Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1963, p. 5

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llll In murh hullnlrd IN Inlmllnlvlb lnlmlquc hM hardly rlmnml nlml Hm dny Mime Ilw HIM Wulld War when lw lumml Ilw lIlII Fnllr AHIfIlN Chevalier Named Wine Of Life She llmnkcd nll membm for htIr support durlnu he year and declnrcd n11 ofllcu varnnl MIL Mnngomury past pm mlan conduckd lhu olccllan olllcm or 156364 wllh run In allow pasl prcsldtnl Mrs Day pmldcnl Mn John Knnppcll Ink vccpruldcnh Mrl mm Donner second vice pmldunl Mn Syd Gibson rcllry Mlu Pansy Emma lrcmurcr Min Cihcrln Vilkln Ion Mslrlrl dircclor Mn II MINI Mlcrnnlc Mn Mc Grny brunch dlrtclor Mn Sommcrvlll MIA Cook nnd Mn McLeod pInnIsl Mm CHVtrlII Vllklnwn nnd nudilnn Mn Day and Mn Slrph mun Ibo donors of prizes should tell the committee whether they wish to continue their donations New donors may also be on hand with new oilers Person who might like to help on tho committees should come and volunteer Don Bently the sec rotary says that unless new blood gets into the act the fair mini 0151 uo ll la nn Ivluullvm to anlh Mm NM Hunt willl III umln at zmlly ymlmnp lul Mu MI mmqu at Ilnck In lmulml nllrr WM year or lukl min Mason Hm finvlllo HIlnlrv lhn Illvrr lmlml lumlnvmllrr wlIlI lha ulllnn lawn Ilp Mul currlully lrmhlml mrrul huldu mum mulmlcq In Hm palm nl hll lllml Slnmllnn Cnmmlllm Cunvcn are nilirullurn and Cunn dlnn lndumlu Mm Art Guwnn and Mn Monllomcry le tnnhip and alucmlan Mn LONDON lCIfiA IWUIKM IIHW hnl pcrthul jaunly Angle Hm human ownan laulsolln one lhu mu munl pulml lhulllrnl will and Mnmlru CMVIIHM 1le Ihu nrrnl nmllcvhnll ltIlulnon llvrn up In hll Iri nu This schol lair gives the poo picI oi innisfil an opportunity to see lhn children who hencill by their school lax dollars it also provides compelillon among Lhc schools in games and handl4 trails Calves sheep dogs mi and panic are brought out and displayed Every child he has done Job all summer ng in gelling his animal into shape for the iuir gnu thrill in showing it and ramming ilh olhcrs Children no mm mm home can ind oihcr competitions lo cnlur and the biz pavilion is iiilcd with lho handiwork oi chidrcn whose Ica hcrs have cncournxcd hem in eir clinrls Preschool cldidA CREEMORE Spcclnl The Aprh mecllng the Crccmorc Womens Inslllule was held ro tcnlly In he Inslllulc Rooms It was conduclcd by Mn John mayde the nyesldcng lve Ilrsl meellng la prepare for lhls years School Falr ln lnnislil will be held next Thurs day evenlng pm la the Council Chnmbers at Strand is hoped lhal number new laces will be on hand at is mcozlng Those whn have seen carrying the lair onlhelr aulders or number at ears would be very glad of Ivzhange 1111 year the manage mnnl is hoping or full parlch on 1mm the leachers and the presenlallan of Ideas thls meellng Creemore Womens Institute Elects Oiiicers For 1953 Innisiil Prepares For School Fair Sunnldale Muslim Coun took Ilme out mm its meeting Thursday ammoon New Lowell to have this JNNISF IL NOTES SUNNIDALE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL POSES FOR PICTURE By 63 Tim MM bl Illa ll Chevallrr Aml II In rhnlMII llllllml wrllu 01 Sunday Tlmu drnmn nlllc llnmltl llohwn lvl lhn mam Mm In all um wmldl Idea of ugfigrrqndmmn Invullprl Mlle mm Ipanu hullmm llom lmu mr lumlly In Mnmmninnl at until rlnu Inhmlv n1 lulh le Klarlrd ilnnln ml Ilmt comm ll IL Lam Fallawlnu um rcndinz Hm um nnnunl mecunl mlnulcl Mum1 npofl mvonc monthly mum donullom zlv rn Innl plum or callrm la the mrkn Hunkuct am pm Jcclu or IncaM wun discusud Frtncn long 1me wrllwnm MIrIulllo Illnndn um all we HollywoodFund numb Ill lll xlm like Iuwml nkln Mlml Valenllne Yuu llnmghl AANw Kim me In No Whm 1m mm mullno In nmwrr In lhn PurlInn ulxhlv club ling who my him an oldmllorml It In lncmllhlo lwbnlyly 1mm Ilvlnl Mk fllvlnlfl onlhulu lhn Ilmnlly MI llmguwi nnnunl Lulu If Dally Mull Faster and Mrs Pcncllnn homo economics and health Mn Ptncllnn and Mrs Winchester hlslorlcm rcscnrch and cum cvcnh Mrs Lead and Mm Emmcll Public Relation ofllcor Miss Pansy ncnclle resolution Mu Isobel nonnar dism Mrs lcnckon Min Denolle nun shine Mn Monuumcry nmf Mn 11 Roynl Delegate In tho Dlslrld Arr nqu will be Mn Stephenson and Mn McGrny and lho delegate to Ihu nren convcnuun wlll be Mu Monlgnmcry Tao mll tall pny its arde 15 kin wn answered by 20 mm berm Mm Syd Glhsnn rtpllcd lo the mollo The lime mm tan ol the coming yrarl la hl your la um um ha in Howard Mich In his 815 year who has moved lo the Iamily arm or Ihe summer was busy grading many who had dropped In to ace who was them The sale brought back mem ories cl Mr News will mks taking him lo the ball games Mr Allen said mcmbcrln lhe many limes they had ercd toxuhcr and mended ball games Forlunnlcly the weather was line and the crowd mlllcd about whlle amen allowed the auctioneer Chnrlle Spmule as the llems were put up or blds One the most valunble ol the urnlshlngs sold was grand plane of rosewo9d ln perkcl Luna lhl item which would only go lnla large room was sold at $110 The call snle totalled mound 5400 Illnny old book were among the llcms ollemi mt who will be filling the seat after the summer holl dnys hwva the opportunity to meet their luture school chums The school air is well wnrth parudpaflom SALE OF GOODS on Saturday afternoon at Churchtll the goods and chat tels of the let Gllmour Reev were sold by public auction The sale bill said there would be antiques among the goods nflernd and this brought many curleua as well as pmspecthc buyers The contents of the home had been mvcd across theroad to the lot Inside lhe garage plcum 3km Back row from 11 are John Fugue clerk Don Dun mansurer Oscar Rowe road superin Ignored by the Spaniards and Mexicans Alcatraz hnhllnl or mun started wllh It is Ihe idea oi Mnyar George Christopher of San Francisco to send tourists by the boatload ram Fishermans Whari Inst mile and quilt Ker away The US Justice department decision to abnndon Alcnlraz Prison inliuwcd lwo sunsaliunul breaks Ins your Bunncii director oi the Federal Burch oi Prisuns told Congress that Alcnlrnz would have io be rebuilt or new prison should replace it An estimate that renovation would cost about 5000000 brought the nnnouncemenl that Alcatraz would he abandonedl WIUI lhu abandonment Alcatraz pcnllcnllnry the lam chapter in lung Iurld history will draw to dust CLOSE IT emllon ol nllghlhousa In 1350 SAN FRANCISCO AWPl lnre It you can sightseeing boats runnlng to and from Alca traz Island every hour on the hour Imagine tourism crawling all aver Tha Rock nohlng and uhlna such lnlormnllon as and herc ladies and gcnue men is where Al Capone slept In isolation The zlowcrlng Rank in San Francisco Bay has history mostly grim lhnt dale hack to 1854 For the Inst 19 year it has been laughest prison in the US the unlallzlng lockup or ganglands mos hardened criminals but by July it will be closed and abandoned What to dn will It is loplc of grant speculukinn If sumr lhlng Isnt done soon the 20 acre Island cauld become deserted mm crowned by dc cayed bulldlngs and an aulo mall llghthnuse The yelicun hr which was named couid take nver again Will Tourists View Alcatraz 01 Will It Be Deserted Crag lendcnt Lloyd Pridham nave th row from left Wilt Downer deputy reeve Everlon Lawrence Fred Mar fathm ROWLAND S1EVENIITLL £737 WW 39 rfifiKfm Onl¥ Burt ancestor and Judy lHarland cou dtell thls untold storyand make your heart tell It over and over again BURT MONSTER JUDY GARLAND Hm 5M MIMI II 70 Thfa era lch Your Fir3h Wowd You Hnl Close HarcILlavn 0r Wwd Yw rumyaih Back Mm rum calm rl Is WAHING iioogendyke iarm sal supervisor oi the Georgian Bay region Dun Buiicr sales representative from Alliston and Grant Vebber lurm super visor or all Ontario explained aims oi the club project They also described evan mo club istu participnie in and respory sihiiiiies at individual club mem bers In 1868 officially became an army prison holding among others fierce lndlnn chief cap lured an ha Great Plains 41 Is lnnd and In June 1934 the first civilian arrived Tnulcd from the first an escape proof It was set aside to house only he most lnconlglble and dangerous the countrys led eral prigunen ALLISION Speclall oflic us for ha 50th Simon Farm and flame Electricity Club were elected first meellng here recently They are Brlan president nos fleynnIdS vlcepresidcnh Dob WML secre lnry and Norval Dolham press reporgcr film enllllcd History Beauty and Power portrade Onlnrlo Hydro power plant at Niagara Falls VIHIES HISTORY HALIFAX CPl Helen IL Thurber who two years ago had lwo songs published hns just mmnlclcd slmpllllcd hlsc my England She hopes to lnlcmsl publisher In the lory lo dlslrlbule ll lo every schoolboy and cm In Nnvn Scolln lecnmu US Army on In Ihriahghout Vlhe years they periodically tested It total of In prIsnners puruclpntcd In 13 escape allempls lha first In 1936 In and Weglcy Bales cmm cillors and Ray Lewes ay cssar Examiner Phnlob 4H Boys Form Electrical Club The mien took place in Plywood village better known as Sniuiy Village which is miniature community or live streets two houses eight live eeihixh stores service sin lion punk red schoolhouse and THORNTON Speck 1m Board al Dlreclors of Thornton Womens lnsllMe held busi ncss meellng at the home of he presldent Mu Melvlllo Dixonr Nlne members were present Several recommendnA Mons ware made and will be suhmlmd to tha mcmhcrs the MAY 15 meeting The home economics com mittee convened by Mrs McQuny will be having the girls irnm lhe two 4H groups to supply the program whlrh will Include lashlnn parade from he Separates for sum mer Project The roll call will be Name sewing mni trial beginning wlih he first leilcr 01 your sumame llnw in live wilh ywr daughters ml or Ihem is to he he mol lo The assistant hostesses will be Mcsdnmes Allen Alb mnn Mel Dixon Gary Wilson and Spcers yisllnr will be welcome ACHIEVEMENT DAY The Vomenn Institute mem bers and other mothers and friends are rcmlnded the 4H Homemakan Cluhs Achieve Lesson When Kevln becomes pedesulnn he will stretch out his arm and clearly lndlcala he want to cross glvlng the dnler Umle to 519p Congratulations go out lo Mrs Ted llewson member lemlon Womens Instllulav who recently won Stop lha Mum comes an cxvns 5m dln Party The prize was an electric bulch casserole In the United Church school mm with Mrs Em Shelswcl as hostess Please note change regular night to May 15 at 315 pan TORon CPI Slxyear old Kevin Mon was pumping along in his pedaldriven cnr Wednesday when he came In croniwalk He applied his brakeswell he stopped peddlingand came to smooth stop Fouryearold Surat Hanly lately crossed the mac me May meellng Thornlnn Womens InsQllute will be held AWard 4H Honors To Thornton Girls Kids Go To Plywood Village To Learn Rules Of The Road Mun1mm aw fimyanflmm mmlmhmaqhmn YOU Bl THU JUDGE leMWNINMV DOD GE IS FOR GETAHEAD PEOPLE WITH AN EYE FOR BARGAIN DODGE KEEPS COMPANY WITH THE BEST OF THEM YET ITS PRICE IS DOWN RIGHT SENSIBLE DODGE IS GREXF LOOKING EASY HANDLING SMOOTH RIDING WHATS MORE ITS GOT WARRANTY THAT LASTS LONGER THAN MOST PEOPLE KEEP CAR On an adult or reallife scale Safely Village Mootby 60fool encedafl section at shopping centre in suburban Don Mills It was olflclalxy opened Wednesday and thought lo be the only prnlec at its kind In Canada niles Mrs Keith Really was has ass in speciL meeiing for the Thomlun Womens Instiiule when he mnvcner me to pian the mew programs Mrs Mei Dixon presided assisted by the semiary Mrs Carr The Misses Benny served re freshmcnis Villilflxxiw TONIGHT TUES wan mg may AND also has nulomnllc tame lights cmsswnlks 110 len and nenrly 600 fee while and ydlaw stflpcd roadway It clll zens are between Ihe ages our and seven They am there to learn lralflc salely Pnllce and shopping centre ob iclala paid most ho costs But they dont mnd becausa 432 children were lnvnlved 1n rum accidents here this your auer falling to follow safely men Day which wlll be hcld In the Ewan Community Cen Ira Male ag ping ThreeThomtnn glfls wlll be receiving their pmvlnclnl hun urx that nflernoon Mlth Umu mm pm In mun 0pm II pm WMWWWW warmmmmm IliumMulqbfimtpnulmwnndeJMMHMM SHANTY BAY DRIVEIll ns wofiaii FELL BEFORE mm COLOR HITS Win 11 It Guthrie IMIATII FRENCH MOTORsVg 75 BRADFORD STREET GHHYBLEB IRE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY ma The service was conducted In SL Pauls Anglican Chmd1 Those bemnnflrmed were June and Ellen Blundel John and Danny Lrwis Harvey Bow defy Blake Fay and William Davies MIDHURST Special Rev Wllklnwnfllord Bishnp of Toronto cnnlend the snowmen of confirmation on several candidates here Sun day morning Bishop Conducts Confirmaiion At Midhursi N31 nummns 15 REGULAR ROUNDS 51mm 1le WEALTH noon PRIZE mm WEDNESDAY Jackpot $310 lEGlON HALI 71 COLLIER ST lEGlON BINGO PLUS 2nd HIT FRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um Monday Tuesday Box om Open 800 pm DRIVEIN THEATRE um Rand ml Con 14 Shaw Starla at Dusk HURONIA Allo Plnylng 55m

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