OPEN CENTRE TORONTO lCPA 4211mm mansion was nlliclally opened Sunday as new ccnlru or re lrnining and Integrating llulian lnunigrnnls lo new lile ln Can ada Ilulian Amhnssadnr Carlo dc lcrrarlls Sallann Pro inciul Secretary lnhn anemkn and Edllcallan Minister William Davis nl Onlario Maynr Don ald Summurrillc and lllusl Rev Philip Pocack Roman Calh olic colldjlllor archbishop ul To mnlu en nmong llwse pres nl lllflmUIlI TRAFFIC HIIOCKVILMZ lCP Rnil way lrnllic was rumulcd around Hmtkvillc or 10 hours Sundny alter lgailment lnvohing 11 Canadian National Railway lrcighl cars SI IlUlllLLMl DIES RONTO CF Charles Gnilllls 59 school caretaker died ol coronary Saturday mmulcs Illrr he surprised uxgzr in his school Police in lLSlUl Jnhn Gnrlicld Gallant 35 nulsillc Iluc Lnknslmre Tcnclms College In mlmrlnm New Tur onlo wlwrn llm nncounlcr llmk place HALIFAX ICIVMl pIIIISLs nl highway snffly from SM huh Ia dumkm driurs will be hscmml here durlng he mxl mm mm by 300 delegates hum amass Cum In In no 1mnl lllulmny bnluy Cuuuula mmqu conImucc VS€IIINHIU MU llw lmmum Mum umu mm 11 ITIHIHI lulu lhr lfv mmnl hm Ln mmhm ï¬lm III lmnluulmg mnu Htqu xlmh lmmuw nnIIIqu MIHIHH MY WINNHICG ICI IT TI lulm lvuhlnmrc Sulunlny gnu Inn nmumul mu pnmdlnfl fur Inllnlm lilyliLIIl mm In he puuhm lull plmillrs or lliuhl Iin mm Hu lnkl Smi Iuy in Uvril lu he hm Sunday mu 1mm my wmlucs luuw Muy ll 1le mr liIl MINI Sunday Imlr prnnm mm hum nhnn munlmllh mi lnmnu thl qwmlmu Fllllny mm air mind In mud MVH mul fam Hivlnn Ilw lunlux Il tlmmvltd Iny umwlhy $11me AKIIIHIINI Mm lhc Human rmumurnl mu mlwr InNin MIMI MINIr Wmlrnl llpnxl mu mu mmuy Hwy mm In all qunlrd ml Iv hnmw mam Immrr hhnuluhrv Ann In Luv sum Um ulnlr uJm mummu hub Inqu IH pun llumlly lap Ill Hm mm mm mu Ivr Inmpaym he ml uy In mm 1mm nHlu Mmmuuul mluuuu fm mum may unuLM mun Ilmu mmu lumqu Klmrln uunnlm nl Ihv Irthrv nlul llllvlllmfl mum smmu II Wm IHImhl Ilw My luv uhhl IIH IUIHIVH 1M lln Mm HHVI llrk mm In my mm my nu mm mm uumm In lwlur AKIIIHIINI Mm rmumurnl mu MIMI IIHN HIL IM Gcmgn McNeil 37 lost wife and two childrcn in an early morning ire lhnl dus COUNCIL IUIILIIIA malmmnls Luxlmx lhutmt lcwl INMIHN Hllnllil AN IVIHIJ IIIN Il IHlli llll Ml 1l SPRING INTI WARM WEATHER WITH WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Hush Puppies hl IIM SERVICE Aflnpzulon LOSES HIS WIFE TWO CHILDREN rr nu mlumw mmth lumuul mm Smmu GOLDS SHOE AVAILABLE dur shnw that lhe first 618 cnlislcd men who completed lrnining only 22 have choscn remain In service DIE IN MOVIE FIRE DAKAIl Senegal Haulers Sixlyulour persons dxcd Saturday in movie theatre we in Di nurhcl 70 miles mm here lhoritalivu sources said Sunday TOLL RISES 5A0 PAULO Ernlil AP Tlie dcalh loll has risen la 31 in llm crash at Brazilian airliner inlo an unncuunicd nparlmcnl building in builtup section of lhis cily Thirty lhc 49 ms sungcrs and crew in he Cruz 1m do Sul Convair died in lhn crash and cxplosiun Friday nlulil soon aflor lnkcoll on light in Rio do Jancim Four mnm dim in hnspimls lnlnr INVESTIGATE SAHMAGE CHATMAM England IMH Admirnlly murin men are in vestigmknn susprclcd sallalagu aboard lane of Hxflains latest guided miasilu ships The main engine gearing the woman destroyer Diamond was wrcckul by News ol mclnl thrust hrough nn inspuclion lIlltnl mer Inxcd all Ihc npcn llllnte lho LDWHM high Inurlh our udny Her hm ml cidc 101115 from he slruclulo In 21hour period UTION LAW IIAN lII AHMNY NJ IMV New mk sum llns Juimd all 0ku in In Unilcd Shulrs uhumluw Em he llhmllulnry dculh new nlly Umrnmr Nvlalm llmkulcl lrr Im Aixnrd hill repealing lht nulnmulIL dmlll sunlmu or cmnkuinn or prcmummm muntrr or kidnapping lhc um mmr unite nnnmlnclll Sun lay trnycd their home on the out skirts oI Sudbury 0nL Sun day HI managed to save HODY FOL llllS I7Ullllhlh Hymn Iulhnr 11 Imuuml buy my llm llunlnm luulul ml ldlnlb ml Allnll lllllurs lmdy in the rmx lmliu Iumhl he chmuu the Mcnnd mll nr Ihc Human U10 ulclly dummLm Hm body In mill Sunday WhIxu nml nuw nml Hynn unwmd Im man nr my hunk IHH LIl llmrriml hmph Huml xlhnlml mmxum uith Mplvl Ililllnn In lunnt Mtv Ju IIHHXH Nnmlllun nul Hm dilmrl IN uu Hm nu mallirtl ltw Umble Imrr unw Iv mllullm mnu nr II luv lnr Imlh rnnumm In Mrllnl IIHII 1mm my Luau qnvlwr mum lwl by Mr Sunday mu up In nllhhllly HIHII mm mm In nlrnmny lurul IIIIISHIII Hill INTAle lhll17 IM MW llmvlmlml lhr tan unn Im mm mm mm mi 1mm llhulul llm um MUH IEIHn Irlw lhllnu lel mun Inr rm wt 1m mu IL phluu MHHIIY HILIII nI Mn nnxrlmuuw lhr Avnnhml manlmu lnmlmllv plan Immva mu umml llvsllnylmz 22 mo uullmu with Ilhh lupnlu mul nllwr nuuxlrd llqmum LOCK JUMI PARIS APlOmcl AllllHI IAINIYIIN llll mum nulmzn HULLYWUUI1MH IU ulnululum nrul Hur nmrriml hwph lluml xlhnlml mum uilh PA Hm DY nu11 lmulrr III ml IIL qulwc llu llm VINNIPEG CW Veterans MInislcr Roger Tcillcl says he would welcome chance to les My More cnmmiuce lnvcsu gating his departments dismis of SILWaycnr pensinn commissioner Gnrdnn Churchill farmer velerans minister CHIIDd fur the cnmmihcc invnsligalinn Iriduy nllcr previnusly alleg ing the ac was an ahusc minislcrinl aulhnrily As far as am concerned lhr mnunr is closed said the now minister durim press mnlcrcure at the SL Bonilnce islcrinlr aulhnrily As far as am concerned ihr mnunr is closed said the now minister durim press mnicrcure at he Si Boniince Liiycrai headquariers He can ask for anything hu vnnls the lull siury ls nui Ill make lull report In My cummilinc he wants Ii the Summons decide it ahuuld be noun Min Within he iuIl nu lhurily of he minislry Mr Churchill suid he uh Jccml lo the dismissal nl Ken Muchny an Alberta man up pninud lo the Canadian pcn sians cammiuec by Ih Con wnaLivc government ML llzillcl sllld Mr MutKny was nnl rmppuinlud Ahvn his omywr arm was up humuva lhr cnhiml mlnhicr on Hm Anvurumcnl should rulnrc to then he number Flcnch Canadians on lhc hmud About Dismissal his nur olhur children CP Vircphnlo Wants To Testify Seagrams Star Rated Best howl undu nmml my lemnm in umnmhor HM bouermmng MM mom mustyan tn gonulnuly no whinky popular prlun an In Lual utter tout nllnr lmn ngnlnat the mch lmuflng bmndn Iln prion 01mm Cnnndlnni likbd Lhn hum of Beuummn Slur mm mm you trlcd thlu grant whinky yet If not do no mum Hm you dont ngmu wllh Hm vordiol of thuutmndn minor Cnvnlinxlu And mm ban SEAGRAMB FIVE STAR CADIAN RYE WHIBKV LONDON Ont CPD The president of the Ontario Feder allon of Priming Trade Unlnns told the lcdcrnllona annual cun wnunn here Saturday lhal mat many men an out at work In Um printlng Industry because prjnllngji hell Innqu Inld delegates that college ycnrA books school lcxls and related mmerlaland the nCAF SEX and XBX physical cducallon buokhzlsshould be prlnlcd In Canada lnslcnd of In lhe Unilcd Slates Tnmklnson snld mum at about $20000001 war of printedmailer mm the Unitctj Slams should hc cut at least by half und the business glvcn to Cajudipn priming rm llmusnuds nl professional and amaleur nslronomcrs from Can ada and other counlrlcs Are hop ing Saturday July wlll be warm sunny day cspcclally in Quebec Employers In the printing In dustry arc Just as concerned about Ihc sllunllon the 20000 mcmbcr OFPTU snld Purdy Churchill nl Tomnlo mumber The ï¬rst 0131 eclipse ol lhe sun visibw In populated area at Canada since 1932 will occur lhnt day and II wlll be the last to he observed In 2115 cuunuy duran the 231 ccnlury Malcolm Thomson chief oi ihe division of positional nslron omy oi the Dominion Observa Inry In Ottawa says weather records over 10ycnr period show lhai July 20 was more oiic cloudy than nol Eclipse observers however are pcrcnnlal optimisls who to mw their quest Imdcr he most din forcbodings Mn Thom son says hopm thal the skies will clear and um many succesle obsurvallons will he acquired nm lnnl eclipse period during which the sun will be In lully obscured by the moon fur minulu or longerwk slart at dawn In northern Japan 60 MILES WIDE Says Imported Print Puts Men Out Of Work The path lolnlily nu arm to miles wide wlll lirsl cnlcr Nonh AmcrIcn In Alnskn From llmrc it will sweep soulhcust nuns Canada and noxlhcm Maine concluding nl sunscl in midAHnnUc Lonncsl durullan In Canada onc minulc um secondswill bu car he eastern boundary Ilkun when in occur noun Yukon llmn By the llmn reach the SI anrcnce River in he TrnisIliyicrcs um nhnul 420 pm EST durnllnn will be down In minute and Total Eclipse Of Sun In July By THE CANADIAN PRESS the lcdcrallnna rcsolutlunl committee Then will he llllle lefl the printing Industry In Canada mun acllnnla not taken added Lune Young of anonw also of the resalnllom cammltlcp resolution Incorporating the objection was approved by lha delelalca However co es the rcsnlullon rwlll no mm to Mara and pmvlnclal ROV crnmcnl unlll more research ll done by the commute ln back up our clainjsf Olhur Vrcsolitlons passed Sal urday deal with provincial gncdlcnl Iqare plan Income lam minimum wnzo laws employincnl Insurance the tarlo Labor Relations Act 13 Vacallqylywim Pu Act flvc seconds When ll reaches lho Allanlln cons of Malne cw mum latu It will be 59 sec on 11 me on care plan rm lullon culled on the Ontario gov crnmunl to provide empre hcnslve scheme to bu ndmlnls lered by iovernmenllzcncy For the most par the ccllpsa palh crosses area 61 northern Canada that are relatively Inac ceuibla However la southeast crn Canada It crosses Mavlly populated area of Quebec and northern lllalne It la lhl area that most observalloas whl be made by both amateur and praicsslonala The pnlh ollolalily In Quebec will slartlgusleaygl Sore 40 FLV ALONG PATH mtlcs northus Mantra 30 pm EST and end low mile east at Lothinicre 50 miles west at Quebec City The ccntre ot the path wlll run through the town Bentlyvllh the northwest Grandhteren central Quebec and SL Samuel near the 05 border Sumo sclenllm plan In travel by rail and air to remote paru northwestern Canada to View Ihe eclipse Th1 will be done just In case bad weather ob nun lhv acupu In Qucbcc where most other ucicnllsls wlll he lucalcd Mr Thomson ls organlzing nu nlrborne expedition which wlll ncludn member lhe lnlcr nnlana Aslrnnumlcll Unlon ram Briluln Thlx exptdllion wlll study Ihc eclipse ram an RCA Yukon turboAprop alr crall flying In the path at Inm lly soulhwcsl olnghprchfll ln with special camnrns and mhcr appumus and will be Him In lly nbpvp piqud hapkg II 5x peeled lhal he pcrlod of lnlnllly In which the plan wlll 0mm will he about on minull end 50 uconds 01 Medical at and end low ohinj9re 9nd The plan proposnd by the pro vlnclal guvcrnmcnl canslllulcl smoku screen and gin nilck In Mr Churchlll The plan should Include pre vention dlagnosls nnd Iron menl Illnesses mhnbllllallon of person dlsnblcd by illness or accldenl Everyone should be eligible to bench rum the planl HAVE OTHER REQUESTS Olhcr rosalulluns Called on Ihc lcdcrul govern ment in allow lhv exempllnn nl unlon dues and pmlcsslunnl mlallon lens on laxnhlc cnrn mg ln addillan the present 3100 cxcmpllan allnwud lor charllablc danallons and mcdl cal expenses Urged alllllalcd locals to sup parl any lndlvldual union in any unlan shop prolcsllng the sub Ielllnx ol any part or all of Job to no niorl ghnq Requested ihn icdcrnl gnvcrm men to institute legislation In discourage the importation oi prinllng by buslncss establish mcnls in Cnnadn by nu allow ing the cost of imported print ing an business cxpensn or m9 Wm tho Employment lnnurancc Acl slmuld he amended to provlde that all hourly mad and snlaried cm ployec he rcqulred lo contrib ute to lhc unemployment Insur ance lupd Asked ihol he provinciui gov ermhenl so by law minimum wage oi $175 per hour iur hoih men and women maximum 40hour work weak and hire more inspeclor to police the minimum wage hours oi work and vacalion with my FOOD MARKET l6 DUNlOP EAST Asked lhe provincial govcrn mull lo umend both he Onlu rio Haspilni Plan An and he prupnscd portable pensions act making it compulsury for all places of business partici pate rcgnrdigas oi size WANT ACTS CHANGED Recommended the provincinl uovcmmunl amend iIs pcnsiun henclils ac bciom become law to provide coverage for em ployccs In flu nonmnndulnry group 1cligihlc cmployncs are deï¬ned as members man datury group bolnccn the age 30 nnd 51H bclwccn Illu axes of 25 and 65 with such plan to be ndmlnislcrcd by gav crn agency Called fur pmlcsl gulnsl methods used by the Unemploy mcnl Insurance Commlsaiuu ln disquallty npplicanls mm rc cclvlng bcnuhls Alroomklnson rcclculcd president ml the zomcmbcr Federation blhur ochcrs claim in cludod Peter McCombc Brump ion member of lhe executive 3613i CHOPS 490 Side BACON SLICED YOUNG LEAN SLICED Pork LIVER CHERRY VALLEY COLOMBIA RASPBERRIES LYNN VALLEY ï¬bTAfï¬Es 10 39c PEACHES PEI NO TABLE BUEHLERS SPECIALS voles Enid MON WEST BADEN Ind AP The click rnsury hand has replaced the cllck dine at the hnslclry which once made Vcst Baden mecca or lhou sunda The plush lllllc world or he West Baden Springs Holcl begun In crumble Oct 29 1929 NM inc sléck market crash sent its rlch dlcclossinx clipnlele scurryipg Iqrhhomc Patrons the 706 roam holdbuilt around domed Pompcilan wurtrnnflnd from he Idle rich to Scarlncc Al Capone whn drnvc over tho brick streets through Ihc gar denstudded ground In HIV mnrcd car yellow hrle hullding now houses Wes linden College the School Philosnphy and Theol ogy or Josuils ol lhg Chicago and nnlroll provinces sludylng or the Roman Catholic prlcst hood Plush Little Hotel Replaced By Catholic Theology College Neer 300 prospccllvc prlesu spend seven heir 15 years or study utter high school lhcrc TUES WED MAY IS BABYS MONTH Al lAVEROS INQUIIIE AROUT BUR PORTRAIT SPECIAL Monlh To Yuri Only So got to lhlnylng Wilo ever heard of Photography by Favero PA lSIM DUNLOP ST BARRIE rum MONDAY mooeeburEer 77 HUBERT The hnlcl was the dream of Lee Sinclair whndccrcod should be clrcnlnr nnd sup4 port the worlds wldcsl damn He saw that dream come lruc nn June 14 1902 when the first customer regismcd Slnclnlr dlcd In line and his heirs sold the resort to Charles Edward Ballard Under Bab lnrds management lhe hole auracled more convenlluns nnd used xnmhling more extensively comwn sod the hole in July 1932 and began looking or buyer He met Rev Hugo Sloclomycr Jesuit and presidcnl nI Xavier University and oflcred to donate he bulld lng and Iurnlshings the suc lcly inter lhnl gill from now Catholic the society began to lrunsfnnn the hate LBS 1001 TINS Mk van rm wrl ï¬Encnpnum plchanp flallvnud If DI Chvll I5OZ TINS LBS CUSDENS LUBUEN rlumun mum Man Cam um BARRIE 00 00 00 00