Vocational Guidance Group Gives Advice To Students rm III In lo nu an 01m mum mm Mn In We havo never seen lhc point of xuch compnrlsuns because too many nclora are Ignored rnouuh lo make be com parisons moanlnglcsx prolcssloml athlete plld large amount mono nr his urvlcu because he worlf that nlurh lo the hardhmrlml lnlslnm man who unplnyn mm It mrann Iml SALARIES 0F ATHLETES Peltthorough Examlncr Invhllous comparisons ar bclng drnwn by some commentators batman the arm of universlty prolcssors and those 01 lmchnll plnyors The Unvmlty roruntn nnnnunccd Ills week that the minimum wage or prnlcsson was be Ing rnlscd lo 313000 yoar Hula earlier Mlckcy Mantle tho conlrcIleldrr the New York Yankees signed com tract 11ml will glve hlm $100000 or III mums work Vlllle Mnyu San Frmv clscn Haula Lcnlrcflcldcr sign Ilmilar conlraul Aulhom mml mu own mm um m1 Mymlnl mm In mun lunch Ana lllulfl Ilullvhyl and IKNNII llLl Ihlluu nun ILAIIIm mum nuu mm IIIrum All WILION umII George Williamson will be at the Clarkson House Saturday to buy all kinds of horses Both the Barrie Baseball Club and Barrie Turf Club re4 quested town council or use of Victoria Park on May 24 Sgt Alfred Garner appointed ArmourSergeant for Company 35th Regiment Magistrate Radenhurst elected president Bar rio Lawn Bowling and Tennis Club Dr Falling has urclutsed an automo bile making the bird Barrie dootor to use these machines St Georges So dety of Barrie and the Canadian Club combined or Innual dinner at Queens Hotel when Canon Cody spoke on Cam adlan inspirations Dalton lleard former Barrie athlete who started his business career nt the local telephone Barrie Examiner May 1908 Thorn ton Brass Band directed by Robert Lennox selected to play for sun Regi ment Simcoc Foresters at the Torcen tonary Celebrations in Quebec this sum mer Thornton won in com eiiiion with Stroud and ivy bands for honor At Grand era House the distinguish ed aciress osoiie Knoii in Mi Bar rios delightful comedy AlicevSllby thoFire ii McCraw postmaster ai Craigvoie years gassed away 55 YEARS AGO AROUND HERE This became very apparent from recent announcement by Ieadlng Un fled Kingdom carpet manufacturing con cern that it will establish Canadian branch plant In Truro Nova Scotia Viscounl Gurnock running direclor or the firm cheerluly admits that it was protectionist trend in the broad Tariffs and such monetary measures as the devaluation of the dollar need nut only serve as some contend to shlcld Inefficient domestic industries from the winds of competitlon This is most worthwhile endeavor which the Kiwanis Club is undertaking again Before embarking on the often lengthy and usually expensive courses education it is well or the prospeo iive student to know as much as pos sible about what is required and expect Such advice is being offered on Tues day afternoon this week at Barrie Dis trlct North Collegiate In the Vocational Guidance clinic arranged by Thomas Bobier committee chairman of the Ki wanis Club oi Barrie total of 28 men and women re resenting various fields of business an the professions will be present to address ask questions and counsel those interestedi in this complex and changing world young people more than ever before are in need of some help in considering what they want to be when they grad uate into the world of business andpro Iession again Before embarking on the often lengthy and usually expensive courses education it is well or the prospee live student to know as much as pos sible about what is required and expect eer this represents verycomprehen slve group There is no doubt that many students will receive such guid ance as will help them to decide and to plan their future lives If You Cant Beat Em The Barrie Examiner Walls Publlshu Earriv ï¬xatth OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publlsï¬Ã©d by Canadian Newspipers United 16 Hayfield SLreel Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE of ml Ii hm mm Brian Slnlghz General Manager monmv MAY 1m 4m These gum llhulme lhu ml lcnl of nlr travnl mo lhe ml ulan lhal ulr lrnvel lm blllcn lnln rallmnd pamnger rnlflc nul One dau wonder how to many Elma cm com and go wllhnul ml ap rnpnrl by llm Federal Aviation Aunnry mm he realm amuunl traffic at the are Mr art In Chl rago The number 11ch And land Inga In you was 411380 10 An ole lnlrrnallmnal was second with 053 ml and Then cnmo Vnn Nuyl nlllurnln Ind hlluwlld was In 011th place Thomas In ournnll Ihn avcrnxc Anwrlcnn or the nverazl man or nll llml ml think New Yorks CWIM Alr orl IO lnulcsl In the Unllrd sum um not no Ihc xrcai star wo ruffed urns hi iyig salary nol only or contribution In his Ivam but for his contribution in his fellow man ims generniiy norvmi altm np renliccahii during which he cnrncli iiiie or no hing but ho has oiishmi his skills and Ilronxlir encd hs natural niiilily lo the point where he can at his inst bring pure xiciixiii lo hundreds ni thousands ol pcopici only III ho is better his job lhln ourncymcn baseball or football or ockcy players but um hla displays of skill are exciting enough to Induce more cople to my mane lo wnlch hlm per orm Moreover plnylng day are llmtcd and his year bl pay day are even more llmllcd ofiice died suddenly in Denver Color ado where he was employed by Rocky Mountain Telephone Co Barrie Min isteriai Association called public meet ing to discuss ways of hting The White Plague tuberculos Scott called meeting to form local base ball elub Materia in Barrie or play ers very bright including Archie Bur ton Cumming Scott Ed Kohlmeyer Lennox Ramsay Sib Rowe ll lindgson Todd Sid Fletcher Jack Lawr and Judd Smith Town Coun eii considered plans to im rove park in Barrie including hiring andscape gar dener Mayor John Bennett told Ald erman Coffey to play less attention to irresponsible wlndbags in town Leighton McCarthy HP or North Simcoe announced he was retiring from politics Editorial urged all independ enis to vote Liberal in forthcoming pro vlneial election and unseat the unstable Whitney Tory government Barriea most singuished citilen Str James ï¬owan reached home this week after being abroad since last August lie was accomEanied by his ne hew ilarry Ardag Secretary Oiver Cameron huay lining up memberships in the new Barrie Aquatic Club William Griffin and Michael OBrien had rough and tumble light on Essa Road This would seem to he clearcut tn dlcatlon that If Canada does not ermit foreign producers to beat her the domestic market some may elect to join Instead bringing much needed employ ment opportunities with them esl sense of the term that prompted his company to set up shop In Canada Devoluation or the dollar he says was one of the major reasons for consider ing production in this country and the temporary tariff surcharges now repeal ed provided that little extra needed to set the plan in motion The various professions and vocations to be represented in North Colieglatea guidance cliniclnclude Nursing office management medicine medical technio tan engineering Psychology elemen tnry and secondary schoo teaching dentistry accounting dental assistant optometry public relations journnlism architecture occu ational there air line stewardess flee reception for estr land surveying technology law ban ingI armed services police home economics Xray technician and busi ness administration While hyrho méans all the ï¬elds of endeavor from which young man or womqhmay undenjtake successful rcar ed In this way many pitfalls can be avoided BUSY US AIRPORTS Al DIEM NIIRON Dlvlll Inland In rum luL Inn cloud penal mluny In llu Mr hrld 51000 ptInn llnto Ill npennl yrnu mHu 11m dilllkl of landï¬ll Hw ulnl lnr he lnmnnro Ir Iwrrn lhI 7mm nan Mr rum hem nlnnd llllluy ml Lllv pmunlllrd hy Dull dllllhllr of flu hm nowll Hum ulempanml nhrlltr Th mm lhll wmlumn wu TamIn Fllll vnn nlnlulm v00 XIIIl LA ENEMY And nhrn Lava DIclumn pulr Nud Hm Ipyl wrlllmu lhry mrl wllh an hummu MICch 00 Thu book wbllmrrl lml mu Mnde la undrenmbo mmrllnm Pulupl mu nnzrrl mllublr lulu when ll In an Mum1 mornlnl In ma 10Man lurduntr rlulnhlu wonlmnnn llckrl In hind ul mind dud lhr vlnllnrm Soulh Krmlur Inn umlrrgmund ullwny Ilnllon In lxlmlnnmw nl Inu mu Ilnllnnl whne llmdunun Ilnd my an lh vlnlhmm durlnl Ina mill anl rlolocllon nï¬ml mnn lmmhrr In Thm lo Imlnncn Cnp uln van Illnlllll 11 he Gumln Imperial Navy Um limoul Gmnnn Ip M10 wovu hll ml Ia ucrmlully IE Unllcd Sum In lhe my in lb Flnl World Wnr in tank wu lo lulrrftm wilh Iho Hnw munluonl whlch he Amerium mu ulllnl lo the Eumpom Allin DIdyou hau nny mun ukrd lnvnl DIdmm Ills um his curerr mukrn naclnnllnx cry of triumph capplnl Ilmmc Inlcrm rcn In early adversity and Ilwnyl Ill the warm humln Inlemt the Marin brhlnd he ulorlu In he booh Mich 1leth CHARM 0F WORDS chkmnl lilo ha been mm word and armnd words ll ltd II III tdllor In heclmc book puhlluler and bzcnme dirtclor of lhe mnl publlshln Imusc of MIC mlllnm me lnmlly buslnm nl Brlulnn prlml minlsttr llnr old Mncmlllnn And irom that ilrxl flap Lovnl Dickson progressed Hi1 nulobioxrlphy The llous oi Wards recently published by Mlcmllinn Company oi Cnmdl describe um progren Thirty unm yam 110 Mr Dirkum iefl the nut ni Clmdn all homo he upland oi Aiberil rilinl lmnercepilbly irom ha Prnlrie to mac Ihe ioolhilil oi the iincklesf ii lrnvellcd 8000 miles cumrd with lilllo many And wlh only promlsl oi Job In London which his eccentric Cnnndlln heneilctor wu not Ibis lo lmpitmenl Parker you born inln Ihis word to be positive or native lo be puxnucioul Ibout Hit or eln In Iccept it II it camel Ii iIId been negnlive chIrIcier would now he minding mIchina Inop in wcsiem Canadian mining div RM mi in be puxnIciou lo in II ihl Univmfly oi Aibenl PATRICK NICHOLSON OTIAWALWIII ha the West lotY that we the cum East lackl why do we Eulerneu alwayl envy but all In copy the ml or llfe the zalely and the exuberant Indlvldualhm the lrlendly people the Pnlrlel and 5mm Columbln OTTAWA REPORT 0h1mmtnxr tlluthltd lhc Publishers Book Fascinating Story STANDING ROOM ONLY Allhmllh he nmnhlc add Mumln C7 lunrim my rm lul 1M Ivldenm tlmin lhal mu dam mm colds And hml mm mmd Irma an Iln loumlnu no Du KIMAn uml In halo lmum mldl Ind Hm slatted lluln rnwzh lhiu Tull nvmlnm In he puumlnl 0th In nanmu Overdom dunt mm hum Im Hwy are lulu ll ynu pl mo lhln you and In lmdy dllï¬hlrlrf Yuri no lIrIHh naval flodnr lourul lhn mm In mom rllll lnllll urmrnlnl mlrvy on lung xra vnyuu The rumn wu lhnl muvy Ilh lulml mm Mk lllmlhlt Itlll ml prurnllvr lur roldt but It In Imwlnnl In or III body hlllul It helm la Imp uplllnrlu tllny Iood ull hulllly uldl In ltd Mmll ll lnnmllun Iml llm lural In or mmmll nml Imuu ll him valuable lu lmm Mruc we ml rth To All Idem Donl um In hasty mncluxlom hrlurr mm plcllnl Anotlur lrncr ulllch In quolul holnw llul Hui wnrd tnnurulnl om Inplr Axmrhlc meld Innl Addld lu vllnmlm ll IA our nnouxrr Mme lur mnmln And mm cilnn lrulll and wnllhlu 11ml ll Ivon mm In mud mrh nl 1h nd Hilary Wlml haul nvrxxlom II II hnrmlul In my wny7 Dora ll mix wllh food Ilnrchu mill or during NHLfl ll By JOSEPH MD Dru Dr Molnrr Amnhlc Irld nch In he llndinfl wuy more and more lnln vu mln pllll nc and mm ol my lrlrndl In Inyinx llnvcxll had ma Iian Imch luk nn ll nary poslllve chnrndcr mundon about We ll ulclnallnl Ilnry the triumph of Cnnldlln dozxcdnm old so Iemlllvely Ind nllurlnxly Ihn II hn become one Ouawas Ivoth IHI hllwtcn best thdl Th Icmunl nl the buck skinned indian irom northern Saskatchewan Ill many pages moving mm Alawnan nurlh ol Prince Albert to Buckingham Palco in London Children will Iiwny unloy his laiuM lhe Canadian wild his tile with lhe havenchildren nil nun And hone slarles ware published by Dickson or the Inlhar whn was the bunbcnr or my llle Ind the nrchllm my fortune The ill and lime oi Guy Owl lose nolhlnl from the drnnulic denuuemnnl oi his But lo Canadians llm grub e5 Interest must centre on cry of the roman Grey 0w lava Dickson published his bnoks mud his manager Ind Mend when he mnde lcc lure nun In England Ind also wrote hl life Itory nickson TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH lar Mu Vnasnam Hillarys bestselling bqok The Last En Vitamins Aid Health Dont Prevent Colds also bhihshcd 15 IInml nun no mung mr In Why Wv mm ha Nu lrul mm for IIruwn rynl lhlll In Ihh pm lllvll rmth MIN No Wlml nlmul llu eryn lamb umrnln nml mm min mm mumm mm would Mith mum Cum we lurk nmnu nnmlnu mm Inunlly nu rhwu 1mm eynl baby IM mm aurulm Iner rm nu Mu mm nllwr ruluu ap peu lulu at IllJ llm uvcrywbm ma Nlngm lounn up In $300000 or man for min wonhwhilo things Why dont you The dependable some of Cash moan rmAuCI coumv mm mm IIIIUII Cum UL ml PA 0mm ll cum llncl IIIL nun romanm muInk llnu no ml rmth My No Wlml nlmul llu hnlryn lamb lwmull Nul KIWI minu mm ltw hruwnoyul rm would Mith rhnnte Cum plrle Ink mun Incnlnll mm vlmmlly nu rhwu 1mm eynl lmhy IM mm nurulm lmwru rm nu Vv arm In hm any rmlll In llw AIM we have rrrrnlly hml Um Dr Mal 11 My hn llnml um an mung mr In Why Wv hum hm Nu lrul mm or luruwn NI xhllll In Ihh pm Illvlr II In Md old hav hull up lnlllfl lnumh nlllu Ihrn Ilka unmo lhllm Vllmnllu ur Mhnlnnh And have lrwrr uvltll ulve All the cm In Mmuvrr wt Ilmk my ha unlmky nml mm Iuccmlnn nl ruhls hnl we nlm nun pmléclinn ninlnll lhrw pnvllrulnr Irum nnd llilll lhrm Ir Ihe nul llm my cum unuml Um Inml mm mm nuln Vllmulnn donl pvtveal ruIdI nllhmum Ulty All do nnlrfluulo vllnlly In our ï¬rntrll hull AJIdx Muuvrr and flu an vlru lululluu 11mm my he mcul hundml vurlrlm AI Mr Mo upowd lu Ulrm we Imlld up IIIHIWIIIHH lo vnrylnl drum ha have Vllnminl lxrnl nmlitlno They ntnl cold privrnlqllve Vllnmlm being nrrmnry hulllu nupmrl vur flflrll no an yrsh Inkinl villmlns For mvcul yurl not by with very cw told and um Itlll lnklnz viln min but Iho lust lwn yurl had loll mlrb auxin II you any expllnnllum These bnzlnik begging for money donl into Berlins Mmosphum they look so dlrly Snlrl mmUICr thn slmxling alnflfl It nice to me Im plclurcs It really is no slmln on us In give some money to H1 slu dcnu to help lhrm Ilmmcc their lchoallnx This slop Incompatible wth the policy on Ilcrllnl dly government lo make the lawn cullurnl rcnlrc some The pcdnslrlnnl enjoyed But here haul been com plaints from some Berliners For Instance West Berlin policemen chased lhem away few days before Easter Special use the side wallkx can not be allowed lhey The Kurlucrslcndamm nrt lshmany ham larclgnnrs wcrc angry Gone are the bearde young man and their girl friends in black swcnlcrs and dirty blue jeans who used 1h sldewalks In the heart lhc clly inslcad of canvas to delight Derllnors with colorlul paintings BERLIN IAPD Nn longer can you walk along Vcsl Ber llns main stmcl he Kurlucr stendamm and stop an rem ducllons Plcasso Van Dyke or Rubens WeSt Berlins Sidewalk Arts G°°d 51 15me Given The Boot Being Organized BERLIN LAP Nn Inmm Our duly below uI lhtrelou let us Mm Godly lur keep tho nmmlndl tin lord Lu In hur unclulon um um mum Im God Ind Eng III mmudmull Ior Ilh ll with munEtc um The umposcd itinerary which the exhibition liner will follow an ill maiden voyue wilh the opening dnlu or nth cl lin cxiiibillonn while in part ioiiows Stockholm April Co penhagen April iinmburx April 24 iloilerdnm my Am iwcrp my ll Linbon my so Barcelona June is Geml Jun 21 md Nlpies July dn exhibitions o7 gmï¬vï¬l able or export 1mm Britain will he held II going to laknlbwl years work lo re the liner or the project And Ila low al Eur cpo ll uheduled Im nex Iprlnl rgorosan nunn By DON OIIEARN lonnlo Hon Elrl Rowe now has been menu In lieutenlnbznvemor Th1 mus be mat rellel to Mr Rowe For while It looked us though he lnlght Ml nuke First he lot Involved ln chnrm ol lrrezularlde In rac lnx ehnnen ol whlch he wu cleared BIBLE THOUGHT mu mun These day the buslut occu pation the mutantgover nor to lnvel the country lair Emplre Ind Camcflm clubs ellcull as mu lunc the Ileulanlntlovemor on hehall al Hzr Majesty to present the Queens guinea to the win nor nu Queenn le On In bl thy It New Woéd bine raunlupk an function lion The new Heulenlnlovemar will be toprank II this 115k There wlll be of mule nna task In which will excel even mLoMand which he Ill dur rnEreVIsn Keeling um um longtime pollflchn will make good regumggflvc wuuvr Mr Raw can blunt Ind eanhy man but ha I150 In Ilmnz um ol dignity And ha In excellent Ipepker And illeu ha lud lo clan up In Idling 00L took two math but In My did mike It 6ng 512mm iREPOflT FROM ILK QUEENS PARK New LieutGovemo Will Shine In Post READY CASH for unpaid bills euh porl null exhibilorl wlll but he urvlm 1pc Lilly Ippolnlrd mldem la pro vlde preuhlhlllon mnlndl llu Iervlce of lhe lnlormnllon burcnu mind by upm lulu nlul Imarpmen and tach lull wlll Also be nullble The organizer ullmnlo Ilu uhlhluon npau wlll cm About mo mum loot The ml llll Lup thy Iflddll pllyl and or he llghllnz of lb 150 nann loot rpm mould ml emed $1000 or uch lady MMIJon Studio design and uliihiiiq comimcllon urvim are being maria Ivuillble la exhlbllur who do not have these iaciiiliu Publicin Ind nmkeling mvicd will be set up pom oi call In enable exhibilou lo carry aui dlrccl ulel pmmollnml nclivl lles lrldo lulurcs bull lnlo 1h chemo will enable lrndc as Ioclallons to lulu ndvanllic at government Ichume or help in industry It ovcmu mm The converted liner In every facility that trade exhi hmon hall on land would hnvL Including Informaflon wflicc pub He rellion lamp and them or ï¬lm sham nnd plclum planned la hula no stand 150 mum at each wim IMCIBI Irrnnlemmu or bulky stand 1nd dllplays ol heavy qulpmenl up t9 flu Ions II or this Icanon exhlbmon lull to become per manent future at our export drlvz We Ire present negab mm Io buy carmpassenger linu at 10000 12000 Ions or convenlon One other dirccllon in which Mr flow an to 5111 sun in that he in not the polnle ol the present govem mgnl ll Ottawa In mt he represanlu om bl Mr Dielznblkera last personal decision and appuimmenls Hg Wu strictly Dielenbaker cholce The government here would have been glad In have Hon miller McKIy aonlinue in ofï¬ce This however will not cause Any lrouble Th Ii mumn cmonhlp Lodny ll clpllly of homr ties In only duuel And there is no worklnl conth wllh Otlnwl Bu mere wlll be no bad feeling Mr Rowe very pun ulr And you can hazard guess that when prescnu the zulnons lhls year will proï¬ Ibly be the first lime In hlslo lhat there will he mus cheer It the mack lor Her Ml chslyx designated represent lve And probably same tree Vice the you tell them Eur variety nizr cuoxcz Aw gm