Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 May 1963, p. 2

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LR my dn rim nn In um mmle nlrnuhllfln uuo mom Iml Alumlnlum amm nu III um mu mu hum 1M ml IIC rum IMP UN mm rrn cumn chum luul An VI llflll ACflVI IDCII ml 11mm ml Ind Amyum rnam rm nnwdlmn mm lull IMIII lndumllh am 30 Mlll ram Mum up IVIOFIU INI INIMNOI INIVIX Immut up 5qu ou 41 VI on resolann mm In the On lnria Kovernmcnl roquosllnz more mislnncc or mnrdcd childrens school wns uccd on In March 1962 The mulllnz leglslmlon one Mop forward but no In la we wish In in nld Mn nghllook Wayne Moxdoncl student ll Nnrlh Colleginlc Addressed the nudiencu on Ihu aiml ol lhi The retiring pruidcni Airs Lighiiooi reviewed tin ac iiviiics oi lho past year Mom bcrship in ihe nuocinilnn was m9 nhaui lhc some ins your and nlicndance wu an all year which pleased Funds from the msociulion cnubltd the purchase at new rear prnktllon acmn Thu balance ul he unds on hand at he and he year was $88 9L Omccrs or the year mm were Installed ma annual meeting he Oakley Park Home and Schno Aswclallon It the schnnl Inst nlnhl OFFICERS IF Onklly lllrk llama nnd Schnnl Amdnllon um lnnlnllul ll lm nlflull Home llnd School Association Installs lts 6364Olficers de League pruscnu Warrant 0mm Brian WeslurlhTay lar the Battle 02 Mr Ga EIGHT AIR CADETE of BIP Hu 101 Mr Cadet Squadron melvcd trophlc at the squadron Inmml Inspection Task nlghh From the Ian JIM sum the Mr Cn 1m 1m 7w nann ml lid mm TODAYS STOCK PRICE umpllrd nu Nu xiu HI th vm 1n Flynn ll Dunlap In nmll Nun Ilunn mm Km mm Dulull um cun Arum nva mm mumm mxmn Ill um Nlnmll DI mm ovum pom mm nu mu mqu Ilnml mm In In In Arr Inllnd lnln Nlrl Inlll UHIIIII Inllrvnv rm Iarhy cm mu INDUIIIIAI Illnmn rm Thu mbmberl the meal on wind la leave he elccllon of Ihc Iwo vltepruidmll to the execullvo member Mr Aancw vlcc resident of tho Barrlo and Dler cl llama and School Assoclnllon lnslnl led lhe new olllcerr Lho Oak ley Park brunch pruldcm Mrs Russwurm secretary Mrr Ward treasurer ll Snundrrs xecullve members Mrs Turnbull Mrs Talhlll Mrr Cnlpilll Mrs ll Pulm rr Mrs Newton Mrs Maln erb Mrs Jebb Allen The mombmhlp the has grnwn mm as In 1956 lo 1W2 he said The th In membershlp can only be served properly by new and ex tended mum YMCA bulldlnl pmram Ha said the Imhm In youth sense belonllng coardlna Han and aplrlt conccm ed with he dcvclapmnnt or bath mind and body he said nlteflnl Frnm Ion Mu Wurd mrtlnry Mr llunwurm pmidcnl Mn dc Squadron with tho Cndel nftheYcar trophy un squadronl annual Inspection last mm the Barrie Arm oury Wanant officer Brian Wesl unrlhToylnr Cadet the Year Cpl David Young ath letic Iwnrd SKL Hallm Iult clllzemhlp trophy Cpl nu oi Onl N0 Mun Carp TorDum nl Tum In Tun Ir Tnd II Tilre lvmm mun MW mun Ilmm unnnh rlmwu unl Anni Cuddocl VIM plnylnl nur In all Ind when no me Hnl loddlrd Inn to In ml mer lnIdn lo Ind FEMERNN Onl CPIHer Inn lnm Ind lumltd by and bur was nllempllnl lo Iced lhreoyuwld Clmlallu Cmde nn Wlubnu nlwm Wu him In 10 Soldlm Mrmotll llopllI In OIIIHI Mundly or ememnry lm munL Fumlnn In on Huh maul IO mllu went mm TM bur hu burn it mo on ha 101 of new to llun owned by Kay llmhlon ol Folmun lar lhc In In or lhm rm ml re nrdtd pol yy mllhlmh children Tluurhllr dnulhlar Mn Mr Belxhaw Elrrle Pub Hc Work employee was work in with crew on Peel Strut block was so to help brnkn lhn shovel and Ike block bmku away mum lhu Ihovel in mo lien Ha Wu um to Royal Vic lorln Hospltnl whore Ioduy he was reported In be In millim my condition yearold Slrnud mun CllIlord Bclshnw had hll leg braknn early yulcrdny manl lm when an excavator thavnl wheel rolled over it Bear Rips Childs Arm When the oxygen supply in cut oil suddenly you hnvo only law minutes he continued Dependinn on lhe phylicnl health of the patient and the amount at air he had in his lung at the time oi the acci dent the potential rescuer has between three and live minutes to revive the nxyneniution oi the mm which in turn will per mit the blood to carry the oxy gen to the brain Without uxylen tho brain cells belln to die and them in no bringing them back toilie Dr Qelnney said Llahllocl Wllulnl pmldml and II Enundm lnuurer Hummer Mom More Clnadllns dle mm allure ln he respiratory aya lem than mm cancer and ner vous disorder combined nll Information was glven to crowd 125 parents and child rm the Oakley Park Ham and School Assoclnllon In an 11 lraled Ieclure by Dr Delaney last nlxhl It In most Important hut eve member of tha commun fly ould know how to admlnlau er mouth to mouth resuscim Ion he said Many victim 01 drownlnl Ingxlnx Simmering and eleclrlc shock are table In be rescucdgr quick and know ledgeable an on the pm pnsserby Breaks Leg On The Job Musk general proficiency Imphy LAC Ken Baker Lud Ies Auxlllnry nwm Cpl Palahlckl marksmanxhlp tro phy 51 Raymfl Don Fell Memarlnl Trophy for pre oiygén Hoes Ho film tho Describes Steps In Resuscitation No doducllonfor lulu commission Enqnlm about CANADA TRUST 5131 INVESTMENT FUND CA DA Dunlop If Imli Mill HI synoyllu Showerl huvu mend lnln nerlhwulcm 0n lulu In ndvnnro of wmhcr Iyxlcm In Munllnbn Thu ml wnrd pram nl lhll weather Illcm ll txpmrd cnrry ouran man Nnrlhcm 0n lnrlo today And Inln Inullmrn mm ho pmvlnco nn Wrd nudny Cwlcr nlr lhnl mnvcd lnm Nnvumn Onlnriu on Mon Iy will nuw rolml pnmllun urmlnl rend or mm Onmlo unllm Ind chnudny audln NHLMg doggy over lo Yrdpudny Irmcr Wlndl Ivullfixly iili Whineday Nnrlh lily Sudbury Tlmw Iml Cochran mlom Sunny mlny Cloudlnl uvr hy mu ulna any lnudy mman And We nrdly wllh luluer Ihnwero nr lhumlmhnwm In mm and Wulnmlny likely Indln Wodnudn Illunonn mu nrmer ndl Inulhevly II 70 Wnlnmly WIndnor Iondon lllmlllun anonlo SI Chlr Luke 11 Ah llurnn Lulu In Nlu prowling may lullmd man nyuu Hula wfih law or Ihuml Illlmll The bar ulml Mr HIM um and and dawn ll 11 ymmlnlcr wn mum Ily nllqndnnh Tho concert wll locum the Camp Bordon Dlstflcl Hlxh School Concert Band undzr Inn baton 01 Dr Em Schnhn Ihl Ficully ol Mullc Univmlly cl Tnmnln Thu comm mm It 515 Soclll canvcner David lock Ind ll nld Tho nudcnls worked diligently all year In prmnl lhll concert We In con ldenl lhll ymenllllon will be hlxh ullbral The Camp Borden Dlslrlcl leh School mullc dtparlmenl wlll prean concert Mull In May tumormw nlnht at Garrison 11mm in Camp enca wan caullnncd um People dont dmwn Irom WIMP In the lung In lack of nlrl Dont worry about cu Inn the water out lha apenker Iald Illa alr In The lour lmporlnn ileps lo be taken In mouth lo mouth re Iuscllallon were descrlbcd In lllm 1le They May LIVE and emphnxlled by the speaker TIII the head back pull Illa law forward Inch he noslrll and blow Fa lowlnx them our Ilmplo rule the mum breath regularly but dccply be cause you no brenlhlnz lor lwn eople Just lel tho wrld heal built ln resplmor do SL3 job lha Iudlence wan lald braln within mm minutes he person will be mental vexe tahlo even he does recover be confirmed Music Department To Give Concert clalon drill 5n Murdock flying leholanhlp Wartn Olllcer WealxnrthTuylnr also won lying acholnrship from use Mr Cldet League Can WEATHER FORECAST Allumn Whlln film unions Showerl btxlnnlng this nflor noon Cloudy will Irullcrcd Ihowm nr lhundmhnwcrn nluhl and Wedncsdny mornlnn clearing Wtdnudn nllcmmn lllllu warmer ndl wulerly 20 Wtdnudny Fflllclll Tflnpflllulll an lonifihl th ch Windlar 50 70 SL Tlmmn London Kllrlwncr Wlnlhnm 53 lhmlllan 51 SI Calhlrlnu Tomnl lclcrlmmuah Trumm no Killnlua Muukoh Norlh my Sudhury r0 Fivc contulnnu Hm MidlandBarri nrca com um Ruben Mm has collcclon 01 public wanking lrnphlu rum prmau yam 01 nod lrom lhu three ludzu In his Ipcech he ducribed the mum at Unllrd Nulluru Ideals Ind Um uncllom n1 Ill dlflmnl bunch Gnde 11 student Barrie Nnrlh Collulalo Immulc no en fiddle 15 won um prizo hut night In public lpenklnl tanlesz In Mldlnnd H1 wln en lllle him la lwowcck nll expanse puld lrln to UN Unltcd anlons headquarters In New Yuyk lhII lummcr Thu conlrsl tparuorcd by Ina Indcpdenl Order Odd Fcl lawn Dislrlcl 10 was held In the IOOF Hnll In Mldlund Slum then the Navy League ha been he Sen CAch Corps sponsor and it also sponsors Um vay Leann Cadets The Navy League Cadets was organlmd by Del Kelly who He was C0 unlll 0113 fall 1945 In ms the Llnns Club lurncd the Corps lo the sponsor ship lb Navy League Bar rie Brunch The role ol the Canadian Army in helping in lessen International tension was described mem4 bers ol the Kiwanis Ciuh ol Kempenleli Bay the Commun ily House yesterday Mnlnr Kicrnns told he members Tho army ni lhouxh designed for war is In valved in the preservation ol peace around lhn woridr Th3 Burla Sen Clach Corps was founded In 1911 under he Iponsorshlp ol the Bmle Lions Club Wllllam Bell prlnclpal lllllcresl School was ll um Commndlng Olllcm Tha Canndlan Army doesnt May At home any more he laid Canadian slat an coop erating fully with the sum of our allies maintaining cam Barrie Student Tops Speakers Top Barrie Al Cadet Iha car Wlmnl OIllcer Brian estuarlh Taylor was pm senmd with thu Cadet ol the Year Mphy by Blll Gamer at tho annual Barrie Cadet Inspection last night at 1th Armoury lwn lights of cation were ru vluwcd by Wing Commander In Yallowleel HEM CD of Camp Borden No Cadet were awarded fly Ing scholarships which will on abXn them to receive on hours gmund Iralnln and 35 hour Almoul cadets lurned out or the annual lnxpecllan Sea Cadet Corps Founded In 1942 Outstanding Cadets Win Trophies Awards Explains Armys Role In Lessening Tensions mm om1 41 7009 Inmmm llmr pm Mull lnr Inmullclulllll urn ur Irrvlrn hmlmu nmv mu Ilia lypn lmllllnl In Imlunlrlul mu Inlnhlnrrd Ifllllllvl awn umJn parklnl mlmln Inlrnllvu ImInr INHlMInI ur vlm nvnlluhla In umn lmIM lnl requiml CONTACT MR IHOMAS PA 61873 FOR RENT The nnrrlo hranrh the Navy League sponsor not only to Hnnle Sun Cadet Conn but so woman lhe Navy Lulue Cadcll This Is Navy chk Rem Canada and the Navy Lenxua urgu you In my ribum In the Maya Cnuuqlnnl Navytl Tulkln nbaut lho Navy lhe phmlc Blue Mundny munlly gal mm In the Nnvy Mm hauscwlvu ulnclnle ll Mm hauscwlvu ulnclnle It with lhc day in he week hm the washing mun bo dune Atl unlly lhl Is An old nnvnl ltrm dating back oAlha luh Cellllufy IhIps whenby mun mln and wen luncd dnlly and the CHI rll mu Houcd on In lolluw nu Mummy Olliccrs or the first Barrio Sea Cadet Corps Included Ed lneson Ed Norman 11 key George Cale head of the Bums Band Gwrue Monkmm and John Mcflrlde 1ch Pefly Olllccrs Dr homo Seymour and Dr Lnurle museum and Rev Ferguson Pfldlt lass SmlIh was 0mm in dmrgn starts Thls week Navy Week mm Canada and Mayor Le Cooke has signed proclama Han lo um effect lle called upon all clllzcm ol llle Clw of Burr lo support lhls pnlrlolle pmlrnm and lake pm In Ip proprlale observance ol lhl week through the many chum nugmopcn lhcml was Commanding Ollicer ol the Sufi Cam gaypsrhl 195359 He sinned ngua Add In 1955 with 55 memhcm Pm 50m Co for the League Cndeu Frank Ladoucer nd CO or lho Sea Cede Is LL Robert Graham gent attached to lnlcrnutlnnal contra commit slonshave mad Important con tributinns to the calabllthenl of workable ceasefire in he Conga and on the Israeli Arab border he said Canadian re resenlnllves on Unlled Nallonl commission also act bull err between posing farce in Korea Kashm Slnal and Vict narn he continued Méjér Kicrnns wk member of lhe Internnuonnl Control Ind Supervlsary Commission in Web Blue Monday Is Navy Term plela rapport wllh the one the free wfld nlnflglng inllghl any phages FS Bolssonauli received the flying scholarship from the Air Cadet League oi Canada and FS Murdock received his mm the RCAF Association oi Barrie WC Yellawlee stressed the Importance 01 education and urged every cadet In stay In lchml Your the worst axe to wanllo slay there Schoolan ll nnflubsolulo mus He suggested that Cadeu will be thankful for any education they receive Tho Mr Fore to day highly technical unit fié aiald Joan amgarrlck 3139135 PERMANENTS SK Ali For Tho nUllUET LON PHONE PA Hm OIEN nvmmnu as Mlnlv Any The rlce growing polenllnl the country is such that the present time only 10 fer cent of the avnllnhle land under culuvnllon Th Communists have been lrylng dimlm the rice export trade He smlcd that the anemaHon al commisslons have been my valuables They give new tral assessment of the causes of hosmltles and help salute mnvemenls subcrvlslva ol inm natlnnnl peace Thu importance of Vlclnam 1n the coid war lies 1n Ma 1w grarhlcal situation and In its agr cultural lerllllty the group was laid the Communists wars to canlm Vietnam as far south as Saigon lhey would have outllankcd the Indian anhconlln en mi all the Island oi Aux halls unld Mam Klerans ln responsu In qucsllan from the floor Major chran assen cd Ihal during Ihc llmc that he was on the Commlsslon no evi dence came tu Hg Chlncse help or the North Vlelnamcse other Cadet Trophy winners were Cpl David Young aihiei ic award Sgi Boimnauit citizenship award Sgt Ray craii Dan Fail Memorial Tm phy or precision drlii Cpl Mliek general proficiency lmc phy Cpl Paiahicki mark mnnshlp trophi and LAC Ken Baker Ladies Auxiliary award for most promising cadet nam during 1962 Ha shuwed lllde of the hlxtaflcal monu mcntx ol the ancient lndnChl non clvtllzallons and described the topography 01 the country which makes it such dmlcult urea tn defend Jim Smith representing tha Air Cadet League irom Tornntn also atmscd the importance oi education and said that Barrie 101 Squadron was tribute to ihe parents civilian instructor and to lha air cadets Bargains this week Amy Slllcyllc Add rlln nhlm ralllv hnduho Oolhlthl an plln In gonml TUSSY Deodorant Roll0n Cwam or Slick 125 valua 66 Dunlop SH A11qu Friendship Garden Hand and Body Lotion 2ox and Tall Water 201 200 mini 50 MACLEANS Tooth Pane 98c leo 75 TUSSY Summor Cologna 250 valul 125 Em Rood ANACIN 100 l29 ASPIRIN IOOI 93 BUFFERIN 50 98c INSTANTINE 50c 79c MIDOL Ill 49c MODESSztz STEM50L MguPWuh Lso 3m 129 LIMMITS 109 ll 91c DESERT Pultlng Powdor FRIENDSHIP Garden Sparklln and Dusting Powder 22 IDASAL and Sparkling Cologno115 valut l50 300 Fm Economical Rulld or Hudlchol It Spulnl Prkn End May ll ALLANDALE DRUGS IJD CALDWELL DRUGS LTD HARPERS PHARMACY ROSS DRUG ORE Rag 99c TABLETS Comporo II Thu Inlarnnllonal Plowing Match and Farm Machlnery Demonstration wlll be held In Slmcoe County In Ihc CcnlennlaH yenr 1967 It was announced day will be held on the arm Joseph Cochrnna In Innllfll Townshlp south ol Barrie TORONTO Specllfl 5w on nlrl was umoni nine Ontrlo students who recclved honor able menflnns In the Ontario wlde Forest Fire Prevention bmpolmon Sh II Chmfl Watson Tecumselh South Contra School Breton Results war announcm Monday by Phipps pmldenl of the Ontario Forastry Aisaclallon in naminz the winners Mr Phipm said he indie had inmi lime aiming thtm by cause oi the high qualliy of tha posters iirsi prlxe winner second pril winner and ihrea ihird prize winners were named in addition in nine who homrnbia mentions wish to tonymince tha winners on the excellence at their wnrk and the though they put Into their posters Mr Phipps said also want to thank the hundred of student who entered the context and their lenchm or the encom nxemunt Ihey provided me OFA nanomm non polmcnl body comper ol forest conserva conacloul when In Ontario apoluou the Smokey Bear campalln LitterPickin Pm rexwm rangers camp hook Ind other mnservntlon educwon program Mn mama Emmnj wuusnAv my Fred Hunter county clerk nld County Council mad nu reques um be held harm Last time the event was hexd In Slmm County was on In airport arm In Allister on tube 10 ll 12 and ll 1950 County Gets Plow Match Beeton Girl Wins Award With Poster mklln Cologne 22 valuo 150 PA M407 PA MN PA MMJ MOM 79° 75 ll7 83c 87c 73c 43c

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