Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1963, p. 4

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11 iu ha 0mm um um Mb llch7lmlllinlbr Clnwll lnlt Awmmm lulln Anlhollnd mm tlul mu rnu ulna luvmun um luv umm ol pun mm Ian mum NIH WALL IIIHN lulmm nu rnl lnN In All mumt My Illlll gunman 4111 nnlu llnlll In MI 0mm mum mo mu nnnlfll In 0th YulM all IIHIQ MOW ll ym um um ml mm nutI3 Onluil 5mm mmrm III II ml 0mm leInIl All new at cm damn mu Gum lbw uni lhhl wnk however he elcclnrn of York West pmul judmnonl on Mr Kel MiP OR HOCKEY PLAYER Windsor Daily Star iinnt session lho pariinlnuntnry Illcnd nntn rounnl oi the honorable member for York West iiul Kelly wnu no bad that iioni nonotlo rchukcti him or ii iiul Mrt Cnouctlu was in no position to Lriii cizc its own record wns worse without the excuse of being called away to the hockey wm luring tho winter month Professor Michael in com us nrrlc Cltlzcns Hand In nal conccn of wlnlcr season nl Roxy Theatre Sunda night Joseph Clark rendered very ll flcult cuphonlum solo Larry Slngcr Barrie Examiner lllay 1933 The Lions Club entertained at dinner in Queens Hotel members of Barrie Colts junior hockey team and club executive Speaker was Llonel Conacher MW of Toronto one of Canadas alltlmo greals in athletics Speckled trout season opening saw Robert Peacock get full catch ilrst day In Willow Creek area Bert Empke was also mentioned as suc cessful but did not disclose his locatlon iloakes fishing reserve near Thornton was po ular in new lank School at Cam orden was first of It kind for Cana lllajor Worthing ton was 00 Olher officers were Capt Smith and Woods Lleuts liobergc Andrews Gibson and ll belloque illll Garners tip to police led to arrest of alleged thief posln as big shot Olto Vllllams ect ed Grand Su erlntendent Royal Arch lllnsons for eorglan Distrlct Mrs Jordan at Bayvlew Is landed 12 minke trout while trql ing in boy mm an IM my II In This was pafllcularly encouraging says Mr Stone in the face of very Preliminary re arts from the Domin ion Bureau of iaiislics indicate that Canadas exports to Italy rose in 1062 by 10 per cent over 1961 reaching record $745 million 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Italian market for Canadian goods has expanded and continues to expand The range of products shipped from Canada has broadened and prosperity should create new openings for goods that Canada has never before said in ltaly This is reported by Stone commercial counsellor in Rome writing in special issue of Foreign Trade official publication of the Department of Trade and Commerce devoted to the market in Italy Many réasons have been given for his trip to the Soviet Union One Is Cubas Castros freewheeling for which he Is so noted has been compromised by hls Moscow trip He may have to dem onstrate his free nature by visit to Peking lieve in his ad mm or who weretrying to maintain the myth of his independence of the communist line orwho tried to rationalize his own admission he is MarxistLenlnist now are having the propaganda props eased out from under them And the man who is doing it unbelievably is Premier Cas tro himself As The Christian Science Monitor points out Castros May Day trip to Mos cow inexorably decpcns the Communist Red dye in his heard for Latin Americ ans ithsg who didnt yeaily want to be Cuban Premler Fidel Castro has de velo ed sorry habit of putting his foot In hs mouth His trip to Soviet Union however is one of his biggest mistakes Canadian Exports To Italy Senor Castros Moscow Trip One Of His Biggest Errors The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher mam Examhtér OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Bum OntariO lushel Brian Slaighz General Manager munmv MAY 44m Puod ll om hall or no world lorsnl know huw the other hall Hm now lsnl um mm 01 lb ncwn mum Few women lnok the way they Ihlnk Ihey Iook Mostly may look la bel er DhI York Wu Id wran hy clccllng him twice lrabnbly nnl To deny can alltllcncy Ila rec choice In In dolly llm haul of parliamentary govrrnmrnl Ilnl an oath of ofllce makes IIE manda 00 and Mr Kelly II Ilkaly In llml hls party will inlcrprct llmn rlxhlly In the malnna nhml new actor has lnkcn over or 1003 howech Mr Kelly signs up or nnolhor year of professional nuckoy nny absences Ilurln lllc union could be painful to Llwrnl mlmlnlalrnllun lhnl would need every vote on nhorl nollcn Mr Kelly will have In lake new and harder Ionk at his parllnnwnlnry respon IIMHHM ly and found him complclcly acceptable In plurnllly M05 In 1002 was In creased In 1000 Nn doubt about It the rldln likes Ils puckchasing Ml nnd the ml at rcprcscnlnllnn he has Elven sang two solos at intermission with his own piano accordion accompaniment Ar thur Jay also rendered two vocal solos accompanied at piano by Edmund Hardy George Shering 21 of Stroud and Mn and Mrs It Raymes of Craig vole narrowly escaped death by electro eution when high tension Wires near Fergusonvale fell over their cur during storm Albert Gibson Angus iarm er died irom injuries when kicked by horse Barrie Collegiate won debate from Colllngwood Coile late Subject was Resolved that Cana Is better oil as member of British Commonwealth than as an independent nation BCl had the affirmative supported by lilohlon Beach and Betty liiattockst lliiid building boom as it permits issued by town engineer Otto Rawson in April or $28145 inciudin six houses Town Council discusse damage costs of tire brigade running outside limits to tight blazes John iiation elected ire 5ident llarrie Badminton Club lrs Mnclaren one at linrries most en thusiastic hockey tans honored at Lions Club dinner Ci Dr Stewart president Soeiety reported that 1000 evergreens had we lawn with help of Boy Scouls Other leading commodltles showed some important variations Oil seed sales llke wheat depend on crop results andvare not really predlctsble but the market for Canadlan wood products pulp and lumber ls expected to malntaln the substantial galns made last year There should also be an excellent mar kelfor potatees for Inost 9f 1963 The demand for stee products In Italy remains so great that despite large do mestlc production imports were bigger than ever and will Increase again dur lng 1063 If all goes well large drop ln exports of wheat Canadas traditional best seller to llaly Wheat sales dropped from first to third place because of record harvest in Italy and in Europe as whole and this trend may Icontlhuethrough 196g Instead he chose communism His form of liberation brought poverty and degradation to the Cuban people Now there is the suspicion he has placed him self in the role of gobetween between the Soviet Union and Red China He could easily find himself humiliated again Ironically he could have had every thlng Khrushchev gave him and more be sldes The rlce would have been the democracy promised soon after hls mllltary victory in Cuba and reason able 10m of cooperation with the West ern world He could have had us dol¢ Iars to bolster Cubas hardhlt economy and liberal longterm credlts from almost any have nation In the West the saggBtnfi economy of the tiny island nation In the facade of oodwill Senor Castro may have to do ttle beg ging to get what he wants and the price may be more than he wants to ay But he made his bed of thorns and must accept it 51 W92 12 beer planted hi Illolpllnl lmumnu Iur Ir Ilnncp hu hml nmvtnl wllh out mluplnlnl Am pmnh um or mPllker ahnuld IIM ho loo much hluhrr Ihan lnr haIc CourL 0M MIMIII dimmfly In Ihu ubllc mlml In nmvmarh ul mun llll pun Human ml nla mini mu mun 1w wnuld mluco lmllvMuIl plrmlunu Hut Ilw plrmlmm umlrr Um nmnmrul nmuuuh Ahnuhl Ml be In hllh lllnl Hwy will It In lunjmny wwln And ha un In lnhen ml at Hm Ind llml prime lnxurrrl Ill curry llm pllll lhrulmh Um orummrnt mlluu whlrh ulll plll nmnlumn lllll II In lnrlnr what llIII rrlllnu wil be hnlnt bun Innnuxmd rmvm ANIIY llnlh NDI and Inn her All wuulll ham Il nvummnl whlm mrnm lhv mum In Imus mph on flui wenknm In llml it In uuo nu mm pnnlcuhrly Hugs ml In Hun lndlvhlunl llm It wmlld fimvlde lhn Mrlunlly lor urrynnl to mgvnyak mnjrnn II the public II prrlly wrll milHad wllh the program put lnrwurd by Ibo nvemmrnl It II not my nn mpon4 Inl quullnn The opponillnn group wlll ho In the posnlon no Mn able brch much excllnmrnl HI lhrro II wldupruul uhllc diuullnlucllnn lhrn mrd tnru muld In bird llahllnl lune PUBLIC MT ITY nuun oplnlon ml Hm mMIc rmrally will nuna wllh nvrmmclnl prgmgnl Mcdlcnre mlnhl no he mnln Imus In lhu elmlnn cnmpalun um only mlth he drmnl Inna lo be II he pmmm due no meat tho wlshcs or he puhllc Iho guvzrnmcnl could all over ll Th1 In kny qucslloll mlill any lodnynnd one whch ll causan opposlllon group pnr llculnrly lnl wnrry Robin mVLdlcnrcuivrngrnm be Acceptable In tho public From Ihl book the reader will find Ipecillc lnInrannn on any his lnvnrilc shrubs and on un famillnr one that he might like try Far each shrub lha aulhor gives an ovornll plduro of the mm description Ha lower nntlve habits and Ila cultural requlnmenu Each shrub ap pear under Its common name and It bolunlcnl name allow 1ed by ll type family and spat Flawaxing shruhs nut anly add beauty to garden but also am an excellent background or shorlcrllved plants Th camprchcnslve volume lncludca many or the lnvorite flowering ihruhs such as Azalea Hydran gea Forsylhla and Splreu as well llllle known ones luck as Parrotla Wlnlcr chcl Wln terhml elc The Canals Eneycloptdln of Fun Flowerlnz Shrubs by Marlorl Dlrlz QUEENS PARK By Don OIIEARN 011on wall Premlcr AT THE LIBRARY Believes Medicare Plan Is Acceptable New Books Dismss Many Ways To Improve The Home Garden hr Wflnnllde linvouu Hid 1Vv hdmllnn rrmh fnmuflnn huuru MI pu And us one who has lull at out 01 hospilnl Hm wrilnr mer lalnly one new In In ova nflnlr MU lmurnnce compu nlu can my mm mm mm pm lllnve lhulr good pol while nnol dramd P51 hrcnuw man to hulgc too much and look on prhnlu NM can my now um am xlnd dld nut Iho blg expense and he dislaslrful one in Insurance lhn hluh coal nl selling4w not be prcmm Presumably the mm mm will be an mvrlhemun Icr propaslllon HIM wme people wlll be mnk In qrolilAvul It Is not enough or the gard ennr to know lhe best ways to grow plants Hr musl also know how how plant hg The maln purpose this book lo Icqunlnl lho gardener with he everydny pest and diseases Um mny bother plants and In nrm him wllh lhe lalcsl know lcdxo an lhe most cllccllve mclh The Illusmlcd Hook Glrden Pull Ind Diana Ever en Editor Garden To reader about the Allee Bur pee Seed Company and win Inc company has done and doing it an inlemsilng siory of scieniiiic and experimental or nniznlinn constantly planning and perfecting new hybridli Thl Informal Iyp ol home gardener handbook will inlet csl anyone who wants to lmow how seed come to be wlul hy brids really are and In what pur Wa mine Kurds he Glrden Order by Ken Kn Réildéfldiidiéit ASIAN FLUE nllmdtvl mm Tuli who wlnmr Mu Jnrqnu dlnt cl Naunda gun to resources Tll RFTOIKE MONUMENT QUHI CPITho Walla Munumrnl an the Ilalm Ahrnhnm lnpplfil luy vnndnlu March 29 ill soon he mlnrtd In Immunch 11mrndny chmn Lunululs luperlnlcnd ml the nannnl halllnllcldl cammlulnn mld rmch lnr Um wark IMfl burn Auhmlllnd In he runnil doblmmcm nnrlhern mqu Iml nnllnnnl Jun hcrn cnmpand la lhu maal numclive nml the most Ilumhle cl Hm cum the curlh Ihe Illy ollhe vine Annio7 Solomon Here lnslrucllons are glven on how tn plnn Your grounds to you can lay out diagram nn paper belore slnrllngl TM bonk IncludA ts Milan on terraces porches plallormx and how they lit Into the general Iandxcnplng plan Olher thnplcrs deal on the use nl lences lrcllia and an gmund covcn and lnwns There are sug xullnn on how to divldu small lnl lnlo xcpnrme areas or work chlldrcn and cnlorlnininx at he Inme llmc avoiding chopped nppclmlncq tha Mix has mat mnnv ldnn that can be used or many purposes As architecture and garden ed itnr oi Ladies Home Journal or many yam Mr Pratt has dealt with many landscaping problem This beautifully illuslmlcd hook is tha culmination oi those year experience The Information In this well Illustralnd book will be useful nut only to Ihe home gardener but also he prolusional lardencr Ladiu Home Juumul Book 01 Lndmplng and Outdoor lem by Richrd PHI 0d or preventan lhcsc trouble as well as dealing with them 11 Ith occur This book caniains iisi oi the principal planis and their posts and diseases Erich pest and disease described in de lnil as well as the inseciicldel millcides and iungicldc used In cambatling lhcm BIBLE THOUGHT En rnle al Shmon Ind HOLD POWDER PUFF ROADEO ropll he ml hum nnllll In uldmun In lhu nnmo nnd address nl lhe holder and the ncxtotkln and olhcr ptrwnnl dam Um card will ban on It In lhIL um new uhnmn 25000 lhc nuw Idcnl Ily curds haw lmn Issued In people llenK In three arm of Scollnnd th RmIrew and KInruss Thay have hmn chasm Um qunnn plus or lhc mlnlsr lnra Idcn Mr InwnII Is also mnklnx IurIIur plnns to have Ilmllnr lrnl lsauu oI ldcnllly curds made In lhrca um 01 qulnml nnd Wales Tho syalom now bclnx could crud by lhu henllh mlnlsur has for llu purpose the curryan card whlch mlghl be lhe mum at Invlnxs he llm nl people wha are suddenly lnkcn II or collapse In Eubll plant Ind have lo bu In en la honpllnl cums vmu FACTS By MciNTYflE 00D LONDON Dependent on lira results oi experimental trials now being conducted in three areas of Scotland move is on too hy the minister Health Enoch Powell lo luv cvrrvon in Britain carry an Identity card This will bring back inio ciicct syrlem which was in general use in the second world war under which ihe whole populat ion were required to cum iduni ily cards with lhem all limo This was done noi only an that the authorities could hep check on any suspicious chur aciers and on aliens living In iiriialn but aka because ii Bil abled the air raid wardens to make an immrdluie ldnntUlcn Ion oi nnyono killrd or scrimm lylnlurud in an cnemy air raid For vnrlcurrcasons on cnslon physical and other per haps purely mutter ol Inher ent strength or weakness alu lude toward life and upnring lng some poople can wlllxstnnd much more pressure llun oth on And dare say nearly all of us can withstand more than we lhouKM If we have lallh ln nur ahllity laAkgep flying You do me anylhlnx about the youngster who touches at your explosions Mayne hes an imp with loo much energy and biggerthan aymge lllce of mischlcl in Try Analyze exactly what ll that annoy you If his be havlor lxnl loo mnllclnux un doubtedly will change as time passes l1 yau should Bur Dr hlnlner Ive wan heard ml person who l5 ematlnnnlly or mentally III In the last to realize It Yet feel deeply that than Lorna thlng wrong in my own make up llnd myleu helnl child lth malicious at time In my dealnga with my chlldren 9n son ln particular lets all these ranctlonl constantly Whlle realize Im wrong at the llme cant seem to help myxelf dont want my chll dren to made into emotional green by thelr mamaMn Rl rYou are far from hem the only mother wlth Inch Keeling and strongly doubt that you Are verging an manta col law 01 any Hm Men llness an all can he alrly well summed up as mean af escaping mm mm ltuatlon wflh which lha patient Just canm cope By mamn mom MD REPORT FROM UK TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Mother Needs Chance For More Relaxation May Ask Britons To Carry Cards min Tunle nwanmm In hurlum IA tlmnwnp Mu Dam ruun millIII UNGIMRDED Nul one mlrller Aland guard am the 3037mlu lronllur ol Hm Unllrd 5mm and Cand The trial Wmlh have bun Iulhorhcd and mud me be lnu wnlchzd very carefully and lhoy mould pram ln be xuc ms and havu worlhwhllo mull from mmilrnl slandpnlnl m¢d4 lcnl ldmllly can wlll bo inund lo bu mrricd by every man womnn and child In tho Unllcd Kingdom Thu nlm lhl card mum to give doclon Instant wnm mu Anything In the persons mmch kground which might be vital lmpnnnnm lo dlnznosls or lrcnlmcnl Tho rlsk ancdan lenslllvu or ullmlc pcopln wllh pcnlcillin or Instan co would lhus be minced The card small plnkllnled and its Into green cardboard pouch which it pmvldzd In which Is heavlly ovcrprlnl wuh he mm hould be carr lcd It all llme nslmdlons on the curd Ilflle This record must be made available In your docwrwhen you see him mend hospllnl or cllnlc or he can of will far Idmol muilcnl cm at on printed dclalls the holder mmplclu medical hlsloryl This wlll include dale ol smallpox vaccination and lnununlullon agalnsl pallomyelllls whoopan cough diphtherln or lelnnus re con my 150 or Iubercul asls note ol the benrnrx blood mun and Hal lhlng to which he or she may be nunflu GIXEN msmucnoxs Its possible The mam cause of postnasal drip are 5mm chronic lnfedlon some physiologlcal nunpolyps dev laled septum Both my well bl involved way In ellmlnnle postnasal drip altogether or must put up with the rest or my 27 stopped smoking lwo years ago Ten years ago was lald 10an could be done but thought perhaps now something new avallablnMu Some 01 the newer Antibiot lcs may well help So might nursery You probably cannot expect overnight relief by re wrllng to ellher but would most decidedly have new ex amination made It LI 10 yam nlnce your last one keep lint youngster busier D0 in subtly course so in mm feel the he is being picked on Perhaps you can make mini 01 Asking him to help yonw with IhinuLhings hail ind Io be fun like licking aim lpoon or lame Imail chore iha emphasize his responsibility and hence his imporignce And another thought whldl may be very important Are you getting some recreation on elde the home Even en New lhnll ahuw dinner In rub nurnnt or vlnll with Mandi can be wonderful and new ury ensignbreaker With iamiiy oi youan to bring up any mother can iail inia ihe habit of in loo ciaso to home all the time Unaudinx responsibiiiiy can make it into prisoni and you nuioxznalicaUy ychcl om 1t occaslon ally even for just few hours and see If the experience doe not give you qew pergpeqllv

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