Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1963, p. 2

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you an on mun nl NJ mu lnxlllu on ML rum to mm Cu nvl um um cu IA on mm MM rum mm mm mm Denim on Auuun Munran vp mm llumm 4n mom mcl licnmn mun humuu mm on 3m Alum IIIl Alumlnlum Alba an All my Avmol gun mupl m1 lowcd ruveulcd Md dhpully ornnlullonl Ind nllllonnhlp between Ipomor Ind group commllma Ind nxnln mudl IIlunblo Inlunmllon wu alum Annual maian wu chair od by Aylmmh ratlrlnl pmldem ol Provinclnl Cm til mun lhn mum Hm mteUnu numnnl vainclnl Cmunlulancr Fm Whlllln theme wu th doc tha lponsor upch mm the Scout Movement Ind ho glvn Ilogln or uPmrraml nnlninz and Vision IIsUnx hm lhree nclorl nl mmuu lohgoog Imullnl Salurdnyn sculonrdenll wllh the subject Iponwn was openedby tho Rev 110th Sharp who before becoman Mlnlmr 33M lprvlculannl Scout EXECU arma dlacuulun Krnupl ware max Intercfllnl find many new dens war genernlcd on hwWraup cummlllm and upon 503ml bio helpqd Tho iubjnclx discussed were how tho Dlnlrlcl Cauncll serve In groups with pnrllculnr re erence on lhe relationship Iho Organimlon and Establish mtnll Cummluccs Io ho Group Commute ml the rtlnlinm Ihlp Iho Djllrick Slnfl In tho 529m Lend The lhtmo or he coalerenco wax Manpower and allcndance ll he Frldly nllh mnellnl wax the llrgm or mlny yam Bruce Owen cumpnixn chain man said he thought the new auditorium at Central Collegiate was lam actor In ihe suc cess of ihe cumpnim 1112 con cert were held in the auditor ium North Coiiezlnie last year The nnw auditorium Centre will seat 1100 and We were elated lo hm such In outstand ing success It was much better dun wa had hoped for and hu mans of the success have put hold on Iwo concert for thg 196455 season The Community Concern drive in Barrie has been an Immense success so much so that ha closed membership and Imau waltlnl flst All Pickles preside gald loqu SCOUTING AROUND Police constable McOmne reputed iasi nimi lilai thieves had broken into pop vending machine at service station un Bradioni street Miss Colin Campbell Carolina 51 reported to he BarrievPolice Report Man Weekend Thefts Yesterday Genrze Prlngle caretaker at Hillelcs Public School reported breakIn at About pm Almost two hour later Bill Makeover caretaker of Prince of wm mm School rcporlcd breakIn here All oceurrcnceraru being In VILSUKMBd by Barri Clly P91 ce Thleye had busy weekend Theybrako lnlo at least two hook on pop vending mach ine one used candealer omce nne church basement and drlvpln lhvaue Cbnééftl Canvass Greatest Ever Cnmpllrd by FlyI Dunlap TODAYS STOCK PRICES Manpower Is Méetifixg Theme onch WNW OII MI Nlrkll ngll Unille my mitt Clui It In lnllwi NIL INnulnlu DlL rm mad nipJ me uh uh ml mm on nNImI In Ipccch lhnl wu lhnuxhl pmvoldnz and night lrom ho Ihouldcr Dr Jim my bus down more lo sum up In whoh con erenct and the Med or mut nz lo mum In llm prlnclpltl while rcmnlnlnl llulble 10th lo mu modern candlllonl Umn lh r1 San lroupl Ind union up Dr Jlm called or mum to ho Idvenluro and fun mut lnl Ho polnlcd lo numtroua church parades cnmpoml mm Ind son banquet and Ilmlllr mlvlllu which do Io much lo occupy lhl Icoultrl llmp ll Ihe expense pmvld Inx hl boy wllh ldvcnlun Ind ouldoor upcrlcncu whlch In em ll lo lood quul nvu Guns maker wu DL Jim Anderson who Is well known for hll mull nellvllles In the Greater ananlo Raglan and an Anlllnnl Chlc AI Illa Wood Many lbs dc rum nssem bled Xn lhe recrcnuon Hlll ll RCAF Slnnon Nonh Buy or flu Annual Dinner which wn pm 51ch aver by Mr nldley part of the proceeding lhe Commission presented to Mr Nnrmnn Greene of Tlmmln the Mndnl of Med awarded Mm lhll Ice lg uqullnl lhll Rid ey bl Ippolnled Pmldcn of th Provincial Coun cll Funk Worth was reaypoln led Pravincln Commissioner Doug Moorhousl and Major wu OBrechl of flu Kcmpenlnlt Dh MCI and Major Kohler Ind Colonel RadleyWal Camp Borden WIN nam hmlcd lor Ugo Nalonnl Council main rheanunended pr the Provincial hll Woodbadge Ind Gilwell Neck ughlel Publicity dlrcdor Rory Donal and would like to compliment Bruce Owen Min Eager and especlnlly Mrs Gard on Leighton Mrs Brown and Mrs Ross Slephem and In Inc all the workm who made my Job my Ban1e Community Concert had Just over 700 at tho and of In sum Thu first day the drive lhlx amen more than 750 tickets were sold Min Helen Eurr New York representative at Community Concert for Ontario said This is the first time in the history of Community Concerts hit city he said more membership on the trek day than it iinlshed wllh the previous mason II cm xm ms In mug The Kinunis DriveIn Thea In rammed the hail of three speakers shortly after 1129 SM urgay nigh moyles Meanwhile Barrie Welding reported that II he Hydro mmtormer mllnn ll Ann owrdlnu Jo the balm ra 130 the do In the house near ed the sq orpemp gay pollNJBst nlzht Ulll while she wmM Burton Avenue Unlked Church someone had stolen Ibgutfio lyom her wallet Earlier In the day Helen Smethurst 43 Owen 51 upon ed that someone took her wal lei 1mm st Georgen Anglican Cburdl on Burton avenue Ihere was about 0100 in tha wallet thief or thieves tried to break Into Bill LmIon home at 49 Burtén Ave durlnl church 111119 Supdny moiping in mm lhulll II In IJHIIN DI wmm lulu mum ormlmc cm Mm an mm Tnnl Tun mm mm an Wmu mw lulu it an TorDom IL hum corn Mrln rm rum rm rm Ply Ill llvm Ill NIL II all Bull umqu um nmh am IN 1m am In St Clair Lain Erie Lnko man All Onllrla NI ulu aborllnn my Hlllhun an mlom WlndIor undo HmehmmmeM low clou lnlorvull ody Ind Tue Ilulc chm ln lommrlluu Wind 11th lnndan 15 Klchemr Wlnlhnm mmm 5L Cnlhlrlnu Toronto ltlerbamulh Lmdfln Noflh thy 3328888 Inct snapIn Irelh wnva mile II movlu down ucmu Hudson Bay Thll wm brlnz lower temperature In Nnrlhem Onluiu ml Ind nmdly shower Icllvly with lha Inlvnl In cooler Ilr II upch lo bu confined lo lhl mnh naionl of UN pmv Forecuu luued by In Tor onlln qulhrrofljujl Im worklnl commute under the dmIrmnshlp Mn Mludo Freeman 01le wu nub Ihhcd She wlll mud lhm megntgzrn lo work with her biflneu mezllnz wuileld ha morning and tho delem It In been lllked lbw or long tlma he mnllnued and Is he only economically mlble way provldlnl ur vlcu lnr he returned when lhcy pu Ia yem up Murray Finieym oi the Barrie Ind Distrch Msoeillion lur Remded Children nid um the proponl one ol the ion priorities or thin region he became manual to bring min to mac tantra when they mlgm live Ind wnrk durinl the week They would go home on the weekends nld Mr mn Salurdiy pmponl lo ulnblllh re Iunal adult xervlcu promm when retarded youths am ll year In mlxhl bu Iven lunher vmtlonll mlnlng wu Clnlnl considerlion the medan mum No ho Onllrlo Retardedwchlldren held Mldhnd on Rw body at Pathch Rm eral Home Barrie Friend asked not to lend flowers Donation to my chuflrbla or Kanluflan are miened by the family 1m mu Born Halton Cmmly Cpl Kellogg was assigned In past In lelevllle Hullblmon and Hastings More cumin Io Bur rle In 1950 He was pmmoled NWI In September WIDNIIDAY MAY Item mm in 11 Noon To hi all Iblu tor Klndomrlen pupil must be yam or up holora Doc 31 068 Ind yum Inc botm Doc in 1001 or Grad Im at In mull ho ahown NOTE Plun pmvldu Auulmbnl Notice Tu Bill or conllrmallnn Tu rpm Amumonl Offlcl Opi Kellen wotlged mu lgr shl WEI lhewe¢kend HM MW Jth The comm mrvlved by wile Elma and seven chll dren Dara Murray Murlel Sand Lloyg 519d Hp Retarded Adults Receive Attention Corporal Auhur Austin Kell ofl of the Barrie detach mm the Ontario vaindnl Police died Mldllum hom higmornng ENROLMENI FOR KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST GRADE For School Tum CommMing Saptomlm I963 £7 MARYS Ind IT JOHN VIANNEVS SCHOOLSllcnlxlrnllon or both lCllOOll wlll ho held ll Sl eryl School on WIDNISDAY MAY l30 lo 410pm For Klmlugulm and 0nd ll John Vlnnnoy Reglllnllonn or Klndorgnrlon Only 51 MONICAI SCHOOLRegulation for Ktmlornnrlon and lmlu wlll bc held In blank School net or he Ind MRI wheel rim were the only Irtl clu rsported nlokn ConnMe Ralph Berry Ix lnveallzlflnz Hall incident he motormum room This morning lamnun re pomd break and enter Ind then an Bay city Moim offices onMukel Sguqm llla nm In all wu at West Bend Aluminum pm Apparantly on 0L ollno had spilled on In qnd the war set of In Arthur Kellogg Was Corporal With Th OPP Tho Human were also kept busy on Saturday The Hm In call was More pm It 134 Napier SI woman was cook In potatoes Ind mu milled unfithe mm Fm cubin Irwin MEI war tyne dignun and Vesprn 5mm th rum £999 an cut WEATHER 888882 SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS Ciltk Tnnlm II ILC lopmll Smeol Bond llmlc To hrlp dclrny lhn capllnl buildlnl com the lunch llon Cotnmertlal vaulleu Iumclnuon Is mouwrlnu draw Inr counza Only 500 Icketl will be sold The col luo II on duplny ll the Battle Plan And open or lmpcc lion Frldly Allrrnoom Ind enlnu and Snluniny Iflrrnoons dnw wlll b0 mldo Juno Amclnllnn Tuchm Relrdcd Children met Mldllnd In conjunction wllh ha dlxlrlcl mocllnln Mn Crlwlord of Mldllnd nuccctd ed Mn Bruca BIrrIo duhmm and Mn noblns Mldllnd Inccccdcd Mm Lllhllool Hum secretary The Imvle Child ll Wlil Int armored the Km nlell lwanh Clu Barrie nhowlnl the Imperial Thun ln In Burl lhln week Thu grooved will In lnwnrd Inn fund at he narrlc TEACHERS Too Dclcmu mm In Barrie and District Association was Mr And Mm Murray Finlay son Mr And Mm Jlmu Lowe Mn Hunkln and Mrs Bradley were Addressed in he aller noan by Funk Dawson liaison ollictr oi the CAnndiAn Ame hiion for Retarded Childmn in make oi new function of hi pasliion which will enlnil travelling across lha cnuniry uniting business Ind protes Aloml peoplqjinia an ndvhary board oi gnvemorl lo usLst in mining fund lnr the national Inoclhlion 11m fund accum ulnied will be used inr research into mental and physical llrdliinni Ann St THI would bu quite selling poan or lub dlvlden As It would go aw mm pole and warhead wlres The byiaw will be presented Allele mggflng In June floc miner 56an Io The Public Utilities Commis lion il Muldering the estub lishmeni oi policy of under ground dkiribnflon system or vision Bill Eison New members of St Pauls Anzllcan Church Mldhurst chi with the RevF Wilkinson Blahap Tm tome and Archdeacon PUC Flaming Go Underground BAll PlANlNG Mlll SEE MIDHURST CONFIRMATION OLD CONRADES Next mman ha 01d Comrades Hills 01 the Grey and Gimme Farmer mxlmcnt will he held in hoSorgeunu Mesa Barrie Armoury 1m day evening lhls week at 2000 hrs was announced by Joe Kanke mercury The Johnson Sim Ham and $0on AasocjmJon wul hold nnmluql meeting I9 ith the sch starting 815 oclock Mr Murphy was rcccnlly up poimed memhar the Load Building Commmce of tho Av soclatlon Munlclpal Eleclrl cal Uumlcx hnpuhl hvln rm nur rum in Au Imnyn mmlnn um Imm ry mum Mun Momll can any hldly unul pm John hiumh manager oi the iUCI will nilend technical ConlerLncc oi line Associnilan oi Municipal Electric Utilities oi Ontario in lho Prince Edward Haiti in Windsor on June and The Commission aiso npprov ed payment account or My xii Eiecirical Departman 59 mfil and Water Works 819 33570 Mr Eisdn 5a We are al ways on the ookout for new water Elppfle recent meeting the PUC also unlimited Ihe drilling of ihren test well within ho city llmlis Tho drillng wil be done by the international Wnicr Supv ply but bl London FOR MOTHER on MOTHERS DAY nghiboum cl BanIa after being confirmed yesterday Lot to right are Wiiiiarn Craig Terrance Craig Bishop Wilkinson Heicn Firmun SUPER MILK EAR wlcn Wspmd Announcrmenfi LAKEVIEW NOMINATIONS Co Ltd PA M496 VAncouvebDunmn Gililn silver medalist in no 1912 Oiympic Games Ind unevtime Canadian alour wrestling champion ran my DiLIvmi DUNLOP mm EAST Allie Mohnmmad Khem isii 35 foreign minister of A14 germ oi bullet wound in licked by an assassin lioulinn Dickie Kerr 69 Elicher manager scout and oucsi hero of the Infamous Black Sox baseball scandal in 1819 oi cancer Ll don Per Jacobsson 69 managing dlreclur ol the 1mm national Monetary Fund 01 heart attack Archdeacon Lhzhtbourn and John Lest Receivinl ht sacrament nl caannaUan were 15 nnw members Ex aminer Photo By THE CANADIAN PREfl Smile Chuckles AHOIHD Ii 105 TAXI GOOD PICTUIB Moll IASILY THAN IV COM WIYH U4 ILASNWAID IULIS In ABPEGE Eau de Lanvin wmm5o2 375 mu cologne275425b Perlnme 2350 KODAK INSTAMATIC OUTFIT fiESEfiTiIfiWER Deodorant IWLITI 109 mm cfifi BBECK HAIR SET MIST SflPEBBLUE BLADES NC£IAM ou IOLLON CNIIIIKS llOUlD ffimfiTONE SHAMPOOS 55 200 gumr EYLONS NEW AS SPRINGTIME TAMBLYN YUITLIS 110 Jonquillé COLBGNE MAX moron SEGIAI VALUES FOR THIS WEEK DEATHS SAVES Y0 MONEY Dollcalu Rahnhing 6OL r01 Surround youer wilh 0M dallcou mlman hol Sprlnallmc TAMBLN onus STORE 195 196 CHOCOLATES SIAMLIS MBN MUNll DIN 350 200 275 90 165 360 100 L90 mm Wing Commander Yel lowlees Clmp Borden Air Force will be the human officer at the annual Inspection 01 Burris 102 Alr Cadet Squadron lqnlxhl at lh LArnlwury lqunber alr when will nlso receive achelvemen lWBldl Both section will receive d5 lulled lmuucuans on the can duct of Ike camrnlln but no ual aoilcitaiion prospect will not be mrled until the owning dinner My la coum ON PUBLIC Bound on In en thusiastic and generous response Five divinon oi worker un der the leadership of section chnirmnn John Winchester will mm for dinner at ha Contin entai Inn on hiudny evening and the remaining ilve dlvhions under miion chairman Mac Fendiey will gainer on Wednesday at the lame piece and hour rtmalnder of In lund II being raised by committee of so men And women under lhu chnlrmanshlp of Kabul Ranlg who are contacting sel ected ill damn In advance In canmam To Inspect Air Cadets Theh diam are the ilnai phase of campalzn to raise $475000 for new building to be constructed near ha con nar 01 Grove and Hayfield street hiblflle sow Ready Campaign no chnlrmnn he Teams0r nnlnuon This force of wurkm hu ac cepted the task of rahlnl 000 In Tex10d hm wee ending wth victory dinnar Jugs Over 00 worker will unlim lhil week in pupalalien or the YM YWCA Building Fund Campaign which ii to open Mn 13K 50 Eugene Ml Rowntroos uucx MAGIC DAIIY IOX mmm zinmnn MONDAY MAY My 1995 COMPLETE In it Cola b1 MILLOT 4495 unowmz sMofiE PROJECTOR ion YOUR ssoMonAk HAWKEYE MOVIE cmm Au hum Dun MVOI 63 mu FILMS MM MOVII XIIIl 10 II no II 1351330 1353955 13 DHth erl 126 Dr Delaney wHLdlscuu Ind demonstrate In lid and live saving at the Oakley Park Home and School Assocllllan meeting today 315 pm An other feature or the meeting will be he Innmuatlon 195341 omcers The Ban1e Harbcrshoppers dId show Suturday In Midland and 1mm now on they will he practising or he Ihow In held In Bane District Nnrh Calleglnle auditorium on May 15 Ray Atkinson chorus direct or olthe Barrie Chaptcr the Society or the Preservation and Encouragement Barber Shop Quarlel Smith In America ha just retnnled fro chorus dirv actor3 school lnhener Mr Alklnson report at tnnlghtr meetlnu In St Georges Angllcln Church Hall on the school The has demonstrated to the city ll rolenlial in recrea tional activu in Chrisliln in fluence and in leadership train in but lLv lull polenllal can bl ruiized only be providlnz lhl facilities which the netds iaciliiica normally nvnilnble in city lhe ix Barrie Barrie ohm 1h aw cllle Its size In Ontario um doe not have bundlnm We commuled or yam to or In retponn to demand or sums of the Include which lhc oflers No Its lime or Bmle to have bulldlnl its own Barbershoppeis Are Preparing For Own Show nmu IL Deafey Greg campaign general chairman 1n com in on the campalzn 73 mm the aplenl Banla said I401 Nolllom GOLD IOl DOCTOR SPEAKS PA 60100 Spur Cologne 428 399 2m 99 ox 335 250 185 150 189 375 Fl

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