Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 May 1963, p. 11

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ml 3o AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY 8y MRS GEORGE HOLT Tho connrezallon Trnlly United Church heard the Junior choir voice conducted by Mrs Leonlrd Wm slnn It recent morning ervlca They In the song prnlu and mg Ipeclal elecllon Thou who anemia the Ihrea comedy lnyl Ule Thornton gun Fill npuk hllhly 01 um nun no were car Klddu lnflumrl II no nu Llwmln no II nu 1030 on ILL 1110 am mu Alum mu lpflfl VIlnn Trlln now cu no Fury IUD From Ill Chlllefln Inna Thu mhu Man 1030 Cunner Junction non CBCTV Nuw In Vumu Snark Mm 1110 nuum Nun wmm spam Hairdo lhal make wnman look as though ahel been lrlthncd oul 01 her witsor that cause lost bees la conluac It with lhcir hnmc hlvc Omca IUIW bosses who scribble end lm auncallons to other In because anmehody gave ham neck of tea mama pads MI GrapcInIIl Ihal squirt In on eye Instead ol the eye of lha guy lhatl caUn IL Hatcheck girls who drop our hal In the floor when we put down 15 cent becauu we dont have quarter change In our pocket Telephones that ring Just an we reach the pundllInc In Inks IpIIIng In Ihe boss People who when you tell them yanr troubles Just reply well lhall lite or you Folk who think in cm to sand clty child xmal llve bunny Iar Euler NEW YORK ANThin we cogld rdo without Gold ldcnllly lags or dog that have everyihlng Oldllmerl who can remember warm winter than Ihe one Just ended Lipstick so pale It makes teen Iuc glrls look like daywalklnl nmblus file You Peopies Unluns HIwkcslontGulhrIc Slroud Ind VIDNIIDAY MAY THE LIGHT TOUCH nur um And Can mu Dollvmd In Ilom THIRI IS NO CHAROI FOR YHII SERVICI Tul Fauna and Manual Slum Pm NI Mm Mom Pam mm Noon luth anl In all 1mm yam In Till Thlll Scull IIX anl lull Dlull llurklnhny Hound gymum Mm Lets Get Rid Of Beehive Hairdos DRIVlYOURSILP CAR AND TRUCKS TELEVISION PROGRAMS THORNTON CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL By HAL BOYLE rim my yuaum PA 82433 unm Plum Bum TIIIJIInAY MAY ml Mu 9mm Manual Innm runner nur nun Nomdly wall ma ml Mumn Mann AI Yau nu Im WI MOII1 TM Lawn lmu lluMmlo lmllll null 1m rm In mm mm Vlnll Hum lulu Im Ia Nu Wulhlr lpam oo Mn nut in sum Imp ln mum in nmnm new Illa clv Nun mu Mum rInIl HM Hm llflnn Haul wwNnnu MA no Mada mu llauu uoo Noamy noun 1m Kiddo num An In Cunlflel mun lllumln mm mm mm vm munm manu yuan Thl Milena Th 5m Thnl Sal wuum upm NI Mum Inulum Vnmpln IIWHIDAY MAY ID Plllun Gund Mnmlnl Emuln FIR le Ram loam Pom Pmy Nonnhy Ilpnrl mm Cnluollllon Murh Nllionll 5mm Lonlu Ynunl In Tlll mu SC Dill PllU ll Duxll Von luv Huh ruvl Nu mu Spun mumm 16V 00 Thu um 00 Mo rimm Unlouflubhl cucurv r1 Jmmmmnn Mens hats that have brim mrmw they look II theyd been gnawed away by hungry mlce Truck driven who hank lhelr horn just to sea mu dulled pedestrians jump Rllnl lhll Ill only an lhe dnyl yolu put on lreshlyvpresud Aul Pcopla who think youre an lgnonmul lacunae youd rather ahool pool or all on poker name than play hrldla or chm Anybody cocktail party who lrlcs to tell whnl Slz mund Freud ar Karl Marx really meant In aay Anybody nnywhm who uys lela play charad Butmderl who rlnkle rzd pepper an their bow of ohms wafer so youll buy more drinks to soothe your burning palate After dinner speaker who Ipuk so long you begin to yearn for hmkhu Any menl cooked In liack yard between Mly and Navem her Wives who can llx with hnlrpln vacuum cleaner weve Llnkmd over or hours with pllerl monkey wrench and crowhlr Recent caller on Mr and Mn Gemu Holt were Mr and Mn Waller Andrzwa Mu Hlmld Andrew Debbi Ind Diana of Bradford and Truen pl annavlew Thornlumflally wanlhe dum um All Ulrla won med Wu and Ihcy and their director to be mummified good cmwd unendod which milled thy naornwn group llnlnclnlly In their Intell project Mr and Mn Georg Holt called on Hand In Berton 1m Wednesdly TORONTO Anny wuxunu II Gun Will ol 1A rim upm Wm Mm in my nn BARRIE Declmr In msth he Itan of hurt and than plnytd club and finesxed Hm nine Em mm with the mum and JAY THEYRE sonru DERBY England CW0r nunlml Junior nrl hIMHnn hero haw npoloxlud la luo our yenr old am who mhmiutd palnllnn rullwny nglne And Huh Ir Thu pmnlinzs was hung upnldn down and llhellrd petrol pu and llownr poL 1110 part more hand much neultclcd In the literature of the Kim has its draanc mn mcnls loo Look at IM deal uheru Soulh became declarcr 01m hem and mnde the non mm in most unusual way apadu West 601 Ihrevkluz wllh the no and returned lpldl lo the queen Ves led dlnmond East won with 019 lug5n Aargd IIhiIldIn Opening cadseven monds amtmu AMI mm Jukdlwl Nomi 1m to but 00 mm wllar ILN mum umly unmaq lbbl It Oomnn DAILY CROSSWOBD omn lid 11ml Mr and him Glen Chisholm Tornnio spent ha weekend with their daughter and soniniaw Mr and Mrs Ernest McKnight M11 Archio Simpson Kirkland Lake spent few days wiih her mother Mrs Waller iiiciiincknn and visited her father at he Ilnyli Viclnrin iinspiinl Barrie Miss Enid McKenzie Duncan 11 human IL Amp rlrlarmerl by mg Mr and Mn Irving Truckle Bruflnrd vlsllcd over the week end wIlh Mr and Mrs Denim Jacksnn Conzrmulaflons lo Jacqullna Lowden ol Barrie formerly of Angus and Jahn Balding Toronto who wen married In Trlrlly Angurarg Church Also congratulations to Robert Jacklon of Angu and Sandra McPeake of Toronto who were marrlcd In the Trinity Anglican Church Barrie Mr and Mrs Victor Beaumonl and daughter Tomnlo wm weekend Visitors with Mr and Mg Dukp VLee in plynd Cnmlul Hutq guy1 qr an landed the gnndmolhcr Mrs William Geslrme and iamiiy North Surrey 50 is visiting her mquwr Mu Gerald Boormln Mr and Mr Siringer of Georgetown Mr and iiira Glen Stringer oi iiiiiion called on Mr and him Finch Sunday on their way home from ihn Sirin EirW riqw viedding aiudbiry Pm Mr and MuaPal Lacey and Ian Windsor an vlslllnn Mr Ind Mun Engast Hammond Sympnlhy extended lo lha Woolsey family and relatives In the death Game Woolscy It the Roy Vlnorln Hospital Ann Also sympalhy extended to Mn Forest Janet and relat Ive 1n the sudden death of her husband Forest Jennelt at RIF rle Ind formerly 4n ADIOS my Eu dealer Neilhrr side wlnerablt By MR5 DUCKWORTH 16m ANGUS CONTRACT BRIDGE on wuou Human ms on an mom +AQ1 In qq xx NOW unlul Epoch Biron wind Homer MIDI ID Ahud 1011 Dlmxnmm II In Welt DOWN Cummu unit Enlch Imum rBy JAY BECKER dll North flowm Allw MIC 25 CA ILAddlllon In bullfin ll hill boullul llIkX colloq ll Um mm gm 2L Rh mad 2210 Tnmnmln TM mandlloq nun Scum nvcrlrumped Ind led lhu luck cl Ipndu dlmrdlnx cluh rum dummy Em ruflcd now dummy would In hlxh no be discarded dlnmond Dcclmr Uwrcupon lulled dlu mend in dummy lo produu hh nlnlh ldck He Ihcn cashnd the Jack club and continued with the Eul couldnt very well dll curd hccnuse dummy wnud cow Ilnuo ludinl clubs Ind he couldnt afford lo n1 wllh Um lurk so he mind will he elnhl However he caml through with good plly when ha aver lnnk the queen with the ace vllhaut lhlstrlly he would have been default Dcclnrer was planning la lend lhc quecn And another hem and would have mndo the ml of tho lrlck In this way lhu hcam hudhccn divided Bu when he ltd Ohe queen Mid West Ahowcd oul lho plclum changed cansldcrnbly South was now In danger of xolng down having already lost three lrlcks East had more trump thin 2mm he or dummy had relumcd the king of dlamuuds Dummy rullcd and led fluekin of clubs covcrcd wllh tho ac and ruIrcdrhy Sauth Th wu now the poslflon On May the ucnmehl were administered by luv Mr Thorpe and Mr Runner Ono 10 mu Immaturid A10 Thu chair St Pauls Anxii can Church enjoyed pieaxant ouiing Mandy Paul Channen and Miss Nlncy Orxer look iha choir membm June and Ellen Blundeil Terry and Billy Craig and Shirley Bowdery in visit Oakvillc Cassi vLomI River daie Zoo and Mnlinn Airport Sorry to report Heather Oliver is patient in the Sick Children Hospital St Paul Angllcan Church hu been redecorated and new drape have been purchased Rev Mr Tilley Emle sup plied or Mr Bunner In th Unh ted Church H1 uddms Ind prayer was much appreciated By MRS NASH Beverley Blundell Drill Hospllal Schoal wu ham or the Euler holidays Archla Duckwnrth and John were Brnckvllle on Friday Croft returned home with them Mr Ind Mn Gama Coulmn Ban1e culcd on mu nlsler Ind bmmerlnllw Mr and Mn Duckworlh after returnInI home frnm Floridn where they 511 win Mrs Heirick Smith and Mrs WHILI spent Thursday with relatives London 55 and Mrs James Cumber hrd 13X Depot Iefl May at Montreal RCAF Simian where James being lrnnxlerrnd Con nrnluhllon la Mrs Cumberlard nn winnan the bingo jackpol of tagmytgagnq Bquen Thu Lnales Auxiliaryyfnr lht Cubs and Scouts held Inccess ul rummue sale May In the Zhgn Ercihylgrlan church ha Ont ls vhldnu her cousin Mr Adi Mra gamerpn Mcflac knowl MIDHURST Ilfllyl All North H130 mm um Elle Iun uéiiryou EARLY MORNING mm um mm mum rommps suoum cums scum mm BUEORANDMA IF WE FOOD ID GOTFRRIDLI If WI KlDfl SW 75 TIMI I11 ARM EXAMINER TUESDAY MAY ill n7 PM aer m7 lennnuun wouawr voub LIKI wow WILLJ CANT HAVE THE 100 WINKIN yM culcuu mm yum mch mum Aiml

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