um am mum rm Ilulnr lnvp II llmuml MI mm In nun 1mm punp mm luv In 1mm FA nu Mnlm lllm um mmlmu Iman liluwlrny rInu um hum humam up rhrm Um mo FARMERS MAnKéf Sam flay ghnnllnllq and mm mun he phmed In lwlwm MO and Im mun 1mm Vumdff mmo nmlum rm All In 122 mm null 11 In lnnfl mmnunn Ind tIr mm Imul my Im Amplnl Tom Tilpplmm IA um WANT 10 mm 1m min1n mm mum lwrlurm rly Mn mm mum srmmu mum 1m mm mamm Mom In AI mnmllan um mam Inn my quufxtv rm hum lama on our Irntll Moo mm It Cnnlnnwn cu Var harm mum ull my FRUIFFVEGEï¬xTLï¬ unNAmNrAL him And pm warm Tm mm mm mn mum at um or PA MINT 1mm in ma 66371 ofsï¬fomï¬ no ya uph ruurhnmulh cm lilrlp um an up Ivlnnmt mm umlnn sum lA ama ALUMINUM Irlnp mm llnu hp Ivlnn up mlnrude Icon Mun be mm In mum 1mm 51ml uum Hmox MUNno ml ulpped wnn umlnl wlndxhlrla And new rm tondlllnn Scum nmbly Trlrphunu nun lor mar Inlnrnunnn lllfl Mi Mi Johnmn 0M hp Evlnnldl Mlln cmhmldly Tlmflmm PA ama VCII NOBLE lufpm It ml mm mm and um my ullnmd Ttlcphnnn and IN ym or urlhnr lnlonnl uon 0r PA lvml dullnl day ulnmN shepherd Do rnr ull vunmd uwr Ind mum chun ploru mnnlhl nld blltk and uhll colnr Invu nxl nqulm ppou Telapnona PA um Mm uunmzs or menu AH colon mm 31 um or lwn PA M101 ARTTCTEBWAWTE rum noxln onI yur old ma Far lurlner Informnlun Phum PA HNJ darkSHRED mm 5x7an Ind mun 11 ms Ford our door me or but all Vllhhll Michlne yull us All lllKhlly used lleml GWEN suhPLTEE burg IMAM wool Co 5km ma mama Rowbon pm my mm mm Box2n exrcllenl or new man mom or mum at bed lPlilIl many new All nu cm mmny mm my um um wax and wuhnd rm may Cove Concuxlon lunIIAL rumumz um lama on ma Nauru mm cl llfld floor furnus In Dofl ton dmon wmga um um Pm cook nom Amy nmun unuow nm lnw Plumblnl ma nun um Elnll PA 6E5 001 nKLrnAn Lonmuhl uphnmmn romplelrly un mom nnrepnurr Jnhm Igr um mn now min Imurm Mn mm Wlln mum Hum In 1m mm mun wood Forced complain with bound mum to nllunl 551 nr FA mu on fun Rum 0m Moron on my um nnu minor Moloflycll um mi ll erhlnt due mennln cry won mlku Elllncu owlnl MO or 70 month Vrlla Box I1 In Imlncr meu mu non no cuulpmnl uny Whue only 313 New Equipped with Loon xIlnn dllpunl lull gm xn wtnm llllphonl PA IIPHC TANK by lhl mm Innroam or me am hm na whit nm Only worn coupll cl mm aw condition him very runomhLv mum mm MIL BOATS Mortï¬ tun Ndubed In den much mun umchu Elnflr Edwin Damn Dunlap Well Elm PA 960 IIIHIIGEIAIOR Swill Elnuo In thlurllor In nod candl Hon Rollonlhll III m1 THO flhnna Lurfly mm or man omum LIT BOULDER or nlw color rlllll QM not an dll Clll Nonhlllld Etflnl Col venhunl Dnllrlo T014 Buvuflmrfl collect mvm Hydro Lqu unpnt llloL AqIII Lunl PM Salli or 30 Alklnl It Uh lllw Tull Phono PA HIM MM LUNG wnh dmn Hydro Lulu Aqul Lunl nnu wnm in exullenl Does PETE rmphnn ARTICLES for SALE Coll sum mg Mr my mm tclllnl or new all emu uuyub HLUENT New Va cnxlna mama Lummlulun black with white wall llru This my mum mm In he nppreclnlcdl amnum an mom PA um 31123 cmnmn our door mn rA lnhd Ihlm wm nm In or mu Telephon Aim ngem Us my mm am My mum ml unnuc am my floor 1tu pm mllln mlluu MI Mum lmmuln Iv nu Tu gaumm zi Nun run muunrxv Im wfllvd mu Inun mm rummml Inn um mumIn Immmlm mmnum rum 101va wlmmlqm rm rm hul all Tomrum lm Mmun In 10 nu you fa puny MM My In lltlup um mu an nr mm Tm hull luv lulnnnllr ml rd rum +ulwhunl iAnm rnnnfllnn mm pun TnIphom Ann mum mlml Judu mn rmlle mm mm pail 0m nu inn Im nun nu ner At your floor IHIIIIIHL Ill 71 HIIHNII dln mum rundlllnn um rum1 hoMAnluauflfll mu cmmm lnr In nod Mnrllllnn we am In 1le ur l1 Tmpnum II nAr mu HumMu vml vry mm rondfllon lam pm 1m oLKIwAum canulnm rnem rmpnom mud un lllNrMC Inn ol wm Furl condl drum 1tva ms cuzwwLu ï¬lluon Tn um nymanu mm Mann Man In four or lnhd mm wm mu 1939 DODGE REGENT New Va cnxlm nummntlc Lummlulun black with white wall llru 1m rnr must mm In be nmreclnlwll SCOTlA PLAN VLOAN ms umx 0F NOVA scam WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR mu new with lowcon Ill lmured Very low mileage On sale for $2140 Outstanding buy for this price Can be In anccd through GMAC Very low down payment Telephone BILL LYNCH PA 61885 fYOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 BradfordSt PA 85971 AUTOMOTIVE More and more paullrymen are choosan DEKALB PULLEIS Started ready In lay and day old chlcka Order now or early order dlscounL For service or halp on your poultry problem cull Crnlg Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTR FARM LTD STROUD PHONE 77 Emu my lllNKMC Inur mm mm mlm wm ull lor or ole mum uult cnup work inan Aha Ielmhunu Indrpnw nlrnul ma paw Mk2 Apply Rumley ma mile well 01 mum on 11 PIG FOR ILLY lo wukl 0N Olllnl well QulnXlLv Cow Mlnuro or Telephcnl PA Mm mm lm nunIv mu mm mm cocmnvn Com mm 1mm mch very and wndlllon Com mm Naw 1J lWONW Ell Pmptllad Mun Number 17 Md hll don so mu prlu um Manly to 391$ ssz Telephont PA 53 I963 ACADIAN DEMONSTRATORS um mm II com mm mm NM NM Motor 1n nod mn Tflwhofla PA 5N Aaron Cucmun mom mondluonm mt t1nd Farm Supplies Sarvlco Cm New Holland David Brown Benny Fan Equfpmanl I70 BURTQL PA 9237 on ulvn ZENITH ixEoim CHARGE humI anyJ dun um nn Foxmead Ontario Llcenu No ITLW Nick Monmue Pmp DEAD WK H1th pflm aid or dud or crippled cattle ma hams Small ahlmal removed For as service PHONE BARBIE PA 61231 Collect or ask or NICKS VDEAD STOCK DEKALB PULLETS POULTRY CHICKS i7 FARMERS MARKET CASH mm mm In mumI ulwhun mun CHARLES CHURCH mm Fun mqu rm mmm lA FARM MACHINERY LIVESTOCK am vunl mu lmmlrulul ll Imh our door mm wm mu In ma ram um Ir ummlnn Tlluvhlml Lnlllr In mt mum an mm Inu woo hm TERMS warn lnMullnn vuulm you My Ilnrlg nunAmy rm om an mm lwm rm Mn rumIILI Fur Tu Auruy ll lmlm by vlrphom lnr Imllh Ind ncchlvnl um cy llenrn up and but not AVON WV om IOIJNU MAN 10 lruvtrlmmln In In llmfllun MOI llpqulnrl JA lldfll Hull 11 Ii hum An VACATION ILANh AlllIAm Earn and In mum rluso In llnnm Frluul ly plcmnnt and plulitnlrle umk uulrhly run In ï¬rm with muvwmnl AVON oIIINICL erIl Wallur Ihmmnn WAN ma may mu Inoll Mun purlnut Comd own llA Han Diclaphono Typist Vnnlcd 0r locnl numufnclllrlnu ochn PHONE lA 85564 THE LUlKIN RULE 50 OF CANADA LTD For Young Men Who Like People DO you enjoy worklnz with pr ple Are you nmbltlam or early success H1Cx lnlcn ahc Mnnnlzemcnl Training Program help you Meal III execullve quickly Nonulllnx lnlervlewlng may pm Job Ago lo 13 hluh uhoel urndum 81mith Inlary with lnemlex based on perform ance ndeclmtnl upperm My Lemmy employee benc its Mlllllf Icqulrcd or Junior Pm lion In lhe Production Control Dcémrtment of HILL CANADA LTD BABCOCK WILCOX AND GOLDIE McCULLOCH LIMITED GENERAL MACHINISIS and MACHINE FIllERs Must Be Experienced IGOOD RATES OF AY STEADY EMPLOYMENT COMPLEFE WELFARE BENEFITS Apply or Write PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Tclephaiq on HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP 221 Dunlor St West Phone Mm Open Friday pm mm L051 Wm mu do V4th black spotI on our wuk Ind Ill Bllfll lelm ï¬lephon PA 94114 051 FOUND HELP WANTED aLnrAImONln nu ma Pm lel Ibo Slddlu Horn Ind Poul llllolu Mlnlnx mp flu Ind nmmmnu klephunl on 3713 111 In RR 0m Shiloh mu Vlcc um TELEPHONE SOLICITORS NM TELLING Do WI your mum on by no tulophom PA WW my tlml lol Ippolnlmtnl EMU IHOP coxnwnn Elll by mum bunqu ln you own howl 01 uh Blrnlu PA nu or PA nous mun mun my mi wmum rumm wm all Ill anm Tllaphonl Strand mm PERSONALS all mndlllnn APPLY Blyfleld Tolenhozu PA ENIL nous Mm 1m mauulmml Dung 1w Ford Dump ll wmu Intel 1M HmI Md up In Much 31 pumplnl eqlllymom OK 13 Much sun Molt Company PA N601 Judi nlwlrMnrnl nox on run In Illll Dad Mun Ell ma Cocklhull Io lnclor mm 519 Al MAW QPPQRTUNITY fluIm mm AI my ex clock windmch Inn to ed ms 1m Volhvm in Al comm um wlnd mma wnhm um 1mm IInl mica mum mm PA FEMALE HELP man In nauor nul no runnlnl Wlll It Teltphonl Anlul Experiencch Mm AUTOMOTIVE SALT ONTARIO YOUNG MAW Grand Ave South WOMENS COLUMN TRUCKS In TRAILERS MOBILE HOME MALE HELP nxAMmzn for appointment FA W45 Anni In muun UIJIKILI IIEA DQUAILIERH 0n Highway Ba about mile west Bradford Conslsllng mm Show Ponlm Brood Mam Coks Harness Horse naller Car Truck Carpenter Tools and many other articles No reserve Terms cash FRANK HENNEH Aunlnnnr mi MM my my I1 1963 or the collection and dis poul oi garbage mm the Little Lake ms or ihe lollawlng dates May 21 June and 17 July and each Monday there alter up and including Sep iember Where holiday fails on Mnndny collection will be on mnsday EARL RICHARDSON Clerk 17 Owen SL Barrie 13 Mm CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA TENDERS wlll be received by the undersigned clerk up to 12 oclock noon Mny l7 1m mu nenneq muum widow fluke hnuukuplnl posh than with mum Ilmlly Dr on Good cook Ruenncu VIII Box 1hr Bum nu AUCTION SALE Saturday May 18 130 pm For ihe estate or the lake MILTON RINHIE ergned umflencu wllhll playmem Clplhh of hand 01 book NH In 111 no wmxuenm Ill Ilma em lnl or uhh In mm lumina I2 TENDERS EMPLOYMENT WANTED Wm nox TWO PEOPLE Wlnled Ia min 111 ï¬lm IM MIDDLI £0 Couvlu Hindymlll Io lonk hul In or reducefl me WAFER Wlnlrd Fill In Ind full Uml Unllomu Ind mmpnmuun nmvlded Phan or lnllrvhw PA 669 It Rim Gm din Reltlunnt WOMAN Wlnled or am In Al Iron lb or our IHAD walk Reply qunl ex yellnnu Ind Maud lo Blnll Exmlnu In any In on Ml dlyl WGIHJ Mint own trlluponlflon In Block To Mly 11 Tall pm IlACllIl Wlnled hr pmpolld RfllNed Chlldnnl School Mlll all 0mm Stud Ippllu am In FL Shwlfl Box In RCA Elm Bafï¬n hm Apply 151 BABY llflll WlnlM whlh nu In Wmkl Tllaphoul PA 00315 IO HELP WANTED HENNEH Audionccr MALE FEMAE MALE HELP Burl Inn foyldenï¬ enema BLASTS ARABS JERUSALEM Realm Prcmler Davld BenGurlon ac cused ho new Calroled Arab Federation Monday 01 planning In annihllalo Israel BenGurlan deï¬ned hl countrys larclln pollcy can dcxlrncd In pre vent war but sharply de nounced last months Calm pact between El Iraq and Syrla raving one tho Arab Federa llona declami ablccllvu la annlhllale Israel PROPERTY House with hy dra lot no 50 extra 10 79 no building on There Is no mom on 111 pmpmy the estate must be added Term and mndillons of pm any will be given day sale All Mher Item CASH Nalhlng to be removed unlll skilled for Frank Webb Clerk JERRY OUGIILIN mun umu Oak Wooden Bed lramlslor Radlo lel Jars Gallon Crock lGallon Crock Glrla Blcycle Manlcl Rad Anvll Hlp Rubber Boots mlling Flshlnz Llne Baby Carrlage Hand Tlre Pump 12 Steel Chana pleoe amench Sulle Chmma Table and Kllo chen Chalra End Tables Tol edo Store Counlcr Scales Saus age Machine Double Qllnder Water Pump Under water Sump Pump Malta heavy duly mlauram rlll Many olhcr smaller arllclc loo numerous to llsl wiih leniher tom Kitchen Cook Stoves Quebec Spun Healer Writing Desk Singer Sewing Machine Kiichcn Chairs Wuhstimds Kimball Stool Electric Lam Rc card Player and Records Ki chcn Cupboard Rnnzmie Trunk Lnnier Band SEW ving Room Saturday May 11 at pm sha DiSIi all ihe to wing Oman Oak Buiiei Oak China Cabinet Oak Table and Kitchen Smol Oak Chairs wiih leather tom Kitchen Cook Stoves Quebec Spun Heater Writing Desk Singer gwing Machine Kitchen mu ESTATE OF THE LATE MARGARET PIERCE at Old Mldllural Vfllaza right next door to Anglican Church Ann of House and lab Household Manure Runners Equip ment and Look The undersigned auctioneer Inn melved taming mm tho Sharp FOR SSELL HALEERT Lot ConCesslon Mono Township Va mlle west of Rose mom on No 89 Highway Lin Include 10a cholca west ern steers 600700 winds lraclm good line0 Imp mam Terms cash CHARLES FOSTER AND SON Auctioneers c1vlnin7xa Inm unity Mly ll Ilndlr tour In Ivllllblnr An Approved SI CM Cool KUCIION SALE FarlAiMk Eqd Irrpglements rolled Hm CHM Silt eonlmlnl ol Irlumlntl lid NHL Ill bll or lovtmment bonus bad all On Ind loll Wllh ulvu Iron hum ï¬rm Ind Clllnnln llrm Burl llr 0mm 1g AUCTION SALES WOTle SALE CAULIFLOWER CABBAGE Auctionicr BOXED PLANTSYour Choice of AlYSSUM blue white MARlG OLD petite gold mixed colours PETUNIAS white red pink blue glitter and deep pink white SNAPDRAGONS SAlVlA talll PANSlES MANY OTHER VAR lETlES VEGETABLES SIMCOE DISTRICT mun other almonconcurrtnk con hrnncu also are Involved but mt Nationalism or inlernntional ismi Are the new economic bloc seeking rivalry in trade or real mperatluni Can the less developed munlrie look lor ward to real meaning in tho phrase tradeAnotaldt Will the highly industrialized countries recognize thn particular prob lem of any primarypro ducer like Canada The immediate the ex perts meeting in London was to prcpum the ground iar govern mnnt ministersincluding Cun udnl Trude Mlnlstcr Mitchell Shum who will attend the Commonwealth Consultatlva Economic Council meeting next Monday and Tuesday LONDON GP Canada Jalned Wednesday In family type twadny study that In part of perhaps the biggest exami nation and assault on mm yet attempted In the res world What started here was 17 eountry Commonwealth confer ence among experts and It In Inked either Iormally or lnevltn 3ny with other mnlerence leading Io next weeks Geneva meeting of the Ncountry Gen eral Agreement on Tart and Trude Questions rather than answm set th no at the day vain this nth day of April AD 1963 HAROLD BELL Clerk the Township E551 Box 10 AMIIs Ontmm The Council wll hear In per son or by his or her counsel agent or solicitor any person who claims that his or her land be mejudlclally cued by the said Bylaw and Mayne Ito b9 heard Canada Joins Trade Experts To Study Commonwealth Tariffs The Pmposed Bylnw and des zerle showing the lands to he alfecled may be seen my omen at the Municipal Bulldan at Baxter Ontario In His Town shlg Essa AndraIo said vBylaw to auth orize the conveyance Ihmol to them mien ownera All portion at Cedar Skeet in he Viflazo Angus In the Cmmly Slmcoa no cordlng 14 registered Plan 160A lying North of lhe Northern boundary ol Klnx Street and South the Sounlhem bomd any of the road betwecn 1M Ind 31 in H16 and ConCesslon he Tow PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Closing or Street In Village of Angus NOTICE hemby given um illa Cwncil oi the Corporation of tho Township oi Essn pro poses alter the 3rd day oi June 19m being the am of the Council meeting ior tha month or June 196 and bean mu month from In dale or lhe lira publica llon and posllnz up oi this Nolim Io pass Bylaw in slop and close that portion oi Ccdnr SRth In the Villnge ol Angus hglreinniier degcribed 14 PUBLIC NOTICE SWEET PEPPER RICH IN FISH Thu rlch Ikhlnn water the Grand Bunk slrclch 300 miles south and us of Now lunndllnd loods mu The print la cum reduc llons has Ippmved by Prlmc Minister Puma hul hl explained II press conlercnco In London last week that lho Mpcr cent Hnur ldu mlth prcnnl problem because Cm nda II producer rlmlry lien and Ieml mnnu Iclurexfl Fallure of he GATl talk could well mean In explaslve polltlcal Illuallnn at the UN mcetlng when Sovlet Premlgr Khrushchev could be expected to lalw advantage llflnm Iho advanced mnlrles to mike concuslom 1a lhe leudavelu oped areas Thu bl Impenu In the whole complex of talk wn Pruldenl Kennedyl Iucceu Oct 11 19a ln gelling the USl Congress to ma hlm lulhnrlly Io Mgollm acronlhebourd urlll rtduc llgru 50 1m cent the one that may really count ll scheduled for nexi yur This in the United Nation worldwide irada mnierence with lpecial application to davalopinz coun Irics or which preparliory meeting will be held Jun liter ihthiorthcominl Geneva luv ID If We must no 1m sigh of tho that the function the can arm dlflercn tom um 01 theVltlcan council and even hut ol the World Council Churchu ha said The Anglican Comm L1 not lezlxlauva My nor will In d9 claim he anytth but advisory In nature or he churdlu Mort Rev Howrd Cllrk prlmale ol the Anglican Church of Canada and honorary chlllv man 01 the congress com menled an the ndvlsnblmy of In VIUnu oflldll observers rom other communmns Ha nlrl um because of the size or the con ms and tha wide mp In program seven people had up proachcd hIm on the matter The contra will bu hdd 23 the Roynl York Hoiel here RI Rev Snell cond Juwr blshop of Tomnln Ind chairman ot the conms new mm nld lhat mutations of ofï¬cial delenle mm the II chumhes compflllni the Ann can communion now total 910 Mm three months In no passlble nearly 050 delefltu my attend TORONTO CMWorld An nllcnnlsm hu mldo an nul atandlnz mporua to the 1963 Anlllcan Comm It wu ro porlad Wednesdly to Iha nu tlonnl congress commit ment lnz at Ike Angllm Chunk Cand htndqnnmn here THE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY MAY ll TOMATOES VARIETIES Angliddns Report World Response BOXES lNNlSFIl STREET BARRIE PA 66531 259 Ha laid here no hllnkd rule and math INHIHBH mm bu dealt wllh on ll mcrlh WI unt hnve Ilmlll law lhough the nulhnrillu bargain with people who hlVl broken thl wu asked how he would deal wllh Illuaflam Iuch II thou New Westminster 50 mi St Vincent do Pnul Out whore recenlly guards were held humach by lnmam wha led qr Iranslcrs enncll who II re lponslble or 14000 prlwncrljn an lnslllullnns spoka to the an nual mutlnl the John How ard Soder plyurlo VI WRONTO CPIThe director of Ihe United Sines federal hil renu oi prisons uld Wednuviay night Ilmni law enforcement is impouihla ii prisan authorities buggain withilawbrenken Completm In 1965 Oh synh Rogue his membership more than l500 Inmhie and hold one ol the largest conserv auve Jewllh communal Jn North America Says Bargaining Destroys Jail Law Flume destmycd mmwin containing irreplaclbia religi ous articles nnduary which houses valuable scrolls wu damaged by smoke The lire spuad quick iiuou the $2500000 Inazoguo chart corridorl and fillide and crackan platealua win oWI uwvwv Offlclnls laid many of Ike student who are usually In he lynagoxuu around pm 15 minute before the to llllfld In aroundfloor clolkmh The Iynagoxua In northcen tral Toronto on Elihu sum nan Ezflnlan Avtnue Synagogue Fire $1 Million Loss WRONN WONNine sons escaptd down ll def from secondstorey classroom Ind teacher leaped lo 1er as Ire swept through Helh hedec Synagoguu Tuelduy mm causing dnmlle asu mgtï¬d ougglah soooooo Toronto dlocenn commit leo has me with uuccm in Ar rnnzhu recreaiimi aclivitiu or the deiazam Np la th Straiiord Onm Shukupumn Felliin and to Niagara Fall are scheduled Nlugan deir gale will be cniemintd by in Ontario Hydro Electric Poer Comminion and um Canadian National Exhibition is pmvidinz 1000 lam or one oi the mud ma perinrmancu 111 primate uld thll alter camultnllun with Anlllcan lead er In the United Klnldom nud Inc United States had been deemed ndesana not to Me laï¬mal acllau the matter he Annllcnn communion In IddlUun service and planary sessions the canmsl will ho operln puhl H55 31