ï¬Ã©cfibn ï¬nd Iashion Conducted By Painswick WI was pumm EXAMINER wabxésnfl EMNSWICK Special The annual meetluu ni Pulnswiclr Womens institute was held in Palnswiclr Public School 111a honorary president Mrs Smith opened the meeting Mrs Lcnuox conducted election and installation at olllcers or 1963 They are honorary prcslo dent Mrs Smith president Mrs Stark vico prcsldent Mrs Tyndale sccretary Mrs Knowles treasurer Mrs Carlson district director Mrs Smith and altemnte district director Mrs Slarlr branch direcors Mrs Wllls Mrs Thomson and Mrs Carr his torlcal research and current events Mrs Wehb Mrs Oshume citizenship and edu catlan Mrs Wamicu Mrs Duhols agriculture and Canad isn induslrles Mrs Paddison Mrs Waruica home econo mics and health hlrs Boyd Mrs Luhlm public relations Mrs Lloyd Mrs ll Lilli crap resolutions Mrs Gaod¢ lellow and Mrs Dait Leunnx There was discussion on cours es suggested by the home cco nomlc brands Block prluglng was voted as ilrst choice and More about Finishes second choice The treasurer Mrs Carlson will attend the oiilcers coalerence in Guelph Tho sus estion that group attcnd one siternoon session was discussed ANGUS Special TM April meeting of the Angus Unl led Church Women was heid the home Mrs Ray Lallmer Bull call was answered by 15 members and Hyp vlsltm The May meet ng will be held week later than usual It Is scheduled for May 29 at pm In he church Guest speaker will be Mm Jory First vlcEprcsIdenl Mrs Eric Joker led In prayer The burdl Prnyer was mpealgd In up Committee rcporls an Accretaryu and treasurer re pails vygre given Mrs Latimer Hostess To UCW Adult Eulerlnlnmenl Ind THE RAVEN 700 Ind 1000 EEOAH 930 pm wEb JiHUIstI ékl DRIVEIN THEATRE 0nlÂ¥ Burt lanczisterahd Judy Garland cou dtoll this untold storyand make your heart tell It over and over again TODAY THURS FRI SAT STANLEY DRAMER mum BURT mucustm mnv uméuu Lllue Randy Can My HURONIA INN an flash Yaw flash Would You Horll ClmoHvlodfllm Or WOW You fum Your Back MRIn IN AID OF RETARDED WORKSHOP BUILDING FUND KEMPENFELT KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE PRESENTS FHIST ï¬lImV MAR 700 IM TONIGHT THURSDAY ï¬House T5M0Rkow Fiï¬ Ar DIRK BDGARDE KENNEIM MORE DDNALD SINDEN DONALD HOUSWN Color Am hnk Omnluuon hexznulmn 2nd Comedy II Flu MIGHTY URSUS TONIGHT ONLY GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN RECEIVE IN BONUS TAPES WITH SCOTTIES Whlh Plnk Ylllow Lllu Economy Pnk RECEIVE M00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH SALADA TEA BAGS pkg 60 COFFEE RECEIVE 00 IN BONUS TAPES WIT FANEY WHIIE TUNA Clovcr Lu mlld pick EIGï¬CEREALS 29° STRAWBERRY CHEERIOS WHEATIES TWINKLES MAXWELL HOUSE HEINZ COFFEE KEICHIIP ZealM43c IGA JAM IWllTR IIIEMIUM NHL on READY TO MVP TAIILEMTI SMOKED PICNIC SHOUlDERS WIENERS KlEENEXWZW ox Iln EXTRA AT THESE MARKETS ONLY mm 75 COUPON OFF NEXT PURCHASE OF BREAD TofAL MONARCH WHIP Vanilla 9V2 ox flu RECEIVE mm noNua TAPES Wllll FLUFFO 1c of pkg CHIPSTEAKS Polar Klng Froun Lox pkg TOMATOES NO 0nd 1401 COOKED MEATS TbInRIn Illnd 642 pkg GA Sunny Morn WITH ADDED M02 PECTIN JAR s2200 13 56c lLfl BAG MI III III BONUS TAPES 110eran BLUEBERRY PIE FANCY CORN FANCY PEAS MIXED VEGETABLES PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 10 ll WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES LINN FROZEN SO GOOD SO MANY WAYS CALIFORNIA NO GRADE GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS NEW WIIITE lmduce of USA No undo POTATOES 39 STRAWBERRIES CHOCOLATES lnA LADY IIIJII MARKET SO IGA FOODLINER CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER YOUNGS IGA MARKET AT THESE MARKETS ONLY but WORILIY MULCASTIR 79c moun ammo CHEESE SPREAD INGERSOLI ll ESSA ROAD PINT BOXES 229 Millbin Thum Flt Ell ï¬lth Millbin lrodnte Mulco No am DELICIOUS Jumbo Sln ANTALOUPE 29 1m hr 00 55° 49 00