Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1963, p. 14

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llullnlol vlclnry cnuvlnl with Hodmlrru Intent ml Hm mm lfi mum In runl llw Nnrflvrm mvllrmlcrl J01 Hick lulled lwlrv on homo mm and Ella Chum and Jim Unblo ur ncruunlnl 0r um rmmll rip each Ilek nkIulll wrnl nll um my lot 10 lllwm la cum yfllCKIMI hlrln II Ihu Ilrmglh Frank In Immrr nml nlnxlc and lllrhmuml Illll ipml locku lrru MIFRMIM wnnlnz nlrmk Ivy klrnllnu Hm Had win no PU HISONH AHEAD Kublszyn der In lhrre Al mnln mm with lwo Llnuhlr and Wu nlnulrn Turmlny nlghl lo lml mrkun In dflllr ling Cuhnnlnn nml lulu lhn Soulhcrn Mdun lrml nwny rum Arknnsum Norllwrn Divltlun lrmlrr llul lnlo med four homo nun In wnl loplnu Jnckxonvllln he lrnuun xldrmllnx clmmplan Imlinn nmllx ml drum lnlu Alknnm fly and whlppmlllhc Tylvmrn Allunlna Jack Kuhmyn not only mm to km hla lmlllng nvorngc nbovu Um 400 mark but also he muklnu mm lhnl lhc Crnckrra soc lhrlr sham llw lop Mml In lhe Inlcrnn llonal Mmml Soulhrrn DM Ilap finndinun Pirates cu no at Chicago when Cuba rimmed hem 54 St Louis Cnrdlnnls alsa lost ground nl Lo Angela Dodger Iramplcd hem 1H Both are game buck of Glanls with Pirates pcmcnlage point ghead of Cards Marlena Bycnrnld nnhl handtr from the Domlnlcnn Re public slruck out nine he poslcd his louth victory for Giants It was lhc eighth vlc lory In the last nine gamesn11 on he roadtor San Frunclsco All the Glam run came 01 Milwaukee sxnrler bow Bur dclle who now has served up 12 homers In 49 lunlnzs The rampaging hubs racked up lhclr Iourlh mulch ngnlnst he lecs Lnrry Jackson the viclory hlx fourth and Built Hanks hlt hl sixth humm or Cubx No lelcs errors helped Cub In two mm In the seventh and Merrill Rnncw doubled home he clinching run In In elghlh in San Francisco Ins 5431mm are only ea in Candlestick Park his season Houslnn Coll whlppcd Cin cinnau Reds and New York MoLs do an Philadelphia Phil Giunl did their ungmcious vlsltor ugalnTuesday nlght Milwaukee as Juan Marl chnl pitched fourhitter and Felipe Alnu Ed Bailey and Jose Pagan spanked homers In 51 victory over Braves That gnve Giants an 112 oddly cnéugn he defending champions who were lnhosph gnblg an agnazlng ml clip PIRATES TRIMMED That gnve Giants an 112 mark on the mud his ycar Last season they were only 12 in their traveling sum and lhey had to win he pennant in lh playofl los Angeles to go qyer 500 Dont invih San Frmclsm Glam over for friendly base ball game Theyre liable to wrepk the place ls who were everybodys Mend an Ihe road last year have turned into lrnvcllng er rors this season result they are in first plnce In the National League today gnme avg Pillstyxfgh PlrnlLs Crackers Control Southern Divisions JIM PIERSALL Washing ton outfielder makm vim ms protest last night filler umpm Alex Salcmo tossed him out of the gums with the cleveland Indians In the first Inning Plersall struck out and Now San Francisco Giants Nobodys Friend On The Road 1AA NA Ill llrpalrn to II mnlu cm HIKE Ikhvp brimr1 NWIM STEWARTS GARAGE mummu thnn ngm lull luvrun humrr lvlplu and double Inr Illa nlnlh hll In hill 10 nun In vlclnry our Nuw Your Ynnkm Columbus look 20 lend over AllnnIn In II Iourlh Innlnz on home run by nob min and Orlando IIcInnnne Tho Crnck lIuI Ihe Imro In the IIIIII and loom Illa Imlk ol Ihclr 1L Ml Imrrnzo In lha Inrloul lelh InnInK Lola Torunlo Hut lmmnnn whn plnyul or Syrnnue Iwu yam nzo hll hll hamur In the lourlhwilh ho hum amply Jmo Quun led he nrnru wllh lunnm hamrr In Hm Inmo Innlnll hul lhu lull wcnl nhrml III Hm rllhlh lnr 1M4 lldflk had hll Imulll vmory Illri yielding clzhl ImMullnh nuIm Annala nIlnwnl only Hum hlll Ilrlklnl out nlnn ml walking mum and patlnl hlu llul lnnry ol lho mm 10 Mar Mlnnunln THE AMOCMTBD lllENS lhlrd lrnlihl victory gave up mm mm wnlkcd our and Ilmck oul one Bob Punkey slung with sore shoulder made his first shirt he year for Clncinnnll and went good Innings lhe only good new he nigh or Red Hill Henry and then Joey Jay tried to protect loud but Jay was tagged or runscorinz single by Bob Lilli and Rusty Slnub In lhe elgmh Innan for the 1055 lo Houston Jay 2M pilehcr Inst ynar nnw or Cluclnnnll Mel Jumped 1m Mnhnlley or lhrce mm in the first in ning All on homers and 1mm Al Jackson made lhcm stand up for Ms lhlrd victory Charlle Neal got an lnsldclhopnrk homer when Phllllu contra Holder Dan Demclcr ell dawn trying field III line drive and Frank lhnmm hit Wm run homer Bobby Wlnn ruined gncksonn ihuloul bld with Minn Vlil ha nlnlh Sandy Koufax came back allu twoweek absence and pitched eight sparkllng lnnlnzs for Dodgers Koulax had not worked since he sullercd muscle spasm April but he lenAhumler allowed only five hlls slruck out our and walked just one or hl lhlrd vlcloryl Anolher Dodger relurnee Tommy Dnvls who mlsscd most first three weeks of the season hi hls lrsl homer of the year Ray Washburn was the laser nflu wlnnlng llve straith tar Cards Hm he bu lhumbed Piersall wt ol games Washlnmon ma nager huckoy Vernon um HIM man AP Wkophoto wa walking the dugout but taildng lo the umplm out of the side of 11 mm Sal emu bankhed umthe mu JARRII GOVT SURPLUS DIM TIN llllllNfl TACKLE APPROVED Ll JACKET FOR 31 at urn mnflunl mmu 5H0 BALI STARS non PURKEY Its just possible 11 Frechan will make Gurlr timing the Wally Plpp Datralt Tintn Freehan 11 $100000 bonus entcher continued toglva every lndicatlnn that hes here to stay when he slammed tworun homer triple and double Detroit whlpped New York Tuesday night and drop ed the Yankees out tlrst pace 1n the Aquarium League Ha nlso gave rise la the sus plclnn that Trlandn might Ind lllmseli without job in situa tion parallel to Plppsl Plpp ll wlll ha remem bered stepped out the Yan kee llneup ono day with head sun Just cultPancho Cas taneda 139 San Jose knocked out Oscar Ortegon 135 Fresno CaliL Auoclugd Vireu Spmx Writer Pfiertb ENE Juipoinlcd Frankle Ollvera 155 New York According To Gehrigf TriandOs Out Of Job FIGHT RESULTS By Roxalin Manufacturers Of The Famous Roxatone ROXAlINS ECONOMY llNE8 POPULAR COLORS ny rmycz 11mm SEE OUR MASS DISPLAY ON OUR PARKING LOT SEMIGLOSS ENAMEL REG 647 DOWNTOWN BARRIE 0N BAYFIELd STREET Pink Beige Turquoise OffWhile Yellow Green Groy Blue Also Avulloblo In Super Whno GREAT PAINTS FT WOODEN LADDER Reg 695 NO 399 FT WOODEN LADDER Reg 795 499 STEP LADDER SPECIAL nmlmLoss ENAMEL REG 693 Freehnn 21 righthanded swinger slgnnd oll the Univer sity uf Michglgan campus started his spree with two hum an and double agnlnst Baltl mpre Sunday and followed with 2for3 performance Monday night againsttho Yanks He now In nine hm In his last 10 atbals has reached base times in his Inst 13mman antes and has 1mm his halting 590 ache unu guy nanied Lou 69351g slcqped Gehrigvirlraiicd 2130 consecu thg gqmes Freeman gal shoved Into the Tiger lineup when llrst base man Norm Cash was Injured But when Cash returned to ac lnn against lhe Yankees De lml manager Bob Schclllng figured he had to have Free man ha but somewhere So Triandns relinquished hl catch rt equlpman rec an was shelling Yankee pitching former Yan kee Bub Turley pitched max terpiece iar Lo Angela Angels allowing only three hits strik ing nut nine and walking none PER GAL YOUR CHOICE OF FINISHES PAINT REG 594 AT PRACTICAL PRICE VENUS THE QUALITY PAINT 499 In 2D decislon aver Minne sota Boston moved lnlo In place Earl Vllsnn set Baltlmore dawn on three hlu 5I Chicago Whlle Sax edged Kansas Clly 21 and Cleveland belted Wash lngmn 73 ln Innings in wlld game In which pllcher wound up plnylng he outfield or Ihe Senators Freehan figure In Inur ol the Tlgers run He Irlpled of Wm ken starter BIIl SlaIInrd In the second and scored on chk Mc Anlllfes alngle He lrll hl hnmer oII StuIIord Inlhe fourth He doubled In the seventh and eventually scored on Bubbn PhIIles ancrlllce Ily Don Mossl allowed urn only New ank run on Tom Treshl two run nInlh lnnlnz homer lurley now 13 retlrcd 12 Nlns ln order one polnl but jusl managed to beat Jlm Perry Perry acqulred from Cleveland last Thursday In trade lar Jack Krallck also permuted only three hits The Angels however needed only one ln scare their runs ln the llrr lnnlnz Leon Wagnerl sln THE FAMOUS FLOOR PORCH ENAMEL REG 698 ale drove In one run and Billy Moran came hum with the other when outfielder Bob Mll aon failed in throw home on George Thomas short Hy Tha only Baltimore nm Wllmn came in the seventh on single by Jim Gentile walk and Boo Powells double after the Red Sox had moved in Iran 50 in the top half of the Inning on Lu Clintons twmrun homer Orioles starter Rnhln Robert 10 hi Iourlh In his lxth try for victory Na John Buzhnrdt pitched and hailed White Sox in their via £017 over Ih Al dropping Knn as City nut 01 tin for int place Buxhnrdi drove in the de ciding run with seventh in ning single and allowed only live hits and run heinru lloyt Wilhelm came on in the ninth in reservethe viqlary Johnny Romanua pinchhit double with the hamloaded and Al Luplows IwMun single were the key blow us the In dians cama up wllh four runs In the 11m The Senators who had Jim Plersafl Jim King Chuck Cattle and mach George IIONE WIIIIh MINT LIGHT GREY CAIINAIION LILAC WHITE OIAL IASIEI GREEN SAIINWOOD LIGHT BEIGE AQUA JONQUIL SKY BLUE A150 AVAILABLE IN WHITE REHIHILOSS ENAMEL REG 990 CHOOSE FROM 12 EXCITING NEW COLORS HIGH GLOSS MEI REG l090 Case ejected during the game and used various other players In uumy roles wound up with pitcher Bennie Daniels playing the oquleId Jim King was ejected in the Senuiors 10th alter Sniernn called bill on the third pitch ¢o him King Iurned and said something about Saiemnt call on the prevlnns pitch Chunk Cattier and coach George Case Aiso wgre ejected UmpIre Al Salerno lhrew Piemll out of the game in the rat Ingm The game wnsivhcld up several minutes whllc manageerckey Vernon and mom the play lfll BARR EXAMINEI WEDNESDAY MAY HOB TURLEY WHITE HOUSE PAINT f1 33$ ffifl Emgfiig REG 995 FIESTA ONLY WOOLWORTHS CAN OFFER THIS FIRST QUALITY PAINT AT THIS SPECIAL PRICE CHOICE OF FINISHES er jawed wllil Saiernn Thu Senators had used all oi their players exccpl pitchers and Jim Branslad tank the third call strike In balling far King EXCITING NEW Wholesale Prices Eplldlnl TruFllle Wood 1mm Wholenls Slmcoe Caunlyl Lend Spotlan Goods Bullet 55 Dunlap PA um EQUIPMENT GARNERS WHOLESALE FLOOR PORCH ENAM EL SPORTS 99 REG 990 PER GAL

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