333 mucrmr so rlm mm TM rmmu nl unall nmaunl lulu unr Ch an alumni would mm Th hnyplm Mum we whu do n01 overIla ur Imlml nl mud clmu Imll mm mm llnnlnl umlu mean of hrplnx yau lrom lull hum Inndlvily learn in Inulll and bondum Walla up In um bonan II flmpflvely llr Inn Whit About rnllnlhrnlm lhuy um In lone nml Inhlrn Iln mu ll Ink no lllllc urnluv In twp In Ihn pm Idl on um Vrlll luml nuulnrly ll you will hold mmrlo mnlrnclinn ulnw umnl III lllx mum ynu um InmMu your mum nurpmluuly Noldlnl Um um Irmlnu Immune mulch Inn lInMInR II Innlnl IlnIlhc hm In npl hnld ynur hunlh nrcln II lho but my to Ike ndrnnlnne mu muml In me lb body In burn lut nr tnrrzy Today wu him In an llmc Indud mnkq llmo an Ind up to lrl enough rxnrclln Wnlklnn ll nnlurnl walk at mllu dn burn in lo 100 Calorie and lll Inuit Swlmmlnz In wrfrd urrrlu or II Illonl Ill nu mun And Ml mmrlu lhrlr mmnu mm ncllon Gnydmlnl in nod omrln you an huvywrluhl lull wllh your own tlodur mm lhc nmmml Ind kind nl ml with my Inn you To reduce and COMTDI your weight wllhoul adrqunle exor clxo you must nuhslsl on my monucr lure 0n loo lllllo lood you In qultkly Slolh Icln ln Ind nlrophy lollowu nnlrophy ol body lluues and muscles TM mull drawn dcplrlld look llu bloom ll all You no longer look llko your young vlnoroua Icll wow you lcen uonryl hnla lho fun In 11le11 wllhoul ml and normal err In By JEAN KAIN Energy ll hlahly prltode podHy In mlddle In chm Io hlva more nrrzy cl mm on Somllhllll dreary happens lo your looks and to your uplrlll when you dlcl Iuln Elly bql shun exorcise Sift flour baklng powder and salt Cut In shoflen In then add seasonings and am In milk in make so dough Drop by spoonsmls on hot melt mixture Bake in 425 oven unul llghlly browned 25 or 30 minutes ymlvw potatoesy tablespoon catsuf teaspoon Worces crshlre sauce Saute mushrooms and onion In hot at or about minutes Sprinkle on salt and flour and stir 1n bouil lon you have leftover gravy use It Instead of semi the laqulllon Stir qngheat apout minutes umu Add meet vegetables and EEhEes and pour Into lamepmol casserole Slore in the refrigerator unlll needed later in the day or the next day TOPPING KEEP IN THE TRIM In other words have the meat mlxture In baking dlsh that you can set on top of the stove to heat before Puttlng It In the oven and have the topping mlxed bowl except for the milk whtch you wlll add and mlx In after you get home Also have the salad veg otables chopped and In the salad bowl so that all you have to do Is add the dressing and toss Incldentally dont forget to turn on the oven as soon as you get home from bowling preheat to 425 degrees MEAT PIE WITH HERB BISCUIT TOPPINO For the meat mlxturet we sugï¬est the Iollowlng roclpe ln thch leItover cooked roast used Of course you have no leltover roast you can make stew Irom scratch or you mlï¬ht use canned stew In any case be sure to Include mushrooms because they give the pie glamor as well as flavor plnt Va pound mushrooms sllced small onion chopped tablespoons fat teaspoon salt tablespoons flour AWMUII Eéyer Cake with Ice Cream Coffee Heres meal that will satisfy your guests Though they may think it took hours to prepare it need not be much work tor you Good lanning is the secret The mainthing is to have pract caliy everything may ahead of time BARRY EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAYJ 1m It you have been inning to have the team over for meal alter howl better do it soon or youll have to wait until tail on dont need to make big production out at it everyone will be so hungry that they will appreciate whatever you serve as ong as there is plenty of ill Moat Pie WlIhHcrb Biscuit Toppingu Spring Salad Pigkles 0r lish AFTER 303Nme sumn Meagre Diet Without Exercise Will Reflect In Lost Energy cups flour teaspoon baking powder teaspoon salt V4 cup shonenin 15 teaspoon papr ka V2 teaspoon savory tablespoons or more chopped pmley cup milk tables cons flour bucf oulllon cubes dissolved In 21 cups boiling water cups cubed cooked roast cups cooked vegetables peas carrots AAx KITCHEN GOSSIP lulu Mnmurlm or hullrr Hal human nlmlu Tvlll ulmlu Inr flu day Hmp Tnme Emu ulnd Frcnth DruInn Mr hm Mn bun Mn ma lhln up Mimi Imzrn uqnnh cup Acorn unnhnullnri Hmlwl lomnla wllh lnunmn them By EILEEN DIXON Illu Drnllzd him Illcr llrlm of In Rye llrrnd Mr Allm Mn Allan Mnyonnnm up Mustard Largo nmlu Hot In or calm illnrlrl Iman Nlkup Inn gt Inklm mllk or Inn Von mllrt limiled III III MHshmom Inucm Im Mr Mn Fruit Juice 1m 55 53 Son Cooked Mr 9qu 160 Mn In no 701131 thin ï¬lm 100100 ml maul mnrmnlndn Calm clur Cmrlu Lunthron Swly cheese at nuurrmklk Juan garrlck Jain 3mm PERMANENTS Slim Down or me Did IOMOMWWJ DIET Mule Tum OIIN NINE mm uin All hr Th nuuon mow ms 0M 473 I70 mm M5 106 106 Mn W7 QWme BROCGOLI Gun II 0M CALIFORNIA MILD AND IHVOUIIULI FRESH CANTALOUPII CARROT GAIDIN mm 0M CALIIOINIAI WNO ILINDIII dlllNTON ml tunlam 0M SUNNY MIXICOI Nb GMDII TAIIY WONIL mmwwm FRESH STRAWBERRIES PLUM WSCIOU IIAUTIII 0M CALIIOINIAI l0 Illlll Blended Shrimp Bils LITTLE PIG PORK SAUSAGEM Pork Bull Roasts 43 32 SHCIALI mm mm sma 5mm am 49 Chopped Beet STEHKETTES FRESH FROZIN FISHPAN READY mmu Chaise Haddock Fillets HERShoulder Roasts 33 IAU FLYING JII SPECIAL LIAN IGIiiiW ilSSIIE 41 SPICIAU Anoml Green Giunl FANCY PEAS ownsao IPICIALI BLUE CHEER $1385 SPICIALI Cmm 5le LIBBYS FANCY coma 3343 SPICIALI LOILAWI SMALL LINK SPICIAU Sll COUPON IXTRA STAMM SPECIAL LIAN SHCIAH Colauul WM Sun SOCKEYE SALMON THESE ARE THE MATCHING CHAIRS FOR THE BAMSONITE FOLDING TABLE WHICH IS STILL AVAILABLE AT 35 EACH WITH CASH REGISTER TAPES TOTALING 500 NYLONS swag1 69c 79 WMIW SPECIAL Baluly sheer SPECIAL Bovmlln Fancy mu Flaming Snnlou New AI In Full 6qu Sclullon Sllll AvaHublI ROSE BUSH ASSORTED SHRIJBI PLANT Now ran mumuu SUMMIR GAiblm In cun um um mm hran war vuum All AIDIIV II WONDIIFUL WIIIIID lIAII JONN mnsmws Corny BETTER GARDENING MVIIID AI CllMIlll TINY VAIIIYIIS TOP QUALIYV 0N IACH With thnel Totaling 500 Wnrth uh mum Tm You Get Elmpl Ton 79301 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