Human In mu MAY no runm mum mm Prolonorl nunm Luann um wmnr sport unnu Thl mloln Io mum Hm can Nun ma Nun um Ind 50 Ma hay Prom Lllbon IATUIDAY AV II rul mm Moan In tin emu mm We aaIxnl mung can mm unny II Tim Lucy new qunlmu Cum cm Tn Ton Thu Trulh In Gun WllJ de nun MAY It too Demu III 30 ropen hm mull Dlull Wlh Bl LII Tcmhllon Tumor Nun wuunr 5m nr Imam gantry nude ormnmi am mn nlnz all with he butler Jun couldnt stand wnlchlnl It win decp rem Inform you that aur llrm will unable now or In Ihl Im medlm future to shlp your null Ion Iha Ilvfool python he ordered mflmvpr mm There must be some mis take in Iddllinn lo lree turn llure we promiled you six month tree rent an an inducement in sign twoyear lease in our new luxury Iparlmenl building Echoing Heights As you have been tenanl only live manliu we Ire returning your renl cheque Your initial payment isnt due inr still another month Meanwhile ii ynud like your television set re placeda nur expense natur allylust lei know any time Mr Ind Mn Garry Bunén Ipenl Saturday In Peterbomulh Mr and Mrs Eur Hammell and Jack wen guests at the CreelmmBmmcll wedding In Tumnto on Saturday May Mr and Mrs Russo and null 01 Town visited Mrs v53 Del Vggit on Sunfiay excerpts ram your wltcly diary about your mul tui experiences are positively hilarious We also like yuur tentative working title 25 Year With Mlle Rutand Ire sure we can put lhe book on the bestseller list We are enclosing 310000 in advance roylillel and nature you lilil la mere drop in the bucket to what Mr and Mrs Inland of Sevzrnv Bridge Ind Mrs Brady Orllllawere em Mn JJWIKKDI on Wednesday Mn Mason oi Oranxeviiia is visiting her daughter and son hirinw Mr and Mrs Crun on Mrand Mrs Hlmld Curb Ind lumlly ol Montreal cullad on Hand in lawn during the weekend By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP Frag manls of letter pea Xe would MEL but ynrgy do unmet IO arm THE LIGHT TOUCH CUSDENS And an mu lullvml Yul mm THERE IS NO CHAROI FOR THIS SERVICI EROUND SIMCOE COUNTY Mn Ream and lifts inmmy Anme Dulle DRIVENOURSILP CAR AND TRUCK Letters Found In Mythical Mailbag knit JIA wnmm TELEVISION pnoamms CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI BEETON CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 IanAv my ll ILM um rnunu Io lpmum not mun lawn in nmm OM nml Nlnl hum in non hubnu nln by he had Honl Iln Alnnl Wlm Mm unva Ino Ilr KIMn In mull mur hum IAKUIDAY MAY no Halum Culuon Pmy mm Mm hmnu Inlo Mum Pmul um mmunnnn Ino Pour XLU In Noun 1h lieuo HM mm mmum Yap he paxtmln would never have in knock twice brguzhl mm 1mm Ilka bum AI exaltcd Brolher Em wn nuntly cluzht wlth his hand In his tlrms llll mem bet at our fraternal ladle have abandnnud nur Intention to nnmn hlm Man at the Year Illd wnuld like In pass this honor on to you All wall rcqulro Is letter of Accept nnce from ouand nuts from th ch at polls that you are not wlnted It tho mument Congratulullons on your promotion to mural Kale manager son By the way you wont need to send my man money from now on Dad hssm on Randy at the post omen at In and the carnlval has promised me my old mxptense lob back loan 10 more pounds Love 1mm your dgur old mom Mr and Mrs Alvln Thompson and daughter Harrie vklled Mr and ML Cecll Fenm on Sunday my ren remgnlzlngyauve been lallhlnl husband and given me some of the but year your me Im asklnl my lawyer lo settle 3500000 on you mm manzy llkher left me 1111 should pay your bar bills and luva mm over arm to buy new deck cards dliilur3f Town ape It weekend with Mr and Mn Kama Mr and Mn JOhHVFIHI ol Cookntown 5pm Sunday with Mr and Mn Milton Reynold Mu Gordon Pnu of Blrrle 3mm Mn Main on Fri you do any mar card tricks aur cocktail mine In Iran Mr ind Mn Reynaldl Illd Mr and Mn Wflm mm In Tomnto on Sundny and vlslled Mn Erynolda whn II patient In Wellelley Hospilal Ind Mn Dun Watson and hmfly Grill visited rem ï¬ve in town on Sunday Cola vlslled Min Ann WHI ouxhby in 89nd Held on many inn rm nu Min Beth Cnlhcm mm the TORONTO llnub ll wnn ll rnlu NJ mm Lid Mullld ml cry Tmonuw Junu CBC Wu 1m rum Ivan Hm Tfl flle Ind IVI N01 Mn It puma lint bl hm Klnlly hm Ml MI boo mu The chances decldndly lelnul making the column but lhere II way playing lha hand lo the but advnnlnn What you wnuld like In do II Ilka la lpndo llnesm and um lead club toward the klnz hoplnl South hu the Ice clubl wt Al Ipnda hnnor Howevtr then In only lwo entry and In dummy and the problem to lend from dummy hm llmu Tho way to 13 lo nccompllsh lhl II to ml Gilmoan It uman MillII July Ina v13ml chm with an had II VI Dllmamu Norm III nine of Clubl Huwwaudymplu flu Mm Q1 93 15 3A0 AKJIII 0010 AQI not You are decluer wllh the Wul hind It Flva Dllmonds North Ind the ulna of clubs How would mu ally the hand7 mm Rm 3° himm um man min Wm WM flown 11 our nkimmn II Ill DAILY CROSSWORD You are decinrer with the West hand at Four Hearts North having opened tha hid dinx wikh diamond ovlr which South bid two diamonds and you bid our hurls Nonh lands an dug dimwndn and continue with the ace How would you plAy the hand 1000 End the week vlanm with Mr and Mrs Orville Arm slmnl Wm Mr And Mn Barry Annulmnz and Randy Mr and Mrs Ernest Langley 1nd chil dren of Orlllln Mr and Mn HUI Glll Ind children Stan Memorial Rices will be held In Hubert United Church Sun day May 19 Speclnl mum will hepmv1d¢ The pupil of Carley school took pm in the music lesllval Goldwater on Tuesday and nesdny By MR8 ARMSTRONG Mr lfld Mn Glen Johnston spent the weekend with Mr and Mn Game Johnstana of Oshlwa Mr Ind Mu Wallace Dauglu at the In of the week were visitor with Mn and Mn 0r villp Margin of Orlllll The Ammoan Unlt olUCW of Trinity Church held meet Inz mesday aflernoon May In the church school room with Isrze number present Mrs Armstrong pmided Plans were made or the June main and some quilting In the near luture The warship service was conducted hy Mrs Hulslud assisted by Mrs Feaver and Mrs Nichol pr or Be marks on Slewsrdsh was read by Mn Kesrns readlnz Mothers Dsy Thought written by Sr Major Crew was read by Mrs Wrighr and an Easter rudlnz by Mu Krams carr Ind II Carr Tomnlo ï¬nned on Mandi in town Sllub Mrs Sealy And Mn Coburn lpcnl madly wilh re lagyel In Toronto inmflrflfleynold of Orfllll visited relauvu In town on new Min Betty Robinson Tar onlo mm the weekend th homa of her parenla Mr Ind M13 ylgyd Robppnn Mr and mi Armin and Audrey vllned relquu In Cgkflown on Sundly weekend with midi lnfEmlo Mn Cecil Reynolds mm Fri MN CHRLEY CONTRACT 31m IN Juli 911m Rim of flu mum andid cgcum By JAY BECKER cum brm =1 numb Ind 11 mp an LAM mock mnnm lxth IL mrl BALM lbbn ll Gramml NW It Antonina Mo Abollcr approach II to will the club draw lmmpl cuh Iwo more high clubl Ind lhen lud Iï¬nda ll luml out that 50m hu ha AK 01 Index ho wfll In Ible lo cuh them but will then be mud to mum hurt or elle yield null Ind tilcard Howevrr lhlx II no In best method plly ll flake every thing on the Mullen the king hum and lhul vm vldu only so per cent chm cuol aklnz the cqnlucl One way In plly the hand 15 lo win Illa club dnw mlny round trump nuc emry and thtn lake hurl none North hu the klnz you can hen rclum In your hand or anolher hurl Male and In that way make Du con lrpr with In nvcrlflck Now you land the ten made and ï¬nesse llllll he ï¬nesse Inccecdl you an mm In dummy Ind can lud club lawlrd the Hum 11 the uni are well placed lhll mclhad play will make Iha lund asuntlal lo lend low Ipadz not the ten In In llml you In dummy hearts lrlck and play hurt to the eight Then comes lhl Int ï¬nesse low nude flu Jack Anuanl um MI lose to an honor and dlamond comes back Ynu ml and enter dummy wlh the queen SOPHIE REMENmERl MONTREAL CF Sophie Tucker the 7yeamld Last of the Red Hot Mamas Iold reporter hers um she would never forget her first all to Montreal runny yam Igor Th then mwor Mederlc Martln took her out wth party on huntlnx expedition He was wonderful man and mm number lrlend here that hlv kept Sophia Iald Tomomil Cani mdlu During tha Harmon Mrs Polzin convened templan Inks table and Mrs Sutton dis played an allrncllva ueIecLlnn of apron and white Elephanllf All proceeds we to further the work of the church The United Church Women Mldhurll entertained lbw no Sprlng Ten during the aller nnon Wedneedny May The Sunday Ichool wu mum lveiydecoraled wllh pink and white cernnuonl or the 0ch elon Recelvlnl the luem were Mre Peacock preeIdent of the group and MrlC Day Pouring lea were Mrl Garvin hm anlwln Mm Ney Mrl Reeves dnuxhler or former mlnlsler Mrs Clemenu wile of former mlnieter Mrs faults and Mrs Spence The ten hasten Mm Spence es elned by other Indie or the church nerved Inndwlchee end small cakes Mlse MVane was In charge of prepereflom Lu the klkhen Mldlmm community wu ml dene when ll Kellogg succumb ed to heart AttackuAlumuzh Mr Kellogg had not been enjoy llni Ihe bell ollhulth he had been back to work Sympnlhy 01 Ms communlly ll extended to Mrl K2110 and lmlly In It sudden push of lavan higher Dont Ionget thu chum In the United Cnurch Iervlce Io oclock each Sunday mornlnl TEA usme ville Mr IndMn mm VIV lln and children Jmu Mn Chirlel Bull ahd Alvln and Ron Armxlronl of Orillll MIDHUBST By ouv Mr mars mu mum ammumcmn mm mmwm MAKE 5mm m4 mu ATNol THU MYTH MIHING Nl yum 3565 TM nu 3me am you now AMUMG SHIRE EXAMINER HIDAY MAY 10 lm