CLAIM FIELD Ifl U18 AW8L Louln Cardina IIM nmdny ElmIn hall fled hnn cllimld out older Jm mm on Inn Ink who mu mlumd to II Inn MM um mlmd nor nmdn ly plum Lam July Clldllllll dull iutd 91m PROVIDENCE 11 MP mm Dupnl 01 New Omnnl nuwly crownod world junlor mlddmwlrml dunmplan mu Mlan burr nl Hm 1nth by HM World Ilnllnl Anaclnllon nmdny nr lull vldory April 29 mm Drnny Munr hum Mud MK Jon Mable 81mm wrllcrwnlnhl wlm upm ml com Dull mmlly Tnny lMrmeln Im demo flulrmnn Hu all onmmlllw ulmppnl Innmar Johanna ll lwavywrlm Hummun mm mm In Illlh In lhu hmvywrlnhl dlvlnlm Inl inwlng Mu hoot wlth IItlnn Im am Enflpvyl AlllumhuJohnnuon um he huocknl down In lhn llnnl Champion Dupas Fighter Of Month Aware Ihnl he allslnr game and World Series would present supreme problems he diiier enccn were nut Milled Warren Giles oi the National Lcnzua and Joe Cronin oi the American League answered Frickn call In summit conference In nllcct the onevscmmdflop ll dead lens or this season Olllclally the top brass agreed to suggest lhnl the rules com mlllce amend the bulk rulu In elimlnulo the necesslly stop plng or at lens nnc second The rules commlmc headed by Charles SCAM secretary ol hasthull doe noLplnn la meal unlll December and he new In lcrprclullon wlll pravall at least unlll um um NEW YORK AP Bustan Commissloner Ford Prick and the lwn major league presidents amended the bulk rule Tuesday by ellmlnntlng the ouncan stop or pllcher In um Inter em of uniformity anlonal Dengue umpires had called 98 Ml In games lhruugh Monday an nillimo record Only nlnc hnd been unllcd In the American League Canndlnn Armyl lhynlufl lrnlnlnz lerv Cnmp nor dm nu mllltaxy drmmm Major trophy wlnnm the Kempvlnw bowllny banquel Inst night be right are Major League Bosses Amend The Balk Rule Fdlow Inslmdm ol 01¢ WELCOME FOR WILLIE TOP TROPHY WINNERS Hank hum In hum mum dmm hm mdlro MN Mormon lnl lmlflll On Monday June Ind IMF Hm Ditty mam hmnl ll pm The flowing mm In dubs pm law Full Tonlzm at flhur Puk fluk wn 0M dumva ol the Irv mullm mum hm vinyl Smurf Guru Minn the MM Inn 11m 01 hlhlllgn 4an mum nml mml undmm plum cnl lull ln Marmino hll mm llnunnu in lhe Hug Pflmnrlll Inm Mum mlml In Inmndnl In Immmmm nlwduhl N6 Cnnndhnl nnhd In My dlvinlom Nallanal Leanne umplres had been allowing lha letter ol the law and lnsisllng an the strict onesecond slop American leag uera had been advlscd by Cro nln merely to enlorce slap Although Glles advlscd hl um plm to be more llberal In their lnlcrprelntlan week ngo Na llannl League umplm have been callan many as ever Asked whether he thlnka the meellnz wlll reduculhe num her bulk ln hl league Gllel aald no loo much until the pllchm learn to stop There allll can be dlllerence ol opla lon as to what conllllules slop dont like see so many bnlks Bu cant tell the um plm not In call Hum 11 they see them The pitcher still must slop said Frlck alter the metung wilh Giles Crunln and Sugar The umpire deï¬nitely will continue to call bulk the pitchers dont come In slap This will apply to the allslar game and the World Seder FOLLOWED ro LETTER Ball Action Increasing laid Hwy MM 84 helm Walhr or Hump pnrado alter his return from tho Immarten Game Jlm Poole mup Dick Young mup Thu dinner Barnes mp and Charlie was held at the Embany club 1an mnlman Ivy lhe Inllum Mhrr hva will Ill mm mu HELKO ll AVOIIED LONDON lllllnlnl Inn hooklu Inltullnl mm om mum Mnl Irel llnl Inmllo Inr lhe Mn Enullah lmhy Epwm all mm nwrllo at tho mgr Iurl 1mm mllc run over lurl himI gig brjllql ml been Hnuwn MONTHEM CW 11m nmlchnlr Wondrrl hnskrl Ilnll um Montrenlnrm pnr npleum llllcnkd Manlrrnl Al ouruu 12 In an uhlhlllnn mum at Loyal Cullen nm dly nlzhl nu finrm Fooumll Connn MN Irnm nlm plnytd ln hub tlmln Drhncnnnn Donn llnnry at New Ymk llnngm Um Nn llannl llnclwy IAIKUE triml Ihv ma Sm 1m Hm Hui IMO helm WWIKWIH 10 flodmn and Roth lulrlrr milan le palm NIch or In Wow and Marv bunkr lul ho Mm III will Ill Olinr Momu 04 Mo hum MIIKL Both mnjnr Icagua pm denla are agreed that tho rule In ncccssnry and must be on orced Umpires have been and am Inslructed that pitcher Indulxu in npmllmlnnry mo tion ho must come In set pas llnn and stop bolero starting his delivery ol the ball tn the but man Fnllure to do in will bu declared balk bulkwntchlnï¬ resulted from change In the bulk mla to cover move by Cincinnntls Joey Jny Although tho change Inst winter hnd nothing to do with Ihe onevscc and rule that had been in eflcct since 1950 It made the umpire balkconscious TEXT GIVEN Tho lax 01 MW un nqlgggexch hyFrjck bulk rule 15 an essential part 01 baseball Without the protection which this rule at ords the batsman nnd the base runner the whole nature the would he changed Cronln nald he does nut ex pect to see any Increase in the number bulk called in the Axggricnn Fugue Baa hula Braxll dymnnst mm mm novel medals In gold Lhm Alive and on hlnnze Cl ercpholo llvm NnUonnI Defence Wheelchair Aces Whip Als 2214 Emma Flycrs owncrtoach protested the gnme when Art Potlcr Edmonton president the Canadian Amateur Hockey Associnllon tn down request that Nlngnra Faun havn tho dwlcn of end because of home Ice privi leze Alter conferenth with roteree Frnnk Dnlgnnult Montronl whlch dclnyrd the start of tho game 15 minutes Potter ruled there was nothing Eleven cam nppcnr so or ndlon this year 1n the South Slmcno baseball lenguo and an Interlocking schMulo in lwm mupfcfrup Ml bccn gppmvgd AL Ins wecka annual meeting which 011mm prnllmlnnry mcellnx week earlier Cree mom Mldlnnd Orlllln nnd Allls on wcro daslgnntcd North learn and Human overall winner 1an your Cookslown Knock New Lowell Docmn Ulopln nnd Toucnhnm were listed as Sounl Entries Flnnl dalu or conllrm In nnlrlcll wasnt Ill Mnyln Tho game was tied 11 at the and lhc Hrs period and Ihe teams remained deadlocked 22 at ha end the second lltlurntd languu pr at man mm was Inmy Klondan Otï¬llln Nnmcd vlcn pmldcnl was nab Inlay or nmmlun nml exccuuvo mtm hm nro Hill Grny Allislml mud Hurry Gordan New Lowell um Iurnod nu secretarymumm or mu yrnr wnn Rn Wm hrmko olVCmmarc lnml lxullnnl umwmlnl onl Hrlder 1m mu lundny lur Jumle Ilw tlul In An ueleu Monday Mnnngrr Illnllo TcMnlll Inld Gan wn Au Md an of hm hm lie mlnrd llm pln Irhlwllu Inhl lrrm nuld haw IMHAIIII hmrlmll mr duck hlllrr II In wuuld mnluv up hll mlml In ll ml Hull Ilml Nnyrrl These two will be followed by American Henvywclgm chum plon Jahnny Valentine and Tony Murillo Ihe semi final and Sweet Daddy Sikl and Comic mnn Jim Hady Xn the main event Ian Oil Kings riding three gnme vlcwry streak capped by 34 klumplu Tuesday night need only one morewln aver Nlnznm Falls Flyers to wrap up lhe Mcmorlnl Cup and Cunn gllï¬m lunlnr hockey champlon Dong Fox University at Al berta student lrom Calgary gave Edmonmn it Tuesday night win when he litlcd rev bound high inlo the not midway mflugh final perjod were whipped In the opener B4 by Map Emms Eastern champion but cums bnck to win the next two 74 and 52 were hard pressed In taking the close chgcklnxjonnh gngne Butch Paul and Max Muslin sck picked up Edmonlana wo other goals Wayne Mnxncr counted both Nlngnrn Fall In Ilos Approval wnl xlvrn Invornl plnym Um Inncllvo Calling wood club to pm between Cmmnn um Ncw mu nn lurrcmcnl lhu wa cluhl ln valvul Hnrller Tlevrlnnll lluldrnl mum lmd nnld diulpxlnnry nc kmpmhnbly Inowlll In lakrn aunlml rimn whvn Mulm lho lmm nml nddrd In hurl no plum In It nr HM lmn In Anulm AmyII or any oflm club new season cmnlion slum this evening at Barrie Arenai Itl pmicssionai wrestling lime lime ior inns to adore and admin the good guy and leer and sneer at the villain Close La 2000 pcope aro ex peeled to go lhrough Ihcse mo lion bcglnnlng at 845 that time Bllly Red Lyons will lacklo Stun Smslnk in the ï¬rst local bout nl 1963 HIE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 1951 InterGroup Play E9 Simcoe Loop Grappling Opener Promises To Be fRoofRaiser Oil Kings Riding Winning Streak RIYRIENIIHD NGION Ml Llcvn yml 00 Immloll EN Ihoul Ill what drul ml nNrr EDMONTON CHdean DANGERFIELD MOTORS MAN nmyshiw Indicated on Kings had no injuries to worry ubgut In Ule ï¬lth game George Gardner In the F11 era not made 29 saves while Edmontons nus Kirk turned asldn 19 aims As It In both have been given ycomnn choc on tonight card Hndy has sat to contend with blondedomcd Sweet Daddy an entine has got to catch the ant Marmot in the CARA regulnï¬ons cover ing the request PLAY UNDER PROTEST Emma nlready had protested the whole series because he felt the nets In Edmonton Gardens set 15 feet from tha and boards constituted vlnlntlon CARA mlos The rules say there should he 10 feet between the gum he apd he and boards King conch Buster Bray xhnw was happy but said dont think will wind up Thursday although Id like Vme Flyem played well he hmmy Niagara Falls wlll be without forward Gary Domhoefer for the rest of the series Dam hocfcr suffered broken leg in lhe third game Monday night when chucked by dolenceman Pa Qulpn Hudy and Valentine are the new Incas to Barrie area tom with the exception at those who may haw watched them at Maple heat Gardens Toronto In lnct llady and Vatcntlnn hnva been natured in number of MLG wnra It could be that they were not matchnd for the Barrie opener to give the root chance to seal Qucslioncd about Iha series following the game Emma said have nothing to say to any oneno comment 5723 29° SIMCOE PLAZA FREE PARKING HWY and JOHNSON ST ALL DAY FREE DELIVERY BIRIII Spozlnl NRllo SpielI Um lo cullomor PA 82429 CREST TOOTH PASTE QUICK HOME PERMANENTS Moth Crystals Ice Cream Bricks 21I Fundkhloroinmluc Bordon anm Bigurelles 999 luck and WM in 59° Etoncmy Sin FILM 49 cm TORONTO Curling took place on our sheets peb bled Ice Ma la Lea Gardens nlesï¬ay as 01 cm began lest Gardens Plans Giant Bonspiel IllRH Spozlnl BlRIO Spulll Typo 47 BLRIh Spoclnl BIR0 GOLF BALLS FLASH BULBS pr lo 100 010 SPICE POLAROID FILM Mam Private Stock Thll Wuk Only great whiskiqs CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY inamu Adm Dhtlllm lekadflcnmo Years ago Adams distilled 19 great whisldcs each with its own distinctive characteristics and theu aged them in special oak casks Now Adams has married these as rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock So be sure to try this custom blend presented in its crystal decanter at popular price Rig or 225 AM Show Rog HO M2 and AGI NYLIINS 150 Rog 132 Emma ms rgmnm kg BlRITE and SAVE 99° or 79 PA 82429 19 In hum of holding the Mrs na Mann lnvllallnn hunspicl herg next winter orl amplan sklp Ernle Richardson nl neglna joined group Tornntn curlers In Ihe tests Dfllclal hope to make Ihu Gardens at cenlra lnr Important culling Invcnls IllRIM BIRIII Spotlll MR Spcclnl Com BLRIM BALLET TISSUE Roll Tenlaflva plum cull GOLF KHRTS NOW NO WEIGHT PROBLEM HAIR SPRAY Color FILM Cumplu 39 H511 TABLETS LIMMITS 88c Lady Patricia IN MD 620 Rog 1650 1097 19° or 5713 Cam In Bullp Spuhl Volt Batteries Ihreelddywnnsplcl early In Jan uary 19M which the eight best rinks In Canada WM in vltcd hid hna alrendyï¬ccn made or lhe 1067 Canudlun mens chnmphmshlp IRY EXAMINER VANI AD PHONE PA lIllo BlRlll Spulll BIN Spuhl For Tnmlllor Ruflm BRYLCBEEM VI Gr 00 Tablm Rug 23c 1° for 29 POST OFFICE BANISH ODOUR KLEENEX Succhurin Gnmpm For Tm Reg 100 100 nm 300 Mr SUN LARGI Sll PA 82429 BAN 49