1W wfllnz under edxunn deadllne prouumSywun Fox Anthony Shnnnon and William Lonxzood ol tha New York WarldTzlegrnm and Sun or their cavern an American Mrllnu crash IdIcwlld Alr port In New York on March 1061 Local remnan not under prcuuro cl edition limoamt Griiiin Jr iormcr Miler oi in Im flex Indcpcndcnl and Enterprise ior pubilxhinx lha llrlt ankle ihnl ind lo the ex polurn oi thn Illin Sol Elm irgud cnso nullonnl rcporllnzAn many Lcwil the New Yurk Tim fur hi coverage at tho 115 Suprnm Court during me far The Tlmcsf He had ccivcd anolhcr Pulllxur Prlzu In 1063 repoxlnr or the Want lnglnn Dajly News Therrrconrmflllce slmply all that no play was worthy In ngnrdlhll via pgor yqar woman historian Barbara Tuchman won the general mnHcllon prlle nr her book The Guns of August story at the early days of flu Fin World War Th Chlcana Daily News won lhn Pulllzcr Prlzc Inr ubllc Iervioc for calling publc at enUon tn the ssua of provldlng birth conlml services In the public hcmlh program HI ma Heflor Rondon of the news Eaper Ln Republica Caracas enexuela won the new pho Venezuela won the new pho tography award for his photo 01 priest mm wundcd so dler tn twoday revolt 1n Vene zuela In June 1962 plclure dlltrlbuted tn newspaper around 1h world by The A5 Ioclltcd Press PLAY WORTIIY of they cbmndllcnl decision no to ward prlzo or drama one member snld NEW YORK AWThe Rciv ers novel by Wllllam Faulk ner won tho ma Pulluor Prlzu Manday or cllgp Thu boï¬lmï¬lu Unlvcrsily PuiA llzer trustees skipped any award or drama wells Mlchael Film Pacltlc Palisades Cam and hlsï¬ancce Neldn Marchcna Sea Paulo Brazil hold Faulkner Novel Wins Pulitzer WINDOW NEEDS rim Dlllil HUMAN WITHOUT OBLIUAHON on WHITE MITCHELLAIRE ALUMINUM The Guru canrerm unlin menl con ml and mlntlan uninn work fin Irnonz the our Ilevcdnr nu cumpnnln In Toronto humor Bolh union and com an wnnl lo control hl emp oymcnl Juan Mackenzlo Hanover 0111 chnlrmnn of lhn thrwman bnnrd Inkl Ion Ihmmen nomlnm Andrew An dm ouawu lenianIlve dl rector of Iha Conadlnn Labor Conï¬rm wn luknn lo hospital Aller nllyck Erhfwt PANAMERICAN ROMANCE FLOWERS Biography Henry James Volume ll Tue Conquest London 18701581 Volume III The lllddla Years 18314595 by Leon Edcl HlloryWaahlnglnn Vlllaze and Capltnl 18004875 by Con Itnnm McLaughlln Green PoetryPlumes ram Brue ghol by Wllllam Carlo wlb TORONTO CPCnnclllllnn bulrd henrlnu lnlu dlspum between the International bonn Ihoremenn Amdnllnn CLC and aur Tumnln slevtdorlnx Irmx were pnslponed Mondly after the union nomlnea on tha conclllmnn board Iuflercd henrt nllnck 10 BC cnu unld ha MI not date yet lor mump llun lhn hearlnnl lu ex peclrd report on Mr Mk dr condlllon In law drm lsslppl when Ncgro Jame Mdeh was admitted as ItudenL CartoonFrank Mlllar at tho Dc Malne Iowa Reglslcr or his work during the year as exemplified by cartoon show lns dcslroyod world with one ragged ï¬gure calllng In an olhcr saidwe sure lowed thgtï¬lspute dgdn Dimr awards in die lleld of my warn The trustee Awarded ihe prim in music to Samunl Bu bet or hl Piano Concerto No composition which had ill warld premier with the Boston Symphony at Philharmonic Hall on Sept 6L hand aulalda one the bulld lngx ol the PanAmerlcan Games villain Sno Paula Ulnar said he would Hearings Delayed By Heart Attack SlDESLIDERS DOUBLE HUNG SEALED UNITS Woodon anu PHONE USl WAWA CHThe 1mm ment In planning to make some move Inward establish pen manent cnmmlsslon to redraw the boundaries of parliamen tary consuluenclcs ï¬rst step emerged Monday with he reporl In Nelson Cas lonzuny the chic electornl om car will make lhrccwaek trip to Austrnllu to examine the re dlltribullon symm employed thgrg lor the 125th lyeafsm All our mee In he Com mon are nursed In prInclpIe an eatnbllshlnz permanent commlaslon to handle rcdlstrI huIIon But the propoul hn never reached lho mun where Parllnmenl has Kano Into the VIIIOLII kInds oI commIssInnl sslblah such that employed Australla The ConiervalIvu lovcmment Introduced b1 In 1962 to lahlIsh comqulon but mnny Nelda 19 who worked Mephana operator dur lnx the games which ended Sunday He spuk no Portu gum and she speak no Enl Castonguay Plans Australia Trip To Study Parliament Boundaries NICKEL its contribution is QUALITY THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Beautiful durable nickel slnInloso stool products or tho homo mo so much pan or modom Ilvlng And for good reason NIckoI slalnloss stool ls strong ll roslsto boat and conoslon It Is easy to clean and koop clean mada no progress before the 1961 election Nur wn any con crete step taken In the parlia mentary malon belnre lust Aprils enernl elecdqn The law requires that red trlbullon occur on tho comple llon Ihe ceniul taken every 10 years The 1561 census was camplctcd last June 80 hr dlslrlbullom hava been handled by parglnmgnlgq cq 199m Amelnted with public discus sion redistribuuun commis slun hm been number of mm proposal such selllnz up permanent votcn 5L re duction of lhc vollnz no to la year from 21 and vlrlety of augï¬esllonl to limit campaign expense or pay them 01 £th laden Egasunj However Islonluayl Instruciionn mm the govern men involve only examination oi Ausiraiiul redistribution syr llshl Theyre Iwaltlng dacu menu mm the US that would perm them to be mauled qulckly at the US consulate In 520 Plulo AP wlrephaln CHICAGOv 11414 Dnmlnlnn Stores leltcd Taronlu has hnen awarded the McCalls Tro phy or Bust Grocery Ad of 1962 during lha Super Market Inllfluma zen Annual Cnnvem ion hero More than 8700 US and Cam adian supermarkets aubmiltcd eniries Dominion unn oi in chain honoured ior outstand ing newspnpnr advertising won iho award in Ihn classiiicniion representing those stores with an annual sales volume exam in $10 miiilon The ward was accepted on behalf at Dominion brill OErien Adverilslnu hunger ni the company lem While there ha also will study Australias system of per mancnl More 1m allhmmh lhll Ifoxm no part assim mun Australia will pmvlda an In dlcallon based on 60 yam ax nrlencn 01 how constituency undnle redrawn by cammlulom However ti enca on some the prob em Involved In starting such Ayr lebrln probably wlll he unavail Britain changed from rcdlshl butlon by parliamenth cam milieu lo Ndlshlbuuon by com mission alter this Second World War and may be shit lo pro vide Monnation on thu prob lerfl nvolved uuch aphangc Evsry MP is vitally liiected by line boundaries oi his riding This plus lhn incl that none of the our parties commands majority oi the 265mm Corn mons meansvthat subslnntini degree of agreement will be necessary to achiova rapid ac tion on bill establishing rc distribution commission Wllhln the last 10 years hath Mlnltoba and Onlufla have had experience with lhla problem Manitoba net up an hlde cud redlmlbullon comm salon In 1055 and look about ï¬ve menu In wme up wlfll rec ommendations Involving lhul pmvlncel 47 Iczlslalure sash it is uncertain whether he lovemment expect In get iel islaiion lhrouzh Parilameni at iha forthcoming session cs ialglish commission 01566 commission sat up by Parllament then face ha lexumlqln mnsgfluency wundérlél and ï¬xlng them in accordance with ground rules lal mg by Englamnnt Dominion Wins Awaxd For Best Rd and It wont stain or tarnish Look for tho permanent gleam and lasting beauty of nickel slalnluss 51ch In appliances kllchun utensils and other qualin house wams Eatons Canada slows cons to coast TULSA Okla AP Ted mm band leader since he was grade school student dlnd Monday night lung ailment emphysema and com plicating pulmnnnry lnfccllon which had kept him In haapltal Ionm nlmus my weeks Thu 62yeamld musician had Whom was born In Ballimo and began his musical training vlollnlst Mlcr Muh schaol he entered college In study engineering but Comos 01d Leader Ted Weems Dies FASHIONED FOOTWEAR STYLED BY Dr Luke Neutralizer Gold Clan Red Carpet Contour Joyce Savagn HiLos PRICED FROM 995 to 1995 58 DUNLOP 51 EAST THE BAR EXAMINER TUESDAI MAY 1m hand our lelched hlm Into mum and ha went on he cnmo one of the best known US hand lenders VFerhnpn his be known rec ord was Heartaches leaturinl the whlxtllnz of Elma Tnnngr Many noted entertainer gan their calem with Wecms Including singer Perry Cam and actreu Marilyn Maxwell EWIMS BEST Soulh American rlver bird culled tho hanuln nwlms ballet than It lies LOVELY SHOES PRACTICAL AND MOST PRECIOUS GIFT 0N CD 6mm 5mm Auwmallc Parwlnlov E3 Callus Gleam Two DIIMX Doubln Bow8 0L summm anll Sunu SIC Weslmahnum Aulamauc Pmomor Salad Bumquail and he Ilm Tlcom Luxu Duch Own10m leo Pad Inca DI Lun Sauconan Scawopvd Sewan hay12w SovuaanKquuu IlSmlna luym 10 ca Luu hymn 5m 5mm Comm Vluuubln Dim ED Tm Plum sum Mn 0mm Slalnlul MU AnlrScovu Slow anCun SIL B1IScrvlnamy Hcevarsmmlmn HAVE MANY METERS About 13000 parklnl mater are used In central London England 1M llkhk Nil my Wm nuln mmnlul 1am mun mu Iwmm Ix mu mud Ala Harm mun Iï¬kh lulu II II IN Inth will MI pill Ill MI vlumln um um mm mu Inna In mm muu new My mum nullity ml mm uh In Ier yup lougqln your youthful loam not In an Iirgd Rundown Women EATONS PHONE PA 82397 1300 15m 9M 1350 000 mo IHI 153 1350 03 1350 1000 12