Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1963, p. 11

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ol Aulslun In whom mn was born at the Allim Hggpflalen Apglltgm Mlyi was Achievement Day It Shelhume or the girls of mu 4H Club The Stwlul 5511121 Mlnlfleld have been working an the project Conan Access nrles or the girls bedroom Mn Viola Armstmnxvlnd Mn Elzln sneer have been the lead era YUIIDI IV no Kldfla no Dunlan Ion Hm not run Ix andy llwm Ion Iloa Iua um nInNnAY °=9 333 33333338 lnlnwl um um man hnlnorl lchwa lwm nulln men in 1mm Tn Tlll nl mm Ilnon MONDAY mu scum Hill Mr and Mn George Duper Toronto spent thu weekend with thelr dnulhler and Ionlnvlaw ME and In Harv Sui By MM WDEILEY The last euchre of the season wu held Vednudly Mm in the Communin Hall Elm 12 were In play wlnnzn wen ladles Mrs Sultan Mn Ley and Mn Cooney men Mrs Packard plying man Lee Grande and Mn Fall playing an man Mrs Walker Sullvn enlemln ed number or ladle demo munanon In her home Thun dny anemoon HALL MEETING zenml lull mulan wlll be held May 1n the Community Hall pm Thll meeting at Interest to II In lhe Com munity residents In mud to ntlcnd We welcome la the villa Mr and Mn Gany Mex Ind family EVELYN ARNOLD Contratulallon to Mr and MM John Greer on the arrival adnulhter at Stevenson Mem ofial Hospital Alflslon my 741570 to Mr and Mn Hmld Mrs Ethel Ferris has return ed In her home In Mlmfleld from Barrie when she hnl heen with her daumer Mrs Gordon Forbes and family for Ike winter months 56m out ynnnz peafiie at tended the Youth Rally Bee 1ml Slugfiny gvgnipl Mn and Mn Cecil Sutton Mm Woflley and John xpenl Sundly with Mr and Mn un Sultop Pnlmlck An aficuon all arm slack and Implements was held Ior Mllgan Armstrong May Mn Thomas Bilel III recover in slnwly from an attack ol In fluenzn Karl Eden anther at the Mansfield SchooL grades lo has resigned also Mn Joyu Irwin the Penn school Sum Fines being cued Im II the home of his Ion Cecil Fines mm mm Mr Don gnarl Jublln Dmny Thumu snow mm Moon In mC TV NIH Wuer om Nm Squid wunn MA 00 Tul mum mu flood Honlnl Inn imam um Mom Pope Al Noondu Ive Mam IN mu 130 Faun ll nu unlu In I1 Will SHANTY BAY And Ct III neuva TI um THERI NO CHARGE FOR THIS SIRVICE MANSFIELD SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVINOURIELF CAR AND YRUCK CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 Kidd Bum Ind Mlln rovlc In Cnnnm hlnn 11 mm Vlrll llu Moll or 238 838 INC lulu Haul wnmunfl noo mudy Myva ma ms nu Ivml AIM mm mm AM wunm wm Tu nu Mm mm mmmun Mm Mluricebllller Mrs Mchnn and Mm Vlvlan Mb Cnnn mended the Grand Lodz mean In Dflllia Mn Robinson and WH lay Rude spent the week end wllh the Vlvlln McCanns Miss Dorothy or Mrs Dath and Miss Bella Miller Barrp Ind Mrs Bell were Toronto Thursday Mrs Bell hd an appointmenl She received good new about her eys ndlgion AGAINST COMPULSION OTTAWA CWW Hnod flonnli pruldenl of Ihe 10000 memhzr Canadian Postal Em ployee Associnlianhas wrlucn Prime Minlrier Pearson in any the mun does In favor com pulwry arbitrallon In any pm collective blrgalnlng aammeni wllh lha govern menl In lhc loner made pub lic Thursday Mt Hood notes that other clvll service mu mlallon wish collective bar nlninn wiih binding arblimlon bully our position diner The 111 meeting of lhe Shun ly Bay am and School Assoc mlon wu held Nclday even ing In the school The president My El Pllk wn In the chair Glenn hIchnn Delhi culled on parent Mr and Mn McCInn nlesdny Mr Ind Mn Jack Ellis and Mn Alex Denney Thornton vlslled fiends In Oranleville an Grgnd Val Eight la euchre players out Timidy night and the following prize winners Lou Hovmh Maurice Miller and Norman McGirr Mn Murdock 0m Bmwn and May Patterson Euchre will continue or this month Fin rranlementa were made faith FupFalrMly The special speaker of the warning was Frank Hedlcs of Tomato wellknown TV person Illly and writer elementary school hum Three new hhuscs are hclng bull here One at Campbell Rnlkes Mn and Mn Allen Bllnhl Icml mm the Alklnson Farm and Mr and Mrs Arnold lllcCracken Huron mm the whool Kaiyen Guthrie entertained levernl of her whoa friend to ymdgxpmy an Thundny 11w chilly weather must be keeping the Iummer residean lilhome an runny have been seen mund so far this spring 11 IL Bvom Nu Munn WIDNIIDAV MAY 1000 nu Imm am Nwmlu alum hm le Rum loom mm mm Nonndly mm mm um mum Elnl llnl Around mm mun Van mm MM ALLEN MILLER TORONTO room mm mm nu Im Erv Nu Mu mu in mu BARRIE peril In Th nunm mum at lhI Vmpul nuexlofifiwneuna APfulehl mun mm on An Ccunlri nncunn Nm mm mm Nm Munm 5933 Nm UTOPIA an Mrl Cullwrlaun was Suulh ind owned Ihc hlddlnu wllh diamondl Oswald Jucuhy wns Wrsl nnd mndc Mnk lump overtall at My hmrls 1le Cul btrtmn Nurthh bld llrrc Ipndcs and Sid cnz llInsl Mn Culbcrlsuu unw Md Him Mrump 1M might luwr hcm rrgnrdcd Hm riuhl hid III than days but surely by mud ern nlnmlunll lho hellrr rchid nl MI palm would In our dln month llnxuln dlvldod MAIl 1011 Lcnz Lullmrlsun nzaldl In DJ Royal vlslts should he llm lied ln geographlc scape wilh the Queen perhaps openlng Pur llnmcnl as she did In Canada in 19571101 lowing crosscoun OTTAWA CPiA survey by lire National Research Council and the federal inbur dcpnn mcnl helps further in dosirny lhr longheld bciici that ihcre iS huge drain oi scinniiiic brain power from Canada to the United Slums The study showed that 307 persons who rcceivcd doclarnle degrees at Cnnadian universi lies unly 72 or 21 per ccnl planned leave Canada ln take up posilluns in olhcr munlrics Fortylive them or 15 per ccnl were wing to the US llowcver the councll snld only 30 of lhc total of 72 mm LONDON CHThe Qucnna visit to New Zealand and Au lralll brought under micro ucoplc scrutiny thunwhale con cept of royal tours You can lake varlous lnlen premium from lhc land analym that accompanied and allowed he womnnlh Anllp odes Lrlp but few general points at agreement nmong ob server seem to emerge It may have been the last the socalled marathon tours in whlch the roan permnago trndmanally In cnled upon la show the alumina ammu Hflhlcr The Queens popularity undlminished but the Australian phase ollicr mission particu larly could be described at best as only qualified successfar various reasons including polv liica television and wcnlhcri The Queen should consider spending month or two in The council says the survey findings based on study made In June 1962 reveal com plcx pattern ebb and Huw in which Canada turn out In be the eventual beneficiary DAILY CROSSWORD Ebb And Flow 0f Brain Power Results In Canada Benefiting Observers The Royal Tour Say May Be Last 01 HS Type um onosu 110 455 Thll hpnd occgrml durian lhp Im IL mm 15 In kWh Wuu um Munro an mm mm Aul unlury Dnlw luv mud my 111mm 10 um 0an for hm WWI 11 vah an knock mm mm II llAmnn mull ItWhtn mum nn maamg flout War rm rm ANDREI addu of mu tum mm mm Chlmler llllc qululy H111 malfltn LI DI huh Hmmlllnll my rlnlf WW uln PIN Mn invdir Ono Emmy main mumu TumIll pm amp pull Arm Soulh dealer NorKhASoulh whenqu WEST Dads Nolm CONTRACT BRIDGE 6A2 JAQNS 038 +1m1o sour Xrlmlblmul vqu1 OKQWH +x up mimic NORTH fivio 450 Iwn Llhvln North mrlnu toan or Ell IO Illnly hnnhu 11 pm immhnl uwuusnw uvrr door tun11m Alllnllnl Dnlwr lo HIth Unclnny fllnml Flvn mm plrc RANT By JAY BECKER DOWN Eu PM Ill Pu Pm Unfled mm OrgMu Hum 25 Prth Unhhldl 290w prwl mnkn lroduco mum em mmbu IS Mlko SA Juwhy drcthd lo pul Mu wlhcrlson mmcdlul vassure by landing lprdn In lln hope Iorcslnlllnx Um lI mum Jnunhy bought Mn Yul bulwu might read the er binxlolou und to up wilh he nct Mm mummun uould Mn mmlu all lhlrlcen lricksl Tomnrml Unumal play Jncnby hurl no clear cu Ind The Culbertson had bld all aur suits and It was by no mums ohvloux whore would he bcsl lo nlluck Il scumd In hlm Intro wns xood chine lIml Culhcrlson had lhu winks or he Hum spudc Md and lull an eventual menu wuuld Imp hl The plain lurcculrd beyond M1 wildcat drrmm Lcnz look no nlx of npadn wIUI the are and Itlurnrd drink in lho conlrnd lrlck ulbrrlson hld our clubs and now Mrs Culbcrtson rabid her dmmandL Evenlunlly lollnwina cuebld In hourlx MrL Culbertson became dculnrcr six diamonds was an unsound tonlmcl of course but never Uleless il had some chance at succusl depending upon the op cning There is pump difference between the attitude at the younger generation to royally as compared wlth the aver40 people many of whom sllll spank loudly at Britain an the mother country ar even hnme the accent is in be placed on lnformallly as rccenlly has been in Iha queens meetings with the pew llle it should be real and not orccd Inlurmalily that leaves ordinary olkfonguw ed are hardly lhe nolrump Iype and lo Ulla cxlnnl IE lhrce nu lmmp bid was mlslcading hul beyond that here was also he mlsrcpresmlnllon of high card slrcnglh wilh hand mumbling pnlcmlal slum posiblllliu 0y mi Jumpspign residence in hcr younger Cumv monweallh countries so um she her husband Prince Philly and lheir children would becomo more closely knit Into the labrlc lhose nations London weekly The Economlsl says me busjneu Inlormaflly can too far People may say they want thu Queen to be just like one ua they do not want Ihls at all They want fairy Inlv Quccn in picture gown Mara and kwcls but suddenly showing by word here and there the astmushlng not lhal she human RETURN WITH DEGREES survey by the council Canadlnns receiving doctoral degrees from American univer sillcs in 1962 showed that ol Ihe BS enlaran employment 57 or 67 per cent were relumm In Canada Among lhosc obtalning mas ters degrees lhe sllunllon was even more favorable for Can adn 62 persons wha received masters degrees In 1962 ram Canadian unlvcrsillos M5 or 55 per cent planned to lake jobl lng Canada were Canadian cill lens Agalnst this loss Canada was gaining 55 nnnACanadlans who were receiving doclnral de grccs from Canadian unlvcuh lies and had docldrd mnai in Canadaq net gain 25 IntMu Am mm NIna l1 IIua Inn nm at an Amldllh do mum Ihclur 01014 rm M15 uly olhpr THE IAERIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY mm WMWé my garIo iii ON MI mo mummm mSAVMR mu um um mum nulan Am 1m YOULL SHOW HIM THAT SPEEDYNG TICKIT sou GOT YESTEQDAY vouu suow HIM THAT snmwa hour 503 qu $7

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