Would Appear Communists rMade Substantial Inroads Some very interesting ï¬gures respect ing the relative strength of the Com munist Party in Canada and the United States have come to light recently According to Jack Levine former FBI agent the Communist Party in the United States boasts about 8500 mem bers Estimations oi party strength in Canada vary According to the RCMP there are 4500 admitted Communists in the eounlryV Ranking party officials however are reliably reported to have placed the actual membership figure closer in the 6000 mark WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner May 1918 Ap peals from men in category it under Canada lililltnry Service Act heard at rate oi 50 daily or three days this week Large meeting in Oro Town ship Hall at Mitchell Square to protest cancellation military exemption to bona iide farmers ago 2023 ii Ball It Hell and Hove Nell Campbell nam ed to represent Oro in delegation from Ontario to interview Dominion Govern ment May 14 at Ottawa Lt ill lL Muberly missing since March 25 re ported well and prisoner oi war at Karlsruhe Germany according to cable from Red Cross at Geneva Swillerland Major Harry Ciliton ordered to re ort in England lliny 27 ilL Frank laxton third son oi Mr and ltirn llaxlon oi ilarrie injured in plane no cident hlemorinl service for He John Muir killed last October In France held in Anton iiiills Methodist Church ilarrles population 0422 accord ton to 1018 assessorn iigures as com pnred with Milli in 1917 Total assess ment $4220322 lienry irnll Con BRITAIN TAKING L055 51 Thomas Journal The IIrltlsh molar Industry has had 20 makes 01 nulmnnhllu on exhlbllkm In Hm Spnrlsnwnn Show In lorunlo nml II lnkts hr npporlunlly In Ilrno mh ndinns Io buy morn llrllIsh prmhr Aunuulnn rna um Invl lav My mun luMnl Iumy unuam umI mun nun numvn am humanmum mm nun lllll mun mm pm run In Iullr my Ir min In nunm mullM mu mu mm 11 Ind IIIII Nlfltfllnk mm Ihn Mm mm mm Al In LRllllllnl Cm rm mum um IYII II fir fr In mo Mumth hnl willboll mull The Barrie Examiner Wllll Publisher Earth Examinrr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publishéd by Canadian Newspaper Umltéd 10 Hayfield Street Bpme Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE busher Brian 51mm General Manner WEDNESDAY MAY 494 MAY FLOWERS isnt very tlatterin for Canada Con siderlng that ratio of 104M is the customary yardstick or USCanadian comparisons it the Canadian Commun ist Party were proportionately the same size as its US counterpart it would number but 850 members 0r putting it another way the us comrades would have to attain following at 35000 in order to be as relatively well represent ed as are the Communists in Canada Either way one looks hi it theres no denying that the Communists have made substantial inroads here Vespra met with $5000 loss Sunday night when barn and contents destroy ed by fire Canada Food Board an nounced additional restrictions on hoiel ings and use of flour to prevent honrd ing and reduce wheat consumption Hogs brought $1875 to $19 and cattle $012 ewt on Dariro stockyard when 140 hogs and 50 cattle were shipped to To ronto At Union Stockyar Toronto yesterday load of 20 steere sold for $1112 ewt record for full load Bar rie post ottlee revenue tor 1017 was $25050 Allandalo post otiico $5043 Root and interior ot Simcoe Brewery building out of Mary Street burned last night Number of otters receiv ed by town council tor culling wood in Algonquin Park lrlnity Sunday School workers have their gardens plow ed and divided into 40 plots that nutri her of pupils having volunteered to help food production in this way County Engineer Freeman Campbell reports roads quite up to average for spring sen non Two little daughters ot lilrr Wilson Lottnl Street died early Monday mornan within few hours of each other kinds pplonly can but manulnclurcn of all HrIlIsh mnnulnclurcrn oln in Incl wrll knnwn to everybody Innmln that luklng he p15 year an ml example our lrntlc vllh Ilrllnln unve Tnnmln Invar nllu balance $34H000000 lllnl lrmlc Imlnnrc Involvnl hundreds Ihrmnnmlu job or innmllnn work nwn lhoy nlnn tlnhn it In just rcalmmhln In lmpml llrlllsh rarn an banmm or or nnucn lmnuso oqulvnlnnl Ipurls rcun only and sprclallsl can me not made In Canada The more counlry scllx nhruml Hm more Job and prunpcrily can provhlc or In LUHIIK lrmle LI lwowny mm any Um llrllinh tar rmluccrn nnd Cmmlnl lnvurnbln mm cuuld he llml lo buy nmrc goods In Um Unlkd Klnudnm lllun mnahllng Ilrllaln In buy more gomlu In Cnnmln That almplo economlcn rlllnh mnurnrlurcru ml hey no pcnnllml nr Canmlan drflcllt wlh nlhcr wunmcl capeulllly wlth he Un lled blllu hlchcvcr the easy the comparison LONDON No lean cxprmlnm of public on nlon ln dim very clearly 3mm bud at or Chgncellor ol lhl Ex chequer Maudung hu hld nmnz mm to the people Erluln Both or then shown In publlc oplnlon polll taken by me Dilly Expren The Hut poll was In nlerencn la the budlel llxell Alked wha lher they thought In budget wu cod one or bld ant 59 per cent of than questioned thought WI mod and only 15 per cent that Wu bud wth 20 per cent undecided minor breakdown lnlu poliucul Illunmulu or lhosa who voed even more ntrlklnl the Camerullvu 81V null uld WI Hood bu per cent bud budget and 15 pe mt wm undecided REPORT FROM ILK per mt were undecided Labor my supporter 41 per cent It wan load hudzzl 26V per cent hid hudxel but 3W per cent were noncommu Isl DI the Mural vole 59 per cent considered It good bndw and ms per an ahnd budget with 26 per cent un decided Thu ram all hreu palllical parties there came nub nanllul appravnl Ike budget from those who had mlds up lhelr minds EWING MMACMlLLAN Even more strlklna Is the re lult of the latest DIlly Express poll an whether lhe public wnl lallslled or dhsaUSlled with Mr Macmillan as Prime Mlnlsler He has Jumped up several palm ln publlc favor and ll xan can that lhls lwlng lo Mncmll lnn colncldesywllh the Introduc tion of the budget those who give their nplnlans 44 per cent were mlslled with Mr Macmll lnn In the prevluus poll on lhlq quesllon taken exactly manlh an the ï¬gure was all prr cm In he current poll mi per cent were dlsullslied wllh him compared with 50 per rent nwnlh age The sum plclure emerges In reply lo the quellan 01 whether or not hm nulmd were nulls lled or diuallsllcdwllh ll gav ernmcnll conduct of allalrr In lhe current poll ll per cent de clnred they wcra Iallsï¬rd cam parnd wllh 33 par cent month ago 0n the other hand In per cent were dlssallsllrd mmpared wllh 56 per cent In the prevloug monl poll By McINTYRE HOOD Conserva re claim In he wtll pleased with thin be xlnnlnz mm hick cl pub llc uplnlon In nvorml the gov ernmanl and the prlme mlnlsler They prcdlct confluequ that Ihis swing will hamcm pace mewgencllu of lhe mint and other lovmnmenl policies hccoma morn apparent LABOR IN DILEMMA iThu lnBorrï¬nrity is inch dllemml on two dlflerenl count ha budget and an lho Dr Beecth proposals or rallwny retorganlznllon It wn very no llccahlu In the dehnle In the House olCommmu that Iha Labor oppcslllon hld bun left waclully short ol vulnerable point at allack ln lhe hudxct nmlr mnln crlllclsm wtu Illa ll Itpresenled tlcvtrly lhouzhloul plot clnctlun tmlegyl They reamed mm cllcd lo lhu act that lhcy would me rather lhln llma In trylng make pollllcul cap lLII out an Iltnck on tho bud gel Inc The budncl In Ind had hm hm Ikilfully composed pollllcnl Iy lo after much mm or lhu unvernmml Mr Mnudllnxl mn tculnns It In obvlous Mn nlm ed Almost tnllrcly ohlccflvu whlch Du Labor MP up rnvn Thelr areal fur II that may bring about mlvnl Tory popularllr In Ihe country and lhm ll Illlu lhry un do provmg lhlll ll ll nlnobellund llul II Labor oppollllon hnl Ihmdoned lho ldzn ol dlrtclllll In mm on In znvtrnmtnl on lhn dc Inllui bush the Dr ntcchln reporl Ill lender well wnro lhll It would hn ulremtly dllllcnll lo mnkn out convin clnl cu nlml lh econumlc lmpllullu at llmhln prapoull nley In also an Ihnl an Illck upon Dr leech Ing would lnuvllnlyly Invole lllcm ln Inc uhllc mlnd In unlon demand for lndmulll Icllan In In arm rnllway Ilrlh hwnhu In palm to lhl wlldom ol IUUI lnlcflnn an the pm HI modcmlullou nl lumporl II In rluy Kln Cnnull to In lhln lnavllnhlc Dunne II In llh Illlklnz anlnu lho nh renlury It may tlelny but novrr pman prom ol hllnllnl lmluln up In no And can nnlr do hlrm lo 1h nulIm Hm ulnyu and lhn nvuullm ol ouunlml Ivor Budggt HasAppeal To Average Briton MAV VOTING CMUIAI Immlnl up In In Immedlnlo lulu no Ihc munklgul doc llnm Hlmnthll llrllaln mm lluu no rumluclnl on wrrly rflmul hull Hwy pvnanl nlvly Imer in mth uplnlml 11er wlll ontoII In vmuhly 55m lull nu mum Irlnnl mundll In In In we run lhc Labor plrly hu mnlm nubllmlln MM lhm municipal mmll lml Ilw LII uh hm had Ill unnrnulnmrd mum to lumu TM yeara elmlnn IHI uhnw mum lth ml ullml In Commum ll Illll Ilml The Labor warty ll prtpnrlnl crash program in over 5000 real In the hope havan record number or nandldale el ected They will concentrate thelr bl gun on housing edu callon and abova all lhe local ntes They will he calllng or new moneyralslnz system to replica the rates levied on our party Thu goal ol Transport Home tho Lnbor plrty hud unrterl Is to glln nuts It an expeme of tho othar plrllel ILnsl year they land net gnln II 00 um and they thlnk thlt thlnu look even better or them thll yelr saws mm The Liberals too no gain Ill out to Incmsrlhelr alum of the new They have ovar 2500 candidates in the ï¬eld lhl lanes numhtr ever In recent yam And othzlr hope they they will miner min In the neighborhood 500 mu Thh do not seem very en cournginx or lhe Conservarlves They are much more cautious than lhe other two parties but thls does no mean that they nre rlllinu luck And doing na lhInz They will be In lhuru lrhtlnz Iar evory pashlereat hut Ibnul the moat they can hope In do ho Keep their loss es down to minimum The sent being voted on thin year were Ins contested hm years an wh9n Iha Conurvnllycs registered huxemnsavu bar 11 cannot nvcrlook xsihflii hat these gnlni will 03 hen Lye vaunu lakes plead ln lh urly pairirél May By JOSEPH MOLNER Del Dr Mninux Where can ï¬nd die or diverticulitis GSC Dur Dacth What causes divcnlculml and dlverllculfllll What Are the dlflerencu and he mnuequenm suflcrer doesnt Idhrre to clrcful dIen Can ellhu lead la cancer Slrnlnlng cansllpnddn Ind probMy minor weak 12cher 91a muslinl wnll appear Io be ho principal causesunruly 1n ha colon or elsewhere an out pouchlnz davelow Thlll di vanlculum Dlvcfllculosh mean yau hive divenlculum TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Dlvcrtlculllh menus that hl1 pouchcd pluce has become in flnmcd and lrrllllcd No lI not renrded had lna to cancer Indeed In our man Idvanced yam many quarter lhlrd us may have dlvcrtlculosl Ind not even knew IL Infection Is Risk If Ears Are Pierced PRINCE OF WALES ALLDAY OAKLIY PARK ALL DAY Mondnx MIX 13 Numl will on hind ham Simon County Huhh Uni KINDERGARTEN CLASSES BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS To In ollglblo or Iho abov year pupil mm flvo yam old Proof of lg of ud child must be lumllhad flu uhool In Iho hum oi blvll or luplllmll corviflem bulou flu thud will Idmlllnd to flu elm In Soplnmbnr ATTENTION PARENTS ENROLMENT or La he will rm THE YEAR 5m was to Jun 1964 Will Take Place In HOURS 930 1130 am 200 300 pm He will Iwnllow up dmh In vlctom Ind tho bard God will wine by unmm on humlulu Jesus Christ the triumphant one In um hour of death and than in cnmlnz day when avcn the tear we Ihed mu be wiped away by Him OHAWA CPJA Id In 1lrucllonx and malerla or tour nlzhl course in boating My 13 being allered to bomb In clubs free charge all season by the Natlnnal Salem League olCanada The dmIlyourlell courle In clude four minute lectures mples of Du lrlnaport depart ments Satety Afloat booklet for attendtnu thu clans record Ibeet tor the instructor and our test paper based on each lecture BIBLE THOUGHT Boating Course Is Free Charge Coldn1 posters are loLadvance prgmpllpn Thu course Include mhieclq Inch licensing navigation aids scuba diving waur Ikiing upecial notes inr ï¬shermen maximum load and horsepower Ilandards and icdurui lawn on water iraiiic K11 am available In any or Ianized group mm the Nallonll Salely League 30 The Drive my Omwa ransporl department hnx levlewcd approved the course whlch was prepared by Ilu league and belng llnunced by the Alllzd Bunting Assacla lun ol Canada the orgnnlnlmn for boal Ind molor manulaclur KEEP TRADITION In nI Ruynl Agricul tural Show has been held annu ally lines 1348 it when one oi these area becomes lniccicd and under continued irritation that It may be minus so it pays to under and ii and in keep it mm reaching such IlBEE It does not require fussy dlel but call for rcnsonahla avoidance relatively Imnll number loadsseedy lrullL null corn Ind bran product becauso they are Just about Ill Kluge aqd lhus lrrfuu In ensler remcm Ihlnzl to avoid because Ihey Are relnllvely law In number Except for them eat what you want And cook yqq please Dm Dr Molnar My em no dnuzhter want her em pierced How dangerous thl lhg lhllluu 01 in Infection 11 ucnlmly he whole flak espcclally alnce the arm they are present my be pushed deep Into the lluues ana your doctor do IL He will use ule Ilerllolnslrumcnlx técuom misir Tuudlx MIX STEEL STREET ALL DAY BY DEC 31 I963 Included OTTAWA DyerNon World MArkels the uovemmenl ro grnmh sell more can In good In more lorelln mm In been launched hm with smooth lucceu beyond expat ullonl Thu unharmed lubrlnllon which hemmed this moth um um tndn onlclll WI the amputation nearly no lurelln executive Ind 150 trade conunlulonm 1mm counlrlu around the mflq 001 001 pm by um Irnde departmcnt was om 3250000 The responsibility for thin enurmous exercise wu III muted by the trade deput ment to our steiwwned lmw Cnnndu Air Line which nuldied ail roulinl Ind ticket iim and mm the ringworm inn OTTAWA REPORT Many ol our vidlon cum Clnldl on Ipnclll drum 1th JCA Ilrcnfl No huge DCI loulnm new lrom Europe another from Chlcun Viscount nlrllnen brought Americans lrom Washington Boslon and Detroit Vinsond brouxht LatinAmerican and West Indium Vllllnn lrom more distant polnu came ll poxslbln on NA rexuhr flights or were flown by connecth lines lo joln the chmer mm The commieled movnmenl went on without 10 of lime or even blunle mm were In hllchc so llv did not get into headlines Nothlnl worse Hun Iwn umbrella temporlrhy mls lnId while the bunn record wls In lnsunnca campanyl dream TIME max One trade 0mm told me thet after 25000 mile dur ler lllght the trnvellen were delayed leu by unpunctnll hlghu thnn by the dunnerbun nmnng them pausinx to Imp or be snapped with the Merlot mated Mounties IV the not of the ramp at tho Ilrport How does In alrllna hmdla apecinl light Very Impor tant Persons who mun be de livered lhelr dcsllmuon well ruled wall giggldhfl oodwlh mwrdfmiik 11E PATRICK NlmDIflON TCK Gets Bouquet Fox Flying VIPs Wadnuchx MIX 15 JOHNSON STREET PM ONLY CODRINOTON ALL DAY KING EDWARD ALL DAY KINSMEN ODD FELLOWS HALL Thurs May 98 pm HELP KIN BINGO no GAMES SHARI wmm GAMES JACKPOTï¬nOm Ilzwcihwlhlon P3159 Enry Thursday Night II Klnlmon Bingo Night Thu mlnlements or thesa pllneload oi rich buyarrwern meticulously detailed down to ma unitecube Extra Ice in boarded guilt bus to assist Iiewnr puck champagne in ice or more npld chilling laid the lpeciu NA ordeal BOURMET F000 PROBLEMS Nell1y 1000 VIP rum Ionian counlries represented vnried pltlernl oi national habit and minions pumice so dietary law Ind customs had to be respected Alcohol bulk and Inimal ml must not be used in the preplrnllon or this menu prey uIbed one NA order Speck unmet meals ruulnrly provided or ï¬rst class passengers on TCA fllxhu were nrvad on all charter mum Experlenccd travellers agree th some or the monk sumpt uou mus meals In thu world lll now served seven mllcs Ibovo the Atlgnuq pceagkand the worn enloyed by visitors Down lhls dlnner menu make your moulh water Lobster cvcktall lilch ml nnn with mushrooms trench pm clullnnwer and Anna po tntou men salad with Rocquelort dressing harlottu Iu ktmh sorted cheeso Ichmo to he precut Into In dtvtdunl portions to mlst xer vtce tn fllxht fresh lrult Cocktllll or solt drlnk betara dlnncr served wlth canopc tno ham butter or red meat Moct and Chandon champagne served with dlnnur then cognac and llquwrx TCAI pllnnlnu the com plicated emenu wu mnznlilcem beamed trade department ofï¬cial and It all worked out wondtrlully to man our vllllm happy Thelr happy tourlsl uplril throughout the arduous min conluencu and visit was typiï¬ed by one Pakistan Ha Arrived In grey aslrnkhan lur wed hit but soon mapped It Inr an endurlnu whlla ten gul lon hat Thus Opelluau World Mar ken pinned not only Buy Cann dlln but 1150 Fly Canadlnn Thumhx MIX 16 HILLCREST ALL DAY BARRIE PUfllIC SCHOOL BOARD HELP KIDDIES