Mm MJ lo man run Inth mu ma mm Dunohm will mm 0mm Au mm armnun IGTï¬Iï¬EnWM mill Inn at clmlnum llmnlltnn Spcclnlor There was nn inlercsllng use In Miami cw dnys nun The wllc of nlghl clul cnlvrlnlnur who was hypnonsl using the name of Danie wn grnnlcd an mmulnwnt because she wnn under him hypnollc lnlhlrncc at the llmu of the crrnnnny An lnchlcntnl Innnclal nspcct mhlcd ml In the prnctullnus Hrfnrc lhn wcdtllng Dnnle Influenced hls prnswclivc hrldo wrllc him cheque or $19342 In cashed mul houuhl US savings bonds vhlch he reg IAIcrcd In his Innlhrrn name Dnnlcsquc gesture Inny bu Irmlnhl wllh nllogorlcnl nr Frcmllnn slgnlllcanco hm more Ihnply ll nhnwu that even hypnollxl neednt ho all lud Culldlul Prat II nrlnflul nuna l1 In II III with In IIILI In TM Amidl hqumummmumwm anM mm mu mu rou umu hmnmm mun um mmm mm mu am Human mun nqu mam um mum mun ILAInI mm II II IllIIIIION Mill mu mm nun muom Inhnmlna Barrie Examiner May 1943 Camp Borden was revelation of Fourth Can adian Victory Loan Campaign Simcoe West Unit almost reached halfway mark with $1225000 Army and Air Force subscribed $475300 of this and still go ing strong RCAF went over objective in three days Wing Commander CarlingKelly took over as CO at No Service Flying Training Centre Cam Borden succeeding Group Capt Edwards AFC posted to East Coast Childrens Aid Society reported heavy year of work with 35 adoptions complet ed as new record and disbursements of $43318 iii Morrison announced re tirement as chairman Two Barrio men George Wright and Flying Officer George Kightle stranded for night on Lake Simeoe en motor of cabin cruis er stalled llev Stanton Leutensch lager missionary on furlough told oi Chinas heroic struggle for freedom in addresses to Simcoe Presbytery Barrio Kiwanis Club and public meeting llarry Corwin Nixon oi Brnntiord elect ed Ontario Liberal leader Pie Molly itogers CWAC iormerly oi iiarrlo tele rhone stnii was one of allraclive dano ng girls in The Army Show present ed at Camp Borden Military Theatr WAR DAYS 10 YEARS AGO Few are aware of the countrys tre mendous lourisl potential We all see cars wllh American llcence plates on our streets In the summer but vlsltors are Promotion by the Canadian Govern ment Travel Bureau is carried on on huge scale and by 1087 the advertising bud ct alone will reach the $4 milllon mar The bureau has received as many as 22000 coupons and enquiries day Speed ln handling these requesls is byword of the service Tourists in Canada are such big busi ness that spending by visitors stands to supplant wheat as the countrys biggest dollar earner by centennial year 1967 MrChurchills outburst indicates that the honeymoon is over for the Liberals The Conservatives willcontend no doubt that the governménts action is case of baretaced political partisans ship that strikes at the heart of the civil service and that Mr Teiliet has Dismissal is hardly the proper word but Mr Churchill infers that this is what actually happened to Ken MacKay who had been appointed to the Pensions Commission by the Conservative gov ernment Mr Tellle explalns that the appolniment was simply not renewed fullfledged row is promised in Parliament later this month over the dismissal of federal ension commis sioner abruptly from hs $14000ayear post 1brmer Veterans Minister Gor don Churchill calls it disgraceful act The present minister Liberal Roger Teillel says the action was taken to make way for Frenchspeaking com missioner Tourism Is Big Business Honeymoon Comes To End Liberals Are Under Attack The Barrie Examiner WHAT IS HYPNOTISM gt Walls Publisher Earth Ezeantimr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published byCanadiar Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE lel Brian Slalght General Manager TUESDAY MAY ma RIGHT KIND OF SAVING The Time London Mons savings by lmllvnlunll would mean lm spending nml lth In Inm would mean nmallur Inmmm from whlvh to save lhm an mlrkcd Inrnaw in Anvlngu hablla on to he wnlchml care fully and prcpnrnllnm made to ltl ll mm on the economy by ROVCHHIIDIII ntllun Saving usually taken In no the nppnsllu npcmllng Hui ll an lakn vnriuun nuns llnw ponplu law In as Immrlnnl wlwlhcr they uvu or not Illllng money In Ilocklnu In clear mo of mlucln demand nnd whllc be ready or In indlvï¬duul rainy lay do vlrlunlly nolhlng for flu connlry 11 whom For In mu howuvcr navin munlly nvnllnblo In Innus teal fnmhncnl an in mm In minus un hm vurylnu of mu on In enemy The case does raise the much broader question thou about what constitute iogni mnrllni iypnollsm in this case the bride was the plaintiff porting lnrrcly because aim wnntcd her 1108 bnch with Intercsl But each year there nrt thousands of innocent men ncrl iced nnd hypnolimi Into ninrringe iiy yunnu women tn rcinilve tcrm nminr Ilwir mothers Yuu run all by ihrir tinmi ninle expression during the ccrcmony when In trance they hear mltnncel pronounced Sonlulldlcs ll he vlcllm dors nl really come out of this pull nnlll wlloy lumps llcr llnmrl In rant his eye and hand Mm dlsh luwcl Christian Mothers Society gave fopular party in St Marys Parish Hal with money raised for overseas boxes Mrs Frances Kay of Sutton DDGM paid of ficlal visit to Bayviow Chapter DES Visitors welcomed by Mrs Agnes Job son Worthy Matron Mrs Otto Raw sun convened tag day arranged by Lions Ladies Auxiliary in aid at the blind District captains were Miss Joyce Flynn Mrs Edwin meson Mrs Mercer Hamli ton Mrs Ross Smith Miss Jane Slmn son and Mrs George llook Most suc cessiul taggers were Johann Rawson Gladys Godden Emma Wallwln Frances Bell Barbara Dyment and Laurino Sar jeant BCl Cadet Corps made in showing at Inspection in Queens Park Com any ottlcers were llnrvey Clarke 00 ouglas Peacock 210 James llorne Graydon Knapp Robert Hood Edmund Potts Robert Tarllush William Laklng Thomas Armstrong band sergeant Barrio Presbytery assed strong resolu tion condemning at machines Rev It Bewelt atlacked gamblimiltend ency in sermon at Central nitcd Church Judgment reserved in Clit ton ilotel case in county court Edward James Fitzgerald oi Barrio sought tie claration that partnership existed with Kcrrigan We should haï¬Ã© ngthï¬ï¬Ã©but pride in our country and In its interest to the outsider They do not want to see Canada lett behlnd in the race for the tourist dollar Nor should we It ls everyones inter est to make the visitor welcome and to establish tradition of good service And when we travel south of the bord er or abroad we must carry on the gov erhrhenls pyhllclty for our natlohi Obviously the government has much more businessllke approach to tnurlsm The bureau sees It has good product to sell and uses the most modem means to sell it inclined to be thought of as passersby that mgjoy source of business Thls wont appease Mr Churchill however Mr MacKay served in both world wars and fought in the battle Passchendale He now lives in Draylon Valley Alta and llved formerly in Wlnnlpeg where he was Conserva tive Party worker in Mr Churchills riding of Winnipeg South Centre The battle llnes are already drawn and we can expect to hear great deal more about the MacKay case within the next month The real reason for yhe MacKay inci dent Mr Teillet says was the retire ment of Commissioner Langeiier had left the commission with only two Frenchspeaking Canadian members In View of this imbaiance the goveim men gropuses to use the vacancy now create to restore equitable repre sentatlon singly arranged for be ap ointment of beragmend to top ght govern men post flunuzh lhr law and In alullam Dml lnrlwrrn Mr hulknl Inprlummuy MN rl vainly IN MI onurvnllcrl Hprrlnny nr 11 Imklvrmhrr mmml lllrlrnlmln llul mum ol hwlrh Mr dlnl In In In new WI on hll ur rm nn lhnnh lmm nu pnrly ha had mm well yun no pnlul mm Ilu MP ht hm nled and Iho mum mua pnllry mull Ill nl W1 llmmfll mlulcnl In My 15 um um Trr mu Wulliv lmiunnrl ï¬r Rm mum mum mo Mien lhn vanlln puly how now Inlcrnl Irmlrr John Bracken Mrl VIII drnllnl In In hll prIvlo mrellry And ha null wmklvu In In luv om Mn 1mm lluw nrvlml In Mlnwn II um um IMIII on umny II city In Hm MDWOWHIT IIV dullHI yur man In lhc ly undrr llm real am III Mr Tn allnum Inlmr lnr the pulp paper And Iumhrr In 11mm mmm llrrl nnwe Drrw hMI hllhlllhled Mcll UIHCL um um Connnull Iml lh rhtllnn In Mel mam Inxa hm Inul working lnr Ihv irrnl mu Paper 10 thrh Hnrl mu pmidrnl 11m Mel I0 Olllvu wmlmo Then 10on Iva yum cxccuuvc aulslnnl nr prlvula mrrlnry remlm puny ludorl or mln lm In lhn 0n llrln luhlnlure first job was wllh Hon Dunlap who dnuxhler Mihs lulu murmd am on lhl Tnmnla Argonauu Grey Cup rlmmplan cum named mm on Then with Prnmlrr 64 my Then wllh Hon Earl nowo nnw Lleulrnnnl Governor nho wllh Mell Md lull nosed ml hII rlvnl or lhu Inndrrlhlp Gunrue Drew Melvhh RI Jfllk was burn yenrl no In lhe llllle lnwa anley lumberlnn lawn Arnprlor wore MI Nth blrlh day he became an ncllve poll um Iludcnl Quecnn Unlvmily he wul thrice eluded In In Onlnrln nay lmllumnnl meeting In Tarcnlo Ho wu luccmlvcly MP Spaher llld prime mlnlslor Without laklnx anything away mm the successlul politician which Gmrle on has he came It anly lnlr lo Mel Jnck lo describe him UN Hm lhnl Jack bullL OTMWA Duringlhe pas alx ytara Me has been executive asslsl an to George cos In that llme Mr Hm developed mm what the Rlzhl Hun Haw once called that play boy mm Tannin Into lhe Ick nnwledzed helrapparcn 1h Conservative leadnrshlp Ind the mlnlsler dlrcdlnl the mast successful Ind most glamorous department he wholev Conv urvntlv government That Is lenwlanal new In the many denizens and vlslton an Parllamenl Hill to whom Mel known personally or by reputation as at Im and away Illa mos ellcctive backroom boy He Is the superb ex ample of that adviser work hnm and pmleclor wllhoul whom every cablnnl mlnlslzr mm prime mlnlxlcr downward wlll occur or later lake put in By PATRICK NICHOLSON UllMVAMel Jack look an or Job OTTAWA REPORT Top Backroom Boy Looking For Job NO MADAM WE HAVE NONE IN CHARTBEUSE BABY PINK 0R BLUE may xnrm ml Modu Hun In ml rule lulnl Ihllnrnco In nnly mum mm mm pulpit Dm DI Moll In In llrlo hglllulmfrllrl 1mm than an Inlullon ll rnum In an all in dust or dumler In the ch clun hmm um moullnn lhll mnmcllon to your dnclnr Hm Mnlnm Mllml WI and my ryu In me In lrnuhh nuy ml nun and lull Dr mnmr lml urn ml ml Ipreulhl HIM ll mu an Inlrtlifln II Arrml Ihll Mun In Inla nur chlckm hnIII lhry Infll Tmllvl rhlrhem bu lh mm lhl lnllcllunYM ll In Ihnrl no Ilnuln mnlmrn wlll All mm and mm llmrl llVllIl unmlnnunm mly In Mculnly hrlnrn lho ml Mun Inlrnllflrd lnlxlinl nut nl thrnnir ulnhlllhul Inmllnn may lulu um bul pommu Ahnuld pay all In 1le nlhor vlnunl tx Imlnnllon ho Imlde flu lvlldder by mrnm cylin Icapn mly bu nrrmnry To nu whclhrr ulctrlllnn ol the Mud drr will my hnu xlcvelnprd or polyp nr mma lhrr Irnwlh Slants Ion rim cnnlvlhuln Ia Inlmlon by Irlllnl up Iml hllml Sfllfllnf or Ilrrlchlnl ol the blnddcr childblnh un cnmmon Ind um mull in in compltlo nrlnnllnn Iml hrnco wine puddllnl in lho Nld der TMI count rovIdu Rood mcdlum In uhch lcrmt um mm In mutkcd um of luck Inulng frnlltd cyllnctlc plum apernllnn mny bu m1 vlnnble In nuppon Um bladder bnrl nnfmll pmlll lmublo pmlslx nr htcomu chronic more we live leatan ll udvhnble Cy lilll or examine be nemndury mu nlecllan hllher up 1an II In Hm Irid ncyl Th lyRe cynlllll II llknly In rank and qulla reasonably will Inn mm linuu unlll the kidney roubla II currtcled Der Dr Mfllncr What 1m In cause 71 acute mum and what In the prognosis Mrl IL Aculu mm rul an rudlly cleared up nul urine cxumlnnlion In find out what lype Inicmlon prmnl II helpful In chooslnz lhe right treatment By JOSEPH MOLNER Ml in 1956 the Conservative had new iederni leader who wanttd the best help Ind cer lainiy needed it Mel was askcd to accept the post as national orgnix But his wife under linndahly protesle vigorously against Mei leaving lite secur ity the civil mvice to work or political disnrganizatian which had done him until dirt Even one Mell close Mde was unable In tempt hlm WM the offer of loyear contm $25M per year would um will WA llalcd job In the civil servlu here for Me 10 YOUR coon HEALTH Visits Chickens Eyes Become Sore Ready To Take More Controlfli Tobacco Al MANY MHHIIEH 11m an ruulnr pail mm In Finland And Wllu Ind II In ï¬cnllnnd Vu Iurh rmnllbnnl upull Inn cmqu luck run cal 11 hr In ml ronlwl nu Dr Molnm ll ll ml nllflo or an nrmltd nu dlnlyclrl mnlmllrd hy did only or runny mnnlhn In bu nrl vnlnl wllh rnullnnl Ihnrp rllu hlmd my Mum cl hullnm numvnllnnn nr olmr Iuppmml munlll lllnlmh nmnIM ll II helm In relaxation ll MI udlliva mm and knnw many an older pmon who 1mm by modest drum or cnndemnrd amylth whlch Iomcllmu abused would lnr lame promo him In mndamn lwdl And mm nur maul unlul mrdlclnn And rm nnd monry And lmdnm Ivfcth Id mlhcr Imp pluflllll Var modernllon Na doubt Osler wan rizhl Absllncncc may Inn1 Il may no nlwnyl be he 1ch Alcuhnl has Ill um allhnunh mndcrnllnnllt ulccmnry fixmuse Ike hnhllnrminl mum at clhyl llcnhnl would ll no be bellnr to lay mu ub Iannce the but rule mic linkmen by Sir William Oslcr moderallon In very hard lu ranch Ind II It hl been undanlly uhown that no but menll and phyllcnl work may be dune wllhoul nlcuhnl In any Jnrm the mm rule Abstin encn Thll Idler II lrom tlcrry mnn uld uhnl mun lhe flnl Now Mel looking far job In buIInen Offer have reached $35000 year Bul no surprisineg the capllall bcsl backroom boy has hnd oflen here too The choice of wark lug with our diflerenl lecrnl Mlnlaterl ha been hll lhl pas Mela But when nlx month Inkar he Conrervntlvt had galned ol lice George Hm picked up Mel be his aide In Im mense value was concentrated or Hm and recited by he only hierarchy Ill wrlt ng ol hlsqrywgg Influenced SALLYS SALLIES surely know nm It all an well with them am at God which an below ï¬lm Provehi hub we téar the Lord can we ha muted well with um mm In In mm pm Mun on Hugo1 BIBLE THOUGHT The mcclinu was cnllrd by Ihe National Fulcrnlion 01 Mus Thmeherl whose Iccrclary mm Julie rural Indus All over England the munlry watchers an worklng lull lime and much ovenlme to keep pace with he demand or mulchmall ed collagen In he 50th of England In the counllu be Iwccn London and channel port In nclivlly gmatesl lrnvell lnz by lmln or road down he ma one nullcu he unusual mm mum of lhulchm warklng on collages Owners who have bouth callnxu lo hnvo them renovated an havan lo wall as long lhrce monllu lo hnva their main recovemi One of flu Ilde eflecll this new wnvt al mpularlly lor thal ched home was he huIdinx of muting ol Ihulchm at 0x lard or Ihe purpose nruunlz hm Th ham the mtrling lwas flmlchm EnglandUm UONDON new Ital am bol one the outgrowth ol the developments of Brltnlnl ntllu ent mlely has coma Into belng The proper lhlng for people who have achlavcd oomlar ably ltandnrd ol wealth and wlsh lo Impress thelr lellowcltl zen to do to hava thatched cottage In the country In one the dellxhtful and qulet vllx mm at him Englnnd ncw trend being taken up avldly by large numbers lhv wwlyrim has brought Iudden new llle In the ancient and dying Art lhnlchlng All over England the munlry This trend ha been growing more Ind more Inward nab mutation of the lndivldunl armer The pmvlnclully appointed Ontario Farm Murkellnl Board whlch can be taken or granted makrlor the swarm menthn stepped In over the hand the Onlmn FlueCured Tobacco Gruwen Markeging Board It an open unret that the past while probably the past four or Iva yearsthe unv zrnment has not been happy labout the lrend In arm marm ï¬‚ï¬ By DON OHEARN TORONTOA point of decl Ilon in arm marketing my ha upgroachlnl It ordered th zrowen board to rtmnva cula In production de1 It Ilad ordered urllar 1M1 year you are alulng on the out side casually observing mu IK rlcnlture lndun ry this will mun lltlle nrnolhlnz tuyp Eu tnriheï¬laKnnerl and the men in marketing In very biz null Judeed It In pmbnbiy the mast arbi trary CD that has aver been tnken by government here In markellng and Indicates that Invemmtnt ll ready to take more control GOVERNMENT UNIMPPY In this case however more comm could actually be lead in award less cuntrol QEENS PARK REPORT FROM ILK By McINTYRE HOOD Thatched Cottage Status Symbol ONTARIOS Moth you why Mr ml MM mom Nvlno lho lulllc ouldool umolno llloOnlulo MI whll you want mun1m ooyoull flnd nimwdflnlbuchulnd nan In lo good Maniac InaUna IM who who Iamw HII IMIM vim Oflllflcl NIWI lodl villuou Ind mnumnll lhll wbullvlly maml Onlnvlol Culling BIND ml 40 M0 UtLCOLOUl IOOILH IOAD MI ID MAM mm DIME VANUAHENY BUllDlNDS TDIONYO DNMRIO NAML ADDllsl HOLIDAYLAND THERES FUN FOR ALL IN OMAMO otrAmm TMVIL AND qucm on Mun comm uqu for 13 pm fluth hmwlngand likely la gmw more and mm people no setking In Icqulm country homes and inslxumf hut lhoy must be thatched tounxu VVinuhm Thomas Wyeamld secretary at the Dom Master 11 Assoclaupn uald youu men lnlercmd In he mu those day in npprmllmhlp lusts ï¬ve years and mnny dont sllck oul But Iomclhlng need to he done because lot 8mm leun am getting Into the lrndi nqdnmaklnl bogch Like most watchers Mr 1110 max carries on Inmlly mil lion alnrlrd by hls greatgrand nlhcr But his Ion Ronald 1110 max also thnlchcr look 11k helm the last or lha llnc Ha hu two boy Idxoal but neither at them has he aligMesl lnmi In cumin on lhll Indi Horgnl lngnlly pccqpnuon It believed that then In about 700 professional thatchm In England and Wale Most of lhem hnvt their own country ax sodauom One of the olden of cherallng Ink rmllonnl body il lo Improve the npprenucoxhlp sylepy gin nuxil conundan Murkeunz sell course mean that his lmdnm at am In taken awayhe mun all hit prnduct through Ihe amch Putty at he vflcq Ilium few yem ago the ho pro ducen tried to move It be rond thin and gel Intu proceu nu And the government hit to bring In new legislatlon to straighlqn My pnl And then tableau ha been molt extreme of all The row era bum Im authority to con trol Emile and producllon Thll the only Held In which such powm have been Elven And you know there has been mammal and dluurbanca In mgmduxtry There has been quullnn when thin trend would ever up And whether might eventually lead to cumplelu rel Imenlaflon SERVING NMICE So in in step to central lhe board the lovernmenl agency Ictullly controlling die boardl powers to control and also serving notice that It wont stand or too much restrlclion in incl this notice was urved emphatically In statement by George McCalueY chairman of Ihe provincial board Regulation 01 production tn the tobaccu Industry was neces nry at the present time he said but the aim eventually must be to luvs the dectslnnx In the hand of the man who does HI Actual Brewing hflgs ogganlm lo Norghnmyoni 1111 federation wu armed abvul year ago but up tn lhl present In membership but been confined lnrnly to thatch In the NorthamMun um New 121 has been decldcd ta widen It scope and make it lenuanly nnllonnlyggunlpllpn DIMRIMINI