Nobody wlll in In movla or Elly wllll her any more because er blown have actually caused blnck Ind bluo marl ANN LAMS We hnve tried to brink her the habit by maklnra lake ll but the just daemt ream um we araldddlnu on the Iquare Sh Roe along her merry wny punchlnl hltum Ihovinl and knocking people around Dan Ind Bx Herein the 1er let but dont count on her 22 In hemlf The hahh is In uncunxclops one Please publish his letter She ma see hem Ind Cu out Thanks in advnu Btuan Ind Brulml The only way to cure her is to stop kidding Ind tell her whal she is doing when she lands blow bell her right hhrk and sumNow this 11 whal mean SPHERE It Ann Lenden Youve always taken lhe poslflnn hll the mar should not be per mitted to have visitor on the Job My mm refused to an an Ice she muld have this privil ege50 agreed Now no hay r1111 ygu age Lasi Friday enxaged the girl mm 730 pm until mid night My husband and ar rived home abnui 1130 She and hei boy irlend were in the den And the hi Wu golnl lull blasi They wercfiaglcigg Our lhreeyearold had xollcn an bed pulled up chnlr Io the bathroom medicine cahlne Ind taken down several bottles at phls We could not learn and pallcrns or their own child hood pcrhaps unconsclnusly may of lhc lenslons and con nlcu learned when young mm 1211 own parents and thus in lhlx wny lo each umulve gen erallon Parents therelorc must look closely and 1chchch lhdr nwn Illiludu Dr Sank stressed In all pccn or child reannK phyaiv nlly lnlclleclunll and xoclally be couslslenl ll nppllex on day In dus and dont must apply lhn ncxl day on and not vary lCcDIdilll In parents mood NECESSITY menial almude ls nmlly maller llourlshlnl In hnppy home Hie Wise pannu today rullza more and more um Chlldren need heallhy mollnnnl bucklround Jusl much good Md clolmnu and tduuflon Teach lhe chlld enjoi HI and onloy hm in Imll things Dr Sank nld This way he devrlopl flue Mllly to dischlrn lenshns lmh hlm to 101m lho habit ln4 duslry early Ihow plmure In his nrwmrllahmtnh lmh Mm loo he pmuro cumpunlmv Ihlp In ulhtr words Rood men lal health L1 mmelhlnl we have nr cln dcvclap lrom balanced llvlnx Nu qunlllle cnmmon to magic who enjoy good mcnlnl hu lh II emollunnl Iccutily Ind German Travelogue For Leiroy WI 11m Womml lnslllulc lmy wlll mm mudly May ll ll m5 pm 1110 Ipulcr wlll be lrI lllr hnrl Whaler vlnll lo GI mnni will he an ol lhl er Mu hultr wlll hlih her lllk wllh color Illdu ll du hrr lrlp ficriiwfllbré Vpixlvlurk lllp per and lhu Sunlmnu and wlll he riveltd Battered And Bruised By Iust Talking mums Hambswgt PERMANENTS 839 WITH COMPLETE SELECTiON OF MEAT BEEF PORK LAMB VEAL and POULTRY WE slliLIAIJZH IN QlMIlTVZIlfl 0F FIZF CUT AND WIIMIEI FOII HOME FREEZERS W0 Ml Only humid 94 and llhu uni ll PAINSWICK PA 43 run mllnry OI Mm Mm II Dink PHONE PA um OPEN avmmna QPFNSIHHFSAPAYL MAY nunumumu II fur GERRYS MEAT MARKET whether he had xwahowed any In to rushed hlm lo the pltal Ind had his Itomnch punwedouL Fortunltely lha child II III right But hnd me zIrl not hld viallnr Ihe might have heard the haymmlhl abth ypsgnln or checkzd hlm periodlcally to see ll ha was In bed where he belonged No More am Who Neul slum Tn Bl Will Them Deur No Main Your exper lence polnled 11 another good man In prth guests or en My cenualoblecllon II the only set up which Una mung 10b pmvldu Thu girl who re lulu to IR mess the can en tertain her boylriend may well be using lhe Job do thing Ihe cant do In her own home ANOTHER TRACTION Dll Ann linden Ive al wnys been confidered may person with common nnse ml the youd think would end up wrung la Ann Linden But here qm Im teacher with good pa slllon Northern Ontario My fiancee teaching in Nlagara Fahl Eefly and exchange lat ter several limes week but sue each other only during lung holiduyg pile 01 my eflorla to keep buy We become slmnzly al auncled to another young woman eel like rat be name We kept Betty with or three years Im sure she has been true to me and has passed up olhcr opportunities in date Belly is line girl and ld rnlhef die lhan hm her Sha men ylanncd warn do the honarable thing but Mrnld Im In love with me gin hereDance 05p Do nothlng until ynu Ice Belly After runewing the relationship In pcrsvn if you sull ml the other girl nu an or you by all means 1ch with your lnncee Theres nonl Ing honorable about marry Ing girl you dont lav In closing Dr Sauks slated The rccipe or sound menlnl health in chlldrun is love Ind aflcclion praise and encourage emoiionnl equilibrium lbs in respect or nurscivcs and others seiivcunlmi ioilrunce th oiher pnrson View lhe ability to give us well in cm makinl decisinns and accnpilnz rcspnn sibmucsrf Mrs Vllam Paulm lfilnicd lhe spunkcr INSTALL EXECUTIVE The lnslallnllun lhe MW execullvo was conduclcd by Mrs Perul Feldmnn The 1le ol olliccu as follows Pxnsl dtnl Mrs Danlel Smllh Flral Vlcelresldcnl Mm Slum Royal Second Vlccprelldenl Mn Frrd Fcumn flemrdlnx Sctrclnm Mn Jack Mwlsz Cor respondan Secretary Mn Sills Chairman Proxrnm Mrs Lloyd Norton Saclnl Mn Thompson Puhllcnllon Mr 1an may Mumbcrshlp Mn Jnhn Mnore TRY EXAMINEII WANT ADI PHONE PA I2l1 WISHES Flms For eldcrly and canvnlew en plums Excellenl lncfllhu or prlvalc or umprlvnla IIol Ind cold win In mom numer ed Num In Iltcndlnu Anou Au nuc um Illlocllnl CImMn To Olllnmm IIHAIIXNU 0m 0qu llllulln nu In only Iclon You nu nan STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Rog PHONE 24 mm ma Tirol

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