Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1963, p. 5

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Flmm uhnlrmnu rmnplnlutd hill UMKC ulllclnll Kn hlm ll kinxvllml nmnruuud Uw Inn uur mnnml IIIHO lm wny lrylnn Lulhrl mcruury ndvico ml wnlrmmkl lnnlmLrmrnL All mg ml ml at llum Wm Amno knlthy Inmudlnn am how to hllIlnl Inch In mun lnn nddml ruumlllnr null Mnnkmnn 11w nncr Illl romo Imrk lo III In lhn dun ynu hnvu WMormulnA $603 WADNV well drilllng $5277 l55000 devolule nnd mlluu well 53900 women slnndplpc 11 $22000 pump house 49 sumo engineering um uupcnlslon 30012 110000 mllctllnncaul and an ilnlmd lnlcml durlnx conslrudfam SIZ 31035 mlnus nncuunu ccivnblc lJlIUlINltd winter wnrkn clnlml tow 550m Hulh cmmdl and he nudilor blnslcd he Onlnrin WM Ile wurru Commlulon or luck 01 conrcrnllnn In xupplymu Infor mnlon nn wulnrwurka llnunc hm Our lnxpayun mulled In Inn on he rnlcl lhuy Illmlld my on Indivldunl lmnlnm or will ncrvlctl Imlnlltd lleu lrn Wllwn HIM Wu cnnt It uur will rule III we find out unrn nwcclrd to my Mlllll illfurllmllvll uul nl he UWHC ll lllw lrylnu In Imp mnclurrd Imllmn lull nl air In Inwoulhlu lllo mld llnr Inld My Mull lmw mn urn nlnn OWHC mulrdl In IIIHmm cummunillu null llw ll hfnn Hm Inmo prnlrlrm llml COOKSTOWN sum Thls week councll not chum la nil back and Ilslnn whiln nlhm dld name lnlkinx Represcnln uvu from the Georgian Bay Development Associatinn the vil lage nudltar nnd rmcpaycn daggauuqa all spake The auditors report prepared by Joslln McBride and Co St Cnlhnrlncs wns prcsnnud councll by one of the firms rc prcscnlnlives rnpoxl shnwcd Cookslown hnd surplus of 54 54964 at the and at 1962 about 51100 of lhls Irom noncxpcndl lure of wnrk on lhe sums This amount hnd bccn 5c nsldc nr mnlnlcnancu work whlch could nut he done Inst your whllc the wnlerworkx syncm was heing in Mnllcd T0111 nulqu 05 1110 wulcr work syslcm wn 3150315 111 rcpnfl showed compared La 11111 csllmaud ms 3133500 Aclunl costs In culcgnric making up these totals are allows with the original csllm mod cmu III hrutkcls One student who dropped out of school in mldlcrm Is he only one of 1a participallng who lulled to complete the course Mr Ford said The course leading lo Dcparb mm Transport lasts for drlvern llceoccs consislcd ol 25 hours classroom and shop training and about nlxhl hours yer student of nclual driving drlvlng tlmc Buslc mcchonlcs ALLISTON SmutSomethlnfl new In extracurricular activity driver education course has just been completed mum Memorial High School hare Tho ourmonth course glvcn here or the first tlmc was taught nflcr regular school hours by hlslury leather Burton Ford LAST LOOK at the car hey taken by some Ihe students have been naming drive who Just llnlshcd tha first Driver Education At Banting High CookstOWn Has Council Surplus THE Am BAll PlANING Mlll SEE Mr linkxmy Inld Um drnln nan prublrm hm rxlncd or you Itncu the null II heavy um 11 hard In live wnm lu run Ila unld Ilm problem Incher whm new purllvmnn mth ulmul houm lo the mun mullmml or Mlghwny 27 mm Illa Illlrmcllnn nl Illuhwny Coohlown hm in lnbur arcs cl 72 pcrmns Hum Wilson told Mr McKay OlQIcse 511mm Thrw rnlcpnycrl hrvuxhl lhrlr cumplnlnu before munril Vlc lbrln Sl mMan Ilrucu llnknry Inld ho hm lhrco inch ol mu In hII hann yard and lwo Inches at wnlrr Il cunm dawn Eulyn SL and ncrun Inln my hnuk ynrd ho mld WhM um IK dom nlmul Sump pump nm UIHIIK nvcnlmo nll lhruuuh here and llmml nowlwre Inr Hm wnur In nflcrwnrdnML llnk II mldrd llnh Illlry Mkud wrmlulnn pm unlmclu curl nl UII ulhnl Ill Hm em II hil lllbfl wny Cmurvfln Mach ha um nUwr yuan nlwnyl cnvul IIL TMA mr lw wnnlul lo vul In rm lhnl would lull Srlvlm Allan lama Iluy Imdcmnnd lhnl Cookslown ls unxlou lo gel Imllll 1n tluslry In Main here Mr Mc Kuy snld Thu unDA cnn nd vmlsc yuur vlllnge and help you find the kind lnduury to null ynur resources lu commute In oh oulslde Hm vlllnne bccnuso Hum hnl tn ouah opmrlunlly hm Wu urn cuncmmd nboul lhcse ml dcnln who have In wk nwny rum home In lull Vlllrld ny mm mm lnm from he Gcnmlun lay De vcloumcnl Anucinllnn umcu In Mldlnnd lnlkcd lo councll for hull an hour No ouulncd GnDA aims pmlcularly he ndvnntnx cs ll ullcu small communillcm Prior to In special budxcl meet ing hclwccn himscli Ind cum all he nudilar said in wauid make special Irip lo Toronto lo have il nu with lhc OWRC Until the ilnnnclng la cinriiied the village cunz gel nnywheru on ll paymcnls The delay il piling up nddiiionni inlnml an the original loan and your rule paym arc penalized as In re suil henld cove Wilson said spcclal mcvllng of ruupuyors would have In he called ll he OWHC didnt provide lh answers mm Well have to wurk out Imnlnsc paymtnla on an cqulb uble basis In mil ho lnxnuycra and forget about he 0VHC il lh coopcml law oi road and laws govern in the oporaiion oi Ihe car were taught ln classroom and shop Auio equipment in the xhop including engine and transmis slon part helped give Ihe slud cnls clearer undersiandlnl elementary auto mechnnlos To gain experience behind the wiml sindcnis had ho use oi late model car loaned by local auto agency Allhnugh lectures are finished several sludenla are sun wan Inx lhulr mm to aka thelr road cm from the Depnrtmem Transport examlners The declslnn on whether or not In course will bu taught again nnxl your expected to come next week Impml I4 hIp Mm an mm In All Mnn man uhm In nmnn my mum mlnu hm Monay wmu My hum mull rmv Co le PA 04496 lama Hay THE RAVEN II 700 Ind ION EEOAH al No pm Amwcrlu mum mm Hm vlllnuu lemmlnl club muncll proclaimed Juno anor finrrly Waltz and nnprawd um 01 llm luwn Imll lry he nulm club lur Imlrmllnn purpom lhll awn In olher buslnm councll a1 firm that conslrucllnn may act Inspector Ihould be hlrcd nl calmly level not locally Thu quullllcnllons urn qullo rl nld donl know when wed llnd anyone lhu vlllngc who could qunllly llceve Wilson snld Couny councll ls nlhnrlng nplnlons on Ihe proposcd hlrinx counly Insnuclur or consld crnllnn In Junu mslonl coun cl Wfll mid Anolher llnm lo halum caunly muntll In JunoIbo uh nhlfshmcnl county pollen armsol lhumbs down re mm mm counrll lilmvnlo new Mu MMuIryl request for Cooklmwnn mpporl or hll mollon wn relcclcd hy countlL Cnunclllar Nnrmlm Brnlny Immod up munclll rcnrllon cant any ndvnnlnuu raunly pallco form VEM In good mvlco hm mm Iho Onlnrln lravlnclnl Mice county pollco farm would only mld In our polka mm wlllmul rrmldlng my mldnlonnl Imm la rqmpcmnle Taylor soughl rupnlra la he pnvcmenl oulalde hl servlcu llnllnn demand by nnnlrulorn lnslalllng walar scrvlce last year Councll unread lo lnvcsllgalo nll lhrco complalnu May whlle touran lhe vllluge on mm and dllclm lnspecllon In nddlllon counclllor lllonkmnn assured Mrl Taylor llml he Dapnrlmnnl llluhwnyl would be asked In gel lhe wnlcr cun lraclm lo rcpalr the damage Thln lnrths lawn maximum speed permitted by the Highway Tramc Act In such an area Ruldent had askad or 20 mph llmn Mr and Mrs Frank Jone presented petlllun requwlnz that the area alum nghwny from Highway 27 was to tho Ve huvo unoAycar summon on the mndwnrk and puvlnz rcpnlu done ullcr pipes warn laid Mr Monkmnn mm Its the mnlrnclorl responslbfllly In honor Iho Kunrnnm MIDHURST Stall Acting on which received rum resl denl the Lillie Lake area Vespra Township council hav lng byan drawn up to lower the Lpeod llmll on lawnshlp road The speed llmlt to be set 15 miles per hour mm the city 11m on Duckwarth St to the and of the road Speed In Little Lake Area Set tit Lowest Maximum Limit driver education course laugh Bontlnz Memorial lllzh School From loll are Charles Ireland Jock Boltono Nlck Whlln Dlnnne Everett Anno Sapn Ellznbclh Scott Elnlno Mourmord Heather Clarke TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY An Elmvnle mmlon mklng Iuppor or In munly poulm lorcu pronoun WM lllcd or future tonsldcmllon Clark Cul hnm mid Slayncr will not no In with Hm munly In xhnrlnu he mu mmlmcllnn Sultly Ad In apodor would county imped on he appointed an lmpcc lur In our nppnlnlcd or Inn loan Slnyner wlll nppolnl NI own cauncll decldcd Tll HUI UNIVERSITY VICTORIA CPI lmulcr nennnll nnnonnctd Wednudny lhnl Slmon Frnlrr Unlvmlly will be camlruclad on an hm nrre cnmpu Mop Ilurmby Mmmlnln urnr Vnnwuvtr ll mm In hczln lmlldln Ivclon Hm rnd thin ytnr Smyncr SlumCouncil hen Monday night granted the qucsl deligallon which wanted muple llghln Install rd In tho Leulon Pnrk Council nuncod Io xlvo them he llghll The pmnnlnl pnrklnx prob cm In the businm nnm came up on Ihu nncndn again Then WM lengthy diacunlon on reels and parking Hm Council arranged or lender call for tar ond chip rurloce treatment for three mile road two mliu on the Sunnidnlu Road and one mile on Minuinz idcroad Tenders will also be called for garbage collection in the Little Lake area fur the tour ist season The road ruperintendent is to ntlcnd the school ior road super intendents which is held or two day each ynor In Toronio Township Clerk Earl Richard son will attend he writara ol iicen convention Vupm Townshlp drcllncd to Join Simcoe County In Ahllllll the com he proposed calmly In eclor lot the Comlructlon Sn cty Act County cuuncll ll Katherlng aplnlum of munlclpnl Illa canccnmd bclnra the pro posed appointment coma up or urthnr dluunlon at he Juno msluns Vuprn council lhnlliht II might be nemulry for the Iawnshlp nppolnl Ill own In Counclli inle mullnl Il scheduled or June park entrauca be zoned or rm dentin purposes Council Imed Include MIL In bylaw amendlng the present zunlnl bylavy letter or mlznallon was re celved by councll from ha cue taker Mldhum lnwluhlp hall The caretaker asked that the rexlgnnllon take effect May lied fur tradeIn Acllan will be lakun in ms culn landlord or rent garage or human habllallon contrary la owmhlp bylawa new hallton truckwls until ed and the old truck will Legion Park To Get Lights Pal Morrll John Ford Ind Davld Cmn Jlm Fisher in silllnx behlnd the wheel This was an exer curricular couno wllh all classes held after re gulnr school hours Exnmlner Pholo French Motors lender for Tho Momlc Enemy Commll xlnn IVI ntmpnptr mun lhcir Hm ook lhn mull Iho bInll hlullny Or he AECI In mn hm lhcy were Ihnwn Ilnnlln hole 1200 ncmu And dcrp rmmzh la hldn orty bulldlnl MIC Ipokumtn Inld lhu hlml wu purl In In dovrlup pawn mu lnr lhc power ul nlomlc uphulon AWTm monlhl ngu nclcn lll llred lookllnton lhcrmo nuclear duvice hurkd 025 in Mrlh Mn Monkmnn has bun teaching on painting In ha Cook lenvAllInan are Im lhe past 111 mu Her pmem class has mmer Mllagon kslnwn Glllord Bradlord and he aur raundlng rural districts Shu first learned oll this from Mln Vlola inel lqmnw who mm lled the manual on nrl lor publc Ichooll which la sllll In us In lchooll today Later Mn Monkmnn was lnslnwlcd by tho lulu Tom Mitchell one ol the Canadian nrllnll belonzlng lo Thu Gmup of Swan Movement one Lime Mr Mitchell gave leuonn ln Barrle Removul few shovcliui ni urih would cumcl the dlinh condition which brouth com ylnlnl irom Mm Cripr owner ol the iirrl house in beiroy who wrolo In Councillor Todd This was hirwiulion in Ioliinz Coun all about he mullcr it wn Igrced Ihai 1h innlslii road Inpervisor would see no wni or could not be drained oil This in on Couniy rondl Tho imialiuiion oi gasoline umps the corner oi lha 01h no and 15 ridcmnd has been hundud over to the Building in Ipeclur who will mania with tho owner the but and legal Kiln Mri iiornld Kim owner II been waiting docilion in the mailer ior wmu Ilmn Mr hlmn claimed that the mh lino ironllle did not have xuillcicnl lpnco lo allow the pump In in plmd according in rcgulniions comm he Slmud Communlly Ccnlro rcqurslcd lhal he bylaw oulllnlnl lhn du lanaled lm whlch wuuld coma Into the autumn fur Iho new rink b0 nvlm In exclude but Cookamwn Special over 100 oil painting worn on display Friday Ind Saturday In the Cwbtown Masonic Hall nma paintings were lhq pmducu 32 Itudenla ellomunder the In ltructlon Mn Jessln Monk man of Cookxlnwn Tenders were received by mull from three pmle who deslred the township park mn cesslonr or this year Khorne with bld ol 3550 Donald LaplmL Barrie $600 and Mrs Helm Cundull of Lelroy $600 The pallllon from majority rllepayen In an are be tween the centre llne ol the 12m concession and the Nth Una 1n cludlnz he Tollendal area have bylaw let up establish in their area as communin centre was approved by Coun cil and the clerk Inslmcted to 15 lime preparedz Land and Forms will hold demonstra tion at Angus on May is in which varlnus in lighting un iu hnvn been inviied This will commencu at in mm Innisill lm inurucied its volunteer de pnrtmem lo be repmcnzedi CORRECT DITCII DYLAW ACCEPTED The concession was awarded to Mn Cundnll resident at the tnwnshlp The rental does nnt lncluda tha cost of the electflclty lupplted and payable as per former schedule An agreement entered Into by the cancer Lion holder who reccxvcs the nu Ihe two booths one near the pnrk Kata and another on the north more CENTRE GETS 0K Huge Hole Shown Result OI flBlast INNISIII NOTES CookstoWn Show Draws Art Fans The lubjecla paintings on mum 11m SITE Nnv BILL PHILLIPS AND OWENS From Ayn On Silo JACKSONI GRILL 00 Owen door 50 Chlldun 50 Park Concessions LéaSed For $500 CLAUDE KING Volvmon Mnunmn TUES MAY 830 pm BARRIE ARENA By 63 WINK DAMAGE SUIT MONTREAL lCIA Monl nnl widow and mother chlldnn won an $010 dnmnga null Wtdnudn mull Inna crush llnl look hrr hm nmla llle In IF Murenllnnl will Mammal our yum ago Mr Jullke llnlcr Dro Inrd ol the Quclm Bu crlor Guun nrdmd llm emln pllul Jullrn Ilcllnmnrrc also killed in Hue mull lo my mm mm lo Mn Jacquu llrurcux JL Mn Ruth Draper Cook lown presented Mm Mankmnn with pnlr Swan dishes of Blue Mountain pottery an be hlall of all the member of us In Mrs Munkmanl closan re marks the guest and sludan she commented that this was their best show palnllng yet PNGLEWOOD NJ MP Wcmyslx chm chlldrnn lllcd In wlth lho regular classes at l0 prcdomlnnnllywhne Cleve land cltmcnlnry Ichool th ncfllnyu The Negro chlldrtn who nro nnl rulncrrd he Cleveland school Ihawcd up wllh pnrcnls nnd olhnr Negro Iondm who have been protesting mnlnl Im bnlnnco In the Enllnwood lclmoll display here ranged mm land scene In all lessons um Ille flawen vlllnxa street scenes mountain Icenery blrdn to char acter porlrnlln Throulhout the lwoday show has and cake were served to the guests by the mm mm 0hr elm In he Ilnal moment Due thaw Mu Monkmanl hrnlher made thu lucky draw or palnt Ing October In Munknka which was donated by Mrs Mnlzla Moon of Alllslnn Mu Myn flf fln Cookslown won ll Mllslon 5mm Town coun cll Monday night gave the Public Willie Commisslon he g0 ahead to proceed with six street light Insullutlnna In Ihe Evan Hold and Hutchlnson Drive spur am On the recommendation of the police commlflee lwo tax driv erlllcenccsuwere granted Among lhe accouan passed tor payment was pmgrm pay ment No financing lo $1060 This goes Io Inverlchzh Conslm ctlon Co contractors for the gfw bridge being built on Church request or mppon motion to be tabled at tho June sessions of county council will relcdcd by AllIsA ton council The Elmvum mol ian Iccks nmnllnn of county polio larce Alllslon councll fall that an amalgamated pollen lorce wnuld he loo spread ml and unwork nble nl lhls lee Tho dale or he next regular oouncll lilng has not been not clerk Lorne Vhllcsldu anld Nor mme It would All on May 10 which par ol lha halldny weekend 24 In the GUI 7th 801 and nth concessions and be accepted Elimlnatlon some ummtr nannies which are in the ma would not be to thelr best Inm osts these resldenls might some day be permanent M1 ol the 7A of these properties are already In the Sum Commu llyjlnl qovemgc The bylaw which will be ad justed and given two readings will be lnally sent to he Munv lclpal Board for approval In answer la county quest Ionaire Alliston counch decldtd did not want its own Inspect or to enhance lhn Construcflun Safety Act Insmnd It will help pay he cost of county Inspec Ior1 one nppglnlcdl Negro Children Protest At School Alliston To Get Six Street Lights COUNTRY MUSIC KlllY WELLS WILF CARTER CLAUDE MNG JOHNNY WRIGHT NASHVILLE TENNESSEE Dlmv From THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY Ailistan tSpcclnl Cheer and laughter echoed mm the walls of Kim Alliston Memorial Arena auditorium when close to 100 girl guides and brownies enter tained thrir mothers and Dist rict Commissinnar Scott at game night This evening oi Inn was new idea replacing lhe usunl Mother and Daughter Banquet and was deslgmri in be more iriendiy nnd informal nnd in give the parents butter chance to meet he guidcrs and In some degree see them in ac lion Guide cnplnin Mary Cuslun mad as mistress oi cercmanlcsi Ail the bmwnlcs guides and mothers were given flower em biems as My arrived to wear or their shoulders By lhe use oi diiiereni colours and diiierent flowers team or the canicsls were nimady arranged These Guides Brownies Hold Games Night MRS MURPHY POURED TEA AT THE SHOW THunsthriiioAY flux 0qu 0pm Loo ML Show sun 0qu DRIVEIN THEATRE mammal JEKIE GlEASDN IIan It Can 714 FAULHEWMAF Tho BARRIE TEEN TOWN EMBASSY HAI Blah um Sing Tholr Lulu Rnord Chulum Richie Knight HURONIA Also show MAY no AuMIssloum 10 mm Lnnmlltr CHILD IS WAITING and the cJmumunurulmwmn Bomb fialIOIISE cams had lo cal jelly beans and plckles walk on paper plates blow up and sit on balloons hold been on straw with sucllun plus many more relays and cunlcsu Following Iha campfire games bum lunch wns servem pre pared by glrl guides Allison Scott and Diane Evcrcu who are wnrklng on thnir Gold Cords Icn cream in go wllh the cake was donated by the Aiiislon Dairy Queen Funds in pay for ihu rental oi um arcnn wm furnished by nuxinr labornmr ins Guido leaders during the evening limnkcd both ilrm ior their donations TONIGHT FRI ahfifi TOMORROW SAT haw sum Al 7oopnl um um prnl mu flax Dulce Open Lon pm Dacron man at 145 pm DIRK IDBINDE KENNEIH MDRE DONAID SINDEN DDHALD MOUSION may DRIVEIN SHANTY BAY EMBASSY HALL Blah 19ml lbw 11 Gulhrll mun 2nd Comrdy III Judy Garland uhI 5103 Mm iv mm

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