JJef nuumn hm Anne wholl II In Amuan walk Illa gllxmdt nl IonnX Wlmlmr Yuk IMIInl Mmy km ml Mm In Mr hulr pllwl Nah II hnd Imhd Junl Me an ollwr mm rllhrr In Hm Ynllnd mm or England Ill wnnhrd Imr mm rum mu play rub Sunday MI Wluflwlu 111 mng above he llocky Mounluins ml llghl Irom Van couver to 0lawa Monday pa csmnn sald an aulnpsy was performed Monday night In determine cause hdcalh and results would be knan today In holpllal are Slzmlon Schmidt 71 Cud warlh Snsk mlrcd llorc keeper returning mm visit with his ulster In Vncdbum Oregon was dead on urrlvul at hbsplln Edgnonlan passenger said the WM druppcd sharply perhaps about 800 out nnd anolhcr sald was llllcd 1mm seal whllc Qrvlnx to lumen hls seal bell TCA spokesman said Mon day nighl our 111 the passengers remained In haspflnl mm or them seriously Injured Olhm were released alter cxnmlna an or lrcnlmonl EDMONTON CF All el der man died and 25 mm passengers were Injured when TransACnnada Air Lines plane was mckcd by vimenl air cur fgnls plgh abov he Rggky 9m an No It Sgt Vilhelm Willie Veil er was greeted by hls wife Faye and son Frederick at Plane Rocked By Wind One Dies 25 Injured For Examiner Wnnl Ad Tele phone FA 62411 n19 lelzphnnu number lo cal nr the Buslness nr Edlturlal Dept ls PA 531 Our Telephones RETURNS FROM PAN AMERICAN GAMES lnxl tnmmsnl Inflow he mm Monday nl xtllnull mnlrd 1000 nmchm lurlmlmfl Nmo mmrlllnn Dish hrEm 11n Innktu Hum mml lnr pumllnl umqu mum Mr 1qu rhllvlmu nlhpr Irvwlnmt may Ikipwd lulu lu Mn In lhe uuwuï¬m Dr HUM at III down lown witlc Inclllllu lndmllnl lunrll wunlm lermmI ml lay lmmlnlm BIRMINGHAM MIL AP Irmlnlhlml jnilu am Jnmlntd wllh Nrngn Ahnnll he hllrllllll polnl Iodn Am Irml nl mnuho clrzrezllnn mu plnlwl marl drummun £0le Wm will lellrly hm Iumu drumnurnllnn ann almul noon um Mulln Mth km Jr wnhlrnl of Um Boulhnn lullllln Mllmhlp onlrr Klnn um Ilvr mm at the up lurrunllun mm nu lalr pulky Inr Mr ml or Mu munmum In mml ummlltu to max bmd th OTTAWA CPIThe prnspcc the 900000000 urdcr by Trnns Cnnnda Mr Llncs or Lama 45 new pnssnnxer plane my lunch DH unn ol the wildest In duxlrlulpollllcal scrambles In man Cnnndlnn hlslqry Already lnvnhnd lhu led unl nnd Qunbn governmtnls lamina and Cnnnnlnn nlrrmll tnmpnnlu he Mr Induslrm Anoclallun of Canada nnd4 nnl urnlly TCA Plnnu In lhc runnan or flu TCA nrdrr Inrluda nl lean than three Frnncon SudAVI nllon Carnvrllo Hue nrlllsh Mrmn hrpornlinn MCHI mud hu Amcrlcnn Doualnl D00 Prunlrr Lanna Quebec luu up rltd llu Cnrnvrllr lpplnnly an Iho umlmlund In lhnl the plum would Im hulll undtr mum hy Cunndnlr Limllcd Monurnl NA cxpccll dccldolalu his year or curly next on mediumrange 1c rcplncrmcnl or III Vlsmunl and Vanguard luflgonrypflcc ourengine plane wflh capaclly 01 109 passengers sul fcrcd no apparent Ilrucluml damage but was In undergo 1n spccflon by compny Invesllgn lngg lodï¬y TCA spokesman said the plane carried 61 paying passen gers three company employees and crew live He added Um Interior of he Winn ml was shambles Some seals were knocked out or place and newspapers blankcl Ind other Helm were anallercd Thu alréiall ran Inlo rough air at 21000 feel about 50 mllc Mooney TCA district taxes gunner mm VIcIorla Leo evil of San Jose CallL MrL Marlon Klemmer Ilasclown Sash and Jun Waller Wood Blunt Snsk INTERIOR MESS TCH Has To Decide 0n Jet Plane To Replace Viscdunt Vanguard Negro Comedian With 1000 Jailed hlhllon nlrpon Ith mornlng Willie returned to Canada along with the WM member 111 ram Examinrr HIa unnllml mlnrd hp III In mm Ilmml luxury wan lln 11m Nun lunar Imm much wrmlll Ia parmlr le um llllilrll nu mmml ll unulxl mum lllhhllhflllll ll Vnuldnymi rm lnr mfnjy ll clpwnnl Mimi IMth nu lhe pa nulu Hal Sunhrnm Corpnrnllnn Cun mlnl lellrd Irmnlrd Hm nix mrmhcr mmxnlulnn with porl rm lln own rxprrlrncu wlu lnx npnrnIunne uuo Ihllllllnl mam Hum nix yrnu lhrough nrlmu mum Drmplng all rlwlu nunllul nl Nrmou man lnr pltkcllnu unrmllnl nml nlhcr lrmnmlrnllnnm was Rocky Mountain House Alla 25 minutes flying time from Edmonton The publlc weather ofï¬ce sald rain shuw ers were reported In the area the lime Tops the clouds ranged lo 25000 feel arenas ler sald TORONTO lCPSo II lnxnflon cancernnl Ollnwns llnnnclnl and ludlcinl whacll nrn urtmflnz uruund on Iluw part In hlx rlcclrlrnl malnu luclurinn mm mld lodnyl Thu Cnrlrr myul lnmmilslon nn laxullnn wM Inked In rrcnm mcnd much luhrlcnlion Inward Mrurunllon Inclme Illa pghllc Moll Thu plane was pilnlcd by Cap tain George Smllh Van couvnr Ho and other members of me crew war no avnllnhl for comment Jlus company sald the Mat bell algn was turned on just be oro he encounter with the vim lent current Mr Davis laughed he ma of hl cxperlcnce mm hospital bed think know what John Glcnn US Asmr nnul ell llk flle Hrlllsh Alrcrnll Carparn lion Is also bullcvcd willan In hnvc llle MCm bull in Can ada undrr llctnce Under ll crnce Icrm whlch means We duslgner would collect rnynl 54 The flight to Edmnnlon nor mnHy lake 00 minutes Oil Needed In Tax Wheel of this countrys team in the Pan Amcrican Games held In Sao Paulo Brazil Sec glory page three HERES ONE uITAWA HIImwllun In null min In MIMI un Irr Um prrlulnl Mumr prim lur rlolhln uml modlru urn nu new wk Apr In he mnnlh Inrmm In Im mum ml houllh Ind perml cm Imluu mllwelxhod do mm In In lumpmlnllml mmum and umllnl Int lo Imrm nml almhm Imluu The ml ml hwfln Imlun we nmhungnl Th1 Inmnu nullMn Inkl Indny ml Hu nmmnw wlrn Iqu lmr Iwnlrnllvl ul vnlul in he munlll to Mull lvmumllvl Willi Mind 11w IHIIIIAI rlrrl yunllllrk Imnl ml IND lnrll rvnIAIMnl tmwu wr ml or lwo Inhle nbow flu Mull ml mlu nnnk Gomnor Ilfllll numln nky nnld In announcing lhl mnvn Mnndny nlzhl lhll wu drawn ln continue In tn murnxn crrdll mndmrmn Ihnl larllllnln mound domullc eco mum oxpnnnlon Mm Hum 400 mllu down rlvcr rnm Furl Slmpsam air pnlrulx the norlhcrn nIlnlrI depnrlmcnl kcnl watch on Ihe OTTAWA CWIn more hcmldlnu rnxlcr trtdfl Hm flunk Cnnndn Monday tut Ill lcndin mm In Js prr cm from our 11m rule lhc cnxnlrylcnd In Indicator lho mdil xenmlly now ll ll lnwrsl polnl alncn my at In ym lln nllm nnlrd Hill In Hm lnll plx mnnlhl hu bun In Wuler and Ice have rclrealed mm lhe Island ulllcmcnl of May River at Hm mouth May on the toulh share Great Slave Lake 500 mllcs north or Edmonlnn For Simpson NWT built on an Island lb cnn flucnce the Mackenzie And Llnrd ï¬lms 130 miles norlh won hem and 525 mm Ed mmlon lhc lhreat nl flooding cam lhouuh nhuul othlrd l0 muxnmcn rcmnlncd under water Monday night van tho Iounh rcducllon nl Hm bunk mlo Ilncu it wu laxnod not rent lnnl Juno in funrl nnmr mun mcnln nunlerlly pmlrnm The exploslun tore through the upper level he looont hlgh packaging plant of St Lawrence Su Reï¬neries Llrnlled at 115 pm EDT mln ulcs before lunclrhour ended About 35 Employee were still nut or lhe bgilding loxblunch In scnaus conditlon In her pllal loday was JunPaul Ll CF nup operations pm 2ch loday In hm northern cammunlUu lnlhe wake mm Jor floods and Ihlrd Inlllemenl prepared arjpal wuegpecw MR one of he worst Inundn llon in IL hlslary was seilerey injured and persons suiicred mlnor injuries Monday when an explosion ripped ail lhe mo and ihrne upper walls at an eastend ru gar refinery But fire department ofï¬cials nld mday only lunchhour saved lhe lives of many he plants employees The ulhcr were lnslde but all ln he lawcr flours whlch were nlmust unlouchcd by Ike blast It was miracla no one was klllcd said one the depart ment ofï¬cial Canadian Living Costs Go Up Reach New Peak On April Water Ice Leave Hay River flklavik Inuvik Fear Flooding Bank Of Canada Cuts Loan Rate Montreal Blast Hurts 14 Workers MONTREAL CW0ml man yugpw Nwr BRITON CONFESSES T0 SOVIETSPYNG Barrlo Onnrlo Canndl Tuuday My I96 III pr prim or mur ml thldrml nu mlnmml 1mm prlm Im lnoiwur ml Mm goody wlih Iho 1mm unmanu nu rrmlnlnl my duaud nw nvlex Iurmu Infloweel rlu ln ulnrlu and up In Fehrunry The Inler Ivorian Imhmrlal vu ulnrle lnr Mmh nml dun IVII nhluwu 17 unpaved wllh 1901 It Mom Miller and IMJ your uvllrr Hm mm Indu nlno Imml on ma leuln unlnlllnl In mmlmlfll mm aurvry nl mu employlu mo lhnn ls mum In mi Inn In dumlu ll upmtnll III aver of Mn vum pnld 1on CF Onlnrlol ham ol uner mllln down on In ultlnl ï¬lm Ind wlll cnncanlnla on clnully lnu lhrm 1119 board annual rrporl leaned Mnndny Ion mmu mm naw In dlo dud In On millum or who Alhry up Iqlmdul luhlrlcrwinlon hu um runnldrrnbly nvar Plll yo IAM lha rrporL ina ilrsi llnup ni 49 women Ind children wan to return to llny lilver today irom Yelluw knile task one oi 180 men Monday began to rebuild causeway linking lho island and lhe malnllnd and was lo bu ilnlshcd Indny The causeway was lost in the flood which in iilrind mnrn lhnn 31600000 dnmnxeyabcui iwwlhirda oi ha valun oi Iho leiliemcnl chuck was Blflflfld of accommodations at lnuvik NWT cenlrt hull by he federal xnvernmcm for ll people beclusn of lhe nnnunl spring hood problem ï¬lm vlk whlch 119 on vast delta at the mouth of Ihe Mnnkcmlc About 1600 mm narlhwcsl Edmonlon Improvement In Cnnndal cur xrnl hnlnnco or Intrnnllunnl paymcnll um um Ihc artlcn cxchanxu rmrvu ponillnn hnd Invclbptd In nlldnclnry He has skull mature and broken leg The other per sons were treated hespltaL moslly or burns and hen re leased illlien pmjmiwém ripped briefly by falling rubble but warn rescued quickly level of tha Mackenzie Akln vlk lclllcmenl of about 550 penum mmlly nullvcs CHECK AT INUVIKW caste 43 who was showered with debris while loading lrggk hcncnlhlhg gxplpslan The exploslnn touched on series of Ira Inside the build Ing and sent huge clouds biack smoke hlllawlnzmvcr the cly mand Dunne dlrccmr of lhe ï¬re department said the explusion apparently wn caused by an accumulanan of sugar dust the upper levels cum 1mm brick building About 10 emploï¬u were In xlde the building when the ex plosiuli occuned about 15 ixm EDT but All were lnrlrhu awer noon which were virtu allzmunlnuched by the plan Ontario Censors Tum In Scissors 0n the lulornaliunal scone Mr Pearson ls cxpcclcd In re port to his mlnislcn on hl con lerenccs with Prlme Mlnlslcr Mncmllwn and la discuss his lorlhcumlnu visit to lynnnls Pan Mnss to lnlk with Prus Idem Kcnncdy No lirm dcrlslon nn ll nu clear club qucslion likely In ho mude unlll nllcr he llynunlu For lnlks lluwzvcr Mr Icnr son Ifllll Sundny on his return ram Inndnn that the role Carr lulu should plny would huvu lo bu declle bclnru lhc qucsllnn came up In lhu NATO mlnls lcrlnl muncll meallnl openan hero May 22 um HIM ml prnldul the nmh Mum Ilml Canadian L1 vii Wm OTTAWA CmPrime Min lslcr Pearson presldes today at mecllng hl lull cabinet lacing Important domestic and lnlcrnnuanal duclslnns Key among them to be com sldmd loday and more likely tn be decided ln lfllEl cablnc xcssluns the role Canada should play ln my mulllnnlional nuclear lorcc The top domcslio problem pressing at the momcm MA cral rcllel Md Iar herflaw Ilricken northern cammunllic of my River and Fort Simpson NVT when rnsldcnls had In In evacuated durlnz Ihn cmcr any that area while Mn Pearson was In undon last week GOLlER TELLS FISH STORY Cabinet Issue AArms AP Thls may sound shy but golfer Harry Clnw caught mInch maul Mun day during the lrsl round of flu Orngpn Open nearby lake swollen by rains ovaflawed unto the first lalrwny Ihn Luke Osweua CounLry Club Claw grabbed lhc ï¬sh with his bare hands Ilc salrla bigger one an away Mm oslw Ore PRINCIPAL GETS CITIZEN AWARD nell In IMKUM mu Wllllnm ll Wright Munmnl Trqtuy MW 11 The slender mlonl rocket hlnzcd skywnrd III 738 um EDT wilh lhc Impound Tulslnr II cmdwd In unsc The Ink In wn nlmud wide Iooplnx arbll mnnlnx mm 575 In 65511 mllcs nbovo ho oanh The Ink prolncllll ml smoome ram lhn ground and linch quickly nvcr on south cnslwnrd Mudinl Ill Inman athm was vlsmla or morn Ihnn lwo minutc helm vanish mz high In he sky You Hard lo wmm The urge sn Pznkovsky begun spying In April 1961 dur ing nmclal vhlls In London and Park and that Wynne re qucnt visitor lo Conumullsl CME CANAVEHAL AmA lhrccmge delta rocket blasted all today In an altar lo send wand Tclslnr wlcllllc lnlo ur ni one up our warmwide spncc communica lions yslem MOSCOW chulcrnBrltish businessman Grevme and Russian mcmmc nmclnl Oleg Pcnkovsky today can Iesscd lo spying against Russia us the Unlch Smlcs and Brit aln Both Wynne and Pcnkov sky pleaded guilty to all charges agalnst them as their double trialhe llst major spy trial In nussla since the Gary Power caseopened 1n lhn So viqtlsuprgfnq Cuurt Pcnknvsky who had as Ilaison ofllccr between Ruy slan Industry and Western busi hcssmcn admillcd that ho had glvcn Wynne Inlurmnuon about Soviet rockets or the Us and Briljsh lhlcllgcncn grvlccs Wynnes wile Shnlla was 3114 llng nnly 20 yards away as her husband looking pale and nerv nus pleadnd guilty the cpnrgc ul espionule aulnsl hm Asked he pended Kullly Wynne answered do with ccrlaln rcscrvnunn whlch will mnkg In 3ny syllch Both men 1m possihlu deal plgnlllcs or lpylflE US Rocket Up Second Telstar Red 11130 Pleads Guilty Both Face Possible Death NotvMaro Thin7 Par CopyM Plgu Malnly sunny ladsy Scattered showers Wednesday Low lo night 43 High Iomnrrow 60 For full summary tum to pm we Local Weather mil Public mm Inld the Inn mime Mn In hume IIWIIMN Wm Ind plum mu mo 15 mm Halal Olllclnls will he sun11m would rcqulro Many our hour In mnkn one lrlp round lhu globe and that nuccmlul ore Ml probably cnulrl not ho mn llnncd unlil he first pass wnI romplclld countries helped cslubllsh hln connection with tho us and Buillsh inlelllgqnce networks Wynne was arrested last all In Budapest during busineu trip and turned over to the Ru nlnjmhy Hungary 1A Radars Chisholm WII second iecrclary and head the visa department at he Bril Ish Embassy from my 1960 to August 1062 lrnlcul olllclnls announced shortly nllnr launch lhal tha wand alum had lxnllcd auc ccsslullyl About 15 minulc lalcr lhey announced Hunt the third slam also had lxnllcd succcsx lully and that lhu payload had wanted racking stalion an the Wu Indies Island Anugun ro orlcd ll wm rtcclvlng signals From the vehicle and Everyth uppcnrcd normnl nl lhnl slag Iho lghl It said ii dbllicrcd inflict films and espionage Instruction ln Ecnkavsky dgnripzhis trips to Moscow nnd Illa Punkuvsky repeatedly mcl Amnricnn and Brillsh agents secret rendez vnus to give lhcm lopsecrcl economic pomlcnl and milltary lnlormnlion Rodney Carlson formal assislani agricultural ailncho Al the US Embassy luit Russia voluntarily lusl Dec 14 alter charges thai ho was connected wllia Pcnkvvsky were published in ihn Russian press and denied MA 95 oillclalsl Pcnkovsky was picked up few months Inter and llnkcd by nusslan papers to ofï¬cials in the Unilud slam Embassy in Mnscow Amnng he Weslcm spies he met lhn charge said were Wynne and man named Chly holm and Carlson