Brief Collégidte Youths rcers Day at North Colle ale was heh yesterday uncr noon In two sessiuns Over750 student heard 28 speakers on various prolesslans mm the flashy unllorm the RCMP to the eyenppenllng Mk an nlrllnc sluwnrdess ln no se the nexus he iwuen the prnlcssion and ii client on everyday living was explained as thoroughly us poss lble Whnt opporiunitics exist in which lields whai rclnicd works apply in varied basic oc bupaiions and recruiting pm grams involved were discussed briefly SPEAKERS Amnng ihu guest speakers Aime lil Hnipenny at llld liursi Reloreslry Sialion Dr William Thompson clcrlmul an Dr Patrick llnuslon psychL nirisi Oniarlo Hospital in Penelnng and Miss l4 liHKin non R0 Vliorla Ilosplllii Each speaker had sumale classroom and about 20 mInA nulcs Io dcllvcr as mudl as possible on hls or her pnrllcu lnr subject and the rcmnlndcr me mmmule period was dry Vpcd toAqucsuons and unswan 11m susluns were sponsored by the Barrie Kiwanis Club under the chulmmshlp Boblcr Mr noblcr was also one of the guest speakers He spnko JVPWFtTV and 21 men spoke on ihe general aspects oi ihelr respectivo professions Iouchcd lighin on the scope of the work involved and Wm into description or the needed quali iicntlons CAREERS DAY Mr llgipcnny Epokaqnboul Keeping lhnlr eya on the ball Grade 12 fludcnll Burrle erlh Collcglnlu pre paro to Apcompanlcd by lhtll leather nnd volun lnry lmlrudou um elm pnld morning vlnil lo Una drlvlnz rnnnu an Sunnldnlu mmL ml to rlghl Snrnh Held mrurlor Ar Powell Shnmn Dnvlu lnxruclrcu Mu Grnco Ouch Cnml Maw nrl Mu lam Wnlltoll Tracker Mu Ilufll Hdwnnh and Mn George Dnngvrlleld ASSOCIATIONWING Na 44 BARRIE ANNOUMRI THAT Tlll All AGAIN MUNHOIUNU MHINIIIITION CAMPAIGN FOII IIIE IUlllOM 0P UlltllMlNfl NICK00M EQUIPMENT 1th Irvllplnrnl wll mum at whulrhl Inlluv unlrbu Ind Inlmnnnro ml III In IIM In IMPnl Fur HMUIE mlr MAHAIINE mum new MRI wlll lulu lur Ihvr lhln mmmmfly mum ml NIIdtnl mm In Mmr lluldlnll an upon numm munI In the pn untnllnl mm lawman cllrml om In mm Inllupuuntlllni my Imullhnflml DUMM DONATIONS ARE NOT TO BE SOLICITED OR ACCEPTED SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE Ilnlrlu WINr KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL 1e nld pmfesslonal reforest or an empluyed In rcsponslble posluuna Inrgovernment service and the turns industrics well as In lho aducnllonnl Md the pmtesslonnl 0mm tho manager of our renewable lbspurcesi Giving an nucuunc oi the for est managers job he said The protection and relcncra Ion oi our inresu is everyonoa business in businessman the camper lourisi urban nnd ru rni citizen can help reach these objectives Mr llalpunny explained Ihc hlslary or nrestry service and said Rapid progress was made nflu the cstabflshmenl for estry schools in WV NURSING Mlss McKlnnon sald People previously dldnl rcallze that the need or educallon ln nurs lng ls hunvy There ls more challenge ln Ihn ward and lhc challenge of nurslng llscll re quhc ndlqc lon snd Our nwn program and nhlcr programs are ï¬re reasons why It Is necessary have education In nursing Many schools she uddcd now require Grade 13 low years ago people use Ku say cnnt mnkn prolesslon then Ill no Into nursing It Isnt Ill go Into nunsing It Isnt done that wny any more VETERINARY Dr lhompson explained lhak velorlnnrlnn wns person who completed prescribed course of cdncallon In unl verslly nnd who Is licensed la pmch veILrlnary mediclnn He snld the vckcrlnnry student studies animal husbandry and tho haslc biological sclenccs whulrhln howan huh Inllcdlnnroul mun Iqulpmrnl mum at mm ounly also helped with lhc roach lnu Exnmlncr Photo Hm lllmmnnd anatomy physkology embryol ogy histology microbiology pathology well mcdlcino an sur Mr nobler who spoke on or ameny and related ï¬elds snld Iha Iho schedule was planned according to requests from the Ihldenla STANDING ROOM uston went lnla his classroom than was slandA In room only and according to Nonhs principal Brydgns ivory little room left that Houston talked about psy chology psychlniry and othar Interlocking activities llalsoncd wllh studlns and medicines oi the mlnd Beinre the lecture began be sad lll iolk on cinl Mrk nvolved ln this ï¬eld but Ill generally skim the surlnce nnd outllno the slum lure of psychology and psychia Cpl Dnvc Thurston al nu OrtllIn detachment the RCMP spoke on the background tha lone and the present day re qulmments along mm the qualification and prospects of cmi by the RCMP OTHER SPEAKERS speakers nnd lholr sub ccts were Dr Colpllu pn lholngist lnbomlory and medi cal lechnlclan Mrs Rita um um Barrio Business College socrctnry slnnogmphe Thom Berke Assoclnllnn of Prolcsslonnl Engineers ol 0n arlo Toronto englnecrlng car um Jim Grecnhalgh DeVll hiss olllcc management Dr Gmge nenlan mcdlcine Bry nn Underhlll accounlunl ac munllng Vin Law principal ol Oakley Park Sdlool elementary teaching Dr Genres mm dcntlstry ii McPherson The Barrie Exnmlner Journal ism Rory ODonal Ontario Hydro public relations Salter sailor and AliLson arch lieciuro Mrs Megdonai dental nsrlstant Mrs Smlth occupational therapy Mls Km vi Brown TCA Toronto air line stewardess Roger Wels man aurvaylnx Don Jackson aoclol worker Donald mg 512 Canada Trust buSIness ad mlnlstratlon Jack Suxz Con der and Sung law Nut ier Bank oi Nova Scotla bank ing Major Gerow Canadian Army armed services Fisher Central Collegiate teach er secondary acilinz Mrnl Howard llama economics and Wlllord Gregg licensed rny technician Royal Vlotorln Hospital xrny technician Eight members 01 the Barrie Chess Club accepted an In vnallon to play chess with tho Oak Ridge Club at Penclang recently The Barrie Club toured the occupntlonal therapy department at the hnrpltnl and according to Max Morris president the club The entire vtslt proved to be Interesting The products manufactured were excellent qunllty Chess Clubbers Visit Penetang Any chess player In Invited to join the Chess Club and any chess player welcome In join lha Barrie Chas Club on future irlbs The annual mecllng and ban quet of the Slmcoe No Coun cil ol the International Reading Auoclnilun wlll he held at Trim fly Parlxh Hull Barrie May The guest Ipunkcr will be IL Healy superintendent Professiaml Devela men In he Ontario Drpurlmenf Educa tion and an honorary prcsldcnt Slmcoo Nor Canal Hi3 Iaplc wlll be Readinl in the ho Content Suhkcu Reading Assoc Planning Banquet Mn llcnly has hem muster at Hamlunn Teuchen College Inspector elementary schools and prlnclpnl cl Landon Teach era College The prcsldenl Simon No Council Glenn reputed that In years program conlrcd nrnund rnmcdlnl rcndlnx Thu new methods and techniques do velapod In aid has student who havu allcn beth men conlamporariuln lthr nplllude spend and comprehension In rendlnz haw been mud and nnnlyzcd The Bairlc Barbershop 51H at will Illcnd he meeting and hnnquct Tlckcu may be ob lnlncd mm Mr Glenn at W19 The Burro new will hold Lhclr momth business mccllnl lmnomw nlnht 71 High St The muln 11cm or discusslan will be the allOntario Jaycm conwmlon to be held In Kitch ener on May 74 25 BARRIE JAYCEES Nearly 300 chlldren And adulu will partlclpale in the YWCAs fourth annual gym dls play beginning at 630 pm Snlurday In North Collcilake auditorium OVER 150 STUDENTS at Barrie North Colleglme had an opportunity torihear 11 Russ Davey executive direc or the wild We have or beuer than ever response In this ynars gym display since his is the Mg campalgn year for 1L own buildings and IncHlHes Dave Key Ilonul lnsh schools out the blgdny Mg 9th sald the live uym centre In Barrie wlll particl pnle Saturday morning and one group cnmlng from Hillsdnlo lo Eu or dlsglay Two junior leadm groups am far bays and one or glris staricd this year TM in or use 13 to is and bridges the gap between he childrens gym comm and the adult program beside providing lander for tha prngrfxrn Tho gxr junlar leader is run by Mm UrsuIn Hochncr and the boys by Dave Knyha on Tuesday evenings 630 lo 730 PBOVEN Mullin 300 Will Participate In Annual Gym Show rcstr etc to people prnvcn gymnastic ability and OTTAWA Special An Al llslun firm Baxter Labornlurles Canada has been awarded contract by the Department of Defence Producllon was an nounced hero lodny by on Drury mlnisler Menu prgdueuan con rncl In the amount $13721 or medical mp 35 It Is one 01 213 unclnuifltd defence conlmcl or 310000 or mom awarded by lho depen ment duran the ï¬rst hal April Total value the con um 355 Smiths Dairy Gets Contract mm Mm Incl the 11 of mmrnclu wnl one Dr 870551 In Smllhs Fflm Dnlry manic Hut or Iuyply dairy products Keyhu physical educa lnsruclor or publlc outlined acuvlues or leudershlp potential they dont maka the grade they g9 back or blt more background In the regular xymn prgmam Mr Keyho sald speakers on Career Day yes ggrday n1 boy Wig ngrnm hem be display ed Include simple circle gam es Caribbean dancing volley ball precklon cullsthenlcx hoop rhythms rhylhmlcs agll fly and vaulting dancing judo and trampoline qu flesson was the only mm In The boys leader5 group will put on short display nl stream vaulllng upcclnlly of Dnnlsh symnnsllcs ML Keyho says may perform vault over the box la ugh stream only in the separnling each performer from the one In from of him ll demands ma preclsiun ln Ilmlnz good gymnnstlc lonn and great deal personal courng The glrls lenders wlll show owr aspects of gymnusllcs In dlng pommcl hare Irnmpollno and mnt wmjk Thé llnnle slmplc Danlsh lnlk dance perlormed by all the chlldrcn and all he leaders During the evenlng varlaus awards will be presented Mr Keyho said An In prev lnus displays Ihe accent L1 an mnxlmum partlclpallon ra lher mm on the selected cw best performers In an won in provide better continuity Iwa or more display Hum will ba Inklng part at the name mm on lhe Kym floor Ha mid the program has been put on with considerable slrlclianx in the faculties prcs cnlly milable tn lha PERMANENTS $li99 Jgflhflgréeafti Mk For 11m BUDGET SALON PHONE PA H661 38 MAI Ania OPEN EVENING TANK RENTAL ONLY BAYFIELD SWEET EEAE RATE ELEcnuc WATER HEATER BARRIE PUBlIC UTILITIES OMMISSION GUARANTEED ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH classroom olover 30 girls hey were llsicï¬lnï¬ tn Miss Mavis Brown TCA steward We are extremely xrulelul to have the use of the public schoul gymnasts on Saturday morning Without this cooper atlon even the prucnt restrict ed program would have been Impossible he uld Fhere M11 also he demon slrallun chlldrenl judo TIME LIMIT Mr Keyhn suld We would llke to show more adult pm grams but me doesnt per mit so we shall conï¬ne it to chlldren programs except or adult weight lining and judo The adult ludork ha Barrie Juda Club and the Hills dale Judo Club Display in the hall elude made aIrplnnLy cars nrchqry ch cralis Mr Keyho said In the future when may have their mm bund lng they hope In be able to shnw mens vnllaybnll and Ind cs vullgyballfnd haw man and womun keep ï¬L Simme County scholarshlp ex nmlnnunns or Grade VIII pn p11 will he wrlnen In Iho County Adminmmllun Bulldlng May 18 at 1130 am it was announced yesterdny Tho publlc school board olrlm aald nlmul no puplls wlll bu wrll lng Ihe cxnma whlch nm unpar vlsed by school lnspcctou Pupils Write For Scholarships Paperhahging flnallly Vorkmanlhlp GunMud lays in the hall will In nude 5111115anI molar archery the hand smocklng mullnery and Llyg am Elmrlully PAINTING Johnstone so mm 51 PA 687 Ind ess who Was brought to Bar rle by the Johnson Tra vel Service He said ht wanted to be slewani 031 Flva cases of hnvlng llquor In place other than rush dence were heard before Mn litrate Gordan Foster 1n Ba Maglstrnlel Court yesterday Robert Albert Joseph Bouchard Pecklom Amem and Butchnrd pleaded guilty to the charzel and entered no delence They were IIIch and had their homes conflscatca nmlner Phmm Five Convicted 0n Liquor Charges compden and conscien tious police oflicer whose sud don passing ls distinct mm In all of us was mmembered Mom nxesdnys slltlng of Mn lslrnles Court In Barrle Magistrate Remembers Cpl Kellogg Maglsknte Foster said um Aflhqr AsllnA Kellogg rpa appeared In lhIs court or al mos 15 yeam Thu uymplthy ha court was extended to Cpl Kelloggs lnmlly Ha ulnl 61 FOR OTHER on MOTHERS DAY SUPER MILK BAR Ha Special LAKEVIEW Wnkhï¬ 81mm Announccmenl nuns Por Monlh