lhn wu lunvl I4 um um dxmry lo um mm In nmI ml Inlmll we hm any mmmml lenln Iahl In in Iflifrvlrw Axial Mml Mrlulhm hr mum luflul hr lhn leumf mm Irlwccn llm 1M lamer Mnrlllmr UIWIVI qu hr MU uhlrh um mun WI live IM lur mrmlwlunl mum Jmklln mm musl Inunn mu IHM wuhl lw II mm plollnn Ihr Nulm urmIHVn Ikm Hme nu Um Imw All Vhlln mnhlml mm cmun In lvumw 1m um mnrrnllau 1m Iml uy Imnln lwluhu nlml rl lhv Tnnmlinn Ihu lmHH run In uhlnn mu Mvml Ilnnnl Amulunun Lnuinvh MFI llol Ju mm plum lly lu mun tlny ml mm ml mm will MW numhrr Mun vmpum um muruliun nu Ill Imlt Inn tlmll mwl Hmm lnfulv ink In In nlunlinn hhlbniuu 1Iurl In palm In Im pull nu Hm cunt Lnkn mumm nu nllwnlwl ulvlth Mm III mn IMN ulm Iulllur mun nu ulmulxl lnkv rlly MIDI 10quer WASHINGTON Hl lnul Huh DIOKMIM IN Sulamu Inlllnmlulul Inmu leh Anlrrlrn mu Im muv Men fur MIHIH HH hm Lnkm AhiIIMIH vllnnlllr In HM In hulk lhv mrr Il Um Cumullnll SIU hvlwlv Ive mnkcs me puhUr nu mnl In Mr 100 IN mu Mum Ilul Hunk Iml llvv ï¬nnmhdn SIII In HEM mldnl VI IIIM Inhulm nu llu IU UK In Hlll llay vunnml mmma hm Hull mm uml nHur unlnn rmuliu mrmMm mnw up Iur urhllhm HVO he pull Imxhl Bell wrr mnmld nhA anon on Shhmh II Imll armor immigmlmu mm or Mu Icfmlud in he 1vnl Paul H0111 Wants Talk With SIU TELEVISION COMEDIENNE Carol Burncu 23 nnd Joseph Hamilton 36 TV prpdumr with eight children are pic tured n5 thuy arrived Angelcs by air Saturday AND MHS Mind WEDDINGS IN THE AIR INH12IX lYllnlrf T0 Iurl mum nl wimm lulu Inlv ï¬nhmln Um II Imurr Jnuhnc may nrtnle mm Vulvlnlrmllon llv ml mzh man wuld Mr ulnrn Ilnlru we II mn tuh ncllun Io uamnn lhe lul mlvwnl awed Cmsdn Mr TQIHM Aklnl In an In lruhvn MRI vmvlnu 11 win Ihrwzh mluul mm mi sumnmlc nvnlutkm uw Um mulullnn ml um um In lama mam ll would mean uvhéuul Wu I0 Imvn mmln mun mmlny MM mun mnwu Imlllulo wrung hul Hle Hulml MU IIIMIC Mn Hnm ulhcrr MM IIH mrrllnn um ruumlwl lmrmlu lurk mllulrnl llwdkflt Iw HIU Iruhlvnl INMNI In rulnllflld ML 10 Fred Alvnl Hurrue Mruny hilly m5 lunh lm HIU In llm Grout Lulul lwln any III make ulnmnrm lnlmu Hm SH rulhcnllnn lw flny Iml Ml puhllc rrlnllnnl Iurr Inltl hr la unllkrly lo nnLr uly public nlrrrncu In MU lmtllr llull um I0 lmn Him mu ulnrrml Hun uhlla mm yw nl nmmnulmï¬ lhu mmrm mul mu mu In Can lulu hrromo nrnllnblo In cw WM The SIU with he movem Hun of uUurr union nflillnlcd th Hu AH C10 Mml mum Illlulrlmtnl him Imn pklulmn nnd hoyrouimx ho Immllmu In Amulrnn port mi Imlunxinu In Up Lulm Slujvpim nmpzlny anoronla Mull Inn mnlrncl with II MU Toillotifllraid PQ May Socodo lctlrml elcflion Ills vilo urmvr 11th Ralph ls mum at wnmen at me Unl mny anurloos chlson Folhgu ICP Vircpholo night after being married car linr in the dny at Juam Mexica They have been slea dy companions for months Each has been married he iom AP Vircpholo Soon Brilaln will possess ln Iormnllon about Polaris Mls nilcs under terms the Km nedyMncmlllnn ngrccmenl lII Nassau When Brilnln own Polaris nubmurlne Ilch begin In lakn shape some the le mls nlonx with mnslmcflnn contracts will mnku lhulr way In prlvnle Industry 11m utu my lcmn will luv to be en lnrzed rumor TOP DANGER lnlormnnlrprcdlcl um will be the limo or maximum dlll CL The special tribunal In lhc Vnml cnsu Iound example poor judgment and lulnm in Brlllsh necurlly men are dccmy Involvcd in ellom kccp ahead at tho other side to spot polcnllal smurily risks below any damage has hccn done By To OCIIILTREE LONDON AP Brilalnx spy catchers believo tha Soviet esplnnaga system soon will mnunl great assault on the Wesl with one major objective ln get the US Navyn Po 1m secreu and Russlnn aunts using Iedmlquu old Iln Ilsell even now may be hlnck mnlnlmz Weslcrncr Into feed ln inlormnlion in Savlnt spy net These are among this Impllcallons or lessnn learned frgm ghe Vamll case There was red spot lhe size of the and you ï¬le Inger In the coruer of her left By As soon so my boots back on hurried over my motheriniuw house When go upstairs saw humming In chair She didnt move or speak He sald was starting In take my boat of In so to bed when Peggy Mrs Kllflns 10 yurold daughter bum into the house sobbing and shaHnK lhnughl she was having con vulslons She cried saw mummy Theyre ï¬ghting aqul over there he Campbell hnma is along side Mrs Killins lwn storey house hospital btd It Co bom ls mlle southwest 01 here Fred Campbell said ha had been called to the home of Mrs Klllln Rabat Kllllns wile kllled lull when he watched Kuhn stnlggla with Thumn Major 48 wounded who boarded with Mrs Kllllm ms dome 10 BED CASTLETON 0nd Fwdde Campbell 20 has told lheuhlmfy olnevenl Igadlqg up to the shoollnz deaths in this hamlet Thursday night of Mn myenmld elm month pregnant wife her mother six at and slaterlnIaw The women wereblasted In death with two xevolvm and fhtolxun loaded wkh deer pel Klfllns 56 lather ofFrcderlckl wlfo Pearl died Friday night from severe hud waundl he suffered durlnz lha shocking spree Police sald that allhouxh many witnesses were all to be questioned evldenca Indicates that Kilun was mponslhlelor ha deaths No charge wen iald while Killin lny In cum unden armed police guard in Cohquz 991m Britain Says Reds On The Trail To Track US Polaris Secrets chlnd her the Tells How Wife Relatives Died ormsr clemw thysc lwu men the British umnlng system Because 01 such errors Wllllam John Vamll homosexuu nd aanblï¬ go 115 New British civil servnnu required to report my contact with oiiiciaia ni Communist countries his rule applies even to telephone cam and in noguouisocigi exchanges The Vassall cue showzd tha Russians sllll depend on Ihe old orgy routine to mmlt splcs me rlp and photognph their vldm In some compromising heterosexual or homosexual IC uvily seem i513 savle Union seven yam heloro he wu caught the tribunal reporlul to Parliament think Miller we hit nut He was right in there trylnl to help Then cvcryualnn went my Also killed wu Miss Gladys Killlns 41 of Parry Sound Mr Kllllns sitter Flnrznca Kllllns 50 wife and younlest daughter Patricia PRUIEOI CHILDREN VANCOUVER CPD old It flxmlm are being collected by the Salvation Anny lo keg them out of the way of chlldren who might close themselves In Kde and luffocale spun around when wan and reached out to catch my wfla by the hand But lha hulls that grazed Ina must have hit her caqu Ina her lace all mashed Tha last thing heard her any was Help me Fred hejn Im sure he hit me ï¬rst big mund ball In blurred my sight and bullet med myhoulder Eimpbdl lald III became amid Ind dedded to return bonito le wflaAnegt door riuamenl later ha saw Brian Klllinr 10 me lctall flu 31m to the house where Ton onln school teécher Pater Mll Ipr 26 slayed Miller recalvad shotgun blast In um um Ind may louhlalen hand cmpqnurnousn Fred Cainpbell oontlnued They both mshad ovu ta our place 111m uw ha shadow or my fltherfnlnw flush by th winduw and went lock the door But he wnl too mt he ha ed In allowrig were awmln on the noon My lutherlmlnw ha revolvu in his hand Thu gun kept waving in front of me my strug Hea tryan to klnme In said When not hackï¬my wit Ind her Ilslar Pelzy were In the house We stand Witching mgLou hp winflaw My latherInlnw culled nu mhegp to lll BRADFORD ET LOCATIONS VIAU MOTORS 11 GOWAN Bl NOW AT LONDON cmm Sunday Time My Prime Minister Pumna VII in Landon is Irded in oiilciai British quar ter as having been great Iuccen It diplomatic correspondent Nichoia Carroll lays Penrrun has at stroke rertnnd the sense of intimate andunder slandan partnership that Br onr used to amclnte wllh Cam Mk All trace the quarrel Ind union that onen unhapplly chmcterlzed Canadas with 511an dllylygfly years or iMn Dlerenbakerg Pearsons Visit Tenned Suctess YOU DEN WITH SEUTIHPLHN low ralos rates the same lor all models all makes of cars loans made before you choose your carbargaln wllll cash loans are llfe Insured at no extra cosh loans made for every wonhwlille purpose IDDDDD banana anpuuau amuumm FEW TYPICAL EXAMPLES YOU EDHFIDWI hava been aweziwawï¬uh MI Penmnl vlslt The Sunday Times Conserv nllve pnper say British om clah found PeelIon friendly massumlnl and cu pahla In 011 day when he gm frequent visitor to Dan The newspaper Add that co ordlnnnon or policy among Bru aln Canada and the Unlled Slate none the less lmpor an to him became of Canadnl neceum um dui The Manchester Guardian lays Pearson lei or Canada altar packing at last weeks diplomatic business into vlslt of lhreqdayal TANK RENTAL ONLY 15 MYFIELD STREET FLAT RATE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION all THE BFINK 0F Nova sconn UIFZDE DH DIPZDS DH BIL235 VI MIPZDE MIPZDE YOU HEPAV DVEHI GUARANTEED ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MAY time 111 early weep his WINNIPEG CHI Cnnadn In to maintain its rightlu place In wnrld nflaln must b0 represented by those who can speak well as think clearly says Mn Jghn Dyeryan au thority on xpech am she says Canudnu mun leaders should noelve speech mining as part of Ihe school curriculum Par Monlh Orawtord won 510 rre ershlp maklng these vll llvo Bomr Elaclrlully won comm svnnmq NEED TO SPEAK PER MONTH YOU HEPAYI $6033 $3373 87500 Iedjfll elecuon contest i130 sored by the Cape Brawn Pot by calling the exact fault STAVNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elflefly and canqu an pafltnu Excellent lacflmu or private or semi9mm Em and chic wnler In mam Ream ed Nun In Immune MARSHALL Rug mouuu PA 64825 ï¬ï¬gï¬ggï¬gfl