gm Youths Roéistor 49 For Sail Course 11w mmlnlnl cluhl unlunl Ichoduud or Fllduy um In or Mun nmnlnll and ill be mnploml hy June plum nmvlde or mm mm mm ml Io he nnmllnr Inn by lhl lulu chair mu RAIIIM MIlrr Fllm olvln uld he mm was nod Mu Ire mm cnuhl be ICMM modulnl ll uwllcnnln would Mung lulm 15m hy Tlmmlny lppur In varan nl lhc rluly by 110 Prldny umhll when llnl lion nm round wlll he xlnp nuo Hnl mum In nlllnl ol lmd In llnrrle you hy lhl llnrrlu Vnrhl Cluh lulu Mum duly MFlllnl with rullmllon nl Iludrnh Al lho rluhlwuu Appnrrnlly Mr drlvm by anh Belt1m 20 at 10 Km acMoll nn wml unbound when ll paunl unoer Mr Andnw uh ho ur mu hlt an aldq not yd SA Andruwn nnrrlc OPP dmrhmml nnld We Are uu ltylnl Io pkco IM accldvnl luwhr An chflcnl on lehwny no Int nlzhl nnl Him pemm My VINO llalpilll In nur rle Ind lwo la Sunnybtwk Mlmry Homllnl In Tomnlo In nklul common In Ifflnklfll to ho Ipnclnl mm mm of lhe SlmconMul knkl Lllo Underwrllm Alsatia llan ll lhe Dlrchmm Hulcl or III on Friday at no pm Mr Klykr wlll lake ll hll lubJecl 1th Judgment rnndcrod by tha House of Lord In Brllnln ha bull for speech ho glvcn group local lIIn lmumncu men and lhclr gurus businessmcn rum Ilnrrlb Orlllln and dlmlcl by IL Knyler LLJL CLU Execullve Dlreclor Ind Gnnzrnl Cnunul the Llla Undurwrllm Anacln Hon Cunnda Evnry man II nnlllled ha cm to order hll Alllln Io hat he Ix nllnchlng under the up pmprlnle Am II than otherwise would be ha luc cecdl in nrderlng them so la lccurc lhll mull then however una preclallvc hn taxlny nulh orlles or allow lnxpnynn may ha at his lngenully ho cum n2 be compelled to pay lncrenh Hospitalized By Auto Crash qulerTo Speak To Life Underwriters VICTOR KNOX RIGHT PRESENTS HONORARY DIPLOMA TO MR BELL AWARD THRILLS MR AND MRS WILLIAM BELL onnlMula 1mm 3erqu In In mflgnlln Ull InthM which mum mm of Ibo Eu su um Pallco do mu knew who wu lha drlvrr he wnumnd an Inn Ibo Iwo Mmpnnu Jmeph ï¬ydnry mm 22 Dun lop and Ray CArdlnIl 04 HOW Camp onion In In Sunnybmnk llavlyd Mr Iimlvn lullwed Im urwl Ilmll EXAMINKII WANT ADI IIIONI mm Inuexuen In on yl ur lloy Mrllrldc 19 ll Eunnll 54 mi MM Dummu ll Kempmlrll Dr wm both II ktn nvn llrluky um nlw mlmlllrd ha hoxpllnl but am nIenNL known ll 11 um Ml WhlIl anyhound or wulhound He hm long been acllve Illa undnrwrilcn moclnllon n1 Inln Mr Knylnr WM dmlrmnn KM Toronto CLU Chaptar In 1m and pmldem of Um lvrm la nmclnllnn 1056 Ha ulna nrved all nnllnnnl nnncln Hull honrd dlmlort Thu LIle Undnrwmcn Amal nunn nl Cnnndn whlch lhn Simcae Muskoka group In one 01 7s lucnl assoclallanx across Canada In composed or more Innn 11000 Inxuranca ulu men Mr Knyler nnllve Naip nnee and nlltndcd he Univer sity Toronto umdunung with an LLB damn In Inn med alist at Osgoada all ha wu called In he Dnlnrlo Bnr In ma Ho entered the LIIu Inlur nnco hulinm In 19184 and cclvcd tho hnrlercd Lllo Un dcrwrllcr CLUI designation In How To Roll wflh the Tax Punch YOU DOCTOR IIIKMMITIDN 71mm CUNIUIJ In 1957 Klyltr wnl NOEL lgflgyon n0 Shphlmonn Jawolllrl Ind Oplommllll Tl APPOINTMENT UNLM EA NONE mm MAME INT FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE OPTOMETRIST AT Mr KI ltr mud an Im 01 RCNVH rum mu to 10¢ In lhl Narlh Allanlic Ind Ill diuhlr td In um III llaulanlnl No mmhd and mm chlldnn HII ncludq mambrr Ihl In tho Clnndlnn nnr AI nllnn Lawycrl Club Tar onln and Lllu Innlmnco Tnul Councll annnln nnd lhu Cnn Idlnn lmlllulu nl lnlemnllonnl AllIn pointed lo lha pcrrnuncnl 5le of In nullonal nunrlnllun an annual coumtl nnd dircclnr ol oduullun In February mu wn named chltl emun lcnr he nlncinllnn wllh llm lltlu cxccullvn dlrccnr and Ken ml coumcl 75 Budlard SO Ihrvlo YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS KAYLEII Lighter Side Ceremony PleaSes WilliamilA Bell Finally Salt Well nrrlvcd ll lhu terrace in he Cnmn Mend qunrlm ulfltlnlly cndln lhn mounlrd ceremony Drlzndlur In Monfk Command Camp Borden III ml and Ildcnln he Cnmp cflnlrnluX Ilcd Wllllo nnd welcomcd hlm bark duly HII nllrncllvo wile Camp Borden Honors Gym Champion Weiler The promsion moved nlani rnuln mu lhn Camp Bordcn Dhlricl lllah School and mu Ihrco publlc Ichvull when lhn deznfl had an glparlunlly lo no one Cum amlm Ilhlelu Thls nllcrnonn BI two oclock he was me Al the Camp Harden luulh In by an nrmourcd cnr marl nccompanled by hm motorcycle min ntnp an arm Army Icoul cnr Hm nr rvlnu the Royal Cunndlnn Army Servlcu Cnrpl School nl lhll Ichool he pulsed lhrouxh Ml lnillnl Army Irnln In lhn service Corp hund rtdl ol Ioldlur up rcnllm HM and mum mum on Mike lln ed MI mule ol lmvel In vlew lhc lop Rymnnlt FcIlawInl Ihu Manon cere munlu Weller who hal InlIIed 38 lymnnsllc NIIH Ilnco com Inl lo Cnnudl In 1956Y was whlak mi away In mu car to hII humu In AIIlncn for Mid re lnxndon pcrlod Sgi Wilhelm Willio Weiier 27 oi Camp Bordenn Army Phyllcal Tralnlu Cenlre IlelK arriving member the Can dian team was me at um air terminal rcprclcnulion oi Tannin cvic oiiiclnis leninr Army dignitaries for Ontario many ni hi usaciuel Ind hll wlie Faye CAMP BORDEN An Army sergeant who won Cnnnda ï¬rst three old medal In gymnastic at the Pan American game In Brazil Ian week was glven herol welcomc at Multan alr parl lhll morning have very Pleasant mem 1H MIL Alken granddaugh Lcr was former pupil Mrl Alker member the udlu Auxiliary ol the Canad should have not In Much with Rev Sherri as he has been through this rather pleasant odul Pu president the Canadian Legion Harris present ed the William Wright Mem oriai Trophy iolMr Bali In accepting the award Mr Bell mid Ive been watchan other awards and trying to pick upmwhgc qqesayl wa have prevalléd upon Bowman to grant you an honorary promotion from Grade eight lo Grgdo nine Said Mr Knox Mask un hm graduated and gone on It bothered us that you havn liqer lnï¬rada elgg In Impressive ceremony In an Roï¬al Camdle anlon Hall on Col er alreel Victnr Knox farmer pu Mr Bull and now on Ila Cantu Cellul nle presented the terminate He received the William mm Memorial Trnphy as Izen 0f the Yen and an hon arary certificate 1mm Bowmanhprincipal Central Collegiate pmmollng him from Grade eight to Grade ulna mqenasglvz qzmmom William Bell principal oi Ethereal Public School receiv ed two awards In night one Riven in serious vein And me other in spirit fun Both pointed to his popularlly in the communiug CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Wholhu ham abvlc yam tiny loll thou wIlI b0 bcauvflully onhanud by Ihc finn malal plating ovailoblu Al an unusual om him we wagon you have Ihnm mounlvd on bookondu pholo ham modm TV lamp Ufrtnnurp BRONZED PRICELESS REMEMBRANCE Hum In halting mpl Every mlnulo dolall and pmlou IcuHmavk II Ikllllully pmumd in ondwlng moInIbrlahl bronn Illm 01 gold plate Dlnrmmd vamm 76 Dunlop llru um PA H745 lle wu ML lndlclltd In ycnlonlnyl cdlllom convlcled cl men Thu Iixamlncr apoloxlrcl in any nndun Incauvmlencu It may haw uuud Mr LlUm Gerald Lilllo Bar wan convlcled In Mlllllfllol Caurl but weak belnl In pot on Ilqlen lopdg Mr CaIlltrl pn nlInzI urn In lho permanent callecllom lha anlnnnl Gallery Toronln and Hamilton Gnllcrlu ho Ar Mm mum of London and mo Kl chnnerWnlerlao Gallery well Mr Collier II member the Regal Canadian Academy Ind II mmcdlnle pm president the Ontario Society Arb Ma Ho also on tho ml of lhe Ontario College An en ching palndnl and ndvulmnz techniques Ono of MI murnla In Iha foyer lbs Toronln Agency of he Dnnk cl Canada and we when are In lhe flyurlon In Illlulo Technnlnzf ML Calllnrn nnlnlnn In In Alan Collllr nolcd Canadian mm Ind lenchcr will bu guest weaker Annual banquet and ex hlblllan ol Ihe Barrla Art Club wlll be held Thundny 630 pm at Central Unllcd murch Was Possession And Not Theft Faye was presented with bun qugtnl flnwgn What In lb afternoon It planned or him to attend we fgmlnz home galherlnl the We must never forget Ihal they are lambody 2135 ch dren and wu must use cer laln 51505131 11an Mr Bell laid when ho was Being Interviewed or 11m appreclnu the certiï¬cate but you dant always have to accept promotion and pre fer am in Grada eight Pupils never really know what degree they work their way Into the Mention of their leacherl HeVicio Knoxspoke oimy teachinl as the work ior which am paid is true But enjoy being in school And feel that my colleagues are during his award with me 5131 mom wondered ll than people who were hulnx honoréd for ref vIng without reward lose lust lime or rccelv ng thq nward am It has taken mo by lur Erlse And seems has vnlur eyond That In people doing church work in lawn and xervlng on cammmeea will read of this ward and know that their man nrgjecggnlzed Art Exhibition Thursday Night Mr Bell also touched on other association besides Mn school teaching 10 said ha remmber ed Doug Mcthbnn nolnz mu the Ice below the 11m were on and getting Mn Bell said Winn the wnrdwaa first Introduced Iound hard to make up my mgd Justwhql was Ian Legion Sha recently present ed the color to the Banla Branch Glnglo um lvp low In bvovmd mo cl Shout up In 5V IM bvonud mo HAVE YOUR OWN BABTS SHOES Dnmnne WM ullmMM In nboul 00 could have bun urloul Inld he Md No on WM In an Iomuwnn lpnrl mm Al the llma Flre Chm Rally Irwin Inld um mum nvtrflowed Iha and lznlled an Ilovn Yntcrduyl nounhour to call lo 73 Dunlap EL could have mulled in not runu mu for the men hldnl burncd The exhlbillun of tho Banlo Art Club will be an vlew lo the public unlll Snlurdny evening at the Central Unllcd Church hall Mrs TarBush 1119 Art Club Inld Each car Mr Col ller and his Imly travel by énr and taller 01 ha lhreo summer monlhs They have cav ercd Cunndn from man In coast Ihu Yukon lho Nurlhwcsl Ten tomsngd Allst and Ihe USA In Thursday evening will he band on his Yukon and Al mny trips Arlln wllh Trnlb HE has had recent exhlbL Hon his work at tho Robert Ggljery in Toronto Campl Junior mm mm In the senior Army omcerl senior NCO and wivu of these members will mac WeIler In the Buell Bundlnl as many private Ind buslness COHECIIOM Pot Roast Is Burned To age these citizens mos nixedand think we need lhll remgnlumlo pleasur Sold Mn Cooke This meet Ing ha caused us to remember much congratulate you And also congratulm you on being promoted toGrAde nlne He read poem in wrote which was puhllshed In the Bid lclln somn year ago It was en titled He cannot read his Qomlr llqyg when hes dead Iicmembcr ibis péem Mr Bell said This would urge you to do Pl1AlSE filmy MAYOR Maya1 Les Cooke congratula ted Mr Bell nner he was pm LII vvjh the award havi been Hillcresl School slnca It was built In 1951 111p cergnlnly boon glenunl Pupil Prince of Wales School came from two or three cgngngunlkles in 54 BI that llme were alrlclly mm rallmadcn lamlllea Eventually Allandalo was populated almost enllrzly by people who hld al legggd Klng ngnrd School Then was five fenï¬aiihe Pglrlca Wale School He said didnt take hlm long to get over It he thouzhl would It wasnt long any Hut was coming down the corridor and heard one the young children any le here reflex 91d Eelm Job eachlng in Barrie anmn member of the board objected the he to Heiald mu Banla Examiner aald Well he ueLoyerdumL II BMNCII OFFICE ACROSS CANADA man Ann NOW romdzoLmiiu Haskell 56 oundor KM Toronto Bob or Bullncu Bureau cumTod Wecml e2 wglknown band lbndcr Radon Charles Laurence Larry Woods 67 annu Du lroil nnorl culchcr and mem ber ol Ihu Boston Red Sox or nnlmllon lines 1041 mm Samuel Iung we who practised lnw In Toronto 01 70 yamg Gull JinnRabbi Iclk Bcnkuwllz 109 bellow he oldnsl rnbhl In lhe Unllcd Slnlu Lluunue Switzerllnd Enr nnesa Marlo do Coubenln 1m widow of lhe founder lho modern 01mm GMIK on Col Jame Enrl Hunter 62 loaned to tho RCA during lho Second World War nnIor medical olllcer overseas Besides his regular occupation oi principal It iliiicmi Mn Bell il in the church chair on lilo board oi Royal Victnrin iins pitui chuirmnn many corn mitten chnrler member HI Lions Club member oi Community Concert iiuronia Speed Skating Ciub Bird and Palm are awarded on the basis or service to the commun lly during the pull llve years during the calendar ysnr for which Ihc Awnrd IA made and 01 publlp sprvlcc prune trophy ls awarded annually In memory the 1515 William ll Wright who was member ollheCmqdlAn Iceglon The William Wright Mom orlol Trophy awarded last night to William Bell principal oi ilillcrcst Public School is award ed to citizen who ilii given outstanding service in the city oi Earrle ouiaidu oi the par rons normal occupation without mgngigry mmuneralio By THE CANADIAN PRESS BAREIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY Wright Trophy Is For Service INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK purposes If you Am engaged In huninm or plan to mm mm and rrqmm ï¬nancing mmlabll duuhm on mwnablu arm and mndiliana you are Invited to vial nn lDB ofï¬ce or era to me or booklot FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESS The Industrial Development Bank helps flnnnco moat typm of small and medium an Cnnndinn businoma or variety TEACHER DEATHS CONVEYS CONGRATULATIONS Tin award wm presented at the Honor and Award NI ha Royal Canndlnn Luau Haul Certiï¬cate of Merit awnrdl were also presented to flvo men Joe Jewell Padre Cal Shorring Doug McKIbbnn Dnva Mnxolsky and Mann Mch vrny er Mri Lllllan Lindsay m1 Mrs mum Jnmu an dur on member Vihey were Mn Linda Fellls Mn Llllan Lindsay Mn Jun tuo lgme Mrg Nellie Mk Past winners of the trophy have been 1952 Thomas Me Carrol 1953 Mn Jean anle 1954 Rev James Fer guson 1955 Charles Grmln 1956 Jack Brennan 1957 Parsons 1958 Rev Lewis 1859 Mrs Clarence Corbett 1950 Ma Hersey 1961 Rev Cal Sherrlug Wllllnm Craig represent ative of the William Wright nmlly last night congratulated Bell 9nd thanked the Cam Four women last night recelv ed me memhmhlpn to the W0 mens AuleInxy Branch N7 of 015 loyal CaygdlngLezig Elan Leyla 5119115 Club lcllve in Appeal piano er mgd always qulab1e Legion Members Are Honored hum1 NIqu IA um Cg HAIRCUTS suxi son when ll Avwlntnenl Duly EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENIS Mm mm 550 WILD